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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Condition-based monitoring of natural draught wet-cooling tower performance-related parameters

Ehlers, Frederik Coenrad 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The meteorological conditions at Eskom’s Majuba Power Station are measured, evaluated and trended in this dissertation. The results are used to evaluate the current natural draught wet-cooling tower (NDWCT) design- and performance test specifications and to compare these to the original design- and performance test specifications. The evaluation reveals that the design parameters for the NDWCTs at Majuba Power Station, a cooling system that was originally designed optimally, could have been determined differently and arguably more accurately by using the wet-bulb temperature (Tawb) as the main design variable instead of the dry-bulb temperature (Ta). A new technique to determine optimal NDWCT design and performance test conditions is consequently proposed. In order to satisfy the atmospheric conditions required for a successful NDWCT performance test, it is also proposed that the tests be undertaken between 12:00 and 14:00 during Summer. It is found that the NDWCT inlet Tawb, measured at specific heights, does not compare well to the far-field Tawb measured at the same heights when a Tawb accuracy of 0.1 K is required. It is proposed that a more representative far-field Tawb measuring height of 10 m should be used in future NDWCT designs as the NDWCT design temperature reference height. The industry-standard reference height should, however, still be used during temperature profile calculations. A parametric study of the water-steam cycle and wet-cooling system at Majuba indicates that during full load conditions, the generated output (Pst) is primarily dependent on the condenser saturation pressure (pc). The latter is reliant on Tawb, the temperature lapse rate (LRT) that is represented by the temperature profile exponent (bT), the main cooling water flow rate (mcw), atmospheric pressure (pa), and wind speed (VW). Using historical plant data relatively simple methods, enabling the quick and effective determination of these relationships, are proposed. The plant-specific and atmospheric parameters required for these analyses are also tabulated. Two NDWCT effectiveness models, one mathematical (Kröger, 1998) and one statistical artificial neural network (ANN) model are presented and evaluated. ANNs, which are not often used to evaluate NDWCT effectiveness, provide accurate NDWCT temperature approach results within 0.5 K of measured values for varying dependent variables. This motivates that an ANN, if set up and used correctly, can be an effective condition-monitoring tool and can be used to improve the accuracy of more empirical NDWCT performance models. The one-dimensional mathematical effectiveness model provides accurate results under NDWCT design conditions. The dependency of Majuba’s NDWCT to the rain zone mean drop diameter (dd) is evaluated by means of the one-dimensional mathematical model. A reduction in dd from 0.0052 m to 0.0029 m can reduce the NDWCT re-cooled water temperature (Tcwo) so that the rated pc is reduced by 0.15 kPa, which relates to a combined financial saving during peak and off-peak periods of R1.576M in 2013 and R1.851M in 2016. Similar improvements can result in higher savings at other wet-cooled stations in the Eskom fleet due to less optimally-designed wet-cooling systems. The proposed techniques should be considered in future economic evaluations of wet-cooling system improvements at different power stations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die meteorologiese toestande by Eskom se Majuba-kragstasie is deur die navorser gemeet en -evalueer. Die resultate word gebruik om die Natuurlike-trek, Nat koeltoring (NTNKT) se ontwerp- en werkverrigting toetsspesifikasies te evalueer en vergelyk met die oorspronklike toetsspesifikasies. Die resultate dui daarop dat die ontwerpsparameters vir die NTNKTs by Majuba-kragstasie, ‘n verkoelings-sisteem wat aanvanklik optimaal ontwerp is, op ‘n ander, selfs meer akkurate manier bepaal kon word deur die natbol-temperatuur (Tawb) te gebruik as die hoof-ontwerpsparameter inplaas van die droëbol temperatuur (Ta).’n Nuwe tegniek wat gebruik kan word om akkurate NTNKT ontwerp- en werkverrigting toetsspesifikasies te bepaal word voorgestel. Die tydperk vir die mees optimale atmosferiese toestande, wanneer NTNKT-toetse uitgevoer moet word, word vasgestel as tussen 12:00 en 14:00 tydens Somermaande. Dit word bewys, vir ’n Tawb akkuraatheid van 0.1 K, dat die NTNKT inlaat-Tawb, gemeet by verskillende hoogtes, nie vergelykbaar is met Tawb wat ver van die NTNKT af op dieselfde hoogtes gemeet word nie. ’n Meer aanvaarbare hoogte van 10 m word voorgestel as die NTNKT ontwerpstemperatuur verwysingshoogte vir toekomstige NTNKT ontwerpe wanneer die Tawb ver van die NTNKT af meet word. Die industrie-standaard temperatuur verwysingshoogte moet wel steeds gebruik word tydens temperatuur-profielberekeninge. ’n Parametriese studie van die turbine se water-stoom siklus en die nat-verkoelingstelsel by Majuba dui daarop dat die generator se uitset (Pst) hoofsaaklik afhanklik is van die kondensator se druk (pc) gedurende vol-vrag toestande. Druk (pc) is weer afhanklik van Tawb, die temperatuur vervaltempo (LRT) wat voorgestel word deur die temperatuur profiel eksponent (bT), die verkoelingswater-vloeitempo (mcw), atmosferiese druk (pa) en windspoed (VW). Deur die gebruik van historiese data word redelike eenvoudige metodes voorgestel om dié verhoudings doeltreffend te bepaal. Die atmosferiese- en stasie-spesifieke parameters wat benodig word vir dié ontleding is ook getabuleer. Twee modelle vir NTNKT-effektiweit, ’n wiskundige (gebaseer op Kröger, 1998) en statistiese kunsmatige neurale-netwerk (KNN) model, word aangebied en geëvalueer. KNNe, wat nie gereeld gebruik word om NTNKTe se effektiwiteit te evalueer nie, lewer akkurate NTNKT temperatuur-benadering resultate binne 0.5 K van die gemete resultate vir wisselende afhanklike parameters. Dié resultate motiveer dat ’n KNN wat korrek opgestel is doeltreffend gebruik kan word om die toestand van NTNKTs te bepaal en om die akkuraatheid van ander NTNKT-modelle te verbeter. Die eendimensionele, wiskundige model lewer akkurate resultate onder NTNKT ontwerpspesifikasies. ’n Wiskundige NTNKT-model word gebruik om die afhanklikheid van Majubakragstasie se NTNKTe tot die reënsone druppelgrootte (dd) te bereken. 'n Vermindering in dd van 0,0052 tot 0,0029 m kan die NTNKT se afgekoelde watertemperatuur (Tcwo), van só 'n aard verlaag dat pc verminder met 0,15 kPa. Só kan ’n gesamentlike vol- en gedeeltelike vrag finansiële besparing van R1.576M in 2013 en R1.851M in 2016 behaal word. Soortgelyke verbeterings aan verkoelingstelsels sal lei tot meer en hoër besparings by ander Eskom nat-verkoelde stasies. Dié tegnieke moet in ag geneem word tydens toekomstige ekonomiese evaluasies van verbeterings tot nat-verkoelingstelsels by ander kragstasies.

