Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hemorheology"" "subject:"chemorheology""
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'n Prakties-teologiese ondersoek na die konflik in die transformasieproses in die Nederduits Gereformeerde Gemeente Op-die-bergMuller, Willem H. B. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study is to gain clarity on the conflict that occurs around the minister in the congregation. The following questions will be asked: Why did the conflict occur, what caused it and how was this conflict handled? If there was a better understanding of the cause of the conflict, it can be better managed in the future. The following research question is formulated: What were the biggest hurdles in the missional transformation process in the Dutch Reformed Congregation Op-die-Berg en how was this unlocked? The notion of members of what the essence of the essence and being of the church is and what they expect of the minister play a very important part in the changing context in which the congregation try to discover her missional vocation and actually live missionally.
For the purpose of the study the work was done within the field of practical theology on the basis of Richard Osmer’s (2008) model of practical theology. He explored four questions that guided our interpretation and our response to the situation. The four questions are: What is going on? Why is this going on? What ought to be going on? How might we respond? Answering these questions is the four tasks of practical theological interpretation. These tasks are: The descriptive-empirical task; gathering information that help us discern patterns and dynamics in particular situations and contexts. The interpretive task; drawing on theories of the arts and sciences to have a better understanding of and explain why these patterns and dynamics are occurring. The normative task; using theological concepts to interpret particular situations and constructing ethical norms to guide our responses. The pragmatic task: determining strategies of action that will influence situations in ways that are desirable and entering into a reflective conversation. Together, these four tasks constitute the basic structure of practical theological interpretation. A metaphor to describe this process will be that of a spiral and not a circle. Chapters two to six is a discussion of these questions en tasks.
The hermeneutical lens of the research is the question of the missio Dei and the role of the Trinitarian God in the transformation process. The research want to help members to answer the question: How might we respond? Thus, they will be able to understand the four questions of Osmer, but will also be able to live with spiritual discernment.
The study describes a paradigm shift which the congregation experienced during the past twenty years. The influence of the Christendom paradigm as well as the influence of the business model of running an organization, in which most of the members operate, is challenged by the theology that developed from the missio Dei and the Trinity concepts. The study described the process in a rural community which changed its identity and culture. The influence of the ever-changing context was discussed. Postmodern society challenged the influence of patriarchy. The community and its relationships form the backdrop in the research.
This study shows that transformation can’t happen if the minister is not willing to be transformed. The practice of faith-forming habits played an important role. Leadership had to lead through spiritual discernment. The changes that happened doesn’t happen because of a program, but is discovered on a journey of spiritual discernment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie is om helderheid te verkry oor die konflik wat in die gemeente rondom die persoon van die leraar ontstaan het. Wat het daartoe aanleiding gegee en hoe is dit ontlont? As die faktore wat daartoe aanleiding gegee het, beter verstaan kan word, kan dit ook in die toekoms beter hanteer word. Die volgende navorsingsvraag is geformuleer: Wat was die moeilikste hekkies in die missionale transformasieproses in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Gemeente Op-die-Berg en hoe is dit ontsluit? Lidmate se kerkbegrip en die rolverwagting van die leraar speel ʼn wesentlike rol in ʼn veranderende konteks waarin die gemeente strewe om sy missie nie net te ontdek nie maar ook uit te leef.
Dit is ʼn prakties teologiese studie aan die hand van Richard Osmer (2008) se model waarin vier vrae gevra word. Osmer het vier vrae ontwikkel wat ons interpretasie en reaksie op die situasie begelei. Die vier vrae is: Wat is aan die gebeur? Hoekom gebeur dit? Wat behoort te gebeur? Hoe behoort ons daarop te reageer? Om hierdie vier vrae te beantwoord, is die basis van prakties teologiese interpretasie. Die take wat voortvloei uit die vrae kan as volg beskryf word. Die deskriptief-empiriese taak: Hierdie taak behels die insameling van inligting sodat patrone en dinamika in gegewe situasies en kontekste geëvalueer kan word. Die interpretasie-taak: Die taak behels om deur middel van wetenskaplike metodes en teorieë beter te verstaan en te kan verduidelik waarom die spesifieke patrone en dinamika na vore kom. Die normatiewe taak is om met die hulp van teologiese konsepte die praktiese situasie te interpreteer. Etiese norme word daar gestel om die respons te begelei. Die pragmatiese taak ontwikkel strategieë wat die situasie positief sal beïnvloed en om oop reflekterende gesprek moontlik te maak. Die dinamiese interaksie en invloed van bogenoemde take op mekaar, ( vergelyk dit met die werking van ʼn spiraal in teestelling met die van ʼn sirkel), onderskei praktiese teologie van ander wetenskaplike navorsing. Veral die normatiewe en pragmatiese take is tot die wese van praktiese teologie. Die vier vrae en take word in hoofstuk twee tot ses bespreek.
Die hermeneutiese lens van die navorsing, is die vraag na die missio Dei en die rol wat ʼn Trinitariese Godsbegrip in ʼn transformasieproses speel. Die studie wil lidmate help om die vraag te beantwoord: Hoe behoort ons te reageer op die situasie? Lidmate kry nie net in die studie ʼn verstaan van die vrae van Osmer nie, maar veral hoe om geloofonderskeidend in ʼn klein gemeente te lewe.
Die studie beskryf die paradigmaskuif waardeur die gemeente van Op-die-Berg die afgelope twintig jaar beweeg het. Die invloed of houvas van die Christendom paradigma asook die uitwerking van die besigheidsmodel waarbinne meeste lidmate opereer, is uitgedaag deur ʼn nuwe verstaan van die missio Dei en die Triniteit. Die studie beskyf die proses en stryd wat ʼn klein plattelandse gemeente deurloop het tydens die skuif in identiteit en kultuur. Die invloed van die konteks word ook deeglik bespreek. Mens kan ook sê dat die postmoderne samelewing implikasies het vir patriargale sisteme.
Die studie toon aan hoe sodanige verskuiwings baie van die predikant vra en dat dit net kan gebeur as die geestelike leiers van die gemeente leer om geloofonderskeidend te leef, veral deur die beoefening van geloofsgewoontes. Die gemeenskap en die onderlinge verhoudinge (koinonia) is die hele tyd op die spel. Die verandering wat gebeur het, is nie deur ʼn geïmplementeerde program bewerk nie, maar is op ʼn geloofsonderskeidende reis ontdek.
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Correctional service centre within the Department of Correctional servicesJonkers, Joseph Morris 03 1900
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: “Restorative Justice Programmes are proliferating internationally and gaining mainstream acceptance as alternative or supplementary justice interventions". Immarigieon & Daly, (1997:13). With the growth of the Restorative Justice approach in the various disciplines, the need to assess the programme - its principal goals, effectiveness and impact on offenders / inmates in Correctional Services Centres / facilities - is imperative.
The thesis investigates the socio-religious factors of the Restorative Justice programme and evaluates their impact, whether it is short-term or long-term, on offenders serving a sentence at Voorberg Correctional Centre / Facility, within the Department of Correctional Services of South Africa. The primary objectives of this research are:
1. To determine if the Restorative Justice programme includes socio-religious factors
or not?
2. To study the impact of these socio-factors and how the programme participants understand the programme in terms of the following: (1) programme attendance; (2) awareness raising; (3) gaining a better understanding and perception of the programme contents.
