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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Disability employment attitudes and practices in South African companies : a survey and case studies

Wiggett-Barnard, Cindy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Persons with disabilities (PWDs) remain under-represented in South African (SA) companies. Negative attitudes and ignorance of employers may contribute towards unemployment of PWDs, as can inadequate accessibility, accommodations and company policies on disability. A lack of SA literature on employers’ attitudes and practices on disability motivated the study. A web-based survey was developed to investigate employer attitudes on the employment of PWDs in SA companies. In total, 348 companies were invited to take part in the survey, and 86 companies completed it (25% response rate). One person per company, mostly from Human Resources (HR), completed the survey. Findings from the survey showed that global attitudes towards PWD employment are positive, but that physical and sensory disabilities received more favourable ratings than psychiatric and intellectual disabilities. Most managers reported satisfaction with the job performances of their PWDs. Accessibility in the survey companies is still lacking. Modifications to the physical environment are the most common accommodation made by the companies. Costs for making accommodations were just a bit more or the same than initially anticipated. Companies valued information on the preparation of the environment for PWDs and the cost of accommodations. Companies which employed more than one percent of PWDs were significantly more likely to report that their Diversity/Equity documents include a disability policy. A case study approach was used to obtain qualitative information on the experiences and practices with and of PWDs in three companies with some success in employing PWDs. All companies surveyed that had more than two percent PWDs were requested to participate in the case studies, and three companies agreed. Interviews were performed at these companies with HR personnel, supervisors, co-workers and PWDs. Case study findings show that office environments present more suitable and easier job opportunities for PWD employment, and that certain disability types present too great a risk for employment in dangerous environments. The case study companies do seem to accept PWDs in general, specifically in the immediate working teams of PWDs. None of the managers interviewed indicated problems in managing their PWDs and most apply general management principles. Those with direct contact with PWDs confirmed that they were productive and dedicated. Despite this, very few PWDs are currently being recruited into the companies, but targeted recruitment of PWDs has started. The companies have adequate accessibility in the immediate environments of PWDs, but not widespread accessibility. All the companies have company guidelines and experiences in making reasonable accommodations. Very few PWDs have been advanced in the companies and few fill management positions. Although all the companies have disability policies in place, there is sometimes a discrepancy between policy and practice. The most prominent company initiatives for PWD integration are declaration drives, financial aid initiatives and awareness raising on disability. This study provided evidence that PWDs can be productive, have good co-worker relationships and generally do not make unreasonable accommodation requests. Companies can improve their disability guidelines, accessibility and accommodation processes, but actual contact and sensitisation can increase integration of PWDs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Persone met gestremdhede (PMGs) is steeds onderverteenwoordig in Suid-Afrikaanse (SA) maatskappye. Negatiewe houdings en onkunde van werkgewers kan bydra tot werkloosheid van PMGs, asook onvoldoende toeganklikheid, akkommodasie en maatskappy-beleid oor gestremdheid. 'n Gebrek aan SA literatuur oor werkgewers se houdings en praktyke teenoor gestremdheid motiveer dié studie. ’n Web-gebaseerde opname is ontwikkel om werkgewer-houdings oor die indiensneming van PMGs in SA maatskappye te ondersoek. ’n Totaal van 348 maatskappye is genooi om deel te neem aan die opname en 86 maatskappye het dit voltooi (25% respons-koers). Een persoon per maatskappy, meestal van Menslike Hulpbronne (MH), het die opname voltooi. Bevindinge van die opname het getoon dat algemene houding teenoor PMGs positief is, maar dat fisieke en sensoriese gestremdhede meer gunstige graderings as psigiatriese en intellektuele gestremdhede ontvang. Die meeste respondente het tevredenheid getoon met die werkvertonings van PMGs. Toeganklikheid in die maatskappye is steeds onvoldoende. Veranderings aan die fisiese omgewing is die mees algemene akkommodasie wat deur die maatskappye gedoen is. Kostes vir akkommodasies is net ’n bietjie meer of dieselfde as wat aanvanklik verwag is. Maatskappye stel ’n premie of inligting oor die voorbereiding van die omgewing vir PMGs en die koste van akkommodasie. Maatskappye wat meer as een persent van die PMGs indiens het, was beduidend meer geneig om te rapporteer dat hulle diversiteit dokumente 'n gestremdheid beleid insluit. ’n Gevallestudie benadering is gebruik om kwalitatiewe inligting te kry oor die ervaringe en praktyke t.o.v. PMGs in drie maatskappye met relatiewe indiensneming sukses t.o.v. PMGs. Alle opname maatskappye met meer as twee persent PMGs is versoek om deel te neem, en drie maatskappye het ingestem. Onderhoude by hierdie maatskappye is gevoer met menslikehulpbron-personeel, bestuurders, mede-werkers en PMGs. Gevallestudie bevindinge toon dat die kantooromgewing meer geskikte en makliker werkgeleenthede vir PMGs bied, maar dat dat sekere tipes getremdhede ’n te-groot risiko is vir indiensneming in gevaarlike omgewings. Daar blyk ’n groter aanvaarding van PMGs in die algemeen te wees by die maatskappye, spesifiek in die onmiddellike werkspanne van PMGs. Nie een van die bestuurders in die ondersoek het probleme aangedui met die bestuur van PMGs nie en meeste pas algemene bestuursbeginsels toe. Diegene met direkte kontak met PMGs bevestig dat hulle produktief en toegewyd is. Ten spyte hiervan word min PMGs gewerf deur die maatskappye, maar geteikende werwing van PMGs het begin. Die maatskappye het voldoende toeganklikheid in die onmiddellike omgewings van PMGs, maar nie wydverspreide toeganklikheid nie. Al die maatskappye het wel maatskappy-riglyne en ervarings met die voorsiening van redelike akkommodasie. Baie min PMGs word wel bevorder in die maatskappye en min vul bestuurposisies. Alhoewel al die maatskappye ’n gestremdheidsbeleid het, is daar soms ’n verskil tussen beleid en praktyk. Die mees prominente maatskappy inisiatiewe vir PMG integrasie was verklaringsinisiatiewe, finansiële steun en bewusmakings-veldtogte van gestremdheid. Hierdie studie bewys dat PMGs produktief kan wees, goeie mede-werker verhoudings het en oor die algemeen nie onredelike akkommodasie versoeke rig nie. Maatskappye kan hulle gestremdheidsriglyne, toeganklikheid en akkommodasie prosesse verbeter, maar werklike kontak en sensitisering kan integrasie van PMGs verhoog.

