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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ultracold dipolar gases of NaCs ground state molecules

Lam, Aden Zhen Hao January 2022 (has links)
Ultracold bialkali polar molecules present a wealth of opportunities in quantum science research and technology; including fields such as quantum simulation, quantum chemistry, quantum metrology, precision measurement and quantum computation. A great deal of interest lies in their rich internal rotational and vibrational state structure and their large electric dipole moment. However, the additional complexity also provides significant challenges. To date, only a limited number of molecular species are available at ultracold temperatures below 1 microkelvin. The assembly of heteronuclear ground state molecules from ultracold atoms has emerged as a promising approach for creating ultracold molecules. In this thesis, I will present the creation of the first ultracold gases of NaCs ground state molecules. First, we produce an ultracold mixture of Na and Cs. Second, we associate weakly bound molecular pairs from the Na-Cs mixture. Finally, we apply a two-photon stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) pulse to transfer the weakly bound NaCs molecules into the deeply bound rovibrational ground state. I report on the construction of a new apparatus that produces ultracold mixtures of Na and Cs. We use this apparatus to assemble weakly bound NaCs molecules and successfully transfer up to 20,000 ultracold dipolar NaCs molecules to their rovibrational ground state in each experimental run. On the way to these results, we demonstrated a pathway towards creating the first quantum degenerate mixtures of Na and Cs. We identified and characterized an interspecies Feshbach resonance at 864.12(5) G, adiabatically sweeping across it to form weakly bound NaCs Feshbach molecules. We characterized the Feshbach molecule formation in various parameter regimes. Next, we performed a study of accessible NaCs excited states and identified a pathway to the rovibrational ground state using one- and two-photon spectroscopy. Finally, we demonstrated STIRAP to the rovibrational ground state, and investigated basic properties of the ground state molecules.

Strong Correlations in Ultracold Fermi Gases

Schneider, William 20 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Competition between weak quantum measurement and many-body dynamics in ultracold bosonic gases

Kozlowski, Wojciech January 2016 (has links)
Trapping ultracold atoms in optical lattices enabled the study of strongly correlated phenomena in an environment that is far more controllable and tunable than what was possible in condensed matter. Here, we consider coupling these systems to quantised light where the quantum nature of both the optical and matter fields play equally important roles in order to push the boundaries of what is possible in ultracold atomic systems. We show that light can serve as a nondestructive probe of the quantum state of matter. By considering a global measurement we show that it is possible to distinguish a highly delocalised phase like a superfluid from the Bose glass and Mott insulator. We also demonstrate that light scattering reveals not only density correlations, but also matter-field interference. By taking into account the effect of measurement backaction we show that the measurement can efficiently compete with the local atomic dynamics of the quantum gas. This can generate long-range correlations and entanglement which in turn leads to macroscopic multimode oscillations across the whole lattice when the measurement is weak and correlated tunnelling, as well as selective suppression and enhancement of dynamical processes beyond the projective limit of the quantum Zeno effect in the strong measurement regime. We also consider quantum measurement backaction due to the measurement of matter-phase-related variables such as global phase coherence. We show how this unconventional approach opens up new opportunities to affect system evolution and demonstrate how this can lead to a new class of measurement projections thus extending the measurement postulate for the case of strong competition with the system's own evolution.

Conditional many-body dynamics and quantum control of ultracold fermions and bosons in optical lattices coupled to quantized light

Mazzucchi, Gabriel January 2016 (has links)
We study the atom-light interaction in the fully quantum regime, with the focus on off-resonant light scattering into a cavity from ultracold atoms trapped in an optical lattice. Because of the global coupling between the atoms and the light modes, observing the photons leaking from the cavity allows the quantum nondemolition (QND) measurement of quantum correlations of the atomic ensemble, distinguishing between different quantum states. Moreover, the detection of the photons perturbs the quantum state of the atoms via the so-called measurement backaction. This effect constitutes an unusual additional dynamical source in a many-body strongly correlated system and it is able to efficiently compete with its intrinsic short-range dynamics. This competition becomes possible due to the ability to change the spatial profile of a global measurement at a microscopic scale comparable to the lattice period, without the need of single site addressing. We demonstrate nontrivial dynamical effects such as large-scale multimode oscillations, breakup and protection of strongly interacting fermion pairs. We show that measurement backaction can be exploited for realizing quantum states with spatial modulations of the density and magnetization, thus overcoming usual requirement for a strong interatomic interactions. We propose detection schemes for implementing antiferromagnetic states and density waves and we demonstrate that such long-range correlations cannot be realized with local addressing. Finally, we describe how to stabilize these emerging phases with the aid of quantum feedback. Such a quantum optical approach introduces into many-body physics novel processes, objects, and methods of quantum engineering, including the design of many-body entangled environments for open systems and it is easily extendable to other systems promising for quantum technologies.

