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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adjustment problems faced by international students in South Africa

Mokgwasi, Kegomoditswe Morongwa January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Psychology by Coursework and Research Report in the field of Organisational Psychology in the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg March 2017 / The aim of the study was to assess the challenges faced by international students in South Africa. The study was conducted at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. There were 14 international students who participated in the study. Of these, 6 were male and 8 were female. The study was qualitative in nature. An interview schedule was used to interview participants. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse data. The results showed that international students in South Africa faced adjustment challenges relating to: reasons for choosing to study in South Africa, first settling in experiences, financial constraints, registration process, language problems, visa application and immigration laws, cultural differences, diversity, discrimination, academic challenge, homesickness, social support, institutional assistance and how they handled the challenges to cope with the prevailing situation in South Africa. Future studies should thus focus on finding effective ways to improve the adjustment process for international students in South Africa. / GR2019

Labour market and institutional needs and dynamics in the introduction of a new technikon programme : a case study

Thomen, Eva Christine Salzmann January 1997 (has links)
Bibliography: pages 84-88. / This study focuses on the nature and degree of articulation between Technikon education and labour market needs in South Africa. More specifically, it examines the effectiveness of the assessment of labour market needs as well as the influence of institutional needs and dynamics within the formal decision-making process which governs the introduction of new programmes. The research takes the form of a case study in which the researcher examines the decision-making process relating to the introduction of a particular programme - the ND: Education: Home Economics - at a particular Technikon. Data consisted of official records and documents as well as transcripts of interviews with key participants in the decision-making process. The data was used to reconstruct and analyse the decision-making process as implemented in the case of this programme. The study argues that, in this case, the formal, prescribed process which purported to assess labour market needs did not effectively engage with the actual dynamics of the market place. The mechanisms designed to assess labour market needs were largely symbolic and highly bureaucratised. In addition to being weak in design, assessment procedures were not stringently implemented. While the introduction of new programmes is explicitly justified on the grounds of labour market needs, the decision-making process was in this case, strongly - though implicitly and informally - influenced by institutional needs and dynamics within the Technikon itself. This study points to the weaknesses in the design and control of the official prescribed process which guides decisions regarding the introduction of all new programmes at South African Technikons. On a theoretical level, it also calls into question an assumption on which much literature pertaining to Technikon education is premised, that is, the assumption that there is a relatively smooth articulation between the supply of Technikon graduates and labour market needs.

Free higher education policy network viewed through power, cooperation and conflict in South Africa

Molokwane, Masibane John January 2019 (has links)
Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Commerce Law, and Management, School of Governance, University of Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Management in Public Policy (MMPP), Johannesburg, South Africa 2019 / The notion of policy networks is an integral instrument of policy-making in democratic states. Significant policy challenges are deemed often too complex to be dealt with only through traditional hierarchal government structures. The notion of policy networks is used to analyse and evaluate policy processes and their outcomes. The knowledge gap that the study is dealing with is on the role and effects the interplay of power, cooperation and conflict has in the policy networks and the policy-making process. The aim of this study was to explore the interplay between power, conflict and cooperation in the free higher education policy network in South Africa. A dialectical approach to analysis of policy networks was applied to inform the conceptual frame used in the study. The methodology followed the interpretivist-constructivist paradigm, which then informed the use of qualitative methods in the study. A snowballing sampling approach was employed to identify the study participants. The study analysed the results by using a thematic analysis approach. Findings in the study confirmed that free higher education policy-making was happening through a complex policy network. This free higher education network was characterised by a dominance of power, along with high levels of conflict and cooperation among actors who tended to share the same interests. The presence of power, conflict and cooperation had an influence on the network’s structure, interactions, context and the policy outcome. The influence of power, conflict and cooperation demonstrated that there is an iterative and dialectical relationship between network structure, interactions, context and policy outcome. / XL2019

Determining procurement best practices in South African comprehensive universities

