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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Atomisation de gouttes liquides sur une cible tournante microstructurée / Atomization of a liquid drop on a rotating textured target

Durand, Corinne 28 May 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est de concevoir un outil d’atomisation adapté à la production de poudres de carburede tungstène dans l’entreprise Technogenia, située à Saint-Jorioz (74). Plus généralement, nous avons étudiéune nouvelle conception d’atomiseur rotatif pour lequel les surfaces d’atomisation sont orientées selon un angled’incidence non nul. Une telle orientation permet alors d’exploiter de façon plus efficace la fréquence de rotationde l’atomiseur ainsi que les forces de centrifugation et de Coriolis. A partir de cette base de réflexion, troisgéométries de surface d’atomisation ont été étudiées : des surfaces lisses, des surfaces pourvues de structurationsde long de leur bord de fuite et des surfaces matricées de perforations.Les différents modes de déstabilisation des écoulements liquides ont été observés grâce à l’acquisition de vidéosultra-rapides des différentes étapes de l’impact d’une goutte unique sur les différentes géométries de surfacesd’atomisation étudiées. Les processus d’atomisation peuvent ainsi varier entre la rupture de jets liquides régulierscausée par des instabilités de type Rayleigh-Plateau et la rupture de nappes liquides causée par des instabilitésde type Rayleigh-Taylor et/ou l’initiation de perforations au coeur des nappes et films liquides. Les vidéos dessprays aqueux ainsi que l’observation au microscope des poudres métalliques nous permettent de caractériser lessprays produits. Sur l’ensemble de nos expériences nous observons que la finesse de l’atomisation s’améliore àmesure que la fréquence de rotation augmente ; ce qui constitue l’objectif prioritaire du procédé développé dans lathèse. Cependant, les surfaces texturées, certes compatibles avec les liquides classiques (aqueux ou organiques),ne le sont plus avec les contraintes induites par du métal à haute température de fusion, tel le carbure detungstène fondu objet de la thèse. En conséquence, seules les surfaces lisses sont aujourd’hui retenues et fontl’objet de développements dans le cadre de la production de poudres métalliques au sein de Technogenia. / The aim of this work is to design a spray tool for the production of tungsten carbide powder for the companyTechnogenia, located in Saint-Jorioz (74). Thus, we have studied a new design of rotary atomizer based onatomization surface oriented at a non-zero incidence angle. Such an orientation can then allow to use moreeffectively the rotation frequency of the atomizer and the centrifugal and Coriolis forces. From this base reflection,three geometries of atomization surface were studied : smooth surfaces, surfaces with serrated structurationsalong their trailing edge and multi-perforated surfaces.The different destabilization modes of liquid flows were observed through high-speed videos of the different stagesof the single drop impact on each atomization surfaces. The atomization process can thus vary between liquid jetbreakup caused by Rayleigh-Plateau instabilities and liquid sheet breakup caused by Rayleigh-Taylor instabilitiesand/or initiating of holes in liquid films or sheets. Videos of aqueous sprays and microscopic observation of metalpowders allow us to characterize sprays. On all of our experiments, we observe that the atomisation gets better(producing finer spray), as the frequency of rotation increases. Although the textured surfaces are compatiblewith usual liquids (aqueous or organical), they can’t stand the constraints imposed by metal with a high meltingtemperature such as tungsten carbide, the object of this thesis. Therefore, only the smooth surfaces are nowthe subject of an industrial development to produce metallic powder with Technogenia company.

Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Liquid Drop Impact on Solid Surfaces Comprising Smooth and Texture Portions

