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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the Variability of Hydrologic Catchment Response: Inherent and External Controls

Heidbuechel, Ingo January 2013 (has links)
Hydrologic catchment response varies in time. The goal of this dissertation is to investigate how and why it varies and what controls these variations. In order to tackle these questions the first step is to develop a method that permits the capturing of the temporal variation of transit time distributions (TTDs). To this end, the established transfer function-convolution approach using time series of stable water isotopes was modified so that it is now able to determine variable mean transit times (mTTs). The type and the shape parameter of the transfer function also vary in time. We found that antecedent moisture content, saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil depth and subsequent precipitation intensity are all potential controls. We propose a dimensionless number that integrates these controls and relates available storage to incoming and outgoing water fluxes in combination with information on antecedent moisture conditions to predict TTD type and shape. The individual TTDs for every time step produced by this model can be superimposed, summed and normalized to create a classification tool for catchments that is based on its general response behavior to precipitation events: the master transit time distribution. With this model in hand the hydrologic response for three consecutive monsoon seasons in ten nested subcatchments was examined. It was found that the major response controls were changing between the years in accordance with three hydrologic response modes. The mTT correlated most strongly with soil depth in the first year, with hydraulic conductivity in the second year and with curvature in the third year. These variations were produced by differences in precipitation patterns that led to differences in soil saturation and consequently to different dominant flow processes: in the first year most of the water left the catchment via fast flow paths (macropore flow, overland flow), in the second year shallow subsurface flow in the soil matrix was more dominant and in the third year most outflowing water derived from slow base flow. To better predict hydrologic catchment response we propose to apply a dimensionless number to determine the catchment response mode for every time step before selecting the appropriate response control.

Ugandan crater lakes : limnology, palaeolimnology and palaeoenvironmental history

Mills, Keely January 2009 (has links)
This thesis presents the results of contemporary limnological and palaeolimnological investigations of a series of crater lakes in order to reconstruct the palaeoenvironmental history of western Uganda, East Africa. The research examines questions of spatial and temporal heterogeneity of climate changes in the context of growing human impacts on the landscape over the last millennium. Sediment records from two lakes, Nyamogusingiri and Kyasanduka within the Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP) were investigated to look at the long term records of climate and environmental change (spanning the last c. 1000 years). Five shorter cores across a land-use gradient were retrieved to assess the impact of human activity on the palaeoenvironmental record over the last ~150 years. High-resolution (sub-decadal), multiproxy analyses of lake sediment cores based on diatoms, bulk geochemistry (C/N and δ13C) and sedimentary variables (loss-on-ignition, magnetic properties and physical properties) provide independent lines of evidence that allow the reconstruction of past climate and environmental changes. This multiproxy approach provides a powerful means to reconstruct past environments, whilst the multi-lake approach assists in the identification and separation of local (e.g. catchment-scale modifications and groundwater influences) and regional effects (e.g. climatic changes). The results of a modern limnological survey of 24 lakes were used in conjunction with diatom surface sediment samples (and corresponding water chemistry) from 64 lakes across a natural conductivity gradient in western Uganda (reflecting a regional climatic gradient of effective moisture) to explore factors controlling diatom distribution. The relationships between water chemistry and diatom distributions were explored using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and partial CCA. Variance partitioning indicated that conductivity accounted for a significant and independent portion of this variation. A transfer function was developed for conductivity (r2jack = 0.74). Prediction errors, estimated using jack-knifing, are low for the conductivity model (0.256 log units). The final model was applied to the core sediment data.This study highlights the potential for diatom-based quantitative palaeoenvironmental reconstructions from the crater lakes in western Uganda. Sedimentary archives from the Ugandan crater lakes can provide high-resolution, annual to sub-decadal records of environmental change. Whilst all of the lakes studied here demonstrate an individualistic response to external (e.g. climatic) drivers, the broad patterns observed in Uganda and across East Africa suggest that the crater lakes are indeed sensitive to climatic perturbations such as a dry Mediaeval Warm Period (MWP; AD 1000-1200) and a relatively drier climate during the main phase of the Little Ice Age (LIA; c. AD 1500-1800); though lake levels in western Uganda do fluctuate, with a high stand c. AD 1575-1600). The general trends support the hypothesis of an east to west (wet to dry) gradient across East Africa during the LIA, however, the relationship breaks down and is more complex towards the end of the LIA (c. AD 1700-1750) when the inferred changes in lake levels at Nyamogusingiri and Kyasanduka are synchronous with changes observed at Lakes Naivasha (Kenya) and Victoria and diverge from local lake level records (from Edward, Kasenda and Wandakara). Significant changes in the lake ecosystems have occurred over the last 50-75 years, with major shifts in diatom assemblages to benthic-dominated systems and an inferred increase in nutrient levels. These changes are coincident with large sediment influx to the lakes, perhaps as a result of increasing human activity within many of the lake catchments.


