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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A critical process analysis of wine production to improve cost efficiency, wine quality and environmental performance

Sheridan, Craig 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wine cellars are diverse in terms of equipment types and process configurations. Whilst other food production processes have, in many cases, been properly analysed and modelled, this process diversity has resulted in an absence of process analyses in the wine industry. Each wine cellar is unique and represents a fully integrated agro-business, starting with a raw material (grapes) and extending to marketing and selling of the final product (wine). This makes the wine industry unique in this context. This study is the first attempt to analyse winemaking procedures in the form of a process audit. The study was approached in the following manner: • A questionnaire was developed to assess cellar configurations and conditions. This questionnaire was submitted to a statistically significant number of cellars, and a statistically significant number of questionnaires were returned. • The data collected from the questionnaire were statistically analysed and associations between equipment or procedures and wine faults were identified. • Three cellars were studied in depth. These three cellars had their processes audited and their effluent characterised. Additional data were obtained from current sampling projects and these data were analysed to complement the data obtained from the questionnaire • A preliminary input/output model was developed. The major results of this study are: • It was found that certain faults that appear in wine might be associated with equipment and/or process faults. These associations are statistically significant and they show that cellar hygiene is of critical importance when assessing these wine faults. The most important of these faults are VA, microbial contamination of the wine, sluggish and stuck fermentations. A risk hierarchy was derived to indicate which events are associated with others most strongly. • It was found that few wineries measure water consumption and even fewer wineries measure the quantity of effluent produced. • Correlations have been developed to predict winery parameters in terms of tons of grapes pressed per annum. These parameters include water and electricity consumed, wine produced and the quantity of effluent produced. Effluent characteristics have also been correlated to the tons of grapes pressed per annum. These characteristics include chemical oxygen demand, sodium absorption ratio and total dissolved solids in solution. Chemical oxygen demand was identified as the most important contributing factor in winery effluent. It was shown that all variables rise with an increase in cellar size, but the rise is not linear. This implies that large cellars have greater quantities of effluent of lower quality than small cellars. Most cellars have effluent concentrations that require some form of effluent treatment. The characterisation of effluent shows that the most widely used disposal practice is irrigation, and that the effluent disposed in this manner does not meet legislative requirements. • A preliminary input/output model was developed in order to enable wineries that have not measured the relevant parameters to predict the abovementioned variations. The resolution of these predictions is low but the model serves to provide an initial estimate if there are no data available. The model will give industrial averages for any given cellar size. • An economic balance was performed using this preliminary model. It was shown that if cellars were to lower the consumption of utilities and to reduce the strength of their effluent (using cleaner practices and not dilution) the reduction of operating costs could be reduced by 14% for smaller cellars to 17% for larger cellars. This study has shown that it is possible to make wine in a more environmentally friendly manner, producing better quality wines, without incurring extra costs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wynkelders is diverse eenhede ten opsigte van die tipe toerusting en prosesse wat gebruik word. Terwyl ander prosesse rondom voedselproduksie in baie gevalle reeds geanaliseer en gemodelleer is, het die diversiteit in die wynindustrie gelei tot 'n afwesigheid van prosesanalises. Elke wynkelder is uniek en verteenwoordig 'n ten voile geintegreerde agro-besigheid wat begin met die rou materiaal (druiwe) en lei tot die bemarking en verkope van