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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'n Bediening struktuurmodel as ondersteuningsmeganisme vir leierskap-identiteit voor die limen van herintegrasie in 'n gevorderde stadium van 'n communitas-fase 'n prakties-teologiese ondersoek /

Van der Wart, A. D. F. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (PhD.(Praktiese teologie))-Universiteit van Pretoria, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 279-294)

The Pauline church unity founded on baptism

Jonas, Shivuri Resemate 10 1900 (has links)
The Concept of the Pauline church unity founded on baptism is investigated from a practical theological perspective in terms of both the theoretical and practical method. After outlining the theological principles of this analogy; an actual situation of a local church is researched and the findings of this empirical analysis are used to indicate terms of a practical model of the body of Christ. An essential theological principle is that the church is to serve the Kingdom of God and to be a continuing incarnation of the word of God. The church which is full of quarrels and divisions would not be able to proclaim the word of God freely. Instead of preaching the word of God; they will concentrate on calling themselves that; I am of Paul, and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ. This type of expression does not build unity among Christians. What we must do as Christians is that we should accept one another regardless of being affiliated to ZCC; Roman catholic church, Apostolic Faith Mission; Nazarene church, etc. According to Paul's views, all churches from different denominations form the body of Christ. There are also a handful of local churches whose members are trying to increase diversity within their pews. My aspiration is to see all the Christians from different races coming together; praying together and worshipping together as the children of God. My wish is to see the leaders from various denomination focusing on promoting fellowship and reconciliation amongst themselves and their church members accepting one another. The resolute determination of some whites to travel to black communities to worship or of blacks to join and participate in overwhelming white congregations; reveals the depth of some Christians desire to overcome the barriers which have been part of South African life for so long. This desire may be for more prevalent among the laity than the clergy have traditionally imagined. Christians from different races must change if they want to enter into the Kingdom of God. The disturbing factor is that without a real willingness to change there is little hope that it will be achieved in a generation still cluttered with the baggage of the past. Reconciliation and dignity of all believers in Christ needs to be encouraged by Pastors and church members, because we all from the body of Christ. / Religious Studies & Arabic / M.A. (Biblical Studies)

Here-and-now : linking practical theology with group psychotherapy

Watkins, Duff 11 1900 (has links)
Facilitating improvement, here-and-now, in a person's psycho-spiritual functioning is an aspect of both practical theology and group psychotherapy. This improvement can only occur through human intermediary, as both practical theology and group psychotherapy recognise. The premise of this thesis is that people reveal their religious and existential concerns (i.e., one's deepest feelings about God, life, and existence) through their here-and-now interpersonal interactions. These existential and religious concerns can be successfully addressed within psychotherapy groups by adopting a nonlinear, psychotherapeutic approach which focuses on here-and-now interpersonal interactions. This here-and-now style of psychotherapy provides the pastor/therapist with a practical-theologically sound method by which to relate to another person on the deepest level, and it provides the means by which the pastor/therapist can identify, describe, and analyse another person's existential/religious issues. The following propositions are put forth: * * * * * * * Existential concerns are inevitably religious in nature but not always articulated in religious terms. These existential/religious concerns are the subject of both group therapy and practical theology. Practical theology is characterised by a Janus-like, self-reflective loop of theory to praxis. This loop is also seen in the here-and-now style of group psychotherapy. Group psychotherapy and practical theology deal with religious ideation: group therapy by examining interpersonal interactions; practical theology by examining the person-to-God relationship. Psychotherapy groups can be a "coming of God with human action as intermediary." Group psychotherapy and practical theology address genuine human need through the four pastoral functions. Group psychotherapy and practical theology adhere to the scientific method of constructing hypotheses based on deductions stemming from heightened awareness. Group psychotherapy has a practical theological function when it serves as a means of transitin~ through the theological stages of God the void, to God the enemy, to God the companion. Group psychotherapy fulfils a practical theological function by transforming human ways, i.e., opening one up to the influence of other people and the Christian God who works through those people as intermediaries. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Oppad na 'n bevryde kategese-bediening : n kritiese evaluering van die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk se kategese-teorie en -praxis, en 'n moontlike alternatief

