Spelling suggestions: "subject:"underwater acoustic."" "subject:"onderwater acoustic.""
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Lossy compression and real-time geovisualization for ultra-low bandwidth telemetry from untethered underwater vehiclesMurphy, Christopher Alden January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (S.M.)--Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2008. / This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 79-83). / Oceanographic applications of robotics are as varied as the undersea environment itself. As underwater robotics moves toward the study of dynamic processes with multiple vehicles, there is an increasing need to distill large volumes of data from underwater vehicles and deliver it quickly to human operators. While tethered robots are able to communicate data to surface observers instantly, communicating discoveries is more difficult for untethered vehicles. The ocean imposes severe limitations on wireless communications; light is quickly absorbed by seawater, and tradeoffs between frequency, bitrate and environmental effects result in data rates for acoustic modems that are routinely as low as tens of bits per second. These data rates usually limit telemetry to state and health information, to the exclusion of mission-specific science data. In this thesis, I present a system designed for communicating and presenting science telemetry from untethered underwater vehicles to surface observers. The system's goals are threefold: to aid human operators in understanding oceanographic processes, to enable human operators to play a role in adaptively responding to mission-specific data, and to accelerate mission planning from one vehicle dive to the next. The system uses standard lossy compression techniques to lower required data rates to those supported by commercially available acoustic modems (O(10) - O(100) bits per second). / (cont.) As part of the system, a method for compressing time-series science data based upon the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is explained, a number of low-bitrate image compression techniques are compared, and a novel user interface for reviewing transmitted telemetry is presented. Each component is motivated by science data from a variety of actual Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) missions performed in the last year. / by Christopher Alden Murphy. / S.M.
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Current velocity profiling from an autonomous underwater vehicle with the application of Kalman filteringZhang, Yanwu January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (S.M. in Oceanographic Engineering)--Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution); and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 74-78). / The thesis presents data processing schemes for extracting Earth-referenced current velocity from relative current velocity measurement made by an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) borne by an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). Compared with conventional approaches, current profiling from an AUV platform has advantages including three-dimensional mobility, rapid response, high-level intelligent control, independence from ship motion and weather constraint, and shallow water operation. First, an acausal postprocessing scheme is presented for estimating the AUV's own velocity and removing it from the relative velocity measurement to obtain the true current velocity. Then, a causal scheme for estimating the Earth-referenced current velocity is presented. The causal algorithm is based on an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that utilizes the hydrodynamics connecting current velocity to vehicle's motion. In both methods, the raw ADCP measurement is corrected to achieve more accurate current velocity estimate. Field data from the Haro Strait Tidal Front Experiment are processed by both methods. Current velocity estimation results reveal horizontal and vertical velocity structure of the tidal mixing process, and are also consistent with the vehicle's deviated trajectory. The capability of the AUV-borne current profiling system is thus demonstrated. / by Yanwu Zhang. / S.M.in Oceanographic Engineering
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Analysis of acoustic propagation in the region of the New England continental shelfbreak / Acoustic propagation in the region of the New England continental shelfbreakSperry, Brian J January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 180-184). / During July and August of 1996, a large acoustics/physical oceanography experiment was fielded in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, south of Nantucket Island, MA. Known as the Shelfbreak Front PRIMER Experiment, the study combined acoustic data from a moored array of sources and receivers with very high resolution physical oceanographic measurements. This thesis addresses two of the primary goals of the experiment, explaining the properties of acoustic propagation in the region, and tomographic inversion of the acoustic data. In addition, this thesis develops a new method for predicting acoustic coherence in such regions. Receptions from two 400 Hz tomography sources, transmitting from the continental slope onto the shelf, are analyzed. This data, along with forward propagation modeling utilizing SeaSoar thermohaline measurements, reveal that both the shelfbreak front and tidally-generated soliton packets produce stronger coupling between the acoustic waveguide modes than expected. Arrival time wander and signal spread show variability attributable to the presence of a shelf water meander, changes in frontal configuration, and variability in the soliton field. The highly-coupled nature of the acoustic mode propagation prevents detailed tomographic inversion. Instead, methods based on only the wander of the mode arrivals are used to estimate path-averaged temperatures and internal tide "strength". The modal phase structure function is introduced as a useful proxy for acoustic coherence, and is related via an integral transform to the environmental sound speed correlation function. Advantages of the method are its flexibility and division of the problem into independent contributions, such as from the water column and seabed. / by Brian J. Sperry. / Ph.D.