die finale produk (wyn), 'n eienskap wat die wynindustrie uniek maak in hierdie verband. Hierdie studie is die eerste poging om die wynmaakproses in die vorm van ‘n proses-oudit te analiseer. Die studie is soos volg aangepak: • ‘n Vraelys is ontwikkel om kelderkonfigurasies en -toestande te ondersoek. Die vraelys is aan ‘n statisties betekenisvolle aantal kelders voorgele, en ‘n statisties betekenisvolle aantal vraelyste is terugontvang. • Die data wat uit die vraelyste ontvang is, is statisties ontleed en verwantskappe tussen toerusting of prosesse en wyngebreke is geidentifiseer. • Drie kelders is in diepte bestudeer. Hierdie drie kelders se prosesse is geoudit en die afvloeiwater is gekarakteriseer. Addisionele data is verkry van huidige projekte en hierdie data is ge-analiseer om die data van die vraelys aan te vul. • ‘n Voorlopige inset / uitset model is ontwikkel. Die belangrikste resultate van hierdie studie is: • Dit is bevind dat sekere gebreke wat in wyn voorkom geassosieer kan word met tekortkominge in toerusting en/of prosesse in die kelder. Hierdie assosiasies is statisties betekenisvol en toon dat kelderhigtene van kritiese belang is wanneer gebreke in wyn ondersoek word. Die mees belangrike gebreke wat voorkom is vlugtige suur, mikrobiese kontaminasie van wyn, slepende en gestaakte fermentasie. ‘n Risikohierargie is afgelei om die gebeure te toon wat die sterktste met mekaar geassosieer word. • Dit is gevind dat min wynkelders waterverbruik meet. Selfs minder kelders meet die hoeveelheid afvloeiwater wat geproduseer word. • Korrelasies is ontwikkel om kelderparameters te voorspel in terme van ton druiwe gepars per jaar. Hierdie parameters sluit in water- en elektrisiteitsverbruik, wyn geprosuseer en hoeveelheid afvloeiwater geproduseer. Eienskappe van afvloeiwater is ook gekorreleer met die ton druiwe wat per jaar gepars word. Hierdie eienskappe sluit in chemiese suurstofbehoeftes, natrium absorpsieverhoudings en totale opgeloste soliede materiaal in oplossing. Chemiese suurstofbehoeftes is geidentifiseer as die mees belangrike bydraende faktor tot afvloeiwater in kelders. Dit is getoon dat alle veranderlikes verhoog hoe groter die kelder, maar hierdie verhoging is nie lineer nie. Dit impliseer dat groter kelder meer afvloeiwater van ‘n laer kwaliteit produseer. Die meeste kelders produseer afvloeiwater van sodanige konsentrasies dat behandeling daarvan nodig is. Die ondersoek van hierdie afvloeiwater toon dat die mees algemene wyse van wegdoening van afvloeiwater besproeiing is, en dat afvloeiwater wat op hierdie manier weggedoen word, nie voldoen aan die wetgewing se vereistes nie. • 'n Voorlopige inset/uitset model is ontwikkel om kelders wat nie die toepaslike parameters gemeet het nie in staat te stel om hierdie parameters te voorspel. Die akuraatheid van hierdie voorspellings is nie hoog nie, maar die model verskaf ‘n aanvanklike skatting waar daar geen data beskikbaar is nie. Die model verskaf industriele gemiddeldes aan kelders van enige grootte. • ‘n Ekonomiese balans is uitgevoer deur van hierdie model gebruik te maak. Dit is getoon dat indien kelders die gebruik van water en elektrisiteit verminder en die konsentrasie van afvloeiwater verlaag (deur van skoner paktyke gebruik te maak, en nie verdunning nie) die bestuurskoste met 14% vir kleiner kelders tot 17% vir groter kelders verlaag kan word. Die studie het getoon dat dit moontlik is om wyn te maak op ‘n meer omgewingsvriendelike wyse, en sodoende beter kwaliteit wyn te produseer sonder addisionele kostes.

The impact of amino acids on growth performance and major volatile compound formation by industrial wine yeast

McKinnon, Alexander 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Nitrogen composition of grape must is highly variable and impacts on the health of the fermenting yeast population as well as the formation of aroma and flavour compounds in wine. Insufficient yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN), mostly consisting of amino acids and ammonium, can lead to stuck or sluggish fermentations as well as the formation of undesirable compounds such as H2S. Furthermore, it is well established that the total concentration of YAN and the specific amino acid composition have a significant impact on the final aroma and flavour of wines. However, the impact of individual amino acids and of specific amino acid compositions on fermentation kinetics and on the production of aroma and flavour impact compounds under winemaking conditions is not well understood. The first goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of single amino acids on