Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ariable"" "subject:"aariable""
901 |
Estimating nitrogen fertilizer requirements of canola (Brassica napus L.) using sensor-based estimates of yield potential and crop response to nitrogenHolzapfel, Christopher Brian 18 January 2008 (has links)
The feasibility of using optical sensors and non-nitrogen limiting reference crops to determine post-emergent nitrogen fertilizer requirements of canola was evaluated. Normalized difference vegetation index was well suited for estimating yield potential and nitrogen status. Although sensor-based nitrogen management was generally agronomically feasible for canola, the economic benefits of doing so remain uncertain because of the added cost of applying post-emergent nitrogen.
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Post-zygotic Genetic Variation in Health and DiseaseRazzaghian, Hamid Reza January 2013 (has links)
Post-zygotic genetic variation has previously been shown in healthy individuals and linked to various disorders. The definition of post-zygotic or somatic variation is the existence of genetically distinct populations of cells in a subject derived from a single zygote. Structural changes in the human genome are a major type of inter-individual genetic variation and copy number variation (CNV), involving changes in the copy number of genes, are one of the best studied category of structural genetic changes. In paper I we reported a pair of healthy female monozygotic (MZ) twins discordant for aneuploidy of chromosomes X and Y, contributing to the delineation of the frequency of somatic variation in MZ twins. It also illustrates the plasticity of the genome for tolerating large aberrations in healthy subjects. In paper II we showed age-related accumulation of copy number variation in the nuclear genomes in vivo for both megabase- and kilobase-range variants. Using age-stratified MZ twins and single-born subjects, we detected megabase-range aberrations in 3.4% of people ≥60 years old but not in individuals younger than 55 years. Moreover, the longitudinal analysis of subjects with aberrations suggests that the aberrant cell clones are not immortalized and disappear from circulation. We also showed that sorted blood cells display different genomic profiles. The detected recurrent rearrangements are candidates for common age-related defects in blood cells. This work might help to describe the cause of an age-related decline in the number of cell clones in the blood, which is one of the hallmarks of immunosenescence. In paper III we described a variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) ~4 kb upstream of the IFNAR1 gene, which was somatically variable. We detected 14 alleles displaying inter- and intra-individual variation. Further analyses indicated strong clustering of transcription factor binding sites within this region, suggesting an enhancer. This putative VNTR-based enhancer might influence the transcriptional regulation of neighboring cytokine receptor genes and the pathways they are involved in. These three studies stress the importance of research on post-zygotic variation in genetics. Furthermore, they emphasize that biobanks should consider sampling of multiple tissues to better address this issue in the genetic studies.
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Spectroscopic Mode Identifications of Three γ Doradus StarsDavie, Matthew Wilton January 2013 (has links)
We present the modes identified for frequencies found in spectroscopic observations of
the Doradus stars HD 189631, QW Puppis, and IR Draconis. A cross-correlation tech-
nique was used to create mean line profiles for HD 189631. Four frequencies and modes
were identified for this star: 1.6774±0.0002 d⁻¹, 1.4174±0.0002 d⁻¹, 0.0714±0.0002 d⁻¹,
and 1.8228 ± 0.0002 d⁻¹ which were identified with the modes (l,m) = (1, +1), (1, +1),
(2,−2), and (1, +1) respectively. A least-squares deconvolution method was implemented
for line profile generation in the study of QW Puppis and IR Draconis. Three frequen-
cies were identified for QW Puppis: 0.055972 ± 0.000004 d⁻¹, 0.064846 ± 0.000004, and
5.219398±0.000002 d⁻¹. These frequencies were identified with the modes (l,m) = (1,−1),
(4,−1), (4, +1). Two frequencies were identified in spectra of the rapidly rotating star IR
Draconis: 0.00515 ± 0.00003 d⁻¹ and 2.35538 ± 0.00004 d⁻¹; which were identified with
(l,m) = (1,−1), and (1, +1) modes respectively. These mode identifications will assist
in modelling the structure and interior conditions of these main sequence, non-radially
pulsating stars.
