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Effects of oxide film, Fe-rich phase, porosity and their interactions on tensile properties of cast Al-Si-Mg alloysBangyikhan, Kittiphan January 2005 (has links)
Since mechanical properties of cast Al-Si-Mg alloys are directly influenced by microstructural defects, understanding the characteristics of these defects and any interactions between them is important for improving the properties of castings. This research studied the effect of the most common defects normally found in cast aluminium alloys namely, double oxide films, Fe-rich phase, and porosity. A different level of each defect was introduced into the castings to investigate their effects on tensile properties with the results analysed by Yate’s algorithm and Weibull statistical analysis to determine their relative effects. The most important defect in this research was the oxide film that had an effect on UTS and elongation of about 21 MPa and 0.9% respectively and on the UTS Weibull modulus and elongation Weibull modulus of about 37 and 3 respectively. Increasing Fe content from 0.1 to 0.5 wt% influenced the tensile properties of the castings by decreasing the UTS and elongation by about 28 MPa and 1.7 % respectively. Although Fe-rich phases produced the greatest effect on tensile properties, their relatively high Weibull modulus showed that the reliability of the castings was at least predictable compared to the effects associated with oxide films. The porosity defects caused by an increase in hydrogen content from 0.1 to 0.45 ml/100g metal were the least detrimental to tensile properties. The most important interaction found in this research was the interaction between oxide films and porosity suggesting a mechanism for porosity formation in which entrained oxide film acted as initiation sites for pore formation in the castings. The main factor in the formation of porosity was hydrogen and shrinkage, since both could encourage the expansion of the oxide film defects to become gas porosity or shrinkage porosity in the castings. The other interaction between the microstructural defects observed in this research was that oxide films were found to be substrates for the nucleation and growth of Fe-rich phases, particularly the β-Al5FeSi phase. An interaction between all three defects were also observed and it further influenced the tensile properties of the cast Al-Si-Mg alloys by decreasing UTS and elongation by about 5 MPa and 0.5% respectively and the UTS Weibull modulus and elongation Weibull modulus of about 8 and 0.6 respectively.
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Microstructural influence on the effects of forward and reverse mechanical deformation in HSLA X65 and X80 linepipe steelsTovee, John-Paul January 2014 (has links)
Five API grade steels designed for linepipe applications produced using different processing routes and with varying microstructures were studied against differences in work hardening and work softening behaviour obtained from mechanical data. The rolling history and wt % additions of alloying elements will determine how the microstructures perform under reverse deformation schedules commonly seen during large diameter linepipe fabrication as steels can undergo work softening in the reverse direction of deformation, otherwise known as the Bauschinger effect. The Bauschinger effect is known to be dependent on the initial forward pre-strain, volume fraction (VF) of carbo-nitride particles and initial dislocation density. The effects of grain size and solid solution strengthening are a matter of debate in the literature and the combined effects of all five strengthening mechanisms have rarely been quantified. TEM investigations determined the dislocation densities to be between 2.2 x1014 m-2 - 5.8 x1014 m-2 in the as received condition. Observed trends presented and discussed in this body of work have given a greater insight into the influence microstructure has on the mechanical properties across a wide range of HSLA steels of similar strength grades, which are of important consideration for future development of low carbon steels designed for the petrochemical industry.
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Structure and property relationships in PET blendsKong, Yi January 2003 (has links)
Blends of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and polycarbonate (PC) have been prepared by twin-screw extruder with and without added a transesterification catalyst - lanthanum acetylacetonate hydrate. The blends without added catalyst are completely immiscible over the study range while the blends with added catalyst show partial miscibility. The mechanical properties are slightly improved in the latter blends. Studies were made on the crystallization and melting behaviour of PET and both of blends. It has been found that the crystallisation was inhibited in the presence of PC, particularly in the blends with added catalyst for which the equilibrium m.pt. showed considerable depression greater than the other samples. Multiple melting endotherms are due to dual lamellar thickness distributions and recrystallisation during heating. Miscibility, melting and crystallisation were also studied by MTDSC which proved to be a powerful tool separating reversing and non-reversing events. The crystallinities of PET and blends were measured using the First Law method and consistent with those measured by density and WAXD procedures. Both blends annealed at higher temperature the thermal properties, phase structure and transesterification have been investigated as a function of time. Kinetics parameters were also determined.