growth kinetics and major volatile production of two industrial wine yeast strains under conditions resembling wine fermentations. To facilitate these fermentation conditions while also allowing for easy reproducibility and manipulation of the initial components, a synthetic grape media was utilized. Biomass formation, exponential growth rate, lag phase, and fermentation duration were utilized to evaluate the efficiency of single amino acids. The data show that previously observed trends in laboratory strains mostly apply to these conditions and strains. In general, the efficiency of amino acids to be used as nitrogen sources and the production of major volatiles due to their presence followed the same patterns for both industrial yeast strains. However, the production of the secondary metabolites butanol, propanol, acetic acid, and ethyl acetate were found to be produced in different final concentrations dependent upon the yeast strain. The branched-chained and aromatic amino acids (BCAAs) treatments were observed to have the most dramatic effects on major volatile production. Investigating the relationships between the initial concentration of the BCAAs and the final concentrations of major volatile compounds, it was found that the production of fusel alcohols and fusel acids due to the degradation of BCAAs by S. cerevisiae could be predicted from the initial concentration of BCAAs. While under simple nitrogen conditions the production of several other secondary metabolites such as butanol, propionic acid, valeric acid, decanoic acid and 2-phenylethyl acetate were found to be correlated to the initial concentration of BCAAs in the media. Future studies should focus on the validation of these trends in aroma production in real grape musts under various fermentation temperatures for a number of industrial wine yeast strains. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die stikstof samestelling van druiwemos is hoogs veranderlik en impakteer op die kerngesondheid van die fermenterende gis populasie asook die produksie van aroma- en geurverbindings in wyn. Onvoldoende assimileerbare stikstof (ook genoem “yeast assimilable nitrogen” (YAN)), wat meestal bestaan uit aminosure en ammonium, kan aanleiding gee tot steek- of slepende fermentasies, asook die vorming van ongewensde verbindings soos H2S. Dit is alombekend dat die totale konsentrasie van YAN en dan ook die spesifieke aminosuur samestelling ‘n noemenswaardige impak op die finale aroma en smaak van wyn het. Die invloed van individuele am inosure en spesifieke aminosuur samestellings op die fermentasie kinetika, asook die produksie van verbindings met ‘n impak op die wyn aroma en smaak, word egter nie deeglik verstaan nie. Die eerste doelwit van die studie was om twee industriële gisrasse te gebruik om die effek van enkel aminosure op die groei-kinetika en produksie van die vername vlugtige verbindings onder wynmaak toestande te bepaal. Kunsmatige, gedefinieerde druiwermosmedium is gebruik om wynmaak toestande te simuleer en ook herhaalbaarheid en manipulering van die aanvanklike samestelling van die medium te verseker. Die studie het vorige tendense wat opgemerk is in die evaluasie van laboratorium rasse onder soortgelyke toestande bevestig. Die doeltreffendheid waarmee aminosure oor die algemeen gebruik word as stikstofbron, asook die produksie van die vernaamste vlugtige verbindings wat gekoppel is aan hulle teenwoordigheid, het ‘n vergelykbare patroon vir beide rasse gevolg. Die sekondêre metaboliete butanol, propanol, asetaat en etiel-asetaat is egter wel in verskillende eindkonsentrasies geproduseer deur die verskillende gisrasse. Die vertakte-ketting en aromatiese aminosuur (“branched-chained and aromatic amino acids” (BCAAs)) behandelings het die mees dramatiese effek op die produksie van die vernaamste vlugtige komponente gehad. Ondersoek na die verwantskap tussen die aanvanklike konsentraies van die BCAAs en die finale konsentrasies van dié verbindings het aangedui dat die produksie van hoër alkohole en sure, as gevolg van die afbraak van BCAAs deur S. cerevisiae, met behulp van die aanvanklike konsentrasie van die BCAAs voorspel kon word. Terselfdertyd is gevind dat onder eenvoudige stikstoftoestande, verskeie ander sekondêre metaboliete soos butanol, propionaat, valeriaat, dekanoësuur en 2-fenieletielasetaat, gekorreleer kan word met die aanvanklike BCAAs in die media. Verdere studies moet poog om hierdie tendense ten opsigte van aromaproduksie te bevestig en wel deur gebruik te maak van ware druiwemos, verskeie fermentasietemperature, asook ’n verskeidenheid van wyngisrasse.

