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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De l'immersion à l'habiter dans les mondes virtuels : le cas des villes dans Second Life / From immersion to habit in virtual worlds : the case of cities in Second Life

Lucas, Jean-François 11 January 2013 (has links)
Cette recherche traite du phénomène immersif dans les mondes virtuels accessibles « grâce à » internet. Second Life sert de terrain d'analyse car il permet de discuter trois régimes immersifs : le perceptif, le narratif et le lien social. Au traversd'une approche formelle (Simmel) et de la théorie de l'acteur-réseau (ANT, Latour), nous analysons diverses médiations conditionnant ces régimes : les villes modélisées dans Second Life sont étudiées de façon approfondie comme le lieu duvivre ensemble et de l'hétérogénéité des publics et des usages.Notre thèse qui s'appuie sur la sociologie a également recours aux sciences de l'information et de la communication, à la philosophie, à la géographie de l'espace social et aux digital humanities. Il s'agit d'une approche transdisciplinaire sollicitant des matériaux variés : observations participantes, entretiens, questionnaires. Nous développons une techniqueautomatisée de « tracking » pour générer des « Big Data » permettant l'analyse des pratiques spatiales des avatars dans l'univers digital.Nous montrons que l'immersion dépend des choix de l'utilisateur (point de vue visuel, choix des activités, etc.) et des qualités et possibles de Second Life (architecture technique, carte du monde, forme du cadre bâti, etc.). Des phénomènes d'appropriation et d'attachement entre des acteurs et des lieux sont décrits et permettent de constater la formalisation d'un« chez-soi ». Les diverses étapes de ce travail contribuent à une théorie de l'habiter dans les mondes virtuels / This research deals with the phenomenon of immersion in virtual worlds which are accessible "thanks to" the internet. Second Life is used as fieldwork because it allows to discuss three immersion regimes: perceptive, narrative andsocial ones. Through a formal approach (Simmel) and actor-network theory (ANT, Latour), we analyze various mediations which condition these immersion regimes: cities modeled in Second Life are studied in depth as the place to live togetherand as heterogeneous audiences and uses.Our thesis which is based on sociology also uses information and communication sciences, philosophy, geography of social space, and digital humanities. It is a transdisciplinary approach using various methods: participant observations,interviews, questionnaires. We develop an automated tracker to generate "Big Data" for the analysis of spatial practices of avatars in the digital world.We show that the immersion depends on the choice of the user (visual point of view, choice of activities, etc.) and on qualities and potentialities of Second Life (technical architecture, world map, shape of the built environment, etc.).Appropriation and attachment phenomena between actors and locations are described and allow us to observe the formalization of a "home". The various steps of this work contribute to a theory of habitat in virtual worlds

Uma infraestrutura para aplicações distribuídas baseadas em atores Scala / An infrastructure for distributed applications based on Scala actors