Television content related fears : preschoolers and their parents’ perceptions

Richard, Christina S. W. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Pyschology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The primary aim of the present study was to determine what the television content related fears of a sample of preschool children are and their parents’ perceptions thereof. The secondary aim was to establish whether there are differences between the television content related fears with regard to the different age groups and gender groups used in the present study. The sample of 67 participants consisted of 11 four year olds, 29 five year olds and 27 six year olds. Data were obtained by conducting child-friendly semi-structured individual interviews, using a questionnaire as guideline, with a sample of preschool children. The parents or legal guardian of the participants completed similar questionnaires, in which the perceptions of the parents about the television content related fears of their children were obtained. The questions focused on the programmes the participants preferred watching and the contents of the programmes that elicit fear in them. The sample size used in the study was small and the researcher was very careful not to make generalisations regarding the findings. The results, presented in a descriptive manner, nevertheless indicated that the participants were experiencing television content related fears. Although the four-year-old group reported more age appropriate fears, it seemed that the older the participants are, the more television related their fears become. Boys in general reported more television related fears than the girls. Parents seem to be aware of the contents of the fears of their children. Limitations in the present study were mentioned and recommendations for further studies regarding television content related childhood fears were made.

Suicide and bereavement : an interpretive study

Newman, Garth January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Suicide is the third leading cause of death of worldwide, and its social ramifications are far-reaching. Due to the stigma associated with suicide, as well as the unique emotional processes that occur during bereavement following this mode of death, suicide bereavement is regarded as different - and more intense - than other grief experiences. While the effects of suicide on the suicide-bereaved have been well-documented using objective measures of outcome, the subjective, and often unquantifiable emotional, familial and social consequences of suicide have been largely under-researched. By using an interpretive approach, this study focuses on the subjective experiences of those who have lost a loved one to suicide. Five suicide-bereaved individuals were sampled from a particular community, and their experiences were elicited using semi-structured interviews. The results indicate a number of emotional as well as social processes that occur after suicide, including intense longing for the deceased; rationalisation, disbelief, and denial; feelings of anger, guilt, regret, and sadness; a search for answers, meaning and closure; and blaming and social isolation. While these processes cannot be said to occur exclusively in suicide bereavement, they appear to be experienced more intensely during this form of grief.

Adolescent dating violence and identity development : a South African perspective

Leaver, Matthew 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment attempts to explore how certain factors that play a role in the perpetration of dating violence among South African male adolescents are related to identity development. While there has been much investigation of the factors relating to dating violence, much less has been written about how these factors are related to the developmental tasks of adolescence. This assignment starts with a brief exploration of local and international literature on adolescent and adult dating violence. Certain factors that are considered to be particularly relevant to adolescent dating violence are then highlighted. These are exposure to trauma, alcohol and drug use, peer group influences, and aggressive and misogynist expressions of masculinity. The main focus of the thesis is then to investigate the extent to which these factors can be tied to one of the main developmental tasks of adolescence, namely identity formation. It is argued that, while adolescence is a phase in which identity is being developed, identity formation can be compromised by early exposure to aggression. This, together with the desire to imitate significant others, may lead to a re-enactment of aggression. Alternatively, it can lead to a heightened identity confusion, which may create a greater reliance on external sources, most significantly the peer group. It is possible that, for acceptance, the peer group may require an expression of masculinity that is misogynist and aggressive. Given that dating relationships are an arena in which identities are negotiated with a peer group, it is possible that the aggression that is encouraged may find expression within these dating associations. The abuse of alcohol and drugs, modelled by others in early life and encouraged by the peer group, serves to augment the likelihood of dating violence. This process is also discussed in the light of the post-Apartheid South African context. Understanding the abovementioned factors in terms of identity development has implications for empirical enquiry and prevention programmes. It is argued that research should take into account the developmental tasks of adolescence, whilst attempting to understand the unique challenges that face adolescents in South Africa. Intervention programmes should be focused on assisting adolescent males with the developmental task of identity negotiation.

