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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mudanças paleoclimáticas na Serra Norte dos Carajás (PA)

Conceição, Marcela Cardoso Guilles da 01 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Biblioteca de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica BGQ (bgq@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-06-01T16:59:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Marcela Cardoso.pdf: 5716601 bytes, checksum: 47d9adedfd72fb615b8df7111129da37 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T16:59:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Marcela Cardoso.pdf: 5716601 bytes, checksum: 47d9adedfd72fb615b8df7111129da37 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Universidade Federal Fluminense. Instituto de Química. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geoquímica, Niterói, RJ / De acordo com os grandes questionamentos sobre o fu turo do clima global torna-se de fundamental importância verificar a var iação do clima ao longo da evolução do planeta. Tendo em vista que a região Am azônica é atualmente detentora da maior biodiversidade do mundo, estudos paleoclimáticos e paleoecológicos nessa região são de fundamental imp ortância para a elaboração de políticas de mitigação e adaptação contra as mudanç as globais do clima. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar a ocorrência de mudanç as paleoambientais durante o Holoceno e Pleistoceno, através da determinação de parâmetros orgânicos e inorgânicos e da deposição de indicadores de queima da (partículas de carvão). O testemunho coletado possui 450 cm e foi fatiado a c ada dois centímetros, e nele foram feitas análises granulométricas, mineralógica s, isotópicas ( δ 13 C e δ 15 N) e C/N, microscópica para quantificação dos carvões, mercúr io, datação 14 C por AMS, além da determinação de densidade e teor em água do test emunho. De acordo com os dados obtidos do testemunho lacustre, pode-se afirm ar a ocorrência de incêndios na Serra dos Carajás durantes os últimos 26420 anos. A través da interpretação dos resultados podemos determinar a ocorrência de cinco fases bem distintas no testemunho. As características da Fase I (26.420 an os cao AP) como, a presença de caulinita, quartzo, silica e gibsita, baixos valore s na concentração de partículas de carvão podem ser indicativos de uma possível fase m ais úmida, com ocorrência de poucos eventos de queimadas locais. A ocorrência de uma fase mais úmida no período entre 30.000 e 22.000 anos AP, através do a umento da deposição de material clástico, como resultado da erosão da baci a hidrográfica durante a transição entre um clima úmido e seco. A Fase II é caracteriz ada pelo aumento da ocorrência de eventos de queimadas mais regionais (aumento da concentração de partículas de carvão e diminuição do tamanho das partículas), o a umento do COT em direção ao topo do testemunho, a presença dos minerais gibsita , quartzo, caulinita e siderita. Esse aumento nos valores do COT, podem ter sido oca sionados pelo, aumento da concentração de partículas de carvão nessa fase. A Fase III é caracterizada pela diminuição da ocorrência de queimadas (diminuição d a concentração das partículas de carvão), presença de gibsita, quartzo, caulinita e siderita, os valores de δ 13 C tornam-se mais negativos. A Fase IV é caraterizada pelo aumento de incêndios florestais mais regionais, pela presença de gibsita , quartzo e caulinita, os valores de δ 13 C tornam-se mais positivos em relação a fase anteri or. Tendência de aumento da matéria orgânica em direção ao topo do testemunho. A quinta e última fase (6.650 anos cal AP) é caracterizada pela diminuição na fre quência de incêdios, presença de gibsita, quartzo, caulinita e silica, grande aument o da quantidade de matéria orgânica. Essas caraterísticas são indicativos de u m possível retorno de condições mais úmidas, com baixa ocorrência de incêndios. / The future of global climate becomes of paramount i mportance to determine the variations of climate over the evolution of the pla net. Given that the Amazon region is currently holding the world's greatest biodiversity , paleoclimate and paleoecological studies in this region are of fundamental importanc e for the development of policies to mitigate and adapt against global climate change . The objective of this study is to identify the occurrence of paleoenvironmental chang es during the Holocene and Pleistocene, through the determination of organic a nd inorganic parameters and deposition of indicators of burning (charcoal parti cles). The core has 450 cm and was sliced every two inches, and it was made size analy sis, mineralogical, isotopic ( δ 13 C e δ 15 N) and C / N, microscopic quantification of coal, m ercury, dating 14 C by AMS and the determination of density and water content of t he core. According to data from the core, we can affirm the occurrence of fires in the Serra dos Carajás in the last 26,420 years. Through the interpretation of the results we can determine the occurrence of five distinct phases in the core. The characteristi cs of Phase I (26,420 cal years BP) as the presence of kaolinite, quartz, silica and gi bbsite, low values in the concentration of carbon particles may be indicative of a possible phase more humid, with occurrence of few events of local fire . The o ccurrence of a phase in the wettest period between 30,000 and 22,000 years BP, by incre asing the deposition of clastic material as a result of erosion of the basin during the transition from a humid and dry. Phase II is characterized by increased occurrence o f fires more regional events (increased concentration of carbon particles and de creasing particle size), the increase of TOC towards the top of the core, the pr esence of the minerals gibbsite, quartz, kaolinite and siderite. This increase in th e values of TOC, may have been caused by, increased concentration of carbon partic les in this phase. Phase III is characterized by a decrease in the occurrence of fi res (decrease the concentration of carbon particles), the presence of gibbsite, quartz , kaolinite and siderite, δ 13 C values become more negative. Phase IV is characterized by an increase of more regional forest fires, the presence of gibbsite, kaolinite a nd quartz, δ 13 C values become more positive toward earlier stage. Trend of increased o rganic matter toward the top of the core. The fifth and final stage (6,650 cal years BP ) is characterized by a decrease in the frequency of incendiary, presence of gibbsite, quartz, kaolinite and silica, a large increase in the amount of organic matter. These fea tures are indicative of a possible return of wetter conditions, with low occurrence of fires

