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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studium interakcí polyelektrolytů s kladně nabitými dusíkatými amfifilními látkami / Investigation of Polyelectrolytes Interactions with Cationic Aminogroups-containing Amphiphiles

Zeman, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The study deals with interactions of polyelectrolytes polystyrene sulfonate and hyaluronic acid with nitrogenic amphiphilic substances, represented by lysine and albumine. To study the interactions pH-metry, conductance, viscositic and turbidity measurement, DLS and reometry were used. All mixtures of different concentrations were measured and the data were compered with data obtained from measurement of samples with amphiphilic sumstances without polyelectrolytes. Observed interactions occured in the aminoacid concentrations between 0 to 20 mmoldm-3, then the PSS interaction groups were fully bonded by lysine and no more interactions were recognized. The same behaviour were observed in albumine solutions with concentration under 2 gdm-3.


Garreto, Maria do Socorro Evangelista 10 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-19T12:56:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria do Socorro Garreto.pdf: 7283583 bytes, checksum: 2b71ac789d5be27c5154d61dd9dc98cc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-10 / The crude oil can be understood as a mixture sufficiently polydisperse where its diverse components form a dispersion and/or solution whose original state can be modified in function of variations of temperature, pressure and composition causing, for example, the formation of organic deposits. The asphaltene constitutes heavy fractions of oils with great capacity for precipitation and consequent deposition. Better understanding of the asphaltenes behavior is essential to reduce the negative impacts caused by these fractions in petroleum production and processing. An important subject is the relation between the asphaltenes stability in the oils and the measurements of asphaltenes onset precipitation, which represent the minimum amount of a flocculent (n-alkane of low molar mass) necessary to initiate the formation of the precipitated ones in the oils. These measurements, in general, are executed in different conditions against the found ones during the production, and are found also significant errors for oils with low amounts of asphaltenes and with particles in suspension. Distinct interpretations in relation to the precipitation phenomenon are still verified when comparing the results between diverse techniques. In this work, the results of different techniques in the determination of the asphaltenes onset precipitation have been evaluated by optical microscopy, viscosimetry and impedance spectroscopy in ten samples of Brazilian crude oils with different characteristics. The results of precipitation onset also had been related with the asphaltenes stability in the pure oils and mixtures of oils. The oil samples had been assigned P1-P10, A and B. The precipitation onset was induced by the addition of heptane in the oil and the toluene oil (2:1) mixture. The results showed good agreement with the values of precipitation onset for the three evaluated techniques, indicating that the flocculation and precipitation represent the same phenomenon. The addition of the toluene provoked a displacement of the asphaltene onset precipitation point strengthening the influence of the aromaticity in the solubilization of the asphaltenes. It was still observed that the stability of the asphaltene in the oil depends on a relation between all the physico-chemical parameters, however parameters such as resins and aromatics exert a bigger influence on the stability. The study in oil mixtures had indicated that the precipitation onset is not a parameter that can be used exclusively as indicative of asphaltenes stability. / O petróleo pode ser compreendido como uma mistura bastante polidispersa em que, seus diversos componentes formam uma dispersão e/ou solução cujo estado original pode ser alterado em função de variações de temperatura, pressão e composição, acarretando, por exemplo, a formação de depósitos orgânicos. Os Asfaltenos constituem frações pesadas de petróleos com grande capacidade para a precipitação e conseqüente deposição pelas mudanças no equilíbrio de fases da mistura. Uma melhor compreensão do comportamento dos asfaltenos é essencial para reduzir os impactos negativos causados por estas frações na produção e processamento do petróleo. Um assunto importante e também bastante discutível é a relação entre estabilidade dos asfaltenos nos petróleos e as medidas de início de precipitação dos asfaltenos, que representa a quantidade mínima de um floculante (n-alcano de baixa massa molar) necessária para iniciar a formação dos precipitados nos petróleos. Essas medidas, em geral, são executadas em condições distintas às encontradas durante a produção, e também, verificam-se erros bastante significativos para petróleos com baixos teores de asfaltenos e que apresentam partículas em suspensão. Neste trabalho avaliaram-se os resultados obtidos a partir de diferentes técnicas para a determinação do inicio de precipitação dos asfaltenos, seja a microscopia ótica, viscosimetria e espectroscopia de impedância, para dez amostras de petróleos brasileiros com características diferentes. Os resultados de início de precipitação foram também relacionados com a estabilidade dos asfaltenos nos petróleos puros e em misturas de petróleos. As amostras de petróleos foram designadas P1-P10, A e B. O início de precipitação foi induzido pela adição de n-heptano no petróleo e na mistura petróleo tolueno (2:1). Os resultados revelaram uma boa concordância nos valores de início de precipitação para as três técnicas avaliadas indicando que a floculação e precipitação representam o mesmo fenômeno. A adição do tolueno provocou um deslocamento do ponto de início de precipitação dos asfaltenos reforçando a influência da aromaticidade na solubilização dos asfaltenos. Observou-se ainda que a estabilidade dos asfaltenos no petróleo depende de uma relação entre todos os parâmetros físico-químicos, entretanto os parâmetros resinas e aromáticos exercem uma maior influência sobre a estabilidade. Os resultados obtidos com as misturas dos petróleos indicaram que o início de precipitação não é um parâmetro que possa ser empregado, exclusivamente, como indicativo da estabilidade dos asfaltenos em misturas.

