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Reservoir characterization, performance monitoring of waterflooding and development opportunities in Germania Spraberry Unit.Hernandez Hernandez, Erwin Enrique 29 August 2005 (has links)
The Germania Unit is located in Midland County, 12 miles east of Midland, Texas and is part of the Spraberry Formation in the Midland Basin which is one of the largest known oil reservoirs in the world bearing between 8.9 billion barrels and 10.5 billion barrels of oil originally in place. The field is considered geologically complex since it comprises typically low porosity, low permeability fine sandstones, and siltstones that are interbedded with shaly non-reservoir rocks. Natural fractures existing over a regional area have long been known to dominate all aspects of performance in the Spraberry Trend Area. Two stages of depletion have taken place over 46 years of production: Primary production under solution gas drive and secondary recovery via water injection through two different injection patterns. The cumulative production and injection in Germania as of July 2003 were 3.24 million barrels and 3.44 million barrels respectively and the production level is 470 BOPD through 64 active wells with an average rate per well of 7.3 BOPD and average water cut of 60 percent. This performance is considered very low and along with the low amount of water injected, waterflood recovery has never been thoroughly understood. In this research, production and injection data were analyzed and integrated to optimize the reservoir management strategies for Germania Spraberry Unit. This study addresses reservoir characterization and monitoring of the waterflood project with the aim of proposing alternatives development, taking into account current and future conditions of the reservoir. Consequently, this project will be performed to provide a significant reservoir characterization in an uncharacterized area of Spraberry and evaluate the performance of the waterflooding to provide facts, information and knowledge to obtain the maximum economic recovery from this reservoir and finally understand waterflood management in Spraberry. Thus, this research describes the reservoir, and comprises the performance of the reservoir under waterflooding, and controlled surveillance to improve field performance. This research should serve as a guide for future work in reservoir simulation and reservoir management and can be used to evaluate various scenarios for additional development as well as to optimize the operating practices in the field. The results indicate that under the current conditions, a total of 1.410 million barrels of oil can be produced in the next 20 years through the 64 active wells and suggest that the unit can be successfully flooded with the current injection rate of 1600 BWPD and pattern consisting of 6 injection wells aligned about 36 degrees respect to the major fracture orientation. This incremental is based in both extrapolations and numerical simulation studies conducted in Spraberry.
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Reservoir characterization, performance monitoring of waterflooding and development opportunities in Germania Spraberry Unit.Hernandez Hernandez, Erwin Enrique 29 August 2005 (has links)
The Germania Unit is located in Midland County, 12 miles east of Midland, Texas and is part of the Spraberry Formation in the Midland Basin which is one of the largest known oil reservoirs in the world bearing between 8.9 billion barrels and 10.5 billion barrels of oil originally in place. The field is considered geologically complex since it comprises typically low porosity, low permeability fine sandstones, and siltstones that are interbedded with shaly non-reservoir rocks. Natural fractures existing over a regional area have long been known to dominate all aspects of performance in the Spraberry Trend Area. Two stages of depletion have taken place over 46 years of production: Primary production under solution gas drive and secondary recovery via water injection through two different injection patterns. The cumulative production and injection in Germania as of July 2003 were 3.24 million barrels and 3.44 million barrels respectively and the production level is 470 BOPD through 64 active wells with an average rate per well of 7.3 BOPD and average water cut of 60 percent. This performance is considered very low and along with the low amount of water injected, waterflood recovery has never been thoroughly understood. In this research, production and injection data were analyzed and integrated to optimize the reservoir management strategies for Germania Spraberry Unit. This study addresses reservoir characterization and monitoring of the waterflood project with the aim of proposing alternatives development, taking into account current and future conditions of the reservoir. Consequently, this project will be performed to provide a significant reservoir characterization in an uncharacterized area of Spraberry and evaluate the performance of the waterflooding to provide facts, information and knowledge to obtain the maximum economic recovery from this reservoir and finally understand waterflood management in Spraberry. Thus, this research describes the reservoir, and comprises the performance of the reservoir under waterflooding, and controlled surveillance to improve field performance. This research should serve as a guide for future work in reservoir simulation and reservoir management and can be used to evaluate various scenarios for additional development as well as to optimize the operating practices in the field. The results indicate that under the current conditions, a total of 1.410 million barrels of oil can be produced in the next 20 years through the 64 active wells and suggest that the unit can be successfully flooded with the current injection rate of 1600 BWPD and pattern consisting of 6 injection wells aligned about 36 degrees respect to the major fracture orientation. This incremental is based in both extrapolations and numerical simulation studies conducted in Spraberry.