Reconstruction of holocene environmental changes in northern British Columbia using fossil midges

Fleming, Erin Mattea 11 1900 (has links)
Lake sediments contain the remains of midge communities that may be used as biological proxies for inferring past environmental changes. Freshwater midges, including Chironomidae and Chaoboridae, from two alpine tarns (Pyramid Lake and Bullwinkle Lake) in the Cassiar Mountains of northern British Columbia were used to estimate Holocene palaeotemperature changes, and more specifically, to test for the presence of the Milankovitch thermal maximum, an early Holocene warm interval coinciding with peak Holocene summer solar insolation. Mean July air temperatures were reconstructed using midge-inference models developed via weighted averaging-partial least squares (WA-PLS) regression. Cold-tolerant midge taxa dominate the stratigraphies from both Pyramid and Bullwinkle Lakes; however, warm-adapted species are more common in Bullwinkle Lake. Early Holocene warming is apparent at both lakes, however it is unclear whether this is indicative of the Milankovitch thermal maximum. A decrease in temperature occurs from 8,700-7,900 cal. yr BP at Pyramid Lake, around the same time that the 8,200 cal. yr BP cooling event occurred in the northern hemisphere. During the middle Holocene, records from Pyramid Lake indicate an overall decrease in temperature, with a short period of warmer temperatures that peak at 5,100 cal. yr BP. Temperatures fluctuate little during this time at Bullwinkle Lake. A short warming phase is apparent at both lakes during the late Holocene. July temperatures are highest at 2,000 cal. yr BP (10.5°C) in Pyramid Lake and at 1,200 cal. yr BP (13°C) in Bullwinkle Lake. Thereafter, temperatures return to what they were before the warming occurred, and at Bullwinkle Lake, vary little throughout the remainder of the Holocene. / Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences (Okanagan) / Earth and Environmental Sciences, Department of (Okanagan) / Graduate

Réponses sédimentaires et moléculaires des remplissages lacustres groenlandais aux changements climatiques holocènes et à l'évolution des pratiques agropastorales / Sedimentological and molecular responses of Greenlandic lakes to Holocene climate changes and pastoral activities

Guillemot, Typhaine 04 December 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre du changement climatique global, mieux comprendre les interactions Hommes/Environnement/Climat au sud-ouest du Groenland est aujourd’hui un enjeu majeur pour développer des stratégies d’adaptation tout en préservant au mieux les écosystèmes. Pour cela, une approche rétrospective a été réalisée sur trois séquences lacustres retraçant l’histoire paléo-environnementale sur les 5000 derniers millénaires. Le lac d’Igaliku (N61°00’22’’, O45°26’28’’), situé à 2 km de la capitale épiscopale médiévale au cœur de la région agricole groenlandaise, a une sédimentation principalement influencée par les activités anthropiques. Un inventaire moléculaire complet a été réalisé sur cette séquence pour caractériser les dynamiques agropastorales passées et leurs impacts sur les écosystèmes. Les biomarqueurs fécaux identifié ont notamment permis de mettre en évidence deux phases agropastorales majeures (la période d’occupation viking et la période récente) séparées par le Petit Âge Glaciaire (PAG), pratiquant un élevage prédominant d’ovins. Les biomarqueurs moléculaires de végétation (n-alcanes, acétates de triterpényles) couplées à des données palynologiques montrent une réduction du couvert arbustif au cours de ces deux phases. Par ailleurs, les biomarqueurs d’érosion des sols (TTHCs) couplées aux données sédimentaires indiquent une érosion drastique qu’autour des années 1980 lors de la création de parcelles de fourrage par labour mécanisé. De même, ce n’est que sur le dernier siècle qu’une altération de l’état trophique du lac d’Igaliku associée à des pratiques de fertilisation des parcelles de fourrage est observée avec une augmentation des chaines courtes d’n-alcanes et plus particulièrement des diatomées mésotrophes. Les lacs de Qallimiut (N60°43’27’’, O45°23’12’’) et de Little Kangerluluup (N60°38’32’’, O45°38’11’’), situés en contexte faiblement anthropisé, sont alimentés par des tributaires à forte variabilité hydrologique. Ils correspondent à des systèmes sédimentaires dominés par des apports clastiques sous contrôle climatique dominant. Afin d’améliorer la résolution spatiale et temporelle des changements climatiques holocènes dans cette région, une étude sédimentaire multi-paramètre a été réalisée sur ces deux sites. Des analyses pétrophysiques, granulométriques, minéralogiques et géochimiques ont mis en évidence des niveaux de crues fréquents au cours des épisodes froids et humides comme la transition Milieu/Fin de l’Holocène (ca. 2500 BC), la transition Sub-boréal/Sub-atlantique (ca. 700 BC) et le PAG (entre ca. 1300 AD et ca. 1900 AD), synchrones à des périodes de minimas solaires. Ces épisodes de détériorations climatiques ont particulièrement influencé les sociétés humaines successives installées dès ca. 2500 BC au Groenland. Un maximum de fréquence de crues et une baisse drastique des températures sont notamment enregistrés pendant le PAG, indiquant qu’il s’agit de l’épisode le plus froid enregistré au sud du Groenland au cours de la seconde moitié de l’Holocène, responsable en grande partie de l’abandon de ces terres par les agriculteurs vikings au milieu du XVème siècle. / In the current context of global change, understanding the interactions between Human/Environment/Climate is necessary to develop adaptive strategies and preserve ecosystems. A retrospective approach is therefore realized in three lacustrine cores to reconstruct the paleo-environmental history during the last five millennia. Lake Igaliku (N61°00’22’’, W45°26’28’’), located at 2km from the medieval episcopal cathedral in the historical farming center, has a sedimentation mainly driven by anthropogenic activities. A complete molecular inventory has been made on this sequence to characterize past agropastoral dynamics and their impacts on south Greenlandic ecosystems. The identified fecal biomarkers revealed two agropastoral phases, during the Norse settlement and recently, separated by the Little Ice Age (LIA) and mainly characterized by sheep breeding. Vegetation molecular biomarkers (n-alkanes, triterpenyl acetates) and palynological data showed a reduction of trees and shrubs cover during these two periods especially. Erosion biomarkers (TTHCs) and sedimentological data identified only one drastic erosion in the 1980s synchronous with the mechanized creation of fodder parcels. Moreover, an eutrophication of the lake waters was recorded with short chain length n-alkanes and mesotrophic diatoms. Lake Qallimiut (N60°43’27’’, W45°23’12’’) and Little Kangerluluup (N60°38’32’’, W45°38’11’’), less impacted by anthropogenic activities, are fed by major streams influenced by hydrological variations. Their sedimentation is therefore mainly driven by climate changes. To improve the temporal and spatial resolution of climate changes during the Holocene, a multi-proxy sedimentological study was made on these two sites. Petrophysical, mineralogical and geochemical analyses have identified flood events especially occurring during cooler and wetter periods such as the Middle to Late Holocene transition (ca. 2500 BC), the Sub-boreal/Sub-atlantic transition (ca. 700 BC) and the LIA (between ca. AD 1300 et ca. AD 1900). These climate pejorations have impacted local human societies. For example, during the LIA, a maximum of flood events and drop of temperatures are recorded, partly responsible of the Norse demise.

