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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using the Timeline Followback to Identify Time Windows Representative of Annual Posttreatment Drinking

Gioia, Christopher J. 01 January 2011 (has links)
Using 12-month post treatment Timeline Followback drinking reports, data extrapolated from shorter time windows (e.g., 1 month, 6 months) were used to estimate total annual drinking. The objective was to determine whether data from a shorter time window would provide an estimate of annual drinking sufficiently consistent with the full year report such that it can be used in place of the full report. Data for this study were obtained from problem drinkers who voluntarily participated in a randomized controlled trial of a mail-based intervention. Complete follow-up data were obtained for 467 of the 825 participants who completed a 12-month Timeline Followback of their post intervention drinking. The results of this study suggest that 3 months is the necessary minimum time window to best represent annual posttreatment drinking with alcohol abusers. The major implication of this finding is that alcohol treatment outcome studies can use a shorter posttreatment time window, which is more time and resource efficient, over which to obtain follow-up data with little to no loss in the representativeness of that data.

Against the clock: uncovering diurnal time interval decision differences during tornado warnings for Lower Mississippi Valley residents

Wooten, Stephen Holden 13 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
With a higher number of nocturnal tornado events, I surveyed residents of Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee (N = 487 for each sample) to determine the time, in minutes, it took to reach a decision on shelter-seeking. I utilized latent class analysis (LCA) to create class memberships, based on diurnal and nocturnal scenarios, to associate with time intervals. Four actors were identified for each scenario: Tech Users, Typical Actors, Non-Reactors, and Social Actors for the day sample, Tech Users, Typical Actors, Passive Actors, and Non-Reactors for the night sample. Time intervals were created and applied to each class. All class assignments except one, Traditional Actors in the night sample, used more time than allotted in an average tornado warning lead time (~15 minutes). Future studies may be necessary to determine a reduction in time needed for decision-making, such as establishing the most impactful warning sources.

Modeling the Progression of Discrete Paired Longitudinal Data.

Hicks, Jonathan Wesley 12 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
It is our intention to derive a methodology for which to model discrete paired longitudinal data. Through the use of transition matrices and maximum likelihood estimation techniques by means of software, we develop a way to model the progression of such data. We provide an example by applying this method to the Wisconsin Epidemiological Study of Diabetic Retinopathy data set. The data set is comprised of individuals, all diabetics, who have had their eyes examined for diabetic retinopathy. The eyes are treated as paired data, and we have the results of the examination at the four unequally spaced time points spanning over a fourteen year duration.

The analysis and comparison of cardiac time intervals via seismocardiography.

Mann, Aysha Jenea 10 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Cardiac time intervals (CTIs) are vital indicators of cardiac health and can be estimated using a combination of electrocardiography (ECG) and seismocardiography (SCG). This study investigates the impact of SCG sensor location across the sternum on CTI estimations and heart rate variability parameters. Signal processing algorithms were developed to detect the opening and closure of heart valves on SCG for CTI calculation. A novel ECG-independent method was also developed based on template matching to determine similar parameters solely based on SCG. Comparative analysis with gold-standard methods were conducted on the SCG fiducial points, evaluating accuracy and performance. Results indicate a high overall average F1 score and correlation for all fiducial point detections. The p values revealed significant differences in SCG-derived CTI estimations across the sensor locations, highlighting the importance of sensor placement for accurate assessments. This finding underscores a fundamental step toward precise evaluation of cardiac health.

Quantification des effets du superparasitisme sur la valeur adaptative et la survie des couvées chez Trichogramma euproctidis Girault

Duval, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Pré-processamento dos intervalos de tempos observados na dinâmica de digitação (KeyStroke) de senhas curtas