The evaluation of Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis techniques for quality control at aniIndustrial cellar

Hoon, Ansunette 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The alcoholic beverage industry needs objective analysis of grape juice and liqueur quality. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy with multivariate data analysis techniques is widely used in wine laboratories across South Africa for accurate, fast and high sample throughput analyses. In this study the potential of FT-IR spectroscopy is evaluated for the quantification of ammonia in freshly pressed grape juice. FT-IR spectroscopy is evaluated, using two different spectrometers, in respectively attenuated total reflection (ATR) - and transmission scanning modes for the quantification of alcohol, pH and invert sugar in spirit-based liqueurs. The ultimate aim was to implement the PLS regression algorithms developed at an industrial cellar and replace the complex and lengthy reference methods used at the time of this study. Principle component analysis (PCA) was performed prior to the calibration step to identify groupings and patterns within the spectra. The PLS calibration models were developed from samples collected at the cellar and using partial least square (PLS) regression. The models were evaluated using the performance criteria coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean squared error of cross validation (RMSECV) at calibration stage, and root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) and residual predictive deviation ratio (RPD) at validation stage. The average RMSEP (1.88 mg/L) of the ammonia PLS calibration model was in agreement with the standard error of laboratory (SEL = 1.54 mg/L). The R2 (92.05) and average RPD (3.3) proposed a model with excellent precision for screening purposes that was ready to be transferred for use by the laboratory. The r2 values for the alcohol, pH and invert sugar PLS calibration models obtained in ATR and transmission, indicated good to excellent precision (80<r2<100). The alcohol PLS calibration model obtained in transmission was suitable for quality- and process control purposes (RPD = 21.2), while the invert sugar PLS calibration model for quality control purposes (5<RPD<6.4). The pH and invert sugar calibration models obtained in ATR were suitable for screening purposes with RPD = 3.6 and RPD = 4.8, respectively. These PLS regression algorithms were implemented at the cellar. The pH PLS calibration model obtained in transmission was suitable for rough screening of samples (RPD = 2.7) and future development was neccesary to increase the predictability of the model. The results obtained in this study made a significant contribution towards validation of FT-MIR as a powerful tool for rapid quantification of quality indicating parameters in wine and spirit-based liqueurs. The contribution is particularly valuable in the context of ongoing research to improve the quality of products at the cellar to meet consumer demands. The knowledge gained on quantification of quality indication parameters of spirit-based liqueurs is novel and this is one of the first reports on implementation of mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy for the quality control of South African spirit-based liqueurs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wynindustrie benodig objektiewe analises van druiwesap- en likeurgehalte. Fourier-transformasie- infrarooi (FT-IR) spektroskopie met multiveranderlike statistiese metodes word gebruik in wynlaboratoriums regoor Suid-Afrika vir akkurate, vinnige en hoë monsterdeurset ontledings. In hierdie studie is die potensiaal van FT-IR spektroskopie geëvalueer vir die kwantifisering van ammoniak in die sap van vars geparste wyndruiwe. Twee verskillende FT-IR spektroskopie instrumente, in onderskeidelik (verswakte totale refleksie, ATR) - en transmissie skandering is gebruik vir die kwantifisering van alkohol, pH en invertsuiker in spiritus-gebaseerde likeurs. Die uiteindelike doel was om die parsiële kleinste kwadraat (PKK)- regressie algoritmes wat ontwikkel is, by 'n industriële kelder te implementeer en die komplekse en tydrowende verwysingmetodes wat tydens die studie in die kelder gebruik is te vervang. Verskeie multiveranderlike hoofkomponentanalise (MVK) is uitgevoer voor die kalibrasie stap, met die doel om groeperings en patrone in die spektra te identifiseer. Die PKK kalibrasiemodelle is ontwikkel van monsters wat by die kelder versamel is en die spektra is gebruik in die PKK regressies. Tydens die kalibrasiefase is die modelle geëvalueer met behulp van die bepalingskoëffisiënt (R2) en gemiddelde kalibrasieprediksiefout en tydens die validasiefase, met behulp van die standaardvoorspellingsfout (SVF) en relatiewe voorspellingsafwyking (RVA). Die gemiddelde SVF (1.88 mg/L) van die ammoniak kalibrasiemodel was in ooreenstemming met die standaard fout van die laboratorium (SEL = 1.54 mg/L). Die R2 (92.05) en die gemiddelde RVA (3.3) dui op ‘n model met uitstekende presiesheid wat gereed is vir oordra en gebruik deur die industrie. Die R2 waardes vir die alkohol-, pH- en invertsuiker –kalibrasie-modelle wat met ATR en transmissie vir die likeurmonsters ontwikkel is, dui op goeie tot uitstekende presiesheid (80<R2<100). Die alkoholkalibrasiemodel wat ontwikkel is in transmissie, is geskik vir kwaliteits- en prosesbeheerdoelwitte (RVA = 21.2), terwyl die invertsuiker kalibrasiemodel geskik is vir kwaliteitsbeheer doelwitte (5<RVA<6.4). Die pH en invertsuiker kalibrasiemodelle in ATR is geskik vir vinnige evalueringsdoelwitte, met RVA = 3.6 en RVA = 4.8 waardes, onderskeidelik. Hierdie algoritmes is ook in die kelder geimplementeer. Die pH kalibrasiemodel in transmissie was geskik vir vinnige evalueringsdoelwitte (RVA = 2.7) en toekomstige ontwikkeling is nodig om die voorspellingsakkuraatheidvan die model te verbeter. Die resultate van hierdie studie het ‘n betekenisvolle bydrae gelewer tot bevestiging van infrarooi spektroskopie as 'n kragtige tegnologie vir die vinnige kwantifisering van gehalteparameters in druiwesap en spiritus-gebaseerde likeurs. Die bydrae is veral waardevol in die konteks van voortgesette navorsing om die kwaliteit van produkte by die kelder te verbeter en aan verbruikerseise te voldoen. Die studie vir die kwantifisering van gehalteparameters in spiritus-gebaseerde likeurs is eerste in sy soort en een van die gerapporteerde verslae vir die implementering van infrarooi spektroskopie vir gehaltebeheer van Suid-Afrikaanse spiritus-gebaseerde likeurs.