Vaikuntanathan, Visakh January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Solid surfaces featuring a spatial variation of surface wettability along particular directions on their surface, referred to as wettability gradient surfaces, are becoming increasingly important in practical applications such as enhancement of boiling and condensation heat transfer and separation of immiscible liquids in smart micro-fluidic devices. With the aid of an external energy input, such as mechanical vibration or impact kinetic energy, a liquid drop on such surfaces gets propelled towards more wettable region on the surface. A fundamental study of impact dynamics of liquid drops on such solid surfaces is relevant in understanding their effectiveness. The present thesis reports a combined experimental and theoretical study on the impact dynamics of liquid drops on solid surfaces comprising a smooth portion and a groove-textured portion separated by a junction line (dual-textured surfaces). Three different dual-textured surfaces – two made of intrinsically hydrophilic stainless steel and one of intrinsically hydrophobic poly-di-methyl-siloxane (PDMS) – are considered. Liquid drops, with Weber number (We) in the range 1–100, are impacted on the junction of the dual-textured surfaces and the entire impact dynamics across the junction is captured using a high speed video camera. Experiments of drop impact on the homogeneous surface portions of dual-textured surfaces (far away from the junction) are also conducted. The temporal variation of drop contact radius measured from the junction line on smooth and groove-textured portions of the dual-textured surfaces exhibits four distinct stages – primary spreading, primary receding, secondary spreading on more wettable surface portion, and final equilibrium – with the final outcome being the bulk movement and deposition of liquid drop away from the junction towards the more hydrophilic surface portion. Secondary parameters characterizing each of these different stages are extracted from these measurements and a one-to-one comparison between dual-textured and homogenous surfaces is presented. A significant effect of dual-texture nature is seen on the receding process of impacting drops. On the dual-textured surfaces, the receding velocity of impacting drop on the groove-textured portion is always greater than that on the smooth portion. The asymmetry in drop receding results in a drop drift velocity towards the more wettable surface portion leading to an enhanced secondary drop spreading on the more wettable smooth portion. The drop drift velocity shows a decrease with We at low We and remains almost constant at higher We after a particular value of We. Correspondingly, the ratio of the maximum drop spread factor achieved during the secondary spreading (βm2) to that during the primary spreading (βm) is seen to decrease with We at low We and remains constant at higher We. Owing to the differences in the static equilibrium wetting difference, βm2/βm is more on the stainless steel dual-textured surfaces than on the PDMS dual-textured surface. The presence of dual-texture results in a higher final spread on more wettable smooth portion and smaller final spread on less wettable textured portion of the dual-textured surfaces and this difference decreases with We. The difference in final spread factors between the smooth and textured portions is more on the stainless steel dual-textured surfaces than the PDMS dual-textured surface. The bulk drop movement (ξ), characterized in terms of distance measured from the junction to the final drop center, decreases with We at low We and remains constant at higher We on the stainless steel dual-textured surfaces whereas it remains constant at low We and decreases at higher We on the PDMS dual-textured surface. ξ on the PDMS dual-textured surface is always less than that on the stainless dual-textured surface due to the lower wetting difference across the junction of the former. Comparison of the trends of secondary parameters with the predictions from theoretical models reported in literature showed a lack of agreement. This is due to various physical processes encountered by impacting drop on the groove-textured surface, identified through experiments of drop impact on homogeneous groove-textured surfaces, such as (i) convex shape of liquid-vapor interface near contact line at maximum spreading, (ii) impregnation of drop liquid into the grooves during impact, and (iii) contact line pinning of spreading drop at the asperity edges of surface texture, as well as the wetting difference in dual-textured surfaces. The inclusion of these physical processes under conventional energy conservation approach is seen to predict the experimentally observed trends of maximum drop spread factor on the groove-textured portions. A force balance model, applied to the liquid drop configuration at the beginning of drop receding on the dual-textured surfaces, predicts the qualitative trend of ξ with We on all surfaces. Drop liquid impregnation into the grooves of textured portion at We > Wecr (critical We corresponding to transition from Cassie to impaled state) is proposed as a possible physical mechanism to account for the explanation of the specific trends of ξ with We. A theoretical model formulated using force balance at the three phase contact line beneath impacting drop on groove-textured surface is presented for the prediction of Wecr.

Recherche de matériaux isolants pour la conception d'une nouvelle génération de connecteurs électriques haute tension : influence de la pollution sur les phénomènes de décharges partielles du contournement et de claquage / Research of insulating materials intended to the conception of a new generation of high voltage electrical coonectors : influence of pollution on partial discharges and flashover and breakdown phenomena