Bezerra Júnior, Murilo Alves 27 September 2013 (has links)
In 2006, a method was proposed concerning the use of time interval equalization to improve performances of some biometric methods based on typing dynamics (or keystroke). In the paper where that method was first proposed, relatively small databases were used for showing, in terms of error rates, the effect of time equalization applied as a preprocessing step before the use of classical methods. In 2009, a much larger large database for keystroke research was made publicly available, through the Internet. This database is based on a single hypothetical password, typed by 51 volunteers through 8 sessions (50 samples per session). In this dissertation, the preprocessing method is adapted to this large public database of short typing patterns. Thus, by using the same biometric detectors already used by the owners of the database, we obtain new experimental results which clearly show an outstanding performance gain when the equalization interval (preprocessing) is applied. It is also studied the performance gain as a function of the password length (in number of symbols), and the stability of typing pattern against changes in the order of typed symbol pairs. Finally, the last study was carried to a new database we acquired with both direct and inverted sequence of symbols, allows for the analysis of keyboard layout changes on biometric performances. / Em 2006, um método foi proposto sobre o uso da equalização de intervalos de tempos, como forma de melhorar o desempenho de alguns métodos biométricos baseados em dinâmica de digitação (keystroke). Naquele artigo, pequenas bases de dados, com textos estáticos e livres, foram usadas para mostrar, em termos de taxas de erros, os ganhos quando a equalização era aplicada antes do uso de métodos clássicos. Em 2009, lançou-se uma base pública grande, correspondente a uma única senha hipotética curta, digitada por 51 voluntários, usada pelos autores do trabalho e, posteriormente, disponibilizada, publicamente, para novos experimentos. Nesta dissertação utilizou-se essa grande base pública, para a qual adapta-se a equalização de intervalos. Utilizando os mesmos métodos usados pelos proprietários da base experimental, obtém-se resultados que mostram, claramente, um notável ganho de desempenho para todos os métodos testados quando a equalização de intervalos é usada no pré-processamento dos dados. É observado também o desempenho no tocante ao tamanho da senha, e analisa-se a estabilização do padrão de digitação. Por fim, foi realizada a montagem de uma nova base, a partir da qual foi possível verificar e analisar o efeito produzido no ritmo de digitação do usuário devido à troca de caracteres da senha, bem como a influência do seu modo de digitação.

Les paramètres hémodynamiques pulmonaires chez les chats hyperthyroïdiens

Lachance, Laury 08 1900 (has links)
L’hyperthyroïdie représente la maladie endocrinienne la plus commune chez les chats gériatriques. Ses répercussions systémiques sont similaires chez l’espèce féline et l’humain. L’hypertension pulmonaire se développe chez plus du deux tiers des humains hyperthyroïdiens. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer si l’hyperthyroïdie féline affecte les paramètres hémodynamiques pulmonaires mesurés à l’échocardiographie (volet rétrospectif) ainsi que leur évolution dans le temps (volet prospectif). L’étude rétrospective a été réalisée à partir des examens échocardiographiques révisés de 26 chats hyperthyroïdiens non traités. Pour l’étude prospective, 7 chats hyperthyroïdiens non traités ont été recrutés et des échocardiographies ont été réalisées au moment du diagnostic, puis un mois et six mois suivant le retour à l’état euthyroïdien. Les groupes hyperthyroïdiens de chacun des volets ont été comparés à un groupe de chats sains (n = 15). Les chats hyperthyroïdiens présentent 1) une hyperdynamie ventriculaire droite, 2) un ratio du temps d’accélération sur le temps d’éjection du flux pulmonaire et une vitesse pulmonaire maximale augmentés et 3) un débit ou une fréquence cardiaque augmentés. L’évolution de ces changements dans le temps n’a montré aucune différence significative. Cette étude montre pour la première fois la présence d’altérations hémodynamiques pulmonaires à l’échocardiographie chez les chats hyperthyroïdiens. Les changements observés sont en partie différents de ceux décrits chez les humains hyperthyroïdiens, suggérant des mécanismes d’adaptation particuliers à l’espèce féline. Une importante variation à même la population féline dans la réponse métabolique aux hormones thyroïdiennes est soupçonnée. Des études supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour corréler les changements échocardiographiques observés au développement d’hypertension pulmonaire chez les chats hyperthyroïdiens. / Hyperthyroidism represents the most common endocrine disease in cats >10-years-old. Several of its multisystemic repercussions are similar between feline species and humans, including an increased basal metabolic rate and an activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Pulmonary hypertension has been reported in more than two third of humans with hyperthyroidism. This study aims to determine whether feline hyperthyroidism affects pulmonary arterial hemodynamics (retrospective study) and their progression in time (prospective study) with echocardiography. A bi-center retrospective study was realized from reviewed echocardiographic examinations of 26 untreated hyperthyroid cats. For the prospective study, 7 untreated hyperthyroid cats were recruited, and echocardiographic examinations were performed initially, followed by one and six months after treatment of hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroid groups of each study were compared to a group of healthy cats (n = 15). Hyperthyroid cats presented 1) an hyperdynamic right ventricle, 2) elevated acceleration to ejection time ratio of the pulmonary flow and maximal pulmonary velocity and 3) a higher cardiac output or heart rate than healthy cats. The magnitude of these changes did not vary significantly over time. This study shows for the first time the presence of pulmonary hemodynamic alterations in hyperthyroid cats using echocardiography. These changes are partially different from those described in hyperthyroid humans, suggesting adaptation mechanisms specific to the feline species. Significant variation within the feline population in the metabolic response to thyroid hormones is suspected. Further studies are needed to correlate echocardiographic changes with the development of pulmonary hypertension in hyperthyroid cats.

