Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bounds anda injuries."" "subject:"bounds ando injuries.""
421 |
The effectiveness of cognitive-behaviour therapy in improving psychological adjustment to spinal cord injury : a review of the literatureAbdinor, Nicolette Jeanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The traumatic nature of spinal cord injury (SCI) imposes major and permanent life changes that
necessitate physical, social and vocational adjustments for the individual, as well as placing strain on
the family. The importance of psychological aspects of adjustment and rehabilitation has progressively
become recognised as an integral part of facilitating a higher quality of life for individuals and their
families living with SCI. While it has been established that psychological disturbance is not an
inevitable long-term consequence of SCI, researchers have found that a proportion of this population
has marked difficulty adapting psychologically to their new lifestyle and the challenges it poses. It has
been found that the SCI population has an increased risk for divorce, substance abuse, self-neglect and
suicide. In the mid-1990's, researchers involved in SCI rehabilitation started developing cognitivebehaviour
therapy (CBT) interventions to assist individuals with their psychological adjustment to the
traumatic injury. Lazarus and Folkman's (1984) cognitive theory of stress and coping has been the
theoretical grounding for some of these interventions. The primary objective of this literature review is
to ascertain the effectiveness of CBT in assisting individuals with their psychological adjustment to
SCI and to make recommendations for future research in this area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die traumatiese aard van 'n spinale koord besering (SKB) veroorsaak 'n beduidende en permanente
lewensverandering, wat fisieke-, sosiale- en werksaanpassing vir die individu verg, asook spanning op
die familie plaas. Die belangrikheid van sielkundige aspekte rakende aanpassing en rehabilitasie word
toenemend herken as 'n integrale deel in die fasilitering van 'n hoër kwaliteit van lewe vir die individue
en hulle families wat lewe met 'n SKB. Alhoewel daar gevind is dat sielkundige versteuring nie 'n
noodwendige langtermyn gevolg van 'n SKB is nie, het navorsers wel gevind dat 'n gedeelte van die
populasie beduidende sielkundige aanpassingsprobleme ervaar ten opsigte van hul nuwe lewenstyl en
uitdagings. Daar is gevind dat die SKB populasie 'n verhoogde risiko loop vir egskeidings,
substansmisbruik, self-verwaarlosing en selfmoord. In die middel van die 1990's, het SKB- en
rehabilitasie-navorsers kognitiewe-gedragsterapie (KGT) intervensies ontwikkelom individue te help
met sielkundige aanpassing na 'n SKB. Lazarus en Folkman's (1984) se kognitiewe teorie oor stres en
streshantering, het die teoretiese grondslag gevorm vir sommige van hierdie intervensies. Die primêre
doel van hierdie literatuuroorsig is om die effektiwiteit van KGT te bepaal in die ondersteuning van
individue met sielkundige aanpassing na SKB, en om voorstelle te maak oor toekomstige navorsing
wat met hierdie onderwerp verband hou.
422 |
An investigation of the effects of crosslinking of collagen on cell/collagen-matrix interactionDuan, Yonggang January 2007 (has links)
Wound dressing plays an important role in wound recovery and collagen interacts with the human body in such a way that it has specific advantages compared to synthetic materials. The aim of the present study was to get an optimal crosslinking agent for collagen and so the mechanical, chemical and biochemical properties of crosslinked collagen materials were investigated. Fibroblast cells are important in the process of wound healing, so the interaction of human fibroblast cells with crosslinked collagen films were investigated as well. Collagen I was isolated from bovine achilles tendons and collagen films were formed using the isolated collagen I solution. Collagen films were crosslinked with glutaraldehyde (GA), genipin, hexamethylenediisocyanate (HMDC), 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide (EDC) at the equal concentration of 0.02 M and these crosslinked collagen films were compared with uncrosslinked collagen films (control). The surfaces of the crosslinked films were investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). There was observable fibre structure on GA- and genipin-crosslinked collagen films. The tensile strength, elongation at break and low strain modulus of the crosslinked collagen films were investigated. The results showed that GA-, genipin- and HMDC-crosslinked collagen films obtained higher tensile strength than the control. Elongation at break of all the crosslinked collagen films became lower than the control. GA- and genipin-crosslinked collagen films obtained higher low strain modulus than other crosslinked collagen films and the control. The denaturation temperatures of all crosslinked collagen films were significantly higher than the control and the denaturation temperatures of GA- and genipin-crosslinked films were much higher than those of HMDC- and EDC-crosslinked films. All the crosslinked collagen films were resistant to the digestion of collagenase. These results suggest that all the crosslinking agents are effective and GA- and genipin-crosslinked films obtained more extensive crosslinking. The interaction of crosslinked collagen films with fibroblast cells was investigated, e.g. adhesion, proliferation and migration of fibroblast cells. The results demonstrated that the control, genipin- and EDC-crosslinked collagen films were conducive to cell adhesion. Fibroblast cells on the control, genipin- and EDC-crosslinked collagen films were able to proliferate after 24 hours, with increased growth after 48 hours. The fibroblast cells on the control, genipin- and EDC-crosslinked collagen films migrated directionally. The cells on genipin-crosslinked film initiated directional migration earlier than those on control- and EDC-crosslinked films. In summary, genipin crosslinked collagen films show high denaturation temperature, higher tensile strength and good biocompatibility for fibroblast cells adhesion, proliferation and migration. Genipin should be regarded as a suitable crosslinking agent for reconstituted collagen for use in wound dressing.
