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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Se penso, é porque existo: as construções correlativas com \'se...verbo ser + porque\' sob uma perspectiva funcionalista / If I think, it is because I exist: correlative constructions with if verb to be + because in Brazilian Portuguese according to a functionalist approach to language

Renata Margarido 29 September 2016 (has links)
Nesta tese, objetiva-se investigar o funcionamento sintático, semântico e pragmático das construções com se... verbo ser + porque sob uma perspectiva da teoria funcionalista da linguagem. Utilizam-se os postulados de Dik (1989), que propõe um modelo de interação verbal, segundo o qual, na construção dos enunciados linguísticos, o falante antecipa uma possível interpretação do ouvinte e este reconstrói a intenção comunicativa do falante. Assim, na análise dos enunciados, os fatores sintático e semântico são conjugados ao componente pragmático. Baseia-se, ainda, nas considerações de Taylor (2003) e Rosch (2004), que defendem que as fronteiras de uma categoria são flexíveis; tal ideia conduz à questão da fluidez semântica, presente na construção com se... ser porque. Em relação à metodologia, para a exemplificação da construção em estudo na parte teórica, usam-se textos jornalísticos contemporâneos de diversificados gêneros discursivos; para a análise semântica e pragmática, utilizam-se entrevistas jornalísticas (contemporâneas), pois estas trazem natureza interativa, compatível com a construção em pauta; para o exame da formação da estrutura com se... ser porque, adota-se, especialmente, o Corpus do Português, visto que esse material permite a visualização de dados em uma diacronia. No que concerne à natureza sintática das construções com se... ser porque, verifica-se que: i) elas constituem uma correlação entre duas hipotaxes; ii) elas são construções híbridas, e as orações condicional e causal não possuem oração matriz explícita. No que tange à questão semântica, aliada ao componente pragmático, observa-se que: i) a oração com se pode ser factual, demonstrando, por exemplo, concordância do locutor em relação à avaliação feita pelo interlocutor; ii) a oração com se pode ser hipotética, sentido que, na estrutura com se... ser porque, é compatível com a expressão da habitualidade, com a presença do matiz temporal; iii) há, muitas vezes, fluidez semântica em se... ser porque, com a manifestação dos valores de causa e de conclusão; iv) a leitura causal não se limita a uma relação entre causa e consequência, pois há casos em que se manifesta uma conexão entre motivação e ação; v) são expressos dois tipos de conclusão, a dedução e a abdução; e a determinação do tipo de conclusão envolve certa subjetividade, não se restringindo, assim, a uma questão lógica. Em relação à organização discursiva, constata-se que: i) a oração condicional atua como tópico, trazendo resumo, paráfrase, contraste ou exemplificação; ii) o verbo ser atua como focalizador, tomando como escopo a segunda oração da correlação e explicitando, muitas vezes, informação nova; iii) a oração com ser porque é utilizada para anular outras inferências possíveis, e o segmento focalizado indica, entre outros aspectos, informação solicitada pelo interlocutor, negação de ideia exposta anteriormente, confirmação. A partir dos resultados obtidos, é possível questionar conceitos tradicionalmente estabelecidos, como a atribuição apenas do sentido de hipótese à oração condicional e somente do valor semântico de causa à oração causal. Além disso, esta tese tem como objeto de estudo uma construção ainda pouco investigada em pesquisas linguísticas, podendo, assim, oferecer subsídios para novas reflexões sobre a estrutura com se... ser porque. / This research investigates the syntactic, semantic and pragmatic operation of constructions with \"if... verb to be + because\" under the perspective of the functionalist theory of language. The Dik\'s (1989) postulates are used. They propose a verbal interaction model, according to which, in the construction of linguistic utterances, the speaker anticipates a possible interpretation of the listener, who reconstructs the communicative intention of the speaker. Thus, in the analysis of the utterances, the syntactic and semantic factors are conjugated to the pragmatic component. It is also based on considerations of Taylor (2003) and Rosch (2004), who advocate that the boundaries of a category are flexible; such idea leads to the question of semantic fluidity, present in the construction with if... be because. Regarding the methodology for exemplification of the construction under study in theoretical part, contemporary journalistic texts of diverse genres are used; for semantic and pragmatic analysis, contemporary journalistic interviews are used, as these bring interactive nature, compatible with the construction in question; for examination of the formation of the structure if... be because, the \"Corpus of Portuguese \" is embraced, specially, as this material allows the visualization of data in a diachrony. Regarding the syntactic nature of constructions with if... be because, it can be noticed that: i) they constitute a correlation between two hypotaxis constructions; ii) they are hybrid constructions, and conditional and causal clauses have no matrix clause. Regarding the semantic issue, allied to pragmatic component, it is observed that: i) clauses with if may be factual, showing, for example, agreement of the speaker in relation to the assessment made by the interlocutor; ii) clauses with if may be hypothetical, a meaning that in the structure if... be because is compatible with the habitual expression, with presence of temporal nuance; iii) quite often, there is semantic fluidity in if... be because, due to manifestation of cause and conclusion values; iv) causal reading is not limited to a relation between cause and consequence, as there are cases in which a connection between motivation and action is manifested; v) two types of conclusion are expressed, deduction and abduction; and determining the type of conclusion involves some subjectivity, thus, it is not restricted to a logical issue. Regarding the discursive organization, it is confirmed that: i) conditional clauses act as a topic, bringing summary, paraphrase, contrast or exemplification; ii) the verb to be acts as a focusing event, taking the second correlation sentence as a scope and, quite often, clarifying new information; iii) clauses with be because are used to nullify other possible inferences, and the focused segment indicates, among other aspects, information requested by the interlocutor, denial of previously exposed idea, and confirmation. From the results obtained, it is possible to enquire traditionally established concepts, as the assignment of only hypothesis sense to conditional clauses and of only the cause semantic value to causal clauses. Moreover, this thesis has as object of study a construction still poorly investigated in linguistic research, thus, it can offer subsidies to new reflection about the structure if... be because.

