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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Frontiers in theoretical high energy physics: From physics beyond the standard model to cosmology

Anber, Mohamed M 01 January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on three lines of work. In the first part, we consider aspects of holography and gauge/gravity duality in lower and higher dimensions. In particular, we study the duality for exact solutions localized on the Randal-Sundrum 2-branes. We also test if some holographic principles in general relativity can be generalized to include higher derivative theories of gravity; namely Lovelock gravity. In the second part we consider the role of pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons (pNGBs) in inflationary cosmology. Specifically, we construct an inflationary model using string theory axions, and use these pNGBs to produce the observed coherent magnetic field in the Universe. The third part of the thesis is devoted to the study of the phenomenology of emergent phenomena. We investigated whether one could test if diffeomorphism invariance, the sacred symmetry of general relativity, is emergent. We also construct a new minimal vectorial Standard Model, and argue that the absence of mirror particles predicted by this model can give us a hint about the fundamental nature of space.

NLO QCD And two weak bosons at the LHC

Melia, Tom January 2012 (has links)
We present original calculations of standard model processes involving two weak bosons at NLO in QCD, and study related phenomenology with reference to Higgs boson and new physics searches at the LHC. We employ a new theoretical technique, D-dimensional generalised unitarity, to obtain the multi-particle, one-loop scattering amplitudes for the processes pp → W<sup>+</sup>W<sup>-</sup> + 1j, pp → W<sup>+</sup>W<sup>-</sup> + 2j, pp → W<sup>+</sup>W<sup>+</sup> + 2j, and gg → W<sup>+</sup>W<sup>-</sup>g. We consider the LHC phenomenology of: the W<sup>+</sup>W<sup>-</sup> + n jets background to Higgs searches, for n = 0,1,2; the effects of anomalous tri-linear gauge couplings in WW and WZ production; the background W<sup>+</sup>W<sup>+</sup> + 2j to new physics searches involving like-sign leptons; and a method of spin determination of new states in a scenario where conventional methods fail.

Parity violation in neutron deuteron scattering in pionless effective field theory

Vanasse, Jared J 01 January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation the parity violating neutron deuteron scattering amplitudes are calculated using pionless effective field theory to leading order. The five low energy parity violating constants present in pionless effective field theory are estimated by matching onto the ``best" values for the parameters of the model by Desplanques, Donoghue, and Holstein (DDH). Using these estimates and the calculated amplitudes, predictions for the spin rotation of a neutron through a deuteron target are given with a value of 1.8 × 10-8 rad cm-1. Also given are the longitudinal analyzing power in neutron deuteron scattering with a polarized neutron yielding 2.2 × 10-8, and a polarized deuteron giving 4.0 × 10-8. These observables are discussed in the broader context of hadronic parity violation and as possible future experiments to determine the values of the five low energy parity violating constant present in pionless effective theory.

Cosmological consequences of supersymmetric flat directions

Riva, Francesco January 2009 (has links)
In this work we analyze various implications of the presence of large field vacum expectation values (VEVs) along supersymmetric flat directions during the early universe. First, we discuss supersymmetric leptogenesis and the gravitino bound. Supersym- metric thermal leptogenesis with a hierarchical right-handed neutrino mass spectrum normally requires the mass of the lightest right-handed neutrino to be heavier than about 109 GeV. This is in conflict with the upper bound on the reheating temperature which is found by imposing that the gravitinos generated during the reheating stage after inflation do not jeopardize successful nucleosynthesis. We show that a solution to this tension is actually already incorporated in the framework, because of the presence of flat directions in the supersymmetric scalar potential. Massive right- handed neutrinos are efficiently produced non-thermally and the observed baryon asymmetry can be explained even for a reheating temperature respecting the gravitino bound if two conditions are satisfied: the initial value of the flat direction must be close to Planckian values and the phase-dependent terms in the flat direction potential are either vanishing or sufficiently small. We then show that flat directions also contribute to the total curvature perturbation. Such perturbation is generated at the first oscillation of the flat direction condensate when the latter relaxes to the minimum of its potential after the end of inflation. If the contribution to the total curvature perturbation from supersymmetric flat direction is the dominant one, then a significant level of non-Gaussianity in the cosmological perturbation is also naturally expected. Finally, we argue that supersymmetric flat direction VEVs can decay non perturbatively via preheating even in the case where they undergo elliptic motion in the complex plane instead of radial motion through the origin. It has been generally argued that in this case adiabaticity is never violated and preheating is inefficient. Considering a toy U(1) gauge theory, we explicitly calculate the scalar potential, in the unitary gauge, for excitations around several flat directions. We show that the mass matrix for the excitations has non-diagonal entries which vary with the phase of the flat direction vacuum expectation value. Furthermore, this mass matrix has zero eigenvalues whose eigenstates change with time. We show that these light degrees of freedom are produced copiously in the non-perturbative decay of the flat direction VEV.

