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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A new femtosecond electron diffractometer for structural dynamics experiments at cryogenic temperatures

Smit, Albert Bart 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this thesis, a femtosecond electron diffraction (FED) set-up that is capable of investigating the photo-induced switching of Cu(DCNQI)2 from being an insulator to being a conductor is presented. Movies of atomic structural changes with temporal resolution within the typical photo-switching transition timescales (sub-picoseconds) are obtainable with this set-up by employing a femtosecond laser. The experimental technique and the design of a crucial instrument of the machine, the electron gun, are extensively described and characterised both numerically and experimentally. The interest in observing atomic structural changes of Cu(DCNQI)2 in real time is because of the rich variety of the radical salts available that show alloy-specific Charge Density Wave (CDW) transitions. Valuable insights about the driving mechanisms behind these structural changes that are responsible for a change in conductivity are obtainable, as well as the relation between crystal alloys and their transition characteristics. Electron diffraction patterns of crystals in their metallic phase (room temperature) are shown in this thesis, but diffraction patterns of cryo-cooled Cu(DCNQI)2 in its insulating phase are still to be acquired. The temporal resolution of the atomic movie can be improved by recompression of electron pulses that are debunched due to Coulomb repulsion and electron energy spread within a pulse. Numerical and preliminary experimental results presented in this work expose the potential of a simple compression technique. In this way, more electrons in a single electron pulse can be afforded which allows to perform experiments at shorter integration time or lower repetition rate. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word ’n femtosekonde elektron diffraksie opstelling aangebied wat daartoe in staat is om die foto-geïnduseerde omskakeling in Cu(DCNQI)2 van nie-geleier tot geleier te ondersoek. Deur gebruik te maak van ’n femtosekonde laser in hierdie opstelling, is ’rolprente’ van strukturele veranderinge op atoomskaal met ’n tyd resolusie beter as die tipiese foto-omskakelings tydskaal (sub-pikosekonde) verkrygbaar. Die eksperimentele tegniek en die ontwerp van ’n noodsaaklike instrument van die masjien, die elektron geweer, word breedvoerig beskryf en numeries en eksperimenteel gekenmerk. Die belangstelling om strukturele veranderinge in Cu(DCNQI)2 op atoom skaal in reële tyd waar te kan neem is as gevolg van die ryke verskeidenheid van radikale soute, wat allooispesifieke ladings digtheid golf (CDW) oorgange toon, wat beskikbaar is. Waardevolle insigte oor die meganismes wat hierdie strukturele veranderinge wat ’n verandering in geleiding veroorsaak dryf is verkrygbaar, sowel as die verwantskap tussen die kristal allooi en die oorgang kenmerke. Diffraksie patrone van kristalle in die metaalagtige fase (kamer temperatuur) word in hierdie tesis getoon, maar diffraksie patrone van cryo-verkoelde Cu(DCNQI)2 in die niegeleier fase moet nog verkry word. Die tyd resolusie van die atomiese rolprent kan verbeter word deur die elektron puls — wat deur Coulomb afstoting en elektron energie spreiding versprei is — weer saam te pers. Numeriese en voorlopige eksperimentele resultate toon die potensiaal van ’n eenvoudige kompressie tegniek. Hierdeur kan meer elektrone in ’n elektron puls gegun word en so die integrasie tyd of die herhalingstempo van die eksperimente verkort kan word.

Prebunching for an Inverse Compton Scattering Source via an Emittance Exchange

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) provide several orders of magnitude brighter x-rays than 3rd generation sources. However, the electron beamlines and undulator magnets required are on the scale of kilometers, costing billions of dollars with only a half dozen or so currently operating worldwide. One way to overcome these limitations is to prebunch the electron beam on the scale of the x-ray wavelength. In this paper one such scheme is discussed, which uses a nanopatterned grating called a dynamical beam stop. This uses diffraction from crystal planes of the etched portion of a grating to impart a transverse modulation which becomes a temporal modulation via an emittance exchange (EEX). To expand upon this topic, dynamical electron diffraction intensities for a 200 nm thick Si(001) unpatterned membrane are simulated via the multislice method and compared to experiment for various crystallographic orientations at MeV energies. From this as well as an analysis of the experimental inelastic plasmon diffuse scattering, it is determined that the optimal transverse modulation would be formed from a bright field image of the beam stop, with the nanopattern being etched all the way through the membrane. A model quantifying the quality of the modulation - the bunching factor - as a function of contrast and duty factor is formulated and the optimal modulation is determined analytically. A prototype beam stop is then imaged in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) at 200 KeV, with the measured bunching factor of 0.5 agreeing with the model and approaching a saturated XFEL. Using the angular spectrum method, it is determined that the spatial coherence of the MeV energy electron beam is insufficient for significant self-imaging to occur for gratings with pitches of hundreds of nanometers. Finally, the first-order EEX input requirements for the electron beam are examined in the transverse dimension as are newly proposed longitudinal requirements to compensate for lingering correlations between the initial and final longitudinal phase spaces. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Physics 2020