A troca da vibrante por tepe em onset silábico : uma análise de variação e mudança linguística na comunidade bilíngue de Flores da Cunha (RS)

Azeredo, Priscila Silvano January 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa ocupa-se em investigar, à luz da Teoria da Variação laboviana, o emprego de tepe em lugar de vibrante em onset silábico na fala da comunidade bilíngue (português-italiano) de Flores da Cunha (RS), alternância que não se verifica na fala de monolíngues-português. Utilizaram-se dados de dois bancos, VARSUL e BDSer, levantados de entrevistas realizadas em 1990 e 2009, o que possibilitou fazer um estudo em tempo real. A análise da fala de 40 informantes, 20 de cada banco, revelou um decréscimo na frequência total de aplicação da regra: 41% nos dados do VARSUL, 31% nos do BDSer, indício de regressão da regra. Na análise em tempo real, estudo de tendência, observou-se semelhança no papel favorecedor ou desfavorecedor das variáveis controladas, exceto no que diz respeito à variável Idade. O estudo de painel mostrou que os informantes diminuíram a aplicação da regra com o passar dos anos, o que contraria a expectativa de estabilidade do padrão linguístico da fala adulta. / This is a research about the use of tap where a trill is expected in Brazilian Portuguese, which does not occur in the speech of monolinguals, but can be verified in the speech of Portuguese-Italian bilinguals who live in the city of Flores da Cunha (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). The analysis follows the Theory of Language Variation, by William Labov. The data come from two different sources, VARSUL and BDSer data banks, which have sociolinguistic interviews recorded in 1990 and 2009. This fact enabled us to carry out a real time study. The analysis of the speech of 40 informants, 20 from each bank, showed a decrease in the total frequency of rule application: 41% in the speech of VARSUL informants, 31% in the speech of BDSer informants, a sign of rule regression. The real time analysis, tendency study, showed that the role of the variables under control has not changed along 20 years, except the role of the variable Age. The pannel study showed a decrease in rule application by the three informants studied. This goes against the expectation of a stable linguistic behavior in adult speech.

Úvod do teorie jazykové správnosti / Introduction to the Theory of Language Correctness

Beneš, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Introduction to the Theory of Language Correctness. The theme of this Thesis is the novel conceptualization of the subject field, which is, in the Czech context, traditionally dealt with within the theory of language cultivation, from the perspective of the so-called ontological "socialism" (esp. Itkonen, 1978; 2003). The first two chapters explain why the subject field of the (theory of) language cultivation is to be newly approached from this very perspective. The conceptual discussion in the first chapter identifies three underresearched factors (reaction of the Protectorate elites to the Nazi occupation policy; variety-based approach to the "language" and physicalism) that had negative effect to the debate on these questions and therefore they should not be taken into consideration; the terminological discussion in the second chapter supports the claim that it is not suitable to associate the traditional term (theory of) language cultivation with this novel conceptualization. The third chapter introduces in detail the so-called ontological "socialism" according to which there are not only spatiotemporal entities, i.e. language means, but also non-spatiotemporal entities, i.e. language rules qua actually existing social facts, in the subject field of linguistics. The fourth chapter provides a...

Postavení rodilého mluvčího a jiné kvalifikační předpoklady na trhu překladatelských služeb: Marketingové strategie a strategie nastavování cen překladatelských agentur / Native-speaker status and other qualifications in the translation services market: Marketing and price-setting strategies of translation agencies

Šebesta, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This study combines linguistic and economic points of view to deliver insights into two national translation services markets. Translation services form a relatively large market and provide quite a high number of jobs globally. In this industry, which is largely unregulated by government bodies, translation agencies have the potential to act as quality warrantors by applying elaborate quality-assurance procedures and requiring their freelance translators to possess certain qualifications. A controversial yet widely mentioned qualification is being a native speaker of a specific language. Drawing on a critique of the conventional "native speaker" concept and on insights from economics, Language Management Theory, and critical discourse analysis, this study investigates how the native-speaker status, along with other translator qualifications, is used as an argument for higher quality and a higher price in marketing and price-setting strategies of translation agencies in the Czech Republic and Germany when it comes to a technical translation into a non-local language. The research makes use of the market-research technique called "mystery shopping" and is designed as a combination of experimental and observational qualitative research methods. The four distinct stages, which correspond with...

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