Shannon, Robert R. 15 December 1969 (has links)
QC 351 A7 no. 49 / The use of the two -dimensional Fourier transform to compute the form of the optical image has led to new insights into the form of images. The techniques involved are discussed in some detail, and the application to tolerancing of surface errors is used as an ex- ample of the results.

Equacionamento das componentes do erro volumétrico em máquinas de medir a três coordenadas / Equationing of components of volumetric error in coordinate measuring machines

Valdés Arencibia, Rosenda 26 April 1999 (has links)
As Máquinas de Medir a Três Coordenadas (MM3Cs) possuem erros inerentes à sua estrutura que afetam a exatidão e a repetibilidade das medições. Dos erros presentes nessas máquinas, os erros geométricos são, na maioria das vezes, os de maior influência. O resultado da combinação destes erros em cada uma das direções preferenciais é denominado componente do erro volumétrico. Assim, torna-se de vital importância conhecer a relação existente entre as variáveis envolvidas num processo de medição qualquer, ou seja, a relação entre as coordenadas dos pontos medidos, os erros geométricos e as componentes do erro volumétrico. Diversos métodos foram propostos para modelar o comportamento dos erros nas MM3Cs. Entretanto não existem, ainda, modelos matemáticos obtidos a partir de dados experimentais que descrevam e caracterizem estes erros. Por tal motivo este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia geral para equacionar as componentes do erro volumétrico em MM3Cs, utilizando técnicas de regressão múltipla. Esta ferramenta permite de forma simples equacionar e prever o erro volumétrico da máquina avaliada. A metodologia foi aplicada a uma MM3C do tipo \"Ponte Móvel\". Foram obtidas três equações de regressão, uma para cada componente do erro, a partir de dados levantados através da calibração direta, especificamente o método do volume dividido. A adequabilidade do modelo foi avaliada estatisticamente. Os resultados obtidos foram discutidos e comparados com os resultados obtidos através da calibração utilizando-se uma barra de esferas, constatando-se uma excelente capacidade do modelo na previsão do erro total da máquina. Ainda, efetuo-se a compensação do erro volumétrico em duas diagonais do volume de trabalho da máquina avaliada utilizando-se o modelo proposto, neste caso, o erro foi diminuído sensivelmente. / The accuracy and the repeatability of measurements of Three Coordinates Measuring Machines (CMM) are affected by several errors. Among them, geometrical errors are the most influents in the most experimental cases. The result of geometric errors combination in each of the preferentials directions is denominated of volumetric error components. Thus, its possible to know the existent relationship between coordinates of measured points and volumetric error components. Several methods have been proposed to model the behavior of the volumetric error in CMM as a function of the X, Y and Z coordinates. However, sofar from experimental measurements of the volumetric error has bem proposed mathematical model for the descriptions and characterizations of errors was obtained. In this work is presented a general methodology to obtain a mathematical equation and prediction of them components of the volumetric errors, using multiple regression. The methodology was applied at a of \"Moving Bridge\" CMM type. Were obtained three regression equations, one for each component of the error, starting from data collected by direct calibration, specifically by the divided volume method. The model was evaluated statistically. The simulated results were evaluated, discussed and compared with the results obtained through the ball bar calibration, showing an excellent capacity of the model in the prediction of the volumetric error of the machine. Besides was made the compensation of the volumetric error in two diagonals of the working volume of the appraised machine using the proposed model, in this case the error was minimized sensibly.