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Mechanistic modeling of low salinity water injectionKazemi Nia Korrani, Aboulghasem 16 February 2015 (has links)
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering / Low salinity waterflooding is an emerging enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technique in which the salinity of the injected water is substantially reduced to improve oil recovery over conventional higher salinity waterflooding. Although there are many low salinity experimental results reported in the literature, publications on modeling this process are rare. While there remains some debate about the mechanisms of low salinity waterflooding, the geochemical reactions that control the wetting of crude oil on the rock are likely to be central to a detailed description of the process. Since no comprehensive geochemical-based modeling has been applied in this area, we decided to couple a state-of-the-art geochemical package, IPhreeqc, developed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) with UTCOMP, the compositional reservoir simulator developed at the Center for Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering in The University of Texas at Austin. A step-by-step algorithm is presented for integrating IPhreeqc with UTCOMP. Through this coupling, we are able to simulate homogeneous and heterogeneous (mineral dissolution/precipitation), irreversible, and ion-exchange reactions under non-isothermal, non-isobaric and both local-equilibrium and kinetic conditions. Consistent with the literature, there are significant effects of water-soluble hydrocarbon components (e.g., CO2, CH4, and acidic/basic components of the crude) on buffering the aqueous pH and more generally, on the crude oil, brine, and rock reactions. Thermodynamic constrains are used to explicitly include the effect of these water-soluble hydrocarbon components. Hence, this combines the geochemical power of IPhreeqc with the important aspects of hydrocarbon flow and compositional effects to produce a robust, flexible, and accurate integrated tool capable of including the reactions needed to mechanistically model low salinity waterflooding. The geochemical module of UTCOMP-IPhreeqc is further parallelized to enable large scale reservoir simulation applications. We hypothesize that the total ionic strength of the solution is the controlling factor of the wettability alteration due to low salinity waterflooding in sandstone reservoirs. Hence, a model based on the interpolating relative permeability and capillary pressure as a function of total ionic strength is implemented in the UTCOMP-IPhreeqc simulator. We then use our integrated simulator to match and interpret a low salinity experiment published by Kozaki (2012) (conducted on the Berea sandstone core) and the field trial done by BP at the Endicott field (sandstone reservoir). On the other hand, we believe that during the modified salinity waterflooding in carbonate reservoirs, calcite is dissolved and it liberates the adsorbed oil from the surface; hence, fresh surface with the wettability towards more water-wet is created. Therefore, we model wettability to be dynamically altered as a function of calcite dissolution in UTCOMP-IPhreeqc. We then apply our integrated simulator to model not only the oil recovery but also the entire produced ion histories of a recently published coreflood by Chandrasekhar and Mohanty (2013) on a carbonate core. We also couple IPhreeqc with UTCHEM, an in-house research chemical flooding reservoir simulator developed at The University of Texas at Austin, for a mechanistic integrated simulator to model alkaline/surfactant/polymer (ASP) floods. UTCHEM has a comprehensive three phase (water, oil, microemulsion) flash calculation package for the mixture of surfactant and soap as a function of salinity, temperature, and co-solvent concentration. Similar to UTCOMP-IPhreeqc, we parallelize the geochemical module of UTCHEM-IPhreeqc. Finally, we show how apply the integrated tool, UTCHEM-IPhreeqc, to match three different reaction-related chemical flooding processes: ASP flooding in an acidic active crude oil, ASP flooding in a non-acidic crude oil, and alkaline/co-solvent/polymer (ACP) flooding. / text
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Generalized Correlations to Estimate Oil Recovery and Pore Volumes Injected in Waterflooding ProjectsEspinel Diaz, Arnaldo Leopoldo 2010 December 1900 (has links)
When estimating a waterflood performance and ultimate recovery, practitioners usually prepare a plot of log of water-oil ratio vs. cumulative production or recovery factor and extrapolate the linear section of the curve to a pre-established economic limit of water production. Following this practice, engineers take the risk of overestimating oil production and/or underestimating water production if the economic limit is optimistic. Engineers would be able to avoid that risk if they knew where the linear portion of the curve finishes. We called this linear portion the "straight-line zone" of simply SLZ.
In this research, we studied that ―straight-line zone‖ and determined its boundaries (beginning and end) numerically using mathematics rules. We developed a new procedure and empirical correlations to predict oil recovery factor at any water/oil ratio.
The approach uses the fundamental concepts of fluid displacement under Buckley-Leverett fractional flow theory, reservoir simulation, and statistical analysis from multivariate linear regression.