Produkce, charakterizace a využití biomasy různého původu / Production, Characterization and Utilization of the Biomass from Various Sources

Gojkovic, Živan January 2014 (has links)
Úprava biomasy je jedním z nejdůležitějších problémů v moderních přírodních vědách, protože je základní kategorií týkající se zemědělství, potravinářství, ekologie, zpracování odpadu a biotechnologie. Ať už živočišného, rostlinného nebo mikrobiálního původu, biomasa představuje obrovský zdroj surovin jako potravin, čistých chemikálií, bioaktivních molekul atd., jejichž izolace, charakterizace a formulace může vést k zajímavým novým produktům určeným pro lidskou spotřebu, nebo jako nový materiál v biomedicíně. Předložená studie byla zaměřena na výzkum dvou druhů biomasy - kuřecí kůže jako zdroje kolagenu t a biomasy mikrořasy Chlorella sorokiniana obohacené selenomethioninem (SeMet). V první části práce byl z kuřecí kůže izolován, identifikován a charakterizován kolagen typu I. Molekulární vlastnosti kuřecího kolagenu byly analyzovány a srovnány s jinými kolageny z živočišných kůží. Pro molekulární charakterizaci kolagenu byla použita viskosimetrie a ultrazvuková spektroskopie. Ultrazvukovou spektroskopií bylo zjištěno, že disagregace a zkapalňování hovězího kolagenu začíná při teplotě 40 °C, zatímco u kuřecího kolagenu začíná až při 50 °C. Viskosimetrie dále potvrdila vyšší tepelnou stabilitu kolagenu z kuřecí kůže, jeho denaturační teplota byla 50 °C, což je rovněž o deset stupňů více než u hovězího kolagenu. Kuřecí kolagen obsahuje dvakrát vyšší množství lysinu, což poskytuje tepelnou stabilitu kolagenu. Na základě získaných výsledků lze říci, že vzhledem ke své vysoké tepelné stabilitě a vhodnému aminokyselinovému složení, kuřecí kůže může být použita jako alternativní zdroj kolagenu typu I s aplikacemi v potravinářském průmyslu a biomedicíně. Druhá část práce byla zaměřena na obohacení biomasy zelené mikrořasy C. sorokiniana selenomethioninem. Experimentální část byla provedena v Laboratoři biotechnologie řas na Univerzitě Huelva ve Španělsku. Cílem první části experimentů bylo studovat vliv selenu na životaschopnost řas, morfologii buněk a akumulaci SeMet v biomase mikrořasy kultivované v dávkových kulturách. Subletální koncentrace Se v živném médiu, 40 mgL-1 (212 M), snížila rychlost růstu o 25 % ve srovnání s kontrolní kulturou. Hodnota EC50 45 mgL-1 (238,2 M) byla stanovena pro selenan. Ultrastrukturální studie ukazovaly na strukturální změny chloroplastu (granulární stroma, redukce thylakoid). Elektroforéza proteinů z biomasy mikrořasy ukazuje, že Se ovlivňuje expresi genu enzymu Rubisco. C. sorokiniana byla schopna akumulovat až 140 mgkg-1 SeMet během 120 h kultivace. Další část experimentální práce byla zaměřena na obohacování biomasy mikrořasy C. sorokiniana selenomethioninem během kontinuální kultivace s použitím 2,2 L bioreaktoru v kultivačním médiu s přídavkem koncentrace selenu v rozmezí od 5 do 50 mgL-1. C. sorokiniana rostla stejně ve všech testovaných koncentracích selenu kromě koncentrace 50 mgL1, která byla již po krátké době kultivace letální. Během kontinuální kultivace se 40 mgL-1 selenu, bylo získáno maximálně 246 gL-1 selenomethioninu denně. Výsledky ukazují, že kultivace v dávkových kulturách a dlouhodobá kontinuální kultivace mikrořasy C. sorokiniana pro získaní biomasy obohacené SeMet je možná pečlivým výběrem podmínek kultivace a subletálních koncentrací selenu v živném médiu.

