71 |
Shivanna, N
05 1900
(has links)
Species of Drosophila
72 |
Nair, Sashindran K
07 1900
(has links)
The growth and development of silkworm bombyx. Mori.L
73 |
Jayashankar, M
02 1900
(has links)
Drosophila ananassae
74 |
Parthasarathy, B A
07 1900
(has links)
Races of Bombyx Mori L
75 |
Raju, R
11 1900
(has links)
Management practices on wildlife of bhadra wildlife sanctuary
76 |
Ashwath, S K
09 1900
(has links)
Chromosome biology of orthoptera
77 |
Murthy, Krishna T R
10 1900
(has links)
Chemical methods of control
78 |
12 1900
(has links)
Histophysiology of the oviduct in the skink
79 |
Gunasekaran, N
05 1900
(has links)
Selected spice products
80 |
Rao, Ramesh Chandra B
January 1979
(has links)
Biological and ecological aspects of certain Indian earthworms