We used commercial spreadsheet software, the Statistical Analysis Software, a commercial numerical reservoir simulator, and Visual Basic Application software.
We determined generalized correlations to determine the beginning, end, slope, and intercept of this line as a function of rock and fluid properties, such as endpoints of relative permeability curves, connate water saturation, residual oil saturation, mobility ratio, and the Dykstra-Parsons coefficient. Characterizing the SLZ allows us to estimate the corresponding recovery factor and pore volumes injected at any water-oil ratio through the length of the SLZ .
The SLZ is always present in the plot of log of water-oil ratio vs. cumulative production or recovery factor, and its properties can be predicted. Results were correlated in terms of the Dykstra-Parsons coefficient and mobility ratio. Using our correlations, practitioners can estimate the end of the SLZ without the risk of overestimating reserves and underestimating water production. Our procedure is also a helpful tool for forecasting and diagnosing waterfloods when a detailed reservoir simulation model is not available.
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The imbibition process of waterflooding in naturally fractured reservoirsHuapaya Lopez, Christian A. 17 February 2005 (has links)
This thesis presents procedures to properly simulate naturally fractured reservoirs using dual-porosity models.
The main objectives of this work are to: (1) determine if the spontaneous imbibition can be simulated using a two phase CMG simulator and validate it with laboratory experiments in the literature; (2) study the effect of countercurrent imbibition in field scale applications; and (3) develop procedures for using the dual-porosity to simulate fluid displacement in a naturally fractured reservoir.
Reservoir simulation techniques, analytical solutions and numerical simulation for a two phase single and dual-porosity are used to achieve our objectives.
Analysis of a single matrix block with an injector and a producer well connected by a single fracture is analyzed and compared with both two phase single and dual-porosity models.
Procedures for obtaining reliable results when modeling a naturally fractured reservoir with a two phase dual-porosity model are presented and analyzed.
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Impact of fracture creation and growth on well injectivity and reservoir sweep during waterflooding and chemical EOR processesLee, Kyung Haeng 17 July 2012 (has links)
During waterflooding, or chemical EOR processes with polymers, fractures are frequently generated in injectors. This can have a profound impact on the process performance and reservoir management. A fracture growth model was developed and linked to a reservoir simulator that incorporates the effect of (i) particle plugging due to filtration of solids and oil droplets in the injected fluids; (ii) non-Newtonian polymer rheology (shear-thinning and -thickening) for polymer injection; and (iii) thermal stresses induced by cold water injection. Dynamic fracture growth, which results from the pore pressure increase due to particle plugging or complex polymer rheology, affects the well injectivity and reservoir sweep significantly. With the fracture growth model, simulations can be made not only to make more accurate reservoir sweep and oil recovery predictions, but also to help identify well patterns that may improve reservoir performance.
In homogeneous reservoirs, the injectivity is significantly affected by the propagation of an injection induced fracture; but the ultimate oil recovery and reservoir sweep are relatively unaffected. In multi-layered reservoirs, however, reservoir sweep and oil recovery are impacted significantly by the fracture growth. The oil recovery results from our fracture growth model differ substantially from those obtained based on the assumption of no fracture generation or a static fracture. For polymer injection processes, the shear rate dependence of the polymer viscosity is critical in determining the injectivity, fracture growth, and oil recovery.
In addition to vertical injection well fractures, horizontal injection well fractures have been simulated by using the fracture growth model. The reservoir stress distribution determines the fracture orientation near a horizontal well. When the minimum horizontal stress orientation is perpendicular to the horizontal injector, a longitudinal fracture is generated, while with the minimum horizontal stress orientation parallel to the injector, a transverse fracture is developed. The impact of static and dynamic transverse/longitudinal fractures on well injectivity and reservoir sweep has been investigated. The impacts of (i) lengths of horizontal injector and producer; (ii) location of water oil contact; (iii) sizes of transverse and longitudinal fractures; (iv) particle concentration in the water, were further investigated.
The well injectivity model was validated successfully by history matching injection of water (with particles) and shear rate dependent polymer injection. The history match was performed by adjusting the effective particle concentration in the injected water or the shear rate dependent polymer rheology. Based on history matching the long-term injection rates and pressures, estimates of the fracture length were made. These fracture dimensions could not be independently measured and verified. Based on the simulation results recommendations were made for strategies for drilling well patterns, water quality and injection rates that will lead to better oil recovery. / text
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Couplages thermo-hydro-mécaniques dans les sols et les roches tendres partiellement saturésCollin, Frédéric 11 February 2003 (has links)
Le thème général de cette thèse porte sur le comportement des sols et des roches tendres partiellement saturés. Cette condition de saturation partielle entraîne une complexification du comportement et une augmentation des couplages entre les différents phénomènes existants. Nous avons travaillé sur deux applications différentes qui présentent en fait beaucoup de similitudes. Ce travail s'est effectué principalement dans le code aux éléments finis LAGAMINE.
