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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Софтверски систем за преузимање библиографских записа / Softverski sistem za preuzimanje bibliografskih zapisa / System for retrieval of bibliographic records

Boberić Danijela 02 July 2010 (has links)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Извршено је моделирање и имплементација&nbsp;система који омогућава претраживање и&nbsp;преузимање библиотечких записа по&nbsp;дефинисаним стандардима. Систем је базиран&nbsp;на сервис-оријенисаној архитектури и&nbsp;mediator/wrapper шаблону. Систем је&nbsp;имплементиран у програмском језику Java, а&nbsp;модел је приказан у UML 2.0 нотацији. У&nbsp;оквиру система развијени су сервиси који&nbsp;представљају серверске стране за протокол&nbsp;Z39.50 и SRU и развијена је посебна&nbsp;софтверска компонента која омогућава&nbsp;интеграцију тих сервиса са постојећим&nbsp;библиотечким системом. Верификација овог&nbsp;система извршена је интеграцијом у&nbsp;софтверски систем БИСИС верзије 4.&nbsp;</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><br />Такође, показано је да се упит формиран&nbsp;помоћу Z39.50 упитног језика може&nbsp;трансформисати у упит који је дефинисан SRU&nbsp;упитним језиком. Дата је и трансформација&nbsp;SRU упитног језика у Lucene упитни језик. Дат&nbsp;је предлог проширења SRU стандарда у циљу&nbsp;да се овај стандард користи и за комуникацију<br />између клијента и сервера када је потребно&nbsp;снимање података у удаљену базу података.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">Izvršeno je modeliranje i implementacija&nbsp;sistema koji omogućava pretraživanje i&nbsp;preuzimanje bibliotečkih zapisa po&nbsp;definisanim standardima. Sistem je baziran&nbsp;na servis-orijenisanoj arhitekturi i&nbsp;mediator/wrapper šablonu. Sistem je&nbsp;implementiran u programskom jeziku Java, a&nbsp;model je prikazan u UML 2.0 notaciji. U&nbsp;okviru sistema razvijeni su servisi koji&nbsp;predstavljaju serverske strane za protokol&nbsp;Z39.50 i SRU i razvijena je posebna&nbsp;softverska komponenta koja omogućava&nbsp;integraciju tih servisa sa postojećim&nbsp;bibliotečkim sistemom. Verifikacija ovog&nbsp;sistema izvršena je integracijom u&nbsp;softverski sistem BISIS verzije 4.&nbsp;</p><p style="text-align: justify;"><br />Takođe, pokazano je da se upit formiran&nbsp;pomoću Z39.50 upitnog jezika može&nbsp;transformisati u upit koji je definisan SRU&nbsp;upitnim jezikom. Data je i transformacija&nbsp;SRU upitnog jezika u Lucene upitni jezik. Dat&nbsp;je predlog proširenja SRU standarda u cilju&nbsp;da se ovaj standard koristi i za komunikaciju<br />između klijenta i servera kada je potrebno&nbsp;snimanje podataka u udaljenu bazu podataka.</p> / <p> Modeling and implementation of software system for retrieval of bibliographic records using defined standard has been done. System is based on service &ndash; oriented architecture as well as on mediator/wrapper architecture. System implementation is realized in programming language Java and modelling of system is performed using UML 2.0. Also, services presenting server side of protocols Z39.50 and SRU have been developed. In addition, software component based on mediator approach used for connecting services for retrieval with legacy system is developed. Verification of described system is done by integration of that system into library system BISIS, version 4. Moreover, it is proved that transformations of Z39.50 query into SRU query are possible, and it has been made a suggestion how to transform SRU query into Lucene query. Also, it has been made suggestion how to extend existing SRU standard in order to use that extension when it is necessary to update bibliographic records on remote databases via Internet.</p>

DIA : un système de recommandation de livres dans un contexte pédagogique

Yammine, Kamal January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Authority control in an academic library consortium using a union catalogue maintained by a central office for authority control

Marais, Hester, 1961- 31 March 2004 (has links)
Authority control is the backbone of the library catalogue and therefore a critical library activity. Experienced staff create authority records to assist users in their quest for information. The focus of this study is on authority control as a means of co-operation in academic library consortia using a union catalogue maintained by a Central Office for Authority Control. Literature studies were conducted on three sub-problems: the development of academic library consortia in South Africa, and various forms, characteristics and functions of academic library consortia in general; the characteristics, principals and objectives of authority control; and the functions of union catalogues with special reference to the role of Z39.50 within virtual union catalogues. The conclusion was that existing and new authority records should be made available as widely as possible within consortia through a union catalogue. It is however a partial solution, because not all the libraries within the consortium have the expertise to create new authority records. Two empirical studies were conducted. A cost analysis was done to determine the cost of creating and changing authority records within academic library consortia in South Africa, in order to choose a system within which authority control can be performed effectively and speedily. Secondly, a questionnaire was sent to libraries in the United States to gather information on their experiences with regard to authority control, library co-operation in general, and virtual union catalogues. The United States was the natural choice because it could be regarded as the birthplace of modern library consortia. Inferences drawn from the information received was used to develop the structure and functions for a Central Office for Authority Control in academic library consortia in South Africa. It was found that authority control within an academic library consortium using a union catalogue could be conducted most cost-effectively and timeously through such a Central Office for Authority Control. The purpose of the Central Office would be to co-ordinate authority control within the consortium. Pooling available resources within the consortium would keep the cost of authority control as low as possible. Libraries with the required infrastructure and expertise would have the opportunity to create authority records on behalf of other libraries and be compensated for their services. Through such a Central Office more authority records created according to mutually accepted standards would be available for sharing within the consortium. / Information Science / D.Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Authority control in an academic library consortium using a union catalogue maintained by a central office for authority control

Marais, Hester, 1961- 31 March 2004 (has links)
Authority control is the backbone of the library catalogue and therefore a critical library activity. Experienced staff create authority records to assist users in their quest for information. The focus of this study is on authority control as a means of co-operation in academic library consortia using a union catalogue maintained by a Central Office for Authority Control. Literature studies were conducted on three sub-problems: the development of academic library consortia in South Africa, and various forms, characteristics and functions of academic library consortia in general; the characteristics, principals and objectives of authority control; and the functions of union catalogues with special reference to the role of Z39.50 within virtual union catalogues. The conclusion was that existing and new authority records should be made available as widely as possible within consortia through a union catalogue. It is however a partial solution, because not all the libraries within the consortium have the expertise to create new authority records. Two empirical studies were conducted. A cost analysis was done to determine the cost of creating and changing authority records within academic library consortia in South Africa, in order to choose a system within which authority control can be performed effectively and speedily. Secondly, a questionnaire was sent to libraries in the United States to gather information on their experiences with regard to authority control, library co-operation in general, and virtual union catalogues. The United States was the natural choice because it could be regarded as the birthplace of modern library consortia. Inferences drawn from the information received was used to develop the structure and functions for a Central Office for Authority Control in academic library consortia in South Africa. It was found that authority control within an academic library consortium using a union catalogue could be conducted most cost-effectively and timeously through such a Central Office for Authority Control. The purpose of the Central Office would be to co-ordinate authority control within the consortium. Pooling available resources within the consortium would keep the cost of authority control as low as possible. Libraries with the required infrastructure and expertise would have the opportunity to create authority records on behalf of other libraries and be compensated for their services. Through such a Central Office more authority records created according to mutually accepted standards would be available for sharing within the consortium. / Information Science / D.Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

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