3. To study these socio-religious factors and activities of Restorative Justice programme within the framework of Harden’s Faith-Based Programme Theory, and to formulate parameters for an Integrated Faith-Based Programme for Restorative Justice within the context of the Department of Correctional Services. One the one hand the programme of Restorative Justice is rendered by the Spiritual Care Division, as a spiritual / religious programme. On the other hand, it is also rendered as a Correctional programme by Case Intervention Officers within the Department of Correctional Services. One Orientation Manual is used by both divisions. The policy of the Department of Correctional Services focuses on the social aspects in order to pursue and meet its objectives.
But the researcher argues that the impact of the programme depends on how it links the socio- and religious characters of Restorative Justice. Building on existing literature on an Integrated Faith-Based Outcome Theory Model of Restorative Justice, the researcher proposes a new programme theory and programme outcomes that include both these factors, namely social and religious, as mechanisms to enhance social and religious acceptance and change. The researcher strongly believes that both socio- and religious factors will assist future programme participants of restorative justice in creating better awareness, knowledge and social acceptance as short term goals of the programme. On the other hand both the socio- and religious factors can contribute in fulfilling the long term goals within the lives of programme participants, such as the reintegration society, and the restoration of their relationships with themselves, victims, families and communities.
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The restoration of human dignity in Mitchell's Plain : "The Mount Hope account"Schilder, Alfonso Allen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The researcher’s purpose for writing this paper is first to tell the story of one particular community of faith called the Mount Hope church. In doing so, the spotlight would be placed on the plight and challenges of the Mitchells Plain township life, conditions and ministry.
Secondly, the research was seeking to challenge the status quo of a serious lack of human dignity by showing how and why it needs to be restored.
Lastly, to then answer the research question: “How does one minister to marginalized and outcast people in such a way that their human dignity is restored?”
The researcher has furnished a definition and description of the background of the word township as well as follow four tasks of doing Practical Theology as reflected in the work of one scholar Richard R Osmer.
The descriptive empirical section has highlighted the researcher’s life story as key to the research, provided statistical details of the research context as well as individual testimony accounts of lives that have been transformed.
The normative section has shown the importance of the prophetic mandate to discern the will of God for the research context.
In the interpretive section the researcher has facilitated a dialogue between the descriptive and the normative sections to clarify the importance of system sensitive leadership.
The pragmatic section is the last of the four sections where the researcher has shown the strategic output of the Mount Hope church through its leadership.
The researcher has concluded by bringing all the chapters together again for the purpose of answering the research question: “How does one minister to marginalized and outcast people in such a way that their human dignity is restored?” It is clear that once they discover the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ and the acceptance and guidance of a faith community, they are on the road to restored human dignity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorser se doel met die skryf van hierdie artikel was om die verhaal van 'n geloofsgemeenskap, die Mount Hope gemeente, te vertel. Sodoende is die klem geplaas op die uitdagings van Mitchell’s Plain se “township” lewe, toestande en die bediening. Tweedens was die doel van die navorsing om die ernstige gebrek aan menswaardigheid en die herstel daarvan, uit te beeld en aan te spreek.
Die navorsing was gefokus om die volgende vraag te beantwoord: “Hoe bedien jy mense wat gemarginaliseer en verworpe is dat dit hul menswaardigheid herstel?”
Die navorser verskaf 'n definisie en beskrywing van die agtergrond van die woord “township” sowel as vier take van Praktiese Teologie, soos weerspieël in die werk van die bekende praktiese teoloog, Richard R Osmer.
Die beskrywende gedeelte van die navorsing beklemtoon die navorser se lewensverhaal as sleutel tot die navorsing. Empiriese gegewens wat in statistiese besonderhede die navorsing-konteks verreken sowel as individuele getuienisse van mense wie se lewens getransformeer is, word vertel. Dit illustreer die praktyk van die herstel van menswaardigheid.
Die normatiewe afdeling het die belangrikheid van die profetiese mandaat om die wil van God vir die navorsing-konteks om te onderskei, aangetoon.
In die interpretasie-afdeling het die navorser as 'n dialoog tussen die beskrywende en die normatiewe gedeeltes gehanteer om die belangrikheid van die sisteem sensitiewe leierskap aan te toon.
Die pragmatiese artikel is die laaste van die vier afdelings waar die navorser die strategiese uitset van die Mount Hope gemeente deur sy leierskap aantoon en beskrywend vertel hoe mense opgevang, aanvaar en volgens bybelse beginsels ingeskakel word en op die wyse hulle menswaardigheid herontdek in die liefde van Jesus Christus en sy kerk.
Die navorser sluit af deur al die hoofstukke byeen te bring om die navorsings vraag te beantwoord: “Hoe bedien jy mense wat gemarginaliseer en verworpe is dat dit hul menswaardigheid herstel?”
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HIV and AIDS within the primary health care delivery system in Zimbabwe : a quest for a spiritual and pastoral approach to healingTamirepi, Farirai 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This qualitatively oriented Practical Theological research journey, informed by the philosophical ideas of postmodern, contextual, participatory and feminist theologies, postmodern and social construction epistemologies was based on a participatory action research through the therapeutic lens of narrative inquiry. The thesis is about the spiritual problems and spiritual needs of people living with HIV and AIDS and how they can be addressed as part of a holistic approach to their care within the primary healthcare delivery system in Zimbabwe. The research curiosity was prompted by the HIV and AIDS policy in Zimbabwe that advocates for a holistic approach to the care of HIV and AIDS patients within the primary health care delivery system. The recognition that healthcare has to be holistic for the best outcome for patients creates an expectation that spiritual care will also be incorporated into clinical practice. However there is a puzzling blind spot and a strange silence about the spiritual problems and spiritual needs of people living with HIV and AIDS within the HIV and AIDS policy. This has had the effects of reducing intervention programmes to purely medical, psychological and sociological. This research sought to correct such an approach by highlighting the role of spiritual care in the healing process of people living with HIV and AIDS as part of the holistic approach to their care.
The core information, on which this research is based, comes from the experiences of people living with HIV and AIDS who are receiving care within the primary health care delivery system in Zimbabwe. It sweeps away statistics and places those questing for spiritual healing at the core of the study. All the participants in the study affirmed that the why me questions as a summation of their indescribable and unimaginable spiritual pain felt in the spirit were directed to God. They confirmed that their spiritual problem was spiritual pain and their spiritual need therefore was spiritual healing from the spiritual pain of which God is believed to be the healer. The belief that God is the ultimate healer of the spiritual pain stood out from the midst of problem saturated narratives of spiritual pain and suffering as the unique outcome to reconstruct the alternative problem free stories of healing. The research opted for an approach that is informed by the experiences of people living with HIV and AIDS. In the light of the stories shared by the participants in this study, it became evident that there is an existing need within the Primary Health Care delivery system in Zimbabwe to provide spiritual care to people living with HIV and AIDS. The research aimed at co-creating a spiritual care approach in which those living with HIV and AIDS as well as those working with them can be empowered to re-author the stories of patients‟ lives around their self preferred images.
