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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fyzické mapování vazebně neidentifikovaných oblastí pomocí BAC klonů u Xenopus tropicalis / Physical mapping of genome regions without linkage map using BAC clones in Xenopus tropicalis

Špirhanzlová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Xenopus leavis was a favorite model organism during the 20th. century, but nowadays it has been replaced by diploid Xenopus tropicalis, which has not only shorter generation time, but also smaller genom. One of the disadvantages of Xenopus tropicalis is the lack of full physical and linkage map. According to JGI genome database (assembly 4.1) there are unmapped regions on short arm of the chromosome 2 and 7 . Several BAC clones ( with a single or dual-end sequence) has been found to be located within this region, according to a recent assembly 7.1. However , it isn't clear whether 100bp length of BAC ends is enough to place entire BAC clone into the genom of Xenopus tropicalis. In order to prove correct inclusion of these BAC clones into JGI database, several BAC clones, which are supposed to be located on short arm of chromosome 2, were picked. Using fluorescence in situ hybridisation, the signal of these BAC clones was localised on the short arm of chromosome 1 instead of chromosome 2 and in most cases they had opposite orientation. It means that the 100bp lenght of BAC ends propably isn't sufficient to place entire BAC clone on chromosome. New working protocol of BAC DNA isolation and labeling was established.

Vývoj a optimalizace přípravy řezových preparátů pulců X. tropicalis pro studium migračního a diferenciačního potenciálu testikulárních kmenových buněk / Development and optimization of sectioning technique for the study of migration and differentiation potential of testicular stem cells in X. tropicalis tadpoles

Bláhová, Monika January 2018 (has links)
The rapid development of regenerative medicine and the urgent need for cells which are able to modulate the immune system, or even differentiate into variable cell types, have led to the research of mesenchymal stem cells. The Sertoli cells, which are essential for the proper development of sperm in the testis, have a strikingly similar character. In the previous research, a cell culture expressing markers of mesenchymal stem cells and Sertoli cells from juvenile male testes of X. tropicalis was established. At the same time, the cells were modified by the introduction of gene for the red fluorescent protein (RFP) in their genome. The aim of this diploma thesis was to clarify their characteristics after microinjection to X. tropicalis tadpoles (allogeneic transplantation). For these experiments, it was necessary to develop a reliable technique for the preparation of sections, which won't be harmfull for the samples. Using the vibratome sectioning method along with immunohistochemical labeling, the cell culture has been found to contain precursors of Sertoli and peritubulare myoid cells.

Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Progestagens in the Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis Test System

Säfholm, Moa January 2014 (has links)
Progestagenic compounds are emerging contaminants found in surface and ground water around the world. Information on the effects and potency of progestagens is needed in order to understand the environmental risks posed by these compounds. Using the Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis test system, developmental and reproductive toxicity after exposure to selected progestagens were determined. Larval exposure to levonorgestrel (LNG) severely impaired oviduct and ovary development causing sterility. No effects on testicular development, spermcount or male fertility were observed. Hepatic mRNA expression of the androgen receptor was increased in the females indicating that the receptor is involved in LNG-induced developmental reproductive toxicity. Exposure of adult females to LNG, norethindrone (NET) or progesterone (P) increased the proportions of previtellogenic oocytes and reduced the proportions of vitellogenic oocytes compared with the controls, indicating an inhibited vitellogenesis. The effects on oocyte development were ascertained at environmentally relevant concentrations of LNG, NET and P (1.3, 1 and 10 ng/L respectively). Since unintentional co-exposure of progestagens and ethinylestradiol (EE2) occurs in wildlife and also in human infants, data on mixture effects of combined exposures to these hormones during development are needed. Co-exposure during development showed antagonistic effects of EE2 and LNG. EE2 caused a female biased sex ratio which showed a tendency to be antagonized by LNG. Moreover, the hepatic AR induction by LNG was counteracted by co-exposure to EE2. In conclusion, the results show that female amphibians are susceptible to reproductive toxicity of progestagens after developmental exposure as well as after adult exposure during the breeding period. The differentiating Müllerianduct and ovary, and the egg development are sensitive targets for progestagens. Finally, the findings reported in this thesis show that environmental progestagens impairs reproductive function in amphibians and may present a threat to reproduction in wild populations.