Studium reologických vlastností alternativních elektroizolačních kapalin / Study of rheological properties of alternative electro insulating fluids

Botlová, Simona January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with clasification of electrical insulating liquids and analysis their reological properties. Theoretical part describes viscosity and possibilities of its measurement, electrical and non-electricl properties of electrical insulating liquids and themselves electrical insulating liquids. Practical part describes measurement of viscosity and density of chosen vegetable oils, their components and transformer oils in wide temperature range. At the conclusion of the thesis, analysis of measurement results is done.

Estudo físico-químico de copoliéteres por viscosimetria / Physical-chemical study of copolyethers by viscosimetry

Rodrigo Teixeira da Costa 23 July 2009 (has links)
A viscosimetria é um procedimento experimental simples e pouco oneroso, que pode fornecer informações valiosas sobre o volume hidrodinâmico e a conformação de macromoléculas em solução, num determinado solvente, em uma dada temperatura. Os parâmetros viscosimétricos podem ser matematicamente calculados por extrapolação gráfica, cuja execução experimental é mais demorada. Em contrapartida, é possível que a determinação seja feita por um único ponto. Neste trabalho, os dois métodos de cálculo, empregando uma série de seis equações: Huggins, Kraemer e Schulz-Blaschke, por extrapolação gráfica, e Schulz-Blaschke, Solomon-Ciuta e Deb-Chanterjee por um único ponto, foram utilizados em soluções de poli(glicol propilênico) (PPG) e copolímeros em bloco à base de poli(glicol propilênico) e poli(glicol etilênico) (EG-b-PG), com diferentes teores de poli(glicol etilênico), tendo isopropanol, tetra-hidrofurano (THF) e tolueno como solventes puros, além das misturas em proporções iguais de THF/ isopropanol e THF/ tolueno, a 25C. Os valores de viscosidade intrínseca e de algumas constantes indicaram que os solventes puros e as misturas se apresentaram no limite entre o bom e o mau solvente. Verificou-se também que o método de cálculo por um único ponto foi válido, especialmente quando a equação de Schulz-Blaschke foi empregada, apresentando um baixo percentual de erro sendo possível assim reduzir o tempo de análise para a maioria dos sistemas estudados / The viscosimetry is a simple and inexpensive polymer characterization method that provides valuable information about the hydrodynamic volume and conformation of macromolecules in solution, in a solvent, at a given temperature. The viscosimetric parameters can be mathematically calculated by graphic extrapolation. Nevertheless, these experimental tests demands a lot of time. However, it is possible to achieve results by a single point determination. In this work, the two calculation methods, employing a series of six equations: Huggins, Kraemer and Schulz-Blaschke, by graphic extrapolation; and Schulz-Blaschke, Solomon-Ciuta and Deb-Chanterjee, by a single point determination, were performed in solutions of poly(propylene glycol) (PPG) and block copolymers based on poly(glycol ethylene) and poly(glycol propylene) (EG-b-PG) with different poly (glycol ethylene) segments content. Isopropanol, tetrahydrofuran (THF) and toluene were employed as solvents. Mixtures of equal proportions of THF/ isopropanol and THF/ toluene were utilized as well. The viscosimetric determinations were performed at 25 0,1 C. The values of intrinsic viscosity and of some constants indicated that the pure solvents and the mixtures were in the limit between good and bad solvent. It was also observed that the method of calculation by a single point was valid, specially when Schulz-Blaschke equation was used, showing a low error percentage for most systems studied, reducing the time of analysis

