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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Самовредновање као детерминанта квалитета педагошког рада школе / Samovrednovanje kao determinanta kvaliteta pedagoškog rada škole / Self-Evaluation as Determinant of the Quality ofPedagogical Work of School

Maričić Sofija 26 September 2016 (has links)
<p>У овом раду теоријски и истраживачки се анализира појам и процес<br />самовредновања као сегмент утицаја на унапређење квалитета педагошког рада школе.<br />У теоријском делу рада утврђују се појмови квалитета, стандарда, вредновања и<br />самовредновања и њихов међусобни однос у систему педагошког рада школе. Процес<br />самовредновања рада школе се детаљније одређује у односу на епистемолошку и<br />методолошку заснованост. Приказани су и детаљно анализирани Стандарди квалитета<br />васпитно-образовне установе који се примењују у процесу самовредновања рада школе.<br />Реализовано истраживање је емпиријско и претежно дескриптивног карактера.<br />Основни предмет овог истраживања је утврђивање и анализа ставова наставника о<br />утицају установљеног система самовредновања на квалитет педагошког рада школе,<br />као и развијање конкретних предлога промена у систему самовредновања педагошког<br />рада школе које утичу на континуирани развој и подизање квалитета рада школе.<br />Истраживањем је утврђено да наставници нису у довољној мери упознати са<br />Стандардима квалитета рада школе (школски програм и годишњи план рада, настава и<br />учење, образовна постигнућа ученика, подршка ученицима, етос, организација рада<br />школе и руковођење и ресурси) и не примењују континуирано процес самовредновања у<br />својој педагошкој пракси. Утврђено је да наставници процењују значај самовредновања<br />за унапређење квалитета рада школе и дају конкретне предлоге за побољшање<br />методологије овог процеса.<br />На основу анализе теоријског и истраживачког дела студије, начињен је низ<br />конкретних предлога са циљем унапређења испитиваних аспеката процеса<br />самовредновања рада школе</p> / <p>U ovom radu teorijski i istraživački se analizira pojam i proces<br />samovrednovanja kao segment uticaja na unapređenje kvaliteta pedagoškog rada škole.<br />U teorijskom delu rada utvrđuju se pojmovi kvaliteta, standarda, vrednovanja i<br />samovrednovanja i njihov međusobni odnos u sistemu pedagoškog rada škole. Proces<br />samovrednovanja rada škole se detaljnije određuje u odnosu na epistemološku i<br />metodološku zasnovanost. Prikazani su i detaljno analizirani Standardi kvaliteta<br />vaspitno-obrazovne ustanove koji se primenjuju u procesu samovrednovanja rada škole.<br />Realizovano istraživanje je empirijsko i pretežno deskriptivnog karaktera.<br />Osnovni predmet ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje i analiza stavova nastavnika o<br />uticaju ustanovljenog sistema samovrednovanja na kvalitet pedagoškog rada škole,<br />kao i razvijanje konkretnih predloga promena u sistemu samovrednovanja pedagoškog<br />rada škole koje utiču na kontinuirani razvoj i podizanje kvaliteta rada škole.<br />Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da nastavnici nisu u dovoljnoj meri upoznati sa<br />Standardima kvaliteta rada škole (školski program i godišnji plan rada, nastava i<br />učenje, obrazovna postignuća učenika, podrška učenicima, etos, organizacija rada<br />škole i rukovođenje i resursi) i ne primenjuju kontinuirano proces samovrednovanja u<br />svojoj pedagoškoj praksi. Utvrđeno je da nastavnici procenjuju značaj samovrednovanja<br />za unapređenje kvaliteta rada škole i daju konkretne predloge za poboljšanje<br />metodologije ovog procesa.<br />Na osnovu analize teorijskog i istraživačkog dela studije, načinjen je niz<br />konkretnih predloga sa ciljem unapređenja ispitivanih aspekata procesa<br />samovrednovanja rada škole</p> / <p>This study deals with theoretical and research analyzes of concept and process of selfevaluation,<br />as an important part of influence on improving the quality of pedagogical work of<br />the school. In the theoretical part of study were defined the concepts of quality, standards,<br />assessment and self-evaluation and their relationship in the system of pedagogical school work.<br />The process of self-evaluation of school work in more detail was determined in relation to the<br />epistemological and methodological foundation. Standards of quality of educational<br />institutions were presented and analyzed in detail, that were applied in the process of selfevaluation<br />of school work.<br />The research was based mainly on empirical and descriptive method. The main object<br />of this research is the identification and analysis of teachers&#39; views on the impact of the<br />established system of self-evaluation on the quality of the educational work of the school, and<br />to develop concrete proposals of changes in the system of self-evaluation of pedagogical school<br />work affecting the continued development and improving the quality of school work.<br />The study found that teachers are not sufficiently familiar with the Standards of quality<br />of education (school program and annual working plan, teaching and learning, the educational<br />achievements of pupils, support for pupils, ethos, organization and management of school work<br />and resources) and do not apply continuous process of self-evaluation in their pedagogical<br />practice. It was found that teachers assess the importance of self-evaluation to improve the<br />quality of school work and give concrete proposals for improvement of the methodology of this<br />process.<br />Based on the analysis of theoretical studies and research work, this study made a series<br />of concrete proposals aimed at improving the investigated aspects of the process of selfevaluation<br />of school work.</p>

