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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estratégias de controle dinâmico de caminhos ópticos sobre redes fotônicas WDM utilizando inteligência de enxame. / Strategies for dynamic lightpath control in WDM photonic networks using swarm intelligence.

Iope, Rogério Luiz 02 March 2011 (has links)
Uma das premissas fundamentais em redes fotônicas baseadas na tecnologia de multiplexação por comprimento de onda (WDM) é o controle dos caminhos ópticos. Um caminho óptico, ou caminho de luz, é uma conexão puramente óptica estabelecida entre dois nós da rede, que pode atravessar diversos nós intermediários. Para dar suporte eficiente à demanda exigida de uma rede WDM sobre a qual executam aplicações de alto desempenho, os caminhos ópticos devem ser estabelecidos e encerrados dinamicamente, de tal forma que as rotas e os comprimentos de onda escolhidos minimizem a probabilidade de ocorrência de bloqueios de conexão por falta de recursos disponíveis. O elemento central de uma rede WDM é o sistema que controla os comutadores ópticos, determina as rotas, aloca os comprimentos de onda, e estabelece, mantém e encerra as conexões ópticas entre os nós da rede. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar estratégias de roteamento e de atribuição de comprimentos de onda para redes fotônicas usando heurísticas baseadas em inteligência de enxame. Os resultados demonstram que as estratégias desenvolvidas apresentam baixa probabilidade de bloqueio de requisições e buscam, sempre que possível, os caminhos de menor custo. As estratégias desenvolvidas levam em conta o dinamismo da rede, sendo as decisões de caminho baseadas em dados atualizados em cada nó da rede em tempo real, sem a necessidade do conhecimento global do estado da rede em cada nó. / A fundamental aspect of photonic networks based on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology is the control of optical paths. An optical path, or lightpath, is a purely optical connection established between two network nodes, which can pass through several intermediate nodes. To efficiently support the demands required from a WDM network that runs high performance applications, the optical paths should be established and finished dynamically, in such a way that the selected routes and wavelengths tend to minimize the blocking probability due to the lack of available resources. The central element of a WDM network is the system that controls the optical switches, determines routes, allocates the wavelengths, and establishes, maintains and finishes connections between optical network nodes. The purpose is to present strategies for routing and wavelength assignment over photonic networks using heuristics based on swarm intelligence. Results show that the developed strategies exhibit low blocking probability of requests and find the paths of minimum cost whenever possible. The strategies developed take into account the dynamics of the network, and decisions are based on updated data at each network node in real time without the need of a complete knowledge of network state at each node.

Estratégias de controle dinâmico de caminhos ópticos sobre redes fotônicas WDM utilizando inteligência de enxame. / Strategies for dynamic lightpath control in WDM photonic networks using swarm intelligence.

Rogério Luiz Iope 02 March 2011 (has links)
Uma das premissas fundamentais em redes fotônicas baseadas na tecnologia de multiplexação por comprimento de onda (WDM) é o controle dos caminhos ópticos. Um caminho óptico, ou caminho de luz, é uma conexão puramente óptica estabelecida entre dois nós da rede, que pode atravessar diversos nós intermediários. Para dar suporte eficiente à demanda exigida de uma rede WDM sobre a qual executam aplicações de alto desempenho, os caminhos ópticos devem ser estabelecidos e encerrados dinamicamente, de tal forma que as rotas e os comprimentos de onda escolhidos minimizem a probabilidade de ocorrência de bloqueios de conexão por falta de recursos disponíveis. O elemento central de uma rede WDM é o sistema que controla os comutadores ópticos, determina as rotas, aloca os comprimentos de onda, e estabelece, mantém e encerra as conexões ópticas entre os nós da rede. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar estratégias de roteamento e de atribuição de comprimentos de onda para redes fotônicas usando heurísticas baseadas em inteligência de enxame. Os resultados demonstram que as estratégias desenvolvidas apresentam baixa probabilidade de bloqueio de requisições e buscam, sempre que possível, os caminhos de menor custo. As estratégias desenvolvidas levam em conta o dinamismo da rede, sendo as decisões de caminho baseadas em dados atualizados em cada nó da rede em tempo real, sem a necessidade do conhecimento global do estado da rede em cada nó. / A fundamental aspect of photonic networks based on wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology is the control of optical paths. An optical path, or lightpath, is a purely optical connection established between two network nodes, which can pass through several intermediate nodes. To efficiently support the demands required from a WDM network that runs high performance applications, the optical paths should be established and finished dynamically, in such a way that the selected routes and wavelengths tend to minimize the blocking probability due to the lack of available resources. The central element of a WDM network is the system that controls the optical switches, determines routes, allocates the wavelengths, and establishes, maintains and finishes connections between optical network nodes. The purpose is to present strategies for routing and wavelength assignment over photonic networks using heuristics based on swarm intelligence. Results show that the developed strategies exhibit low blocking probability of requests and find the paths of minimum cost whenever possible. The strategies developed take into account the dynamics of the network, and decisions are based on updated data at each network node in real time without the need of a complete knowledge of network state at each node.

