Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bayesianphysics."" "subject:"astrophysics.""
81 |
The development of an electron gun for performing ultrafast electron diffraction experimentsErasmus, Nicolas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physics))--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to comprehensively discuss ultrafast electron di raction and
its role in temporally resolving ultrafast dynamics on the molecular level. Theory
on electron pulses and electron pulse propagation will be covered, but the
main focus will be on the method, equipment and experimental setup required
to generate sub-picosecond electron pulses, which are needed to perform time
resolved experiments. The design and construction of an electron gun needed
to produce the electron pulses will be shown in detail, while preliminary pulse
characterization experiments will also be illustrated. An introduction into the
theory of electron diffraction patterns and how to interpret these diffraction
patterns will conclude the thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis het ten doel om ultravinnige elektrondi raksie deeglik te bespreek
asook die rol wat dit speel om ultravinnige tyd-dinamika op 'n molekulêre vlak
op te los. Die teorie van elektonpulse en die voortplanting van elektronpulse sal
gedek word, maar die fokus sal op die metode, gereedskap en eksperimentele opstelling
wees wat benodig is om sub-pikosekonde elektronpulse te genereer. Die
ontwerp en konstruksie van 'n elektrongeweer, wat benodig word om elektronpulse
te produseer, sal in detail bespreek word, terwyl aanvanklike pulskarakterisasie
eksperimente ook illustreer sal word. 'n Inleiding tot die teorie van
elektrondi raksie patrone en hoe om hulle te interpreteer sal die tesis afsluit.
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Diode-end-pumped solid-state lasersEsser, M.J. Daniel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physics. Institute for Laser Research))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / This thesis consists of two parts: a discussion on diode-pumped solid-state lasers and a
detailed description of the development of a diode-end-pumped Nd:YLF laser. A
background motivation, which places this research area in perspective, is also given.
Part One introduces solid-state lasers and their physics. The focus is on the Nd3+ active
ion and describes its energy level structure as a typical four-level solid-state laser. An
overview of optical pump sources for solid-state lasers is given, focussing on the
construction, operation and advantages of diode lasers.
It is motivated that diode-end-pumping solid-state lasers produce laser systems with
the highest efficiency and diffraction limited beam quality. It is, however, emphasised
that power scaling of diode-end-pumped solid-state lasers is problematic due to
localised heat generation in the solid-state laser medium. The adverse effect of heat
generation on the laser performance is also described. In the design of diode-endpumped
solid-state lasers, the management of thermal effects is suggested as the
approach to scale the output power of these lasers.
Part Two of the thesis describes the design and the results of a novel high-power
diode-end-pumped solid-state laser developed at the Laser Research Institute. The
description of the design is split into three components: the laser material, the pump
source and the laser resonator.
The choice of laser material is motivated in detail, focussing on Nd:YLF’s advantage
of having a very weak thermal lens when operated on the σ-polarization at 1053 nm.
Its disadvantage of having a low fracture limit is also highlighted, but the approach to
power scale it to the multi-10-watt level, with the use of low doping concentration, a
low absorption pump wavelength, and a large pump beam, is described. It is further
shown that this approach led to the development of a novel laser resonator, which
allows a large fundamental mode in the laser material to match the large pump beam,
and it can compensate for the astigmatic thermal lens in Nd:YLF. The experimental results of the high-power diode-end-pumped Nd:YLF laser are
presented, showing the influence of doping concentration, output coupling efficiency
and resonator adjustments on the continuous wave and Q-switched laser performance.
It is shown that the optimum laser parameters were determined, resulting in the
Nd:YLF laser producing more than 26 W of continuous wave output power with a
close to diffraction limited beam quality (M2 < 1.4), and more than 3 mJ of energy per
pulse at a repetition rate of 6 kHz when Q-switched. It is concluded that the powerscaling
concept proved to be efficient and that further power scaling would be possible
with this scheme.
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Non-perturbative flow equations from continuous unitary transformationsKriel, Johannes Nicolaas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Physics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The goal of this thesis is the development and implementation of a non-perturbative solution
method for Wegner’s flow equations. We show that a parameterization of the flowing Hamiltonian
in terms of a scalar function allows the flow equation to be rewritten as a nonlinear partial
differential equation. The implementation is non-perturbative in that the derivation of the PDE
is based on an expansion controlled by the size of the system rather than the coupling constant.
