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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

WCET Optimizations and Architectural Support for Hard Real-Time Systems

Ding, Yiqiang 11 October 2012 (has links)
As time predictability is critical to hard real-time systems, it is not only necessary to accurately estimate the worst-case execution time (WCET) of the real-time tasks but also desirable to improve either the WCET of the tasks or time predictability of the system, because the real-time tasks with lower WCETs are easy to schedule and more likely to meat their deadlines. As a real-time system is an integration of software and hardware, the optimization can be achieved through two ways: software optimization and time-predictable architectural support. In terms of software optimization, we fi rst propose a loop-based instruction prefetching approach to further improve the WCET comparing with simple prefetching techniques such as Next-N-Line prefetching which can enhance both the average-case performance and the worst-case performance. Our prefetching approach can exploit the program controlow information to intelligently prefetch instructions that are most likely needed. Second, as inter-thread interferences in shared caches can signi cantly a ect the WCET of real-time tasks running on multicore processors, we study three multicore-aware code positioning methods to reduce the inter-core L2 cache interferences between co-running real-time threads. One strategy focuses on decreasing the longest WCET among the co-running threads, and two other methods aim at achieving fairness in terms of the amount or percentage of WCET reduction among co-running threads. In the aspect of time-predictable architectural support, we introduce the concept of architectural time predictability (ATP) to separate timing uncertainty concerns caused by hardware from software, which greatly facilitates the advancement of time-predictable processor design. We also propose a metric called Architectural Time-predictability Factor (ATF) to measure architectural time predictability quantitatively. Furthermore, while cache memories can generally improve average-case performance, they are harmful to time predictability and thus are not desirable for hard real-time and safety-critical systems. In contrast, Scratch-Pad Memories (SPMs) are time predictable, but they may lead to inferior performance. Guided by ATF, we propose and evaluate a variety of hybrid on-chip memory architectures to combine both caches and SPMs intelligently to achieve good time predictability and high performance. Detailed implementation and experimental results discussion are presented in this dissertation.

Static WCET Analysis Based on Abstract Interpretation and Counting of Elements

Bygde, Stefan January 2010 (has links)
<p>In a real-time system, it is crucial to ensure that all tasks of the system holdtheir deadlines. A missed deadline in a real-time system means that the systemhas not been able to function correctly. If the system is safety critical, this canlead to disaster. To ensure that all tasks keep their deadlines, the Worst-CaseExecution Time (WCET) of these tasks has to be known. This can be done bymeasuring the execution times of a task, however, this is inflexible, time consumingand in general not safe (i.e., the worst-casemight not be found). Unlessthe task is measured with all possible input combinations and configurations,which is in most cases out of the question, there is no way to guarantee that thelongest measured time actually corresponds to the real worst case.Static analysis analyses a safe model of the hardware together with thesource or object code of a program to derive an estimate of theWCET. This estimateis guaranteed to be equal to or greater than the real WCET. This is doneby making calculations which in all steps make sure that the time is exactlyor conservatively estimated. In many cases, however, the execution time of atask or a program is highly dependent on the given input. Thus, the estimatedworst case may correspond to some input or configuration which is rarely (ornever) used in practice. For such systems, where execution time is highly inputdependent, a more accurate timing analysis which take input into considerationis desired.In this thesis we present a framework based on abstract interpretation andcounting of possible semantic states of a program. This is a general methodof WCET analysis, which is language independent and platform independent.The two main applications of this framework are a loop bound analysis and aparametric analysis. The loop bound analysis can be used to quickly find upperbounds for loops in a program while the parametric framework provides aninput-dependent estimation of theWCET. The input-dependent estimation cangive much more accurate estimates if the input is known at run-time.</p> / PROGRESS

Measuring and Analysing Execution Time in an Automotive Real-Time Application / Exekveringstid i ett Realtidssystem för Fordon

Liljeroth, Henrik January 2009 (has links)
<p>Autoliv has developed the Night Vision system, which is a safety system for use incars to improve the driver’s situational awareness during night conditions. It is areal-time system that is able to detect pedestrians in the traffic environment andissue warnings when there is a risk of collision. The timing behaviour of programsrunning on real-time systems is vital information when developing and optimisingboth hardware and software. As a part of further developing their Night Visionsystem, Autoliv wanted to examine detailed timing behaviour of a specific part ofthe Night Vision algorithm, namely the Tracking module, which tracks detectedpedestrians. Parallel to this, they also wanted a reliable method to obtain timingdata that would work for other parts of that system as well, or even other applications.</p><p>A preliminary study was conducted in order to determine the most suitable methodof obtaining the timing data desired. This resulted in a measurement-based approachusing software profiling, in which the Tracking module was measured usingvarious input data. The measurements were performed on simulated hardwareusing both a cycle accurate simulator and measurement tools from the systemCPU manufacturer, as well as tools implemented specifically to handle input andoutput data.</p><p>The measurements resulted in large amounts of data used to compile performancestatistics. Using different scenarios in the input data, we were able to obtain timingcharacteristics for several typical situations the system may encounter duringoperation. By manipulating the input data we were also able to observe generalbehaviour and achieve artificially high execution times, which serves as indicationson how the system responds to irregular and unexpected input data.</p><p>The method used for collecting timing information was well suited for this particularproject. It provided the possibility to analyse behavior in a better waythan other, more theoretical, approaches would have. The method is also easilyadaptable to other parts of the Night Vision system, or other systems, with onlyminor adjustments to measurement environment and tools.</p>