The decentred ego in a non-local world : from power to will

Dreyer, Verdie Michael 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The study identifies a basic psycho-logico assumption, coined the premise of locality, which is postulated by the author to permeate most of historical and contemporary psychological, philosophical and scientific thought. In light of the latter supposition the study explores the domain of quantum physics, whence an alternate psycho-logico assumption, the premise of non-locality, is conceptualised. The semantic implications of the non-locality premise are elucidated by investigating the meaning, character and symptoms of the locality premise. The indicative factors of the premise of locality are enumerated and consequently articulated upon the psychological thought of Jacques Lacan. The study demonstrates how the implicit locality assumptions in Lacan’s thinking are the provenance of the incompatibility of his mirror-stage formulation and the empirical findings of contemporary mirror self-recognition research. Assuming a premise of non-locality the author develops a psychological perception structure, coined dichotomous subject objectification. Dichotomous subject objectification represents the localized experience of the self as subject characterized by the capability for mirror self-recognition. Intuited by the premise of non-locality, the author introduces the notion of ‘non-local perceptum’. The physiological dynamics of non-local perceptum is conceptualised by explicating the meaning of ‘absolute power states’. The disposition of absolute power states in terms of dichotomous subject objectification is functionalised by correlating the latter with Michel Foucault’s conceptualisation of power-relations. Concerning the latter, particular attention is given to Foucault’s understanding of the modern day disparity between disciplinary power and sovereign power; the possible influence of this disparity on the psychological experience of the localized subject is subsequently investigated and a certain ‘cognitive dissonance’ is revealed. Localized psychological experience emanating through non-local perceptum is further illuminated by explicating the logical relevance of Socrates’ idiosyncratic flavour of ignorance. Implementing Socrates’ infamous dictum – I know that I don’t know – the study demonstrates how gazing through the prism of the locality premise creates scattered patterns of self-referential paradoxes and self-defeating scientific-logical suppositions. Subsequently the study illustrates that if, conversely, localized thought rather passes through the prism of the non-locality premise, the jumbled dissymmetries emanating from the locality prism are transfigured into symmetrical patterns of logical beauty. Concerning the notion of symmetry, the study explicates the importance there-of in terms of the non-locality premise by defining and differentiating the symmetrical [R] and the symmetrical [I]. The study evidences the pragmatic efficacy the notion of symmetry has already provided for the domain of physics in the past, and considers the vital importance of investigating the clinical applicability this notion might have for the domain of psychology in the future. This preliminary disquisition concerning the premise of non-locality is summarized in the conceptualisation of the ‘power to will’. The power to will evinces an alternative approach for addressing the paradigmatic reprise (postulated in terms of the ‘brilliant Greek mistake’) that confronts the post-modern mind.

The influence of personality type and sense of coherence on coping with bereavement