The effect of a creosote stockyard on the environment, vines and wines

Van Zyl, Annette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The quality of wine is largely dependent on environmental conditions and recent studies have therefore focused on agricultural practices in terms of water, soil and biodiversity conservation. The industry aims to create sustainable practice and to protect the natural resources available. Sources of potential grape contamination include: vehicle pollution, pesticides, bushfires and wood preservatives used for trellising systems. The latter have come to the attention of the South African wine industry (e.g. creosote and Copper Chromium Arsenate (CCA) products) as they may have consequences for the environment and wine quality. Creosote is a known pollutant of soil and ground water and the volatile fraction has been monitored in air. Plants may also accumulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which constitute up to 85% of the mass of creosote, and of which some have been proven carcinogenic. Because of the health risks associated with it, creosote has therefore been restricted for use in most applications in Europe, and also in the United States, Canada and Australia. This study focussed on the sensorial and chemical analyses of environmental and wine samples taken from the area around the creosote stockyard to determine accumulation of creosote-derived compounds. Environmental samples were collected and analysed at different distances from the affected area, over two vintages. Wines were made from grapes grown in vineyard blocks adjacent to the stockyard, to determine the effect of distance and skin contact during alcoholic fermentation treatments on wine taint. A sensory panel was trained for descriptive analysis to determine the intensity of the taint. Analytical methods were developed for the analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD). The sensory results obtained showed white and rosé wines were perceived as clean, whilst the red wines were associated with burnt rubber/tar taint. The perceived taint decreased as distance from the stockyard increased. Wines made from the Cabernet Sauvignon blocks adjacent to the stockyard also showed an increase of taint with the increase of skin contact. Chemical data obtained showed that the taint consisted of a complex mixture of compounds, each with its own pattern of retention within the vineyard and wine. Only m-cresol was found above odour threshold, and only in red wines. The synergistic effect of some compounds may lead to an increase in the perceived taint. Berries and leaves had higher concentrations of volatile compounds than wines. Leaf contamination varied and followed the general trend in literature where the plants with high lipid content and exposed leaf area were the most contaminated. There may be other compounds present in creosote emissions, aside from those investigated here, with sensory attributes related to the taint found in wines. These compounds are styrene, indene, benzene, toluene, isoquinoline and quinoline and should be included in further investigations. From the PAH analysis of environmental samples and wines, it is evident that the samples closest to the stockyard were affected the most. The contamination varied with the depth of the soil: some of the heavier compounds were found in the samples taken from the deeper levels, whilst nearly all other target compounds were present in the top layer of soil. The concentrations found in the environmental samples were lower than reported in literature. Wines had few PAHs present, but at much higher concentrations than is allowed by EU legislation. From this study it is evident that the stockyard had negative effects on the surrounding environment in terms of sensory and chemical contamination. Recommendations include area rehabilitation by means of bioremediation to protect resources and ensure sustainable and safe production of crops. Industrial emissions should also be regulated and restricted in agricultural areas. Furthermore the use of creosote should be revised, and prohibited for agricultural use. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kwaliteit van wyn is grootliks afhanklik van die omgewingstoestande. Daarom fokus verskeie onlangse studies op landbou aktiwiteite en die invloed daarvan op die omgewing in terme van water, grond en biodiversiteit bewaring. The wyn industrie se doelwitte sluit volhoubare praktyke in, wat die natuurlike hulpbronne bewaar en beskerm. Druiwe kan deur middel van die volgende bronne besoedel word: brandstof uitlaatgasse, insekdoders, veldbrande, gifstowwe wat gebruik word vir houtperservering wat dan verder aangewend word vir opleistelsels. Houtperservering (Koper chroom arsenaat (CCA) en kreosoot) het veral in die laaste paar jaar onder aandag gekom in die wynbedryf van Suid-Afrika as gevolg van die invloed daarvan op die omgewing en die uiteindelike wynkwaliteit. Kreosoot is ‘n gekende gifstof wat verantwoordelik is vir grond en grondwater besoedeling en wat gemonitor word in die atmosfeer. Plante akkummuleer ook poli-sikliese aromatiese hidro-koolstowwe (PAHs), wat to 85% uitmaak van die massa van kreosoot. PAHs is karsinogenies en dus is daar baie navorsing op die molekules reeds gedoen. Die gesondheidsrisikos gepaardgaande met kreosoot het gelei tot die streng geregulasies tans ingestel in Europa, die Verenigde State, Kanada en Australië. Hierdie studie het gefokus op die sensoriese en chemiese analises van omgewings- en wyn-monsters geneem van die omliggende area van die kreosoot palewerf om die akkumulasie van kreosoot-afgeleide-verbindings. Omgewingsmonsters was versamel en geanaliseer om verskillende afstande vanaf die bron van besoedeling (palewerf) te ondersoek oor ‘n twee jaar periode. Wyne is gemaak van die druiwe wat afkomstig is van die blok aangeplant langs die palewerf. Die wyne is ondersoek in terme van afstand vanaf die kreosoot bron asook oenologiese invloede, dopkontak gedurende alkoholiese fermentasie, op die kontaminasie beskryf in wyn. Die wyne is ook oor ‘n twee jaar periode voorberei en sluit die 2011 en 2012 seisoen in. ‘n Sensoriese paneel is opgelei om die beskrywende analises op die wyn uit te voer met die doel om die intensiteit van kontaminasie te identifiseer. Analitiese metodes is ook ontwikkel vir die analise van vlugtige organiese verbindings(VOCs) met gas chromatografie-massa spektrometrie (GCMS) en poli-sikliese aromaties hidro-koolstowwe (PAHs) met hoë druk vloeistof chromatografie. Die sensoriese resultate bekom het wit en rosé wyne as skoon laat blyk, terwyl rooi wyne meer geassosieer was met die gebrande rubber/ teer afgeur beskrywing. Die waargeneemde afgeur het afgeneem soos wat die afstand vanaf die palewerf toegeneem het. Wyne gemaak van die Cabernet Sauvignon blokke langsaan die palewerf het ook ‘n toename in die afgeur gehad met ‘n toename in dopkontak. Chemiese data bekom beeld uit dat die afgeur uit ‘n komplekse mengsel van verbindings bestaan, elk met sy eie patroon van verspreiding en verbinding in die wingerd as ook in die wyn. Net m-kresol was gevind bo die reuk drumpel, dit het ook net in rooi wyne voorgekom. Die sinergistiese effek van die verbindings mag egter bydra tot die waargeneemde afgeur. Druiwekorrels en blare het hoër konsentrasies van die vlugtige verbindings gehad as wat gemeet is in die wyne. Blaar kontaminasie het ook baie gewissel en het ooreengestem met die algemene tendens wat in literatuur beskryf is, naamlik dat plante met ‘n hoër lipid inhoud en grootter blaar oppervlak die meeste gekontamineer word. Daar mag egter nog baie ander verbindings bydra tot die waargeneemde afgeur gevind in die wyn. Spesifieke verbindings wat wel ‘n rol kan speel in kontaminasie en wat voorkom in die vlugtige gedeelte van kreosoot is styreen, indeen, benzeen, tolueen, isoquinoleen die vlugtige verbindings van kreosoot. Die verbindings moet ingesluit word vir verdere studies wat gedoen word op die kreosoot geassosieerde afgeur. Die PAHs analise op die omgewingsmonsters en wyne het gelei tot die bevestiging dat die naasliggende omgewing die meeste geaffekteer is. Die kontaminasie wissel in terme van die diepte in die grond wat die gifstowwe voorkom: die swaarder molekulêre verbindings is tot in die dieper vlakke waargeneem terwyl al die gemete verbindings in die boonste lae teenwoordig was. Die vlakke wat waargeneem is in dié studie is egter laer as wat voorheen in literatuur gevind is in ‘n kreosoot geaffekteerde omgewing. Wyn het PAHs teenwoordig gehad, alhoewel slegs twee verbindings gemeet is, het dit in hoër vlakke voorgekom as wat sekere Europese regulasies as toelaatbaar spesifiseer. Vanaf die studie resultate blyk dit, dat die palewerf se negatiewe invloed op die omliggende omgewing beide meetbaar was in sensories en chemiese kontaminasie. Voorstelle sluit onder andere die rehabilitasie van die omliggende omgewing deur middel van bioremediasie in. Om sodoende die natuurlike hulpbronne in die area te bewaar asook om volhoubare en veilige verbouing van gewasse te verseker. Industriële besoedeling en afval moet ook gereguleer word en beperk word in landbou areas. Verder moet die gebruik van kreosoot heroorweeg word en strenger regulasies moet in plek gestel word om aan internastionale standaarde te voldoen. / Financial support from Winetech, Trip and UFS

Monitoring the quality control chain from vineyard to wine : an industrial case study