We apply this method to the Lipkin model and obtain very accurate results for the spectrum,
expectation values and eigenstates for all values of the coupling and in the thermodynamic limit.
New aspects of the phase structure, made apparent by this non-perturbative treatment, are
also investigated. The Dicke model is treated using a two-step diagonalization procedure which
illustrates how an effective Hamiltonian may be constructed and subsequently solved within this
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Analysis and applications of the generalised Dyson mappingSnyman, Izak 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis, generalized Dyson boson-fermion mappings are considered. These are
techniques used in the analysis of the quantum many-body problem, and are instances
of so-called boson expansion methods. A generalized Dyson boson-fermion mapping, or
a Dyson mapping for short, is a one-to-one linear but non-unitary operator that can be
applied to vectors representing the states of a many-fermion system. A vector representing
a fermion system maps onto a vector that is most naturally interpreted as representing
a state of a many-body system that contains both bosons and fermions. The motivation
for doing such a mapping is the hope that the mapping will reveal some property of the
system that simplifies its analysis and that was hidden in the original form. The aims of
this thesis are
1. to review the theory of generalized Dyson boson-fermion mappings,
2. by considering a tutorial example, to demonstrate that it is feasible to implement
the theory and
3. to find a useful application for a generalized Dyson boson-fermion mapping, by
considering a non-trivial model, namely the Richardson model for superconductivity.
The realization of the first two aims mainly involve the collecting together of ideas that
have already appeared in the literature, into one coherent text. Some subtle points that
were treated only briefly due to space restrictions in the journal publications where the
theory was first expounded, are elaborated on in the present work. On the other hand, the
analysis of the Richardson Hamiltonian that uses a Dyson mapping, goes beyond what has
already appeared in the literature. It is the first time that a boson expansion technique
is implemented for a system where the roles of both collective and non-collective fermion
pairs are important. (The Dyson mapping associates bosons with Cooper pairs, while
the fermions not bound in Cooper pairs result in fermions being present in the mapped
system as well.) What is found is that the Dyson mapping uncovers non-trivial properties
of the system. These properties aid the construction of time-independent perturbation
expansions for the stationary states of the system, as well as time-dependent expansions
for transition amplitudes between states. The time-independent expansions agree with
results that other authors obtained through methods other than boson expansions. The
time-dependent expansions, that one would be hard-pressed to develop without a Dyson
mapping, might in future prove useful in understanding aspects of the dynamics of ultracold
fermi gases, when time-dependent magnetic fields are used to vary the atom-atom
interaction strenght. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word veralgemeende Dyson boson-fermion-afbeeldings ondersoek. Hierdie
afbeeldings word gebruik in die analise van die kwantum veeldeeltjie probleem, en is
voorbeelde van sogenaamde boson-uitbreidingstegnieke. 'n Veralgemeende Dyson bosonfermion-
afbeelding, of kortweg 'n Dyson afbeelding, is 'n een-tot-een, lineêre maar nie-unitêre
operator wat inwerk op vektore wat toestande verteenwoordig van 'n veel-fermion
sisteem. 'n Vektor wat 'n fermionsisteem verteenwoordig word so afgebeeld op 'n vektor
waarvoor die mees natuurlike interpretasie is dat dit 'n toestand verteenwoordig van 'n
sisteem waarin beide bosone en fermione aanwesig is. So 'n afbeelding word gewoonlik
gemaak in die hoop dat eienskappe van die sisteem, wat versteek was in die oorspronklike
weergawe, voor-die-hand-liggend is na die afbeelding. Hierdie tesis het ten doel