Le premier domaine d'étude concerne le stockage de déchets nucléaires de haute activité. Pour ces derniers, le concept de dépôts dans des couches géologiques profondes a été développé afin de protéger les êtres humains et leur environnement des effets néfastes de la radioactivité. L'idée est de construire un système de galeries dans lesquelles seront placés les déchets vitrifiés ; une barrière d'étanchéité ouvragée (généralement des blocs d'argile compactée) remplira le reste de la galerie et assurera un complément à une barrière géologique naturelle.
Pour dimensionner ce système complexe, il est nécessaire de bien connaître les caractéristiques hydrogéologiques, thermiques, mécaniques, chimiques et biologiques, ainsi que de comprendre les processus couplés qui ne manqueront pas de s'y développer. C'est la raison pour laquelle se sont créés des URL (Underground Research Laboratories) dans les couches géologiques potentielles, comme le SCK-CEN à Mol.
Les modèles numériques viennent en complément des études expérimentales réalisées dans ces laboratoires et aident à la compréhension des mesures effectuées. En effet, le comportement de la barrière d'étanchéité est très complexe, impliquant des phénomènes thermo-hydro-mécaniques prenant place durant l'échauffement (les déchets dégagent toujours une certaine quantité d'énergie) et l'hydratation (par la formation hôte) de la barrière argileuse ouvragée.
Dans ce cadre, nous avons développé un modèle d'écoulement multiphasique avec changement de phase ; il permet d'étudier les transferts hydriques et de chaleur se produisant dans la zone proche de la galerie. Les couplages sont nombreux : les variations de température influencent les propriétés des fluides, ces derniers transportent de la chaleur lors de leur déplacement (flux convectifs), ces conditions de saturation partielle (liées à la succion) induisent également des modifications du comportement mécanique de l'argile. Enfin, dans ces milieux très peu perméables, la prise en compte des transferts hydriques en phase vapeur est primordiale. Ces développements ont été réalisés dans le cadre du projet européen CATSIUS CLAY, ce qui nous a permis une comparaison avec d'autres codes de calculs et la validation de notre travail.
Le deuxième domaine d'étude est la subsidence des réservoirs pétroliers de mer du Nord. En effet, certains réservoirs se situent dans des couches de craie à plusieurs milliers de mètres sous le niveau de la mer et ils sont exploités à partir d'installations off-shores. La production du pétrole induit une déplétion du réservoir qui s'accompagne d'une compaction ; cette dernière se répercute jusqu'au fond marin et cela met en danger les stations off-shores. La solution actuellement mise en uvre est l'injection d'eau dans le réservoir afin de le repressuriser et de diminuer ainsi la compaction. Malheureusement, cela a provoqué dans ces formations crayeuses un tassement supplémentaire ! Toutefois, celui-ci n'a pas que des aspects négatifs ; la compaction additionnelle permet une récupération secondaire du pétrole, qui n'aurait pu être obtenue autrement sinon. Il est donc très intéressant de pouvoir contrôler le tassement des couches réservoir.
Dans le cadre des projets européens PASACHALK, nous avons développé une loi constitutive élastoplastique suivant l'idée que la sensibilité à l'eau d'une craie initialement saturée d'huile est reliée à l'effet de la succion. Cette dernière comprend des effets purement capillaires mais d'autres également (osmotiques par exemple). Nous avons donc construit un modèle multimécanisme avec influence de la succion, en utilisant les outils et concepts développés en mécanique des sols non-saturés (l'argile notamment). On voit dès lors que les modèles de l'argile de scellement et ceux de la craie de réservoir présentent de nombreuses similitudes !
Cette recherche a été facilitée par le fait qu'une craie, similaire à celles des réservoirs de Mer du Nord, affleure dans notre pays ; on l'exploite notamment dans la carrière de Lixhe, en région liégeoise. Cette craie possède les mêmes caractéristiques et propriétés que celles des formations du réservoir. La seule différence réside dans le fait qu'il n'y a jamais eu de pétrole dans ses pores !