Worst Case Execution time Analysis Support for the ARM Processor Using GCC

Yen, Cheng-Yu 09 August 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents a tool for obtaining worst-case execution time (WCET) guarantees for ARM processors. This tool is an interface between ARM¡¦s GCC compiler and the SWEET WCET analyzer. SWEET is an open-source static analyzer that derives a guaranteed upper bound on the WCET of a program. The WCET of a program is an important metric in real-time systems. The task scheduler must decide how much time to allot for each process; if the allotted time exceeds the WCET, the process can be guaranteed to always finish in time. Although the WCET value is therefore useful, it is difficult to find. But, for the purpose of guaranteeing that a process finishes on time, an upper bound on the WCET suffices. Static program analysis has been proposed as a method to derive such an upper-bound on the WCET, by means of conservatively approximating the runtime of the individual parts of a complete program. SWEET is one such static analyzer. Our tool works inside of ARM-GCC, extracting all of the information that SWEET needs about the program¡¦s behavior. Our tool then packages the information into the SWEET¡¦s ALF format. The tool has been tested and works correctly for every input source that we have tested (including all 34 benchmarks from the WCET BENCHMARK SUITE[1]). This work was funded by Taiwan¡¦s National Science Council, grant NSC 97-2218-E-110-003

A Memory-Realistic SPM Allocator with WCET/ACET Tunable Performance

Bai, Jia-yu 16 September 2010 (has links)
Real-time systems often use SPM instead of cache, because SPM allows a program¡¦s run time to be more predictable. Real-time system need predictable runtimes, because they must schedule programs to finish within specific deadlines. A deadline should be larger than its program¡¦s worst-case execution time (WCET). Our laboratory is conducting ongoing research into scratchpad memory allocation (SPM) for reducing the WCET of a program. Compared to our previous work, this current thesis improves our memory model, our allocation algorithms, our real-time support, and our measurement benchmarks and platform. Our key accomplishments in this paper are to: 1) add, for the first time in the literature, true WCETmeas analysis to an SPM allocator, 2) to modestly improve the performance of our previous allocator, and 3) to greatly increase the applicability over that allocator, by extending the method to support recursive programs.

Integrating the SWEET WCET Analyzer into ARM-GCC with Extra WCFP Information to Enable WCET-Targeted Compiler Optimizations

Hao, Wen-Chuan 23 December 2011 (has links)
Finding the worst-case execution time (WCET) on a hard real-time system is extremely important. Only static WCET analysis can give us an upper bound of WCET which guarantees the deadline, however, industrial practice still relies on measurement-based WCET analysis, even for many hard real-time systems; because static analysis tools are not a mature technology. We use SWEET (SWEdish Execution Time tool) to provide WCET analysis support for the ARM. SWEET is a static WCET analyzer developed by the M&#x00E4;lardalen Real-Time Research Center (MRTC). We modified ARM-GCC to obtain input files in specific format for SWEET: ALF, TCD, and MAP. Besides, for WCET optimization supporting and over-optimizing issue, we modified SWEET to obtain additional worst-case flow path (WCFP) and the second worst-case information. By testing with benchmark files from [1], our modified ARM-GCC can create correct input files for SWEET, and also the modified SWEET can produce additional worst-case information.

Efficient Memory Allocation for User and Library Variables in Recursive Programs with WCET/ACET Tunable Performance

Fang, Hsin-Jan 09 February 2012 (has links)
Scratchpad Memory (SPM) is an alternative to cache. With SPM, the CPU¡¦s fast internal memory (ie, the SRAM) is directly mapped into the memory address space. This has the advantages of reduced power (by avoiding the memory management Unit, MMU, that a cache need to manage its tags and evictions), reduced area (for the same reason), and predictability.[1] Predictability is important in real-time systems, because each task must be assigned a deadline. If a task finishes early, there is no benefit. But if a task finishes late, then the effect is undesirable or even catastrophic. This means that the worst-case execution time (WCET) is more important than average-case execution time (ACET). The disadvantage of SPM, when compared to cache, is that the SPM requires software management of the fast memory. In a previous student¡¦s work from our laboratory, [3], an SPM allocator was presented for WCET-targeted compilation. Compared to that work, this current thesis make four key contributions. First, it introduces a significant amount of code infrastructure to allow library variables to be allocated to SPM. These variables turn out to represent a majority of all data accesses in many programs. Second, this provides support for allocating variables within recursive programs. Third, we support allocation of temporary variable (PC-relative addressing). Fourth, we have developed a simulator to obtain cycle-accurate information on memory behavior. In [3], the costs of allocation were not modeled, nor were the behaviors of the ARM¡¦s complex memory subsystem. Keywords: SPM, memory allocation, memory modeling, library variables, WCET