Estudo físico-químico de copoliéteres por viscosimetria / Physical-chemical study of copolyethers by viscosimetry

Rodrigo Teixeira da Costa 23 July 2009 (has links)
A viscosimetria é um procedimento experimental simples e pouco oneroso, que pode fornecer informações valiosas sobre o volume hidrodinâmico e a conformação de macromoléculas em solução, num determinado solvente, em uma dada temperatura. Os parâmetros viscosimétricos podem ser matematicamente calculados por extrapolação gráfica, cuja execução experimental é mais demorada. Em contrapartida, é possível que a determinação seja feita por um único ponto. Neste trabalho, os dois métodos de cálculo, empregando uma série de seis equações: Huggins, Kraemer e Schulz-Blaschke, por extrapolação gráfica, e Schulz-Blaschke, Solomon-Ciuta e Deb-Chanterjee por um único ponto, foram utilizados em soluções de poli(glicol propilênico) (PPG) e copolímeros em bloco à base de poli(glicol propilênico) e poli(glicol etilênico) (EG-b-PG), com diferentes teores de poli(glicol etilênico), tendo isopropanol, tetra-hidrofurano (THF) e tolueno como solventes puros, além das misturas em proporções iguais de THF/ isopropanol e THF/ tolueno, a 25C. Os valores de viscosidade intrínseca e de algumas constantes indicaram que os solventes puros e as misturas se apresentaram no limite entre o bom e o mau solvente. Verificou-se também que o método de cálculo por um único ponto foi válido, especialmente quando a equação de Schulz-Blaschke foi empregada, apresentando um baixo percentual de erro sendo possível assim reduzir o tempo de análise para a maioria dos sistemas estudados / The viscosimetry is a simple and inexpensive polymer characterization method that provides valuable information about the hydrodynamic volume and conformation of macromolecules in solution, in a solvent, at a given temperature. The viscosimetric parameters can be mathematically calculated by graphic extrapolation. Nevertheless, these experimental tests demands a lot of time. However, it is possible to achieve results by a single point determination. In this work, the two calculation methods, employing a series of six equations: Huggins, Kraemer and Schulz-Blaschke, by graphic extrapolation; and Schulz-Blaschke, Solomon-Ciuta and Deb-Chanterjee, by a single point determination, were performed in solutions of poly(propylene glycol) (PPG) and block copolymers based on poly(glycol ethylene) and poly(glycol propylene) (EG-b-PG) with different poly (glycol ethylene) segments content. Isopropanol, tetrahydrofuran (THF) and toluene were employed as solvents. Mixtures of equal proportions of THF/ isopropanol and THF/ toluene were utilized as well. The viscosimetric determinations were performed at 25 0,1 C. The values of intrinsic viscosity and of some constants indicated that the pure solvents and the mixtures were in the limit between good and bad solvent. It was also observed that the method of calculation by a single point was valid, specially when Schulz-Blaschke equation was used, showing a low error percentage for most systems studied, reducing the time of analysis