1. om die teorie van veralgemeende Dyson boson-fermion-afbeeldings te hersien,
2. om 'n eenvoudige voorbeeld deur te werk, en so te demonstreer dat die teorie sonder
moeite geïmplimenteer kan word en
3. om 'n nuttige toepassing te vind vir 'n veralgemeende Dyson boson-fermion-afbeelding
deur 'n nie-triviale model, naamlik die Richardson model vir supergeleiding, te
Die eerste twee van hierdie doelwitte behels hoofsaaklik dat idees wat reeds in die literatuur
verskyn het, saamgevat word in een koherente teks. Sommige subtiele punte wat,
vanwee beperkte ruimte, slegs kortliks bespreek is in die joernaalartikels waarin die teorie
oorspronklik verskyn het, word in hierdie tesis meer breedvoering bespreek. Daarteenoor
verteenwoordig die analise van die Richardson model met behulp van 'n Dyson afbeelding
'n nuwe bydra. Dit is naamlik die eerste keer dat 'n bosonuitbreiding ingespan word vir 'n
sisteem waar sowel kollektiewe as nie-kollektiewe fermionpare 'n belangrike rol speel. (Die
Dyson afbeelding assosieer bosone met die oorspronklike sisteem se Cooper pare, terwyl
die fermione wat in die oorspronklike sisteem nie tot Cooper pare gebind is nie, sorg dat
daar ook fermione teenwoordig is in die afgebeelde sisteem.) Ons vind dat die Dyson
afbeelding nie-triviale eienskappe van die sisteem aan die lig bring. Hierdie eienskappe
is nuttig vir die konstruksie van beide tyd-onafhanklike steuringsreekse vir die stasionêre
toestande van die sisteem en vir tyd-afhanklike steuringsreekse vir oorgangsamplitudes
tussen toestande. Die tyd-onafhanklike uitbreidings stem ooreen met resultate wat ander
outeurs afgelei het sonder die gebruik van 'n Dyson afbeelding. Die tyd-afhanklike uitbreidings,
wat kwalik afgelei kan word sonder 'n Dyson afbeelding, mag vorentoe nuttig
wees om aspekte van die dinamika van baie koue Fermi gasse te verstaan, wanneer tydafhanklike
magneetvelde gebruik word om die inter-atoomwisselwerking te manipuleer.
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Determination of excitation functions for natBr(p,x) reactions with emphasis on the production of the radioisotope selenium-75De Villiers, Dawid 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:
The radionuclide 75Se (T1/2= 119.8 days) decays to the stable isotope 75As by 100 % electron
capture. Applications of this radioisotope include its use as a radiotracer in agricultural investigations
and as a potential irradiation source in high-activity brachytherapy. The application of this isotope as
a radiotracer in clinical studies has been limited due to a lack of availability of carrier-free 75Se.
In this study the excitation functions for the production of carrier-free 75Se, other selenium radioisotopes
and radiocontaminants produced via natBr(p,x) nuclear reactions were measured by the use of the
stacked foil technique.
Three separate stacks were assembled from aluminium and copper monitor foils and potassium
bromide tablets. The latter were prepared by pressing KBr salt into tablets with a thickness of 200
mg/cm2 and a diameter of 20 mm, which are sandwiched between thin Al foils. The monitor foils, with
a diameter of 19 mm, were punched from foil sheets. The stacks were irradiated at proton beam energies
of 100.9 MeV, 66.8 MeV and 40.4 MeV respectively at the National Accelerator Centre cyclotron facility.
After bombardment the KBr tablets were sealed in plastic bags to prevent the loss of any krypton
isotopes produced. The gamma-ray spectra of the induced radioactivity in each of the target foils were
recorded by means of a Ge-detector coupled with a SILENA 16-k multichannel analyser.
The measured excitation functions for the above-mentioned isotopes are presented. Where applicable
the cross-section values are compared with previously published values, while the others are presented
as new data. Theoretical calculations by means of the computer code ALICE (IPPE) were also done
for comparison. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Die radionuklied 75Se (T1/2= 119.8 dae) verval deur 100 % elektronvangs na die stabiele isotoop 75As.
