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Zefektivnění výroby statoru pro LCV 20 pomocí CNC horizontální vyvrtávačky ŠKODA FCW 150. / Improvement of the LCV 20 Stator Manufacture with The CNC Horizontal Boring Machine ŠKODA FCW 150.Mejzešová, Monika January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a production process cast body of the stator the in the company Papcel, a.s., Litovel. The first part is focused on the description of the current production process. The production is realized with several manufacturing machines and hand machining also. The second part analyzes available changes of the current technology and describes alternative procedures and production facilities. The CNC machine-tool ŠKODA FCW 150 seems to be the most effective way of production, which could increase the labor productivity, cut the share of manual works, reduce a risk of a human error and to increase the final product quality and accuracy. The final part of the thesis evaluates the machine and preparation times for a single production, including assembly operations and financial impacts of the investments on the company costs.
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Vystružovací nástroje s břity z cermetu a PVD povlakem / Reamers with cermet cutting edge and PVD coatingTechnik, Radim January 2009 (has links)
The Master’s thesis is focused on reaming technology using PVD coated reamers with cermet cutting edge. This work point out a historical evolution of reaming technology as well as recent requirements to the quality of produced surfaces. Reamers characteristic, splitting, mechanical designs, cutting tool geometry as well as the assumption of a reamer potential evolution are presented. Application of cermet tool material and PVD coatings to reaming tools is considered. The work contains a review of present statement at reamer market including cermet reamers and provided single cells (elements) of the Tool Management. The experimental part of the work is focused on product manufacture qualities verification of the changeable PVD coated reamer head made by HAM-FINAL ltd. Economic analysis in case of investment to the reamer purchase is demonstrated on the example of the practical application of the reamer.
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Vliv speciálních materiálů na vlastnosti měřících zařízení / Influence of special materials on the properties of measurement gaugesTáfl, Josef January 2011 (has links)
New materials used at construction gauge they are though expensive, but shall they meaningful influence over making and metrological characteristics. Work evaluation influence these material on increasing quality concrete gauge.
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Mapování geometrických chyb v pracovním prostoru obráběcího stroje / Mapping geometry errors in the machine tool workspaceKnobloch, Josef January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis offers a new approach to the measuring of geometry errors in the machine tool workspace with the aid of laser tracker. There is a method of data acquisition and also the Matlab programs for data processing suggested in the thesis. This method can determine the accuracy and repeatibility of positioning and angular displacement of the numerical controlled axes of the measured machine tool and it compiles its mathematical model. All the gathered knowledge is used to evaluation of geometric accuracy of the virtual machined workpiece.
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Návrh na zefektivnění procesu obrábění ojnice / Design of increase in efficiency of machining of connecting rodHolub, Milan January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a machining process of the forging of connecting rod in the company SANBORN a.s mainly for reason to propose a more effective method of machining. The first part is focused on the analyse of actual process of production which is realized on several manufacturing machines. On second part are proposed the increases in efficiency of single machining operation and is used the modern multi - fuction machining centre OKUMA MULTUS which will increase the productivity and quality of machined part. In final part is applied for evaluation of machining and secondary production times and is performed the total financial analyse.
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Přesnost evropského GNSS pro civilní letectví / Accuracy of the European GNSS for the Civil AviationBittner, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a positioning accuracy of global positioning system GPS and satellite augmentation system EGNOS. My thesis describes the procedure for investigation of the errors in previously mentioned global navigation satellite systems according to L10 regulation and further on an elaboration is worked out in more detail far beyond the requirements of this regulation. In the practical part, an assessment of errors on a real data sample is done, the errors are measured with using a static observation, and later a discussion is carried out on the achieved results.
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Geometrická přesnost výroby kovových dílů aditivní technologií Selective Laser Melting / Geometric Accuracy of Additively Manufactured Test PartsIlčík, Jindřich January 2013 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with the control of the geometric accuracy of the parts produced by additive manufacturing technology selective laser melting. The paper first analyzed the work of the other authors dealing with this issue. Based on obtained informations from this analysis were developed benchmark test parts for quality control of production on a commercial machine SLM 280 HL supplied by SLM Solutions GmbH. The work was carried out several tests to determine the appropriate parameters of construction parts. These tests, their results and conclusions are fully described in this papper.
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Lokalizace zařízení pomocí BLE rámců / Device localization using BLE packetsTsevelnyam, Amgalanbayar January 2017 (has links)
Master’s thesis is about indoor localization of objects or persons using Bluetooth Low Energy. The outcome of this work is determining the accuracy of a localization method One Nearest Zone on density of the localization network, implementing the Trilateration method and also determining the accuracy of this localization method on density of the localization network.