Waddington, Gavin A. (Gavin Alfred) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Due to the far-reaching effects of bereavement on the psychological, physical and emotional levels, this study was designed to identify the personality types that are conducive with coping and non-coping characteristics of the bereavement experience. This study examines Jung’s attitudes of Introversion and Extraversion and his functions of Sensing, Intuition, Thinking and Feeling to determine which are more conducive with coping and non-coping bereavement behaviour. The role that Sense of Coherence plays in the coping and non-coping characteristics in the bereavement process was also examined. Personality type is a construct developed by Carl Jung to explain some of the apparently random differences in human behaviour. Recognising the existence of these types, Jung’s theory provides an explanation of how these types develop. The different types are the result of the different ways in which individuals prefer to use their mind. The Salutogenic approach and Generalised Resistance Resource, developed by Antonovsky, is the building block from which the eventual development of the Sense of Coherence concept is based. Sense of Coherence is comprised of three components namely: comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. The degree to which these components are presented in one’s life determines an individual’s global orientation to life. The Texas Revised Inventory of Grief (Faschingbauer, Zisook, & De Vaul, 1987), Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory (Singer, Loomis, Kirkhart & Kirkhart, 1996) and the Sense of Coherence scale (Antonovsky, 1987) were completed by twenty-seven individuals (n=27) who recently lost a loved one due to terminal illness or anticipated death. The results of the study were processed and analysed by means of ANOVAS. Because of the small sample size, use was made of the bootstrap method to optimise results. Analysis of the data showed that coping individuals displayed a significant preference for feeling, judging and a high level of sense of coherence, whilst non-coping individuals showed preferences for intuition, perceiving and low level of sense of coherence. No significant difference was found for introversion, extroversion, sensing and thinking. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Weens die verrykende gevolge van die rouproses op die sielkundige, fisiese en emosionele vlakke, is die doel van hierdie studie om die verskillende persoonlikheidstipes te identifiseer wat bevorderlik is vir die hantering van die rouproses. Hierdie studie bestudeer Jung se houding van Introversie en Ekstroversie, asook sy funksies van Waarneming, Intuisie, Denke and Gevoel om vas te stel watter van hierdie houdings en funksies ‘n rol speel in die hantering van die rouproses, al dan nie. Persoonlikheidstipe is ‘n konstruksie wat deur Carl Jung ontwikkel is om van die waarskynlike toevallige verskille in menslike gedrag te verduidelik. Deur erkenning te gee aan die bestaan van hierdie persoonlikheidstipes, verskaf Jung se teorie ‘n verduideliking van hoe hierdie tipes ontwikkel. Die verskillende tipes is die gevolg van verskillende wyse waarop individue verkies om hul verstand te gebruik. Die Salutogeniese benadering en Veralgemeende Weerstandsbron, deur Antonovsky ontwikkel, vorm die bousteen waarop die uiteindelike ontwikkeling van die konsep van Sin vir Koherensie gebaseer is. Sin vir Koherensie bestaan uit drie komponente: verstaanbaarheid, hanteerbaarheid en betekenisvolheid. Die graad waartoe hierdie komponente in ‘n mens se lewe voorkom is die graad waartoe die individu globale oriëntasie vir die lewe openbaar. Die Texas Revised Inventory of Grief (Faschingbauer, Zisook, & De Vaul, 1987), Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory (Singer, Loomis, Kirkhart & Kirkhart, 1996) en die Sense of Coherence Scale (Antonovsky, 1987) is deur sewe-en-twintig individue voltooi (n=27). Slegs individue wie ‘n familielid aan ‘n terminale siekte of verwagte dood verloor het, is ingesluit vir die studie. Die resultate van die studie is geprosesseer en geanaliseer deur middel van ANOVAS. Omdat die monster klein was, is die bootstrap metode gebruik vir optimaal resultate. Analises van data het getoon dat individue wat die rouproses goed hanteer, ‘n betekenisvolle voorkeur het vir gevoel, oordeel en hoë Sin vir Koherensie. Diegene wie se hantering van die rouproses negatief is, toon egter voorkeur vir intuisie, waarneming en ‘n lae Sin vir Koherensie. Geen opvallende verskil is gevind vir introversie, ekstraversie, waarneming en denke.