Toepassings vir hierdie radioisotoop sluit in sy gebruik as 'n radiospoormiddel in landbou-ondersoeke en
as 'n potensiële stralingsbron in hoë aktiwiteit bragiterapie. Die aanwending van hierdie isotoop as 'n
radiospoorder in kliniese studies word egter beperk deur die gebrek aan beskikbaarheid van draer-vry
In hierdie studie is die opwekkingskrommes vir die produksie van draer-vry 75Se, ander selenium
radioistope en radiokontaminante bepaal deur die natBr(p,x) kernreaksies te meet met behulp van die
foelie-stapel metode. Drie verskillende stapels, bestaande uit aluminium- en koper-monitor foelies en
kalium-bromied tablette, is saamgestel. Laasgenoemde is voorberei deur KBr sout saam te pers tot
tablette met 'n dikte van 200 mg/cm2 en 'n deursnit van 20 mm en wat omsluit is met dun Al-foelies.
Die monitor-foelies, met 'n deursnit van 19 mm, is gepons uit foelieplate. Die stapels is bestraal met
protonbundels met energieë van onderskeidelik 100.9 MeV, 66.8 MeV en 40.4 MeV by die Nasionale
Versneller Sentrum, Faure, se siklotron-fasiliteit. Na bombardering is die KBr tablette verseël in plastieksakkies
om verliese van enige vervaardigde kripton isotope te verhoed. Die gamma-straal spektra van
die geinduseeerde radioaktiwiteit in elke teiken is opgeneem met behulp van 'n Ge-detektor wat gekoppel
was aan 'n SILENA 16-k multikanaal-analiseerder.
Bogenoemde isotope se gemete opwekkingskrommes word aangebied. Waar van toepassing word die
kansvlakwaardes vergelyk met vorige gepubliseerde waardes terwyl ander aangebied word as die eerste
data bekend. 'n Vergelyking met die teoreties berekende kansvlakwaardes van die rekenaar kode ALICE
(IPPE) word ook gedoen.
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Quantum information theorySchumann, Robert Helmut 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2000 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: What are the information processing capabilities of physical systems?
As recently as the first half of the 20th century this question did not even have a definite
meaning. What is information, and how would one process it? It took the development of
theories of computing (in the 1930s) and information (late in the 1940s) for us to formulate
mathematically what it means to compute or communicate.
Yet these theories were abstract, based on axiomatic mathematics: what did physical systems
have to do with these axioms? Rolf Landauer had the essential insight - "Information is
physical" - that information is always encoded in the state of a physical system, whose dynamics
on a microscopic level are well-described by quantum physics. This means that we cannot discuss
information without discussing how it is represented, and how nature dictates it should behave.
Wigner considered the situation from another perspective when he wrote about "the unreasonable
effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences". Why are the computational techniques
of mathematics so astonishingly useful in describing the physical world [1]? One might begin to
suspect foul play in the universe's operating principles.
Interesting insights into the physics of information accumulated through the 1970s and 1980s
- most sensationally in the proposal for a "quantum computer". If we were to mark a particular
year in which an explosion of interest took place in information physics, that year would have to
be 1994, when Shor showed that a problem of practical interest (factorisation of integers) could be
solved easily on a quantum computer. But the applications of information in physics - and vice
versa - have been far more widespread than this popular discovery. These applications range
from improved experimental technology, more sophisticated measurement techniques, methods
for characterising the quantum/classical boundary, tools for quantum chaos, and deeper insight
into quantum theory and nature.
In this thesis I present a short review of ideas in quantum information theory. The first chapter
contains introductory material, sketching the central ideas of probability and information theory.
Quantum mechanics is presented at the level of advanced undergraduate knowledge, together with
some useful tools for quantum mechanics of open systems. In the second chapter I outline how
classical information is represented in quantum systems and what this means for agents trying
to extract information from these systems. The final chapter presents a new resource: quantum
information. This resource has some bewildering applications which have been discovered in the
last ten years, and continually presents us with unexpected insights into quantum theory and
the universe. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tot watter mate kan fisiese sisteme informasie verwerk?
So onlangs soos die begin van die 20ste eeu was dié vraag nog betekenisloos. Wat is informasie,
en wat bedoel ons as ons dit wil verwerk? Dit was eers met die ontwikkeling van die teorieë van
berekening (in die 1930's) en informasie (in die laat 1940's) dat die tegnologie beskikbaar geword
het wat ons toelaat om wiskundig te formuleer wat dit beteken om te bereken of te kommunikeer.