Setting Target Rates for Construction Activity Analysis Categories

Shahtaheri, Maryam 16 March 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on increasing productive actions in construction by a procedure known as Activity Analysis. Activity Analysis is a continuous productivity improvement tool for identifying barriers to site productivity with the goal of decreasing them and thereby increasing the direct work rate. A preceding study validated this approach, however it had two limitations. No reevaluation was conducted on projects in Canada by the authors, and not enough resources or data were available to understand behaviour of the activity rates in absolute value terms across many projects. Based on three case studies and data collected over 17 days by the author and a colleague, Activity Analysis was validated as being applicable in Canadian conditions. A desired value, known as a target rate, was then studied in order to be able to set expectations with respect to the productivity to be achieved in each cycle. The premise behind setting a “target rate” is that 100% direct work is neither possible nor desirable, since some time must always be spent on communications and planning. However, a higher direct work rate is generally better than a lower rate. Thus, a target rate is needed. A mathematical model called ANFIS was developed as a means of setting the desired level of activities. Through consideration of a variety of factors that affect labour productivity, the developed model was trained based on 65 data points. The model was found to be easy to use and flexible enough to be appropriate for all of the factors considered. Based on the data points available from 5 different past projects and 3 recent projects and the experience associated with these projects, three additional methods of defining the target rate were developed. The impact of these results is that companies now have appropriate methods and an initial data set for industrial construction in order to establish target rates for direct work and supporting activities. This should help reduce project costs and improve productivity.

Setting Target Rates for Construction Activity Analysis Categories

Shahtaheri, Maryam 16 March 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on increasing productive actions in construction by a procedure known as Activity Analysis. Activity Analysis is a continuous productivity improvement tool for identifying barriers to site productivity with the goal of decreasing them and thereby increasing the direct work rate. A preceding study validated this approach, however it had two limitations. No reevaluation was conducted on projects in Canada by the authors, and not enough resources or data were available to understand behaviour of the activity rates in absolute value terms across many projects. Based on three case studies and data collected over 17 days by the author and a colleague, Activity Analysis was validated as being applicable in Canadian conditions. A desired value, known as a target rate, was then studied in order to be able to set expectations with respect to the productivity to be achieved in each cycle. The premise behind setting a “target rate” is that 100% direct work is neither possible nor desirable, since some time must always be spent on communications and planning. However, a higher direct work rate is generally better than a lower rate. Thus, a target rate is needed. A mathematical model called ANFIS was developed as a means of setting the desired level of activities. Through consideration of a variety of factors that affect labour productivity, the developed model was trained based on 65 data points. The model was found to be easy to use and flexible enough to be appropriate for all of the factors considered. Based on the data points available from 5 different past projects and 3 recent projects and the experience associated with these projects, three additional methods of defining the target rate were developed. The impact of these results is that companies now have appropriate methods and an initial data set for industrial construction in order to establish target rates for direct work and supporting activities. This should help reduce project costs and improve productivity.