The narrative approach was explored in this research as a possible therapeutic approach that could be used to journey pastorally with people living with HIV and AIDS in a non-controlling, non-blaming, non-directive and not knowing guiding manner that would permit the people living with HIV and AIDS to use their own spiritual resources in a way that can bring spiritual healing to their troubled spirits. The research also emphasizes the position of the people living with HIV and AIDS which they can inhabit and lay claim to the many possibilities of their own lives that lie beyond the expertise of the pastoral caregiver. The strong suggestion emerging from this study is that a spiritual care approach to healing must of necessity be integrated into the holistic approach to the care of people living with HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe. The wish of participants that their spiritual well-being be considered in their health care adds momentum to this suggestion. Hence the research argues for the inclusion of a spiritual and pastoral approach to spiritual healing which links the patient‟s spirituality and pastoral care. The research does not claim to have the solutions or quick fix miracle to the complicated spiritual pain of people living with HIV and AIDS and neither claims to have the power to bring any neat conclusions to the spiritual healing of people living with HIV and AIDS. However, the research has the potential to stimulate a new story of spirituality as a vital resource in the healing process of people living with HIV and AIDS and ignoring it may defeat the purpose of a holistic approach to the care of people living with HIV. The re-authoring of alternative stories is an ongoing process but like in all journeys, there are landmarks that indicate achievements, places of transfer or starting new directions or turning around. Hence this research process may be regarded as a landmark that indicated a new direction in the participants‟ journey towards spiritual healing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie kwalitatief-georiënteerde Praktiese Teologie navorsingsreis, geïnformeer deur die filosofiese idees van postmoderne, kontekstuele, deelnemende en feministiese teologie, postmoderne en sosiale konstruksie epistemologie, is gebaseer op deelnemende aksie-navorsing deur die terapeutiese lens van narratiewe ondersoek. Die tesis handel oor die spirituele probleme en navorsingsbehoeftes van mense wat met MIV en vigs leef en hoe dit aangespreek kan word as deel van ʼn holistiese benadering tot hul sorg binne die primêre gesondheidsorg-diensleweringstelsel in Zimbabwe. Die navorsing-belangstelling het ontwikkel na aanleiding van die MIV en vigs beleid in Zimbabwe wat ʼn holistiese benadering tot die sorg van MIV en vigs pasiënte in die primêre gesondheidsorg-diensleweringstelsel bepleit. Die erkenning dat gesondheidsorg holisties moet wees om die beste uitkoms vir pasiënte te bied, skep ʼn verwagting dat spirituele sorg ook by kliniese praktyk ingesluit sal word. Daar is egter in die HIV en vigs beleid ʼn raaiselagtige blinde kol, ʼn vreemde stilte oor die spirituele probleme en spirituele behoeftes van mense wat met MIV en vigs leef. Die gevolg is dat intervensie-programme gereduseer word tot slegs mediese, sielkundige en sosiologiese programme. Hierdie navorsing streef om dié benadering reg te stel deur die beklemtoning van die rol van spirituele sorg in die heling-proses van mense wat met MIV en vigs leef as deel van die holistiese benadering tot hul sorg.
Die kerninligting waarop hierdie navorsing gegrond is, vloei voort uit die ervarings van mense wat leef met MIV en vigs en sorg ontvang binne die primêre gesondheidsorg-diensleweringstelsel in Zimbabwe. Dit vee statistiek van die tafel af en plaas diegene wat soek na spirituele heling, in die hart van die ondersoek. Al die deelnemers aan die ondersoek het bevestig dat hul “Waarom ek?” vrae, as opsomming van hul onbeskryflike, ondenkbare geestelike pyn, aan God gerig is. Hulle het bevestig dat hul spirituele probleem spirituele pyn is, en dat hul spirituele behoefte dus spirituele genesing is van die spirituele pyn, die pyn waarvan geglo word dat God die geneser is. Die geloof dat God die opperste geneser is, het uitgestaan te midde van die probleem-deurdrenkte narratiewe van spirituele pyn en lyding as die unieke uitkoms om alternatiewe probleem-vrye verhale van heling te herkonstrueer. Die navorsing het ʼn benadering gekies wat geïnformeer is deur die ervarings van mense wat leef met MIV en vigs. In die lig van die verhale wat die deelnemers aan die studie gedeel het, het dit duidelik geword dat daar ʼn behoefte is dat spirituele sorg ook aan mense wat leef met MIV en vigs verskaf word in die primêre gesondheidsorg-diensleweringstelsel in Zimbabwe. Die doel van die navorsing was om saam ʼn spirituele sorg benadering te skep waarin diegene wat met MIV en vigs leef, sowel as diegene wat met hulle werk, bemagtig kan word om die stories van pasiënte se lewens te herskryf in terme van pasiënte se verkose beelde.
Die narratiewe benadering is in hierdie studie ondersoek as ʼn moontlike terapeutiese benadering wat gebruik kan word om pastoraal te reis met mense wat leef met MIV en vigs op ʼn manier wat nie kontroleer, beskuldig, voorskryf of weet nie, maar wat mense wat met MIV en vigs leef eerder begelei en toelaat om hul eie spirituele bronne te gebruik op ʼn manier wat spirituele genesing vir hul gekwelde siele kan bring. Die navorsing beklemtoon ook die posisie van mense wat leef met MIV en vigs waarin hulle spirituele moontlikhede, areas van hul lewens kan eien en bewoon, moontlikhede wat buite die bereik van pastorale versorgers lê.
Uit hierdie studie vloei ʼn sterk suggestie dat ʼn spirituele benadering tot genesing noodwendig geïntegreer moet wees in die holistiese benadering tot die sorg van mense wat leef met MIV en vigs in Zimbabwe. Deelnemers se wens dat hul spirituele behoeftes ook in hul gesondheidsorg oorweeg word, gee aan dié suggestie verdere momentum. Derhalwe argumenteer hierdie navorsing ten gunste van die insluiting van ʼn spirituele en pastorale benadering tot spirituele genesing wat die pasiënt se spiritualiteit en pastorale sorg verbind.
Die studie maak nie daarop aanspraak dat dit antwoorde of ʼn wonderbare kits-oplossing bied vir die gekompliseerde spirituele pyn van mens wat leef met MIV en vigs nie, of spirituele genesing netjies afsluit nie. Die navorsing het egter wel die potensiaal om ʼn nuwe verhaal te stimuleer van spiritualiteit as ʼn deurslaggewende bron in die genesingsproses van mense wat leef met MIV en vigs. Om spiritualiteit te ignoreer, mag dalk die doel verydel van ʼn holistiese benadering tot die sorg van mense wat met MIV en vigs leef. Die herskryf van alternatiewe verhale is ʼn voortdurende proses, maar soos alle reise, is daar landmerke wat prestasies aandui, en ook punte van verplasing, rigtingverandering of selfs ommekeer. Hierdie navorsing kan beskou word as ʼn landmerk van ʼn verandering van rigting in deelnemers se reis na spirituele genesing.
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Die rol van prediking in die bevordering van gemeenskapsontwikkeling : 'n kontektueeel-teologiese besinningBurrows, Shaun Victor 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Church‘s approach during the apartheid-era was mainly characterised by liberation-theology, as well as liberation preaching. However, the post-apartheid era, which is still being marred by social degradation, moral decline, a general increase in poverty, family violence, divorce and a sense of individualism, requires an increased focus on the sustainable eradication of poverty.
Furthermore, while Christian ethical reflection under apartheid was embodied through a series of violence and resistance movements aimed at breaking down the walls of apartheid, the Church must now shift the focus to a general sense of co-operation; to rebuild the social infrastructure, needed by the impoverished and marginalized. The underlying question of the undertaken study is: can the Church achieve this by starting with a theology of development, which will be a vehicle for socio - and economic reconstruction?