Thiago Henrique Coraini 28 November 2011 (has links)
Escrever aplicações concorrentes é comumente tido como uma tarefa difícil e propensa a erros. Isso é particularmente verdade para aplicações escritas nas linguagens de uso mais disseminado, como C++ e Java, que oferecem um modelo de programação concorrente baseado em memória compartilhada e travas. Muitos consideram que o modo de se programar concorrentemente nessas linguagens é inadequado e dificulta a construção de sistemas livres de problemas como condições de corrida e deadlocks. Por conta disso e da popularização de processadores com múltiplos núcleos, nos últimos anos intensificou-se a busca por ferramentas mais adequadas para o desenvolvimento de aplicações concorrentes. Uma alternativa que vem ganhando atenção é o modelo de atores, proposto inicialmente na década de 1970 e voltado especificamente para a computação concorrente. Nesse modelo, cada ator é uma entidade isolada, que não compartilha memória com outros atores e se comunica com eles somente por meio de mensagens assíncronas. A implementação mais bem sucedida do modelo de atores é a oferecida por Erlang, a linguagem que (provavelmente) explorou esse modelo de forma mais eficiente. A linguagem Scala, surgida em 2003, roda na JVM e possui muitas semelhanças com Java. No entanto, no que diz respeito à programação concorrente, os criadores de Scala buscaram oferecer uma solução mais adequada. Assim, essa linguagem oferece uma biblioteca que implementa o modelo de atores e é fortemente inspirada nos atores de Erlang. O objetivo deste trabalho é explorar o uso do modelo de atores na linguagem Scala, especificamente no caso de aplicações distribuídas. Aproveitando o encapsulamento imposto pelos atores e a concorrência inerente ao modelo, propomos uma plataforma que gerencie a localização dos atores de modo totalmente transparente ao desenvolvedor e que tem o potencial de promover o desenvolvimento de aplicações eficientes e escaláveis. Nossa infraestrutura oferece dois serviços principais, ambos voltados ao gerenciamento da localização de atores: distribuição automática e migração. O primeiro deles permite que o programador escreva sua aplicação pensando apenas nos atores que devem ser instanciados e na comunicação entre esses atores, sem se preocupar com a localização de cada ator. É responsabilidade da infraestrutura definir onde cada ator será executado, usando algoritmos configuráveis. Já o mecanismo de migração permite que a execução de um ator seja suspensa e retomada em outro computador. A migração de atores possibilita que as aplicações se adaptem a mudanças no ambiente de execução. Nosso sistema foi construído tendo-se em mente possibilidades de extensão, em particular por algoritmos que usem o mecanismo de migração para melhorar o desempenho de uma aplicação. / Writing concurrent applications is generally seen as a dificult and error-prone task. This is particularly true for applications written in the most widely used languages, such as C++ and Java, which offer a concurrent programming model based upon shared memory and locks. Many claim that the way concurrent programming is done in these languages is inappropriate and makes it harder to build systems free from problems such as race conditions and deadlocks. For that reason, and also due to the popularization of multi-core processors, the pursuit for tools better suited to the development of concurrent applications has increased in recent years. An alternative that is gaining attention is the actor model, originally proposed in the 1970s and focused specifically in concurrent computing. In this model, each actor is an isolated entity, which does not share memory with other actors and communicates with them only by asynchronous message passing. The most successful implementation of the actor model is likely to be the one provided by Erlang, a language that supports actors in a very efficient way. The Scala language, which appeared in 2003, runs in the JVM and has many similarities with Java. Its creators, however, sought to provide a better solution for concurrent programming. So the language has a library that implements the actor model and is heavily inspired by Erlang actors. The goal of this work is to explore the usage of the actor model in Scala, speciffically for distributed applications. Taking advantage of the encapsulation imposed by actors and of the concurrency inherent to their model, we propose a platform that manages actor location in a way that is fully transparent to the developer. Our proposed platform has the potential of promoting the development of efficient and scalable applications. Our infrastructure offers two major services, both aimed at managing actor location: automatic distribution and migration. The first one allows the programmer to write his application thinking only about the actors that must be instantiated and about the communication among these actors, without being concerned with where each actor will be located. The infrastructure has the responsibility of defining where each actor will run. It accomplishes this task by using some configurable algorithm. The migration mechanism allows the execution of an actor to be suspended and resumed in another computer. Actor migration allows applications to adapt to changes in the execution environment. Our system has been built with extension possibilities in mind, and particularly to be extended by algorithms that use the migration mechanism to improve application performance.

Acting as a life : "What am I doing?"

Enriquez, Andres Ray 01 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Because My Garmin Told Me To: A New Materialist Study of Agency and Wearable Technology

Repici, Michael 26 March 2019 (has links)
Wearable technologies are being adopted in increasing numbers and the market space appears poised for continued growth in virtually all areas, from medicine, to self-quantification, to sports. While the overwhelming majority of work on wearables has been done on their medical applications and their role in shaping identity, this dissertation examines the roles that wearable technologies play on the decision-making processes in athletic contexts. Using new materialism and Actor Network Theory as lenses, I attempt to break from the Cartesian model that places human subjectivity and intentionality at the center of a rhetorical situation and, rather, allow that non-human actants are agentive. I examine the interactions that age-group triathletes have with their wearable technologies and the shifting agencies that accompany those interactions. These interactions call on disparate human and non-human actors in forming a series of temporary, shifting networks that utilize a distributed agency in the decision making process.

Dépasser le présent / To overtake the present

Paugam, Lena 27 February 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse expose les caractéristiques formelles et substantielles d’un ensemble littéraire appelé « dramaturgies de la sidération ». Elle s’inscrit dans le prolongement des recherches de Jean-Pierre Sarrazac et de Catherine Naugrette sur la poétique du drame moderne et contemporain. Les pièces du corpus étudié ici ont pour point commun de présenter des situations fictionnelles bloquées où l’usage de la parole vient suppléer l’apparente inertie du corps des personnages. L’action dramatique y est mise en suspens, le temps et l’espace de la fiction y sont marqués par de multiples effets de clôture et les personnages y témoignent aussi bien de leur incapacité à agir que de leur difficulté de se sentir exister.A travers un cycle de création intitulé La crise du désir – états de suspension, espaces d’incertitudes et comprenant six mises en scène réalisées entre 2013 et 2016, Lena Paugam s’interroge sur le rapport entre sidération et désir dans les dramaturgies modernes et contemporaines. Envisageant la notion de présence comme un processus consistant à se projeter en permanence au-delà du présent, vers un futur immédiat, le désir est ici considéré comme un outil conceptuel au service de la mise en scène. Il permet de travailler sur le rapport de l’acteur à la temporalité de la représentation théâtrale. Depuis l’examen attentif des données littéraires des œuvres dramatiques de son corpus, jusqu’à la description de ses réalisations scéniques, en passant par l’exposé des problématiques nées au cœur des répétitions, cette thèse retrace le déploiement d’une démarche artistique qui s’appuie sur la notion de désir pour accompagner le travail technique des acteurs dans une approche musicale du jeu et de l’interprétation théâtrale. / Pas de résumé disponible.