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The application of positron emission particle tracking to study non-metallic inclusions in metal castingsBeshay, Youssef Kamal January 2010 (has links)
To improve the efficiency of turbine aero engines, higher operating temperatures and weight savings are being investigated. Alloys such as RR1000 are being trialled as they perform better at higher temperatures than current nickel-based superalloys. To achieve weight savings, inertia welding is being trialled for turbine discs but current post weld heat treatments reduce fatigue life. In this investigation, a number of novel post weld heat treatments were trialled aimed at improving post weld microstructure and fatigue properties. Extensive microstructural characterisation and mechanical testing were used to assess the effect of these treatments on both parent and weld materials. Post weld heat treatment (PWHT) was found to have a great effect on the size and distribution of γ' and carbides, particularly when a PWHT temperature of 980ºC or above was used. The effect of this microstructural change on the hardness of the weld and parent material has also been characterised. Extensive total life fatigue testing was carried out at 650ºC. It was found that failure can occur in both the parent and weld material, although it is deduced that the yield stress of the weld needs to be surpassed to see weld failure (plasticity in the weld). Increasing dwell time at peak load reduced the life of these components. Two mechanisms for crack growth were observed with initiation either at the surface or at a large Hf rich particle subsurface. Oxidation was found to have a large effect on both initiation and growth of fatigue cracks. By introducing a sharp pre-fatigue crack into samples, static load testing was used to determine a threshold value of K (stress intensity factor) for growth and growth rates were plotted at different K values. It was seen in these tests that PWHT had a large effect on growth rates and threshold values of K.
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The response of ASTM F1537 Co-28Cr-6Mo alloy with different phase constituents to low-temperature plasma carburisingLuo, Xia January 2014 (has links)
Co-Cr alloys are the most widely used metallic biomaterials for metal-on-metal joint prostheses. However, concerns about increased revision rate associated with metal-on-metal replacements have been raised recently. This research was aimed at studying the response of medical grade ASTM Fl537 Co-28Cr-6Mo alloy with different phase constituents to low-temperature plasma carburising (LTPC) to address the tribocorrosion problems of the current metal-on-metal joint prostheses. To this end, n series of heat treatments were designed to produce samples with an a-FCC dominated (>95%), an c-HCP dominated (>97%) and a dual phased (40% c-HCP) microstructures. An optimised low-temperature plasma carburising (LTPC) treatment wns applied to the heat-treated samples. The microstructure of the plasma carburised surface layers were characterised by XRD, GDS, SEMIEDX and TEM, and the properties of the surface carburised layers were evaluated using micro- a•nd nano-indentation, reciprocating wear and electrochemical corrosion tests, and tribocorrosion tests a t different electrochemical potentials. The experimental results have showed that the response of the Co-28Cr-6Mo alloy to the LTPC treatment is highly dependent on the phase constituent. The LTPC treatment can significantly increase the hardness, load bearing capacity and dry wear resistance and tribocorrosion properties of all the Co-28Cr-6Mo samples with different phase constituents.
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The processing and characterisation of recycled NdFeB-type sintered magnetsDegri, Malik John Jamaji January 2014 (has links)
A study of the processing and characterisation of sintered NdFeB magnets made from recycled feed stock was undertaken. Initially the hydrogen decrepitated (HD) powder was investigated using two different milling techniques. The powders were analysed with optical microscopy, with the aid of a magnetic field. It was found that with light milling the HD powder breaks up to a similar particle size to that of the grain size of the starting material. A data logging system was built to investigate the desorption behaviour of green compacts during sintering. Desorption traces showed desorption from the matrix phase and the intergranular Nd-rich phase. The start of desorption was seen to shift to lower temperatures as the mean particle size of the green compact was reduced. For the processing route used in this work intergranular additions of neodymium hydride were required to increase the density and magnetic properties. To investigate the oxidation behaviour of lightly milled HD powder, powder was exposed to air for varying times. The exposed powder was aligned pressed and sintered. The Nd-rich desorption peak reduced with exposure time, the density and magnetic properties also reduced. Post exposure additions of Intergranular neodymium hydride to the powder recovered density and magnetic properties.
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Effect of stress on initiation and propagation of localized corrosion in alumninium alloysGhosh, Sukanta January 2008 (has links)
High strength aluminium alloy AA2024 is susceptible to localized corrosion in the form of pitting and intergranular corrosion (IGC). The corrosion behaviour of this alloy is strongly influenced by the presence of different intermetallic particles. In this study, the effect of applied stress and the role of intermetallic particle removal by surface treatment on the initiation and propagation of localized corrosion are investigated. It was found that applying a stress to as polished AA2024 leads to a drop in breakdown potential. The development of micro/nano crevices adjacent to the intermetallic particles is thought to act as initiation sites for localized corrosion, lowering the breakdown potential of stressed AA2024. The electrochemical behaviour of specific intermetallic particles and the particle free matrix of AA2024 have been studied as a function of stress state using the micro-capillary electrochemical cell in combination with an in situ stressing stage. These experiments emphasized the role of intermetallic particles as the possible key contributing factor in determining the corrosion properties of the alloy under stressed conditions. In situ X-ray synchrotron microtomography experiments were used to observe the evolution of corrosion attack as a function of continuous exposure time in both unstressed and stressed AA2024. Quantitative growth rate measurements indicates that application of stresses of 70% yield strength or above has a significant effect on the localized corrosion propagation.