In-situ and ex-situ multi-scale physical metrologies to investigate the destructuration mechanisms of lignocellulosic matrices and release kinetics of fermentescible cellulosic carbon / Métrologies physiques multi-échelles in-situ et ex-situ pour étudier les mécanismes de déstructuration des matrices lignocellulosiques et les cinétiques de libération de carbone cellulosique fermentescible

Nguyen, Tien Cuong 21 November 2014 (has links)
La bioconversion des biomasses lignocellulosiques est actuellement un grand défi pour le développement de technologies de bio-raffinage. Le manque de connaissances des mécanismes de liquéfaction et de saccharification est l’un des principaux facteurs qui pénalisent le développement des procédés de bio-raffinage. Ce travail est centré sur le développement d’analyses physiques et biochimiques in-situ (viscosimétrie, focus beam reflectance measurement) et ex-situ (rhéometrie, granulométrie laser, morphogranulométrie, sédimentation…) pour améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes de déstructuration desfibres lignocellulosiques et caractériser les cinétiques de libération de carbone fermentescible. Des substrats modèles (cellulose microcristalline, papier Whatman) et industriels (pâte à papier, bagasse de canne à sucre) ont été utilisés avec différentes conditions d'hydrolyse (1% à 30%w/v, 0.1 à 0.5mL enzyme/ g cellulose). Les résultats obtenus ont permis:- de proposer et de valider les mesures in-situ de la viscosité de la suspension et de la distribution des longueurs de corde des particules, ainsi que sa conversion en distribution de diamètre.- de montrer l'impact de la nature et de la concentration de substrat et des ratios enzyme/substrat sur les évolutions des paramètres physico-biochimiques lors de l'hydrolyse. Ces effets ont été quantifiés sur les limitations de transfert.- d'établir un modèle phénoménologique de comportement rhéologique des suspensions initiales- de montrer que les cinétiques physico et bio-chimiques sont des cinétiques du second ordre- de montrer que, pour des hydrolyses à haute teneur en matière sèche, on peut réduire considérablement la limitation des transferts liée aux hautes concentrations et contrôler la cinétique de production de glucose par une stratégie d’ajouts cumulés desubstrat. / In the context of biofuels and chemicals production of petroleum substitutes from renewable carbon, bioconversion of lignocellulose biomasses is currently a major challenge. The limited knowledge of liquefaction and saccharification mechanisms stands as the main factor which penalizes bio-refinery progress. The present work is centred on the development of in-situ(viscosimetry, focus beam reflectance measurement) and ex-situ (rheometry, diffraction light scattered, morphometry, decantation…) physical and biochemical analysis to expand our understanding of the destructuration mechanisms of lignocellulose fibres and to characterise the release kinetics of fermentable cellulosic carbon. Model (microcrystalline cellulose,Whatman paper) and industrial (paper-pulp, sugarcane bagasse) lignocellulose matrices under a large range of hydrolysis conditions (1% up to 30%w/v and 0.1 up to 0.5mL enzyme/g cellulose) were studied during 24h hydrolysis experiments (pertinent period to appreciate transfer limitations). Our scientific results allow:- to propose and validate the in-situ measurements of the suspension viscosity and chord length distribution together with its conversion into particle size distribution.- to demonstrate the impact of the substrate nature and concentration and of the enzymatic ratios on the evolution of physical- and biochemical parameters during hydrolysis. Their impacts on transfer phenomena were quantified.- to establish phenomenological models for rheological behaviour of initial suspensions.- to describe all physical (viscosity, particle size) and biochemical (substrate and product) kinetics by second order reaction models.- to demonstrate that, for high dry matter concentration hydrolysis, a cumulative feeding substrate strategy allows considerably reducing the transfer limitations linked to high concentrations and to control the glucose production kinetics.

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