The influence of existential group counselling on the purpose in life, self-esteem and alcohol outcome expectancies of under-graduate students

Van Vuuren, Casper Hendrik 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The main ail of this intervention study was to investigate and measure quantitatively the influence of existential group counselling on undergraduate students’ level of meaning and purpose in life, self-esteem and alcohol outcome expectancies. A quantitative research approach was adopted using a pre-test post-test design with an equivalent control group in order to ascertain whether there were any significant differences between the experimental group (n = 21) and the control group (n = 21). The independent variable was existential group counseling and the dependent variables were the undergraduate students’ subjective level of meaning and purpose in life, self-esteem and alcohol outcome expectancies. Forty-two subjects were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group. Quantitative data was collected using: Purpose in Life test (Crumbaugh & Maholick, 1964), the Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965) and the Alcohol Outcome Expectancy Scale (Leigh and Stacy, 1993). The methods of data analysis were the application of both independent and dependent sample t-tests. The dependent sample t-test results indicated a significant improvement of meaning and purpose in life (t = 3.85, p < 0.01) and alcohol outcome expectancies (t = 4.11, p < 0.01). The subjective level of self-esteem also shows an increase, though not significantly (t = 4.65, p > 0.05). Independent samples t-test results also indicated a significant improvement of meaning and purpose in life (t = 12.82, p < 0.01) as well as alcohol outcome expectancies (t = 9.57, p < 0.01). The study concluded that existential group counselling had a significant effect on undergraduate students’ level of meaning and purpose in life, as well as on alcohol outcome expectancies.

Cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy and obesity : a single case study