Regenerační potenciál progenitorů Sertoliho buněk v rámci poškození srdce u Xenopus tropicalis / Regenerative potential of Sertoli cell progenitors regarding heart injury in Xenopus tropicalis

Onhajzer, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
Cardiac failure is one of the leading cause of deaths worldwide. Potential therapeutic approach, which overcome invasive organ transplantation and delivery of immunosuppressive drugs, is lacking nowadays. However, research of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) therapy displays immunomodulation potential, which can further promote variety of organ regeneration without need of drug treatment. Xenopus tropicalis immature Sertoli cells (XtiSCs) culture was established in our laboratory from juvenile Xenopus tropicalis male. XtiSCs possess immunomodulatory capacity and differentiation to cardiomyocytes after the treatment with the inhibitor of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) CHIR99021. To test the survival rate of transplanted XtiSCs we firstly microinjected treated cells directly inside tadpole's heart. XtiSCs proliferated there for the whole tested time period (30 days). However, after direct heart XtiSCs injection and subsequent cardiac injury in adult frog, no cells were localized in wound area. Thus, we focused on remote control of cardiac regeneration using XtiSCs without CHIR99021 treatment. We injected cells inside skeletal muscle bed and confirmed their survival and proliferation. Moreover, if cells were transplanted 3 days before heart injury, it resulted in significant reduction of fibronectin...

Vývoj a optimalizace přípravy řezových preparátů pulců X. tropicalis pro studium migračního a diferenciačního potenciálu testikulárních kmenových buněk / Development and optimalization of sectioning technique for the study of migration and differentiation potential of testicular stem cells in X. tropicalis tadpoles

Bláhová, Monika January 2019 (has links)
Thanks to their ability to differentiate into variable cell types and migrate to the site of an injury mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are broadly used in regenerative medicine. Their relative easy availability together with the property to control the immune system determines them as a cure of autoimmune diseases or a recovery of wounded tissues. Similar features posses Sertoli cells which take place in the seminiferous tubule of testis. Cell culture of testicular stem cells from juvenile male testes of X. tropicalis (XtTSC) was established in supervisor's laboratory. This cell culture showing both MSC's and SeC's properties was transformed to carry red fluorescent protein RFP. The aim of this diploma thesis was to investigate an behavior of transformed XtTSC in living organism, therefore cells were transplanted into the X. tropicalis tadpoles in stage 41. Subsequently, their migration potential was explored. To study of XtTSC's differentiation potential it was necessary to introduce a reliable sectioning techniques for the subsequent immunohistochemical analysis. Based on our experiments, we found that the XtTSC's cell culture contains precursors of SeC and peri-tubular myoid cells, however in vivo these cells turned into the dedifferentiated MSC-like state allowing a strong migration through the...

Désordres métaboliques et conséquences multigénérationnelles liés à l’exposition aux perturbateurs endocriniens chez un modèle d’amphibien : (Xenopus tropicalis) / Metabolic disorders and multi-generational consequences associated with exposure to endocrine disruptors in an amphibian model : (Xenopus tropicalis)

Regnault, Christophe 18 March 2016 (has links)
Dans les zones humides, un déclin dramatique des populations d’amphibiens a été observé au niveau mondial depuis les années 80. Malgré de nombreuses études suggérant que les amphibiens sont très sensibles aux pressions anthropiques cumulées, le rôle joué par les perturbateurs endocriniens dans le déclin de leurs populations reste incertain. Parmi les perturbateurs endocriniens contaminants les zones humides, le benzo[a]pyrène (BaP) et le triclosan (TCS) sont couramment retrouvés. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons étudié la réponse physiologique de xénopes (Xenopus tropicalis) exposés à court terme (24 heures) et à long terme (du têtard à l’adulte mature) au BaP et au TCS à des concentrations réalistes d’un point de vue environnemental. En combinant une approche transcriptomique à haut débit et une caractérisation des modifications cellulaires et physiologiques, nous avons mis en évidence que le BaP, le TCS et leur mélange perturbent la physiologie globale du foie. Ce trouble est caractérisé par un phénotype semblable à de l’insulino-résistance et à une stéatopathie non alcoolique (NAFLD) associé à une hépatotoxicité médiée par une altération du métabolisme lipidique. Outre les effets directs sur le métabolisme des individus exposés, il apparaît que les perturbateurs endocriniens étudiés affectent également le succès reproducteur de ces individus et le développement de leur descendance. Prises dans leur ensemble, nos observations apportent ainsi des débuts de réponse quant aux rôles de la contamination chronique des milieux sur le déclin des populations d’amphibiens. / In wetlands, dramatic decline in amphibian populations have been described worldwide since the 80s. Despite numerous studies suggesting that amphibians are highly sensitive to cumulative anthropogenic stresses, the role played by endocrine disruptors in the decline of amphibian populations remains unclear. Among the endocrine disruptors contaminating wetlands, benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) and triclosan (TCS) are recurrently found. In this work, we studied the physiological response of Xenopus tropicalis exposed to environmentally realistic concentrations of BaP and TCS during a short-term (24 hours) and long-term (from tadpole to mature adult) period. By combining a high throughput transcriptomic approach and a characterization of cellular and physiological modifications, we showed that BaP, TCS and their mixture disrupt overall liver physiology highlighted by insulin resistance-like and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)-like phenotypes together with hepatotoxicity due to the impairment of lipid metabolism. Additionally to direct metabolic impact observed on exposed individuals, the studied endocrine disruptors affected their fitness and their progeny development. Altogether, our observations bring new insights into the role plays by chronic contamination of wetlands on amphibian population decline.