Arquitetura de nós e engenharia de tráfego em redes ópticas / Nodes architecture and traffic engineering in optical networks

Almeida Neto, Helvécio Moreira de 25 September 2009 (has links)
A interligação de várias redes de telecomunicação ampliou a cobertura, mas tornou a operabilidade entre elas complexa, principalmente por causa da arquitetura resultante, formada por várias camadas. Estas camadas lidam com protocolos e taxas de transmissão diferentes e com sinais elétricos e ópticos. Diante desse cenário, a alternativa usual de expandir os recursos proporcionalmente ao crescimento da demanda é inviável devido ao elevado custo. Assim, soluções eficientes que agregam os benefícios das tecnologias ópticas e eletrônicas na arquitetura de nós e no gerenciamento de tráfego tornaram-se uma necessidade importante no projeto, expansão e gerenciamento de redes de telecomunicação. Os nós que permitem a comutação de tráfego na camada óptica e eletrônica e a agregação de tráfego em várias granularidades têm sido empregados para fazer o melhor uso possível dos recursos disponíveis nas redes. Esses nós são conhecidos na literatura como MG-OXCs. Nessa pesquisa, foi proposta uma abordagem dos nós MG-OXCs de uma e três camadas com a inclusão de recursos como conversão de comprimento de onda e agregação de tráfego. Também foi proposto um método de cálculo do custo desses nós baseado no volume de utilização das portas. Posteriormente foram inseridos fatores de degradação do sinal óptico para a análise da camada física de redes com os nós MGOXCs. Adicionalmente, para o gerenciamento de tráfego, foi proposto um esquema de escolha de comprimentos de onda chamado de canal específico e um esquema de monitoramento baseado na intensidade de tráfego. A meta principal é a redução da probabilidade de bloqueio de solicitação de conexão. Em redes ópticas, os modelos de nós propostos conseguem diminuir o número de portas dos nós comutadores tradicionais além de realizar a comutação de tráfego de conexões de diferentes valores de largura de banda. O esquema do canal específico consegue melhorar a utilização da largura de banda dos comprimentos de onda e diminui a probabilidade de bloqueio e o esquema do monitoramento diminui o número de conexões bloqueadas devido ao aumento dos recursos. Resultados numéricos apresentados demonstram a potencialidade dos algoritmos propostos para gerenciar recursos e rotear o tráfego das redes de telecomunicação. / Integrating telecommunication networks has enlarged the coverage, but has made operations more complex, mainly because of the architecture, formed by various layers. These layers deal with different protocols and transmission rates, as well as electrical and optical signals. The usual alternative of expanding the resources proportionally to the demand is impractical due to the high cost. Therefore, efficient solutions which add to the benefits of optical and electronic technology in node architecture and traffic management are essential in the design, expansion and management of telecommunications networks. The nodes that enable traffic switching in the optical and electronic layer and traffic grooming have been used to make the best use of the available resources in the networks. These nodes are known as MG-OXCs. In this research, an approach based on MG-OXCs was proposed with one and three layers, which include the wavelength conversion and traffic grooming. Additionally, a method to calculate the node costs based on their use of ports was proposed. The work also considered optical signal impairments in order to analyze the network physical layer with MG-OXCs nodes. For the purpose of traffic management, a scheme which sets specific wavelengths for different bandwidths and a scheme which monitors the flow of traffic were proposed. The main aim is to reduce the blocking probability of connection requests. In optical networks, the node models proposed are able to reduce the number of ports used in usual optical cross connects and switch the traffic connections using different bandwidths. The scheme of setting specific wavelengths for different bandwidths improves the bandwidth use and the blocking probability. The scheme which monitors the flow of traffic achieves blocking probability reduction due to the increase in resources. The numerical results presented show the feasibility of the proposed algorithms to manage resources and switch traffic in telecommunication networks.