This study furthermore suggests that a theology of reconstruction is also a contextual theology. It addresses the specific or current situations plaguing communities by posting clear questions regarding the economy and development-programmes that have an effect on people‘s daily lives. It is also a back-tracking theology, in the sense that it attempts to rectify the pain and suffering brought on by our history. The Church, who must serve the message of hope, can also identify with this theology, because it is emphasizing dimensions like healing and recovery. In this study it is argued that what post-apartheid South Africa urgently needs, is a fundamental consensus regarding binding values, non-negotiable standards and morally accepted humane attitudes to one another. It is in fact in this regard that the purpose and possibilities of preaching come into question. In this context of poverty, unemployment, uncertainty, a sense of non-belonging, apathy and emotional depression, ethical preaching can, as an orientation-instrument, create a new sense of dignity and value for many. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Terwyl die kerk se benadering tydens die apartheidsera gekenmerk is deur bevrydingsteologie en prediking, vra die post-apartheid era, wat steeds gekenmerk word deur sosio-maatskaplike verval, morele verarming en veral toename in armoede, gesinsgeweld, egskeidings en 'n gees van individualisme, 'n verskerpte fokus op die volhoubare uitwissing van armoede.
Terwyl Christelike etiese refleksie onder apartheid gekenmerk was deur 'n modus van weerstand, gemik daarop om die mure van apartheid af te breek, moet die kerk in die post-apartheid era skuif na 'n modus van samewerking, om die mure van die sosiale infrastruktuur wat deur die armes en gemarginaliseerdes benodig word, op te bou. Die onderliggende navorsingsvraag van die voorgeneme studie is dan ook: kan die kerk dít doen deur te begin met 'n teologie van ontwikkeling, wat sosiale en ekonomiese rekonstruksie veronderstel?
Daar word ook in hierdie studie gepoog om aan te toon dat 'n teologie van rekonstruksie 'n kontekstuele teologie beteken. Dit spreek die spesifieke of huidige situasie van gemeenskappe aan deur, onder andere, duidelike vrae te stel oor die ekonomie en ontwikkelingsprogramme wat die lewens van mense elke dag beïnvloed. Dit is terselfdertyd 'n terugwerkende teologie, wat probeer om die oorsake van historiese pyn en lyding in die gemeenskap reg te stel. Die kerk, wat die boodskap van hoop moet verkondig, kan haarself tereg met hierdie teologie identifiseer, omdat dit onder andere dimensies soos heling en herstel beklemtoon. In hierdie studie word geargumenteer dat post-apartheid Suid-Afrika 'n fundamentele konsensus aangaande bindende waardes, ononderhandelbare standaarde en moreel aanvaarbare grondhoudings teenoor mekaar dringend benodig. Dit is juis in hierdie verband dat die rol van die prediking ter sprake kom. In 'n konteks van grootskaalse armoede, werkloosheid, onsekerheid en 'n gevoel van ongeborgenheid, apatie, onbetrokkenheid en depressie by baie, kan etiese prediking as 'n oriëntasiegebeurtenis 'n nuwe menswaardigheid by mense skep.
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Met woord en daad in diens van God : die diakonaat van die NG Kerk in postapartheid Suid-AfrikaVan Der Merwe, William Charles 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the past two decades the Dutch Reformed Church, a typical mainline church in South
Africa, encountered radical challenges, as was the case with many similar churches
worldwide. The DR Church had to face global societal shifts such as the emergence of
postmodernism, the intensifying of secularisation and the growing impact of globalisation
on the religious community. In addition, the members of the DR Church were exposed to
radical challenges due to the dismantling of the apartheid system in South Africa.
This dismantling was a particularly traumatic experience for the DR Church, seeing that
this church did not only support the apartheid regime, but also legitimized it on theological
grounds. It is therefore understandable that the publishing of the document Kerk en
Samelewing (“Church and Society”) in 1986, which first signalled the rejection of apartheid
in the DR Church, evoked a major reaction, not only among the church membership,
but also within the ranks of white Afrikaners as social group.
With the dawn of the post-apartheid era in South Africa in 1994, the issue of the church's
relevance was already on the agenda of the ecumenical church. In recent times suddenly
this theme also became critical to the church in South Africa and especially to the DR
Church. The present study proposes that a missional diaconal ministry which focuses on the society as a whole will provide a modus to the DR Church by which it can function as a
relevant church within the South African society.
The rationale of this investigation is a follows: The DR Church is currently (2014) not in a
position to impact significantly on the societal needs of South African citizens. The reason
is that this church's current ministry of compassion is still based on an ecclesiocentric and
specialist approach, which was typical of the Corpus Christianum. As a result, a new,
unique praxis is needed for the diaconal ministry of this church.
The present study argues that missional theology provides a new paradigm according to
which an applicable missional diaconal praxis can be developed for the DR Church. Such
a unique diaconal praxis can only develop when it is guided by a spirituality that leads to a
diaconal attitude and sensitivity towards the poor and destitute. This diaconal spirituality,
in turn, is activated and fed by a missional theology that builds on the triune God as origin,
basis and final purpose of the diaconal ministry as such. Furthermore in this study it is
shown that the concept of missio Dei implies that the diaconal ministry forms an integral
part of God’s mission and is thus not an isolated church ministry besides other ministries.
It is further argued in the present study that a multi-dimensional missional-diaconal
practice should be developed for congregations and the various structures within the DR
Church. To facilitate the conceptualisation and operationalisation of a missional diaconal
ministry in this church, the study proposes that a specific research focus, namely
“Missional-diaconal Studies” should be developed for the South African environment.
For this purpose a research and teaching institution should be established to provide in
such needs of the church. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die NG Kerk, ’n tipiese hoofstroomkerk in Suid-Afrika, het die afgelope 20 jaar – soos vele
ander kerke wêreldwyd – voor ingrypende uitdagings te staan gekom. Hierdie kerk moes
globale samelewingsverskuiwings verwerk, soos die opkoms van postmodernisme,
’n verskerping in sekularisasie en die impak van globalisering op die geloofsgemeenskap.
Daarbenewens is die NG Kerklidmate blootgestel aan ingrypende veranderings wat gevolg
het op die aftakeling van die apartheidstelsel in Suid-Afrika.
Hierdie aftakeling was veral traumaties vir die NG Kerk omdat hierdie kerk nie slegs
apartheid ondersteun het nie, maar dit ook op teologiese gronde verdedig het. Dit is
gevolglik begryplik dat die verskyning van die dokument Kerk en Samelewing (1986),
waarin die eerste tekens van ’n wegbeweeg van die apartheidsideologie in die NG Kerk
sigbaar word, hewige reaksie ontlok het – tussen die kerklidmate, maar ook in die blanke
Afrikaners as samelewingsgroep.
Met die aanbreek van die postapartheid-era in Suid-Afrika in 1994 was die vraag na die
relevansie van die kerk reeds wêreldwyd op kerklike agendas. Skielik het hierdie vraag
nou ook vir die kerk in Suid-Afrika, en veral die NG Kerk, ’n kernsaak geword. In hierdie
studie word voorgestel dat ’n missionaal-diakonale bediening wat op die samelewing in
geheel fokus, ’n moontlike modus vir die NG Kerk kan verskaf om vir die Suid-Afrikaanse
samelewing relevant te funksioneer.
