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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Constraints on the adoption of Adaptive Water Management principles : the case of Greater Tehran

Delavari Edalat, Farideh January 2014 (has links)
Continued water scarcity, flooding, pollution and urbanisation, especially in developing countries, have signified the necessity of renewed exploration of the most appropriate approach to water management. This approach should aim to meet the water requirements in the changing world in a sustainable way. Reviewing the different water approaches that have emerged in the developed countries during the last decades suggests that Adaptive Water Management (AWM) could provide a sustainable route to address the existing complex problems of urban water management through the future. The purpose of this study was to determine whether AWM could be applied to Greater Tehran in order to maximise sustainability and deal with the future uncertainties. The AWM characteristics of polycentric governance, institutional flexibility, and public participation were used to assess the adaptability of the existing water management. The research findings showed that, despite the lack of adaptability in the current Greater Tehran water management, there are positive attitudes towards adaptability among water professionals and the public. The research findings emphasised that the AWM application could be promoted by more participation in various levels of institutional structure. This thesis suggests that if the concept of AWM is applied to Iran, it has the potential to have a significant influence in the current/future water management by promoting technical and institutional performances simultaneously.

Constraints on the adoption of Adaptive Water Management principles: the case of Greater Tehran.

Delavari Edalat, Farideh January 2014 (has links)
Continued water scarcity, flooding, pollution and urbanisation, especially in developing countries, have signified the necessity of renewed exploration of the most appropriate approach to water management. This approach should aim to meet the water requirements in the changing world in a sustainable way. Reviewing the different water approaches that have emerged in the developed countries during the last decades suggests that Adaptive Water Management (AWM) could provide a sustainable route to address the existing complex problems of urban water management through the future. The purpose of this study was to determine whether AWM could be applied to Greater Tehran in order to maximise sustainability and deal with the future uncertainties. The AWM characteristics of polycentric governance, institutional flexibility, and public participation were used to assess the adaptability of the existing water management. The research findings showed that, despite the lack of adaptability in the current Greater Tehran water management, there are positive attitudes towards adaptability among water professionals and the public. The research findings emphasised that the AWM application could be promoted by more participation in various levels of institutional structure. This thesis suggests that if the concept of AWM is applied to Iran, it has the potential to have a significant influence in the current/future water management by promoting technical and institutional performances simultaneously.

Constraints on the Adoption of Adaptive Water Management Principles: the Case of Greater Tehran

Edalat, F.D., Abdi, M. Reza January 2015 (has links)
No / Adaptive Water Management (AWM) could provide a sustainable route to address the existing complex problems of urban water management such as continued water shortage and flooding through the future. The AWM application could be a new alternative path in water management especially in developing countries which suffer from common weakening features such as unreliable infrastructure and poor institutional organisations. The AWM distinguishing characteristics such as polycentric governance, organisational flexibility and public participation are considered for feasibility study of the AWM implementation. The paper investigates whether AWM could be applied to a developing-country city in order to deal with future uncertainties of water supply/demand. The required data was collected from the water professionals of Tehran Province Water and Wastewater Company (TPWW Company), which is in charge of water supply and management of 12 million people of the Province. The key elements of AWM performance are transformed to a multi criteria decision model of Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) in order to facilitate quantification of the influence of corresponding qualitative elements derived from semi-structured interviews held in the Company, and for further analysis of urban water managers' views in a structured way. The research findings show that despite the lack of structural adaptability there are positive attitudes towards inter departmental communication and linking to the external decisive actors such as the Company's consumers. As a generalising result, the AWM concept would be applicable to the similar developing-country cities particularly located in the Middle-East region while simultaneously promoting technical and institutional performances.

In the shadow of global change: towards integrated and adaptive water resources management in the Andes of Peru / En la sombra del Cambio Global: hacia una gestión integrada y adaptativa de recursos hídricos en los Andes del Perú

Drenkhan, Fabian 10 April 2018 (has links)
In the Tropical Andes of Peru and adjacent lowlands, human livelihoods are exposed to strong changes in hydroclimatic and socioeconomic patterns. On the one hand, climate change impacts are particularly visible by means of glacier retreat and growth of glacier lakes. With decreasing ice masses in highly glacierized catchments, river discharge probably diminishes and its streamflow variability increases. On the other hand, growing energy demand promotes extensions of hydropower plants and thus a major need to rely on a predictable minimum discharge during the whole year. Additionally, the expansion of irrigated agriculture and population growth exert new pressures in the catchments. The antagonistic situation of successively depleting water supply and growing water demand put at risk future water availability.This study analyzes the state of the art of water supply in the Santa (Ancash, La Libertad) and Vilcanota (Cusco) river catchments. The water balance in both catchments is embedded in the framework of Integrated Water Resources Management and the new Water Resources Law. Multiple water conflicts which prevail in Peru, make visible the need for a water resources governance with pathways towards more participative, secure and sustainable water management. Intertwined and complex hydroclimatic and socioeconomic processes with high uncertainty in the Andes of Peru could be tackled with Adaptive Water Management in the future. / En los Andes Tropicales del Perú y regiones adyacentes aguas abajo, la subsistencia humana está expuesta a fuertes cambios en los patrones hidroclimáticos y socioeconómicos. Por un lado, los impactos del cambio climático son particularmente visibles a través del retroceso glaciar y crecimiento de lagunas glaciares. Conforme se va reduciendo la masa de hielo en cuencas altamente glaciadas, el caudal de río probablemente decrecerá y su variabilidad aumentará. Por otro lado, la creciente demanda de energía promueve la extensión de centrales hidroeléctricas y por ende una mayor necesidad de contar con un caudal mínimo predecible durante todo el año. Además, la expansión de la agricultura de riego y el crecimiento poblacional generan nuevas presiones en las cuencas. La situación antagonista de una oferta de agua sucesivamente menor y demanda de agua creciente pone en riesgo la futura disponibilidad de agua.Este estudio analiza el estado del arte de la oferta y demanda de agua en las cuencas de los ríos Santa (Ancash, La Libertad) y Vilcanota (Cusco). Se contextualiza el balance hídrico en ambas cuencas en el marco de la Gestión Integrada de Recursos Hídricos y la nueva Ley de Recursos Hídricos. Múltiples conflictos por el agua que prevalecen en el Perú hacen visible la necesidad de una gobernanza de recursos hídricos con trayectorias hacia una gestión más participativa, segura y sostenible. Procesos hidroclimáticos y socioeconómicos entrelazados y complejos con alto grado de incertidumbre en los Andes del Perú, podrían abordarse mediante una Gestión Adaptativa del Agua en el futuro.