Motivační program společnosti a návrh jeho rozvoje / Company Motivation Program and Proposal for Its Development

Lo Bianco, David January 2017 (has links)
Master thesis contains theoretical terms and thoughts including, but not limited to, motivation ad human resources management. It analyses the contemporary state od motivational programme in the company HANYA corporation s.r.o. and includes proposal, which would improve satisfaction of staff, increase in the efficiency of work and reduction of employee fluctuation.

Návrh rozvoje motivačního systému společnosti / Proposal of Development of the Company's Incentive System

Urbanová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis entitled "The Proposal of Development Company's Incentive System" is to analyse the current status of employees' motivation in the company IMOS Brno, a.s. The thesis contains analysis of current employees' incentive system. The data was gathered via questionnaire focused on satisfaction of employees and introduced incentive tools. Based on the results improvement measures are formulated which will lead to higher employees' satisfaction.

Postgraduate throughput at the University of Ghana

Amehoe, Christopher Kwasi 12 1900 (has links)
Based on widespread perceptions and short-term reports that most research masters and doctoral students at the University of Ghana spend unusually long durations to complete their studies due to their inability to complete and submit their theses on time and unduly long waiting periods for thesis results, the researcher decided to investigate these phenomena to identify the root causes. The aim of the study therefore, was to establish empirical basis for this problem and to recommend ways of strengthening postgraduate study delivery at the University of Ghana, based on input from past students, faculty, and the University‟s external publics who have a stake in promoting postgraduate studies and research. To achieve this aim, the researcher set out the framework within which the study should be conducted in Chapter One, and reviewed literature on the theories and concepts of throughput and student throughput in particular as well as global student throughput trends and postgraduate candidature models in Chapter Two. To fully appreciate the delivery of postgraduate studies and throughput trends at the study institution, Chapter Three was devoted to the review of the University of Ghana‟s postgraduate study delivery system, and its enrolment and output statistics compared with similar trends in other African Universities. The research design was explained in Chapter Four, and, guided to adopt the mixed methods approach because of its efficacy in rendering research findings credible and reliable, a number of past masters and doctoral students who extended their candidatures while at the University of Ghana provided data by completing questionnaires. Thesis supervisors and examiners selected on the basis of experience also provided data by completing questionnaire, heads of departments, past deans and thesis schedule officers and the Ghana Education Trust Fund Secretariat provided information through interviews. To further unravel specific cases of the phenomenon, which might not be obtained by means of questionnaire and interviews, relevant information were extracted from selected case files that typify cases of delayed candidature and non-completions. In Chapter Five, Quantitative data were analyzed statistically, qualitative data were analyzed using the open coding method, and documentary data were analyzed using content analysis. The findings and recommendations from the study were reported in Chapter Six. The findings confirmed the perceptions and reports and the major factors responsible for delayed completion and non-completion, including other unpopular factors were identified and discussed. Recommendations were made to address the findings, with particular reference to the role of each stakeholder in strengthening postgraduate study delivery to ensure high throughput at the University of Ghana. In the end, three models were developed for improving candidature durations for masters and doctoral candidates, and for ensuring timely examination of theses. The researcher hopes that, if implemented, the recommendations would help to improve postgraduate study delivery and throughput at the University of Ghana. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Development of a CONSORT extension for social and psychological interventions