Dlamini, Winnie 01 1900 (has links)
The procurement function accounts for the largest total amount of organisational expenditure. This fact notwithstanding, the function is still referred to as non-strategic and is often subordinate to finance in the public or service sectors, and is therefore considered as a non-value-adding task in some organisations. Despite the fact that renowned scholars have revealed that organisations may eliminate waste, realise more prospects and cut costs if they implement procurement best practices. It is reported that few organisations have adopted procurement best practices, especially in the public sector. In South Africa, public universities face numerous procurement challenges, such as procurement irregularities and wasteful expenditure of resources and money. Corruption and maladministration in the procurement system have been noticed, which involves among others, the payment of suppliers, owned or co-owned by university employees who have failed to declare their interest when providing services to the university. This study determines whether South African comprehensive universities conduct procurement according to the best practices. In order to investigate the problem, an exploratory study was carried out in two phases. The first phase comprised the literature study, while the second phase entailed an empirical study. Face-to-face interviews were conducted using open-ended questions. The findings of the study revealed that that some participating South African comprehensive universities do not conduct their procurement according to procurement best practices and consequently do not contribute sufficiently to the university’s overall objectives for competitive advantage and sustainability. While others displayed elementary initiatives in the adoption of procurement best practices, some universities had developed turnaround strategies for implementing procurement best practices. The slow progression can be attributed to the rigid, cumbersome and unclear public procurement policies that govern procurement in South Africa. So, comprehensive universities face diverse challenges in the adoption of procurement best practices. A framework for implementing procurement best practices in South African Comprehensive universities was developed. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

'n Maatskaplike ontwikkelingsgerigte perspektief op supervisie aan maatskaplikewerkstudente by opleidingsinstansies in Suid-Afrika

Engelbrecht, Lambert K. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to establish a theoretical and practical framework for supervision to social work students at training institutions that are based on the outcomes of developmental social work in South Africa, as contained in the White Paper for Welfare (1997). The motivation for this study is the contribution that it can make to the reality that the paradigm shift of the developmental perspective on supervision to students contains. This research was done based on an extensive literature study, which focused on the conceptualisation of supervision to social work students from a social developmental perspective. The systemic nature of supervision to students was examined, after which the models for supervision to students were analysed. The functions of supervision by means of the management, educational and support functions are also broadly defined. The empirical investigation of the study dealt with the current state of supervision to social work students at training institutions in South Africa. From the empirical investigation a social developmental perspective was developed, which indicates that supervision to social work students in South Africa can be defined as a process of education, support and management so as to develop students' competencies according to the outcomes of the training institution's field practice education programme, so that students can integrate the theory and practice of social work. Supervision also involves interactive guidance, based on educational needs, academic development and empowerment of students. The abovementioned perspective was evaluated by supervisors of students at tratrung institutions in South Africa, the majority of whom supported the perspective. From the social developmental perspective that was formulated, conclusions and recommendations were made that can serve as a framework for supervision of social work students. The framework for situation-relevant supervision, which is accounted for eco-systemically, is based on a competency model and is empowering in its nature. This is the contribution that this study makes to field practice education to social work students. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n teoretiese en praktiese raamwerk daar te stel vir supervisie van maatskaplikewerkstudente by opleidingsinstansies wat op die uitkomste van ontwikkelingsgerigte maatskaplike werk in Suid-Afrika, soos vervat in die Witskrif vir Welsyn (1997), gebaseer is. Hierdie studie is gemotiveer deur die bydrae wat dit kan Iewer tot die realiteit wat die paradigmaskuif van die ontwikkelingsgerigte perspektief in maatskaplike werk vir supervisie van studente inhou. Die ondersoek is gedoen aan die hand van 'n uitgebreide literatuurstudie, wat op die konseptualisering van supervisie aan maatskaplikewerkstudente vanuit 'n maatskaplike ontwikkelingsgerigte perspektief gefokus het. Die sistemiese aard van supervisie aan studente is ondersoek, waarna die aard van die modelle vir supervisie aan studente ontleed is. Die funksies van supervisie deur middel van die bestuurs-, onderrig- en ondersteuningsfunksie word ook breedvoerig omskryf. Die empiriese ondersoek van die studie het oor die huidige stand van supervisie aan maatskaplikewerkstudente by opleidingsinstansies in Suid-Afrika gehandel. Vanuit die empiriese ondersoek is 'n maatskaplike ontwikkelingsgerigte perspektief ontwerp wat daarop dui dat supervisie aan maatskaplikewerkstudente in Suid-Afrika omskryf kan word as 'n proses van onderrig, ondersteuning en bestuur om studente se bekwaamhede volgens die uitkomste van die opleidingsinstansie se praktykonderrigprogram te ontwikkel, sodat studente die teorie en praktyk van maatskaplike werk kan integreer. Supervisie behels ook interaktiewe Ieiding, gebaseer op onderrigbehoeftes, akademiese ontwikkeling en bemagtiging van studente. Die bogenoemde perspektief is deur supervisors van studente by opleidingsinstansies in Suid-Afrika oorwegend ondersteunend geevalueer. Vanuit die maatskaplike ontwikkelingsgerigte perspektief wat geformuleer is, is gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings gemaak, wat as raamwerk vir supervisie van maatskaplikewerkstudente kan dien. Die raamwerk vir situasie-relevante supervisie, wat ekosistemies verantwoord word, gegrond is op 'n kompetensiemodel en bemagtigend van aard is, is dus die bydrae wat hierdie studie tot praktykonderrig aan maatskaplikewerkstudente bied.