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The effect of coded signals on the precision of autonomous underwater vehicle acoustic navigationEvans, Benjamin Kerbin January 1999 (has links)
Thesis (Ocean E.)--Joint program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 127-128). / Acoustic coded signaling offers potentially significant improvements over traditional "toneburst" methods in many underwater applications where error due to noise and multipath interference is a problem. In this thesis, the use of these spread spectrum techniques is analyzed for navigation of the REMUS autonomous underwater vehicle. The accuracy of the current system using Turyn and Barker sequences, as well as toneburst, is quantified, and the sources of the remaining error are examined. / by Benjamin Kerbin Evans. / Ocean E.
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Distribution, patchiness, and behavior of Antarctic zooplankton, assessed using multi-frequency acoustic techniquesLawson, Gareth L January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Biology; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 297-311). / The physical and biological forces that drive zooplankton distribution and patchiness in an antarctic continental shelf region were examined, with particular emphasis on the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba. This was accomplished by the application of acoustic, video, and environmental sensors during surveys of the region in and around Marguerite Bay, west of the Antarctic Peninsula, in the falls and winters of 2001 and 2002. An important component of the research involved the development and verification of methods for extracting estimates of ecologically-meaningful quantities from measurements of scattered sound. The distribution of acoustic volume backscattering at the single frequency of 120 kHz was first examined as an index of the overall biomass of zooplankton. Distinct spatial and seasonal patterns were observed that coincided with advective features. Improved parameterization was then achieved for a theoretical model of Antarctic krill target strength, the quantity necessary in scaling measurements of scattered sound to estimates of abundance, through direct measurement of all necessary model parameters for krill sampled in the study region and survey period. / (cont.) Methods were developed for identifying and delineating krill aggregations, allowing the distribution of krill to be distinguished from that of the overall zooplankton community. Additional methods were developed and verified for estimating the length, abundance, and biomass of krill in each acoustically-identified aggregation. These methods were applied to multi-frequency acoustic survey data, demonstrating strong seasonal, inter-annual, and spatial variability in the distribution of krill biomass. Highest biomass was consistently associated with regions close to land where temperatures at depth were cool. Finally, the morphology, internal structure, and vertical position of individual krill aggregations were examined. The observed patterns of variability in aggregation characteristics between day and night, regions of high versus low food availability, and in the presence or absence of predators, together reinforced the conclusion that aggregation and diel vertical migration represent strategies to avoid visual predators, while also allowing the krill access to shallowly-distributed food resources. The various findings of this work have important implications to the fields of zooplankton acoustics and Antarctic krill ecology, especially in relation to the interactions of the krill with its predators. / by Gareth L. Lawson. / Ph.D.
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Estimation and tracking of rapidly time-varying broadband acoustic communication channelsLi, Weichang, 1972- January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 197-206). / This thesis develops methods for estimating wideband shallow-water acoustic communication channels. The very shallow water wideband channel has three distinct features: large dimension caused by extensive delay spread; limited number of degrees of freedom (DOF) due to resolvable paths and inter-path correlations; and rapid fluctuations induced by scattering from the moving sea surface. Traditional LS estimation techniques often fail to reconcile the rapid fluctuations with the large dimensionality. Subspace based approaches with DOF reduction are confronted with unstable subspace structure subject to significant changes over a short period of time. Based on state-space channel modeling, the first part of this thesis develops algorithms that jointly estimate the channel as well as its dynamics. Algorithms based on the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and the Expectation Maximization (EM) approach respectively are developed. / (cont.) Analysis shows conceptual parallels, including an identical second-order innovation form shared by the EKF modification and the suboptimal EM, and the shared issue of parameter identifiability due to channel structure, reflected as parameter unobservability in EKF and insufficient excitation in EM. Modifications of both algorithms, including a two-model based EKF and a subspace EM algorithm which selectively track dominant taps and reduce prediction error, are proposed to overcome the identifiability issue. The second part of the thesis develops algorithms that explicitly find the sparse estimate of the delay-Doppler spread function. The study contributes to a better understanding of the channel physical constraints on algorithm design and potential performance improvement. It may also be generalized to other applications where dimensionality and variability collide. / by Weichang Li. / Ph.D.
