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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diseño de una planta procesadora de producción de harina a partir de la cabeza de langostino para alimento balanceado de aves en el distrito De La Cruz – Tumbes

Barreto Dezar, Cesar Fernando January 2023 (has links)
Los residuos sólidos de las industrias de productos hidrobiológicos como lo son las cabezas de los langostinos generan la posibilidad de obtener subproductos como harinas que pueden ser empleados como materia prima para la alimentación de animales debido a que poseen un alto contenido de proteínas, carbohidratos, grasas, pigmentos, minerales, quitina, entre otros, las cuales son atractivas a la hora de la formulación de nuevos productos alimenticios. Con respecto al primer objetivo, concerniente al estudio de mercado, se indagó sobre demanda y oferta del producto, logrando descubrir la insatisfacción del mercado, obteniendo de esta forma la demanda del presente trabajo. Asimismo, el segundo resultado enfocado al diseño de la planta, se instituyó las disposiciones idóneas para alcanzar el rango de producción esperado. Se evaluó y seleccionó la ingeniería requerida para el procesamiento de la harina a partir de las cabezas de langostino. Por último, el tercer resultado consiste en la valoración económica- financiera. Se logró resultados financieros planificados (estados de ganancia y pérdida, flujos de caja y balances en general) apoyados en indicadores como el valor anual neto (VAN) y la tasa de interés de retorno (TIR), por lo cual se logró comprobar si en términos financieros el proyecto es admisible. Relacionando a este proyecto el VAN ascendió a un monto de S/ 3 418 734,36 y el TIR que nos arrojó un 47% respectivamente. / The solid residues of the industries of hydrobiological products such as the heads of prawns, generate the possibility of obtaining by-products as flours that can be used as raw material for feeding animals since they have a high content of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, pigments, minerals, chitin, among others, which are attractive when formulating new food products. For the first objective that is the market study, the demand and supply of the product was investigated, in this way the unsatisfied demand of the market was calculated and thus the demand of the project was obtained. Regarding the second result that is the design of the plant, the necessary guidelines were established to achieve the level of production required, the evaluation and selection of the necessary engineering for the flour process from the shrimp heads. To finalize the third result, which is the economic-financial evaluation, the projected financial results (profit and loss statements, cash flows and balance sheets) were obtained with the help of indicators such as net annual value (NPV) And the Return Rate (IRR), with which it was possible to determine if the project is economically acceptable. In the case of this project, the NPV amounts to a positive amount which is S/ 3 418 734,36 and the TIR, which yielded 47 %, respectively.


DANIELLE REIS SOARES 14 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] Pesquisas recentes apontam que o Brasil ocupa lugar de destaque no ranking mundial de produção de papel e celulose. O setor é fundamental para economia nacional e é responsável por gerar diversos empregos diretos e indiretos. Porém, apesar de a madeira, principal matéria prima do processo produtivo, ser proveniente de florestas plantadas, as empresas do setor se deparam com problemas de cunho ambiental em função da grande quantidade de resíduos sólidos industriais gerados diariamente em suas fábricas, os quais, apresentam potencial de causar danos ambientais. Desta forma, o setor sofre com o forte apelo ambiental da sociedade, dos órgãos fiscalizadores e do mercado. Este fato tem levado as empresas a buscarem soluções alternativas para o descarte dos seus resíduos, com o intuito de valorizar e garantir um novo uso aos mesmo, ao invés, da simples disposição em aterro, levando em conta os conceitos e princípios da Economia Circular. Neste sentido buscou-se estudar na literatura os potenciais meios de valorização para os resíduos dregs e grits e, como resultado, encontrou-se utilizações dos mesmos como corretivos de acidez de solo e fertilizantes, estabilização de áreas degradadas, aplicação em obras rodoviárias, utilização na indústria de cerâmica e de cimento e na utilização como agregados em argamassas. Buscou-se também averiguar as práticas atuais adotadas por empresas do setor e os benefícios alcançados por elas como, por exemplo, a melhoria da imagem da empresa, redução do passivo ambiental e dos custos de transporte e disposição dos resíduos. / [en] Nowadays, the strong environmental, social and economic appeal faced by the industrial sector have been contributing to the development of studies and research aimed at finding alternatives to the use of solid waste generated in its processes, in order to add value to them and to minimize the amount of waste sent to landfills, promoting improvement in the environmental performance of their processes and still favoring their image in the market, especially in the international market. In this way the Circular Economy arises. According to Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2013), the Circular Economy is restorative and regenerative by principle, arises precisely to put an end to the current linear industrial model, considered as pipe end, in which, the raw material extracted from nature is processed, consumed and discarded after use. The goal of Circular Economy is to keep products, components and materials at their highest level of usefulness and value, all the time. The model distinguishes between technical and biological cycles. Consumption happens only in biological cycles, where food and biologically-based materials (such as cotton or wood) are designed to feed back into the system through processes like composting and anaerobic digestion. These cycles regenerate living systems, such as soil, which provide renewable resources for the economy. Technical cycles recover and restore products, components, and materials through strategies like reuse, repair, remanufacture or (in the last resort) recycling (Ellen MacArthur Foundation (2013). The circular economy incorporates ideas from different schools of thought as the regenerative design, cradle to cradle, industrial ecology, economy of performance, biomimicry, and the blue economy; This model of economy is based on three principles: nature as model, nature as a measure and nature as a mentor.

Studium metabolismu bakteriálních buněk a vlivu stresu na biosyntézu PHA / Metabolism of Bacterial Cells and the Effect of Stress on Biosynthesis of PHA

Kučera, Dan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis as a microbial product with the potential to replace current conventional plastics made from petroleum. The dissertation thesis is elaborated in the form of a discussed set of already published publications, which are then part of the thesis in the form of appendices. The work builds on relatively extensive knowledge in the field of polyhydroxyalkanoate production and brings new facts and possible strategies. Various possibilities of analysis of polyhydroxyalkanoates using modern methods were tested in this work, which brings especially speed, which can be crucial in real-time evaluation of production biotechnological process. Raman spectroscopy has proven to be a very promising technique for rapid quantification of PHA. Furthermore, the work deals with valorisation of waste of food and agricultural origin. Emphasis is placed on methods of detoxification of lignocellulose hydrolysates. In this context, adsorption of inhibitors to lignin was first used as an alternative to other detoxification techniques. Due to detoxification, selected production strains Burkholederia cepacia and B. sacchari were able to utilize softwood hydrolyzate for PHA production. In the next part of the work was also tested the possibility of using chicken feathers as a complex source of nitrogen. Evolutionary engineering was also used as a possible strategy to eliminate the inhibitory effect of levulic acid as a microbial inhibitor that results from the hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials. Adaptation experiments were used to develop strains exhibiting higher resistance to levulic acid and the ability to accumulate a higher 3HV copolymer from the original wild-type C. necator strain. Another promising approach tested in the work was the use of extremophilic microbial strain, which leads to a reduction in the cost of biotechnological production. Selected Halomonas species have shown high potential as halophilic PHA producers. The final part of the thesis was devoted to the selection of the production strain with regard to the properties of the resulting PHA. The Cupriavidus malaysiensis strain was selected to produce a P(3HB-co-3HV-co-4HB) terpolymer which revealed significant differences in material properties over P3HB.

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