Die rasionaal van die ondersoek behels die volgende: As gevolg van die historiese
ontwikkeling van die NG Kerk se diens van barmhartigheid, veral die verbondenheid aan ʼn
volksteologie en nasionalisme die afgelope paar dekades, kan hierdie kerk binne die
postapartheid-era tans (2014) nie werklik ʼn verskil aan die nood in die samelewing maak
nie. Die bestaande barmhartigheidsbediening van hierdie kerk is steeds gebaseer op ʼn model
wat nog spruit uit ʼn ekklesiosentriese en spesialisbenadering wat eie is aan die Corpus
Christianum. Gevolglik is ʼn nuwe, eiesoortige praxis vir hierdie kerk se diakonaat nodig. In die huidige studie word betoog dat die missionale teologie ʼn nuwe paradigma voorsien
waarvolgens ʼn toepaslike missionaal-diakonale praxis vir die NG Kerk ontwikkel kan word.
So ʼn eiesoortige diakonale praxis kan egter slegs ontwikkel wanneer dit gerig word deur ’n
spiritualiteit wat lei tot ’n diakonale gesindheid en houding teenoor die armes en
noodlydendes. Hierdie diakonale spiritualiteit word aangewakker en gevoed deur ’n missionale teologie wat bou op God Drie-enig as oorsprong, basis en einddoel van die
diakonaat. Verder word in hierdie studie aangetoon dat die missio Dei juis veronderstel dat
die diakonaat ʼn wesenlike deel uitmaak van God se sending en gevolglik nie ʼn losstaande
bediening van die kerk benewens ander bedienings is nie.
In die studie word verder betoog dat ʼn multidimensionele missionaal-diakonale praktyk vir
gemeentes en die onderskeie kerkverbande binne die NG Kerk ontwikkel behoort te word.
Om die konseptualisering en operasionalisering van ʼn missionale diakonaat in hierdie kerk
te bevorder word in die studie aanbeveel dat ’n navorsingsfokus, naamlik “Missionaaldiakonale
Studie”, vir die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks ontwikkel word. Hiervoor behoort ʼn
navorsings- en opleidingsinstelling in die lewe geroep te word om aan sodanige kerklike
behoeftes te voldoen.
447 |
A missiological assessment of the evangelization of the Mano of Northern LiberiaWilliams, Timothy Earl 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation is a missiological assessment of the evangelization of the Mano of Northern Liberia. The study considers the historical record of Liberia, the transmission of Christianity through the Americo-Liberian community, and the movement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to and through the Mano of Northern Liberia.
As a foundation, a theoretical and missiological framework of evangelization is explored on a biblical, theological, and social understanding. How does one measure the extent and evangelization? Definitions and theories are presented along with expressions of evangelization. In regards to transmission, what was the approach of the initiating missionaries? How and through what impetus did a transition occur to local agents? Understanding evangelization involves identifying the contextual process resulting in the community of God expressed as the local church.
This dissertation argues that the intent of the American Colonization Society and the immigrants who sailed to Liberia in 1822 was to establish a Christian presence in Africa that would serve as an impetus for evangelization of the continent. The Americo-Liberians, however, became entangled in a cultural Christianity that proved to be a barrier to evangelization of the indigenous people of the region. Other barriers included geographical isolation, the societal structure of governance, and the absence of a contextual witness. Sociological analysis is given to the all-inclusive nature and governance of the Poro Society which stymied the evangelization process. This study explored the influencing factors towards evangelization of the Mano and Gio and the acceptance of the good news of Jesus Christ. The influencing factors included the collapse of the Liberian governmental structure, the empowerment of local agent through theological education, the role and necessity of leadership caused by the coup, and the subsequent diaspora of the Civil War. Over 50% of the Baptist Churches among the Mano and Gio were started after the coup in 1980 and during the civil war which lasted from 1989 – 2004. This study utilized the methodology of qualitative researching through interviews, observations, and empirical surveys to evaluate the process of evangelization. The first gospel witness came to the Mano and Gio in 1926. The next fifty years of evangelization revolved around missionaries, mission stations, schools, and humanitarian enterprises. More recently, the Gospel has spread rapidly through the influence of contextual witness and local agents. The delimitations of the study focused on the role of Baptist Churches affiliated with Nimba Baptist Union. Prior to 1970, there were few indigenous led, linguistically Mano or Gio Baptist churches. Today, there are almost a hundred churches and missions affiliated with the Nimba Baptist Union, most started after the coup and during the war.
A crucial component of the study was to determine whether or not this was a contextual indigenous movement of evangelization. The evidence of such a movement is determined by the presence of churches in the local villages, acts of personal and community transformation associated with the church, and reproductive patterns in regards to leadership and church starting. The movement of evangelization was a collaborative effort of the missionaries and local agents facilitated by political, social, and spiritual transitions. On this basis, the study proposes an Interpretative Model of Evangelization to serve as a useful tool in attempting to understand how to interpret the extent of evangelization. From this study, it is clear that evangelization is an imperfect process, but the movement towards contextualization of the gospel infuses deeper levels of transformation. As the Apostle Paul concluded in the Acts of the Apostles, the Gospel continued unhindered (Acts 28:31). The unhindered manner did not reflect the absence of barriers, but the onward movement propelled by the Holy Spirit, through proclamation of the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and by local empowerment through contextualization of methods, message, and leadership. The study is evaluative in nature and has implications for missiological strategy, cross-cultural understanding, and contextual methods of evangelization. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif is ʼn sendingkundige assessering van die evangelisasie van die Mano-stam in Noord-Liberië. Die studie ondersoek die geskrewe geskiedenis van Liberië, die oordrag van die Christendom deur die Amerikaans-Liberiese gemeenskap en die verspreiding van die evangelie van Jesus Christus aan en deur die Mano-stam van Noord-Liberië.
Om ʼn grondslag vir die studie te lê, is ʼn teoretiese en sendingkundige raamwerk vir evangelisasie ondersoek vanuit ʼn Bybelse, teologiese en sosiale perspektief. Dit is gedoen deur die volgende vrae te beantwoord: Hoe meet ʼn mens die reikwydte van evangelisasie? Definisies en beskrywings van, asook teorieë oor, evangelisasie word hiervoor aangebied. Wat was die benadering deur die aanvanklike sendelinge om die evangelie aan ander oor te dra? Hoe en deur watter impetus het oordrag na plaaslike agente plaasgevind? Om evangelisasie te verstaan, moet die kontekstuele proses geïdentifiseer word wat lei tot die gemeenskap van God, soos uitgedruk deur die plaaslike kerk. In hierdie proefskrif word daar geargumenteer dat die oogmerk van die American Colonization Society en die immigrante wat in 1822 na Liberië gevaar het, was om ʼn Christelike teenwoordigheid in Afrika te vestig wat sou dien as ʼn impetus vir evangelisasie van die kontinent. Die Amerikaans-Libiërs het egter in ʼn kulturele vorm van Christenskap verstrik geraak wat ʼn hindernis gevorm het vir die verspreiding van die evangelie onder die inheemse bevolking van daardie streek. Ander hindernisse was geografiese isolasie, die gemeenskapstruktuur van die regering en die afwesigheid van ʼn plaaslike getuie. Die allesomvattende aard en regering van die Poro-gemeenskap, wat die evangelisasieproses gestuit het, is gevolglik in hierdie studie geanaliseer. Hierdie studie het verder die faktore ondersoek wat evangelisasie van die Mano- en Gio-stamme, asook hul aanvaarding van die blye boodskap van Jesus Christus, beïnvloed het. Hierdie faktore sluit in die ineenstorting van Liberië se regeringstruktuur, die bemagtiging van plaaslike agente deur teologiese opvoeding, die rol en noodsaaklikheid van leierskap wat deur die staatsgreep veroorsaak is en die diaspora na aanleiding van die burgeroorlog. Meer as 50% van die Baptistekerke onder die Mano- en Gio-stamme is gestig na die staatsgreep in 1980 en tydens die burgeroorlog wat van 1989 tot 2004 geduur het.