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K-distribution fading models for Bayesian estimation of an underwater acoustic channelLaferriere, Alison Beth January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (S.M. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)--Joint Program in Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2011. / Cataloged from PDF version of thesis. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 113-114). / Current underwater acoustic channel estimation techniques generally apply linear MMSE estimation. This approach is optimal in a mean square error sense under the assumption that the impulse response fluctuations are well characterized by Gaussian statistics, leading to a Rayleigh distributed envelope. However, the envelope statistics of the underwater acoustic communication channel are often better modeled by the K-distribution. In this thesis, by presenting and analyzing field data to support this claim, I demonstrate the need to investigate channel estimation algorithms that exploit K-distributed fading statistics. The impact that environmental conditions and system parameters have on the resulting distribution are analyzed. In doing so, the shape parameter of the K-distribution is found to be correlated with the source-to-receiver distance, bandwidth, and wave height. Next, simulations of the scattering behavior are carried out in order to gain insight into the physical mechanism that cause these statistics to arise. Finally, MAP and MMSE based algorithms are derived assuming K-distributed fading models. The implementation of these estimation algorithms on simulated data demonstrates an improvement in performance over linear MMSE estimation. / by Alison Beth Laferriere. / S.M.in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
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Effects of internal waves on low frequency, long range, acoustic propagation in the deep oceanXu, Jinshan January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Joint Program in Oceanography/Applied Ocean Science and Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 183-191). / This thesis covers a comprehensive analysis of long-range, deep-ocean, low-frequency, sound propagation experimental results obtained from the North Pacific Ocean. The statistics of acoustic fields after propagation through internal-wave-induced sound-speed fluctuations are explored experimentally and theoretically. The thesis starts with the investigation of the North Pacific Acoustic Laboratory 98-99 data by exploring the space-time scales of ocean sound speed variability and the contributions from different frequency bands. The validity of the Garret & Munk internal-wave model is checked in the upper ocean of the eastern North Pacific. All these results impose hard bounds on the strength and characteristic scales of sound speed fluctuations one might expect in this region of the North Pacific for both internal-wave band fluctuations and mesoscale band fluctuations. The thesis then presents a detailed analysis of the low frequency, broadband sound arrivals obtained in the North Pacific Ocean. The observed acoustic variability is compared with acoustic predictions based on the weak fluctuation theory of Rytov, and direct parabolic equation Monte Carlo simulations. The comparisons show that a resonance condition exists between the local acoustic ray and the internal wave field such that only the internal-waves whose crests are parallel to the local ray path will contribute to acoustic scattering: This effect leads to an important filtering of the acoustic spectra relative to the internal-wave spectra. We believe that this is the first observational evidence for the acoustic ray and internal wave resonance. Finally, the thesis examined the evolution with distance, of the acoustic arrival pattern of the off-axis sound source transmissions in the Long-range Ocean Acoustic Propagation EXperiment. / (cont.) The observations of mean intensity time-fronts are compared to the deterministic ray, parabolic equation (with/without internal waves) and (one-way coupled) normal mode calculations. It is found the diffraction effect is dominant in the shorter-range transmission. In the longer range, the (internal wave) scattering effect smears the energy in both the spatial and temporal scales and thus has a dominant role in the finale region. / by Jinshan Xu. / Ph.D.