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Conditions de validité de l'Élastographie par Résonance Magnétique / Conditions of validity of Magnetic Resonance ElastographyJulea, Felicia 14 March 2018 (has links)
L'élastographie par résonance magnétique (ERM) est une technique d'imagerie, reconnue comme une méthode pertinente pour la caractérisation mécanique des tissus humains in vivo. Celle-ci représente un intérêt fondamental en diagnostic clinique car le développement d'un processus pathologique s'accompagne la plupart du temps d'altérations des propriétés mécaniques des tissus atteints. L'ERM consiste à enregistrer le champ de déplacement induit au passage d'une onde de cisaillement généré dans le milieu étudié. Les paramètres mécaniques comme la vitesse, v, et les modules de viscoélasticité de cisaillement, G' et G'', peuvent être cartographiés. La quantification des paramètres mécaniques dépend à la fois de la fréquence mécanique, fexc, de la taille de voxel, a, de l'amplitude des champs de déplacement induits, A, de l'amplitude du rotationnel du champ de déplacement, q, des erreurs de mesure, ΔA et Δq, donc du rapport signal à bruit, RSB, et enfin de la méthode de reconstruction. En inversant les équations différentielles du champ de déplacement acquis selon les trois dimensions de l'espace, ces paramètres ont été considérés pour déterminer la précision et l'exactitude des modules mécaniques obtenus et établir les conditions de validité de l'ERM. Dans cette thèse, nous avons tout d'abord considéré A et A/ΔA afin de définir un premier seuil de validité pour l'ERM. Nous avons étudié l'influence de ces deux paramètres sur un fantôme hétérogène dans un appareil IRM 1,5 T avec deux types d'antennes. Dans une première étude, les champs de déplacement ont été acquis en fonction de A en utilisant deux séquences écho de spin (RFE) et écho de gradient (FFE) sensibilisées au mouvement pour une taille de voxel isotrope de 1 mm. Dans une seconde étude, ils ont été acquis en RFE en fonction de A pour trois résolutions spatiales différentes. Ces études ont révélé l'existence d'un seuil en A/ΔA au-delà duquel les paramètres extraits (G', G'') atteignent un plateau et l'ERM est fiable. Nous avons ensuite considéré le nombre de voxel par longueur d'onde, λ/a, comme paramètre déterminant des conditions de validité de l'ERM et nous avons caractérisé la qualité des données acquises par le rapport q/Δq. Sur des simulaitons dans un milieu élastique, homogène et isotrope avec un RSB variant entre 5 et 30, la précision et l'exactitude des mesures se sont avérées optimales pour 6 à 9 voxels par longueur d'onde. Nous avons reproduit expérimentalement à 2 kHz les conditions des siimulations sur un fantôme de PVA. Les champs de déplacement ont été acquis à 11,7 T en utilisant une séquence RFE sensibilisée au mouvement pour des résolutions spatiales de 150 μm à 300 μm afin de balayer le rapport λ/a de 1 à 20. Les résultats expérimentaux confirment pleinement les prédictions de la simulation. La vitesse de cisaillement diminue et tend vers la vitesse de référence attendue lorsque l'acquisition est réalisée dans le domaine optimal, à savoir ici lorsque a est inférieure ou égale à 200 μm. En outre la dispersion de la vitesse est réduite dans le domaine optimal et des estimations plus précises des paramètres mécaniques ont pu être déduites. Cette thèse montre d'une part que la précision et l'exactitude de l'ERM sont optimales lorsque les acquisitions sont réalisées ou traitées pour un domaine d'échantillonnage de la longueur d'onde déterminé par le RSB. Elle montre d'autre part que la comparaison des résultats obtenus doit être menée dans une gamme similaire de q/Δq. La prise en compte des conditions de validité de l'ERM, déterminées par les rapports λ/a et q/Δq, conduit à une mesure quantitative effective des paramètres mécaniques. Il est ainsi possible d'envisager un diagnostic clinique pertinent au sein d'un même organe, d'un même sujet, entre sujets ou au cours du temps. / Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) is a imaging technique, recognized as a pertinent method for the mechanical characterization of human tissue in vivo. It offersa particular interest in clinical diagnosis because the development of a pathological process is often accompanied by modifications of the mechanical properties of diseased tissues. MRE consists of recording, along the three spatial dimensions, the displacement field induced by the propagation of a shear wave generated by excitation of the investigated tissue. Mechanical parameters such as shear wave velocity, v, and shear moduli, G' and G'', can then be mapped. The quantification of the mechanical parameters depends on the frequency of the mechanical excitation, fexc, the spatial resolution, a, the amplitude of the induced displacement field, A and the amplitude of the curl field displacement, q, with associated measurement errors, ΔA and Δq, (related to the signal-to-noise ratio, SNR) and finally the reconstruction method. All these parameters were considered to determine the precision and the accuracy of the estimated mechanical moduli and to establish