Stakeholders' perceptions of an institutional quality audit : a case study

Jacobsz, Johannes (Jannie) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis briefly explores the quality phenomenon in higher education and more specifically in the university context. In addition, the experiences of stakeholders who participated in the first institutional quality audit at a merged university are explored and analysed. It is also argued that the world-wide quality phenomenon at universities, although sometimes politically driven and at times undertaken with hidden agendas, may eventually add value to a university‟ cycle of never-ending quality improvement and enhancement. University stakeholders who are either directly or indirectly involved in realising the university‟s vision and mission can provide invaluable feedback about their experience of a quality audit. Feedback by all stakeholders about a quality audit will assist the university to plan and prepare for the next cycle of quality audits. The research findings of this study indicated that a variety of differences exist in the perceptions of stakeholders that participated in the preparation and execution of the institutional quality audit. In some cases the differences may hold some limited risk for the university therefore some recommendations are also made in support of future audits. These and other recommendations emenating from the research findings will hopefully also contribute towards improved engagement between the stakeholders and members of the audit panel. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling ondersoek kortliks die verskynsel van gehalte in hoër onderwys, en meer spesifiek in die universiteitskonteks. Voorts word die ervarings van belanghebbendes wat deelgeneem het aan die eerste institusionele kwaliteitsoudit aan ʼn saamgesmelte universiteit, ondersoek en ontleed. Daar word ook aangevoer dat die wêreldwye verskynsel van kwaliteit aan universiteite uiteindelik waarde kan toevoeg tot ʼn universiteit se siklus van ewigdurende kwaliteitsversekering en –verbetering, selfs al is hierdie verskynsel soms polities gedrewe en al gaan dit by tye gepaard met verskuilde agendas. Belanghebbendes van die universiteit wat direk of indirek betrokke is by die realisering van die universiteit se visie en missie kan uiters waardevolle terugvoer bied oor hulle ervaring van ʼn kwaliteitsoudit. Terugvoer deur alle belanghebbendes oor ʼn kwaliteitsoudit sal die universiteit help om vir die volgende siklus kwaliteitsoudits te beplan en voor te berei. Die navorsingsbevindings van hierdie studie dui daarop dat ʼn verskeidenheid verskille wel bestaan in die persepsies van belanghebbendes wat deelgeneem het aan die voorbereiding en uitvoering van die institusionele kwaliteitsoudit. In sommige gevalle hou die verskille wel ʼn beperkte risiko vir die universiteit in en daarom word aanbevelings gemaak ter ondersteuning van toekomstige kwaliteitsoudits. Hierdie, sowel as ander aanbevelings sal hopelik ook bydra tot verbeterde interaksie tussen die belanghebbendes en lede van die ouditpaneel.

