Spelling suggestions: "subject:"d’intenter fourism"" "subject:"d’intenter colourism""
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The Impact of Climate Change on the Ski Industry in Colorado and CaliforniaWinton, Matthew Robert January 2013 (has links)
Climate change is considered one of the primary threats to the sustainability of ski tourism around the world. Studies in several countries project the ski industry will be impacted by shorter ski seasons, greater snowmaking requirements, and a declining ski demand. Many supply-side studies suffer key limitations, such as the omission of snowmaking, leaving their conclusions highly questionable. This study utilizes the SkiSim 2 model to reassess the implications of projected climate change for two major ski tourism destinations in the Western USA (Vail, Colorado and Lake Tahoe, California) where previous studies projected major impacts when snowmaking was not considered. Historical climate data (1961-1990) and the stochastic weather generator LARS-WG are used to examine the impact of climate change scenarios for ski season length and snowmaking requirements by the 2050s. Comparisons with previous studies and implications for ski tourism development and planning will be discussed.
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The Impact of Climate Change on the Ski Industry in Colorado and CaliforniaWinton, Matthew Robert January 2013 (has links)
Climate change is considered one of the primary threats to the sustainability of ski tourism around the world. Studies in several countries project the ski industry will be impacted by shorter ski seasons, greater snowmaking requirements, and a declining ski demand. Many supply-side studies suffer key limitations, such as the omission of snowmaking, leaving their conclusions highly questionable. This study utilizes the SkiSim 2 model to reassess the implications of projected climate change for two major ski tourism destinations in the Western USA (Vail, Colorado and Lake Tahoe, California) where previous studies projected major impacts when snowmaking was not considered. Historical climate data (1961-1990) and the stochastic weather generator LARS-WG are used to examine the impact of climate change scenarios for ski season length and snowmaking requirements by the 2050s. Comparisons with previous studies and implications for ski tourism development and planning will be discussed.
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Motivace účastníků zimního cestovního ruchu / Motivation of winter tourism participantsLněnička, Marek January 2015 (has links)
It is possible to observe certain stagnation of the winter tourism which is linked with winter sports. The overall number of participants is not growing any more, however, new ski resorts are being set up and the competition is continuously rising. In order to stay competitive, it is necessary to take into account reasons which leads to the final decision of a tourist to choose certain ski resort. This thesis concentrates on the concepts that influence the process of choosing the destinationThese concepts, which are based on foreign literature are following: destination image, place attachment, loyalty. During the winter season of 2015 there was also a research conducted at the recently developing destination Lipno nad Vltavou, which was based on observations and interviews with the visitors. The above mentioned concepts were applied here. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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‘Hot Planet, Cool Athletes’: A Case Study of Protect Our Winters and the Role of Ski Activism in Combating Climate ChangeMihala, Ioana January 2019 (has links)
Despite the high vulnerability of alpine environments to climate change, adaptation and mitigation within the winter sport industry have only recently received consideration. However, the focus has been mainly on the adaptation measures of the ski resort operators (supply side), not taking into consideration other actors (demand side) or attempts aiming for a sustainable form of winter tourism. Through a case study of Protect Our Winters (POW), an environmental group started by a professional snowboarder, this research aims at investigating the role of a new social movement, ski activism, in combating climate change. Interviews with active members of POW Austria and participant observations at events and meetings of this same organisationwere conducted and analysed to gain an overview on the matter. Results show that empirical knowledge of climate change consequences and the concern about the future of lifestyle sports such as skiing and snowboarding can motivate activist behaviour. Furthermore, the variety of outreach tools of an organisation like POW can help raise awareness and inspire to join the ski activist movement. Because the study deals with a new type of movement, further research is needed to explore the effects of this alternative climate mitigation attempt and to analyse more initiatives and organisations started by the demand side of the winter sport industry.