Prag, Anita 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This case-based research of Mrs K, a 39 year old, white woman who has been facing weight problems since the age of six sheds light on the effectiveness of a Cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapy intervention as an aid to weight loss and the enhancement of body image and satisfaction. Literature is provided to contextualise the research question and both a quantitative and phenomenological approach to conducting the research is employed in this case study. The results are also discussed from both these perspectives. The subject’s body image improved over the eight session period and she was better able to understand and challenge her food cravings. At the start of the program she experienced thirty two cravings a week and by session eight they had reduced to 10. It was also found that the frequency of her five main self defeating cognitions (monitored and reported weekly on a cumulative basis) decreased from one hundred and twenty-one to eighty-two. While her actual weight-loss was not significant, the intervention assisted in her overall sense of well being facilitating self acceptance. The phenomenological section of this paper partially follows a model conceptualised by Fishman (2005), one of the leading founders of the journal Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy (PCSP). He advocates that as part of the study a clinical assessment and formulation be included so as to elucidate the subject’s context. It was found that Mrs K had experiences in life relating to themes of unworthiness and inadequacy. These experiences could have thus impacted on her eating behaviours resulting in negative and self defeating diet patterns to develop. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die enkelgevalstudie met Mev. K., ̛n 39 jarige blanke vrou wat sedert sesjarige ouderdom ̛n gewigsprobleem het, word die effektiwiteit van ̛n kognitiewe gedragshipnoterapeutiese intervensie, met betrekking tot gewigsverlies, liggaamlike selfbeeld en satisfaksie ondersoek. Kwantitatiewe sowel as ̛n kwalitatief fenomenologiese metode is gebruik om die navorsingsdata te ontleed. Tydens die agt sessies van die program het die persoon se liggaamlike selfbeeld verbeter en was daar ̛n verbeterende ingesteldheid teenoor voedsel – eetlus en kon sy dit beter verstaan en beheer. Aan die begin van die intervensie het sy 32 eetbegeertes ervaar wat afgeneem het na 10 aan die einde van die program. Die frekwensie van haar vyf hoof negatiewe gedagte-patrone (weekliks gerapporteer op ̛n kumulatiewe basis) het van 121 na 82 verminder. Terwyl haar fisiese gewigsverlies nie statisties noemenswaardig was nie, het haar oorkoepelende gevoel van algemene gesondheid haar selfaanvaarding gefasiliteer. Die fenomenologies-kwalitatiewe navorsingsgedeelte is gebaseer op die model van Fishman (2005), een van die stigterslede van die Pragmatic Case Studies in Psychotherapy (PCSP) Journal. Hy voer aan dat ‘n kliniese ondersoek en formulering in die intervensie ingesluit word om sodoende die persoon se konteks beter te skets. Die volgende temas, naamlik minderwaardigheid en ontoereikendheid, is fenomenologies geïdentifiseer. Laasgenoemde belewinge (temas) het ̛n negatiewe invloed op haar dieetpatroon gehad.