423 |
Facilitating and measuring psychological adjustment following acquired brain injurySimblett, Sara Katherine January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Nursing outcome standards for polytrauma patients with traumatic brain injuries in the Mafikeng districtMoloko, Salaminah S January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (MCUR)--University of stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In trauma the priority is given to identifying the life-threatening injuries and
immediately implementing treatment (Demetriades, 1993:3). Severe trauma
resuscitation and assessment often have to be carried out simultaneously to detect
and treat conditions that are rapidly fatal if not attended to immediately and according
to priority. Urgent priorities in trauma management include maintaining a clear and
patent airway to facilitate respiration and cervical spine protection by avoiding rough
manipulation of the head and neck by supporting the neck with a neck immobiliser.
Any external bleeding has to be controlled by applying direct pressure to the wound.
Cardiovascular problems, for example shock or myocardial infarction, respiratory
problems and hypoxia which are detrimental, particularly in the case of head injury,
should be excluded. A detailed head-to-toe examination which includes the head,
neck, chest, abdomen, back, musculo-skeletal system, rectum and vagina has to be
For the head-injured patient, correct any condition, which may complicate the existing
head injury, for example hypoxia, shock, pneumothorax and fractures of long bones or
pelvis. Implement the A (airway), B (breathing), C (circulation), D (disability,
neurological and drugs) and E (environment) for structured management of the
Muller's, (1996) two-phase model was utilised to formulate and validate nursing
outcome standards. In phase one literature was explored to develop provisional
standards on polytrauma patients with traumatic brain injuries. In phase two the
provisional standards were validated by experts (doctors and nurses) in critical care,
trauma and emergency nursing including nurses and a doctor working in the casualty
department of a provincial hospital in Mafikeng. Final standards were formulated and
adapted accordingly.
Standards for the management of a polytrauma patient with traumatic brain injuries
A safe environment for patients, nurses and doctors
Primary survey in casualty department which includes the maintenance of
airway, breathing, circulation, disability/ neurological, drugs and exposure
The secondary survey that includes the head to toe examination, definitive
orthopaedic care and stabilisation before transfer to the intensive care unit
A standard on all relevant equipment which might be needed in case the patient goes
into cardiac arrest on the way to the intensive care unit, was also formulated. The
standard on documentation included the primary and secondary survey in the casualty
department, transport to the intensive care unit, activities and the condition of the
patient. The final standards dealt with the accurate handing over of the patient to the
intensive care personnel.
The following recommendations were made:
• Implement the outcome standard by means of a quality improvement programme
through a top-down approach.
• Provide training: Nurses and doctors have an obligation to render quality care,
therefore they have the right to be trained in emergency procedures.
• All registered nurses working in the casualty or emergency departmentsshould be
trained in at least Basic Life Support (CPR), Advanced Cardiac Life Support
(ACLS), Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) and Advanced Trauma Life
Support (ATLS) while waiting to be sent for the trauma-nursing course.
• Improve infection control measures in the casualty department
• Emergency drugs must always be available.
• Improve the on-call system.
• Formulate a policy on sharing of the equipment by both casualty and ICU staff.
• Motivate for the necessary equipment.