The design, implementation and evaluation of student support and development services in further education and training colleges in South Africa.

Ferreira, Stephanus Lourens January 2002 (has links)
The Student Support and Development Services (SSDS) at Further Education and Training (FET) colleges represent a holistic and systemic approach to addressing barriers to learning and development. College SSDS are based on the acknowledgement that all FET students need support and development and that, when addressing needs of the college student, it is done in a holistic, integrated, intersectional and inclusive manner.<br /> <br /> The SSDS therefore strive to develop competencies, knowledge, skills and attitudes in a systemic and holistic manner. The aim of the study was to design, implement and evaluate SSDS at the FET colleges in the Western Cape Education Department and to establish a Lecturer Support and Development Team (LSDT) at each FET college, which would include the following services.<br /> <br /> <ul> <li>student counselling services</li> <li>academic development and learning support</li> <li>occupationald evelopmenat nd careerg uidance</li> <li>life skills education and health education, and</li> <li>college institutional development</li> </ul> Student counselling services at FET colleges aim to render comprehensive student services with a holistic developmental aspect of the student in relation to his/her social, emotional, physical and cognitive dimensions. The staff of the LSDT are the first line of contact for the troubled student. Academic development is aimed at the students who enter the FET sector with inadequate schooling, education and training. Orientation programmes include bridging the gap between schooling and FET education and training. Bridging programmes and remedial programmes are offered to students to compensate for their academic backlog and to accelerate their education and training up to a level suitable for FET.

The impact of quality assurance legislation on private higher education institutions.

Nirhoo, N. January 2002 (has links)
Post apartheid South Africa saw the introduction of many policies and legislations that were to meet the goals of democracy, social redress, equity and development. One of the crucial legislations that guided the restructuring of higher education was the South African Qualifications Authority Act (SAQA) of 1995. Within this SAQA Act (1995) is the issue of quality assurance. Through a system of quality assurance and through processes such as the registration of higher education practices and programmes such as the Education and Training Quality Assurance Bodies (ETQA), the National Standards Body (NSB), the Standards Generating Bodies (SGB), the Council of Higher Education and the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) within the SAQA Act mandate. The higher education sector is been guided to offer relevant and responsive needs that meet the needs of learners, employers and other stakeholders. Quality Assurance could relate to greater accountability and efficiency in respect of education or higher standards of education provision. It is within the expression of higher standards and comparability of quality assurance that through the SAQA Act (1995) all providers of higher education, whether public higher education providers of private higher education providers, are required to register as providers of higher education programmes and to register its programmes been offered. It is within this expression of quality assurance that this study is located. This study examined the impact of the Quality Assurance Legislation on programme design of the Information Technology (IT) Department within the School of Technology at Anchorlite College, which is a private higher education institution (PHEI). The Study focused on two critically questions, viz: i. Did the PHEI use a quality assurance system before the quality assurance legislation? ii. What impact did the quality assurance legislation have on pedagogy, resources and content of programme design of a PHEI A case study method was used on a purposeful sampled PHEI to illuminate the impact of the quality assurance legislation on programme design at Anchorlite College. Data was obtained through an interview with the Head of Department. The institution's records were used to retrieve data. Also a questionnaire was administered to the IT staff The findings indicate that there are both positive and negative aspects concerning the impact of the quality assurance legislation on programme design. The SAQA Act (1995) did impact on the IT programme pertaining to staffing, physical resources, assessment, programme design and learners. The findings indicate that the quality assurance legislation within the' Requirements for Learning Programmes' (SAQA, 1998) influenced and impacted the IT programme. This impact was indicated by appropriate and adequate staff have been employed to support the learning programme, the physical resources have increased, a more informed assessment strategy has been implemented and the learners admission requirements into the IT programme has changed by introducing aptitude testing. The findings did indicate that some staff was aware of the quality assurance before the SAQA Act (1995) The recommendations of this study indicate that the staff aligns themselves with the needs of the industry by internships or forming partners with industrial organizations. The IT programme will have to be reviewed and adapted to include the needs of the industry. The system of staff development programmes is implemented so that the staff becomes familiar with the new skills and techniques of industry. The SAQA Act (1995), the quality assurance legislation did impact on the programme design of the IT programme at Anchorlite College. / Thesis (M.Ed.) - Educational Management)-University of Durban Westville, 2002.