Hierdie teorieë was egter abstrak en op aksiomatiese wiskunde gegrond - mens sou wel kon
wonder wat fisiese sisteme met hierdie aksiomas te make het. Dit was Rolf Landauer wat uiteindelik
die nodige insig verskaf het - "Informasie is fisies" - informasie word juis altyd in 'n fisiese
toestand gekodeer, en so 'n fisiese toestand word op die mikroskopiese vlak akkuraat deur kwantumfisika
beskryf. Dit beteken dat ons nie informasie kan bespreek sonder om ook na die fisiese
voorstelling te verwys nie, of sonder om in ag te neem nie dat die natuur die gedrag van informasie
Hierdie situasie is vanaf 'n ander perspektief ook deur Wigner beskou toe hy geskryf het
oor "die onredelike doeltreffendheid van wiskunde in die natuurwetenskappe". Waarom slaag
wiskundige strukture en tegnieke van wiskunde so uitstekend daarin om die fisiese wêreld te
beskryf [1]? Dit laat 'n mens wonder of die beginsels waarvolgens die heelal inmekaar steek
spesiaal so saamgeflans is om ons 'n rat voor die oë te draai.
Die fisika van informasie het in die 1970's en 1980's heelwat interessante insigte opgelewer,
waarvan die mees opspraakwekkende sekerlik die gedagte van 'n kwantumrekenaar is. As ons
één jaar wil uitsonder as die begin van informasiefisika, is dit die jaar 1994 toe Shor ontdek
het dat 'n belangrike probleem van algemene belang (die faktorisering van groot heelgetalle)
moontlik gemaak word deur 'n kwantumrekenaar. Die toepassings van informasie in fisika,
en andersom, strek egter veel wyer as hierdie sleutel toepassing. Ander toepassings strek van
verbeterde eksperimentele metodes, deur gesofistikeerde meetmetodes, metodes vir die ondersoek
en beskrywing van kwantumchaos tot by dieper insig in die samehang van kwantumteorie en die
In hierdie tesis bied ek 'n kort oorsig oor die belangrikste idees van kwantuminformasie teorie.
Die eerste hoofstuk bestaan uit inleidende materiaal oor die belangrikste idees van waarskynlikheidsteorie
en klassieke informasie teorie. Kwantummeganika word op 'n gevorderde voorgraadse
vlak ingevoer, saam met die nodige gereedskap van kwantummeganika vir oop stelsels.
In die tweede hoofstuk spreek ek die voorstelling van klassieke informasie en kwantumstelsels
aan, en die gepaardgaande moontlikhede vir 'n agent wat informasie uit sulke stelsels wil kry.
Die laaste hoofstuk ontgin 'n nuwe hulpbron: kwantuminformasie. Gedurende die afgelope tien
jaar het hierdie nuwe hulpbron tot verbysterende nuwe toepassings gelei en ons keer op keer tot
onverwagte nuwe insigte oor kwantumteorie en die heelal gelei.
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Flow equations for hamiltonians from continuous unitary transformationsBartlett, Bruce 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis presents an overview of the flow equations recently introduced by Wegner. The little
known mathematical framework is established in the initial chapter and used as a background for the
entire presentation. The application of flow equations to the Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation and to
the elimination of the electron-phonon coupling in a solid is reviewed. Recent flow equations approaches to
the Lipkin model are examined thoroughly, paying special attention to their utility near the phase change
boundary. We present more robust schemes by requiring that expectation values be flow dependent;
either through a variational or self-consistent calculation. The similarity renormalization group equations
recently developed by Glazek and Wilson are also reviewed. Their relationship to Wegner's flow equations
is investigated through the aid of an instructive model. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis bied 'n oorsig van die vloeivergelykings soos dit onlangs deur Wegner voorgestel is. Die
betreklik onbekende wiskundige raamwerk word in die eerste hoofstuk geskets en deurgans as agtergrond
gebruik. 'n Oorsig word gegee van die aanwending van die vloeivergelyking vir die Foldy-Wouthuysen
transformasie en die eliminering van die elektron-fonon wisselwerking in 'n vastestof. Onlangse benaderings
tot die Lipkin model, deur middel van vloeivergelykings, word ook deeglik ondersoek. Besondere aandag
word gegee aan hul aanwending naby fasegrense. 'n Meer stewige skema word voorgestel deur te vereis
dat verwagtingswaardes vloei-afhanklik is; óf deur gevarieerde óf self-konsistente berekenings. 'n Inleiding
tot die gelyksoortigheids renormerings groep vergelykings, soos onlangs ontwikkel deur Glazek en Wilson,
word ook aangebied. Hulle verwantskap met die Wegner vloeivergelykings word bespreek aan die hand
van 'n instruktiewe voorbeeld.