Optical Detection of Ultracold Neutral Calcium Plasmas

Cummings, Elizabeth Ann 23 February 2005 (has links) (PDF)
We demonstrate an optical method to detect calcium ions in an ultracold plasma. We probe the plasma with a 397 nm laser beam tuned to a calcium ion transition. The probe laser beam is focused to a 160 µm waist allowing fine spatial resolution. Ions are detected by measuring fluorescence using a Photo-Multiplier Tube (PMT). The signal, an average of 4000 acquisitions, has a temporal resolution of 120 ns. We present the details of this method, potential improvements, and prospects of imaging the expanding plasma ions. We also present preliminary work on spatially resolved absorption measurements, as well as additional studies.

Towards ultrafast photoassociation of ultracold atoms

England, Duncan January 2011 (has links)
In the ultracold regime, where the interactions between atoms become quantum mechanical in nature, we can investigate the fundamental properties of matter. A natural progression from the catalogue of pioneering experiments using ultracold atoms is to extend the size of our quantum system by producing ultracold molecules in prescribed low-energy internal states. Techniques for cold molecule production are split into two methods: direct and indirect cooling. While direct cooling methods have yet to realize ultracold temperatures, collisional relaxation in the molecules leads to low internal energy states. By contrast, indirect cooling — the association of molecules from pre-cooled atoms—has produced a range of molecules at ultracold temperatures; the challenge with this technique is to control the internal state. This thesis concentrates on a technique that is complementary to those already in existence: ultrafast photoassociation. Key to this technique is the formation of time non-stationary wavepackets in the excited-state in order to improve FranckCondon overlap of the excited state with deeply bound ground-state vibrational levels. A pump-probe experiment was designed and built to demonstrate the formation of bound excited-state dimers. In this work we show that the initial state from which the wavepacket originates is of critical importance to the evolution of excited-state population. We find that the internuclear separation of the wavepacket produced in a rubidium magneto-optical trap is too large to observe coherent oscillations in the excited state. The implications of this are discussed along with recommendations for future ultrafast photoassociation experiments. Consequently, a new ultracold atom apparatus was built utilizing magnetic and dipole-force trapping to increase the density of the atomic sample; this apparatus will enable future experiments combining the exciting fields of ultracold matter and ultrafast light.

Theory and applications of ultracold atoms in optical superlattices

Vaucher, Benoit January 2008 (has links)
Optical lattices make it possible to trap and coherently control large ensembles of ultracold atoms. They provide the possibility to create lattice potentials that mimic the structure of solid-state systems, and to control these potentials dynamically. In this thesis, we study how dynamical manipulations of the lattice geometry can be used to perform different tasks, ranging from quantum information processing to the creation of diatomic molecules. We first examine the dynamical properties of ultracold atoms trapped in a lattice whose periodicity is dynamically doubled. We derive a model describing the dynamics of the atoms during this process, and compute the different interaction parameters of this model. We investigate different ways of using this lattice manipulation to optimise the initialisation time of a Mott-insulating state with one atom per site, and provide a scaling law related to the interaction parameters of the system. We go on to show that entangling operations between the spin of adjacent atoms are realisable with optical lattices forming arrays of double-well potentials. We study the creation of a lattice containing a spin-encoded Bell-pair in each double-well, and show that resilient, highly-entangled many-body states are realisable using lattice manipulations. We show that the creation of cluster-like states encoded on Bell-pairs can be achieved using these systems, and we provide measurement networks that allow the execution of quantum algorithms while maintaining intact the resilience of the system. Finally, we investigate the possibility to create a diatomic molecular state and simulate Fermi systems via the excitation to Rydberg levels of ground-state atoms trapped in optical lattices. We develop a method based on symbolical manipulations to compute the interaction parameters between highly-excited electrons, and evaluate them for different electronic configurations. We use these parameters to investigate the existence of diatomic molecular states with equilibrium distances comparable to typical lattice spacings. Considering the possibility to excite atoms trapped in an optical lattice to Rydberg levels such that the electronic cloud of neighbouring atoms overlap, we propose a model describing their interactions and compute its parameters. If such systems were realised, they would allow the simulation of Fermi systems at a temperature much below the Fermi temperature, thus enabling the observation of quantum phenomena hitherto inaccessible with current technology.