A Stack-Optimized Scratchpad Memory Allocator for Reducing Either the Average-Case or the Worst-Case Execution Time

Wu, Cheng-Ying 10 August 2009 (has links)
Scratchpad memory (SPM) is popular for real-time embedded systems. Whereas caches use a memory management unit (MMU) to control which data accesses go to the fast, on-chip SRAM, SPM directly maps certain addresses to the SRAM. One advantage of SPM is that it avoids the cache¡¦s costly MMU. Another advantage is that the SPM is 100% statically predictable, whereas the variables stored in the cache depend upon the dynamic execution history. This predictability is beneficial for real-time systems which must schedule tasks to finish by fixed deadlines. To set these deadlines, system designers must determine the worst-case execution times (WCETs) of the applications. The predictability of SPM makes these WCETs easier to measure. This thesis presents a new method for allocating stack and global data to the SPM. It is the first method to make use of the special properties of non-escaping variables so as to increase the effective size of the SPM. Our insight is that many local variables of caller functions can be temporarily swapped out of the SPM while the callee function executes. Ours is also the first method to support profiled WCET measurements in the allocation strategy. Most previous SPM methods optimize only for the average-case execution time (ACET), despite the fact that SPMs are often used in real-time environments where the WCET is also important. This new memory allocation strategy is also the first to be WCET/ACET tunable, a feature that is particular useful for soft real-time systems. Only one previous work considers a WCET-targeted SPM allocator. That work, however, only applies to static WCET analysis tools. Such tools are difficult to program and are not widely used. Also, they only have application to the most safety-critical of real-time systems. In contrast, our approach is the first to employ measurement-based WCET analysis (such as is most commonly used in industry) for SPM allocation.

Static Timing Analysis of Parallel Systems Using Abstract Execution

Gustavsson, Andreas January 2014 (has links)
The Power Wall has stopped the past trend of increasing processor throughput by increasing the clock frequency and the instruction level parallelism.Therefore, the current trend in computer hardware design is to expose explicit parallelism to the software level.This is most often done using multiple processing cores situated on a single processor chip.The cores usually share some resources on the chip, such as some level of cache memory (which means that they also share the interconnect, e.g. a bus, to that memory and also all higher levels of memory), and to fully exploit this type of parallel processor chip, programs running on it will have to be concurrent.Since multi-core processors are the new standard, even embedded real-time systems will (and some already do) incorporate this kind of processor and concurrent code. A real-time system is any system whose correctness is dependent both on its functional and temporal output. For some real-time systems, a failure to meet the temporal requirements can have catastrophic consequences. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that methods to analyze and derive safe estimations on the timing properties of parallel computer systems are developed. This thesis presents an analysis that derives safe (lower and upper) bounds on the execution time of a given parallel system.The interface to the analysis is a small concurrent programming language, based on communicating and synchronizing threads, that is formally (syntactically and semantically) defined in the thesis.The analysis is based on abstract execution, which is itself based on abstract interpretation techniques that have been commonly used within the field of timing analysis of single-core computer systems, to derive safe timing bounds in an efficient (although, over-approximative) way.Basically, abstract execution simulates the execution of several real executions of the analyzed program in one go.The thesis also proves the soundness of the presented analysis (i.e. that the estimated timing bounds are indeed safe) and includes some examples, each showing different features or characteristics of the analysis. / Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis of Parallel Systems / RALF3 - Software for Embedded High Performance Architectures

Measuring and Analysing Execution Time in an Automotive Real-Time Application / Exekveringstid i ett Realtidssystem för Fordon

Liljeroth, Henrik January 2009 (has links)
Autoliv has developed the Night Vision system, which is a safety system for use incars to improve the driver’s situational awareness during night conditions. It is areal-time system that is able to detect pedestrians in the traffic environment andissue warnings when there is a risk of collision. The timing behaviour of programsrunning on real-time systems is vital information when developing and optimisingboth hardware and software. As a part of further developing their Night Visionsystem, Autoliv wanted to examine detailed timing behaviour of a specific part ofthe Night Vision algorithm, namely the Tracking module, which tracks detectedpedestrians. Parallel to this, they also wanted a reliable method to obtain timingdata that would work for other parts of that system as well, or even other applications. A preliminary study was conducted in order to determine the most suitable methodof obtaining the timing data desired. This resulted in a measurement-based approachusing software profiling, in which the Tracking module was measured usingvarious input data. The measurements were performed on simulated hardwareusing both a cycle accurate simulator and measurement tools from the systemCPU manufacturer, as well as tools implemented specifically to handle input andoutput data. The measurements resulted in large amounts of data used to compile performancestatistics. Using different scenarios in the input data, we were able to obtain timingcharacteristics for several typical situations the system may encounter duringoperation. By manipulating the input data we were also able to observe generalbehaviour and achieve artificially high execution times, which serves as indicationson how the system responds to irregular and unexpected input data. The method used for collecting timing information was well suited for this particularproject. It provided the possibility to analyse behavior in a better waythan other, more theoretical, approaches would have. The method is also easilyadaptable to other parts of the Night Vision system, or other systems, with onlyminor adjustments to measurement environment and tools.

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