88 |
Polymer networks at surfacesVandoolaeghe, Wendy Leigh 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis the formation and properties of a polymer gel on and at a surface
are investigated. The gel under investigation is defined as a three-dimensional network
of macromolecules that form permanent links with one another and also with
confining planar surfaces. The precise location of the crosslinks on the wall or on
another macromolecule is not known prior to linking, and will differ from sample to
sample. However, once the crosslinks are formed, they are assumed to be permanent.
This random linking is the source of the disorder in the system, over which
a quenched average has to be taken. An existing model [9] of network formation,
with polymer-polymer crosslinks, is extended to incorporate a surface and polymersurface
crosslinks. Within the framework of replica theory, statistical averages and
physical properties of the system are calculated by means of a variational approach.
Macroscopic information, in terms of the free energy of deformation, is obtained by
using two different potentials to simulate the erosslinks mathematically. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word die vorming en eienskappe van 'n polimeergel, wat teen 'n
oppervlak gevorm word, ondersoek. Die gel word gedefinieer as 'n drie-dimensionele
netwerk van makromolekules wat permanente bindings met mekaar, maar ook met
twee inperkende, platvlakke, vorm. Die presiese ligging van die bindings op die
muur en op ander makromolekules is nie vooraf bekend nie, en sal verskil van een
gel-monster tot die volgende. Sodra die konneksies egter gevorm is, word aanvaar
dat hulle permanent is. Die lukrake bindingsproses is die oorsprong van wanorde
in die sisteem, waaroor 'n wanorde-gemiddelde bereken moet word. 'n Bestaande
model [9]van netwerkvorming, met polimeer-polimeer bindings, word uitgebrei om 'n
oppervlakte en polimeer-oppervlak bindings in te sluit. Statistiese fisika gemiddeldes
en fisiese eienskappe van die sisteem word binne die raamwerk van replika-teorie en 'n
variasie benadering bereken. Makroskopiese inligting, in terme van die vrye energie
van vervorming, word verkry deur twee verskillende potensiale te gebruik om die
konneksies wiskundig voor te stel.
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Thulium doped fibre lasers in continuous-wave and pulsed regimesCoetzee, Riaan Stuart 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The following work focuses on the development and characterization of efficient,
high-power, Thulium doped fibre lasers. Lasers emitting light around ~2 μm have
generated a large amount of interest owing to the range of applications requiring and
utilizing light centred on this wavelength. Laser light in this emission band is
considered “eye-safe” which makes it ideal for applications where eye-safety is
paramount. The aim of this work is to develop expertise in Thulium doped fibre
lasers. Background information relevant to the functioning of Thulium doped fibre
lasers is presented. An existing diode pumped, CW Thulium doped fibre laser is
characterized. The wavelength output as well as the efficiency of the fibre laser was
characterized for different fibre temperatures, indicating shorter wavelength output for
lower fibre temperatures. Additionally, initial results indicate that without any
wavelength control (fibre Bragg gratings, volume Bragg grating), the spectrum and
laser output is temporally unstable. The design, development and characterization of a
diode pumped, CW and Q-switched Thulium doped fibre laser is discussed. The
design process and considerations are discussed in detail. Different feedback
elements, including a volume Bragg Grating, are utilized to constitute the laser
resonator as well as two lengths of doped fibre. The CW fibre laser is characterized
with regard to its slope efficiency, spectral output, temporal behaviour, beam profile
and polarization. A maximum slope efficiency of 37 % was obtained for 6.5 metres of
active fibre, only limited by the onset of thermal damage of the fibre ends. Pulsed
