131 |
Rajeshwari, P
January 1971
(has links)
Cytotaxonomy and genetics
132 |
Thippareddy, S
08 1900
(has links)
Reproduction in the garden lizard, calotes versicolor (Daud)
133 |
Suvarnalatha, M
05 1900
(has links)
organs in frogs and toads
134 |
Chandrakala, M V
10 1900
(has links)
Male gerbil tatera indica hardwickei (Gray)
135 |
Madhyastha, Anantharama N
05 1900
(has links)
Cytology of adenohypophysis
136 |
Manjunatha, K R
24 December 1981
(has links)
Karyology of Murids
137 |
Kanakaraj, S R
04 1900
(has links)
skipper frog rana cyanophlyctis schneider
138 |
Prakash, H S
27 September 1979
(has links)
Cytotaxonomy and population genetics
139 |
Sundararaj, B I
January 1957
(has links)
spawning in catfish
140 |
Reddy, Sreerama G
02 August 1973
(has links)
Cytotaxonomy and genetics