904 |
The popularity of variable-rate technology (VRT) has grown. However, the limitations and errors ofthis technology are generally unknown. Therefore, a spatial data model was developed to generate "asapplied"surfaces to advance precision agricultural (PA) practices. A test methodology based on ASAEStandard S341.2 was developed to perform uniform-rate (UR) and variable-rate (VR) tests to characterizedistribution patterns testing four VRT granular applicators (two spinner spreaders and two pneumaticapplicators). Single-pass UR patterns exhibited consistent shapes for three of the applicators with patternsshifts observed for the fourth applicator. Simulated overlap analysis showed that three of the applicatorsperformed satisfactorily with most CVs less than 20% while one applicator performed poorly (CVs andgt;25%). The spinner spreaders over-applied at the margins but the pneumatic applicators under-appliedsuggesting a required adjustment to the effective swath spacing. Therefore, it is recommended that CVsaccompany overlap pattern plots to ensure proper calibration of VRT application.Quantification of the rate response characteristics for the various applicators illustrated varying delayand transition times. Only one applicator demonstrated consistent delay and transition times. A sigmoidalfunction was used to model the rate response for applicators. One applicator exhibited a linear responseduring a decreasing rate change. Rate changes were quicker for the two newer VR control systemssignifying advancement in hydraulic control valve technology. This research illustrates the need forstandard testing protocols for VRT systems to help guide VRT software developers, equipmentmanufacturers, and users.The spatial data model uses GIS functionality to merge applicator descriptive patterns with a spatialfield application file (FAF) to generate an 'as-applied' surface representing the actual distribution ofgranular fertilizer. Field data was collected and used to validate the "as-applied" spatial model.Comparisons between the actual and predicted application rates for several fields were madedemonstrating good correlations for one applicator (several R2 andgt; 0.70), moderate success for anotherapplicator (0.60 andlt; R2 andlt; 0.66), and poor relationships for the third applicator (R2 andlt; 0.49). A comparison ofthe actual application rates to the prescription maps generated R2 values between 0.16 and 0.81demonstrating inconsistent VRT applicator performance. Thus, "as-applied" surfaces provide a means toproperly evaluate VRT while enhancing researchers' ability to compare VR management approaches.
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In the recent past precision farming has become increasingly popular amongfarmers. However, little has been done to study the business aspect of precision farming,with most research focusing on the production side. This purpose of this thesis is tostudy the feasibility of successfully opening and operating a precision farming firm inKentucky. To determine the feasibility of such a venture a computer model was createdand a producer survey was designed and distributed to farmers in Western and CentralKentucky.The purpose of the computer model was to determine the factors that wouldinfluence the successful operation of a precision farming firm including number of acresserviced per year, pricing of services, the cost of capital to borrow money, and manyother factors. A break-even analysis was performed to determine what kind of annualincreases in business would be required, what price range services should be in, and atwhat interest rate money could be borrowed and a simulated precision farming firm couldstill operate successfully.The producer survey was mailed to 336 farmers in Western and Central Kentuckybecause of their geographical locations and the type of crops that are grown there. Thesurvey response rate was 20 percent and of the 66 surveys that were returned 59 wereappropriate and useful for research. After compiling the results of the surveys,regressions were run to determine any correlation between dependent and independentvariables that affect the adoption rate of precision farming techniques. The results foundthat a negative correlation exists between age adoption rates of precision farming and thata positive correlation exists between farm size and adoption rates of precision farming.After conducting the research, it is believed that given the right economicconditions and management a precision farming firm is very capable of thriving inKentucky. However, the workforce must be very motivated and capable of constantlyrecruiting new clients to adopt precision farming.
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Dinámica inflacionaria y persistencia: Argentina 1980-2013Pastor Rueda, Juan Marcos January 2014 (has links)
En este trabajo se estudia la dinámica de la inflación agregada, en particular el fenómeno de la persistencia inflacionaria en el período 1980-2013 en Argentina siguiendo dos enfoques: el de series de tiempo univariado y el de modelos de vectores autorregresivos (VAR) para comprender el vínculo de su dinámica con otras variables macro-monetarias de la economía. Utilizando métodos recursivos y test de cambios estructural desarrollados por Bai y Perron identificamos quiebres en la tasa media de inflación que coinciden con cambios en el régimen monetario. En el modelo VAR se encuentra que, si bien la mitad de la variabilidad de la inflación depende de su propia dinámica, los impulsos monetarios la afectan de manera positiva y significativa.
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Bayesian Variable Selection in Spatial Autoregressive ModelsCrespo Cuaresma, Jesus, Piribauer, Philipp 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This paper compares the performance of Bayesian variable selection approaches for spatial autoregressive models. We present two alternative approaches which can be implemented using Gibbs sampling methods in a straightforward way and allow us to deal with the problem of model uncertainty in spatial autoregressive models in a flexible and computationally efficient way. In a simulation study we show that the variable selection approaches tend to outperform existing Bayesian model averaging techniques both in terms of in-sample predictive performance and computational efficiency.