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Modelling of the inertia welding of Inconel 718Yang, Libin January 2010 (has links)
In this study, the inertia welding process was studied by both an FEM model and three analytical models. The thermal analysis shows that there is a steep temperature gradient near the mating surface, which is the cause for the existence of a band of high hydrostatic stress near the weld line. The holding effect of this high static stress is the reason for the presence of the very soft material at the welding interface. The models were used to predict the displacement of the weld line (upset) with a lambda model to describe the constitutive relation of IN718 at high temperature. The results from the different models are in broad agreement. The shear stress induced by friction at the interface is found to enlarge the upset value; its effect must be taken into account if the upset is to be predicted accurately. The extrusion of the burr during the last second of the welding is a direct result of the quick stop of the rotating part due to the balance of the momentum, which is clearly explained by the analytical mechanical model put forward in this work.
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Thermodynamic modelling of high strength, high toughness Ti alloysWang, Hang January 2012 (has links)
Titanium alloys with good combinations of toughness and strength are being designed for aerospace applications: e.g. aeroengine compressors and aircraft undercarriages. It is not an easy process to optimise the balance between toughness and strength in this system, and in practice some aspects of the physical metallurgy of titanium alloys are not very well understood, such as the B2-type ordering in titanium alloys. The aim of this work mainly concerns the development of thermodynamic models, based upon CALPHAD techniques (CALculation of PHAse Diagrams). First-principles calculations were performed in order to provide the thermodynamic modelling with information concerning sublattice occupation. The energies of formation of different point defects in the ordered B2 phase of the Ti-Al binary system have been predicted. The dominant point defects in the sublattice of the B2-TiAl structure were determined to be either substitutional vacancies or anti-site defects, depending on the major element in the alloy. The concentrations of total and thermal point defects were estimated in the present work. The results of first-principles calculations have been adopted in the CALPHAD thermodynamic modelling. Thermodynamic assessment of the Ti-Al-Cr-V quaternary system was carried out, neglecting substitutional vacancies. A two sublattice model for B2 phase (Al,Cr,Ti,V)0.5:(Al,Cr,Ti,V)0.5 was used and a set of self-consistent thermodynamic parameters is presented. The predicted phase equilibria and order/disorder transformation temperature are shown to be in good agreement with experimental information, both in the Ti-Al-Cr-V quaternary system and in the important binary and ternary subsystems. The modelling results were used to predict the B2-stable region, which is important for the design of titanium alloys. Next, substitutional vacancies were taken into account in a thermodynamic model of the B2 phase (Al,Ti,V,Va)0.5:(Al,Ti,V,Va)0.5 in the Ti-Al-V ternary system, taking into account the theoretical results of first-principles calculations. The temperature of the β transus in Ti-6Al-4V alloy has been predicted to aid simulation of microstructure evolution. Experiments were carried out in order to calibrate the thermodynamic models, and to investigate the effect of B2-ordering on the kinetics of α precipitation from the β matrix. By using the obtained thermodynamic parameters, two databases of atomic mobilities were developed – one with substitutional vacancies and the other without. The calculated results from both databases fit the experimental data: concentration profiles, diffusivities and diffusion paths. Finally, microstructural kinetics associated with the β/α phase transformation in the Ti-6Al-4V alloy has been simulated using the phase-field method coupled with the CALPHAD approach. The needle-shape α structure was simulated and the mechanism of formation of Widmanstätten α structure was studied.
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Self-assembled nanorods and nanowires from oxide functional materials grown by pulsed laser depositionWang, Ye January 2014 (has links)
In this study, ZnO, MgO, In2O3, SnO2, iron oxide nanowires and nanorods were successfully produced by using Pulsed Laser Deposition. It was observed that the parameters, such as gold nanodots, number of pulses on the targets, temperature, oxygen pressure and substrate, contribute to various results. Different metal catalyst or substrate results in different morphology. Controlling oxygen pressure and substrate temperature was found to be crucial for the ZnO, In2O3 and iron oxide nanowires growth using this technique. The morphology of ZnO nanowires is highly influenced by plasma plume. Increasing the shots on gold target would increase the width of MgO nanorods, but by increasing the number of gold pulses, the distribution of the sizes and dimensions of ZnO nanorods become smaller. However, in the case of In2O3, retaining the total number of gold shots between 5 shots and 25 shots is critical. The variation of the number of laser pulses on oxide target mainly affects the length of nanowires in the case of MgO. However, in regards to In2O3, it does affect both the width and length of the nanowires.
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