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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Low velocity impact energy absorption of fibrous metal-matrix composites using smart materials.

Gopal, Ajith Karamshiel. January 2003 (has links)
In general, the basic concept of an intelligent material is defined as the multifunctional material that has a sensor, a processor and an actuator function in the material that allows it to maintain optimum conditions in response to environmental changes. Despite the fact that these materials have demonstrated varying degrees of success in shape and position control, active and passive control of vibration and acoustic transmission of materials subjected to dynamic loads, impact damage and creep resistance in structures and have been applied in industries from aerospace to biomechanics to civil engineering structures, very little literature is available on the subject. Thus, the objective of this dissertation is to add to the fundamental understanding of the behaviour of these special materials by investigating the possibility of a magnetostrictive SMA hybrid metalmatrix composite beam with piezoelectric actuator, to enhance the materials load attenuation and energy absorption characteristics under low velocity impact loading. The methodology employed in this investigation is driven by two primary factors. The first is the unique approach that the author puts forward to attempt to simplify the characterisation of damage in not just metal matrix composites, but in materials in general. The second factor is the lack of available literature on smart material energy absorption as well as a lack of precise theory for short fibre composites. The methodology includes an extensive literature review, the development of an analytical model, based on the new damage modulus approach, verification of the model using experimental results presented by Agag et. aI., adjustment of the model to include smart material effects and finally numerical simulation using the MATLAB® software to predict the effect of smart materials on the energy absorption capacity of the material under impact. The results show that the damage modulus (ED) is a material characteristic and can be derived from the stress strain diagram. Further, it takes into account degradation of the material through the plastic region, up to the point just before ultimate failure. Thus, ED lends itself to the simplification of many damage models in terms of a reducing sustainable load and energy absorption capacity. Only the energy consumed through material rupture remains to be characterised. The results also show that smart fibres diminish the capacity of the beam to sustain a load, but increase the displacement to failure. Thus, for a compatible substrate material, this increased displacement translates to a significant enhancement of energy absorption characteristics. The effect of prestrain on energy absorption is also considered and there appears to be a definite turning point where the dissertation thus achieves its objective in investigating the ability of smart materials to enhance the energy absorption characteristics of regular fibre reinforced metal-matrix composite materials subject to low velocity impact loading. Of equal importance to the achievement of this objective is the introduction in the dissertation of the unique damage modulus that goes to the foundation of material characterisation for mechanical engineering design and has profound implications in damage theory and future design methodologies. Significant learning has taken place in the execution of this PhD endeavour and this dissertation will no doubt contribute to other investigations in the field of smart materials. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal,Durban,2003.

Crashworthiness modelling of thin-walled composite structures.

Morozov, Konstantin E. January 2003 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the study of the crashworthiness of thin-walled composite structures. Composites are being used more and more in different fields of engineering, particularly, in aerospace and automotive industries because of their high strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios, quality and cost advantages. More and more metal parts in cars for instance become or are already replaced by new advanced materials. Composite materials are included in these new advanced materials with the following advantages: weight reduction, corrosion resistance, aesthetics and style, isolation and the ability to integrate several parts into one single structural component. The introduction of new composite structural components (body panels, bumpers, crash absorbers, etc.) requires the development and implementation of new approaches to structural analysis and design. Crashworthiness is one of the foremost goals of aircraft and automotive design. It depends very much on the response of various components which absorb the energy of the crash. In order to design components for crashworthy structures, it is necessary to understand the effects of loading conditions, material behaviour, and structural response. Due to the complexity of the material structure (matrix reinforced with fibres) and specific mechanical properties the nature of transforming the collision kinetic energy into material deformation energy differs from that of conventional metal alloys. The energy absorption mechanics are different for the advanced composites and depend on the material structure (type of reinforcement) and structural design. The primary function of the energy absorption for the composites belongs to the progressive crushing of the materials themselves and structural components (beams, tubes, etc.) made of such materials. Since the mechanics of composite materials and structural components differs substantially from the conventional applications there is a need to develop an appropriate way of modelling and analysis relevant to this problem. Currently there are a large variety of design approaches, test results, and research investigations into the problem under consideration depending on the type of composite material and design geometry of the parts. It has been found that in general an application of fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) to vehicle compartments can satisfy the structural requirements of the passenger compartment including high strength and light weight. Implementation of new advanced composite materials provides the opportunity to develop designs of reliable structural composite parts in high volume for improved automotive fuel economy. Structural optimisation and crashworthiness of composite components should be incorporated into design calculations to control the mechanical performance. The introduction which follows describes the aims of the present study of the crashworthiness modelling and simulation of the structural response of thin-walled composite components which are subjected to various loading conditions relevant to vehicle design. The research programme undertaken within the framework of this project includes development and validation of the modelling and simulation methodology applicable to the crashworthiness analysis of thin-walled composite structures. Development of computerised dynamic modelling of structural components offers the capability of investigating the design parameters without building the actual physical prototypes. In this approach, the dynamic behaviour of the structure is simulated for specified external inputs, and from the corresponding response data the designer is able to determine its dynamic response characteristics, and estimate the crashworthiness of the structure in vehicle engineering applications. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2003.