Heyns, Martinus Hermanus 04 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die kategese-bediening van die tydelike kerkverband in die a1gemeen en die van die Ned. Geref. Kerk in die besonder, kan tegelyk 'n oorskatte en 'n onderskatte aangeleentheid wees. Hierdie kwessie kan, enersyds te doen he met 'n verskraalde visie op die mens se geloofsverhouding. as konkrete entiteit wat binne al die aspekte van die werklikheid funksioneer. Andersyds kan dit te make he met 'n ongenuanseerde onderskeiding tussen die tydelike kerkverband en alle ander samelewingsvorme. Wanneer geloofverskraal word tot enkele aspekte van die volle werklikheid, word kategese oorskat as 'n aparte bediening, naas ander bedieninge in die gemeente. Dit het gewoonlik 'n 66rbeldemtoning van die leer-aspek ten koste van die sogenaamde affektiewe en konatiewe aspekte van geloof tot gevolg. Dit veroorsaak noodwendig 'n oorbeklemtoonde skoolse benadering tot kategese. Wanneer die tydelike kerkverband kosmologies nie duidelik van die ander samelewingsvorme onderskei word nie, word kategese aan die anderkant weer maklik onderskat. Dan word tipiese kerldike kategetiese' werksaamhede, wat betrekking het op die hele werldikheid, vanuit 'n geloofsvisie, maklik verwar met opvoedingstake in die gesin en gemeenskap in 'n on-prinsipiele grensoorskryding. In 'n meer gebalanseerde visie op kategese, betoog die studie dat ons liewer oog behoort te lay daarvoor dat kategese een aspek van elke onderskeie kerklike bediening is. S6 verstaan, is kategese 'n onontbeerlike aspek [maar dan slegs 'n aspek) van die gemeente se uitreik-; barmhartigheids-; jeug-; erediens-; Bybelstudie-bedieninge. Die eiesoortigheid van die genoemde kategetiese faset van elk van die kerldike bedieninge verwys elke keer na die logies-analitiese kant van geloofsvonning. Laasgenoemde het betrekking op die moontlike verdieping van die mens se geloofsverhouding met God deurdat gelooftaangeleenthede duideliker omlyn en omslaywe word. En die beklemtoning van hierdie kategetiese aspek in elk van die bedieninge, is elke keer legitiem, afhangende van die konteks waarin die gemeente en die lidmate wat betrokke is, funksioneer. Hierdie teorie oor kategese stel die tydelike kerkverband voor die uitdaging om al die lid.mate [nie net kinders nie] in hulle volle geloofsverhouding met God, tot ontsluiting van hulle hele lewe, in geloofsgerigtheid op God, die Oorsprong van alle dinge te help betrek. Dit veronderstel tegelykertyd die bevryding van kerklike kategese om vernuwend en opbouend op die totale gemeente-bediening in te werk. Langs hierdie weg poog Praktiese Teologie om werklik nie net 'n teorie te wees nie. / The church's religious education ministry in general and that of the Dutch Refonned Church in particular, could be an issue that is, at the same time, overestimated and widerestimated. On the one hand this issue could entail an attenuated vision on man's faith as concrete entity functioning within all aspects of the reality. On the other hand it could entail an unclear distinction between the church as a temporary form of society and all other forms of society. When faith is diminished to single aspects of the full reality, catechesis is overestimated as a separate ministry, next to other ministries in the congregation. This usually leads to an overemphasis of the learning-aspect at the cost of the so-called affective and conative aspects of faith. This invariably leads to an overemphasized, school-like approach to catechesis. On the other hand, when the church cannot cosmologically be clearly distinguished from the other societal fonns, catechesis is easily underestimated. In such a case, typical ecclesiastical catechetic activities are, from a faith aspect point of view, easily confused with educational issues for example within the family and the community because no proper theoretical distinction is made between these different forms of society. In a more balanced vision of catechesis, the study argues that we should realize that catechesis forms but one aspect of each ecclesiastical ministry. Understood thus, catechesis is an indispensable aspect (but only an aspect) of the congregation's outreach, charity, youth, worship and Bible-study ministries. This distinctive character of the said cathecismic facet of each of the ecclesiastical ministries refers time and again to the logical-analytical side of faith fonnation. The latter concerns the possible enriching of man's total faith relationship with God as faith issues are outlined and defined more clearly. This theory on catechesis attempts to challenge the church as a temporary form of society to include catechesis in all forms of ecclesiastical ministry, thereby ministering to all congregation members, not only to the children. This, at the same time, implies the liberation of ecclesiastical catechesis, so that it can have a renewing and constructive effect on the entire congregational ministry. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

