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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Padronização brasileira do Teste Hooper de organização visual / Brazilian Standardization of Hooper Test for Visual Organization

Ameni, Roseli Almeida da Costa 25 June 2015 (has links)
O Teste Hooper de Organização Visual (Visual Organization Test - VOT) foi publicado em 1958 e revisado em 1983. É um instrumento para avaliar a capacidade de organização visual dos estímulos, sendo sensível aos danos neurológicos. O teste é composto por 30 figuras de objetos comuns fragmentadas em duas a quatro partes, mostradas na forma de quebra-cabeças em cartões com fundo branco. Os itens são apresentados um a um para que o examinando diga o nome da figura que seria formada e se as partes do desenho fossem juntadas corretamente. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar estudos psicométricos de padronização, validade e precisão do Teste Hooper para a cidade de São Paulo. Para isso, inicialmente foi investigada a existência de diferenças em relação às variáveis idade, sexo e escolaridade. A precisão foi avaliada por meio do reteste e pelo método das metades e a validade foi obtida pela correlação com os testes Figuras Complexas de Rey (Figura A), e os subtestes Cubos e Armar Objetos da Escala WAIS-III. Também foi feita a análise de itens para determinar a sua dificuldade. A amostra foi composta por 969 adultos de ambos os sexos, sendo 53,5% mulheres e 46,5% homens, com idades entre 18 e 82 anos, que foram subdivididos em seis subgrupos, e a escolaridade variou de ensino fundamental a superior. Os resultados da Análise de Variância indicaram a existência de diferenças significantes (p < 0,05) entre os sexos, as faixas etárias e os níveis de escolaridade, bem como em todas as interações entre essas três variáveis. Os testes Post Hoc de Tukey indicaram diferenças entre as médias dos três níveis de escolaridade, em agrupamento das faixas etárias em quatro conjuntos. Os testes t apontaram diferença entre os sexos apenas na faixa de 61 anos ou mais e para o nível de escolaridade superior, com pontuação maior para os homens. Foram estabelecidas normas em percentis em função da escolaridade e faixa etária para a amostra total e separadas para cada sexo, para o ensino superior e para as idades de 61 anos ou mais. A precisão pelo reteste evidenciou alta correlação (0,897) entre os resultados das duas aplicações. A precisão das metades entre itens pares e ímpares, corrigida pela fórmula de Spearman-Brown foi de 0,884. Para a validade com outros testes que avaliam a organização perceptiva visual as correlações foram significantes (entre 0,302 e 0,543). A análise da dificuldade dos itens mostrou a necessidade de sua reordenação em função da sua dificuldade e também a necessidade de rever os critérios de avaliação de alguns elementos, pois em determinados casos será necessário rever as respostas que são consideradas como de 1 ou 0,5 pontos. Propõe-se também uma nova ordem para a apresentação dos itens na aplicação. Assim, as normas estabelecidas nesta pesquisa, bem como os dados de precisão e de validade, podem permitir a utilização do Teste Hooper para a nossa população, fornecendo critérios seguros para auxiliar no diagnóstico de pacientes com queixas relativas a problemas neurológicos / The Hooper Visual Organization Test (VOT) was published in 1958 and reviewed in 1983. It is a device to evaluate the ability of visual stimuli organization, being sensitive to neural damages. The test is composed by 30 pictures of common objects separated into two to four pieces, presented in a puzzled way on white background cards. The items are presented one by one so that the examinee says the name of the picture that would be formed, if the parts of the drawing were gathered correctly. The aim of this research was to carry out psychometric studies of standardization, validity and reliability of Hooper Test for the city of São Paulo. Therefore it was initially investigated the existence of differences in relation to such variables as age, sex and school grading. The reliability was evaluated through a retest and the split-half method, and the validity was reached by the correlation to the tests: Complex Rey Pictures (Picture A) and subtests Cubes and Object Assembly of WAIS-III. Item analysis was also done to determine their difficulty. The sample was composed by 969 adults of both sexes, being (53.5%) women and (46.5%) men, with ages varying from 18 to 82 years old, who were divided in six subgroups, and school level ranging from elementary to college education. Results of the Variance Analysis indicated the existence of significant differences (p < 0.05) between sexes, ages and school level, as well as in all interactions among these three variables. The Tukey Pos Hoc tests indicated differences among the averages of the three levels of education, an assemblage of ages in four groups. The t tests pointed differences between the sexes only at 61 year old or more groups and for the high school level, men being superior. Norms were established in percentile according to the education level and age for the total sample and, separated for each sex, for high school and for the ages of 61 or more. The retest reliability indicated high correlation (0.897) among the results of the two test administrations. The split-half reliability between even and odd items, corrected by the Spearman-Brown formula was of 0.884. The validity coefficients with other tests that assess the visual perception organization were significant (between 0.302 and 0.543). The analysis of the items difficulty showed the need of reordering the items according to their difficulty, as well as the need of reviewing the scoring criteria of some items, because in some cases, it will be necessary to review the answers which are scored as 1 or 0.5 points. It is also proposed a new order to present the items in the test administration. Therefore the standards established in this research, as well as the reliability and the validity data may allow the use of Hooper Test for our population, providing safe criteria for assist in the diagnosis of patients with complaints related to neural diseases