Ultrafast electron diffraction on the charge density wave compound 4Hb-TaSe2

Boshoff, Ilana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Ultrafast electron diffraction is a powerful method to study atomic movement in crystals on sub-picosecond timescales. This thesis consists of three parts. In part one the ultrafast electron diffraction machine is described, followed by improvements that were made and techniques that were developed in order to bring the system to state of the art level and enable the acquisition of suffcient data to obtain information on the structural dynamics in crystals. The second part contains a description of the sample which was studied in our fi rst time-resolved measurements, the transition-metal dichalcogenide 4Hb-TaSe2. This particular crystal is an example of a strongly coupled electronic system which develops a charge density wave (CDW) accompanied by a periodic lattice distortion (PLD). An overview of the formation of electron diffraction patterns and what can be learned from them are also given, followed by the results of the ultrafast electron diffraction experiments done with 4Hb-TaSe2. Part three describes an alternative source to study dynamics in crystalline samples, namely laser plasma-based ultrafast X-ray diffraction. The ultrafast electron diffraction group functions as a unit, but my tasks ranged from sample preparation and characterisation of the electron beam to the setting up and execution of experiments. I was involved in analysing the data and contributed small parts to the data analysis software. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ultravinnige elektron diffraksie is a metode om die beweging van atome in kristalle op sub-pikosekonde tydskale te bestudeer. Hierdie tesis bestaan uit drie dele. In deel een van die tesis word die ultravinnige elektron diffraksie masjien beskryf, gevolg deur verbeteringe wat aangebring is en tegnieke wat ontwikkel is om die sisteem tot op 'n wêreldklas vlak te bring waar die insameling van genoegsame data om inligting oor die strukturele dinamika in kristalle te bekom, moontlik is. Die tweede deel bevat 'n beskrywing van die monster wat in ons eerste tydopgeloste eksperimente gebruik is, naamlik die oorgangsmetaaldichalkogenied 4Hb-TaSe2. Hierdie kristal is 'n voorbeeld van 'n sterk gekoppelde elektroniese sisteem wat 'n ladingsdigtheid-golf en 'n gepaardgaande periodiese versteuring van die kristalrooster ontwikkel. 'n Oorsig van die formasie van elektron diffraksiepatrone en wat ons daaruit kan leer word ook gegee. Daarna word die resultate van die ultravinnige elektron diffraksie eksperimente wat op 4Hb-TaSe2uitgevoer is beskryf en bespreek. In deel drie word 'n alternatiewe metode om die dinamika in kristalmonsters te bestudeer, naamlik laser plasma-gebaseerde ultravinnige X-straal diffraksie, beskryf. Die ultravinnige elektron diffraksie groep funksioneer as 'n eenheid, maar my verantwoordelikhede het gestrek van die voorbereiding van monsters en die karakterisering van die elektron bundel tot die opstel en uitvoer van eksperimente. Ek was ook betrokke by die analisering van data en het dele van die data analise sagteware geskryf.

Synthesis and Characterization of Zeolitic Materials Using Phosphorous Organic Structure Directing Agents