In search of root causes of poverty testing a theological perspective in development dialogues

Wyngaard, Jeremy Gregory 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although there has been a significant improvement in terms of the quality of life for many South Africans since 1994, the reality for a significant portion of the population is still that of abject poverty. The South African government has made giant strides in terms of protecting the most vulnerable members of South African society through the Department of Social Development, the Department of Human Settlements, etc. The Church too, as a serious change-agent in civil society, continues to partner the government, the corporate world, and other institutions in helping to improve the quality of life for those who struggle with a daily poverty experience. In spite of the best efforts of many role-players, and the upward mobility of many people in the country, it would appear as though poverty is still a defining status for millions of South Africans. Accordingly, this study seeks to investigate the critical need for understanding the importance of the root causes of poverty as opposed to simply considering the consequences of poverty. This study therefore aims to understand how the actions of individuals (poor and non-poor) and also economic, social and political systems contribute to either poverty, or poverty eradication. The methodological framework of the study is guided by the practical theological methodology of Robert Osmer and the correlational-hermeneutic approach proposed by Jurgen Hendriks. Chapter 1 introduces the research, conceptualization and methodological orientation. Chapter 2, by means of the hermeneutical question, what is going on?, investigates and describes the socio-economic conditions in the world, Africa, South Africa, and the community of Factreton-Kensington in Cape Town, within a “quadrant” framework of economics, politics, religion and the natural environment. Chapter 3 builds on Chapter 2 and again asks the question: what is going on in the world of development? Chapter 3 also asks the question: why is it going on? Given the dialogical nature between theology and contemporary development discourse of this study, Chapter 4 asks the questions, what do the Bible and theological commentators say about poverty? and what ought to be going on? Chapter 5, building on the human rights approach of Chapter 3 and the ethic of love for one’s neighbour of Chapter 4, seeks to dialogically unlock the results that flow from Chapters 3 and 4. In Chapter 5, the questions are asked, Why is it going on? What ought to be going on? and How might we respond? Chapter 6 concludes with the researcher’s perspectives, shared themes in the theological-contemporary development discourse, and recommendations and conclusions based on the study. The central question here is around: How might we respond to poverty in South Africa? Findings indicate that a theological-contemporary development approach based on human rights and the ethic of “concrete” love for one’s neighbour, has much to offer concerning the eradication of poverty in not only South Africa, but in all poverty contexts around the world. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hoewel daar 'n beduidende verbetering in terme van die kwaliteit van die lewe vir baie Suid-Afrikaners sedert 1994 is, is die werklikheid vir 'n beduidende gedeelte van die bevolking nog steeds dié van uiterste armoede. Die Suid-Afrikaanse regering het reuse-vordering gemaak in terme van die beskerming van die mees kwesbare lede van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing deur die Departement van Maatskaplike Ontwikkeling, die Departement van Menslike Nedersettings, ens. Die Kerk as 'n ernstige verandering-agent in die burgerlike samelewing, werk ook as ‘n vennoot van die regering, die korporatiewe wêreld, en ander instellings om te help om die kwaliteit van lewe vir diegene wat sukkel met 'n daaglikse armoede ervaring te verbeter. Ten spyte van die beste pogings van baie rolspelers sowel as die opwaartse mobiliteit van baie mense in die land, wil dit voorkom asof armoede nog steeds 'n bepalende status vir miljoene Suid-Afrikaners inhou. Gevolglik poog hierdie studie om die belangrikheid van die oorsake van armoede aan te spreek eerder as om net die oorweging van die gevolge van armoede te ondersoek. Hierdie studie het dus ten doel om te verstaan hoe die optrede van individue (arm en nie-arm) en ook die ekonomiese, sosiale en politieke stelsels bydra tot armoede, of die uitwissing van armoede. Die metodologiese raamwerk van die studie is gelei deur die prakties-teologiese metodologie van Robert Osmer en die korrelatiewe-hermeneutiese benadering voorgestel deur Jurgen Hendriks. Hoofstuk 1 stel die navorsing, konseptualisering en metodologiese oriëntasie voor. Hoofstuk 2, deur middel van die hermeneutiese vraag, wat gaan aan?, ondersoek en beskryf die sosio-ekonomiese toestande in die wêreld, Afrika, Suid-Afrika, en die gemeenskap van Factreton-Kensington in Kaapstad, binne “n "kwadrant" raamwerk van die ekonomie, politiek, godsdiens en die natuurlike omgewing. Hoofstuk 3 bou voort op Hoofstuk 2 en word die vraag gevra: wat gaan aan in die wêreld van ontwikkeling? Hoofstuk 3 vra ook die vraag: Hoekom is dit aan die gang? Gegewe die dialogiese aard tussen teologie en kontemporêre ontwikkeling diskoers van hierdie studie, vra Hoofstuk 4 dus die vrae, wat sê die Bybel en teologiese kommentators oor armoede? en wat behoort aan die gang te wees? Hoofstuk 5, wat bou op die menseregte benadering van Hoofstuk 3 en die etiek van die liefde vir die naaste van Hoofstuk 4, soek om dialogiese die resultate te ontsluit wat van Hoofstukke 3 en 4 uitvloei. In Hoofstuk 5, word die vrae wat gevra, wat is die rede waarom dit aangaan? wat behoort aan die gang te wees? en hoe kan ons reageer? Hoofstuk 6 word afgesluit met die navorser se perspektiewe, gedeelde temas in die teologiese-hedendaagse ontwikkeling diskoers, en aanbevelings en gevolgtrekkings gebaseer op die studie. Die sentrale vraag hier is dus: Hoe kan ons reageer op armoede in Suid-Afrika? Bevindinge dui daarop dat 'n teologiese-hedendaagse ontwikkeling benadering gebaseer op menseregte en die etiek van "konkrete" liefde vir die naaste, het baie om aan te bied met betrekking tot die uitwissing van armoede nie net in Suid-Afrika nie, maar in alle armoede kontekste regoor die wêreld.