Design and Characterization of a High-resolution Cardiovascular Imager

Vedantham, Srinivasan 07 June 2002 (has links)
"Fluoroscopic imaging devices for interventional radiology and cardiovascular applications have traditionally used image-intensifiers optically coupled to either charge-coupled devices (CCDs) or video pick-up tubes. While such devices provide image quality sufficient for most clinical applications, there are several limitations, such as loss of resolution in the fringes of the image-intensifier, veiling glare and associated contrast loss, distortion, size, and degradation with time. This work is aimed at overcoming these limitations posed by image-intensifiers, while improving on the image quality. System design parameters related to the development of a high-resolution CCD-based imager are presented. The proposed system uses four 8 x 8-cm three-side buttable CCDs tiled in a seamless fashion to achieve a field of view (FOV) of 16 x 16-cm. Larger FOVs can be achieved by tiling more CCDs in a similar manner. The system employs a thallium-doped cesium iodide (CsI:Tl) scintillator coupled to the CCDs by straight (non-tapering) fiberoptics and can be operated in 78, 156 or 234-microns pixel pitch modes. Design parameters such as quantum efficiency and scintillation yield of CsI:Tl, optical coupling efficiency and estimation of the thickness of fiberoptics to provide reasonable protection to the CCD, linearity, sensitivity, dynamic range, noise characteristics of the CCD, techniques for tiling the CCDs in a seamless fashion, and extending the field of view are addressed. The signal and noise propagation in the imager was modeled as a cascade of linear-systems and used to predict objective image quality parameters such as the spatial frequency-dependent modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS) and detective quantum efficiency (DQE). The theoretical predictions were compared with experimental measurements of the MTF, NPS and DQE of a single 8 x 8-cm module coupled to a 450-microns thick CsI:Tl at x-ray beam quality appropriate for cardiovascular fluoroscopy. The measured limiting spatial resolution (10% MTF) was 3.9 cy/mm and 3.6 cy/mm along the two orthogonal axes. The measured DQE(0) was ~0.62 and showed no dependence with incident exposure rate over the range of measurement. The experimental DQE measurements demonstrated good agreement with the theoretical estimate obtained using the parallel-cascaded linear-systems model. The temporal imaging properties were characterized in terms of image lag and showed a first frame image lag of 0.9%. The imager demonstrated the ability to provide images of high and uniform spatial resolution, while preserving and potentially improving on DQE performance at dose levels lower than that currently used in clinical practice. These results provide strong support for potential adaptation of this type of imager for cardiovascular and pediatric angiography."

Reconstitution des paléotempératures holocènes de la forêt boréale coniférienne de l'ouest du Québec basée sur une approche multi-indicateurs / Holocene paleotemperatures reconstruction of the coniferous boreal forest of western Québec based on a multi-proxy approach.