the conditions of validity of MRE following the inversion of the differential equations of the displacement field. In this work, first A and A/ΔA were considered to define a validity threshold for MRE. The influence of A and A/ΔA was studied on a heterogeneous phantom acquired using a 1.5 T MRI with two different types of coils. In a first study, the displacement fields were acquired as a function of A using motion-sensitized spin-echo (REF) and gradient-echo (FFE) sequences for an isotropic spatial resolution of 1 mm. In a second study, the displacement field was acquired as a function of A using RFE for three different spatial resolutions. These studies revealed the existence of a threshold in A/ΔA beyond which the extracted parameters (G', G'') reach a plateau and the MRE is reliable. Then the number of voxels per wavelength, λ/a was considered as a parameter determining the conditions of validity of MRE. This parameter was studied according to the quality of the acquired data characterized by the ratio q//Δq. Simulations were carried in a homogeneous and isotropic elastic medium with a SNR between 5 and 30. The accuracy and the precision of the measurements were found optimal for 6 to 9 voxels per wavelength. The simulation conditions were experimentally reproduced at 2 kHz on a home-made polyvinyl alcohol phantom. The displacement fields were acquired at 11.7 T using a motion-sensitized RFE sequence with spatial resolutions ranging from 150 μm to 300 μm in order to obtain a λ/a ratio ranging from 1 to 20. The experimental results fully confirm the predictions of the simulation. The shear wave velocity decreases with λ/a. It tends towards the expected reference value when the acquisition is performed in the optimal condition, namely here when a is less than or equal to 200 μm. In addition, the standard deviation of the shear wave velocity is reduced for the optimal conditions. Therefore, accurate estimation of mechanical parameters could be deduced. This thesis first demonstrates that the precision and accuracy of MRE are optimal when the acquisitions are performed or processed for a certain wavelength sampling range determined by the SNR. We also showed that for fair comparison of the results, MRE must be carried out in a similar range of q/Δq. Taking into account the conditions of validity of MRE, determined by the ratios λ/a and q/Δq, leads to an effective quantitative measurement of the mechanical parameters making it possible to establish a relevant clinical diagnosis within the same organ, the same subject, between subjects or over time.
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Development of a First-principle Model of a Semi-batch Rhodium Dissolution ProcessNkoghe Eyeghe, Norbertin January 2017 (has links)
First-principle modelling of chemical processes and their unit operations has been
of great interest in the chemical process, as well as the control and allied industries
over the past decades. This is because it offers the opportunity to develop virtual
representations (models) of real process systems, which can be used to describe and
predict the dynamic behaviour of those systems. These models are based on the
fundamentals of the transport phenomena of fluid dynamics (involving momentum
transfer), mass transfer, and energy transfer of the systems they describe.
A first-principle model of a semi-batch rhodium dissolution chemical process
has been developed. It describes the dynamic behaviour of two exothermic reactions,
occurring simultaneously in a semi-batch process. The dissolution of 29 kg
of solid crude rhodium sponge (Rh) into 546 L of a solution of hydrochloric acid
(HCl(aq)), to produce a solution of aqueous rhodium(III) chloride (RhCl3.H2O),
as well as the reaction of chlorine (Cl2(aq)) with water (H2O(l)) to produce some
more HCl(aq) in the reactor. The model was formulated as a system of explicit ordinary
differential equations (ODEs), which demonstrated some good and stable
qualitative tracking of the temperature and pressure data of the real reactor. The
molar responses of all chemical species, as well as the heats of reactions, showed to
be consistent with the description of the process, and no negative values of those
variables were generated.
Estimates of the key parameters of heat and mass transfer coefficients, arrhenius
constants, and activation energies of reactions were assumed and tuned to satisfaction
by trial-and-error, but not optimised. This is because during simulations, the
numerical solver would often fail to integrate the equations, due to the appearance
of large derivatives in some model equations whenever those parameters varied,
thereby stopping simulations.
Finally, the model was validated with a set of data from 45 batches. For all
simulations done, the simulated temperature responses showed better prediction
of data than the simulated pressure responses did, with an average percentage
accuracy of 80% against 60 percent, respectively. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Anglo American Platinum / BluESP (Pty) Ltd / Chemical Engineering / MSc / Unrestricted
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