Signature paléoenvironnementale des séquences holocènes en Rade de Brest : forçages climatiques et anthropiques / Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the Bay of Brest (NW France) : evidences of climate and human forcings

Lambert, Clément 01 December 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de doctorat a pour objectif de comprendre les mécanismes et les réponses régionales de la variabilité climatique Holocène en ciblant plus spécifiquement la Rade de Brest et la Baie de Douarnenez. Dans les environnements côtiers, la vulnérabilité des sociétés humaines face aux aléas climatiques est particulièrement élevée et les pressions anthropiques s’exerçant sur les écosystèmes sont de plus en plus fortes. Ainsi, il s’agit de discuter la part respective des forçages naturels de ceux liés aux activités humaines dans les différents signaux paléoenvironnementaux holocènes reconstruits. Pour cela, plusieurs séquences sédimentaires nous ont permis de renseigner différentes périodes au cours des 10 000 dernières années. Des études multiproxies principalement basées sur des analyses palynologiques (pollen et kystes de dinoflagellés) ont été conduites permettant de discuter en parallèle des signaux continentaux et marins. Les études polliniques permettent de caractériser l’évolution des paysages terrestres tandis que les dinokystes, dénombrés à partir des mêmes lames palynologiques que les grains de pollen et spores, permettent de discuter les conditions paléohydrologiques de surface. De plus, dans le but d’affiner la compréhension de l’enregistrement des palynomorphes dans les sédiments marins de la Rade de Brest, des échantillons de surface délivrant un message palynologique actuel ont été analysés en préambule de l’étude paléoenvironnementale Holocène. Cette thèse a mis en évidence la robustesse des études palynologiques pour l’étude des variations paléoenvironnementales à l’échelle régionale en milieu côtier, et a démontré la pertinence de l’outil pour mettre en évidence l’imbrication des influences humaines et naturelles. Ce travail apporte ainsi une contribution régionale à l’étude de la variabilité environnementale Holocène en Bretagne, fournissant des enregistrements palynologiques haute résolution sur les derniers 150 ans (résolution de 1 à 4 ans) ainsi que sur les derniers milliers d’années caractérisés par l’influence grandissante des sociétés humaines en lien avec l’accroissement de la déforestation et des pratiques agro-pastorales sur les bassins versants (résolution moyenne de 30 ans). / This PhD study aims at understanding mechanisms and regional responses of the Holocene climatic variability, targeting the Bay of Brest and the Bay of Douarnenez. In coastal environments, the vulnerability of human societies to climate hazards is particularly high and anthropogenic pressures on ecosystems are increasing. In this context, the respective part of natural forcings from those related to human activities can be discussed thanks to paleoenvironmental Holocene reconstructions carried out on sediment archives.Several sedimentary sequences allowed us to focus on different key periods across the last 10,000 years BP.Multiproxy studies mainly based on palynological analyzes (pollen and dinoflagellate cysts) allowed discussing continental and marine signals in parallel, and thus to better understand forcing mechanisms.Pollen studies are used to characterize terrestrial landscape evolutions while dinocysts, counted from the same palynological slides as pollen grains and spores, make it possible to discuss surface palaeohydrological conditions. In addition, in order to complete the understanding of our Holocene palynomorph records conducted on Bay of Brest marine sediments, Bay of Brest surface sediments were investigated so as to deliver a current palynological message.This work has demonstrated the robustness of palynological studies conducted at a regional scale and in a macro-estuarian environment, and also the relevance of our tools to highlight the intertwining of human and natural influences. This work therefore represents a regional contribution to the study of Holocene environmental variability in Brittany, providing high resolution palynological records over the last 150 years (resolution of 1 to 4 years) as well as over the last 9,500 years BP (averaged resolution of 30 years) characterized by the growing influence of human societies in relation to increased deforestation and agropastoral practices on watersheds.