Δρομολόγηση και ανάθεση συχνοτήτων σε WDM οπτικά δίκτυα / Routing and wavelength assignment in WDM optical networks

Λακουμέντας, Ιωάννης 25 September 2007 (has links)
Η δρομολόγηση και ανάθεση μηκών κύματος (routing and wavelength assignment - RWA) αποτελεί ένα πολύ σημαντικό πρόβλημα, που απασχολεί τους σχεδιαστές WDM οπτικών δικτύων και είναι γνωστό, πως είναι NP-πλήρες. Στην εργασία αυτή σχεδιάζουμε και υλοποιούμε έναν αλγόριθμο για το στατικό RWA, που βασίζεται σε έναν προτεινόμενο σχηματισμό (μη ακέραιου) γραμμικού προγραμματισμού (linear programming - LP). Ισχυριζόμαστε, πως ο σχηματισμός αυτός είναι σε θέση να παρέχει ακέραιες βέλτιστες λύσεις (παρά την εν γένει μη ακέραια φύση του) για ένα μεγάλο ποσοστό στιγμιότυπων εισόδου, οδηγώντας έτσι σε αντίστοιχες ακριβείς λύσεις του RWA. Η πολυπλοκότητα του αλγόριθμου κυριαρχείται από το χρόνο εκτέλεσης του αλγόριθμου Simplex, ο οποίος θεωρείται αποδοτικός για μια μεγάλη πλειοψηφία στιγμιότυπων εισόδου. Στα διαφανή (πλήρως οπτικά) δίκτυα, η ποιότητα του σήματος υπόκειται σε μια ποικιλία από φυσικές εξασθενήσεις, όπως είναι η διασπορά λειτουργίας πόλωσης (polarization mode dispersion - PMD), ο θόρυβος αυθόρμητης εκπομπής ενισχυτή (amplified spontaneous emission - ASE - noise) και η χρωματική διασπορά (chromatic dispersion - CD). Αυτές οι εξασθενήσεις μοντελοποιούνται γραμμικά και μπορούν να αντιμετωπιστούν αποτελεσματικά από ένα σύνολο αναλυτικών τύπων ως επιπρόσθετοι περιορισμοί στο RWA. Εφαρμόζουμε τον αλγόριθμό μας και εκτελούμε RWA βασισμένο σε περιορισμούς εξασθένησης, με σκοπό να παρατηρήσουμε συγκριτικά αποτελέσματα στην απόδοση ενός τυπικού μητροπολιτικού δικτύου υπό διάφορες παραμέτρους του δικτύου και των εξασθενήσεων, όπως είναι ο ρυθμός bit, ο τύπος και το κέρδος των ενισχυτών, η χρησιμοποιούμενη διάταξη διαμόρφωσης, κλπ. / Routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) is a very important problem concerning WDM optical network designers and is known to be NP-complete. In this work, we design and implement an algorithm for the static RWA, that is based on a proposed (not integer) linear programming formulation. We claim, that this formulation is able to provide integer optimal solutions (despite its non integral nature) for a large fraction of input instances, yielding thus to corresponding exact RWA solutions. The algorithm's complexity is dominated by the execution time of Simplex LP-solver, that is considered efficient in the great majority of all possible input instances. In transparent (all-optical) networks, the signal quality is subject to a variety of physical impairments, such as polarization mode dispersion (PMD), amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise and chromatic dispersion (CD). Those impairments are linearly modeled and are handled effectively by a set of analytical formulae as additional constraints on RWA. We apply our algorithm to perform impairment-constraint based RWA, in order to obtain comparative results of a typical metropolitan network's performance under various network and impairment parameters, such as bit rate, amplifier gain and type, modulation format used, etc.