Bajolle, Lisa 10 July 2018 (has links)
Un futur climat planétaire plus chaud avec une sècheresse plus marquée durant toute l’année est aujourd’hui prévus, en particulier pour les hautes latitudes de l’hémisphère nord. Ces changements environnementaux seraient marqués par des fréquences et des intensités plus importantes des perturbations naturelles, qui pourraient menacer l’intégrité de certains écosystèmes forestiers boréaux. L’une des conséquences prévisibles serait une augmentation significative de l’occurrence des feux de forêt qui est déjà et deviendrait davantage encore l’élément perturbateur majeur de ces écosystèmes. Le devenir des écosystèmes boréaux suscite donc de nombreuses interrogations et des incertitudes, ce qui amène à souligner la nécessité d’une bonne caractérisation des changements climatiques spatio-temporels et de leurs conséquences sur ces écosystèmes.Afin de maintenir ces paysages forestiers dans les limites de leur variabilité naturelle, le Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec (MFFP) se propose, dans un contexte d’aménagement écosystémique durable, d’établir un Registre des états de référence. Dans cette perspective, l’objectif de recherche de cette thèse était de produire des reconstitutions des paléotempératures holocènes les plus robustes possibles au sein de la pessière à mousses de l’ouest du Québec. La recherche a porté sur une approche multi-indicateurs incluant les Chironomidae et le pollen contenus dans les sédiments des deux lacs retenus. Les résultats mettent en évidence la pertinence des capsules céphaliques de Chironomidae pour reconstituer à haute résolution temporelle, les paléotempératures holocènes du mois d’août provenant du Lac Aurélie à l’aide de deux Fonctions de Transfert (FT). La FT Est canadienne s’est avérée plus en accord avec le signal régional que la FT canadienne. De surcroit, les assemblages de Chironomidae du Lac Lili ont donné une reconstitution surestimée des paléotempératures en raison de la faible profondeur de ce lac. Enfin, la reconstitution quantitative combinée (Chironomidae et pollen) des paléotempératures du mois d’août a souligné trois périodes principales: (i) 8500-4500 ans AA, identifiée comme le Maximum Thermique de l’Holocène (HTM) durant laquelle les températures d’août sont plus chaudes que les températures actuelles; (ii) 4500-1000 ans AA, marquée par le début de la période Néoglaciaire froide, où les températures oscillent autour des valeurs actuelles et (iii) les derniers 1000 ans AA, caractérisés par une diminution générale des températures. Plusieurs événements climatiques courts ont également été identifiés pour chaque période : (i) l’évènement froid de 8200 ans AA; (ii) l’évènement chaud de 4200 ans AA; (iii) la période chaude dite Romaine (RWP, 1900-1700 ans AA) ; (iv) la période froide de l’Âge Sombre (DACP, 1700-1500 ans AA) ; (v) l’Anomalie Climatique Médiévale (MCA, 1100 ans AA) et (vi) le Petit Âge Glaciaire (LIA, 500-250 ans AA). Une série d’événements froids est également observée vers 5900, 4300, 2800 et 400 ans AA, se référant probablement aux évènements « Bond ». La durée et l’amplitude observées des événements climatiques rejoignent les enregistrements régionaux, nord-américains et plus largement ceux de l’Hémisphère Nord. Par ailleurs, la synthèse soulignant les relations entre climat-végétation-feu confirme l’influence d’une instabilité climatique sur les changements des régimes des feux, principalement causée par les variations saisonnières des précipitations et de l'irrégularité des épisodes de sécheresse. Toutefois, notre reconstitution combinée des paléotempératures indique que les grands feux coïncident avec l’évènement ponctuel de 4200 ans AA et ceux survenus à partir de 2000 ans (RWP, DACP, MCA et LIA). La température estivale conjuguée à d’autres variables climatiques (sécheresse estivale, ensoleillement estival, et précipitations annuelles) joue donc un rôle important dans la variation du régime des feux à l’ouest du Québec. / A future warmer global climate with more severe annual drought has been predicted, especially for the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Such an environmental change would be marked by higher frequencies and intensities of natural disturbances, which could threaten the integrity of some boreal forest ecosystems. One of the foreseeable consequences would be a significant increase in the occurrence of wildfires, which is already the major disruptive element of these ecosystems. The future of boreal ecosystems thus raises many questions and uncertainties, highlighting the need for a good characterization of spatio-temporal climate changes and its consequences on these ecosystems.In order to maintain these forest landscapes within the limits of their natural variability, the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec (MFFP) proposes, in a context of sustainable ecosystem management, to establish a registry of reference states. In this perspective, the research objective of this thesis was to produce the most possible robust reconstructions of Holocene temperatures within the spruce-moss forest of western Québec. The research focused on a multi-indicator approach including Chironomidae and pollen deposited in the sediments of two selected lakes.The results highlight the relevance of Chironomidae head capsules to reconstruct at high temporal resolution the August Holocene temperatures from Lac Aurélie using two Transfer Functions (TF). The East Canadian TF was more in agreement with the regional signal than the Canadian TF. In addition, chironomid assemblages from Lac Lili gave an overestimated paleotemperature reconstruction due to the specific shallowness of this lake. Finally, the combined quantitative reconstruction (Chironomidae and pollen) of the August palaeotemperatures suggested three distinct periods: (i) 8500-4500 years BP, identified as the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) during which the August temperatures are warmer than modern temperatures; (ii) 4500-1000 cal BP, marked by the beginning of the cold Neoglacial period, where the temperatures oscillate around the current values and (iii) the last 1000 cal BP, characterized by a general decrease of the temperatures. Several short climatic events were also identified for each period: (i) the 8200 cal BP cold event; (ii) the 4200 cal BP warm event; (iii) the Roman Warm Period (RWP, 1900-1700 cal BP); (iv) the Dark Age Cold Period (DACP, 1700-1500 cal BP); (v) Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA, 1100 cal BP) and (vi) the Little Ice Age (LIA, 500-250 cal BP). A series of cold events is also observed around 5900, 4300, 2800 and 400 cal BP, probably corresponding to the "Bond" events. The observed duration and amplitude of climate events are consistent with regional, North American records, and more widely those of the Northern Hemisphere. In addition, the synthesis highlighting climate-vegetation-fire relationships confirms the influence of climatic instability on changes in fire regimes mainly driven by seasonal variations in rainfall and frequency of drought events. However, our paleotemperatures combined reconstitution indicated that large fires coincide with the occasional event of 4200 cal BP and those occurring from 2000 cal BP onwards (RWP, DACP, MCA and LIA). Summer temperatures combined with other climatic variables (summer drought, summer insolation, and annual precipitation) play an important role in the variation of the fire regime in western Québec.