Vegetation history and climate dynamics in Malta : a Holocene perspective

Gambin, Belinda 15 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la dynamique de la végétation Holocène pour Burmarrad dans le NW Malte et fournit une reconstruction paléoclimatique quantitative à base de pollen pour cet archipel méditerranéen situé au centre. Le record de pollen donne un nouvel aperçu l'échange végétation 7280-1730 cal BP qui correspondent bien avec other régional dossiers. La reconstruction du climat fournit également forte corrélation avec les sites du sud (en dessous de 40oN) de la Méditerranée. L'interprétation suggère un paysage initialement ouvert au début du néolithique, se développer en un dense Pistacia brousse ca. 6700 calBP. Depuis environ 4450 calBP le paysage devient de nouveau ouvert, coïncidant avec le début de l'âge du bronze sur l'archipel. Cette période coïncide avec une instabilité accrue du climat (entre 4500 et 3700 calBP) qui est suivie par une diminution progressive de la disponibilité de l'humidité de l'été à la fin de l'Holocène. Durant la période romaine début de l'occupation (1972-1730 calBP) le paysage reste généralement ouvert avec une augmentation modérée de Olea. Cette augmentation correspond à des preuves archéologiques pour la production de l'huile d'olive dans la région, avec l'augmentation des taxons cultivés des cultures et des espèces rudérales associés, ainsi que d'une hausse des cas d'incendies. Cette thèse propose également une synthèse des résultats d'un autre noyau (BM1) provenant de la même zone de chalandise, ainsi que les résultats d'une étude préliminaire de la pluie de pollen de surface moderne. L'archipel fournit des indications sur la végétation, les impacts humains et les changements climatiques dans un contexte de l'île au cours de l'Holocène. / This thesis investigates the Holocene vegetation dynamics for Burmarrad in north-west Malta and provides a pollen-based quantitative palaeoclimatic reconstruction for this centrally located Mediterranean archipelago. The pollen record from this site provides new insight into the vegetation changes from 7280 to 1730 cal BP which correspond well with other regional records. The climate reconstruction for the area also provides strong correlation with southern (below 40oN) Mediterranean sites. The interpretation suggests an initially open landscape during the early Neolithic, surrounding a large palaeobay, developing into a dense Pistacia scrubland ca. 6700 cal BP. From about 4450 cal BP the landscape once again becomes open, coinciding with the start of the Bronze Age on the archipelago. This period is concurrent with increased climatic instability (between 4500 and 3700 cal BP) which is followed by a gradual decrease in summer moisture availability in the late Holocene. During the early Roman occupation period (1972 to 1730 cal BP) the landscape remains generally open with a moderate increase in Olea. This increase corresponds to archaeological evidence for olive oil production in the area, along with increases in cultivated crop taxa and associated ruderal species, as well as a rise in fire events. This thesis also provides a synthesis with the results from another core (BM1) taken from the same catchment area, as well as results of a preliminary modern surface pollen rain study. The Maltese archipelago provides important insight into vegetation, human impacts and climatic changes in an island context during the Holocene.

Quantification de la dénudation glaciaire et postglaciaire dans l'orogène pyrénéen : bilans comparés parmi des cirques et des petits bassins versants en contexte climatique océanique et méditerranéen à l'aide des nucléides cosmogéniques produits in-situ et de mesures topométriques sous SIG / Quantification of the glacial and postglacial denudation in the Pyrenean orogen : comparative assessment among cirques and small catchments under Oceanic and Mediterranean climates using in situ terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides and GIS topometric measures