L'analyse de l'ensemble des expérimentations réalisées sur ce matériau, nous a permis de mettre en évidence les caractéristiques du comportement de la craie de manière à calibrer notre loi. Enfin, des essais d'injection dans des échantillons nous fournissent un moyen de validation de nos modèles. Ainsi, nous avons réalisé des simulations à l'échelle du réservoir qui ont confirmé que la variation de succion est bien une explication de certaines compactions dans les réservoirs pétroliers.
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A Mechanism of Improved Oil Recovery by Low-Salinity Waterflooding in Sandstone RockNasralla, Ramez 03 October 2013 (has links)
Injection of low-salinity water showed high potentials in improving oil recovery when compared to high-salinity water. However, the optimum water salinity and conditions are uncertain, due to the lack of understanding the mechanisms of fluid-rock interactions.
The main objective of this study is to examine the potential and efficiency of low-salinity water in secondary and tertiary oil recovery for sandstone reservoirs. Similarly, this study aims to help in understanding the dominant mechanisms that aid in improving oil recovery by low-salinity waterflooding. Furthermore, the impact of cation type in injected brines on oil recovery was investigated.
Coreflood experiments were conducted to determine the effect of water salinity and chemistry on oil recovery in the secondary and tertiary modes. The contact angle technique was used to study the impact of water salinity and composition on rock wettability. Moreover, the zeta potential at oil/brine and brine/rock interfaces was measured to explain the mechanism causing rock wettability alteration and improving oil recovery. Deionized water and different brines (from 500 to 174,000 mg/l), as well as single cation solutions were tested. Two types of crude oil with different properties and composition were used. Berea sandstone cores were utilized in the coreflood experiments.
Coreflood tests indicated that injection of deionized water in the secondary mode resulted in significant oil recovery, up to 22% improvement, compared to seawater flooding. However, no more oil was recovered in the tertiary mode. In addition, injection of NaCl solution increased the oil recovery compared to injection of CaCl2 or MgCl2 at the same concentration.
Contact angle results demonstrated that low-salinity water has an impact on the rock wettability; the more reduction in water salinity, the more a water-wet rock surface is produced. In addition, NaCl solutions made the rock more water-wet compared to CaCl2 or MgCl2 at the same concentration.
Low-salinity water and NaCl solutions showed a highly negative charge at rock/brine and oil/brine interfaces by zeta potential measurements, which results in greater repulsive forces between the oil and rock surface. This leads to double-layer expansion and water-wet systems. These results demonstrate that the double-layer expansion is a primary mechanism of improving oil recovery when water chemical composition is manipulated.
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Evaluation of Appalachian Basin Waterfloods Utilizing Reservoir Simulation Software CMG-IMEXGuo, Yifei, Guo 04 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Modeling and remediation of reservoir souringHaghshenas, Mehdi 26 October 2011 (has links)
Reservoir souring refers to the increase in the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in production fluids during waterflooding. Besides health and safety issues, H₂S content reduces the value of the produced hydrocarbon. Nitrate injection is an effective method to prevent the formation of H₂S. Although the effectiveness of nitrate injection has been proven in laboratory and field applications and biology is well-understood, modeling aspect is still in its early stages. This work describes the modeling and simulation of biological reactions associated with reservoir souring and nitrate injection for souring remediation. The model is implemented in a general purpose adaptive reservoir simulator (GPAS). We also developed a physical dispersion model in GPAS to study the effect of dispersion on reservoir souring. The basic mechanism in the biologically mediated generation of H₂S is the reaction between sulfate and organic compounds in the presence of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). Several mechanisms describe the effect of nitrate injection on reservoir souring. We developed mathematical models for biological reactions to simulate each mechanism. For every biological reaction, we solve a set of ordinary differential equations along with differential equations for the transport of chemical and biological species. Souring reactions occur in the areas of the reservoir where all of the required chemical and biological species are available. Therefore, dispersion affects the extent of reservoir souring as transport of aqueous phase components and the formation of mixing zones depends on dispersive characteristics of porous media. We successfully simulated laboratory experiments in batch reactors and sand-packed column reactors to verify our model development. The results from simulation of laboratory experiments are used to find the input parameters for field-scale simulations. We also examined the effect of dispersion on reservoir souring for different compositions of injection and formation water. Dispersion effects are significant when injection water does not contain sufficient organic compounds and reactions occur in the mixing zone between injection water and formation water. With a comprehensive biological model and robust and accurate flow simulation capabilities, GPAS can predict the onset of reservoir souring and the effectiveness of nitrate injection and facilitate the design of the process. / text
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