Implement procedures for debriefing of staff, the evaluation of actions during
resuscitation and implement measures for psychological support of the family.
• For further research, implement and test a training programme whereby nurses
can formulate their own standards.
• Evaluate whether the standards have improved the quality of trauma care, and
develop standards for leu nursing of the brain injured patient and the rehabilitation
of polytrauma patients with traumatic brain injuries
The uniqueness of the study lies in the fact that no formal outcomes standard for
trauma patients with traumatic brain injuries have been developed in any of the North
West Provincial hospitals. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die identifisering van lewensbedreigende beserings en die onmiddellike
implementering van behandeling, is in trauma 'n eerste prioriteit (Demetriades, 1993:
3). Resussitasie en die beraming van erge traumagevalle noodsaak in baie gevalle,
gelyktydige hantering. Sou hierdie hantering nie gelyktydig en onmiddellik volgens
prioriteit plaasvind nie, kan dit noodlottige gevolge inhou. Belangrike prioriteite in
traumabehandeling sluit in, die instandhouding van 'n patente lugweg om asemhaling
te onderhou asook die beskerming van die servikale rugmurgkolom, deur die ruwe
manipulasie van die kop en nek te vermy deur die implementering van 'n nekimmobiliseerder.
Kardiovaskulere probleme, byvoorbeeld skok of miokardiale
infarksie, asook respiratoriese probleme wat lewensbedreigend vir die pasient met 'n
hoofbeseering is, moet uitgesluit word. 'n Gedetailleerde van kop-tot-tone ondersoek,
wat die kop, nek, borskas, abdomen, rug, muskulo-sketale stelsel, rektum en vagina
insluit, moet uitgevoer word.
In die pasient met hoofbeserings moet enige toestand byvoorbeeld frakture van die
langbene of die pelvis, skok of 'n pneumothorax, eers behandel word. Implementeer
die A (Iugweg - "airway"), B (asemhaling - "breathing"), C (sirkulasie -"circulation"), D
(gestremdheid - "disability", neurologies- "neurological" en drogerye-"drugs") en E
(omgewing - "environment") vir die gestruktureerde behandeling van die pasient.
Die twee fase model van Muller (1996) is gebruik vir die formulering en validering van
die verpleeguitkomsstandaarde. In fase een is die literatuur verken om die voorlopige
standaarde vir polytrauma pasiente met traumatiese breinbeserings te ontwikkel. In
fase twee is die voorlopige standaarde gevalideer deur kundiges (dokters en
verpleegkundiges) in kritieke sorg, trauma en noodverpleging. Die verpleegkundiges
en dokter wat werksaam is in die ongevalle-eenheid van 'n plaaslike provinsiale
hospitaal in Mafikeng is ook ingesluit. Finale standaarde is geformuleer en
dienooreenkomstig aanvaar.
Die standaarde vir die politrauma pasient met traumatiese breinbeserings, sluit in:
'n Veilige omgewing vir pasiente, verpleegkundiges en dokters.
Die prirnere beraming in ongevalle ten opsigte van instandhouding van die
lugweg, asemhaling, sirkulasie, gestremdheid, drogerye en blootstelling.
Die sekondere beraming: wat behels die kop-tot-tone ondersoek.
Definitiewe ortopediese behandeling en stabilisering voor oorplasing na die
'n Standaard met betrekking tot die nodige toerusting wat benodig mag word tydens 'n
hart stilstand, oppad na die intensiewe-sorg-eenheid, is ook geformuleer. Die
standaard ten opsigte van dokumentasie sluit die primere, en sekondere beraming,
vervoer na die intensiewe-sorg-eenheid, aktiwiteite en toestand van die pasient, in.
Die finale standaarde is gebaseer op die oorhandiging van die pasient aan die
Die volgende aanbevelings word gemaak:
• Implementeer die uitkomsstandaarde deur middel van 'n gehalteverbeteringsprogram
deur gebruik te maak van 'n "top-down" benadering -,
• Voorsien opleiding: Verpleegkundiges en dokters het 'n verpligting om gehaltesorg
te lewer, hulle het dus 'n reg om onderrig te ontvang in noodprosedures, en verder
het die pasient die req op gehalter noodbehandeling.