Crest, Yannick 15 September 2017 (has links)
La question sera d’évaluer si l’érosion glaciaire dans les Pyrénées est suffisante pour expliquer au moins une proportion de la surrection du volume montagneux, et donc dans quelle mesure les moteurs tectoniques demeurent incontournables. Le terrain proposé est un transect E–W, portant sur : un échantillon de cirques granitiques (prélèvement de roche-mère, lithologie homogène) déglacés (Bassiès) ou partiellement englacés (Aneto) ; et un échantillon de bassins versants (prélèvement de sédiments dans le lit du collecteur principal aux exutoires). Les méthodes utilisées seront les isotopes 10Be et 26Al produits in situ (Dunai, 2010) outils servant à quantifier les vitesses d’érosion d’un substratum rocheux ou d’un sol en fonction de leur durée d’exposition au bombardement cosmique provenant de la voûte céleste. Il s’agira ainsi (i) de détecter l'existence d'héritages d'exposition, synonymes de très faible tranche érodée lors du dernier cycle glaciaire (Fabel et al., 2002, 2004) — héritages inconnus jusqu’ici dans les Alpes (Ivy Ochs et al., 2007) mais déjà repérés dans l'est des Pyrénées (Delmas et al., 2008, 2011) ; et (ii) de comparer les taux moyens de dénudation post-glaciaire de bassins versants sélectionnés en fonction de leur passé (glaciaire ou non), de l’ambiance climatique post-glaciaire (influences atlantiques ou méditerranéennes), et enfin, sur chaque site-atelier ainsi défini, de leur taille (échantillonnages compartimentés sur des BV emboîtés de rang 1, 2, et 3 ; v. méthode in Godard et al., 2012). Une approche complémentaire consistera à quantifier systématiquement, dans les quelques cirques témoins, les volumes érodés par cubage des matériaux morainiques tardiglaciaires ou holocènes, mais aussi des éventuels glaciers rocheux et des éboulis. Ces bilans de masse impliqueront éventuellement aussi un effort de datation de ces formations, dont la chronologie (en particulier les glaciations holocènes) est encore très mal connue dans les Pyrénées. / The Pyrenees form a mid-latitude, intermediate altitude mountain range displaying weak tectonic activity and a westward gradient of increasing topographic inheritance from the work of Pleistocene glaciers. This thesis aims to characterize and to quantify the influence of the glacial and non-glacial erosive processes on the most elevated areas of the mountain range, during the last climatic cycle (~100 ka), according to an E-W transect from the Carlit to the Maladeta, via the Ariège. The Holocene tills volumes (Maladeta) were quantified from DEM- and GIS-derived measurements, while the lowering of the glaciated and unglaciated surfaces was determined from cosmogenic nuclides (CN). Denudation was measured through TCN concentrations in alluvial sediment in elevated catchments. Würmian denudation on supraglacial ridges (10–25 mm/ka) was slower than on cirque floors (30–40 mm/ka), thereby resulting in an increase in topographic relief. Denudation of the cirques floor increases during post-Würm spatially limited glaciations (20-400 mm/ka). Small Holocene glaciers erosion in the Maladeta is 180-700 mm/ka even > 1 m/ka. These rates are noteworthy higher than bedrock and regolith plateau weathering (2.60 mm/ka and 20-40 mm/ka, respectively). Postglacial catchments denudation (25-450 mm/ka) linearly increases with mean slope (r = 0.83) and then with the Pleistocene glacial inheritance of the landscape. Results confirm the atonic tectonic activity of the Pyrenees and show the influence of the glaciers and fragile meta-sedimentary lithologies on the Holocene denudation.

Caracterização das fontes dos sedimentos marinhos da Plataforma Continental da região sudeste do Brasil, durante o Holoceno médio e superior com base na composição isotópica de Sr, Nb e Pb: implicações nos estudos paleoclimáticos e de hidrodinâmica marinha

Simone Sandra Sonvesso Mantovanelli 02 October 2013 (has links)
Análises isotópicas de Nd, Sr e Pb forneceram registros sobre a proveniência dos sedimentos de dois testemunhos da plataforma continental da região sudeste do Brasil. No testemunho CF, os sedimentos registraram valores médios de \'E IND.Nd(0)\' de -17,5, idades modelo Sm-Nd (TDM) em torno de 1,8 Ga e valores médios das razões \'ANTPOT.206 Pb\'/ \'ANTPOT.204 Pb\' de 18,7. Os sedimentos do testemunho ST mostraram valores médios de \'E IND.Nd(0)\' de -10,5, idades modelo Sm-Nd (TDM) próximas a 1,4Ga e valores médios das razões \'ANTPOT.206 Pb\'/ \'ANTPOT.204 Pb\' de 18,8. A análise conjunta dos sistemas isotópicosutilizados na presente pesquisa evidenciou uma distinção entre as rochas fontes do testemunho CF e ST. As rochas de terrenos metamórficos de alto a médio grau, principalmente os metassedimentos drenados pela bacia hidrográfica do Rio Paraíba do Sul (RPS), inseridos no contexto geológico do Cinturão Ribeira, foram identificados como principais fontes de sedimentos para