Influência dos preços do açúcar e etanol na variação da área de cana-de-açúcar no estado de São Paulo / Influence of sugar and ethanol prices on the variation of sugarcane area in Sao Paulo state

Santos, Jaqueline Zani dos [UNESP] 09 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JAQUELINE ZANI DOS SANTOS null (jaquezani@gmail.com) on 2017-02-10T18:16:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Jaqueline Zani dos Santos.pdf: 1535103 bytes, checksum: 8e687de00fb908c886daaec3fa5b9a59 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-02-14T19:26:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_jz_dr_bot.pdf: 1535103 bytes, checksum: 8e687de00fb908c886daaec3fa5b9a59 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-14T19:26:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_jz_dr_bot.pdf: 1535103 bytes, checksum: 8e687de00fb908c886daaec3fa5b9a59 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O setor sucroenergético tem grande representatividade histórica no agronegócio brasileiro e vem ganhando notoriedade com a crescente demanda mundial por fontes de energia renováveis. A expressiva expansão da cultura de cana-de-açúcar demonstra a dimensão que o setor possui dentro do cenário atual. A capacidade produtiva brasileira é incontestável, porém, ainda existem divergências no que se refere ao comportamento dos preços. Destaca-se que as decisões realizadas dentro do setor se dão em um contexto de formação livre de preços, mas o ambiente de mercado tem sido fortemente influenciado, por influências exógenas, tal como desregulamentação do mercado e lançamento dos veículos flex fuel. Entretanto, é possível que os produtores sejam guiados em suas decisões de produção mais, predominantemente, pelos preços. Dentro deste contexto, o presente trabalho procura identificar se há influência dos preços do açúcar, do etanol e da própria cana-de-açúcar na área plantada de cana-de-açúcar no estado de São Paulo, no período de 1995 a 2015. Faz-se uso da metodologia proposta por Box-Jenkins de Função Transferência, que se constitui num método multivariado de séries temporais e que apresenta vantagens em relação aos métodos tradicionais de estimação. Os resultados demonstraram que os preços têm influenciado o aumento na área de cana-de-açúcar, em especial, o preço do açúcar. Também foram feitas análises de intervenções para os principais eventos ocorridos no mercado sucroenergético para os anos em estudo, onde o preço do açúcar foi o mais influenciado, seguido da área de cana-de-açúcar, do preço do etanol e do preço da cana-de-açúcar. / Historically, the sugarcane industry has been an important play in the brazilian agribusiness that has gained notoriety with the increasing global demand for renewable energy sources. The significant expansion of sugarcane cultivation shows the extent that theis sector has in the current scenario. Brazil's production capacity is indisputable, however, there are still differences regarding the sugarcane products prices behavior. It is noteworthy that the decisions within the sector are done in the context of free pricing, but the market ambient has been heavily influenced by exogenous influences, such as deregulation of the market and launch of flex-fuel vehicles. However, it is possible that the producers decisions are been guided, predominantly, by the market prices. Within this context, this study seeks to identify whether there is an influence of sugar, ethanol, and sugarcane prices on the sugarcane planted area in Sao Paulo state, from 1995 to 2015. The methodology used was the one proposed by Box-Jenkins, Transfer Function, which is a multivariate time series method and has advantages over traditional methods of estimation. The results showed that all prices have influenced the increase in sugarcane area, in particular the sugar’s price. Moreover, interventions analyzes were made to the main events in the sugarcane market for the years under study, where the price of sugar was the most affected, followed by sugarcane area, the price of ethanol, and the price of sugarcane.