Impact des troubles visuels sur la performance scolaire / Impact of visual anomalies on academic achievement

Kovarski, Caroline 12 January 2015 (has links)
Beaucoup d'adolescents sous-estiment leur inconfort visuel, bien qu'il puisse affecter leur scolarité. La prévalence des troubles visuels chez des participants âgés de quinze à vingt-deux ans a été étudiée et les résultats obtenus ont été comparés à leur niveau scolaireEntre septembre 2012 et avril 2013, quatre cents jeunes gens âgés de quinze à vingt-deux ans ont répondu à un questionnaire relatif à des signes d’asthénopie, suivi d’un examen visuel (réfraction, fonctionnement accommodatif et vision binoculaire), afin de détecter des gênes visuelles dont ils pourraient ne pas être spontanément conscients. Lorsque des problèmes visuels ont été détectés, il a été proposé aux participants de passer un examen ophtalmologique et un bilan orthoptique. Puis, le niveau scolaire de ces quatre cents jeunes a été expertisé. Les participants ont ensuite été revus pour déterminer si le port d'une correction optique adaptée et/ou la prise en charge orthoptique ont permis d'obtenir une amélioration de la performance scolaire.Les résultats indiquent que le score au questionnaire est significatif pour prédire la probabilité d’avoir une faible performance scolaire et d’avoir des troubles visuels, que les anomalies de la réfraction et de l’accommodation ont un réel impact sur la performance scolaire et plus encore, que ce sont les troubles de la vision binoculaire qui sont les plus pénalisants. Surtout, l’absence d’une plainte visuelle spontanément exprimée ne permet pas de conclure à l’absence de problèmes visuels.Une fois la performance scolaire contrôlée par des variables utilisées habituellement pour l’expliquer (e.g. retard scolaire, CSP du chef de famille, sexe, etc.), une partie non négligeable des difficultés scolaires des participants proviennent de problèmes liés à la vision. Par conséquent, un dépistage systématique des troubles visuels chez les adolescents semble nécessaire, d’autant plus s’ils rencontrent des difficultés scolaires. Par ailleurs, le questionnaire mis en place dans l’anamnèse semble être un outil efficace dans la détection de la présence de troubles et mériterait d’être validé sur un plus large échantillon. / Many students understate their visual discomfort, although it may have an educational impact. We studied the prevalence of visual disorders among students and compared these results to their academic level.Between September 2012 and April 2013, four hundred students between fifteen and twenty two years of age responded to a questionnaire followed by a visual screening (refraction and binocular vision) in order to detect any visual discomfort that they might be unaware of. When visual problems were detected, the participants were asked to have an ophthalmology and orthoptic assessment. Then the participants’ academic performance was appraised and subjects were reviewed to determine whether wearing the appropriate optical correction or taking orthoptic care have improved their grades.The results indicate that the questionnaire score is very significant to predict the probability of having academic difficulties or vision problems, that ametropia and accommodation anomalies increase academic difficulties and that binocular vision disorders are even more disadvantageous. Moreover, not spontaneously expressing visual discomfort doesn’t mean that there are no visual defects.Once controlled by variables commonly used to explain academic difficulties (e.g. academic delay, occupational category, gender, etc.) a significant proportion of participants’ academic difficulties are related to vision anomalies. Therefore, vision screening among adolescents appears to be necessary, especially if there are academic difficulties. In addition, the questionnaire used in case history seems to be an effective tool to detect vision anomalies and should be validated with a larger sample.

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