Grant, Sean Patrick January 2014 (has links)
<b>Background:</b> Defined by their mechanisms, social and psychological interventions are those interventions that work through mental processes and social phenomena. They are often complex and challenging to evaluate, so understanding randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of these interventions requires detailed reports of the interventions tested and the methods used to assess them. However, reports of these RCTs often omit important information. Poor reporting hinders critical appraisal and synthesis of RCTs in systematic reviews, thereby impeding the effective transfer of research evidence to policy and practice. The Consolidated Standards for Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Statement is a reporting guideline that has contributed to improvements in the quality of RCT manuscripts in journals publishing medical research. However, studies have shown persistent deficiencies in the reporting quality of social and psychological intervention trials. A new CONSORT extension for these interventions may be needed given their distinct and complex features. This DPhil thesis reports on a project to develop and disseminate an official CONSORT Extension for Social and Psychological Interventions: CONSORT-SPI. <b>Structure:</b> Following a preface, this DPhil thesis includes eight chapters. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the conceptual rationale that prompted the CONSORT-SPI project. Chapter 2 details the project protocol, which consists of a five-phase methodology that follows current best practices for reporting guideline development and dissemination. Chapter 3 discusses systematic literature reviews to assess reporting guidelines for and the reporting quality of publications of social and psychological intervention RCTs. Chapter 4 discusses an online, international Delphi process to generate a prioritised list of possible items to include in the CONSORT-SPI extension. Chapter 5 discusses a formal consensus meeting to select reporting items to add to or modify for the CONSORT-SPI Extension checklist. Chapter 6 involves drafts of the CONSORT-SPI checklist as well as a template for the Explanation and Elaboration (E&E) document providing detailed advice and examples of good reporting for each checklist item. These drafts have not yet been circulated to co-authors or other members of the project team; their purpose in this thesis is to give an indication of how previous project phases have led into initial prototypes of the checklist and E&E, which will undergo further development and revision by the project team before publication. Chapter 7 proposes a coordinated dissemination and implementation strategy informed by theoretical frameworks and tools used to guide the implementation of clinical guidelines and empirically-supported interventions. The final chapter summarises the information gained from the CONSORT-SPI project to date, assesses strengths and limitations of the project methodology, and discusses implications for future research. <b>Conclusion:</b> A CONSORT-SPI Extension could improve the reporting quality of social and psychological intervention RCTs. This extension could also facilitate better critical appraisal of this body of research and its use in evidence-based decision-making. With successful dissemination and implementation, the guideline will hopefully contribute to the improvement of intervention evaluations—as well as the methodology underpinning these studies—within the social and behavioural sciences.

Postgraduate throughput at the University of Ghana

Amehoe, Christopher Kwasi 12 1900 (has links)
Based on widespread perceptions and short-term reports that most research masters and doctoral students at the University of Ghana spend unusually long durations to complete their studies due to their inability to complete and submit their theses on time and unduly long waiting periods for thesis results, the researcher decided to investigate these phenomena to identify the root causes. The aim of the study therefore, was to establish empirical basis for this problem and to recommend ways of strengthening postgraduate study delivery at the University of Ghana, based on input from past students, faculty, and the University‟s external publics who have a stake in promoting postgraduate studies and research. To achieve this aim, the researcher set out the framework within which the study should be conducted in Chapter One, and reviewed literature on the theories and concepts of throughput and student throughput in particular as well as global student throughput trends and postgraduate candidature models in Chapter Two. To fully appreciate the delivery of postgraduate studies and throughput trends at the study institution, Chapter Three was devoted to the review of the University of Ghana‟s postgraduate study delivery system, and its enrolment and output statistics compared with similar trends in other African Universities. The research design was explained in Chapter Four, and, guided to adopt the mixed methods approach because of its efficacy in rendering research findings credible and reliable, a number of past masters and doctoral students who extended their candidatures while at the University of Ghana provided data by completing questionnaires. Thesis supervisors and examiners selected on the basis of experience also provided data by completing questionnaire, heads of departments, past deans and thesis schedule officers and the Ghana Education Trust Fund Secretariat provided information through interviews. To further unravel specific cases of the phenomenon, which might not be obtained by means of questionnaire and interviews, relevant information were extracted from selected case files that typify cases of delayed candidature and non-completions. In Chapter Five, Quantitative data were analyzed statistically, qualitative data were analyzed using the open coding method, and documentary data were analyzed using content analysis. The findings and recommendations from the study were reported in Chapter Six. The findings confirmed the perceptions and reports and the major factors responsible for delayed completion and non-completion, including other unpopular factors were identified and discussed. Recommendations were made to address the findings, with particular reference to the role of each stakeholder in strengthening postgraduate study delivery to ensure high throughput at the University of Ghana. In the end, three models were developed for improving candidature durations for masters and doctoral candidates, and for ensuring timely examination of theses. The researcher hopes that, if implemented, the recommendations would help to improve postgraduate study delivery and throughput at the University of Ghana. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Vliv supervize a pracovního hodnocení na motivaci pracovníků působících v sociálních službách / The influence of supervision and job evaluation on motivation of social services workers

