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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

‘n Ondersoek na die rol, taak en benutting van die sekretaresse as hulpbron vir die bestuurder in Technikon SA

Groenewald, Darelle 11 September 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. / This dissertation is an investigation into the changing role, task and utility of the secretary as a resource for the manager in Technikon SA(TSA). In today's office, a secretary can no longer offer just technical skills and personal attributes alone. The secretary must be involved as an energetic and vital member of the group. The secretary must appreciate the possibilities of making an increased contribution to the success of the manager by managing the time available to the secretary more effectively. The secretary has to understand the factors which operate in inter-personal work relations. The secretary must be a skilled communicator and organiser. The secretary needs a talent for detailed administration. The secretary often has a controlling and planning function. Secretaries have a significant role to play in maintaining good relations with all within the organisation, and in creating a favourable image to those outside. A secretary should be able to lubricate the wheels of the manager's work and exercise intelligent anticipation by thinking for and with the manager. The first part of this study exists of a literature overview of the secretary in die business world. Special attention is given to the role of the secretary and the need for a secretary; the changing office environment; the changing role of the secretary; the impact of technology and the changing role of the secretary and the secretary's role in the upcoming virtual office. The changing career path of the secretary is also addressed. The literature overview ends with an overview of the utilisation of the secretary and the establishment of an optimal work relationship between secretary and manager and the training and development of the secretary. The last part of the study exists of the results of a questionnaire compiled and distributed to all the secretaries in TSA and interviews with some managers in TSA. The secretary's in TSA perform basic secretarial functions. The nature of the secretary's work is determined by the specific department where the secretary is working. TSA secretary's uses the most up to date technology in the execution of their work. Secretaries have limited authority and responsibility regarding their work but they can almost always influence there manager's decisions regarding office related issues. There is no real career path for the secretary in TSA, which is a big frustration for the secretaries. Because there is a not a definite career path and no distinction between for example a junior secretary, secretary, senior secretary etc, some secretaries tend to be over and others under utilised. The nature of the secretary's work can determine that a secretary is more involved with aspects such as project management, budgeting and scheduling. These secretaries do not get the recognition they deserve and is still on the same level as all the other secretaries in TSA. The secretaries in TSA is equipped with the write training, development and experience to fulfil work with more authority and responsibility. The role of the secretary in TSA will definitely change in future. Both managers and secretaries see the role of the secretary to be changed to that of a personal assistant with the necessary authority and responsibility to handle lower level management work. The secretary will have more decision power in the execution of the Technikon's policy and procedures an better utilised.

Visuele geletterdheid en die skepping van studiemateriaal vir afstandsonderrig by Technikon SA

Proctor, Linda 20 October 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Applied Linguistics) / The aim of this study is to point out how visual literacy can enhance the learning process, especially relating to study by means of distance education. The concepts of literacy and visual literacy are defined and discussed. Special attention is paid to the concept of academic literacy and what it entails. The conclusion is reached that visual literacy's an integral part of literacy as traditionally defined, and that no-one can be truly literate in the media-oriented society in which we live, without being visually literate. The concept of distance education is explored and recent developments at Technikon SA are outlined,as well as difficulties experienced by students who study through distance education. The discussion is focused on reasons why students enter the tertiary education system under prepared and why levels of visual literacy are generally very low. The pictorial approach to the design and production of study material for distance education is explained and discussed. Various visual elements of study material are discussed with regard to the promotion of leaning and the development of visual literacy. Recommendations are made pertaining mainly to the design and production of study material at Technikon SA. Low levels of visual literacy tend to be overlooked in current development of study material. The process of visual literacy development should be integral to the objectives of study material design.