o testemunho CF, indicando uma influência marcante do aporte fluvialna sedimentação da plataforma continental brasileira ao largo do Cabo Frio-RJ. Sugere-se na presente pesquisa que o transporte dossedimentos provenientes do RPS para a região de localização do testemunho CF, vem sendo facilitado pela ação dos ventos de NE associados com a Alta Subtropical do Atlântico Sul (ASAS), os quais também influenciariam os vórtices ciclônicos da Corrente do Brasil (CB), a penetração da Água Central do Atlântico Sul (ACAS) e consequentemente a distribuição dos sedimentos na plataforma continental sob influência destes mecanismos, após 3000 anos cal. AP. As composições isotópicas de Pb, Nd e Sr dos sedimentos do testemunho ST mostraram-se semelhantes às das rochas da Bacia do Paraná, principalmente da Formação Bauru. As assinaturas isotópicas e idades modelo Sm-Nd (TDM) de sedimentos provenientes dos estuários dos rios La Plata e Mampituba, os quais drenam rochas da Bacia do Paraná, também apresentaram valores semelhantes às dos sedimentos do testemunho ST, indicando que estes poderiam ser provenientes da mistura de material erodido de rochas básicas, no caso, de basaltos toleíticos de baixo \'TIO IND.2\', com rochas dos terrenos metamórficos de médio a alto grau, inseridas no contexto geológico do Cinturão Ribeira, provavelmente durante a época de sedimentação da Bacia Bauru (Cretáceo). A semelhança na composição isotópica dos sedimentosdo estuário do Rio La Plata e do testemunho ST agrega indícios para dizer que o transporte das frações granulométricas mais finas provenientes da Bacia do Paraná, para regiões da plataforma continental do sudeste do Brasil, poderia ser facilitada pela dinâmica da pluma do Rio La Plata, a qual seria transportada para norte sob influênciada movimentação da Corrente Costeira do Brasil (CCB). Os resultados da atual pesquisa sugerem que as mudanças nas características isotópicas dos sedimentos, observadas ao longo dos testemunhos CF e ST, entre o Holoceno Médio e Superior, estariam 20 associadas primariamente com mudanças no sistema climático à ação dos ciclos astronômicos de insolação de precessão, na escala de tempo milenar. / Nd, Sr and Pb isotopic analysis from two sediment cores from the continental shelf off the southeastern region of Brazil provided records of the provenance of its sediments. Sediments from CF core recorded \'E IND.Nd(0)\' average values of -17.5, Sm-Nd (TDM) model ages around 1.8 Ga and mean values for \'ANTPOT.206 Pb\'/\'ANTPOT.204 Pb\' reasons of 18.7. The sediments from ST core showed \'E IND.Nd(0)\' average values of -10.5, Sm-Nd (TDM) model ages close to 1.4 Ga and mean values for \'ANTPOT.206 Pb\'/\'ANTPOT.204 Pb\' reasons of 18.8. The analysis of the isotopic systems used on this study showed a distinction between the source rocks of CF and ST cores. The medium and high grademetamorphic basement rocks mainly constituted of metasediments drained by the hydrographic basin of Paraíba do Sul river, inserted in Ribeira Belt are the main sources of the sediments from the CF core, indicating a strong influence of river inflow in the sedimentation of the brazilian continental shelf off Cape Frio (RJ). The distribution of Paraíba do Sul river sediments into the plataform uppon regions located south of its mouth, would be facilitated by the action of NE winds associated with the South Atlantic Subtropical High (SAS), which also could influence the cyclonic vortices of Brazilian Current (CB), the penetration of the South Atlantic Central Water (SACW) and consequently the didtribution of sediments on the continental shelf under the influence of such mechanisms, mainly for the last ca. 3000 years BP. Pb, Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of the sediments from the ST core seem to be similar to the ones from the rocks of the Paraná Basin, mainly from Bauru Formation. These sediments could be derived from the mixture of eroded material from basic rocks, in the case of low-\'TiO IND. 2\' tholeiitic basalts with medium to high grade metamorphic rocks of Ribeira Belt, probably during the time of the Bauru basin sedimentation (Cretaceous). The isotopic signaturesand Sm-Nd (TDM) model ages of sediments from La Plata and Mampituba river estuaries, which drain rocks of the Paraná Basin, are similar to those recorded in the ST core. These similarities add evidence to say that the transport of the sediment finer size fractions from the Paraná Basin to the brasilian southeasterncontinental shelf could be facilitated by the dynamics of La Plata plume, which is transported northwards under the influence of the Brazilian Coastal Current movement. The results of the current study suggest that changes in sedimentation, observed over the CF and ST cores, between the Middle and Upper Holocene, could be primarily associated to climatic changes to the action of the precessional insolation astronomical cycles.