Interactions croisées entre hormones thyroïdiennes et glucocorticoïdes durant la métamorphose de Xenopus tropicalis / Transcriptional Crosstalk Between Thyroid Hormones and Glucocorticoids During Xenopus Tropicalis Metamorphosis

Grimaldi, Alexis 16 May 2014 (has links)
La métamorphose des amphibiens est le processus rapide et irréversible par lequel un têtard aquatique se transforme en une grenouille respirant à la surface. Cette transition écologique, réminiscente de la période périnatale chez les mammifères, s'accompagne de changements spectaculaires (régime alimentaire, organes locomoteurs, système respiratoire...). Ces modifications morphologiques et physiologiques nécessitent la réponse concertée à un signal hormonal, les hormones thyroïdiennes (HT), de différents tissus vers des destin parfois opposés : apoptose (dans la queue), prolifération (dans les pattes), et remodelage (dans les intestins et le système nerveux central). Toutefois, la synchronisation de la réponse des différents tissus fait appel à d'autres signaux hormonaux, et notamment les glucocorticoïdes (GC). Ces derniers sont également les médiateurs principaux de la réponse au stress. Les processus endocriniens de la métamorphose et la réponse au stress sont fortement couplés. Les GC peuvent ainsi jouer le rôle d'interface permettant l'intégration de signaux environnementaux au niveau de réseaux de régulation. Dans le cadre de mon doctorat, j'ai analysé les transcriptomes des bourgeons de membres postérieurs et de l'épiderme caudal de têtards de Xenopus tropicalis traités ponctuellement avec des HT et / ou des GC. La comparaison de ces deux tissus a permis de caractériser la diversité des profils d'expression des gènes cibles des HT et des GC.Il en ressort plusieurs résultats majeurs. Tout d'abord, la diversité des profils d'interaction entre ces deux voies est limitée, et la majorité des types de profils sont communs aux deux tissus. Indépendamment du tissu, certains profils sont caractéristiques de fonctions biologiques spécifiques comme le remodelage de la matrice extracellulaire et le système immunitaire. Les gènes impliqués dans ces fonctions communes aux deux tissus sont cependant différents. Enfin, plusieurs facteurs impliqués dans la méthylation de l'ADN sont régulés par les deux hormones. / Amphibian metamorphosis is the rapid and irreversible process during which an aquatic tadpole transforms into an air breathing adult frog. This ecological transition, reminiscent of the mammalian perinatal period, comes with spectacular changes (diet, locmotor organs, respiratory system...). These morphological and physiological modifications necessitate the properly timed response to a single hormonal signal, the thyroid hormones (TH), in various tissues to lead them to sometimes opposite fates : apoptosis (in the tail), cell prolifération and differenciation (in the limbs) and remodeling (in the intestine and the central nervous system).However, TH do not act alone. In particular, glucocorticoids (GC) play important roles during this process. They also are the main mediator of the stress response. Endocrine processes of the metamorphosis and the stress response are deeply intertwined. GC can thus act as an interface to integrate environmental inputs into regulatory networks.During my doctorate, I analyzed the possible transcriptional crosstalks between TH and GC in two larval tissues : the tailfin (TF) and the hindlimb buds (HLB). Comparing these two tissues allowed me to caracterize the diversity of TH and GC target gene expression profiles. This resulted in several major results. First, the diversity of the profiles of crosstalk between these two pathways is limited, and the majority of the types of profiles is common to both tissues. Next, independently ofthe tissues, some profiles are caracteristic of spécific biological functions such as extracellular matrix remodeling and the immune system. Yet, the genes involved in these shared functions are different between the TF and the HLB. Finally, several factors involved in DNA methylation are subject to a crosstalk between the two hormones.