The transition into womanhood : a feminist, social constructivist analysis

Steenkamp, Maria Magrieta 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: To address the research question of how young women themselves experience the transition into womanhood, by looking at the articulated subjective experiences of young women involved in negotiating the process of 'becoming a woman'. The research question was approached from a post-modern feminist and social constructionist perspective, using qualitative methodology. In-depth interviews were conducted with two groups of young women - five white, middle class students who are involved in the Women's Mental Health Research Project (WMHRP) as interviewers, and five coloured, working-class young women who would be interviewees in the WMHRP. These two groups of participants were recruited from different social backgrounds in order to investigate contextual variations in their identity negotiation processes. Transcripts of the interviews were analyzed according to constructivist grounded theory protocol (Charmaz, 2003; Henwood & Pidgeon, 2003). Three main categories were constructed from the data, namely 1) the girl/woman dichotomy, 2) the "woman imperative", and 3) different processes experienced. In chapter one, an introduction is provided which discusses the importance of the research question to feminist and developmental psychologists, and highlights the paucity of research on the topic within these areas. Chapter two examines the empirical literature surrounding the research question, which highlights the marginalization of the transition into womanhood by psychological researchers. Anthropological studies of 'rites of passage' are also briefly discussed. In chapter three the theoretical framework that informed the present study is discussed, namely 1) social constructionism, with its focus on discourse and its rejection of essentialism, and 2) feminism, with its emphasis on gendered identity, difference and power. Concepts central to the present study, namely development, gender, and identity are also discussed in this chapter. Chapter four provides an explanation of the methodology and methods that were used in the present study, while chapter five presents the results and a discussion of the results. Finally, chapter six consists of a discussion of the conclusions that can be drawn from the findings, as well as their implications for research and practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie spreek die vraag aan van hoe jong vroue self die oorgang na vrou-wees ervaar. Dit word ondersoek aan die hand van die subjektiewe belewenisse van jong vroue midde-in die proses van vrou-word, soos deur hulself geartikuleer. Die navorsingsvraagstuk is benader vanuit 'n post-moderne feministiese en sosiaalkonstruktiewe perspektief, deur gebruik van kwalitatiewe metodologie. In-diepte onderhoude is met twee groepe jong vroue gevoer - vyf hoofsaaklik blanke studente uit die middelstand wat betrokke is by die "Women's Mental Health Research Project" (WMHRP) as onderhoudvoerders, en vyf kleurling jong vroue uit die werksklas, met wie die onderhoude gevoer is. Hierdie twee groepe deelnemers is uit verskillende sosiale agtergronde gekies ten einde kontekstuele variasies in hulle identiteitsvormingsprosesse te kan ondersoek. Transkripsies van die onderhoude is ontleed aan die hand van konstruksievisties-gefundeerde teorie protokol (Charmaz, 2003; Henwood & Pidgeon, 2003). Drie hoof-kategoriee is uit die data gekonstrueer, naamlik die meisie/vrou dikotomie, die verskillende prosesse beleef, en die "vrou imperatief'. In hoofstuk een, wat die onderwerp inlei, word die belangrikheid van navorsing vir feministiese en ontwikkelingsielkundiges bespreek, en word die skaarste aan navorsing oor die onderwerp uitgelig. Hoofstuk twee bied 'n bespreking van die empiriese Iiteratuur rondom die navorsingsvraagstuk, wat die marginalisasie van die oorgang tot vrou-wees onder navorsers in die sielkunde onderstreep. Antropologiese studies oor inisiasie-rituele word ook vlugtig bespreek. In hoofstuk drie word die teoretiese raamwerk wat die studie inlig bespreek, naamlik 1) sosiaal-konstruksionisme, met fokus op diskoers en die verwerping van essensialisme, en 2) feminisme, met klem op geslagsidentiteit, differensiasie en mag. Konsepte sentraal tot hierdie stud ie, naamlik ontwikkeling, geslag en identiteit word ook in hierdie hoofstuk bespreek. Hoofstuk vier bied 'n verduideliking van die metodologie en metodes wat in hierdie studie aangewend is, terwyl in hoofstuk vyf die navorsingsresultate en 'n bespreking daarvan, aangebied word. Hoofstuk ses as slothoofstuk bestaan uit 'n bespreking van die gevolgtrekkings waartoe aan die hand van die navorsingsbevindinge geraak kan word, sowel as die implikasies daarvan vir navorsing en die praktyk.

An exploration of the role of the therapeutic relationship in the treatment of complex trauma : a psychodynamic-phenomenological case study