Physical Layer Impairments Aware Transparent Wavelength Routed and Flexible-Grid Optical Networks

Krishnamurthy, R January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Optical WDM network is the suitable transport mechanism for ever increasing bandwidth intensive internet applications. The WDM technique transmits the data over several different wavelengths simultaneously through an opticalfiber and the switching is done at wavelength level. The connection between the source and destination is called the light path. Since the WDM network carries huge amount of tra c, any failure can cause massive data loss. Therefore protecting the network against failure is an important issue. Maintaining high level of service availability is an important aspect of service provider. To provide cost effective service, all-optical network is the suitable choice for the service provider. But in all optical network, the signals are forced to remain in optical domain from source to destination. In the firrst part of the thesis, we deal the physical layer impairments (PLIs) aware shared-path provisioning on a wavelength routed all-optical networks. As the signal travels longer distances, the quality of the signal gets degraded and the receiver may not be able to detect the optical signal properly. Our objective is to establish a light path for both the working path and protection path with acceptable signal quality at the receiver. We propose an impairment aware integer linear programming (ILP) and impairment aware heuristic algorithm that takes into account the PLIs. The ILP provides the optimal solution. It is solved using IBM ILOG CPLEX solver. It is intractable for large size net-work. Therefore we propose the heuristic algorithm for large size network. It is evaluated through discrete-event simulation. But the algorithm provides only the suboptimal solution. To know the performance of this algorithm, the simulation result is compared with the optimal solution. We compute total blocking probability, restoration delay, computation time, and connection setup delay with respect to network load for the heuristic algorithm. We compare the performance of shared-path protection with dedicated-path protection and evaluate the percentage of resource saving of shared-path protection over the dedicated-path protection. In the second and third part of the thesis, we address the issues related to flexible-grid optical networks. In wavelength routed optical network, the bandwidth of each wavelength is fixed and rigid. It supports coarse grained tra c grooming and leads to ancient spectrum utilization. To overcome this, flexible-grid optical networks are proposed. It supports flexible bandwidth, and ne grained tra c groom In the second part of the thesis, we address the routing and spectrum allocation (RSA) algorithm for variable-bit-rate data tra c for flexible-grid optical networks. The RSA problem is NP-complete. Therefore a two-step heuristic approach (routing and spectrum allocation) is proposed to solve the RSA problem. The first step is solved by using a classical shortest path algorithm. For the second step we propose two heuristic schemes for frequency-slot allocation: (i) largest number of free frequency-slot allocation scheme and (ii) largest number of free frequency-slot maintaining scheme. As the network load increases, the spectrum is highly fragmented. To mitigate the fragmentation of the spectrum, we propose a xed-path least-fragmentation heuristic algorithm which fragments the spectrum minimally. It also supports varying-bit-rate tra c and also supports dynamic arrival connection requests. Through extensive simulations the proposed algorithms have been evaluated. Our simulation results show that the algorithms perform better in terms of spectrum utilization, blocking probability, and fraction of fragmentation of the spectrum. The spectrum utilization can reach up to a maximum of 92% and that only 71% of the spectrum is fragmented under maximum network load condition. Finally in the third part of the thesis, we discuss PLIs-aware RSA for the transparent exible-grid optical network. In this network, not only the optical signal expected to travel longer distance, but also to support higher line rates, i.e., data rate is increased up to 1 Tb/s. In such a high data rate, the optical signals are more prone to impairments and noises. As the transmission distance increases, optical signals are subject to tra-verse over many bandwidth-variable wavelength cross connects (BV-WXC) and multiple fibber spans due to which the PLIs get accumulated and are added to the optical signal. These accumulated impairments degrades the signal quality to an unacceptable level at the receiver, the quality of transmission falls below the acceptable threshold value, and the receiver may not be able to detect the signal properly. Therefore our objective is to develop an impairment aware RSA algorithm which establishes the QoT satisfied empathy based on the available resources and the quality of the signal available at the receiver. We formulate the PLIs-RSA problem as an ILP that provides an optimal solution. The optimal solution is obtained by solving the ILP using IBM ILOG CPLEX optimization solver. Since ILP is not efficient for large-size networks, we propose a heuristic algorithm for such a large-size networks. The signal power is measured at the receiver and the connection is established only when the signal power lies above the threshold value. The heuristic algorithm is evaluated through discrete-event simulation. It gives the sub-optimal solution. The simulation result is compared with optimal solution. The result shows that heuristic algorithm performs closer to the ILP. We compute the total blocking probability versus the network load for different spectrum allocation schemes. Total blocking probability is the sum of frequency-slot blocking probability and QoT blocking probability. We compute spectrum efficiency for the proposed algorithm. We also compare our algorithm with the existing routing and spectrum allocation algorithm, and the result shows that our algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms in terms of blocking probability and spectrum utilization.