Studium migračního potenciálu testikulárních kmenových buněk u Xenopus tropicalis / Study of migration potential of testicular stem cells in Xenopus tropicalis

Fuxová, Helena January 2013 (has links)
Because of their possible therapeutic potential stem cells are one of the most promising fields of study in biology. The aim of this thesis was to study the migration potential of testicular stem cells of Xenopus tropicalis, whose culture was established from the testes of juvenile males in the laboratory of my supervisor. Due to external fertilization and embryonic development Xenopus represents an ideal model organism for transplantation and microinjection experiments in-vivo. Transplantation of vital marked (PKH26) testicular stem cells into blastula and peritoneum of tadpoles showed their wide migratory potential including intestine (entoderm), heart, pronephros, genital groove (mesoderm) and epidermis (ectoderm). Based on my experiments, I found that the ideal number of cells for transplantation ranges between 250-500 per tadpole. To further characterize the stem cells, I constructed a plasmid vector carrying a gene for a red fluorescent protein. This plasmid was then used for preparation of frogs with whole-body expression of Katushka RFP under control of CAG promoter. The next aim is to gain the RFP positive offspring by crossing the transgenic individuals with the wild type. Male offspring can be used for establishing culture of testicular stem cells stably expressing the reporter gene. In this way...

Studium regeneračního potenciálu progenitorů Sertoliho buněk u pulců Xenopus tropicalis po amputaci ocasu. / Study of regenerative potential of Sertoli cell progenitors in Xenopus tropicalis tadpoles after tail amputation.

Wróblová, Aneta January 2020 (has links)
African clawed frogs (Xenopus) represent an ideal model organism for study of regeneration mechanisms. In frogs, complete regeneration occurs in the tadpole stage. In later stages the regeneration capacity is lost. The Laboratory of Developmental biology was successful in establishment of cell culture called Xenopus tropicalis immature Sertoli cells (XtiSCs) derived from X. tropicalis testes. These cells are common progenitors of Sertoli cells and peritubular myoid cells. XtiSCs show similar characteristics as mesenchymal stem cells. MSCs hold interest of scientists for their immunomodulatory properties and multipotent differential and regeneration potential. In this thesis, we studied regeneration and migration potential of XtiSCs after X. tropicalis tadpole's tail amputation in developmental stage 47 - 50. Transgenic XtiSCs culture expressing RFP was prepared to facilitate transplantation experiments. Transplantation experiments showed preferential migration of XtiSCs into the site of injury. XtiSCs transplantations in X. laevis tadpoles with downregulated NO synthases eNOS and nNOS revealed their migratory dependence on nitric oxide signalization. Imunocytochemical staining of XtiSCs in vitro showed positive iNOS, nNOS and Pax7 expression. Imunohistochemical staining of tadpole's tail vibratome...

Příprava rekombinantních růstových faktorů X. tropicalis a jejich charakterizace v testikulární tkáňové kultuře / Preparation of X. tropicalis recombinant growth factors and their characterization in testicular tissue culture.

Borecká, Marianna January 2011 (has links)
In our Laboratory of Developmental Biology there was established a long term culture derived from Xenopus tropicalis testes. It contains pre-Sertoli cells mostly. They compose a feeder layer allowing cultivation of stem cells, revealing the morphology of spermatogonial stem cells. This diploma thesis was focused on a preparation of two growth factors, FGF2 (fibroblast growth factor 2) and GDNF (glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor), with the subsequent characterization of their influence at cell culture mentioned above. Factors were selected on the basis of the microenvironmental niche theory, according which FGF2 and GDNF are the most important factors for spermatogonial stem cells proliferation and self-renewal. FGF2 recombinant factor was gained using the expression plasmid pET-15b. Its characterization in the testicular culture brought surprising result. Even a low concentration of FGF2 factor (2.5ng/ml) caused cell detaching and dying. Similar result was previously shown in differentiating osteoblast culture only. More experiments need to be done to prove if apoptose take place and why do testicular cells act this way. Key words: Xenopus tropicalis, FGF2, GDNF, SSC, pre-Seroli cells

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