• Aile geregistreerde verpleegkundiges wat in die ongevalle en die noodafdeling
werk, behoort opgelei word in ten minste basiese lewensondersteuning (CPR),
Gevorderde Trauma Lewens Ondersteuning (ACLS), Gevorderde Pediatriese lewensondersteuning (APLS) en Gevorderde Trauma lewensondersteuning
(ATLS), terwyl gewag word om die trauma verpleegkundigekursus te deurloop.
• Verbeter mteksiebeheermaatreels in ongevalle.
• Noodmedikasie moet ten aile tye beskikbaar wees.
• Verbeter die op-roepstelsel ("on cali").
• Formuleer 'n beleid oor die gesamentlike gebruik van toerusting deur beide
ongevalle- en intensiewe-sorg-eenheid-personeel.
• Motiveer vir die nodige toerusting.
• Implementeer prosedures om personeel to te laat vir ontlonting (debriefing), die
evaluering van aksies tydens die resusitasie prosedure en implementeer metodes
vir die sielkundige ondersteuning van die familie.
• Ten opsigte van verdere narvorsing behoort 'n opleidingsprogram qeunplernenteer
en getoets te word met betrekking tot verpleegkundiges wat hulle eie standaarde
will formuleer.
• Evalueer of die standaarde die gehalte van traumasorg verbeter het en ontwikkel
standaarde vir intensierwe-sorg-verpleging van die breinbeseerde pasient asook
die rehabilitasie van politrauma pasiente met traumatise breinbeesering.
Die unieke bydra van die studie word gevind in die feit dat daar nog geen
gerformaliseerde uitkomstandaarde vir traumapasiente met breinbeseerings in enige
van die Noord Wes Provinsie se hospitale ontwikkel is nie.
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Thoracolumbar injuries : short segment posterior instrumentation as standalone treatment - thoracolumbar fracturesDavis, Johan, H. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed (Surgical Sciences. Orthopaedic Surgery))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Objective:
This research paper reports on the radiographic outcome of unstable thoracolumbar injuries
with short segment posterior instrumentation as standalone treatment; in order to review rate
of instrumentation failure and identify possible contributing factors.
Short segment posterior instrumentation is the treatment method of choice for unstable
thoracolumbar injuries in the Acute Spinal Cord Injury Unit (Groote Schuur Hospital).
It is considered adequate treatment in fracture cases with an intact posterior longitudinal
ligament, and Gaines score below 7 (Parker JW 2000); as well as fracture dislocations, and
seatbelt-type injuries (without loss of bone column - bearing integrity). The available body of
literature often states instrumentation failure rates of up to 50% (Alanay A 2001, Tezeren G
2005). The same high level of catastrophic hardware failure is not evident in the unit
Sixty-five consecutive patients undergoing the aforementioned surgery were studied. Patients
were divided into two main cohorts, namely the “Fracture group” (n=40) consisting of
unstable burst fractures and unstable compression fractures; and the “Dislocation group”
(n=25) consisting of fracture dislocations and seatbelt-type injuries.
The groups reflect similar goals in surgical treatment for the grouped injuries, with reduction
in loss of sagittal profile and maintenance thereof being the main aim in the fracture group,
appropriately treated with Schantz pin constructs; and maintenance in position only, the goal
in the dislocation group, managed with pedicle screw constructs.
Data was reviewed in terms of complications, correction of deformity, and subsequent loss of
correction with associated instrumentation failure. Secondly, factors influencing the
aforementioned were sought, and stratified in terms of relevance. Results:
Average follow up was 278 days for the fracture group and 177 days for the dislocation group
(all patients included were deemed to have achieved radiological fusion – if fusion technique
was employed). There was an average correction in kyphotic deformity of 10.25 degrees.
Subsequent loss in sagittal profile averaged 2 degrees (injured level) and 5 degrees
(thoracolumbar region) in the combined fracture and dislocation group.
The only factor showing a superior trend in loss of reduction achieved was the absence of
bone graft (when non-fusion technique was employed).
Instrumentation complications occurred in two cases (bent connection rods in a Schantz pin
construct with exaggerated loss in regional sagittal profile, and bent Schantz pins). These
complications represent a 3.07% hardware failure in total. None of the failures were
considered catastrophic.
Short segment posterior instrumentation is a safe and effective option in the treatment of
unstable thoracolumbar fractures as a standalone measure.