In hierdie studie is daar van kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie, deur middel van onderhoude, waarnemings en empiriese opnames, gebruik gemaak om die evangelisasieproses te evalueer. Die eerste evangeliese getuie het in 1926 die Mano- en Gio-stamme besoek. Vir vyftig jaar daarna het evangelisasie om sendelinge, sendelingstasies, skole en humanitêre inisiatiewe gewentel. Meer onlangs het die evangelie vinnig versprei as gevolg van die invloed van gekontekstualiseerde getuies en plaaslike agente. Die afbakening van hierdie studie was om te fokus op die rol van die Baptistekerke wat met die Nimba Baptist Union geaffilieer is. Voor 1970 was daar min Baptistekerke wat deur mense van die inheemse bevolking gelei is en waar daar in Mano of Gio gepreek is. Vandag is daar amper ʼn honderd kerke en sendinggenootskappe wat met die Nimba Baptist Union geaffilieer is. Meeste van hierdie kerke is na die staatsgreep en tydens die burgeroorlog gestig. ʼn Belangrike komponent van die studie was om te bepaal of hierdie ʼn kontekstuele, inheemse evangelisasiebeweging was. Bewyse van so ʼn beweging sal wees die teenwoordigheid van kerke in plaaslike dorpies, persoonlike en gemeenskapstransformasie wat met die kerk geassosieer word en reproduserende patrone met betrekking tot leierskap en kerkvestiging. Die evangelisasiebeweging was ʼn samewerkingspoging tussen die sendelinge en plaaslike agente wat gefasiliteer is deur politieke, sosiale en geestelike oorgangstadiums. Op grond hiervan, stel die proefskrif ʼn interpretatiewe model van evangelisasie voor om te dien as ʼn nuttige hulpmiddel om die omvang van evangelisasie te probeer verstaan.
Uit hierdie studie kan daar duidelik gesien word dat evangelisasie ʼn onvolmaakte proses is, maar dat dieper vlakke van transformasie bewerkstellig kan word, namate die evangelie gekontekstualiseer word. Soos die apostel Paulus ook in die Handelinge van die Apostels opmerk, het die verspreiding van die evangelie onverstoord (soos in Handelinge 28:31) in Liberië voortgegaan. Dié onverstoorde wyse het egter nie die afwesigheid van hindernisse weerspieël nie en die voorwaartse beweging het plaasgevind danksy voortdrywing deur die Heilige Gees, deur die verkondiging van die blye boodskap van die evangelie van Jesus Christus, en as gevolg van plaaslike bemagtiging deur middel van die kontekstualisering van metodes, die boodskap en leierskap. Hierdie studie was evaluerend van aard en hou gevolge in vir die bewerkstelliging van sendingkundige strategieë, transkulturele begrip en kontekstuele evangelisasiemetodes.
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Grief care to children ophaned by HIV and AIDS within Nairobi province Kenya : towards a pastoral strategy for identity formationNguru, Janet 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis deals with pastoral grief care for children orphaned through HIV and AIDS in Nairobi City County in Kenya (formerly Nairobi Province in Kenya). This concern developed as a result of realising that children’s grief is rarely attended to before, during and after burial in most Kenyan communities. The research question that guided the research was: What theoretical, theological and contextual pastoral intervention strategy can the church use to provide grief care to children orphaned through HIV and AIDS? To respond to this question, the research had four objectives, which helped the researcher to remain focused on the key problem.
An empirical research design was adopted to establish the impact the death of parents has on children and to examine how their grief has been responded to, particularly by the church. It was clear that children do experience grief that manifests in various forms including emotional, behavioural, cognitive, spiritual and physical responses. Grief is also heightened by the events that transpire after the death of parents plus the status of the children as double orphans, paternal orphans or maternal orphans. Despite the fact that children are overwhelmed by grief and grief-related issues when their parents die, the family and community as well as the church, rarely provide children with grief care. Through a literature study the research engaged with other disciplines in order to broaden the understanding of children’s grief. The study revealed that children’s development in general is affected by their grief and their stage of development, in turn, has an effect on their grief. However, it should be noted that African cultures have great impact on the development of African children and their grief. It was also noted that African people have their own way of grieving and mourning when a family loses a person through death. Various rituals that are calculated to help the mourning family work to through the grief process are performed. Interestingly, children rarely participate in the performance of such rituals.
It was very clear that, in order to provide pastoral grief care to children orphaned through HIV and AIDS, it is of utmost importance to understand the nature of human beings in relation to God. Such an understanding could determine how the church responds to the grieving children’s situation. It is suggested that the church should work closely with the family, community and institutions in order to provide meaningful pastoral grief care within an African setting. It was argued that various rituals performed during funeral ceremonies are of help in grieving and the mourning process; hence it is suggested that children should also be given the opportunity to participate in performing the rituals. It is noted that the Christian and cultural rituals that are relevant to grief care could be employed.
Given the above understanding, a pastoral intervention strategy for grief care to children orphaned through HIV and AIDS is proposed. Different interventions that respond to children’s grief and grief-related issues before, during, and after burial are discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die pastorale vertroosting van kinders wat in die Nairobi City County in Kenya (die voormalige Nairobi Provinsie) as gevolg van MIV en vigs wees gelaat is. Dit bied 'n pastorale ingrypingstrategie in reaksie tot die verdriet van kinders wat as gevolg van MIV en vigs as wese atergelaat is. Kommer hieroor het ontstaan by die besef dat die bedroefdheid van kinders in die meeste Keniaanse gemeenskappe selde vóór, tydens of ná ‘n begrafnis aandag kry. Die navorsingsvraag wat die navorsing gerig het, was: Watter teoretiese, teologiese en kontekstuele pastorale intervensiestrategie kan deur die kerk gebruik word om vertroosting vir treurende kinders wat vanweë MIV en vigs wese geword het, te bied? Vier doelstellings is vir die beantwoording van hierdie vraag opgestel om te verseker dat die navorser se fokus op die kernprobleem ingestel bly.