Influence of wagon structure on the vertical response of freight.

Loubser, Richard Clive. January 2002 (has links)
Historically, wagons have been designed according to the American Association of Railroads specifications. These require that wagons be designed to withstand a static load between the couplers of 350 tons. This implies that the structure has a certain stiffness. In order to improve load to tare ratio, there has been talk of reducing the end load specifications. This implies that the stiffness of the wagon will reduce. Using more flexible wagons implies that the freight will probably be exposed to a harsher dynamic environment. There is a trade off between the cost of packaging and the cost of protection devices installed in the vehicle. If handling damage can be prevented then an understanding of the dynamic environment will assist in reducing the packaging requirement. This research looked at the dynamic characteristics of an existing design of wagon using modal analysis. The results from the modal analysis were extended to be inputs to the time domain freight model. Various analytical models of the freight were developed depending on the configuration and dynamic properties. Special consideration was given to a cylinder with its axis transverse to the wagon. The modal model was modified to accommodate the change in mass imposed by the freight. The various sources of dynamic excitation were explored, namely inputs from the coupler and from the bogie. Data from shunting yard simulations were used to generate spectra as input to the wagon model. The objective was to use modal techniques to be able to take individual components, form them into a complete model and make informed decisions about the suitability of a certain configuration for traffic. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2002.

Optimum design of grid structures of revolution using homogenised model.

Slinchenko, Denys. January 2000 (has links)
The present study involves analysis and design optimisation of lattice composite structures using symbolic computation. The concept of a homogenised model is used to represent heterogeneous composite isogrid structure as a homogeneous structure with the stiffness equivalent to the original grid structure. A new homogenisation technique is developed and used in the present study. The configuration of a unit cell and the geometrical parameters of the ribs of a composite isogrid cylinder are optimised subject to a strength criterion in order to maximise externally applied loading to provide maximum strength and stiffness of the structure as a whole. The effects of tension and torsion on the optimum design are investigated. Special purpose computation routines are developed using the symbolic computation package Mathematica for the calculation of equivalent stiffness of a structure, failure analysis and calculation of optimum design parameters. The equivalent stiffness homogenisation approach, in conjunction with optimum search routines, is used to determine the optimal values of the design variables. The numerical approach employed in the present study was necessitated by the computational inefficiency and conventional difficulties of linking the optimiser and the FEM analysis package for calculating the stress resultants used in the optimisation process. These drawbacks were successfully overcome by developing special purpose symbolic computation routines to compute stress resultants directly in the program using a new homogenisation approach for the model with equivalent stiffness. In the design optimisation of cylindrical isogrids the computational efficiency of the optimisation algorithm is improved and good accuracy of the results has been achieved. The investigation on the basis of failure analysis shows that the difference in the value of the maximum load applied to the optimal and non-optimal isogrid structure can be quite substantial, emphasising the importance of optimisation for the composite isogrid structures. The computational efficiency of optimisation algorithms is critical and therefore special purpose symbolic computation routines are developed for its improvement. A number of optimal design problems for isogrid structures are solved for the case of maximum applied load design. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.

Analysis and design optimization of laminated composite structures using symbolic computation.

Summers, Evan. January 1994 (has links)
The present study involves the analysis and design optimization of thin and thick laminated composite structures using symbolic computation. The fibre angle and wall thickness of balanced and unbalanced thin composite pressure vessels are optimized subject to a strength criterion in order to maximise internal pressure or minimise weight, and the effects of axial and torsional forces on the optimum design are investigated. Special purpose symbolic computation routines are developed in the C programming language for the transformation of coordinate axes, failure analysis and the calculation of design sensitivities. In the study of thin-walled laminated structures, the analytical expression for the thickness of a laminate under in-plane loading and its sensitivity with respect to the fibre orientation are determined in terms of the fibre orientation using symbolic computation. In the design optimization of thin composite pressure vessels, the computational efficiency of the optimization algorithm is improved via symbolic computation. A new higher-order theory which includes the effects of transverse shear and normal deformation is developed for the analysis of laminated composite plates and shells with transversely isotropic layers. The Mathematica symbolic computation package is employed for obtaining analytical and numerical results on the basis of the higher-order theory. It is observed that these numerical results are in excellent agreement with exact three-dimensional elasticity solutions. The computational efficiency of optimization algorithms is important and therefore special purpose symbolic computation routines are developed in the C programming language for the design optimization of thick laminated structures based on the higher-order theory. Three optimal design problems for thick laminated sandwich plates are considered, namely, the minimum weight, minimum deflection and minimum stress design. In the minimum weight problem, the core thickness and the fibre content of the surface layers are optimally determined by using equations of micromechanics to express the elastic constants. In the minimum deflection problem, the thicknesses of the surface layers are chosen as the design variables. In the minimum stress problem, the relative thicknesses of the layers are computed such that the maximum normal stress will be minimized. It is shown that this design analysis cannot be performed using a classical or shear-deformable theory for the thick panels under consideration due to the substantial effect of normal deformation on the design variables. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1994.