The teaching of public management at technikons with specific reference to Technikon Southern Africa

Tshikwatamba, Nditsheni Emmanuel 04 September 2006 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the 00front part of this document / Thesis (D Admin (Public Administration))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA) / unrestricted

The creation of an environment conducive to adult distance learning at Technikon Southern Africa

Govender, Dayalan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Distance education is increasingly being regarded as a possible solution for some of South Africa's educational problems. The Literature, however, illustrates no concrete research that has been conducted in terms of the creation of an environment conducive to adult distance learning institutions like Technikon Southern Africa. There are perhaps numerous reasons for this, however being a 'distance learning setting' is probably one the most prominent reasons for not seriously considering the learning environment as both an essential and vital determinant governing the learning process. In this research an interpretative study has been done of the programme group Police Practice of Technikon Southern Africa. The purpose of this study was to establish whether an environment conducive to adult learning does in fact exist in Police Practice and to develop a set of recommendations/criteria which could be used by this programme group of TSA. Various critical questions stimulated this study. These questions were in tum used to generate interview questions, which were used during the interview process. A qualitative approach was followed and data was obtained by means of interviews. The subjects of the study were educators of the programme group Police Practice of Technikon Southern Africa. There were a number .of conclusions drawn from this study. Some of the most prominent of them were as follows: • This is a lack of meaning given to the open / flexible approach. • Considering adult learning principles in distance learning IS of vital importance. • A more personalized approach to distance learning is necessary. • There is a crucial need for in-service training and staff development. • Technological advancements should be adopted with caution. • There exists a need to create a much more challenging environment for learners. Various recommendations were generated from both the conclusions and the literature study of this research. Some of the most important of them were as follows: • An open learning approach should be used. • The implications of adult learning principles should be carefully considered. • Personalising learning through the use of the text should be implemented. • Appropriate in-service training for educators should be made available. • A challenging environment should be created. In addition to this a possible checklist was proposed for the creation of an environment more conducive to adult learning (distance education). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DIE SKEP VAN 'N OMGEWING WAT BEVORDERLIK IS VIR LEER AAN TECHNIKON SUIDER-AFRIKA Afstandsleer word toenemend beskou as 'n moontlike oplossing vir sekere Suid-Afrikaan onderwysprobleme. Volgens die literatuur is daar egter geen bewys van konkrete navorsing oor die skep van 'n omgewing wat bevorderlik is vir volwassene onderwysinstansies soos Technikon Suider-Afrika nie. Een van die hoofredes waarom die onderwysomgewing in afstandsonderwys nie as 'n noodsaaklike bepalende faktor in die leerproses beskou word nie is juis dat dit binne 'n "afstandsleer-konteks" val. In hierdie navorsing is 'n interpretatiewe studie van die Programgroep: Polisiepraktyk van Technikon Suider-Afrika uitgevoer. Die doel van die navorsing was om vas te stelof daar wel 'n onderwysomgewing wat bevorderlik is vir afstandsleer by polisiepraktyk bestaan. Verder was die doelook om riglyne te ontwikkel wat deur die Programgroep van Technikon Suider-Afrika gebruik sou kon word. Verskeie kritieke vrae het hierdie navorsing gestimuleer. Hierdioe vrae is op hulle beurt gebruik om vrae wat in die onderhoudproses gebruik sou word, te genereer. 'n Kwalitatiwe benadering is gevolg en die data is deur middel van onderhoude ingesamel. Fasiliteerders/dosente van die Programgroep: Polisiepraktyk van Technikon Suider- Afrika vir die onderhoude gebruik. Verskeie gevolgtrekkings/afleidings het uit die navorsmg gespruit. Van die mees prominente gevolgtrekkings sluit in: • Daar is 'n gebrek aan sinvolheid met betrekking tot oop/plooibare leer. • Dit is duidelik dat volwassene leerbeginsels in afstandsleer belangrik is. • 'n Meer persoonlike benadering tot afstandsleer is noodsaaklik. • Daar is 'n deurslaggewende behoefte aan indiensopleiding en ontwikkeling. • Omsigtigheid in die benadering tot tegnologiese vooruitgang is noodsaaklik. • Daar bestaan 'n behoefte aan die skep van 'n veel meer uitdagende omgewing vir leerders. 'n Aantal aanbevelings is op grond van die gevolgtrekkings en die literatuurstudie van hierdie navorsing gegenereer. Voorts is 'n moontlike kontrolelys vir die totstandkoming van 'n omgewing wat bevorderlik is vir volwassene afstandsleer, voorgestel. Die belangrikste daarvan was die volgende: • Die gebruik van 'n oop-leer-benadering • Die inagneming van die implikasies van volwassene leer-beginsels • Die verpersoonliking van leer deur die gebruik van die teks • Toepaslike indiensopleiding vir opvoeders • Die sken van 'n omgewing wat uitdagings bied.