Swanepoel, Marinda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Wine Biotechnology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The production of premium quality wine is dependant on excellent management of the total wine production value chain. To achieve this we need rapid and reliable analytical tools. Over the last decade Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy has made a significant contribution to wine research and in the last five years South African institutions have also exploited the use of this technology not only for research, but also in industrial cellars. The FT-IR apparatus is equipped with global calibrations and therefore we first investigated the validity of these for South African conditions. To achieve this new calibration sets for pH, titratable acidity and °Brix were made and compared to the global calibrations with statistical methods. Results obtained between the °Brix calibrations displayed high correlation and the global calibration can therefore be implemented. However, the new TA calibration was more accurate than the global calibration. Results were inconclusive for the new pH calibration sample set and therefore needs to be enlarged before it can be validated as the possibility of being more accurate exists. It was concluded that FT-IR spectroscopy in the simultaneous measurement for °Brix, pH and TA in grape must showed potential for accurate analysis and quality control purposes in an industrial cellar. Rapid analysis of these parameters will lead to higher throughput of grape must samples in the laboratory as well as adhering to good laboratory practices by validation. The importance of correct sample preparation in the laboratory was illustrated when using FT-IR spectroscopy for one-step analysis and adjustments to global calibrations. Results obtained showed that grape parameters such as °Brix, nitrogen content were not influenced by the two sample preparation methods (hand pressed vs. homogenised), but pH, TA, colour index, anthocyanins and polyphenols were influenced. Important key factors were identified in the quality control chain from vineyard to the cellar. Numerous grape loads had an increase in microbial populations after harvesting the vineyard and transport to the weighbridge. Transport is critical especially for the vineyards in the Lutzville area (had the highest yeast population), which are situated the furthest from the cellar. Sauvignon blanc had the highest acetic acid bacteria and lactic acid bacteria populations compared to the other cultivars. Gluconic acid, glycerol and arabitol was highly correlated to each other. High populations of acetic acid bacteria and lactic acid bacteria also had high levels of gluconic acid and 2,3-butanediol in the grape juice. Meso-inositol differed significantly between the vineyard and weighbridge and it had a high standard deviation compared to the mean value of all the samples between the vineyard and weighbridge. Temperature of grape loads delivered to the cellar ranged from 14 to 36ºC, which had a major impact on the grape quality and the resultant wine. It can be concluded for this study that management of the total value chain is of critical importance to ensure that A-grade grapes results in good quality wine that merits the effort of the grape producer.

Influence of vineyard posts type on the chemical and sensorial composition of Sauvignon blanc and Merlot noir wines

Panzeri, Valeria 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent years South African wines have been under the spotlight due to references in the international wine media to a distinctive ‘burnt rubber’ character. Many winemakers and wine experts argued that the peculiar character could be ascribed to winemaking errors linked to mismanaged fermentation. An alternative possible source of the taint was identified in the coal tar creosote used as a wood preservative in vineyard trellis systems. South African regulations allow for the use of creosoted utility poles in agricultural land, but in Europe and USA their usage has been highly regulated and even banned for certain applications. Contamination of foodstuff by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is one of the major motives for the banning of creosote in Europe and USA. Some of the compounds in the creosote mixture display very strong odour characteristics and for this reason it became the focus of attention for the present study. The overall aim of this study was to determine if vines trellised with creosoted posts could accumulate or absorb the various malodorous compounds deriving from the wood treatment onto the grape berries. These compounds could then be extracted from the grape berries into the wine during alcoholic fermentation, creating quality and sensory problems. Chapter 2 of this thesis gives an overview of the extensive literature that deals with methods of analysis of PAHs and malodorous phenols using both Gas Chromatography (GC), as well as High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). New