‘n Empiriese navorsingontwerp is gekies om die impak van die dood van ouers op kinders te bepaal en uit te vind hoe hul bedroefdheid, veral deur die kerk, hanteer is. Dit was duidelik dat kinders wel treur, en dat hul droefheid in die vorm van emosionele, gedrags-, kognitiewe, geestelike en fisiese reaksies geopenbaar word. Die intensiteit van kinders se droefheid word ook verhoog deur gebeure wat op die dood van die ouers volg, sowel as die kinders se status as dubbele weeskinders of as vaderlose of moederlose weeskinders. Ten spyte van die feit dat kinders deur hartseer en verdriet-verwante aangeleenthede oorweldig word wanneer hul ouers sterf, bied die familie en die gemeenskap, sowel as die kerk, selde vertroostende sorg aan sulke kinders. Die navorser het ander dissiplines deur middel van ‘n literatuurstudie betrek om begrip van kinderdroefheid te verbreed. Die studie het onthul dat kinders se ontwikkeling in die algemeen deur hul bedroefdheid geaffekteer word en dat hul fase van ontwikkeling weer hul droefheid beïnvloed. Daar moet egter in ag geneem word dat Afrika-kulture ’n groot impak op die ontwikkeling van kinders van Afrika en hul verdriet het. Dat mense van Afrika droefheid en rou op ‘n eie manier bedryf wanneer ‘n familielid te sterwe kom, moet ook in ag geneem word. Daar is ‘n verskeidenheid rituele wat daarop gemik is om die roubeklaers in staat te stel om die rouproses te deurwerk. Kinders neem selde hieraan deel. Dit was duidelik dat dit van uiterste belang is om die natuur van die mens in verhouding tot God te verstaan om vertroostende pastorale sorg aan kinders wat vanweë MIV en vigs wees geword het, te bied. Die verstaan hiervan kan bepaal hoe die kerk op die situasie van kinders wat treur, reageer. Die voorstel is dat die kerk noue samewerking met die familie, die gemeenskap en instellings moet handhaaf om betekenisvolle vertroostende pastorale sorg binne die Afrika-opset te bied. Daar word aangevoer dat die verskillende rituele wat gedurende begrafnis seremonies uitgevoer word, van hulp is in rou en die rouproses, dus word voorgetel dat kinders ‘n geleentheid moet kry om aan die rituele deel te neem. Christelike en kulturele rituele wat van toepassing is kan gebruik word.
'n Pastorale intervensiestrategie vir vertroostende sorg aan kinders wat as gevolg van MIV en vigs wees gelaat is, word aan die hand van die bogenoemde insig voorgestel. Verskillende ingrypings wat op die kind se hartseer en rou-verwante kwessies vóór, gedurende en ná die begrafnis betrekking het, word bespreek.
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Geloof in die spanningsveld van tradisie en empirie : 'n kenteoretiese ondersoek na die verhouding tussen teologie en sosiologieCilliers, Andries Pretorius 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2000 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The fundamental perspective of this study is that faith cannot be separated from either
tradition or empirical experience. The relationship between theology, as the critical
justification of faith, and sociology, as the empirical study of society and religion, is
discussed in this perspective. Chapter 1 presents an overview of tradition as a theological
problem. The conclusion is that the reformational sola-scriptura-confession is not
antithetical to a positive evaluation of tradition, but that reformed theology has often had
problems with really taking the historical aspect of tradition seriously.
In Chapter 2 it is argued that a dialogue between theology and sociology is both necessary
and fruitful. Chapter 3 discusses the philosophy of science, in order to give a perspective
on the foundations for dialogue. This discussion also facilitates the choice of sociological
partners for discussion. Weber and Berger, as sociologists who take theological themes
seriously, are chosen as partners for discussion. Chapter 4 presents a critical evaluation
of Weber's sociology. It is argued that his approach to religion is reductionistic, but that it
poses questions that should be taken seriously. Among these the question of the influence
of the social context on tradition and the problem of routinization of tradition stand out.
These problems also surface in the sociology of Berger, as Chapter 5 points out. Berger
differs from Weber in that he is a Christian who practices theology. Yet his perspective on
religion remains reductionistic. His view that religion is to a great extent determined by the
social context finds itself in tension with his view that faith is a fee choice of the individual.
This problem is never satisfactorily adressed in Berger's work.
The final chapter attempts to give a basic perspective within which theology can both
remain true to itself and take sociology seriously. It is argued that thisperspective is found
in the viewpoint that humans are neither the passive objects of social determination, nor
the active constructors of society. Humans receive the empirical world as a gift, but this
reception should be understood as an activity. The conclusion is that tradition is
ambivalent. On the one hand it is a necessary tool for ordering experience, but on the
other hand it can distort experience. Therefore there is a tension between tradition and
experience. Faith should not be tied exclusbely to either tradition or experience, but stands within the tension between the two. Theso/a-scriptura-confession expresses the
conviction that faith lives within this tension through the Word of God alone. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie gaan uit van die standpunt dat geloof in die spanningsveld van tradisie en
empirie staan. Dit impliseer dat geloof nie losgemaak kan word van 'n positiewe
waardering vir tradisie nie, maar dat geloof ook nie teenoor empiriese waarneming gestel
kan word nie. Hierdie standpunt word belig deur die verhouding tussen teologie, as
kritiese geloofsverantwoording, en sosiologie, as 'n empiriese dissipline wat ook die
godsdiens vertolk, te bestudeer. Hoofstuk 1 bespreek die kerklike tradisie. Daar word
gewys op die waarde sowel as die ambivalensie van tradisie. Die reformatorieseso/a
scriptura word aan die orde gestel om aan te dui dat dit moontlik is om hierdie belydenis te
versoen met 'n waardering vir die tradisie, hoewel die Skrif as kritiese norm teenoor
tradisie gehandhaaf word. Verder word aangetoon dat die gereformeerde benadering tot
tradisie nie sonder probleme is nie en dat veral die historiese aard van die geloofstradisie
nie altyd in die gereformeerde teologie verdiskonteer word nie.
In Hoofstuk 2 word die keuse vir 'n dialogiese benadering tot die verhouding tussen
teologie en sosiologie gemotiveer. Hoofstuk 3 stel die wetenskapsfilosofie aan die orde,
ten einde die gespreksbasis sowel as die keuse vir gespreksgenoteduidelik te maak. Die
keuse vir gespreksgenote val op Weber en Berger as sosiolce wat beide erns gemaak het
met teologiese temas. Die sosiologie van Max Weber word in Hoofstuk 4 bespreek. In die
evaluering van sy godsdienssosiologie word aangedui dat Weber se perspektief op die
godsdiens reduksionisties is, maar dat dit die teologie voor ernstige vrae stel, waaronder
die invloed van die sosiale konteks op die geloofstradisie en die probleem van roetinisering
van die tradisie uitstaan. Hierdie vrae kom ook na vore uit die sosiologie van Peter
Berger. Berger verskil van Weber daarin dat hy 'n Christen is en self teologie beoefen.
Tog bly sy perspektief op die godsdiens reduksionisties en staan sy siening oor die
beinvloedinq van die godsdiens deur die sosiale konteks in spanning met sy verstaan van
die geloof as 'n vrye keuse van die individu. Hierdie spanning word nie bevredigend
opgelos nie.
Die slothoofstuk soek na 'n perspektief waarbinne die teologie erns kan maak met die
sosiologie, maar ook getrou kan bly aan sy eie aard as geloofsverantwoording. Hierdie
perspektief word gevind in die uitgangspunt dat die mens n6g as 'n passiewe objek van sosiale be"lnvloeding, n6g as 'n aktiewe subjek van sosiale konstruering verstaan kan
word. In die geloof ontvang die mens sy ervarinqswereld, maar hy is aktief betrokke by
daardie ontvangs. Die slotsom is dat tradisie ambivalent is. Aan die een kant maak dit
gerigte ervaring vir die mens moontlik. Aan die ander kant kan tradisie die mens se uitsig
op die werklikheid belemmer. Daarom staan tradisie altyd in spanning met empiriese
ervaring. Geloof staan nie net in die tradisie nie en ook nie net in die ervaring nie, maar in
die spanningsveld van tradisie en empirie. Die sola-scriptura-belydenis verwoord die
oortuiging dat geloof in hierdie spanningsveld leef uit die Woord van God aileen.