Especificação de funções de transferência para visualização volumétrica / Transfer function specification for volumetric visualization

Prauchner, João Luis January 2005 (has links)
Técnicas de visualização volumétrica direta são utilizadas para visualizar e explorar volumes de dados complexos. Dados volumétricos provêm de diversas fontes, tais como dispositivos de diagnóstico médico, radares de sensoriamento remoto ou ainda simulações científicas assistidas por computador. Um problema fundamental na visualização volumétrica é a especificação de Funções de Transferência (FTs) que atribuem cor e opacidade aos valores escalares que compõem o volume de dados. Essas funções são importantes para a exibição de características e objetos de interesse do volume, porém sua definição não é trivial ou intuitiva. Abordagens tradicionais permitem a edição manual de pontos de controle que representam a FT a ser utilizada no volume. No entanto, essas técnicas acabam conduzindo o usuário a um processo de “tentativa e erro” para serem obtidos os resultados desejados. Considera-se também que técnicas automáticas que excluem o usuário do processo não são consideradas as mais adequadas, visto que o mesmo deve possuir algum controle sobre o processo de visualização. Este trabalho apresenta uma ferramenta semi-automática e interativa destinada a auxiliar o usuário na geração de FTs de cor e opacidade. A ferramenta proposta possui dois níveis de interação com o usuário. No primeiro nível são apresentados várias FTs candidatas renderizadas como thumbnails 3D, seguindo o método conhecido como Design Galleries (MARKS et al., 1997). São aplicadas técnicas para reduzir o escopo das funções candidatas para um conjunto mais razoável, sendo possível ainda um refinamento das mesmas. No segundo nível é possível definir cores para a FT de opacidade escolhida, e ainda refinar essa função de modo a melhorála de acordo com as necessidades do usuário. Dessa forma, um dos objetivos desse trabalho é permitir ao usuário lidar com diferentes aspectos da especificação de FTs, que normalmente são dependentes da aplicação em questão e do volume de dados sendo visualizado. Para o rendering do volume, são exploradas as capacidades de mapeamento de textura e os recursos do hardware gráfico programável provenientes das plácas gráficas atuais visando a interação em tempo real. Os resultados obtidos utilizam volumes de dados médicos e sintéticos, além de volumes conhecidos, para a análise da ferramenta proposta. No entanto, é dada ênfase na especificação de FTs de propósito geral, sem a necessidade do usuário prover um mapeamento direto representando a função desejada. / Direct volume rendering techniques are used to visualize and explore large scalar volumes. Volume data can be acquired from many sources including medical diagnoses scanners, remote sensing radars or even computer-aided scientific simulations. A key issue in volume rendering is the specification of Transfer Functions (TFs) which assign color and opacity to the scalar values which comprise the volume. These functions are important to the exhibition of features and objects of interest from the volume, but their specification is not trivial or intuitive. Traditional approaches allow the manual editing of a graphic plot with control points representing the TF being applied to the volume. However, these techniques lead the user to an unintuitive trial and error task, which is time-consuming. It is also considered that automatic methods that exclude the user from the process should be avoided, since the user must have some control of the visualization process. This work presents a semi-automatic and interactive tool to assist the user in the specification of color and opacity TFs. The proposed tool has two levels of user interaction. The first level presents to the user several candidate TFs rendered as 3D thumbnails, following the method known as Design Galleries (MARKS et al., 1997). Techniques are applied to reduce the scope of the candidate functions to a more reasonable one. It is also possible to further refine these functions at this level. In the second level is permitted to define and edit colors in the chosen TF, and refine this function if desired. One of the objectives of this work is to allow users to deal with different aspects of TF specification, which is generally dependent of the application or the dataset being visualized. To render the volume, the programmability of the current generation of graphics hardware is explored, as well as the features of texture mapping in order to achieve real time interaction. The tool is applied to medical and synthetic datasets, but the main objective is to propose a general-purpose tool to specify TFs without the need for an explicit mapping from the user.