Optimisation of the process parameters of the resin film infusion process.

Von Klemperer, Christopher Julian. January 1999 (has links)
The resin film infusion process or RFI is a vacuum assisted moulding method for producing high quality fibre reinforced components. The goals of this research have been to investigate this new process, with the aim of determining how the process could be used by the South African composites industry. This included factors such as suitable materials systems, and optimum process parameters. The RFI process is a new composite moulding method designed to allow fibre reinforced products to be manufactured with the ease of pre-preg materials while still allowing any dry reinforcement material to be used. The high pressures required for traditional manufacturing methods such as autoclaves, matched dies and R TM can be avoided while still having very accurate control over the fibre / resin ratio. Moreover, the RFI process is a "dry" process and hence avoids many of the environmental and health concerns associated with wet lay-up and vacuum bag techniques. Furthermore the simple lay-up process requires less skill than a wet lay-up and vacuum bag method. Through a combination of mathematical modelling and physical testing, a material system has been identified. The primary process parameters were identified and a strenuous regime of testing was performed to find optimum values of these parameters. These results were finally feed back into the development of the mathematical model. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1999.

Modelling saturated tearing modes in tokamaks.

McLoud, Willem Stephanus. January 1992 (has links)
In this thesis a model for saturated tearing mode islands is developed. The equations for the mode amplitudes are essentially those of R B White et al,after a pertubation expansion has been made. It is well known that these equations are not then analytic at the mode rational surface. In our model this problem is overcome when a suitable choice of the axisymmetric current density perturbation is added to the unperturbed equilibrium current density profile. The modelled axisymmetric current density perturbation flattens the unperturbed profile locally at the rational surface and is sufficient to induce an island. No modelling in the interior of the island is necessary. The axisymmetric perturbation has a free variable which adjusts the amount of local flattening. However, when the boundary conditions are taken into account, this free parameter is determined, and the problem becomes an eigenvalue problem. The boundary condition thus determines the amount of local flattening at the rational surface. The saturated island widths are determined using D.' (W) criterion. The model allows for non axsymmetric plasma surface in a simple way, requiring careful choice of D (W). The different criteria are compared to establish the validity of the use of such criteria for perturbed boundaries. In the cylindrical approximation, one or two modes may be included in the model. In the case of two modes, non-linear coupling via the current density profile is introduced. Toroidal coupling between modes can also be simply introduced. Two modes that are toroidally coupled are considered, but mode-mode coupling is ignored. The emphasis falls in large part on the boundary conditions. Various boundary conditions can be considered because distortion of the plasma surface can be fixed by wall effects, plasma rotation, external DC coil currents, plasma rotation with external coil currents, etc. Of particular interest is the case of toroidally coupled modes, coupled in turn to these external conditions as this is the first study of such a nature. Results flowing from the study include among others that: for the special case of circular boundaries the model agrees reasonably with the results of R B White et al. No significant difference was found between the D. I (W) criterion of P H Rutherford, which is valid for circular boundaries, and that of A H Reiman, which is also valid for perturbed boundaries, when the boundary is perturbed significantly. Toroidally coupled islands do not increase in size if the boundary condition of that particular mode is not changed. If a coil current of particular helicity is switched on, it will only affect the mode of that particular helicity. Toroidally induced sideband islands have approximately the same width as natural tearing islands when the size of the natural island is large. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1992.

Investigation into on-line optimization of cutting tool geometry.