The string axiverse and cosmology

Marsh, David J. E. January 2012 (has links)
This thesis studies the cosmology of ultra-light scalar fields with masses in the range 10<sup>−33</sup> eV ? m ? 10<sup>−18</sup> eV and their effects on cosmology. The existence of such fields is motivated by the theoretical framework of the "String Axiverse". All types of string theory contain multiple axion fields associated with antisymmetric tensor fields compactified on closed cycles in the compact space. Since the masses of these fields scale exponentially with the volume of the cycle, it is possible for them to be naturally light. We study the effects of these fields as a component of the dark matter and show analytically and numerically that they cause a suppression of structure formation on cosmological scales set by the inverse mass. We show that it will be possible with future galaxy redshift and weak lensing surveys to detect an ultra- light field comprising of order a percent of the total dark matter. If such a field is allowed to couple to the geometry that provided its mass via a phenomenological scalar potential for the axion and modulus, then the expansion of the universe can be altered significantly. In particular, we find that it is possible to have multiple epochs of accelerated expansion over a large region of parameter space, and to have a flat universe with a big crunch in the distant future. Finally, we address the issue of isocurvature perturbations in axion cosmologies, and demonstrate that in the ultra-light case the power spectrum is effected. This may have implications for the conclusions made about fine tuning in the axiverse in relation to a potential detection of tensor modes in the CMB that are different to the case of a standard axion.

On moduli stabilisation and cosmology in type IIB flux compactifications

Gil Pedro, Francisco M. S. V. January 2012 (has links)
This Thesis studies some aspects of string compactifications with particular em- phasis on moduli stabilisation and cosmology. In Chapter 1 I motivate the study of string compactifications as a way to build on the successes of the Standard Model of Particle Physics and of the theory of General Relativity. Chapter 2 constitutes an overview of the technical background necessary for the study of flux compactifications. I sketch how the desire to obtain a supersymmet- ric theory in four dimensions constrains us to consider compactifications of the ten dimensional theory in six dimensional Calabi-Yau orientifolds. I argue that it is strictly necessary to stabilise the geometry of this compact space in order to have a phenomenologically viable four dimensional theory. I introduce the large volume scenario of type IIB compactifications that successfully incorporates fluxes and sub- leading corrections to yield a four dimensional theory with broken supersymmetry and all geometrical moduli stabilised. The next four Chapters are devoted to the study of some phenomenological aspects of moduli stabilisation and constitute the original work developed for this Thesis. In Chapter 3 I investigate the consequences of field redefinitions in the stabilisation of moduli and supersymmetry breaking, finding that redefinitions of the small blow- up moduli do not significantly alter the standard picture of moduli stabilisation in the large volume scenario and that the soft supersymmetry breaking terms are generated at the scale of the gravitino mass. Chapter 4 deals with the putative destabilisation of the volume modulus by very dense objects. The analysis of the moduli potential shows that even the densest astrophysical objects cannot destabilise the moduli, and that destabilisation is only achievable in the context of black hole formation and cosmological singularities. In Chapter 5 I present a model of inflation within the large volume scenario. The inflaton is identified with a geometric modulus, the fibre modulus, and its potential generated by poly-instanton effects. The model is shown to be robust and consistent with current observational constraints. In Chapter 6 I introduce a model of quintessence, where the quintessence field and its potential share the same origin with the inflationary model of the previous Chapter. This model constitutes a stringy realisation of supersymmetric large extra dimensions, where supersymmetry, the low gravity scale and the scale of dark energy are intrinsically connected. I conclude in Chapter 7 outlining the direction of future research.

Sequestering of Kähler moduli in type IIB string theory

Witkowski, Lukas Thomas January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis we employ string perturbation theory in toroidal orbifold models to study aspects of supersymmetry breaking in type IIB string theory. First, we determine the dependence of physical Yukawa couplings on blow-up moduli in models with D3-branes at orbifold singularities. Blow-up moduli are scalar fields describing the size of small blow-up cycles in the compactification geometry. In models implementing moduli stabilisation these fields can acquire F-terms and break supersymmetry. We examine the moduli-dependence of physical Yukawa couplings at string tree-level by computing disk correlation functions involving a Yukawa interaction of visible sector fields and an arbitrary number of blow-up moduli. We perform the calculation for one blow-up insertion explicitly and find that the correlation function vanishes if the blow-up modulus is associated with a small cycle distant to the visible sector. For more than one blow-up insertion we show that all such correlation functions are exponentially suppressed by the compactification volume. We explain how these results are relevant to suppressing soft terms to scales parametrically below the gravitino mass. Further, we determine corrections to holomorphic Yukawa couplings on D3-branes at an orbifold singularity due to non-perturbative effects such as gaugino condensation on a stack of D7-branes. This can be done by calculating a one-loop threshold correction to the gauge coupling on the D7-branes. We show that, if present, the new contributions to Yukawa couplings are not aligned with the tree-level couplings. As the new Yukawa couplings contribute to soft A-terms they are sources of flavour-changing neutral currents. Last we discuss an effect unrelated to supersymmetry breaking. We show that orbifold models with D3-branes at orbifold singularities can exhibit kinetic mixing of different massless Abelian factors. For this to be possible, the relevant U(1) factors have to be associated with more than one orbifold singularity.

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