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Комплементарност планинског и бањског туризма на Копаонику / Komplementarnost planinskog i banjskog turizma na Kopaoniku / Complementary mountain and spa tourism on KopaonikBojović Goran 12 April 2011 (has links)
<p>Међу планинама Србије, низом посебних одлика, посебно димензијама и<br />туристичком привлачношћу, истиче се Копаоник. Копаоник (површина 2.758 km²) је<br />планина на југо западном делу Србије позната по низу појава које су ову планину<br />определиле за развој више врста туризма. Да би се као такво природно благо<br />сачувао, Копаоник је 1981. године проглашен националним парком, који захвата<br />површину од 11.810 ha и састављен је од 16 резервата. То га чини туристички и<br />еколошки веома интересантним. На бази постојећих података, из више научних<br />дисциплина, временских периода, као и самосталних истраживања на терену, у<br />докторској дисертацији су истражени сви природни и створени услови за развој<br />туризма на Копаонику, Јошаничкој, Луковској, Куршумлијској и Пролом бањи, као<br />бањама његове подгорине. Наглашавајући потребу комплементарног развоја<br />планинског и бањског туризма на Копаонику и у његовој подгорини, потенцирани су<br />елементи и фактори формирања ове хомогене туристичке регије. Комплементарност планинског и бањског туризма сагледана је кроз swot анализу.</p> / <p>Među planinama Srbije, nizom posebnih odlika, posebno dimenzijama i<br />turističkom privlačnošću, ističe se Kopaonik. Kopaonik (površina 2.758 km²) je<br />planina na jugo zapadnom delu Srbije poznata po nizu pojava koje su ovu planinu<br />opredelile za razvoj više vrsta turizma. Da bi se kao takvo prirodno blago<br />sačuvao, Kopaonik je 1981. godine proglašen nacionalnim parkom, koji zahvata<br />površinu od 11.810 ha i sastavljen je od 16 rezervata. To ga čini turistički i<br />ekološki veoma interesantnim. Na bazi postojećih podataka, iz više naučnih<br />disciplina, vremenskih perioda, kao i samostalnih istraživanja na terenu, u<br />doktorskoj disertaciji su istraženi svi prirodni i stvoreni uslovi za razvoj<br />turizma na Kopaoniku, Jošaničkoj, Lukovskoj, Kuršumlijskoj i Prolom banji, kao<br />banjama njegove podgorine. Naglašavajući potrebu komplementarnog razvoja<br />planinskog i banjskog turizma na Kopaoniku i u njegovoj podgorini, potencirani su<br />elementi i faktori formiranja ove homogene turističke regije. Komplementarnost planinskog i banjskog turizma sagledana je kroz swot analizu.</p> / <p> Among Serbia’s lush mountains, with particular qualities, particular dimensions<br /> and many tourist-attractive sights, Mount Kopaonik rises above the rest. Kopaonik, with a<br /> 2,758 m peak, is located in southwestern Serbia, known for its cascading appearance,<br /> which has bestowed upon this mountain the potential to develop several forms of niche<br /> tourism. In order to preserve this immense natural beauty, in 1981 Mount Kopaonik was<br /> officially proclaimed a national park comprised of 16 preserves. This ensures that it will<br /> remain an extremely interesting location, in both touristic and ecological aspects. On the<br /> basis of existing data extrapolated from multiple disciplines, covering the varying seasonal<br /> periods, and including institutional as well as independent field research, this Doctoral<br /> Dissertation explores all the existing natural and man-made conditions within which tourism<br /> can be developed on Mount Kopaonik and its natural spas of Josanic, Lukovo, Kursumlija,<br /> and Prolom. It highlights the need to develop complementary forms of mountain and spa<br /> tourism on Mount Kopaonik and within its forests, and emphasizes the elements and factors<br /> required for forming homogenous tourist regions compatible with the ecological<br /> surroundings. Compementary forms of mountain and spa tourism is wiewed through a swot<br /> analisis.</p>
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