Simancas Coloma, Jorge 02 September 2021 (has links)
[ES] Las zeolitas son materiales cristalinos microporosos con canales y tamaños de poro de dimensiones moleculares. La estructura y composición de las zeolitas les confiere interesantes propiedades que permiten su aplicación en una amplia gama de aplicaciones industriales como adsorción, separación o catálisis. La síntesis de zeolitas es la etapa más importante para el control de la estructura y composición de las zeolitas y, por tanto, crítica para la optimización de sus propiedades. Esta tesis se ha centrado en la síntesis de zeolitas utilizando compuestos que contienen fósforo (cationes fosfonio y aminofosfonio) como Agentes Directores de Estructura (P-ADE). El uso de compuestos fosforados influye en la cristalización y propiedades de las zeolitas obtenidas en comparación con las zeolitas obtenidas con cationes de amonio clásicos. Los compuestos fosforados se eligieron debido a su diferente química y estabilidad con respecto a los cationes de amonio clásicos comúnmente usados en la síntesis de zeolitas. Estos aspectos se estudiaron con un estudio comparativo de diferentes cationes de amonio y fosforados. Los compuestos de fósforo utilizados en este trabajo han dado lugar a nuevas estructuras cristalinas (ITQ-58 e ITQ-66) y han abierto nuevas vías de síntesis de zeolitas ya conocidas (RTH, IWV y DON), ampliando su gama de composiciones químicas. La descomposición térmica de los P-ADE confinados dentro de las zeolitas da lugar a la formación de especies de fósforo extra-red que permanecen dentro de los canales y cavidades de las zeolitas. Estas especies modulan las propiedades ácidas y de adsorción de los materiales finales dependiendo de los tratamientos post-síntesis. En este trabajo se ha estudiado una ruta para la incorporación de cantidades controladas de fósforo durante la etapa de síntesis. Esto ha permitido controlar la adsorción y las propiedades ácidas en las zeolitas de poro pequeño, lo que no se puede lograr mediante metodologías de post-síntesis. / [CA] Les zeolites són materials cristal·lins microporosos amb canals i mides de porus de dimensions moleculars. L'estructura i composició de les zeolites els confereix interessants propietats que permeten la seua aplicació en una àmplia gamma d'aplicacions industrials com adsorció, separació o catàlisi. La síntesi de zeolites és l'etapa més important per al control de l'estructura i composició de les zeolites i, per tant, crítica per a l'optimització de les seues propietats. Aquesta tesi s'ha centrat en la síntesi de zeolites utilitzant compostos que contenen fòsfor (cations fosfoni i aminofosfoni) com a agents directors d'estructura (P-ADE). L'ús de compostos fosforats influeix en la cristal·lització i propietats de les zeolites obtingudes en comparació amb les zeolites obtingudes amb cations d'amoni clàssics. Els compostos fosforats es van triar a causa de la seua diferent química i estabilitat pel que fa als cations d'amoni clàssics utilitzats en la síntesi de zeolites. Aquests aspectes s¿estudiaren amb un estudi comparatiu de diferents cations d'amoni i fosforats. Els compostos de fòsfor utilitzats en aquest treball han donat lloc a noves estructures cristal·lines (ITQ-58 i ITQ-66) i han obert noves vies de síntesi de zeolites ja conegudes (RTH, IWV i DO), ampliant la seua gamma de composicions químiques. La descomposició tèrmica dels P-ADE atrapats dins de les zeolites dona lloc a la for-mació d'espècies de fòsfor extra-xarxa que romanen dins dels canals i cavitats de les zeolites. Aquestes espècies modulen les propietats àcides i d'adsorció dels materials finals depenent dels tractaments post-síntesi. En aquest treball s'ha estudiat una ruta per la incorporació de quantitats controlades de fòsfor durant l'etapa de síntesi. Això ha permés controlar l'adsorció i les propietats àcides en les zeolites de porus petit, el que no es pot aconseguir mitjançant metodologies de post-síntesi. / [EN] Zeolites are microporous crystalline materials with channels and pore openings of molecular dimensions. The structure and composition of zeolites confers them interesting properties that allow their application in a wide range of industrial applications as adsorption, separation or catalysis. The synthesis of zeolites is the most important stage to control the structure and composition of zeolites, and thus, critical to optimize their properties. This thesis has been focused on the synthesis of zeolites using phosphorous containing compounds (phosphonium and aminophosphonium cations) as Organic Structure Directing Agents (P-OSDA). The use of these phosphorous compounds influence the crystallization and properties of the obtained zeolites compared to zeolites obtained with classical ammo-nium cations. Phosphorous compounds were chosen because of their different chemistry and stabil-ity properties respect to classical ammonium cations commonly used in the synthesis of zeo-lites. These aspects were studied in a comparative study with different ammonium and phosphorous cations. The phosphorous compounds used in this work have yielded new crystalline structures (ITQ-58 and ITQ-66) and opened new routes for the synthesis of already known zeolites (RTH, IWV and DON), widening their chemical composition range. The thermal decomposition of the P-OSDAs entrapped inside the zeolites yields to the formation of extra-framework phosphorus species that remain inside the channels and voids of the zeolites. These species modulate the adsorption and acid properties of the final materials depending on the post-synthesis treatments. In this work, a route for the incorporation of controlled amounts of phosphorus during the synthesis stage has been studied. This has allowed to control the adsorption and acid properties in small pores zeolites, which cannot be achieved by post-synthesis methodologies. / I wish to firstly acknowledge the Spanish Government for the necessary funding for the FPI pre-doctoral fellowship (BES-2013-062999). Also, this thesis would not have been possible without the infrastructures provided by the UPV and the CSIC staff, fused into the ITQ. Furthermore, I want to acknowledge the Microscopy Service of the UPV for their support in sample microscopy characterization / Simancas Coloma, J. (2021). Synthesis and Characterization of Zeolitic Materials Using Phosphorous Organic Structure Directing Agents [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171267

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