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Knowing the triune God : trinity and certitude in the Theology of John CalvinKrohn, James B. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: JOHN CALVIN is said to have played a significant role not only in the shaping of
Western Christianity, but also in the shaping of Western culture. An adequate appreciation of his
thought therefore remains of ongoing significance. In the history of Calvin scholarship, varied
interpretations of him have been presented, though in the recent past there has been a growing
disinclination towards presenting a coherent exposition of his thought. In the context of these
disintegrative proposals, a counter-argument is presented for the viability and desirability of a
comprehensive construal of Calvin's thought along historical-theological lines.
The argument primarily takes shape by locating Calvin within the sixteenth century
intellectual milieu, and particularly by means of uncovering the epistemological consciousness of
the Reformation period in reaction to the Renaissance revival of scepticism. The nature of human
knowledge, particularly of God, was at the forefront of the sixteenth-century intellectual debate.
Calvin, reformer and humanist, was particularly sensitive to this climate, as is illustrated by the
Institutia which took the form of a discourse on knowing. However, the theme of knowing God
on the basis of Scriptural revelation alone is prevalent in all his work, as an investigation into his
neglected writings confirms. It also emerges that the kind of knowledge that Calvin advanced was
experimental in nature and Trinitarian in foundation. Experientia and certitude disclosed the
dynamic and proof of knowing God on an economic-Trinitarian and soteriological basis. This
aspect of Calvin's thought has been overlooked in spite of its relevance to the contemporary
post-Kantian crisis of knowing.
Having sketched the epistemological background, Calvin's Trinitarian doctrina is examined.
A historical-theological orientation to the doctrine provides the framework for appreciating
Calvin's axiomatic exposition of the Trinity in the history of doctrinal formulation. Calvin's
Trinitarian doctrina is unpacked by means of a historical review in relation to his Trinitarian
debates, and by means of its definitive exposition in the 1559 Institutio. Through these, it becomes
apparent that he displayed a hitherto mostly unrecognised theological acumen in assimilating
Western (Augustinian) and Eastern (Cappadocian) aspects of Trinitarian doctrine due to his
exegetical priority. What emerges is a Trinitarian doctrine that affirms God's Triunuy and
translates into God's Person-al knowability. This thesis is confirmed by a discussion of Calvin's
Trinitarian explication of the Christian life, and is shown to complement the previously highlighted emphasis on knowing. Recovering Calvin's Trinitarian doctrina is therefore of great
consequence to post-Enlightenment and contemporary theological debates on God and the
It naturally follows that both Trinity and certitude were woven into the fabric of Calvin's
God-centred hermeneutics. All of his exegetical labour, from Commentary to Instiuaio to Preaching,
was focused on hearing the voice of the Triune God speaking in the Word under the sure
guidance of the Holy Spirit. The final presentation of a comprehensive interpretation of Calvin is
viewed in the light of the transmission of Reformed theology. Knowing the Triune God has the
power to confirm and rejuvenate Calvin's theological vision amongst those who view him as their
progenitor. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DIT IS al van Calvyn gese dat hy 'n beduidende rol gespeel het, nie aileen met bettekking
tot die vorming van die Westerse Christendom nie, maar ook wat betref die hele Westerse
kultuur. 'n Toereikende evaluering van sy denke is dus steeds van belang. Binne die omvang van
Calvyn navorsing is daar alreeds 'n verskeidenheid van interpretasies van Calvyn aangebied,
hoewel daar 'n toenemende teensin teen die voorlegging van 'n samehangende uiteensetting van
Calvyn in die onlangse verlede na vore gekom het. In die konteks van hierdie laasgenoemde
standpunte word 'n teenargument aangebied vir die uitvoerbaarheid en ook die wenslikheid van 'n
omvattende uitlegging van Calvyn se denke, in ooreenstemming met 'n histories-teologiese
Calvyn word binne die sestiende-eeuse intellektuele mileu geplaas deur die
epis temologiese denke van die Reformasie as reaksie teen die Renaissance oplewing van
skeptisisme bloot te Ie. Die aard van menslike kennis, veral die mens se kennis van God, was op
die voorpunt van die sestiende-eeuse intellektuele debat, en Calvyn as, hervormer en humanis was
baie bewus van hierdie debat. Dit blyk o.m. duidelik uit die lnstitutio wat die vorm van 'n diskoers
oor kennis tentoonstel. Die tema van Godskennis, vanuit 'n Skriftuurlike openbaring as enigste
grondslag, tree na vore rue net in die Instiuaio nie, maar in al sy werke. Dit blyk ook uit 'n
ondersoek van selfs sy minder bekende werke. Uit die ondersoek kom dit ook na vore dat die tipe
kennis wat Calvyn bevorder het, eksperimenteel en Triniter van aard was. Experientia en sekerheid
word die bevestiging van Godskennis op 'n ekonomies-Trinitere en soteriologiese basis. Hierdie
aspek van Calvyn se denke is misken ten spyte van die belangrikheid daarvan vir die post-
Kantiese kennis-krisis.
Nadat die epistemologiese agtergrond geskets is, word Calvyn se Triniteitsleer [doctrina}
ontleed. 'n Histories-teologiese grondslag vir hierdie leers telling verskaf die raamwerk waarbinne
Calvyn se unieke uiteensetting van die Drie-Eenheid in die historiese verloop van dogmatiese
formulering waardeer kan word. Calvyn se Triniteitsleer (doctrina) word uiteengesit na aanleiding
van sy Triniteits-debatvoering, en na aanleiding van die bepalende uitleg daarvan in die 1559
Insiiuaio. Op hierdie wyse word dit duidelik dat Calvyn as gevolg van sy eksegetiese prioriteit 'n
tot op hede grootliks onvermelde insig getoon het in die vereniging van die Westerse
(Augustiniese) en Oosterse (Kappadosiese) Triniteits-leerstellinge. Wat aan die lig kom is 'n Triniteits-leerstelling wat God se Drie-Eenbaarheid bevestig, en wat voortvloei in 'n weergawe van
God se Persoon-like kenbaarheid. Hierdie tesis word gestaaf deur 'n naspeuring van Calvyn se
Triniteits-uiteensetting van die Christelike lewe. Daar word ook aangetoon hoe hierdie standpunte
die voorvermelde nadruk op kennis bevestig. Die herontdekking van Calvyn se Triniteitsleer
(doctTina) is dus van groot belang vir die post-Verligting en konternporere teologiese debatte oor
God en die Drie-Eenheid.
Beide Drie-Eenbeid en seeerbeid is ten nouste verweef met Calvyn se God-gesentreerde
hermeneutiek. Die somtotaal van sy eksegetiese werk, van Kommentaar na Institutio na Prediking, was
daarop gefokus om die stem van die Drie-Enige God onder leiding van die Heilige Gees te hoor.
Die poging tot 'n omvattende interpretasie van Calvyn word uiteindelik in die lig van die
voortgang van Gereformeerde Teologie beskou. "Om die Drie-enige God te ken" is dus 'n
integrerende motief wat Calvyn se teologie bevestig en ook sy werk besonder aktueel maak vir die
hedendaagse teologiese debat.
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