Ultracold quantum gases in time-averaged adiabatic potentials

Sherlock, Benjamin Edward January 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the experimental realisation and characterisation of three non-trivial trapping geometries for ultracold atoms. The double-well, ring and to some degree shell trap are examples of a highly versatile class of traps called time-averaged adiabatic potentials (TAAPs). In this experiment the TAAPs arise from the combination of three independent magnetic fields; a static quadrupole field dressed by a uniform radio-frequency field is time-averaged by a bias field oscillating at in the kHz regime. The result is a very smooth potential, within which ultracold atoms can be evaporatively cooled to quantum degeneracy, and subsequently manipulated into new geometries without destroying the quantum coherence. The vertically offset double-well potential provided the first example of ultracold atoms confined in a TAAP. The same potential is used to demonstrate efficient evaporative cooling across the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) phase transition using only the Landau-Zener loss mechanism. Switching off the time-averaging fields loads atoms from the double-well TAAP into the rf-dressed shell trap. A characterisation of this potential measured low heating rates and lifetimes of up to 58s. With efforts ongoing to increase the trap anisotropy, this potential shows promise for research into the static and rapidly rotating 2D systems. In the presence of a single time-averaging field, the shell geometry is transformed into a ring-shaped trap with an adjustable radius. The ring trap can be controllably tilted and progress towards multiply connected condensates is being made. A rotation scheme to spin up atoms in the ring trap has been demonstrated, presenting the opportunity to investigate the dynamics of superflow in degenerate quantum gases.

Monte Carlo of Trapped Ultracold Neutrons in the UCNτ Trap

Callahan, Nathan, Liu, Chen-Yu, Gonzalez, Fransisco, Adamek, Evan, Bowman, James D., Broussard, Leah J., Clayton, S. M., Currie, S., Cude-Woods, C., Dees, E. B., Ding, X., Egnel, E. M., Fellers, D., Fox, W., Geltenbort, Peter, Hickerson, Kevin P., Hoffbauer, M. A., Holley, A. T., Komives, A., MacDonald, S. W.T., Makela, Marc, Morris, C. L., Ortiz, J. D., Pattie, Robert W., Jr., Ramsey, J., Salvat, D. J., Saunders, A., Seestrom, Susan J., Sharapov, E. I., Sjue, Sky L., Tang, Z., Vanderwerp, J., Vogelaar, B., Walstrom, P. L., Wang, Z., Weaver, H., Wei, W., Wexler, J., Young, A. R., Zeck, B. A. 16 October 2018 (has links)
In the UCNτ experiment, ultracold neutrons (UCN) are confined by magnetic fields and the Earth’s gravitational field. Field-trapping mitigates the problem of UCN loss on material surfaces, which caused the largest correction in prior neutron experiments using material bottles. However, the neutron dynamics in field traps differ qualitatively from those in material bottles. In the latter case, neutrons bounce off material surfaces with significant diffusivity and the population quickly reaches a static spatial distribution with a density gradient induced by the gravitational potential. In contrast, the field-confined UCN—whose dynamics can be described by Hamiltonian mechanics—do not exhibit the stochastic behaviors typical of an ideal gas model as observed in material bottles. In this report, we will describe our efforts to simulate UCN trapping in the UCNτ magneto-gravitational trap. We compare the simulation output to the experimental results to determine the parameters of the neutron detector and the input neutron distribution. The tuned model is then used to understand the phase space evolution of neutrons observed in the UCNτ experiment. We will discuss the implications of chaotic dynamics on controlling the systematic effects, such as spectral cleaning and microphonic heating, for a successful UCN lifetime experiment to reach a 0.01% level of precision.

Plasma ultrafrio em armadilha atômica / Ultracold plasma in a magneto optical trap

Rezende, Dulce Cristina Jacinto 23 March 2005 (has links)
Neste trabalho nós produzimos um plasma neutro ultrafrio de 85Rb através da fotoionização dos átomos aprisionados em uma armadilha magneto-óptica. Medimos o número de partículas que evaporam do plasma no momento de sua criação usando a técnica de tempo-de-vôo. A partir disto realizamos o estudo da taxa de evaporação com relação a energia cinética inicial do elétron fornecida ao sistema, onde para isto criamos o plasma com diferentes comprimentos de onda do laser de fotoinização. Nossos resultados indicam que conforme fornecemos mais energia ao sistema mais partículas evaporam e constatamos que está de acordo com a literatura. Interpretamos o resultado com um modelo analítico que considera a distribuição de energia de Maxwell-Boltzmann e encontramos a temperatura do plasma com relação a temperatura inicial dos elétrons / In this work we produced an ultracold neutral plasma of 85Rb formed by the photoionization of laser-cooled atoms. We measured the number of particles evaporated from the plasma in the moment of its formation using the time-of-flight technique. After this, we studied the evaporation rate as a function of the initial electron kinetic energy, for this we created the plasma at different wavelengths of the photoinization laser. Our results indicate that as we supplied more energy to the system more particles evaporate and we verified that it is in agreement with the literature. We interpreted the result with an analytic model that considers the Maxwell-Boltzmann energy distribution and we found the plasma temperature as a function initial electron temperature

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