Water Realities and Development Trajectories : Global and Local Agricultural Production Dynamics / Vatten en realitet i jordbruksutvecklingen : Global och lokal dynamik över tid

Lannerstad, Mats January 2009 (has links)
Water constraints for humans and nature are gaining more and more public attention as a critical environmental dilemma that needs to be addressed. When aquifers and rivers are running dry, the debate refers to an ongoing “world water crisis”. This thesis focuses on the water and agricultural production complexity in a global, regional and local perspective during different phases of development. It addresses the river basin closing process in light of consumptive water use changes, land use alterations, past and future food production in waterscarce developing countries in general, and a south Indian case study basin in particular, the Bhavani basin in Tamil Nadu. The study focuses on early phases of global agricultural development and addresses consumptive use and river depletion in response to land use change and irrigation expansion. It shows that focus must be shifted from a water use to a consumptive water use notion that considers both green and blue water resources. The Bhavani basin development trajectory reveals a dynamic interplay between land and water resources and different socio-political groups during the “green revolution” period. The present system has emerged as a step-by-step adaptation in response to hydro-climatic variability, human demands and infrastructure constraints. The study reveals three kinds of basin closure: allocation closure; hydrological closure; and perception wise closure. Many concerted actions on multiple scales have contributed to an increasing water use complexity even after closure. The study shows the extent to which natural variability hides creeping changes, and that the “average year” is a deceptive basis for water allocation planning. Future consumptive water requirements to feed growing populations in the developing world is analysed with a back-casting country-based approach. The study shows a doubling of water requirements by 2050 and how the challenge can be halved by increased water productivity. Since blue water accessibility for irrigation clearly will be insufficient, additional green water has to be acquired by horizontal agricultural expansion into other terrestrial ecosystems. The task will be substantial and increase the importance of global food trade. / Vattenbrist för människor och ekosystem är en mer och mer uppmärksammad miljöfråga. Sjunkande grundvattennivåer och uttorkade floder gör att många talar om en ”global vattenkris”. Denna avhandling fokuserar på de komplexa sambanden mellan vatten och jordbruksproduktion utifrån ett globalt, regionalt och lokalt perspektiv under olika utvecklingsfaser under fyra sekler. Den redogör för hur avrinningsområden överintecknas och slutligen ”stängs” för ytterligare vattenutvinning. Effekterna av ökad vattenutvinning i relation till historisk och framtida matproduktion analyseras generellt i utvecklingsländer med vattenbrist, och i detalj i en fallstudie i Bhavani avrinningsområde i Tamil Nadu i södra Indien. Studien visar för den tidiga jordbruksutvecklingen på global nivå hur förändrad markanvändning och bevattningsexpansion leder till förändrad balans mellan evapotranspiration och avrinning, med uttorkning av vattendrag som följd. Den visar vidare vikten av ett paradigmskifte där fokus flyttas från vattenanvändning till ”konsumerande” vattenanvändning, och som inkluderar både grönvatten- och blåvattenresurser. Analysen av Bhavaniområdets utvecklingskurva under det senaste seklets jordbruksutveckling visar på ett dynamiskt växelspel mellan land- och vattenresurser och mellan olika samhällsgrupper. Den nuvarande vattenanvändningssituationen har stegvis växt fram som en respons på hydroklimatisk variabilitet, människors behov och infrastrukturbegränsningar. Studien påvisar att ett avrinningsområde kan ses som ”stängt” på tre skilda sätt: när flödet är överintecknat, när utflödet sinar, och när vattenanvändare upplever att behoven överstiger tillgången. Även efter ”stängning” har etablering och intensifiering av vattenutvinning fortsatt och resulterat i ett alltmer komplext och sammanflätat vattenanvändningsmönster. Studien visar vidare hur hög hydroklimatisk variabilitet, dels gör att ”genomsnittlig vattentillgång” är förledande vid planering av vattenfördelning i ett avrinningsområde, och dels döljer smygande kumulativa effekter av ökad vattenutvinning. Slutligen anlyseras ländervis framtida vattenbehov för att möta matbehovet i världens utvecklingsländer, vilket visar på en fördubbling fram till 2050. Tack vare ökad vattenproduktivitet kan behovet emellertid halveras. Endast en bråkdel av det resterande behovet kan mötas genom ökad bevattning, dvs. med mera blåvatten. En stor del av vattenbehovet måste istället täckas med mera grönvatten via uppodling av andra terrestra ekosystem. Uppgiften innebär en betydande utmaning och global handel med jordbruksprodukter kommer att öka avsevärt i betydelse.

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