The design, implementation and evaluation of student support and development services in further education and training colleges in South Africa.

Ferreira, Stephanus Lourens January 2002 (has links)
The Student Support and Development Services (SSDS) at Further Education and Training (FET) colleges represent a holistic and systemic approach to addressing barriers to learning and development. College SSDS are based on the acknowledgement that all FET students need support and development and that, when addressing needs of the college student, it is done in a holistic, integrated, intersectional and inclusive manner.<br /> <br /> The SSDS therefore strive to develop competencies, knowledge, skills and attitudes in a systemic and holistic manner. The aim of the study was to design, implement and evaluate SSDS at the FET colleges in the Western Cape Education Department and to establish a Lecturer Support and Development Team (LSDT) at each FET college, which would include the following services.<br /> <br /> <ul> <li>student counselling services</li> <li>academic development and learning support</li> <li>occupationald evelopmenat nd careerg uidance</li> <li>life skills education and health education, and</li> <li>college institutional development</li> </ul> Student counselling services at FET colleges aim to render comprehensive student services with a holistic developmental aspect of the student in relation to his/her social, emotional, physical and cognitive dimensions. The staff of the LSDT are the first line of contact for the troubled student. Academic development is aimed at the students who enter the FET sector with inadequate schooling, education and training. Orientation programmes include bridging the gap between schooling and FET education and training. Bridging programmes and remedial programmes are offered to students to compensate for their academic backlog and to accelerate their education and training up to a level suitable for FET.

Determining procurement best practices in South African comprehensive universities

Dlamini, Winnie 01 1900 (has links)
The procurement function accounts for the largest total amount of organisational expenditure. This fact notwithstanding, the function is still referred to as non-strategic and is often subordinate to finance in the public or service sectors, and is therefore considered as a non-value-adding task in some organisations. Despite the fact that renowned scholars have revealed that organisations may eliminate waste, realise more prospects and cut costs if they implement procurement best practices. It is reported that few organisations have adopted procurement best practices, especially in the public sector. In South Africa, public universities face numerous procurement challenges, such as procurement irregularities and wasteful expenditure of resources and money. Corruption and maladministration in the procurement system have been noticed, which involves among others, the payment of suppliers, owned or co-owned by university employees who have failed to declare their interest when providing services to the university. This study determines whether South African comprehensive universities conduct procurement according to the best practices. In order to investigate the problem, an exploratory study was carried out in two phases. The first phase comprised the literature study, while the second phase entailed an empirical study. Face-to-face interviews were conducted using open-ended questions. The findings of the study revealed that that some participating South African comprehensive universities do not conduct their procurement according to procurement best practices and consequently do not contribute sufficiently to the university’s overall objectives for competitive advantage and sustainability. While others displayed elementary initiatives in the adoption of procurement best practices, some universities had developed turnaround strategies for implementing procurement best practices. The slow progression can be attributed to the rigid, cumbersome and unclear public procurement policies that govern procurement in South Africa. So, comprehensive universities face diverse challenges in the adoption of procurement best practices. A framework for implementing procurement best practices in South African Comprehensive universities was developed. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

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