Manfroni, Antje 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sometimes it is not entirely clear why certain clients improve. Critical clinical ingredients which may have led to this improvement or recovery are hard to identify and describe and decisions about therapeutic interventions often appear to be intuitive rather than following a strict modus operandi. This is true particularly if refractory or chronic cases start to improve and maintain this improvement. Refractory and chronic cases are the norm amongst clients suffering from complex, chronic trauma, also termed complex PTSD. Complex trauma is a multi-facetted, often multi-layered condition. It includes damage to the individuals’ self and to her ability to interpersonally relate, additionally to the DSM IV TR diagnosis of PTSD. Due to the manifold unique presentations of the syndrome, particular after long-term exposure and confounded by co-morbidities and rigid defenses, it is difficult to diagnose and treat the condition effectively. This study focuses on one such complex trauma case with an initially very poor prognosis, which improved significantly over a treatment period of eighteen months. The therapeutic intervention and progression of the case are closely examined, using the phenomenological method, with the aim of discerning and describing themes and patterns that could assist in understanding the healing process of this client during therapy and to promote further research in this regard. Integration of psychodynamic conceptualization, particularly self-psychology and intersubjectivity, and person-centered, supportive therapeutic methods were found helpful in the treatment of this case. The common factor to these approaches is their emphasis on the relationship between client and therapist. This therapeutic relationship was concluded to be the determining factor in the successful treatment of this client, because it addressed damage to self and to her relational ability. The research took place concurrent to the therapy with the client and this process led to a degree of integration on three levels: integration of the client’s self and interpersonal functioning, integration of the abovementioned approaches to form a creative synthesis in the therapist’s individual approach to trauma clients, and the integration of a phenomenological methodology with a psychodynamically conceptualized case study. It is noted that the theoretical explorations and therapeutic procedures described and explored in this study are but one way to conceptualize and treat complex trauma. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Somtyds is dit nie duidelik hoekom sekere kliente se toestand verbeter nie. Dit is soms moeilik om die kritiese bestanddele wat tot hierdie verbetering of herstel gelei het, te identifiseer en te beskryf. Besluite met betrekking op therapeutiese intervensies blyk dikwels eerder intuitief, as die gevolg van ‘n streng modus operandi, te wees. Dit is spesifiek die geval wanneer chroniese en hardnekkige gevalle begin om te verbeter en die verbetering volhou. Hardnekkige en chroniese gevalle is nie ongewoon by kliente wat aan komplekse, chroniese trauma - ook genoem komplekse post-traumatiese stressversteuring - ly nie. Komplekse trauma is ‘n multi-fasettige toestand, wat dikwels ‘n verskeidenheid lae of vlakke van versteuring opwys. Dit sluit skade tot die individu se self in, asook verlies aan vaardigheid om met ander mense suksesvolle interpersoonlike verhoudings op te bou. Hierdie kenmerke is toevoegings tot die diagnose van die sindroom soos uitgevoer in die DSM IV TR. As gevolg van die meervoudige unieke voorstellings van die sindroom - in besonder na langtermyn blootstelling en verwarring deur co-ongesteldhede en rigiede verdedigings - is dit moeilik om die toestand korrek te diagnoseer en efektief te behandel. Hierdie studie fokus op die soort geval wat aanvanklik ‘n baie swak prognose gehad het, maar vervolgens oor ‘n tydperk van 18 maande ‘n beduidende verbetering getoon het. Die terapeutiese intervensie en die progressie van die geval is in hierdie studie noukeurig ondersoek, deur gebruik te maak van fenomenologiese ondersoekmetodes, met die doel om temas en patrone vas te stel en te beskryf wat die begrip van die genesingsproses van die klient gedurende terapie moontlik kan bevorder, en wat verdere navorsing op hierdie gebied kan stimuleer. Integrasie van psigodinamiese konseptualisering (spesifiek self-sielkunde en intersubjektiwiteit) asook persoongesentreerde, ondersteunende beradingsmetodes, is as waardevol bevind in die behandeling van hierdie geval . Die gemeenskaplike faktor tot hierdie benaderings is die klem op die verhouding tussen klient and terapeut. Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat hierdie terapeutiese verhouding die bepalende faktor in die sukkesvolle behandeling van hierdie klient was, omdat dit sowel die skade aan die self as die verlies aan die vaardigheid om verhoudings te bou, aangespreek het. Die navorsing en die terapeutiese intervensie met die klient het terselftertyd plaasgevind, en die proses het ten slotte tot ‘n mate van integrasie op drie vlakke gelei: integrasie van die klient se self en herstelling van interpersoonlike funksionering, integrasie van die bogenoemde benaderings wat tot ‘n kreatiewe sintese in die berader se benadering tot trauma behandeling gelei het, en die integrasie van fenomenologiese metodes en psigodinamies konseptualisering in ‘n gevallestudie. Dit is belangrik om in gedagte te hou dat die teoretiese navorsing en praktiese prosedures wat in hierdie studie beskryf en uiteengesit is, net een manier is om komplekse trauma te konseptualiseer en te behandel.

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