Sport and Recreation as a Recognized and Viable Method for Evangelism in Southern Africa

Ray, Kyle 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (Dipl. Theol.)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The basic premise of this study is to help provide a shift in the way that we think about traditional missionary work in southern Africa. Through the medium of sports ministry or sports evangelism there has been a proven track record of success around the world. Africa is especially a fertile ground for sports ministry because of a number of factors that will be shown in this research. The popularity of sports in Africa is something that not only should the missionary embrace, but the church itself should embrace rather than condemn. As the church moves forward into this next millennium we need to be looking for alternative methods to “doing” ministry in culturally strategic ways. The research study from the pastor’s training workshops in Malawi proved invaluable in the sense that it provided feedback as to what has been done in the churches in the field of sports evangelism; reports of hundreds of people receiving Christ through sports events and also some of the obstacles that the church in Malawi faces as it attempts to endeavor in this relatively new way of doing ministry. This study gives the reader a chance to see the biblical reliability of beginning such a ministry as well as addressing the current social climate in southern Africa. Obstacles and successes have been given equal attention in an effort to paint a realistic picture of doing ministry in southern Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die basiese rede vir hierdie studie is om ‘n skuif te help bewerkstellig in die manier waarop ons oor tradisonele sendingwerk in suidelike Afrika dink. Daar is reeds regoor die wereld bewys dat die medium van sportbediening of sportevangelisasie suksesvol is. Die kontinent van Afrika is veral vrugbare grond vir sport evangelisasie, as gevolg van ‘n hele aantal faktore, wat in hierdie studie bespreek sal word. Die gewildheid van sport in Afrika is ‘n faktor wat nie slegs deur sendelinge omarm behoort te word nie, maar die kerk moet dit ook ondersteun, in plaas daarvan om dit te veroordeel. Soos die kerk voortbeweeg in die nuwe millennium, moet na nuwe maniere gesoek word om die mense te bedien en te evangeliseer in kultureel strategiese maniere. Die navorsingstudie wat gedoen is na verskeie opleidingsessies vir evangeliste in Malawi gehou is, was van onskatbare waarde, omrede dit terugvoering verskaf het oor wat in die kerke gedoen word in terme van sportevangelisasie. Verslae van honderde mense wat Christus aangeneem het by sport byeenkomste, asook sommige van die hindernisse wat die kerk in Malawi trotseer terwyl hulle hierdie relatiewe nuwe manier van evangelisasie aanpak, is ook uitgelig. Hierdie studie gee die leser die kans om die Bybelse betroubaarheid van so ‘n bediening te sien, en spreek ook die huidige sosiale klimaat in suidelike Afrika aan. Daar word gelyke hoeveelheid aandag gegee aan hindernisse en suksesverhale om sodoende ‘n realistiese beeld te verskaf van hierdie soort evangelisasie in Afrika