Bosch, Christiaan Wilhelm. January 1996 (has links)
Metal cutting is an important process used to manufacture components with machined surfaces or holes. Due to the wide usage o f this manufacturing process, research with the aim to optimize the cutting processes is important. Improving cutting techniques even mild)s can result in major cost savings in high volume production. Better machining practices will result in products of better precision and of greater useful life . Benefits can also be had from increasing the rate of production and producing a bigger variety of .. products with the tools available. The area of metal cutting has been researched widely by people like Tourrett, Taylor, Cohen, Davis and many others to find improved techniques and methods. This project was conducted to improve cutting conditions by ensuring that the tool geometry is always optimal . The effect of tool geometry on cutting performance has been discussed in detail by many researchers, but the practical application of these theories is an area that needs further attention. For this project a device was developed to vary the tool geometry with stepper motors on command from the controller. This device was used for research into the viability of varying tool geometry during machining to obtain different cutting conditions. Stepper motors ensure high accuracy in the control of tool geometries. The ease of controlling stepper motors, also simplified the controlling program and communication devices a lot. Rotating the stepper motors results in rotation o f the tool holder around the tool tip. Tool angles are varied without affecting the other cutting parameters like the depth o f cut, metal removal rate and cutting speed. With these cutting parameters staying the same, the change in tool geometry should result in a change in the power consumed during cutting and the force required for cutting . Other measurements for cutting performance like temperature of the tool and workpiece and the acoustic print of the tool will also change. Results prove that cutting force measurement can be used effectively to measure the optimal cutting conditions . The back rake angles and side rake angles have the biggest influence of all the tool angles on metal cutting . This is demonstrated by a number of researchers [28] as discussed in section 2 . 2. This thesis proves how the on-line changing of tool geometry, ensures the optimal cutting conditions. / Thesis (Ph.D.-Mechanical Engineering)-University of Natal, 1996.

Coriolis effect on the stability of convection in mushy layers during the solidification of binary alloys.

Govender, Saneshan. January 2000 (has links)
We consider the solidification of a binary alloy in a mushy layer subject to Coriolis effects. A near-eutectic approximation and large far-field temperature is employed in order to study the dynamics of the mushy layer in the form of small deviations from the classical case of convection in a horizontal porous layer of homogenous permeability. The linear stability theory is used to investigate analytically the Corio lis effect in a rotating mushy layer for, a diffusion time scale used by Amberg & Homsey (1993) and Anderson & Worster (1996), and for a new diffusion time scale proposed in the current study. As such, it is found that in contrast to the problem of a stationary mushy layer, rotating the mushy layer has a stabilising effect on convection. For the case of the new diffusion time scale proposed by the author, it is established that the viscosity at high rotation rates has a destabilising effect on the onset of stationary convection, ie. the higher the viscosity, the less stable the liquid. Finite amplitude results obtained by using a weak non-linear analysis provide differential equations for the amplitude, corresponding to both stationary and overstable convection. These amplitude equations permit one to identify from the post-transient conditions that the fluid is subject to a pitchfork bifurcation in the stationary case and to a Hopf bifurcation associated with the overstable convection. Heat transfer results were evaluated from the amplitude solution and are presented in terms of the Nusselt number for both stationary and overstable convection. They show that rotation enhances the convective heat transfer in the case of stationary convection and retards convective heat transfer in the oscillatory case, but only for low values of the parameter X I = 8 Pr ~ 0 So· The parameter 1/ X I represents the coefficient of the time derivative term in the Darcy equation. For high X I values, the contribution from the time derivative term is small (and may be neglected), whilst for small X I values the time derivative term may be retained. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Durban-Westville, 2000.

A mechanistic evaluation and design of tunnel support systems for deep level South African mines.

Haile, Andrew Thurlo. January 1999 (has links)
The design of support systems, comprising rock bolt reinforcement and fabric containment components for tunnels in deep level mining environments does not currently cater well for adverse rock mass conditions. This often results in periodic failure of the support system, particularly under dynamic (rockburst) conditions with the potential for total collapse of the excavation. The design of support systems is currently based either on empirical design guidelines often not applicable to this environment or simple mechanistic models. This thesis details a methodology for the rational design of tunnel support systems based on a mechanistic evaluation of the interaction between the components of a support system and a highly discontinuous rock mass structure. This analysis is conducted under both static and dynamic loading conditions. Due to the highly complex and variable nature of the rock mass structure and the dynamic loading environment, a large component of the practical work on the evaluation of the mechanisms of rock mass deformation and support interaction is based on rockburst case studies. The understanding gained from these investigations is further evaluated by means of laboratory testing of the performance of the components of the support systems and numerical modelling of the interaction of the components of the support system with the rock mass. Due to the complex nature of this design environment the methodology developed in this thesis is but a step towards our greater understanding of the behaviour of the rock mass, and the interaction of support systems in the stabilisation of tunnel excavations. However, in comparison to the current design, this methodology now allows the design engineer to make better estimations of the anticipated demand on the different components of the support systems, under a defined rock mass environment on engineering principles. This understanding will give the design engineer greater flexibility, and confidence to design the appropriate tunnel support system for a specific rock mass and loading condition based on the often limited availability of different support units in the underground mining environment. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1999.

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