426 |
Investigation of thoracic spine kinematics in adult sports participants with chronic groin pain during a single leg drop landing taskMorris, Tracy Louise 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Chronic groin pain is widespread across many sporting disciplines. The aim of our
research was to determine if there are kinematic differences of the thoracic spine in
active sports people with chronic groin pain, compared with healthy controls. A
cross-sectional descriptive design was followed. Participants were required to
complete six single leg drop landings with each leg from a 20cm height.
The study was done in the 3D Movement Analysis Laboratory at the University of
Stellenbosch. Ten male participants with unilateral or bilateral chronic groin pain of
more than 3 months duration and 10 asymptomatic males, matched for age and
sports participation, were recruited.
The main outcome measures were: thoracic spine angle at initial foot contact,
maximum thoracic spine angle, range of movement (ROM) (difference between the
minimum and maximum values) and thoracic spine angle at lowest vertical point of
the pelvis. This was assessed in all 3 movement planes: the sagittal plane (X plane),
the coronal plane (Y plane) and the transverse plane (Z plane). The results of our study showed that for the unilaterally affected groin pain group, the
cases landed in significantly more thoracic flexion (P<0.001 with large effect size)
and were in significantly more thoracic flexion still at the lowest point. Peak thoracic
flexion was significantly more in the cases than the controls. (P<0.001 with medium
effect size) The same was true for the bilaterally affected group when landing on the
most painful side, although this was not statistically significant. There were no
significant differences in the frontal or transverse planes. In the bilaterally painful
group, axial rotation ROM was significantly reduced when landing on either leg
(worst affected side: P=0.040 with medium effect size and least affected side: p=0.006 with large effect size). The same occurred in the unilaterally affected group,
although this was not statistically significant.
Our study suggests that, in participants with chronic groin pain, there is greater
thoracic forward flexion away from neutral during landing and that total axial rotation
ROM during landing is diminished. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kroniese liespyn kom dikwels en in verskeie sportsoorte voor. Die doel van ons
studie was om te bepaal of daar kinematiese verskille van die torakale werwelkolom
is in aktiewe sportmense met chroniese liespyn, in vergelyking met gesonde
kontroles. ‘n Dwars-deursnit beskrywende studiemetode is gevolg, en uitgevoer in
die 3D Beweging Analise Laboratorium, Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Deelnemers
moes ses landings op een been doen, met elke been, vanaf 'n 20cm hoogte. Tien
mans met eensydige of bilaterale chroniese liespyn vir langer as 3 maande, en 10
asimptomatiese mans (ooreenstemmende ouderdom en sport deelname) het
deelgeneem. Die hoof uitkomste wat gemeet is, was torakale werwelkolom
krommingshoek by aanvanklike voet-kontak, maksimum torakale werwelkolom
krommingshoek, omvang van beweging (OVB) (verskil tussen die minimum en
maksimum waardes) en torakale werwelkolom krommingshoek by die laagste punt
van die bekken. Dit is beoordeel in al 3 beweging vlakke: die sagittale (X) vlak, die
koronale/frontale (Y) vlak en die transversale (Z) vlak. Die resultate van die studie het getoon dat, in die eensydig-geaffekteerde liespyn
groep, die deelnemers in beduidend meer torakale fleksie geland het(P < 0.001, met
'n groot effekgrootte), asook met aansienlik meer torakale fleksie by die laagste punt
na landing. Piek torakale fleksie was aansienlik meer in die liespyn-gevalle as in die
kontroles. (P < 0.001, met middelmatige effekgrootte ) Dieselfde het vir die bilateraalgeaffekteerde
groep gegeld wanneer hulle op hul mees pynlike kant geland het,
hoewel dit nie statisties beduidend was nie. Daar was geen betekenisvolle verskille
in die frontale of transversale vlakke van beweging nie. In die bilateraal pynlike
groep, was aksiale rotasie OVB aansienlik verminder wanneer die gevalle op hul
pynlikste been óf op hul minder pynlike been geland het ( mees pynlike been : P = 0,040, met 'n middelmatige effekgrootte en minder pynlike been : p = 0,006, met 'n
groot effekgrootte ). Dieselfde het in die eensydig-geaffekteerde groep gebeur,
hoewel dit nie statisties beduidend was nie.
Ons studie dui daarop dat, in deelnemers met chroniese liespyn, daar meer torokale
fleksie weg van neutraal tydens landing is en dat die totale aksiale rotasie OVB
tydens die landing verminder is, in vergelyking met die kontrolegroep.