Madeiras fósseis holocênicas de Ribeirão da Mata: anatomia ecológica, relações florísticas e interpretação paleoambiental da região arqueológica de Lagoa Santa, MG / Holocene fossil woods from Ribeirão da Mata: ecological wood anatomy, floristic relationships and paleoenvironmental interpretation of the archaeological region of Lagoa Santa, MG, Brazil

Guilherme de Queiroz Freire 29 April 2011 (has links)
Esta tese foi concebida para se integrar ao eixo nº 5 (Paleoclimas e Paleoambientes no final do Peistoceno e Holoceno na região de Lagoa Santa) da terceira versão do projeto temático Origens e Microevolução do Homem na América: uma abordagem paleoantropológica (FAPESP proc. 04/01321-6), onde a principal questão abordada é a existência de um grande período (de 8.000 a 2.000 anos A.P) de drástica redução de sepultamentos e vestígios arqueológicos na região de Lagoa Santa, MG. Para esse período, as pesquisas palinológicas no Brasil central e sudeste, embora existam em número razoável, possuem interpretações paleoambientais contraditórias. Bem caracterizado no Hemisfério Norte, ao redor de 6000 anos A.P., o evento climático conhecido como Ótimo Climático, período predominantemente mais quente e úmido, se estabeleceu devido a uma maior insolação terrestre, propiciando a expansão de coberturas vegetais de maior porte e umidade de diversos pontos do globo e é sustentado por diversos autores para muitas localidades brasileiras. Por outro lado, embora não existam dúvidas de que o nível do mar esteve acima do atual na costa brasileira, é consenso que alterações climáticas foram mais amenas e aparentemente mais complexas. Amparados por este raciocínio, outros estudos sugerem eventos de seca no período aproximado de 6000 a 4500 anos A.P. Neste contexto, objetivando verificar a provável diferença climática ocorrida durante o Holoceno médio é confirmada pelo estudo de lenhos fósseis de região e sustenta a hipótese de a redução de sepultamentos da região reflete um deslocamento humano por causas climáticas, utilizaram-se duas abordagens diferentes no estudo anatômico de lenhos fósseis datados do Holoceno médio e tardio: uma abordagem florística, feita através da identificação taxonômica das amostras fósseis e comparação com localidades atuais; e através de uma abordagem anatômico-ecológica do lenho de Myroxylon peruiferum L.f., que utilizou correlações existentes entre o clima e as características anatômicas pra predizer o clima pretérito da região com base nas características anatômicas dos fósseis. Para a primeira abordagem, foram também realizados um levantamento florístico-lenhoso da APA Carste de Lagoa Santa e estudos fitossociológicos nas diferentes fitofisionomias da região, que proveram informações adicionais para as interpretações paleoambientais. Como resultado, os estudos florísticos e fitossociológicos, além de grande valia para a interpretação das assembléias fósseis, mostraram uma riqueza expressiva de espécies na região. A identificação das assembléias fósseis do Holoceno médio e tardio mostrou muita similaridade entre as duas assembléias, sugerindo a ausência de mudanças climáticas significativas a ponto de alterar a florística da região. Ainda, essas assembléias fósseis são relacionadas fortemente com o mosaico de vegetações existentes na região, que aponta para a manutenção desta vegetação desde o Holoceno médio. Por outro lado, a abordagem anatômico-ecológica revelou uma maior sazonalidade climática durante o Holoceno médio. Embora pareçam conflitantes, estes resultados são interpretados como complementares, e indicam um período sensivelmente mais sazonal no Holoceno médio, porém insuficientes para propiciar alterações florísticas no mosaico vegetacional que existia na época e caracteriza hoje a região. Esses resultados, portanto, não apóiam a hipótese de alterações intensas no clima, na flora e nem na presença das vegetações que ali existiam desde 5.000 anos A.P. / This thesis is designed to integrate the shaft Nº. 5 (Paleoclimates and paleoenvironments in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene at Lagoa Santa region) of the third version of the Project Origins and Microevolution of man in América: an approach paleoanthropological (FAPESP proc. 04/01321-6), where the main issue addressed is the existence of a large period (8000-2000 years BP) of drastic reduction of burials and archaeological sites in Lagoa Santa, MG. For that period, palynological research in central and southeastern Brazil, althoug in reasonable numbers, have contradictory paleoenvironmental interpretations. Well characterized in the Northern Hemisphere, around 6000 yeras BP, the climatic event known as Climatic Optimum, predominantly warmer and wetter, was established due to greater solar insolation, favoring the expansion of humid vegetation cover various parts of the globe and is supported by several authors for many places in Brazil. Moreover, although there is no doubt that the sea level was above the current along the Brazilian coast, there is consensus that climate change was milder and seemingly more complex. In the same way, other studies suggest drought events in the approximate period 6000 to 4500 years B.P. In this context, to verify if the climatic differences likely ocurred during the middle Holocene is confirmed by the study of fóssil Wood from the region and supports the hypothesis that the reduction of burials in the region reflects a human migration causes climate, we used two different approaches in a anatomical study of fóssil Wood dated to the middle and late Holocene: 1.) a floristic approach, made through the taxonomic identification of fóssil specimens and comparison with current local florist, and 2.) through na approach of ecological Wood anatomy of Myroxylon peruiferum L.f., which correlation between climate and anatomical characteristics were used to predict the past climate of the region based on the same anatomical characteristics in fossils samples. For the first approach, were also carried out a floristica-woody survey of APA-Lagoa Santa Karst and phytosociological studies in different Forest types in the region, which provided additional information for paleoenvironmental interpretations. As a result, floristic and phytosociological studies, besides showing great importance for the interpretation of fóssil assemblages, revealed and expressives richness of species. The identification of fóssil assemblages from middle and late Holocene showed high similarity between both, suggesting the absence of enough climate change lo alter the flora in the region. Still, these fóssil assemblages are strongly related with the mosaico of vegetation in the region, pointin to the maintenance of vegetation since the middle Holocene. Furthermore, the ecological-anatomy approach revealed a greater climatic seasonality during the middle Holocene. Although these two approaches seem conflicting, these results are interpreted as complementary, and show a markedly more seasonal period in middle Holocene, but insufficient to provide floristic changes in the vegetation mosaic that existed nowadays and characterizes the region. These results therefore do not support the hypothesis of intense changes in climate, flora and even in the presence of vegetation that existed there since 5000 years BP.

Rod Sicista (Mammalia, Rodentia) ve fosilním záznamu střední Evropy: fenotypová proměnlivost, taxonomická struktura, areálová historie. / Genus Sicista (Mammalia, Rodentia) in the fossil record of central Europe: phenotypic variation, taxonomic structure, range dynamics.

Lišková, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
Member of the genus Sicista rank among the rarest and the least known European mammals. They exhibit a number of outstanding specificities (hibernation, aestivation etc.) and extreme capability of a rare range dynamics. Their fossil record is fragmentary and associated with numerous controversies. The present thesis summarizes results of a detailed revision of the fossil record of Sicista from Czech Republic, Slovakia and some other countries. It comprises of about 150 items of the Holocene and Vistualian age as well as from the Middle and Early Pleistocene including earliest records from MN17/Q1 boundary and type material of S. praeloriger from Q1 Betfia. Compared to a sample of extant population, variation dynamics of both metrical and nonmetrical dental traits was examined in details with particular attention to phenotype patterns of particular fossil samples. The results demonstrated extensive amount of both within- and between-population variation and rather limited validity of commonly used discrimination criteria of extant clades. Nevertheless, we succeeded in species identification of considerable part of numerous Holocene and Vistulian records which revealed (i) a range expansion of S. subtilis s.l. during MIS 3 with persistent distribution in lowland regions of Central Europe in the Late...