Metodologia baseada nas funções de transferência para pré-processamento de imagens mamográficas digitais e sua aplicação em esquema computacional de auxílio ao diagnóstico / Transfer function based methodology to preprocessing digital mammographic image and its application on computer-aided diagnosis schemes

Vieira, Marcelo Andrade da Costa 31 March 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo a investigação do comportamento de equipamentos de radiodiagnóstico em termos da qualidade da imagem produzida e a subseqüente aplicação desses resultados na otimização do desempenho de esquemas computacionais de auxílio ao diagnóstico, também conhecidos como esquemas CAD (do inglês, Computer-Aided Diagnosis). A principal meta consiste no desenvolvimento de técnicas de pré-processamento para imagens mamográficas digitalizadas que as realçasse de acordo com as características e limitações dos equipamentos utilizados na sua aquisição. A proposta está dividida em duas etapas. Na primeira, foram determinadas as características relativas tanto à resolução espacial como à resolução de contraste de diversos equipamentos mamográficos, avaliadas respectivamente pelas funções de transferência óptica e espectros de Wiener do ruído. Isto permitiu, numa segunda etapa, o desenvolvimento de um filtro digital específico para o pré-processamento de diferentes conjuntos de mamogramas digitais, separados de acordo com os equipamentos utilizados no processo de aquisição. Dessa forma, cada imagem mamográfica teve sua qualidade melhorada de acordo com as características do equipamento que a gerou, determinadas na primeira etapa. Essas imagens, depois de realçadas, foram utilizadas em um esquema CAD previamente desenvolvido, onde pôde ser observada uma melhora em até 12% no seu desempenho quando comparado aos resultados obtidos com imagens mamográficas não realçadas. / The purpose of this work is to evaluate the quality of radiological equipment and their images in order to use these evaluations to improve the performance of a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) scheme. The mean idea is about the development of image processing techniques to enhance digital mammograms according to the characteristics of the X-ray unit used for image acquisition. This work is basically divided in two parts. In the first one, it were determined the characteristics related to spatial and contrast resolution of several mammographic equipment, evaluated respectively from the optical transfer function and noise Wiener spectrum. This evaluation allowed, in a second part, the development of a preprocessing technique to enhance different set of digital mammographic images, gathered according to the equipment used on its acquisition process. Thus, each mammographic image had its quality improved in conformity with the characteristics of the equipment used on its acquisition, determined in the first part of this work. These images, after the enhancement process, were used on a previously developed CAD scheme. It was observed an improvement of 12% on the CAD performance using pre-processed mammograms compared to the results obtained when using non-enhanced mammographic images.

Interaktiv segmentering av volymetrisk data i en 3D-miljö / Interactive Segmentation of Volumetric Data in a 3D Environment

Samim, Karim, Thole, Sven January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, the goal was to implement a method to do partial segmentation for general 3D volumetric datasets such as mummies, clay figurines or animal bodies. There are different approaches for segmenting volumes, such as automatic methods, semi-automatic methods and interactive methods. However, no automatic algorithm was found that could successfully segment any general 3D volume with high precision. Instead, the chosen approach are segmentation tools which allows the user to quickly and intuitively do partial segmentation from a 3D volume. The tools consist of a interactive 3D brush, a transfer function editor and a semi-automatic flood fill tool which performs region growing in 3D. User studies were carried out in order to evaluate the speed and effectiveness of the segmenting tools compared to the conventional method of segmenting using a stack of 2D images. Based on the user studies the results shows that the proposed method is faster compared to the old method as long as high precision is not required.

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