427 |
Ankle kinematics and ground reaction force during single leg drop landing in sports participants with chronic groin painHarwin, Lauren Sandra 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Aims: This study aims to ascertain if there are differences in ankle kinematics and ground reaction force in sports participants with chronic groin pain compared to healthy controls.
Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study design was used. Twenty participants - 10 cases with chronic groin pain and 10 healthy controls participated. The 10 cases included participants with unilateral pain (n=7) and bilateral pain (n=3). For analysis, the bilateral pain group was divided into the most and less painful side. The study was conducted at the FNB 3D Motion Analysis Laboratory, Stellenbosch University. Sagittal plane kinematics and VGRF was analysed during a single leg drop landing.
Results: The group with unilateral groin pain had a higher peak force compared to the matched side of the controls. The bilateral pain groups had less plantarflexion at foot contact (most affected p=<0.001; least affected p=<0.001) and total range of motion (p=<0.05) compared to the control group. The bilaterally injured groin pain groups demonstrated less peak force when compared to controls.
Conclusion: This is the first study to indicate alterations in ankle kinematics and VGRF and that these changes are more apparent in sports participants with bilateral pain. Less range of motion during the landing task illustrated by the bilateral pain group suggests less effective force absorption of the distal segments. In the bilateral groups it suggests that force attenuation may have occurred high up the kinetic chain which may place more strain on the groin. Clinically rehabilitation of the athlete with chronic groin pain should include the distal segments of the lower limb. Further research should be conducted in larger groups. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doelstellings: Hierdie studie poog om vas te stel of daar verskille in enkelbeweging en grondvloer-reaksiekrag is in deelnemers van sport met chroniese liespyn in vergelyking met gesonde kontrole deelnemers.
Metode: ‘n Deursnee beskrywende studieontwerp is gebruik. Twintig deelnemers, 10 gevalle met chroniese liespyn en 10 gesonde kontrole het deelgeneem. Die 10 gevalle het ingesluit deelnemers met eensydige pyn (n=7) en bilaterale pyn (n=3). Vir die analise, is die bilaterale pyngroep verdeel in die mees en mins geaffekteerde kant. Die studie is gedoen by die FNB3D Beweginsanalise-laboratorium, Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Sagitaal-platvlak kinematiek en vertikale reaksiekrag is geanaliseer gedurende ‘n enkele beenlanding.
Resultate: Die groep met eensydige liespyn het ‘n hoër piekkrag gehad in vergelyking met dieselfde kant van die kontrolegroep. Die bilaterale pyngroep het minder plantaarfleksie met voetkontak getoon (mees geaffekteer p=<0.001; minste geaffekteer p=<0.001) en totale beweginsomvang (p=<0.05) in vergelyking met die kontrolegroep. Die bilateraal-liesbeseringsgroep het minder piekkrag getoon in vergelyking met die kontrolegroep.
Gevolgtrekking: Hierdie is die eerste studie om veranderings in enkelbeweging en grondreaksiekrag aan te toon, asook dat hierdie veranderinge meer opvallend is in persone wat aan sport deelneem wat bilaterale pyn ondervind. Verminderde beweginsomvang gedurende die landingstaak deur die bilaterale pyngroep suggereer minder effektiewe kragabsorpsie van die distale segmente. In die bilaterale groep suggereer dit dat kragvermindering waarskynlik hoog op die kinematiese ketting voorgekom het wat weer meer stremming op die lies plaas. Kliniese rehabilitasie van die atleet met chroniese pyn behoort die distale segmente van die onderste ledemaat in te sluit. Verdere navorsing behoort in groter groepe uitgevoer te word.
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Pelvic kinematics during single-leg drop-landing in sports participants with chronic groin painJanse van Rensburg, Lienke 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: Chronic groin injuries are common among athletes and have the potential to lead to chronic and career-ending pain. There is no evidence available whether pelvic kinematics can be perceived as a risk factor in developing chronic groin pain in sport or be the cause of further injuries of the lower quadrant or lumbar spine.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine if there are any differences in pelvic kinematics of active sports participants with chronic groin pain compared to healthy controls during a single-leg drop-landing.
Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted. The three-dimensional (3D) pelvic kinematics of ten cases with chronic groin pain and ten asymptomatic controls was analyzed. Pelvic kinematics was analyzed at the FNB 3D Vicon Laboratory at Stellenbosch University using an eight camera Vicon system. A physical examination, including functional movements, posture analysis, hip, knee and ankle passive range of motion measurements, sacro-iliac tests and anthropometric measurements was done by two physiotherapists prior to the 3D analysis. To analyze the pelvic kinematics, each participant performed six single-leg drop-landings. The main outcome measure was 3D pelvic kinematics at initial foot contact (IFC) and foot contact at lowest vertical position (LVP). The following sub-groups were analyzed: seven with unilateral groin pain and three with bilateral groin pain; the latter was further divided into those with the most painful leg and the least painful leg. Mean and standard deviations (SD) for pelvic kinematics were calculated and significant differences between sub-groups were determined using two-tailed Student’s t-tests. The Cohen’s D effect size calculator was used to calculate the effect size of significant differences in pelvic kinematics between case and control groups.
Results: The findings indicated a significant difference (p=0.03) in frontal plane pelvic kinematics at IFC for the unilateral group. The most painful groin group showed significant differences at IFC (p=0.004) and at LVP (p=0.04) in the frontal plane pelvic kinematics. The least painful groin group showed a significant difference at LVP (p=0.01). All cases landed with pelvic downward lateral tilt during the landing phase compared to matched controls. The groin pain group with bilateral pain showed significant differences at IFC (p < 0.001) and LVP (p=0.005) for the most painful groin; and the least painful groin at IFC (p=0.01) and LVP (p=0.01) in the sagittal plane pelvic kinematics. The bilateral groin pain group showed an increase of anterior pelvic tilt in the sagittal plane during the landing phase when compared to matched controls. Increased internal pelvic rotation in the transverse plane was significant for the unilateral group at IFC (p=0.04) and for the most painful groin group at IFC (p < 0.001) and LVP (p < 0.001) compared to matched controls. Conclusion: Results from this study shows that pelvic kinematic changes in the frontal, sagittal and transverse planes do occur in patients with chronic groin pain when compared to controls. This may imply that muscle weakness around the hip and pelvis may contribute to the development of chronic groin pain in active sports participants. Rehabilitation of these muscles should be taken into consideration when treating patients with chronic groin injuries. Further research should be focused on muscular recruitment patterns in sports participants with groin pain to critically define the muscular causal factors in more depth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Kroniese lies beserings is ‘n algemene verskynsel onder die aktiewe sport populasie. Dit mag tot kroniese pyn lei en het die potensiaal om ‘n sport loopbaan te be-eindig. Tans, is daar geen verdere navorsing beskikbaar oor die invloed van bekken kinematika op onderste ledemaat beserings asook die moontlike oorsaak tot kroniese lies pyn in atlete nie.
Oogmerk: Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel watter verskille in die bekken kinematika ontstaan tussen aktiewe sport deelnemers met kroniese lies pyn teenoor aktiewe sport deelnemers sonder enige pyn of beserings tydens ‘n enkel been aftrap beweging.
Metodologie: Tien deelnemers met kroniese lies pyn en tien asimptomatiese deelnemers is gebruik om die verskille tussen die 3D bekken kinematika te bepaal. Die FNB 3D Vicon Lab by die Stellenbosch Universiteit is gebruik vir die data analise en insameling. Deelnemers het ‘n fisiese ondersoek ondergaan wat die voglende ingesluit het: funksionele bewegings, postuur analise, omvang van beweging van die heup, knie en enkel, toetse ter uitsluiting van die ilio-sakrale gewrig asook antropometriese aftmetings. Elke deelnemer is versoek om ses enkel-been aftrap sessies te doen. Die hoof uitkomsmeting was die bekken hoeke in the frontale vlak by inisiële voet kontak (IVK) asook die voet kontak teen die laagste vertikale posisie (LVP). Resultate: Die resultate wys ’n beduidende verskil (p=0.03) in die frontale vlak vir bekken kinematika by IVK vir die unilaterale groep. Die mees geaffekteerde been wys ’n beduidende verskil by IVK (p=0.004) en by LVK (p=0.04) in die frontale vlak vir bekken kinematika. Die groep met die minste geaffekteerde been