Mrázková, Alena January 2013 (has links)
The thesis concentrates on influence of work evaluation and supervision on motivation of workers of low threshold clubs for children and youth. Supervision and work evaluation is perceived as an obligation for providers of social services defined in quality standards of social services. The thesis concetrates on effects of supervision and work evaluation on the motivation of workers. The opening of the thesis describes roles in the process of motivation (roles of workers and the roles of their supervisors and senior executives), along with two fundamental theories of motivation (developed by Maslow and Herzberg). In the same chapter, the risks connected with work motivation (helpers' syndrome and burn-out syndrome) within helping professions are tackled. The thesis further introduces measures, which influence motivation of workers, employees of social services, namely financial recognition and education. Attention is also paid to non-financial means of motivating employees. Two selected measures of non-financial motivation, supervision and work evaluation, are described in greater detail, specifically in terms of their foundation, function, form, procedures, purpose and impact. In the pratical part of the thesis it is verified, whether all low threshold clubs for children and youth carry out...

Refugee economic self-sufficiency in the US Resettlement Program

Ott, Eleanor Marie January 2015 (has links)
Globally, twenty-seven countries have resettlement programs associated with UNHCR - representing commitments to the international refugee framework and domestic commitments to those refugees resettled. Since 1975, the US has resettled over three million refugees, including over 75,000 Bhutanese refugees since 2008 - more than all other countries combined on both accounts. The US Office of Refugee Resettlement has the mandate to 'make available sufficient resources for employment training and placement in order to achieve economic self-sufficiency among refugees as quickly as possible' (The Refugee Act of 1980). Nevertheless, their economic self-sufficiency and the intertwined ideas of employment and wellbeing remain little examined. A global systematic review of available high-quality evidence examined whether interventions affect resettled refugees' economic self-sufficiency and wellbeing. Although 9,260 citations were reviewed from a wide variety of academic, policy, and grey literature, no studies met inclusion criteria. This Campbell-registered systematic review concludes that evidence is insufficient to determine if programs affect resettled refugees' economic self-sufficiency and wellbeing. Subsequently, qualitative research explored existing interventions to improve the economic self-sufficiency of resettled refugees, their theories of change, and perceptions of effectiveness in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Program design follows a policy mandate and expects that initial employment leads to sustained self-sufficiency and wellbeing, albeit without measuring these outcomes or providing long-term assistance. The findings serve as a basis for future research and reveal programming implications for the Bhutanese refugee community in Pittsburgh and broadly for refugee resettlement. Next, a cross-sectional survey of 145 randomly selected Bhutanese refugees in Pittsburgh (a response rate of 92.9%) was conducted to provide groundbreaking demographics, rates of economic self-sufficiency, and correlates with improved outcomes. The population was overwhelmingly low-income with high usage of certain assistance such as food assistance. Both bivariate relationships and predictive models for employment, gross income, wages, assistance usage, and having 'enough' money to pay the bills were examined. Overall, these paint a complex picture, including the potential importance of neighborhoods, household size, and religious affiliation as well as a more typical picture of the importance of gender, education levels, and time in the country for certain measures of employment, earnings, and household self-sufficiency. The evidence-based perspective on the economic self-sufficiency of resettled refugees shows that little is known globally, including the potential for interventions to cause harm or success. Understanding the employment services and perspectives of economic self-sufficiency and wellbeing for the Bhutanese population provides a lens to view not only the challenges and successes of this population, but also national and international obligations. As one focus group participant stated, 'Government should understand the nature of the refugees arriving and put us with jobs that ... allow the life to sustain.'

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