methods for sample preparation, as well as analysis of PAHs using HPLC-Diode Array Detector (DAD), were developed and the results reported in Chapter 3. It was demonstrated that Sauvignon blanc experimental wines contained only chrysene at very low levels. The concentrations of chrysene found in the experimental wines are within the prescribed parameters as established by The Commission of the European Communities. Since no other PAH compounds were found in the samples analysed, it was concluded that the experimental wines were safe for human consumption and complied with EU regulations. The effect of vineyard posts on the sensorial characteristics of wine is discussed in Chapter 4. Creosoted poles were found to be responsible for an off-flavour described as ‘burnt rubber’ and ‘tarry’ in Merlot wines produced from grapes grown in close proximity to the posts. Following some of the reported findings, new guidelines have been introduced in the Integrated Production of Wine certification, which advise against the use of creosoted poles for vineyard trellising. This preliminary but important guideline will bring the South African wine industry a step closer to the fulfilling the obligations for food safety as required by the legislation of our major export partners. Future investigations are recommended to completely understand and evaluate the cumulative effect of creosoted posts in a fully trellised vineyard. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oor die afgelope paar jaar is Suid-Afrikaanse wyne onder die soeklig geplaas as gevolg van verwysings in die internasionale wynmedia na ‘n duidelike ‘gebrande rubber’-karakter. Baie wynmakers en wyndeskundiges het aangedui dat hierdie besonderse karakter toegeskryf kan word aan wynbereidingsfoute wat verband hou met gisting wat wanbestuur is. ‘n Alternatiewe moontlike oorsprong van die smaak is geïdentifiseer in die koolteer wat as ‘n houtpreserveermiddel in wingerdopleistelsels gebruik word. Suid-Afrikaanse regulasies maak voorsiening vir die gebruik van kreosoteerde nutspale in landbougrond, hoewel hulle gebruik in Europa en die VSA hoogs gereguleerd en in sommige gevalle selfs verbied is. Die besmetting van kossoorte deur polisikliese aromatiese koolwaterstowwe (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)) is een van die vernaamste redes vir die verbanning van kreosoot in Europa en die VSA. Sommige van die verbindings in die kreosootmengsel het baie sterk geurkenmerke en daarom is dit die fokus van die huidige studie. Die oorhoofse doelwit van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of wingerde wat op kreosoteerde pale opgelei is, die verskillende onwelriekende verbindings afkomstig van die houtbehandeling in die druiwekorrels kan akkumuleer of absorbeer. Hierdie verbindings sou dan tydens alkoholiese gisting uit die druiwekorrels in die wyn geëkstraheer kon word, wat aanleiding sou gee tot kwaliteits- en sensoriese probleme. Hoofstuk 2 van hierdie tesis verskaf ‘n oorsig van die breedvoerige literatuur wat handel oor metodes om PAH’s en onwelriekende fenole met behulp van beide gaschromatografie (GC) en hoëdrukvloeistofchromatografie (HPLC) te analiseer. Nuwe metodes is ontwikkel om monsters voor te berei en om PAH’s met behulp van ‘n HPLC-diode array detector (DAD) te analiseer. Die resultate word in Hoofstuk 3 gerapporteer. Daar is aangetoon dat die eksperimentele Sauvignon blanc-wyne chriseen teen baie lae vlakke bevat het. Die konsentrasies van chriseen wat in die eksperimentele wyne gevind is, is binne die voorgeskrewe parameters van die Kommissie van die Europese Gemeenskap. Aangesien daar nie ander PAHverbindings in die geanaliseerde monsters gevind kon word nie, is daar tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die eksperimentele wyne veilig is vir menslike verbruik en aan die EG-regulasies voldoen. Die effek van wingerdpale op die sensoriese kenmerke van wyn word in Hoofstuk 4 bespreek. Kreosoteerde pale is gevind wat verantwoordelik is vir ‘n wangeur in Merlot-wyne afkomstig van druiwe wat naby die pale gegroei het en wat as ‘gebrande rubber’ en ‘teeragtig’ beskryf is. Op grond van sommige van die gerapporteerde bevindings, is nuwe riglyne ingesluit in die sertifisering vir die Geïntegreerde Produksie van Wyn, wat aanbeveel dat kreosoteerde pale nie vir wingerdoplei gebruik word nie. Hierdie voorlopige, maar belangrike riglyn sal die Suid-Afrikaanse wynbedryf al beter in staat stel om te voldoen aan die voedselveiligheid regulasies wat vereis word deur die wetgewing van ons belangrikste uitvoervennote. Toekomstige ondersoeke moet aangewend word om die kumulatiewe effek van kreosoteerde pale in volledig opgeleide wingerde ten volle te verstaan en te evalueer. / Indaba Scholarship and Winetech for their financial support

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