Altérations structurales et dynamiques des artères pulmonaires secondaires aux conditions respiratoires chez le chat domestique

St-Arnaud-Massicotte, Rachel 04 1900 (has links)
Chez l’humain et le chien, certaines atteintes respiratoires peuvent mener à une augmentation de la pression artérielle pulmonaire (PAP) et à un remodelage des artères pulmonaires. Chez le chat domestique, de telles conséquences n’ont que rarement été rapportées. Dans ce mémoire de maîtrise, nous avons étudié l’impact des atteintes respiratoires sur l’hémodynamie et la structure des vaisseaux artériels pulmonaires chez felis catus domestica à l’aide de deux approches méthodologiques. La première s’intéressait au temps d’intervalles systoliques (STIs) mesurés à l’échocardiographie et leur corrélation avec l’estimation de la PAP. Dix-sept autres paramètres échocardiographiques chez 10 chats atteints de maladies respiratoires chroniques ont été comparés à ceux de 16 chats sains. Aucune différence significative n’a été démontrée entre les deux groupes pour l’ensemble des paramètres. Les STIs n’étaient pas corrélés à l’estimation de la PAP, limitant leur potentiel prédictif d’hypertension pulmonaire chez le chat. La deuxième approche visait à déterminer histologiquement l’incidence des désordres bronchiolaires (BD) sur le remodelage artériel pulmonaire, à l’aide de tissus pulmonaires provenant de 13 chats atteints à ceux de 13 chats témoins. La proportion de la paroi artérielle occupée par l’adventice était significativement plus élevée chez les chats BD que celle du groupe contrôle, chez qui l’intima et la média était significativement plus proéminente chez les artères de petit et moyen calibre, respectivement. Cet effet opposé s’est soldé par une épaisseur pariétale totale comparable entre les deux groupes. D’autres études seront nécessaires pour comprendre les mécanismes physiologiques sous-jacents aux changements histologiques observés lors de BD. / In humans and dogs, respiratory disorders can lead to increased pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) and a remodeling of the pulmonary arteries. In domestic cats, such consequences have rarely been reported. In this master's thesis, we studied the impact of respiratory diseases on pulmonary hemodynamics and on pulmonary arterial morphometry in felis catus domestica using two methodological approaches Our first study focused on systolic time intervals (STIs) and their correlation with estimated PAP, upon which 17 other echocardiographic parameters were compared between 10 cats with chronic respiratory diseases and 16 healthy cats. No significant differences were observed between the two groups for any of the parameters that were measured. STIs did not correlate with estimated PAP, limiting their predictive potential of pulmonary hypertension in cats. The second study’s aim was to determine the histological impact of bronchiolar disorders (BD) on the remodeling of pulmonary arteries using pulmonary tissues from 13 affected cats compared to those of 13 control cats. The proportion of the arterial wall occupied by the adventitia was significantly higher in cats in with BD than that of the control group, of which the intima and media were significantly more prominent in small and medium caliber arteries, respectively. This opposite effect resulted in a comparably similar wall thickness between the two groups. Further studies will be needed to understand the physiological mechanisms underlying the histological changes observed in cats with BD.

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