Characterization of Holocene climate variability in the west of Europe and Mediterranean basin using high-resolution stalagmite records / Caractérisation de la variabilité du climat holocène à l’ouest de l’Europe et du bassin de la Méditerranée à partir de l’étude haute résolution de spéléothèmes

Ruan, Jiaoyang 16 September 2016 (has links)
Déchiffrer le climat de l’Holocène est la base d’une meilleure compréhension du climat moderne. En effet, à cette époque le climat en Europe est très complexe est montre de fortes variations spatiales et il reste beaucoup à faire pour améliorer la couverture géographique d’enregistrements bien datés et de haute résolution. En tant qu’archives paléoclimatiques, les spéléothèmes ont de larges avantages concernant leur chronologie et leur résolution temporelle et peuvent aider à combler cette lacune. Dans cette thèse, des stalagmites holocènes ont été sélectionnées selon un transect N-S entre les latitudes 35° et 65°N à l’ouest de l’Europe et du bassin méditerranéen (de la Suède à l’Algérie). Elles ont été datées densément par U-Th et échantillonnées à haute résolution pour analyser leur composition isotopique et géochimique. Le climat de l’Holocène a été déduit des analyses isotopiques de la calcite (δ¹³C, δ¹⁸O) et du rapport Mg/Ca. Combinées avec les données existantes et avec les simulations numériques des modèles, ces nouvelles données ont permis d’émettre des hypothèses sur les processus dynamiques contrôlant les changement climatiques régionaux comme les divers modes impliqués dans la circulation océanique et atmosphérique. Sur un site archéologique particulier, le lien climat/activités humaines a aussi pu être étudié. Les principaux résultats de cette thèse sont : 1) les enregistrements en δ¹⁸O, δ¹³C et Mg/Ca d’une stalagmite de la grotte de Villars (sud-ouest de la France), ont révélé une variabilité décennale à multimillénaire du climat au cours des derniers 14200 ans ainsi que les preuves d’une déforestation il y a environ 1000 ans ; 2) deux stalagmites provenant de la grotte de Villars au sud-ouest de la France et de la grotte Korallgrottan au nord-ouest de la Suède ont enregistré de façon remarquable l’événement climatique du 8.2 ka et les différentes étapes qui le composent montrant des différences régionales de température et d’humidité entre les deux sites. Celles-ci sont associées avec une interruption suivie d’une réorganisation de la circulation océanique et atmosphérique ; 3) les enregistrements en δ¹⁸O et en δ¹³C de deux stalagmites de la grotte de Villars suggèrent aussi l’existence d’une période humide multi-centennale il y a ~7200-7600 liée éventuellement à la fonte de la dernière portion de la calotte de la Laurentide ; 4) les isotopes stables (δ¹⁸O, δ¹³C) d’une stalagmite de la grotte du Père-Noël située au sud-est de la Belgique, révèle de larges variations hydro climatiques entre 10500 et 4200 ans. En particulier, une période sèche multi-centennale est mise en évidence il y a ~5600-6000 ans probablement liée à un changement des vents d’ouest ; 5) au nord de l’Algérie, dans la grotte de Gueldaman, plusieurs stalagmites ont montré, par leur δ¹³C et leur δ¹⁸O, l’impact d’une période sèche sur l’occupation humaine et finalement l’abandon du site par les hommes préhistoriques il y a ~4200 ans. / Deciphering Holocene climate is the basis to understand modern climate change. The Holocene climate of Europe is highly complex and shows large spatial differences; much is to be done to improve the spatial coverage of well-dated, high resolution climate records. Stalagmite as paleoclimate archive has large advantages in its chronology and their temporal resolution and thus can help in answering this question. In this thesis, stalagmites were collected, broadly along a meridional transect from 35 to 65°N, in the west of Europe and Mediterranean basin (from Sweden to Algeria). They were densely dated by the U-Th method and their isotopic and geochemical compositions were analyzed at high spatial resolutions. The Holocene climate was inferred from the stalagmite δ¹³C, δ¹⁸ and Mg/Ca time series. Combining with existent data and model simulations the collected new data was used to understand dynamic processes involved in driving regional change, such as varying modes of ocean and atmospheric circulation. Uniquely, the possible links between the changes of past climate conditions and human activities at an archeological site were examined, too. The main results of this thesis are summarized as: (1) The δ¹⁸O, δ¹³C and Mg/Ca records of a stalagmite from Villars Cave, Southwestern France document a series of decadal to multi-millennial climatic variations over the last 14200 years as well as deforestation ~1000 years ago; (2) The precisely-dated, sub-decadal δ¹⁸O, δ¹³C and Mg/Ca records of stalagmites from Villars Cave, SW-France, and Korallgrottan Cave, NW-Sweden, reveal multiple stage climatic variations in relation to the 8200 year event. Reconstructed variations in both temperature and humidity exhibit different patterns at the two sites, respectively, in the south and north of Europe, which can be associated with the interruption and reorganization of ocean-atmospheric circulation; (3) The δ¹⁸O and δ¹³C records of two stalagmites from Villars Cave suggest multi-century wetness ~7200-7600 years ago which possibly linked to the demise of last portion of Laurentide Ice Sheet; (4) The δ¹⁸O and δ¹³C records of a stalagmite from Pere Noël Cave, Southeastern Belgium reveal large decadal to millennial hydroclimate variations between 10500 and 4200 years ago. Particularly, multi-century enhanced aridity occurred ~5600-6000 years ago which probably had attributed to the changes in regional atmospheric circulation and the westerly jet; (5) The δ¹³C and δ¹⁸O records of two Mid-Holocene stalagmites from Gueldaman GLD1 Cave, Northern Algeria provide evidence of a prolonged drought ~4200 years ago in Western Mediterranean basin. The drought coincides with, and therefore may have contributed to, an abandonment of ancient human occupation of the cave.

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