Performance evaluation of natural draught cooling towers with anisotropic fills

Reuter, Hanno Carl Rudolf 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the design of a modern natural draught wet-cooling tower (NDWCT), structural and performance characteristics must be considered. Air flow distortions and resistances must be minimised to achieve optimal cooling which requires that the cooling towers must be modelled two-dimensionally and ultimately threedimensionally to be optimised. CFD models in literature are found to be limited to counterflow cooling towers packed with film fill, which is porous in one direction only and generally has a high pressure drop, as well as purely crossflow cooling towers packed with splash fill. This simplifies the analysis considerably as the effects of flow separation at the air inlet are minimised and fill performance is determined using the method of analysis originally employed to determine the fill performance characteristics from test data. Many counterflow cooling towers are, however, packed with trickle and splash fills which have anisotropic flow resistances, which means the fills are porous in all flow directions and thus air flow can be oblique through the fill, particularly near the cooling tower air inlet. This provides a challenge since available fill test facilities and subsequently fill performance characteristics are limited to purely counter- and crossflow configuration. In this thesis, a CFD model is developed to predict the performance of NDWCTs with any type of spray, fill and rain zone configuration, using the commercial code FLUENT®. This model can be used to investigate the effects of different: atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles, air inlet and outlet geometries, air inlet heights, rain zone drop size distributions, spray zone performance characteristics, variations in radial water loading and fill depth, and fill configurations or combinations on cooling tower performance, for optimisation purposes. Furthermore the effects of damage or removal of fill in annular sections and boiler flue gas discharge in the centre of the tower can be investigated. The CFD modelling of NDWCTs presents various options and challenges, which needed to be understood and evaluated systematically prior to the development of a CFD model for a complete cooling tower. The main areas that were investigated are: spray and rain zone performance modelling by means of an Euler-Lagrangian model; modelling of air flow patterns and flow losses; modelling of fill performance for oblique air flow; modelling of air pressure and temperature profiles outside and inside the cooling tower. The final CFD results for the NDWCT are validated by means of corresponding one-dimensional computational model data and it is found that the performance of typical NDWCTs can be enhanced significantly by including protruding platforms or roundings at the air inlet, reducing the mean drop size in the rain zone, radially varying the fill depth and reducing the air inlet height. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: By die ontwerp van ‘n moderne natuurlike trek nat koeltoring (NTNK), moet strukturele en werkverrigtings eienskappe in ag geneem word. Wanverdeelde lugvloei en vloeiweerstande moet geminimaliseer word om optimale verkoeling te bewerkstellig, wat vereis dat die koeltorings twee-dimensioneel en uiteindelik driedimensioneel gemodelleer moet word om hulle te kan optimeer. Dit is gevind dat berekeningsvloeidinamika (BVD of “CFD” in engels) modelle in die literatuur, beperk is tot teenvloei koeltorings gepak met film tipe pakking, wat net in een vloeirigting poreus is en boonop gewoonlik ook ‘n hoë drukval het, sowel as suiwer dwarsvloei koeltorings met spatpakking. Hierdie vergemaklik die analise aansienlik omdat die effekte van vloeiwegbreking by die luginlaat verklein word en die pakking se werkverrigtingsvermoë bereken kan word met die analise metode wat oorspronklik gebruik is om die pakkingseienskappe vanaf toets data te bepaal. Baie teenvloei koeltorings het egter drup- (“trickle”) of spatpakkings met anisotropiese vloeiweerstand, wat beteken dat die pakking poreus is in alle vloeirigtings en dat die lug dus skuins deur die pakking kan vloei, veral naby die koeltoring se lug inlaat. Hierdie verskaf ‘n uitdaging aangesien beskikbare pakking toetsfasiliteite, en dus ook pakking karakteristieke, beperk is tot suiwer