(authors' abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series
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Contribution à la Modélisation et à l'Optimisation de la Machine Asynchrone Double Alimentation pour des Applications Hydrauliques de Pompage TurbinageLugand, Thomas 02 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les centrales hydrauliques de pompage turbinage fonctionnent principalement en utilisant des alternateurs de type synchrone évoluant à vitesse fixe. Cependant, utiliser des alternateurs à vitesse variable et, en particulier, des Machines Asynchrones à Double Alimentation (MADA) apporte des avantages non négligeables : contrôle de la puissance en mode pompe, opération au point de meilleur rendement en mode turbine et plus grande stabilité en cas de perturbation. Cette thèse a pour objectifs la progression des connaissances des phénomènes électromagnétiques régissant le fonctionnement de la MADA et d'établir une démarche en vue de son optimisation. Tout d'abord, un modèle analytique reposant en partie sur la méthode des intégrales de frontière est proposé et validé par simulations éléments finis. Ce modèle analytique prend en compte plusieurs éléments tels que la saturation du circuit magnétique, les harmoniques générés par les bobinages du stator et du rotor mais également les harmoniques dus à la forme non constante de l'entrefer. Ensuite, le modèle est appliqué à l'étude de quatre sujets d'importance pour l'ingénieur électricien : calcul des harmoniques de tension statorique à vide, calcul des pertes fer, calcul des harmoniques de couple et calcul des forces radiales électromagnétiques. Enfin une procédure de dimensionnement de la MADA reposant sur l'optimisation par algorithme génétique est décrite. Cette procédure est appliquée à la transformation d'une machine synchrone existante à pôles saillants en une MADA. Deux cas sont traités : dans un premier temps seul le rotor est remplacé tandis que le stator reste le même, dans un deuxième temps la machine est entièrement redimensionnée.
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Commande à échantillonnage variable pour les systèmes LPV : application à un sous-marin autonomeRoche, Emilie 18 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'utilisation de correcteur discret à période d'échantillonnage variable peut être intéressante dans plusieurs cas, par exemple lorsque la mesure, bien qu'envoyée de façon périodique, est reçue à intervalle variable. C'est le cas en milieu marin lorsque la mesure d'altitude est effectuée avec un capteur à ultrason (la durée du trajet du signal dans l'eau dépend de la distance par rapport au fond). Le délai variable entre deux réceptions de mesures, peut être vu comme une variation de période d'échantillonnage pour le contrôleur. La synthèse de lois de commande discrète à période d'échantillonnage variable a déjà été étudiée pour des systèmes stationnaires. On se propose ici d'étendre cette méthode pour des systèmes Linéaires à Paramètres Variants (LPV), qui permettent de conserver des paramètres importants d'un système non-linéaire en temps que paramètres d'un système linéaires. La synthèse de contrôleur repose sur le méthodologie H∞, appliquée aux systèmes LPV. En particulier, on s'intéressera à deux approches existantes dans la littérature : l'approche polytopique (où le paramètre variant évolue dans un volume convexe) et la Représentation Linéaire Fractionnelle (LFR). La méthode proposée est appliquée au contrôle d'un AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle), qui est système difficile à contrôler du fait d'importantes non-linéarités. Des résultats de simulations permettront de montrer l'intérêt de la méthode pour le contrôle d'altitude d'un AUV, et notamment les améliorations apportées par l'ajout de paramètres issus du système non-linéaire au modèle utilisé pour la synthèse des régulateurs.
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Relationships among soil properties, crop yield, protein, and response to nitrogen fertilizer application in an undulating landscape in south central Saskatchewan2014 October 1900 (has links)
A field experiment initiated in spring 2012 was established to assess the relationships between grain yield, grain protein and soil properties including elevation, electrical conductivity, pH, and organic carbon in an undulating landscape. Grain protein can reflect the balance of nitrogen (N) relative to other yield limiting factors. The objective of this study was to 1) assess relationships between soil properties, crop yield and protein content in an undulating landscape in south-central Saskatchewan, and 2) determine feasibility of using protein content along with yield and soil data in identifying variable rate N application zones. In 2012, wheat, canola and peas were seeded. Soil samples and harvest measurements were taken from two transects in each field area. Wheat, canola and pea yields ranged from 882 to 2554, 1143 to 2342, and 839 to 3122 kg ha-1 respectively, while protein content for wheat, canola and peas ranged from 10.5 to 14.4, 14.2 to 20.6 and 14.5 to 17.7 percent respectively. Protein in wheat was positively correlated with pH in the 30-60 cm depth and negatively correlated with electrical conductivity in the 30-60 cm depth. Protein in canola was positively correlated with organic carbon in the 0-30 cm depth. Wheat yield was positively correlated with organic carbon in the 0-30 cm depth. Pea yield was negatively correlated with electrical conductivity in the 0-30 and 30-60 cm depths. In spring 2013, wheat was seeded on canola and pea stubble and canola seeded on wheat stubble with varied N rates on one side of each transect with a constant N rate on the other. Greater mean yields were observed from the varied N rate versus the control in the canola-wheat (3163 vs 2256 kg ha-1) and wheat-pea (4716 vs 4155 kg ha-1) rotations. A negative yield from the varied N rate versus the control was observed in the wheat-canola (2216 vs 3012 kg ha-1) rotation. However, these yield differences were not significant at p < 0.05.
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