La complementación entre el guion, actuación y la dirección de arte para la creación del personaje Kevin Wendell Crumb en la película Fragmentado / Complementation in the script, acting and art direction for the creation of the character of Kevin Wendell Crumb

Egocheaga Ramos, Karina Ximena 27 November 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación abarca el tema de la complementación en el guion, actuación y dirección de arte para la creación del personaje de Kevin Wendell Crumb. Esto se debe a que muchas veces, no se toman en cuenta estos elementos para crear determinados personajes en las películas. / The present research work covers the subject of complementation in the script, acting and art direction for the creation of the character of Kevin Wendell Crumb. This is because many times, these elements are not taken into account to create certain characters in the films. / Trabajo de investigación

Programming Support for Scalable, Serializable and Elastic Cloud Applications

Bo Sang (5930225) 30 July 2020 (has links)
<div>Elasticity is an essential feature for cloud applications to handle varying and unpredictable workloads in a cost-effective way on cloud platforms. However, implementing a stateful elastic application is hard, as programmers have to: (1) reason about concurrent execution in the applications (serializability); (2) guarantee the application can process more requests with larger scale (scalability); and (3) provide elasticity management to improve performance and resource efficiency for applications (efficient elasticity management). Unfortunately, addressing all those concerns requires deep understanding and rich experience in distributed systems and cloud computing. </div><div> </div><div>In this dissertation, we provide programming support to help programmers implement their stateful elastic cloud applications in a simpler manner. Specifically, we present AEON, an actor-based programming language, and \arch, an elastic programming framework. On the one hand, AEON provides programmers with scalability and serialzability, executing actor-based programs in a serialized manner while still retaining a high degree of parallelism. Meanwhile, AEON can adjust programs' scale via fine-grained live actor migration. On the other hand, PLASMA includes (1) an elastic programming language as a second ``level'' of programming (complementing the main application programming language) for describing elasticity behaviors, and (2) a novel semantics-aware elasticity management runtime that tracks program execution and acts upon application features as suggested by elasticity behaviors. </div><div>With these, PLASMA can provide efficient elasticity management to cloud applications</div>

The Viewpoints: A Postmodern Actor Training for a Postmodern Theatre

Cullen, Steven Daniel 13 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Meadowscape : Bring health to ecological systems through actions in the agricultural landscape

Östlund, Anna January 2023 (has links)
The physical landscape is a patchwork of different physical and immaterial structures and networks built up through time, where nature and culture cooperate in processes of shaping the landscape. Since the first settlers in Sweden the grass meadow has taken a central part in the agricultural practices, but today little of this landscape remains. As the most biodiverse land type in Sweden, the loss of meadows states a threat to many endangered species. To maintain an agricultural landscape with high variation in land use, where biological values and cultural environments are maintained, the current landscape pattern and activities must be redesigned. This thesis takes it departure from the territory of Småland as a region defined by its long agricultural practises. The research aims to provide new learnings and insights from the agricultural landscape through historic and modern activities and patterns, to understand how ecological processes and human actions has influenced the landscape. Theories and methods supporting the research and design choices are Actor-Network Theory, landscape ecology and case studies from the agricultural landscape. Actor-Network Theory is used to prevent braking down a complex problem into static actors, but to instead recognise the links and connection the actors already make. In this case the main actors are agricultural tools and structures, landscape elements, landscape ecology, plants and animals. Through a set of design guides based on landscape design principles and the understanding of the rules actors follow in the landscape network, a new diverse landscape pattern can emerge, defined as a meadowscape. As architects we have the possibility to thorough understanding the rules and logic of historic and modern actors in the landscape, rethink their patterns and use them to create a new type of landscape that cater both ecological activity.

The Actor-Observer Effect and Perceptions of Agency: The Options of Obedience and Pro-social Behavior

Downs, Samuel David 06 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The actor-observer effect suggests that actors attribute to the situation while observers attribute to the actor's disposition. This effect has come under scrutiny because of an alternative perspective that accounts for anomalous finding. This alternative, called the contextual perspective, suggests that actors and observers foreground different aspects of the context because of a relationship with the context, and has roots in Gestalt psychology and phenomenology. I manipulated a researcher's prompt and the presence of a distressed confederate as the context for attributions, and hypothesized that actors and observers would differ on attributions to choice, situation, and disposition because of presence of a distressed confederate. Actors were presented with either a distressed or non-distressed confederate and either a prompt to leave, a prompt to stay, or no prompt. For example, some actors experienced a distressed confederate and were asked to leave while others experienced a non-distressed confederate and were asked to stay. Actors then made a decision to either stay and help the confederate or leave. Observers watched one of ten videos, each of one actor condition in which the actor either stayed or left (five actor conditions by 2 options of stay or leave). Actors' and observers' choice, situational, and dispositional attributions were analyzed using factorial MANOVAs. Actors and observers foregrounded the distressed confederate when making attributions to choice, situation, and disposition. Furthermore, observers' attributions to choice were also influenced by the actor's behavior. These findings support the contextual perspective since context does influence actors' and observers' attributions.

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