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Sistema para monitoramento e análise de paisagens acústicas submarinas. / System for monitoring and analysing underwater acoustic landscapes.Alvarez Rosario, Alexander 14 October 2015 (has links)
O Monitoramento Acústico Passivo (PAM) submarino refere-se ao uso de sistemas de escuta e gravação subaquática, com o intuito de detectar, monitorar e identificar fontes sonoras através das ondas de pressão que elas produzem. Se diz que é passivo já que tais sistemas unicamente ouvem, sem perturbam o meio ambiente acústico existente, diferentemente de ativos, como os sonares. O PAM submarino tem diversas áreas de aplicação, como em sistemas de vigilância militar, seguridade portuária, monitoramento ambiental, desenvolvimento de índices de densidade populacional de espécies, identificação de espécies, etc. Tecnologia nacional nesta área é praticamente inexistente apesar da sua importância. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho visa contribuir com o desenvolvimento de tecnologia nacional no tema através da concepção, construção e operação de equipamento autônomo de PAM e de métodos de processamento de sinais para detecção automatizada de eventos acústicos submarinos. Foi desenvolvido um equipamento, nomeado OceanPod, que possui características como baixo custo de fabrica¸c~ao, flexibilidade e facilidade de configuração e uso, voltado para a pesquisa científica, industrial e para controle ambiental. Vários protótipos desse equipamento foram construídos e utilizados em missões no mar. Essas jornadas de monitoramento permitiram iniciar a criação de um banco de dados acústico, o qual permitiu fornecer a matéria prima para o teste de detectores de eventos acústicos automatizados e em tempo real. Adicionalmente também é proposto um novo método de detecção-identificação de eventos acústicos, baseado em análise estatística da representação tempo-frequência dos sinais acústicos. Este novo método foi testado na detecção de cetáceos, presentes no banco de dados gerado pelas missões de monitoramento. / Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) refers to the use of systems to listen and record underwater soundscape, in order to detect, track and identify sound sources through the pressure waves that they produce. It is said to be passive as these systems only hear, not put noise in the environment, such as sonars. Underwater PAM has various application areas, such as military surveillance systems, port security, environmental monitoring, development of population density rates of species, species identification, etc. National technology in the field is practically nonexistent despite its importance. In this context, this paper aims to contribute to the national technology development in the field by designing, building, and operating a self-contained PAM equipment, also developing signal-processing methods for automated detection of underwater acoustic events. A device, named \"OceanPod\"which has characteristics such as low manufacturing cost, flexibility and ease of setup and use, intended for scientific, industrial research and environmental control was developed. Several prototypes of the equipment were built and used in several missions at seawaters. These missions monitoring, enabled start creating an acoustic database, which provided the raw material for the automated acoustic events detectors and realtime test. Additionally, it is also proposed a new method of detecting, identifying sound events, based on statistical analysis of the time-frequency representation of the acoustic signals. This new method has been tested in the detection of cetaceans present in the database generated by missions monitoring.