teenvloei en dwarsvloei konfigurasie. ‘n BVD model word in hierdie tesis ontwikkel wat die werkverrigtingsvermoë van NTNK’s kan voorspel vir enige sproei, pakking en reënsone konfigurasie deur van die kommersiële sagteware FLUENT® gebruik te maak. Hierdie model kan gebruik word om die effekte van verskillende: atmosferiese temperatuur- en humiditeitsprofiele, lug inlaat en uitlaat geometrië, lug inlaat hoogtes, reënsone druppelgrootteverdelings, sproeisone werkverrigtingskarakteristieke, variasie in radiale waterbelading en pakking hoogte, en pakking konfigurasies of kombinasies op koeltoringvermoë te ondersoek vir optimerings doeleindes. Verder kan die effekte van beskadiging of verwydering van pakking in annulêre segmente, en insluiting van ‘n stoomketel skoorsteen in die middel van die toring ondersoek word. Die BVD modellering van NTNK bied verskeie moontlikhede en uitdagings, wat eers verstaan en sistematies ondersoek moes word, voordat ‘n BVD model van ‘n algehele NTNK ontwikkel kon word. Die hoof areas wat ondersoek is, is: sproeien reënsone modellering mbv ‘n Euler-Lagrange model; modellering van lugvloeipatrone en vloeiverliese; modellering van pakking verrigting vir skuins lugvloeie; modellering van lugdruk- en temperatuurprofiele buite en binne in die koeltoring. Die BVD resultate word mbv van data van ‘n ooreenstemmende eendimensionele berekeningsmodel bevestig en dit is bevind dat die werkverrigting van ‘n tipiese NTNK beduidend verbeter kan word deur: platforms wat uitstaan of rondings by die luginlaat te installeer, die duppelgrootte in die reënsone te verklein, die pakkingshoogte radiaal te verander, en die luginlaathoogte te verlaag.

A critical evaluation and refinement of the performance prediction of wet-cooling towers

Kloppers, Johannes Christiaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / The thermal performance prediction of wet-cooling towers is critically analyzed and refined. Natural draft counterflow towers and mechanical draft counterflow and crossflow towers are considered. The Merkel, Poppe and e-NTU heat and mass transfer methods of analysis are derived from first principles, as these methods form the cornerstone of wet-cooling tower performance evaluation. The critical differences between these methods, when applied to fill performance analyses and cooling tower performance evaluations, are highlighted. The reasons for these differences are discussed with the aid of psychrometric charts. A new extended empirical relation for the loss coefficient of fills is proposed where the viscous and form drag effects are accounted for as well as the buoyancy, momentum and fill height effects. The empirical equation for the transfer characteristic of fills is extended to include the effects of fill height and the inlet water temperature. Empirical equations to predict the temperature inversion profile, height of the temperature inversion and the height from which air is drawn into the cooling tower are developed. The influence of temperature and humidity inversions on the performance of wet-cooling towers is subsequently investigated. A comprehensive analytical computer program is developed to predict and optimize the performance of wet-cooling towers. Computer programs are also developed to generate cooling tower performance curves, analyze fill performance test data and plot psychrometric charts.

Návrh chladícího okruhu pro odvod tepla z kondenzátoru parní turbíny / Design of a cooling circuit for heat removal from a steam turbine condenser

Susna, David January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problems of wounding of low potential transferred from steam turbine condenser. First, in the theoretical part variations of steam condenser design are described. Then there is a description of variations of cooling cycles and possibilities of their operation range. In second part of the thesis there are two common cooler options chosen. Those are wet cooling tower with natural draft and dry chiller with forced draft. Two types of cooling liquid are chosen to be used for dry cooling. These are water and the other one is 50 % mixture of water and propylene glycol. Based on the calculation results of both cooling cycle variations appropriate pumps are chosen, fan for forced convection respectively. Parts of the thesis are also projection drawings for both calculated variations.

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