Arquitetura de nós e engenharia de tráfego em redes ópticas / Nodes architecture and traffic engineering in optical networks

Helvécio Moreira de Almeida Neto 25 September 2009 (has links)
A interligação de várias redes de telecomunicação ampliou a cobertura, mas tornou a operabilidade entre elas complexa, principalmente por causa da arquitetura resultante, formada por várias camadas. Estas camadas lidam com protocolos e taxas de transmissão diferentes e com sinais elétricos e ópticos. Diante desse cenário, a alternativa usual de expandir os recursos proporcionalmente ao crescimento da demanda é inviável devido ao elevado custo. Assim, soluções eficientes que agregam os benefícios das tecnologias ópticas e eletrônicas na arquitetura de nós e no gerenciamento de tráfego tornaram-se uma necessidade importante no projeto, expansão e gerenciamento de redes de telecomunicação. Os nós que permitem a comutação de tráfego na camada óptica e eletrônica e a agregação de tráfego em várias granularidades têm sido empregados para fazer o melhor uso possível dos recursos disponíveis nas redes. Esses nós são conhecidos na literatura como MG-OXCs. Nessa pesquisa, foi proposta uma abordagem dos nós MG-OXCs de uma e três camadas com a inclusão de recursos como conversão de comprimento de onda e agregação de tráfego. Também foi proposto um método de cálculo do custo desses nós baseado no volume de utilização das portas. Posteriormente foram inseridos fatores de degradação do sinal óptico para a análise da camada física de redes com os nós MGOXCs. Adicionalmente, para o gerenciamento de tráfego, foi proposto um esquema de escolha de comprimentos de onda chamado de canal específico e um esquema de monitoramento baseado na intensidade de tráfego. A meta principal é a redução da probabilidade de bloqueio de solicitação de conexão. Em redes ópticas, os modelos de nós propostos conseguem diminuir o número de portas dos nós comutadores tradicionais além de realizar a comutação de tráfego de conexões de diferentes valores de largura de banda. O esquema do canal específico consegue melhorar a utilização da largura de banda dos comprimentos de onda e diminui a probabilidade de bloqueio e o esquema do monitoramento diminui o número de conexões bloqueadas devido ao aumento dos recursos. Resultados numéricos apresentados demonstram a potencialidade dos algoritmos propostos para gerenciar recursos e rotear o tráfego das redes de telecomunicação. / Integrating telecommunication networks has enlarged the coverage, but has made operations more complex, mainly because of the architecture, formed by various layers. These layers deal with different protocols and transmission rates, as well as electrical and optical signals. The usual alternative of expanding the resources proportionally to the demand is impractical due to the high cost. Therefore, efficient solutions which add to the benefits of optical and electronic technology in node architecture and traffic management are essential in the design, expansion and management of telecommunications networks. The nodes that enable traffic switching in the optical and electronic layer and traffic grooming have been used to make the best use of the available resources in the networks. These nodes are known as MG-OXCs. In this research, an approach based on MG-OXCs was proposed with one and three layers, which include the wavelength conversion and traffic grooming. Additionally, a method to calculate the node costs based on their use of ports was proposed. The work also considered optical signal impairments in order to analyze the network physical layer with MG-OXCs nodes. For the purpose of traffic management, a scheme which sets specific wavelengths for different bandwidths and a scheme which monitors the flow of traffic were proposed. The main aim is to reduce the blocking probability of connection requests. In optical networks, the node models proposed are able to reduce the number of ports used in usual optical cross connects and switch the traffic connections using different bandwidths. The scheme of setting specific wavelengths for different bandwidths improves the bandwidth use and the blocking probability. The scheme which monitors the flow of traffic achieves blocking probability reduction due to the increase in resources. The numerical results presented show the feasibility of the proposed algorithms to manage resources and switch traffic in telecommunication networks.

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