toon ’n beduidende verskil by LVP (p=0.01). Alle simptomatiese deelnemers het met die bekken in afwaartse bekken kanteling geland tydens die landings fase. Die groep met bilaterale pyn toon ’n beduidende verskil by IVK (p < 0.001) en by LVP (p=0.005) vir die mees geaffekteerde been en vir die minste geaffekteerde been by IVK (p=0.01) en LVP (0.01) in die sagittale vlak vir bekken kinematika. Die bilaterale groep met kroniese lies pyn land met meer anterior bekken kanteling in die sagittale vlak gedurende die landings fase teenoor die asimptomatiese groep. Interne bekken rotasie was beduidend meer vir die unilaterale groep by IVK (p=0.04) en vir die mees geaffekteerde been by IVK (p < 0.001) en LVP (p < 0.001) teenoor asimptomatiese deelnemers. Gevolgtrekking: Die resultate van hierdie studie bewys dat daar wel ‘n verskil is in die bekken kinematika van deelnemers met kroniese lies pyn teenoor asimptomatiese deelnemers. Hierdie verskille is waarneembaar in die frontale, sagittale en transverse vlakke. Dit impliseer dat spier swakheid van die bekken en heup spiere ‘n bydrae mag he tot die ontwikkeling van kroniese lies beserings in atlete. Rehabilitasie van bogenoemde spiere is belangrik in die behandeling van kroniese lies beserings. Verdere navorsing oor spier aktiverings patrone in aktiewe, sports deelnemers met kroniese lies pyn word benodig, om die oorsprongs faktore te ondersoek.
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The effect of McConnell taping on knee biomechanics : what is the evidence?Leibbrandt, Dominique Claire, Louw, Quinette 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This review aims to present the available evidence for the effect of McConnell taping on knee biomechanics in individuals with Anterior Knee Pain (AKP). Pubmed, Medline, Cinahl, Sportdiscus, Pedro and Science Direct electronic databases were searched from inception until September 2014. Experimental research into knee biomechanical or EMG outcomes of McConnell taping compared to no tape or placebo tape were included. Two reviewers completed the searches, selected the full text articles and assessed the risk of bias of eligible studies. Authors were contacted for missing data. Eight heterogeneous studies with a total sample of 220 were included in this review. All of the studies had a moderate to low risk of bias and compared taping to no tape and/ or placebo tape. Pooling of data was possible for three outcomes; average knee extensor moment, average VMO/VL ratio and average VMO-VL onset timing. None of these outcomes revealed significant differences. The evidence is currently insufficient to justify the routine use of the McConnell Taping technique in the treatment of Anterior Knee Pain. There is a need for more evidence on the aetiological pathways of Anterior knee Pain; level one evidence and studies investigating other potential mechanisms of McConnell taping. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die objektief van hierdie resensie was om te bepaal wat die effekte van McConnell Patellar Vasbinding is op knie kinematika, kinetiek en spier aktivering in diegene met Voorafgaande Knie Pyn (VKP). Die navorsers het elektroniese databases soos Pubmed, Medline, Cinahl, Sportdiscus, Pedro en Science Direct, van aanvang tot September 2014, ondersoek. Eksperimenteel studie ontwerpe wat biomeganiese of EMG gevolge van McConnell Vasbinding vergelyk met geen vasbinding of placebo vasbinding, is ingesluit. Twee resente het die ondersoek voltooi, die volle tekse artikels gekies en die partydigheid risiko van die ingeslote studies, geskat. Skrywers is gekontak vir enige verlore data. Agt heterogeen studies uit ‘n totalle monster van 220 is in hierdie resensie ingesluit. Al die studies het ‘n gematigde tot laag risiko vir eensydigheid en vergelyk vasbinding met geen of placebo vasbinding. Data saamvoeging was moontlik vir drie uitslae, naamlik: gemiddelde knie ekstensor moment; gemiddelde VMO/VL ratio en gemiddelde aanval tydmeting. Geen gevolge het veelseggende verskille of afwykings vertoon. Tans is die bewys nie genoegsaam om die routiene gebruik van McConnell Vasbinding tegniek te regverdig nie in die behandeling van VKP. Meer bewyslewering op die etiologiese paaie van VKP; Graad een bewys en studies wat ander moontlike meganisme van Mc Connell Vasbinding ondersoek, is noodsaaklik.
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Promotion of neuronal survival and axonal regeneration in Clarke's nucleus after spinal cord injury in adult rats易亮華, Yick, Leung-wah. January 1999 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Anatomy / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy
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