A post-foundationalist approach towards doing practical theology : a critical comparison of paradigms

Macallan, Brian 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation has sought to examine how a post-foundationalist approach to Practical Theology might look. This was done through a critical appraisal of the paradigms of foundationalism and non-foundationalism. These paradigms were explored in their historical context and development to illustrate the defining differences and features of both. The researcher then explored Practical Theology in its historical development to examine whether it has moved beyond foundationalism. This was further done by examining the last three decades of Practical Theology by a comparison of methodologies currently proposed. It emerged that, in many ways, Practical Theology has moved beyond the paradigm of foundationalism. This was seen in its affirmation of the local context, its use of a correlational hermeneutic and the pastoral cycle. These areas were then fleshed out in further detail in an attempt to delineate a truly non-foundationalist Practical Theology. A missional perspective on Practical Theology became an entry point into detailed discussions with regard to context, as well as to how the various sources of the correlational hermeneutic can best be understood in a post-foundationalist world, in light of the post-modern critique. These unique features are indeed central to a post-foundational approach to doing Practical Theology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif het gepoog om na te vors hoe ʼn post-foundationalistic benadering tot Praktiese Teologie daar sou uitsien. Dit behels ʼn kritiese beoordeling van die foundationalism en nie-foundationalism paradigmas. Hierdie paradigmas is in hul historiese konteks en ontwikkeling ondersoek om die bepalende verskille en kenmerke van albei te illustreer. Daarna het die navorser Praktiese Teologie in sy historiese ontwikkeling ondersoek om vas te stel of dit verby foundationalism beweeg het. Dit is gedoen deur na die laaste drie dekades van Praktiese Teologie se ontwikkeling te kyk en ʼn vergelyking te tref tussen die verskillende benaderings tot die vak. Dit het geblyk dat Praktiese Teologie in vele opsigte buite die paradigma van foundationalism beweeg het. Dit word duidelik as daar gekyk word na sy bevestiging van die plaaslike konteks, sy gebruik van ʼn korrelasie (correlational) hermeneutiek en die pastorale siklus. Hierdie areas is toe aangevul met verdere detail in ʼn poging om ʼn ware nie-foundationalistic Praktiese Teologie uit te beeld. ʼn Missionale perspektief op Praktiese Teologie het ʼn aansluitingspunt vir uitvoerige besprekings met betrekking tot konteks geword, asook tot hoe die verskeie bronne van die korrelasie hermeneutiek die beste verstaan kan word in ʼn post-foundationalistic wêreld, veral in die lig van die post-moderne kritiek. ʼn Missionale perspektief staan sentraal tot ʼn post-foundational benadering in Praktiese Teologie.

An evangelical analysis of Jin-Hong Kim's Mokmin theology

Lee, Jung Mock. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (S.T.M.)--Dallas Theological Seminary, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves [95-102] ).

'N Gemeenskapsgerigte model vir geloofsvorming van tieners in die verbondsgesin deur middel van simbole en rituele

De Wet, Dirk Cornelis. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Prakt. Teol.)--Universiteit van Pretoria, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references.

'N Gemeenskapsgerigte model vir geloofsvorming van tieners in die verbondsgesin deur middel van simbole en rituele /

De Wet, Dirk Cornelis. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Prakt. Teol.)--Universiteit van Pretoria, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 344-357).

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