Douar, Adnane 15 December 2014 (has links)
Dans le présent travail, nous abordons une problématique essentielle liée aux accessoires des lignes électriques et plus particulièrement au connecteur à perforation d’isolant (TTDC 45501 FA), commercialisé par la société Sicame située à Arnac-Pompadour (Corrèze). Ce produit permet d’effectuer des dérivations de courant en moyenne tension gainé HTA entre 15 et 25kV. Cependant, il devient nécessaire de concevoir une nouvelle génération de connecteurs capable de fonctionner à une tension de 52 kV en raison de la constante augmentation des besoins en électricité. En réalité, le principal souci concernant ces produits réside dans l’apparition de décharges partielles dans le volume constitué par la matière isolante (polyamide 6 chargée à 50% en poids de fibres de verre). Ces décharges engendrent un vieillissement prématuré du produit sous l’action conjuguée d’une atmosphère corrosive (brouillard salin) et d’un champ électrique. Ainsi, l’objectif de la présente thèse est de faire, dans un premier temps, un choix approprié de matériaux isolants parmi des polymères thermoplastiques, thermodurcissables époxydes ou élastomères en EPDM, capables de résister à plusieurs contraintes : thermique, électrique, mécanique, chimique et climatique. La partie expérimentale concerne, tout d’abord, la mesure de la tension de contournement, de l’activité des décharges partielles se propageant à la surface des matériaux isolants et de la tension de claquage, en tension alternative (A.C.). Pour cela, des échantillons polymères qui comportent des surfaces planes ou des surfaces pourvues de protubérances ont été moulés en vue de comparer leur comportement diélectrique en présence d’atmosphères polluées de type brouillard salin; ces mesures sont nécessaires pour effectuer un choix approprié du matériau à intégrer dans le connecteur. Par la suite, l’étude et la caractérisation optique et électrique de décharges glissantes, se propageant en surface de divers matériaux polymères, en tension impulsionnelle (L.I.) pour les deux polarités (positive et négative) et pour deux types de champ électrique (normal et tangentiel) sont présentées pour le cas d’une interface solide/air. La mesure de la longueur finale des décharges glissantes et la visualisation de l’onde de courant sont les deux paramètres principaux pour différencier les caractéristiques des matériaux utilisés. L’ensemble des résultats de mesures a permis de sélectionner les résines époxydes cyclo-aliphatiques (CEP) comme candidates potentielles pour la conception d’une nouvelle génération de connecteurs. De plus, la simulation du champ électrique, à l’aide du logiciel Flux 2D/3D, sur le connecteur électrique (TTDC 45501FA) a permis d’aboutir à la proposition d’un prototype de connecteur présentant une nouvelle géométrie et pouvant fonctionner à 52kV. / In the present study, we deal with an essential problem related to electrical lines accessories and more particularly to piercing connectors (TTDC 45501FA) commercialized by a private company named Sicame and which is located in Arnac-Pompadour (Corrèze, France). This product/accessory is designed to provide power diversions on medium voltage live lines HVA operating between 15 and 25kV. However, it becomes required to design a new generation of piercing connectors able to operate on 52kV live lines because of the electrical power demands that are steadily increasing. Actually, the main concerns about these products are the occurrence of partial discharges within the insulating material volume (polyamide 6 containing 50%wt of glass fibers). Most of the time, these discharges induce an early ageing process of the accessory under the combined effects of a corrosive environment (as salt fog) and an electric field threshold. Thus, the main objective of the present Ph.D. thesis is to carry out an appropriate choice of insulating materials among several tested polymers such as thermoplastics and thermosetting epoxy resins and EPDM elastomers that are capable of withstanding several constraints: thermal and electrical and mechanical and chemical conditions. The experimental section is focusing on the measurements of flashover voltage and partial discharges activity propagating on polymeric surfaces and breakdown voltage within material bulks under A.C voltage. That is why polymeric samples with plane surfaces and textured surfaces are molded to compare their resistance to partial discharges when being subjected to polluted environments such as salt fog; these measurements are necessary to choose the suitable materials for the required application to be integrated in the new generation of connectors. Then, the optical and electrical characterization results of creeping discharges propagating on several polymeric surfaces under lightning impulse (L.I.) voltage with its both polarities (positive and negative) and for two kinds of applied electric field (normal and tangential) are presented in the case of solid/air interfaces. Final length measurements of creepage discharges are the main parameter for distinguishing material properties. The whole obtained results (under AC and LI voltages) allow us to point out the cycloaliphatic epoxy resins as potential candidates to the conception of a new generation of piercing connectors. In addition, the electric field simulation and modelling of the TTDC 45501FA connector by using the Flux 2D/3D software seems to be helpful to design a connector prototype which exhibits a new geometry and is able to reach a voltage level that equals 52kV.

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