An investigation into the effectiveness of the CCDD project teams in Technikon SA

Labuschagne, Madeleine 10 September 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. / The traditional mode of distance education has been correspondence teaching. This mode makes use of study guides which can be authoritarian, pedantic and not learner-centered (Buitendacht, 1994: 2). Minimal use is made of media other than the written word and teaching flows mainly one way: from the lecturer to the student (lecture centered instead of student/learner centered). In the past Technikon SA's study material was no exception. When Technikon SA adopted the ILCDE model, the need for quality courseware was immediately identified. This led to the establishment of the Centre for Courseware Design and Development (CCDD). The task of the CCDD is to develop quality interactive, learnercentered, needs-driven distance education courseware for Technikon SA's learners. Courseware is designed in accordance with the needs and expectations of industry, always taking into account the learner profile. The project team approach is utilized in the management of course development. This approach incorporates business principles such as contracting, cost-effective production, effective scheduling, maintaining quality products and project management techniques. Each project team is multi-skilled and consist of a course writer, a moderator, editor, translator, graphic designer, graphic artist, DTP (Desk fop Publisher) operator and didactic adviser (i.e. instructional designer). The objective is to produce quality courseware for distance education. Quality courseware is defined as courseware that is interactive, reader-friendly, learnercentered and related to the needs of the workplace. Emphasis is shifted from a productorientated approach (where students were expected to memorize most of the work and to reproduce it as such) to the process-orientated approach focusing on mastery of subject content (CCDD Information Guidelines, 1995:1).

'n Program vir die professionele ontwikkeling van akademiese personeel aan Technikon SA

Smith, Hester Magaretha 14 April 2014 (has links)
D.Ed. (Adult Education) / A Programme for the professional development of Academic staff at Technikon SA. This research has been undertaken against the background of the contribution that the academic staff at Technikon SA can make in lowering the high drop-out rate of students, delivering high level manpower to the community and the effectiveness of this tertiary distance education institution. After an in-depth study of literature study it became evident that: It students dropping out in distance education is a complex matter and a great number of reasons exist why students do not successfully complete their studies: the responsibilities of lecturers have drastically in distance education; the professional role of distance education lecturers is undefined; professional development of Technikon SA academic staff is neglected; and lecturers have certain needs for professional development which must be identified and addressed. The problem addressed in this study has been to probe into the desirability and the nature of a programme for the professional development of Technikon SA lecturers. The objectives of this study are: It the literature exploration of the nature of and reasons for student drop-out and the professional role of distance education lecturers; the empirical identification and analysis of the developmental areas of Technikon SA lecturers; and to design a programme for the professional development of Technikon SA academic staff. The most important findings of this study are the following: Student drop-out rates can probably be reduced if the necessary student supporting structures are created and established within a distance education institution. Technikon SA as a tertiary distance education institution has developed rapidly over the past 14 years with the emphasis on scientific practice, co-operative education and training, technological practice and rendering of service to the community by delivering high level manpower. The professional role of Technikon SA lecturers comprises: teaching, research. community service and managerial tasks, For effective and efficient execution of these tasks, lecturers should have the necessary skills. There is a definite need for professional development amongst academic staff of distance education institutions which should be addressed by the institution. Empirical research. by means of a questionnaire. as to the importance and frequency of appearance of the tasks was launched amongst the full-time lecturers at Technikon SA and revealed that: lecturers regard teaching and managerial tasks as very important. while research and community service were regarded as not important: and more than 96% of programme for the staff in the form programmes. the group favours the design of a professional development of academic of shorter workshops and self study Findings of the empirical research together with the findings of the sources studied. result in the design of a programme for the professional development of academic staff. After taking various developmental conditions and possible restraining factors into consideration, the programme. based on the QDen systems approach, was developed in five phases. The most important conclusions drawn at the completion of this study are as follows: a definite need for the professional development of academic staff in distance education has been detected: job description of Technikon SA lecturers must be defined and outlined: Technikon SA must deliberately strive to create and establish a research cuIture: and a diplomatic approach towards professional development must be adopted in order to overcome resistance to change