mode of the fibre laser was facilitated with the aid of an Acousto Optic Modulator
(AOM). At a pulse repetition rate of 10 kHz and average power of 2 W, a maximum
pulse energy of 200 μJ is obtained with pulse durations of 77 ns. This corresponds to
a maximum peak power of 2.6 kW / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis fokus op die ontwikkeling en karakterisering van doeltreffende, hoëdrywing
vesellasers met Tulium as aktiewe ioon. Lasers met uitset golflengte rondom
~ 2 μm verwek groot akademise belangstelling gegewe die verskeidenheid praktiese
toepassings wat lig by ~ 2 μm vereis en benut. Laserlig in hierdie golflengtegebied
word beskou as "oogveilig", wat dit ideaal maak vir toepassings waar oogveiligheid
uiters belangrik is. Die doel van hierdie werk is om kundigheid in vesellasers, met
Tulium as aktiewe ioon, te ontwikkel. Agtergrondinligting met betrekking tot die
funksionering van Tulium vesellasers word eerstens bespreek. Daarna word 'n
bestaande diode-gepompde Tulium vesellaser bespreek in terme van die
karakteriseering van die uitset laser spektrum, asook die doeltreffendheid van die
vesel laser vir verskillende temperature, wat dui op korter golflengtes vir laer
temperature. Daarbenewens het die aanvanklike resultate daarop gedui dat sonder
enige golflengte beheer (vesel Bragg roosters, volume Bragg rooster), die spektrum en
uitsetdrywing tydelik onstabiel is. Die ontwerp, ontwikkeling en karakterisering van
'n diode-gepompde kontinuedrywing en Q-geskakelde Tulium vesellaser word
bespreek. Die ontwerp-proses en oorwegings word in detail bespreek. Verskillende
hoë-reflekterende elemente, insluitend 'n volume Bragg rooster, word gebruik om die
laserresonator te vorm. Twee lengtes van die aktiewe vesel word ook eksperimenteel
ondersoek. Die kontinuedrywing vesel laser word gekarakteriseer met betrekking tot
die helling van die doeltreffendheidskurwe, spektrale uitset, tydsgedrag, straalprofiel
en polarisasie. 'n Maksimum hellingsdoeltreffendheid van 37% was behaal vir 6,5
meter van 'n aktiewe vesel maar was beperk deur die aanvang van skade aan die vesel
endpunt as gevolg van hitteoorlading. Pulsering van die vesellaser is bewerkstelling
met 'n Akoesties Optiese Modulator (AOM). Teen 'n pulstempo van 10 kHz en met ‘n
gemiddelde uitsetdrywing van 2 W, was die maksimum pulsenergie van 200 μJ
verkry met pulslengte van 77 ns. Dit stem ooreen met 'n maksimum piekdrwywing
van 2,6 kW.
90 |
Crossovers and phase transitions in Bose-Fermi mixturesKimene Kaya, Boniface Dimitri Christel 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: We present a theoretical approach that allows for the description of trapped Bose-Fermi mixtures
with a tunable interspecies interaction in the vicinity of a Feshbach resonance magnetic field.The
many-body physics of the system is treated at equilibrium using the well-established mean-field
and local density approximations. This reduces the physics locally to that of a homogeneous
system. We observe a rich local phase structure exhibiting both first and second order phase
transitions between the normal and BEC phases. We also consider the global properties of the
mixture at a fixed number of particles and investigate how the density profiles and the populations
of the various particle species depend on the detuning and trap profile. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ons beskou ’n teoretiese beskrywing van gevangde Bose-Fermi mengsels met ’n verstelbare interspesie
wisselwerking in die teenwoordigheid van ’n magneties-geïnduseerde Feshbach resonansie.
Die veeldeeltjiefisika van die sisteem word by ekwilibrium binne die welbekende gemiddelde-veld
en lokale-digtheid benaderings hanteer. Sodoende word die fisika lokaal tot die van ’n homogene
sisteem gereduseer. Ons neem ’n ryk fase-struktuur waar met beide eerste- en tweede-orde
fase-oorgange tussen die normale en BEK fases. Ons beskou ook die globale eienskappe van die
mengsel by ’n vaste totale aantal deeltjies en ondersoek hoe die digtheidsprofiele en deeltjiegetalle
van die afstemming en die profiel van die val afhang.
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