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Geoacoustic inversion : improvement and extension of the sources image method / Inversion géoacoustique : amélioration et extension de la méthode des sources imagesDrira, Achraf 10 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse propose d’analyser les signaux issus d’une source omnidirectionnelle sphérique réfléchis par un milieu sédimentaire stratifié et enregistré par une antenne d’hydrophones, en vue de caractériser quantitativement les sédiments marins aux moyennes fréquences, i.e. comprises entre 1 et 10 kHz. La recherche développée dans ce manuscrit propose une méthodologie facilitant la recherche des paramètres géoacoustiques du milieu avec la méthode des sources images, ainsi qu’un ensemble de solutions techniques appropriées afin d’améliorer cette méthode d’inversion récemment développée. La méthode des sources images repose sur une modélisation physique de la réflexion des ondes émises par une source sur un milieu stratifié sous l’approximation de Born. Par conséquent, la réflexion de l’onde sur le milieu stratifié peut être représentée par une collection de sources images, symétriques de la source réelle par rapport aux interfaces, dont les positions spatiales sont liées à la vitesse des ondes acoustiques et aux épaisseurs des couches. L’étude se décline en deux volets : traitements des signaux et inversion des paramètres géoacoustiques. La première partie du travail est focalisée sur le développement de la méthode des sources images. La méthode originelle se basait sur la construction de cartes de migration et de semblance de signaux pour déterminer les paramètres d’entrée de l’algorithme d’inversion qui sont des temps de trajet et des angles d’arrivée. Afin d’éviter cette étape, nous détectons les temps d’arrivée avec l’opérateur d’énergie de Teager-Kaiser (TKEO) et nous trouvons les angles par une méthode de triangulation. Le modèle d’inversion a été ensuite intégré en prenant en compte la possibilité de déformation de l’antenne. Cette partie se termine par une nouvelle approche qui combine TKEO et des méthodes temps fréquence afin d’avoir une bonne détection du temps d’arrivée dans le cas de signaux fortement bruités. Sur le plan du modèle et de l’inversion géoacoustique, nous proposons tout d’abord une description précise du modèle direct en introduisant le concept de sources images virtuelles. Cette étape permet de mieux comprendre l’approche développée. Ensuite, nous proposons une extension de la méthode des sources image pour l’inversion de paramètres géoacoustiques supplémentaires : la densité, l’atténuation et la vitesse des ondes de cisaillement. Cette extension est basée sur les résultats de l’inversion originelle (estimation du nombre de strates, de leur épaisseur, et de la vitesse des ondes de compression) ainsi que sur l’utilisation de l’amplitude des signaux réfléchis. Ces améliorations et extensions de la méthode des sources images sont illustrées par leur application sur des signaux synthétiques et des signaux réels issus d’expérimentations en cuve et à la mer. Les résultats obtenus sont très satisfaisants, tant au niveau des performances de calcul que de la qualité des estimations fournies. / This thesis aims at analyzing the signals emitted from a spherical omnidirectional source reflected by a stratified sedimentary environment and recorded by a hydrophone array in order to characterize quantitatively the marine sediments at medium frequencies, i.e. between 1 and 10 kHz. The research developed in this manuscript provides a methodology to facilitate the estimation of medium geoacoustic parameters with the image source method, and some appropriate technical solutions to improve this recently developed inversion method. The image source method is based on a physical modeling of the wave reflection emitted from a source by a stratified medium under the Born approximation. As result, the reflection of the wave on the layered medium can be represented by a set of image sources, symmetrical to the real source with respect to the interfaces, whose spatial positions are related to the sound speeds and the thicknesses of the layers. The study consists of two parts : signal processing and inversion of geoacoustic parameters. The first part of the work is focused on the development of the image source method. The original method was based on migration and semblance maps of the recorded signals to determine the input parameters of the inversion algorithm which are travel times and arrival angles. To avoid this step, we propose to determine the travel times with the Teager-Kaiser energy operator (TKEO) and the arrival angles are estimate with a triangulation approach. The inversion model is then integrated, taking into account the possible deformation of the antenna. This part concludes with a new approach that combines TKEO and time-frequency representations in order to have a good estimation of the travel times in the case of noisy signals. For the modeling and geoacoustic inversion part, we propose first an accurate description of the forward model by introducing the concept of virtual image sources. This idea provides a deeper understanding of the developed approach. Then, we propose an extension of the image sources method to the estimation of supplementary geoacoustic parameters : the density, the absorption coefficient, and the shear wave sound speed. This extension is based on the results of the original inversion (estimation of the number of layers, their thicknesses, and the pressure sound speeds) and on the use of the amplitudes of the reflected signals. These improvements and extents of the image source method are illustrated by their applications on both synthetic and real signals, the latter coming from tank and at-sea measurements. The obtained results are very satisfactory, from a computational point of view as well as for the quality of the provided estimations.
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