Gedesentraliseerde inligtinggebruikeropleiding

Henning, Judith Christina 12 September 2012 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. / In this study the term "information user education" applies to educating students to enable them to retrieve and utilise information sources and the library's services, facilities and sources effectively. In agreement with modern practice this includes learning library and information skills. Literature has shown that information user education must take place in order to render users library and information literate. Various writers have pointed out that distance education students also have a specific need for information user education, but that there is very little information on decentralised information user education. In Library and Information practice it has also been found that information on decentralised information user education is not readily available and that there is a need to educate students. In order to be able to develop decentralised information user education for Technikon SA, it was therefore necessary to undertake research on the design thereof. A literature study was indispensable in investigating information user education in general. Information user education was also explored in the context of distance education (national and international), technikon education, the education model of Technikon SA and the library and information services of Technikon SA. The status of information user education at some distance education institutions was also investigated. Based on the research undertaken by Technikon SA on international distance education trends, it was found that three basic principles form the nucleus of a well-organised distance education institution. These principles are student support of a high standard, learner-centred course material and quality administrative systems. The education model of Technikon SA, that is the Integrated Learner-Centred Distance Education model, is based on these principles. To support this education model, the library and information services of Technikon SA concluded co-operation agreements with public libraries throughout South Africa in order to offer these services to students. Technikon SA purchases duplicate copies of recommended books, processes, issues and dispatch them to the public libraries. At present approximately 270 libraries house these collections. Postal loans and article services are also available for students to supplement these services. For the purposes of this study the library and information services were evaluated according to the guidelines laid down for distance education libraries and for technikon libraries. Based on these guidelines it was found that Technikon SA library generally met the criteria stipulated, but that the library and information services did not offer decentralised information user education. To supplement the literature study, an empirical study was undertaken to determine how essential information user education was for Technikon SA students. In addition it had to be established what aspects had to be offered, at what levels these aspects had to be offered and who had to present the training.

Die onderrig van Afrikatale deur Technikon SA aan nie-moedertaalsprekers in die SAPD

Swanepoel, Carel Johannes 17 February 2014 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. / Technikon SA, situated in Florida, is the largest technikon in South Africa with an enrolment figure of more than 80 000 for 1995. As a technikon it is committed to the principle of cooperative education and it presents a large number of Diplomas and Higher Diplomas designed and developed for specific career paths. The South African Police Service is the largest employer using Technikon SA for training purposes. During 1993 the SAPS decided to implement a National Higher Diploma in cooperation with Technikon SA. One of the courses included in the curriculum is a course in African languages for members who do not have working knowledge of such a language. The SAPS as career path has unique demands and although a syllabus for a generic course in African languages does exist, it would not have suited the specific needs of the client. It was therefore necessary to do an in depth analysis of the needs of members of the SAPS as far as African languages are concerned. After the necessary permission was obtained from both the Council of Technikon SA as well as the Commissioner of Police, a questionnaire was drafted with the aid and input of the subject advisory committee of the Police. This questionnaire was given to research experts for evaluation and was edited to ensure readability. Finally it was distributed to a stratified sample of 3000 members. Before the empirical research took place, an extensive literature study was done. Aspects such as language acquisition, language learning, different models of language teaching, and syllabus design were investigated. This was done to ensure that the empirical study would be undertaken within a sound theoretical framework. A number of important conclusions were drawn from the literature study and it led to important guidelines for the planned course. The response to the questionnaires was 67%. It was proven beyond doubt that there is a great need amongst members of the Police Service to have a basic competency in an African Language. It was also indicated that this need is experienced to a greater extent in the work situation than at home. Important preferences-regarding teaching methods came to the fore and will be included in the design of the course. It was also possible to identify a number of language functions that can be regarded as critically important to a member of the SAPS. The final and very important conclusion was that the need for an African language is not limited to a specific group or rank. More than 95% of the respondents indicated that all the members would benefit by being able to communicate in an African Language. This implies that the present National Diploma should be re-curriculated to facilitate the inclusion of African languages.

Language across the curriculum in English second language context

Smit, Marius Johann 02 March 2015 (has links)
M.A. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

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