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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Migração e invasão do câncer de boca via ativação de receptor beta 2 adrenérgico por mediador do estresse / Cell migration and invasion of oral cancer via activation of beta 2 adrenergic receptor by stress mediator

Diego Mauricio Bravo Calderón 01 October 2015 (has links)
A ativação do receptor beta 2 adrenérgico (β2-AR), pelos mediadores químicos do estresse, pode induzir efeitos estimuladores ou inibidores na migração e invasão celular, dependendo do tipo de tumor maligno. A importância deste receptor na evolução do câncer de boca não está totalmente esclarecida. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a expressão do β2-AR em linhagens de carcinomas espinocelular de boca (SCC-9 e SCC-25), e investigar o papel da ativação deste receptor pela norepinefrina e de seu bloqueio por um antagonista na migração e invasão destas células neoplásicas. As células SCC-9 e SCC-25 foram investigadas quanto à expressão gênica e proteica do β2-AR, respectivamente, pelo RT-qPCR e pelo Western blot. A migração e a invasão celular foram analisadas pelo ensaio de cicatrização de feridas e pelo sistema de câmeras de invasão Transwell, respectivamente. Diferentes concentrações (0,1; 1 e 10μM) de norepinefrina foram utilizadas para estimular e 1μM de propranolol foi empregado para bloquear os receptores beta adrenérgicos nas células neoplásicas. As diferenças das médias obtidas nos experimentos de invasão e migração de SCC-9 e SCC-25 e da expressão proteica do β2-AR, foram comparadas pelo teste t de Student com nível de significância de 5%. Os resultados mostraram que a expressão gênica e proteica do β2-AR foi verificada em ambas as linhagens de câncer de boca. A concentração de 10μM de norepinefrina inibiu, significativamente (p≤0,05), a migração e invasão celular de SCC-9 e SCC-25, sendo este efeito mais acentuado nas células SCC-25. Além disso, houve uma redução significativa (p≤0,05) do efeito da norepinefrina na migração celular quando os β2-AR foram inibidos pelo propranolol. Adicionalmente, o bloqueio dos β-ARs pelo propranolol reverteu parcialmente o efeito da norepinefrina na capacidade invasiva de SCC-9 e SCC-25. Estes resultados comprovam que a norepinefrina, via ativação do β2-AR, reduziu a migração e a invasão das células do carcinoma espinocelular de boca e, portanto, o uso de agonistas dos receptores beta-adrenérgicos poderia se tornar um alvo terapêutico adjuvante no tratamento desta neoplasia maligna. / The activation of beta 2 adrenergic receptor (β2-AR), by chemical mediators of stress, can induce stimulatory or inhibitory effects on cell migration and invasion, depending on the type of malignancy. The importance of this receptor in the oral cancer outcome is not fully understood. The aim of this study was to verify β2- AR expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines (SCC-9 and SCC-25), and to investigate the role of activation of this receptor by norepinephrine and its blockade by an antagonist in migration and invasion of these neoplastic cells. SCC-9 and SCC-25 cells were investigated for gene and protein expression of β2-AR, respectively, by RT-qPCR and Western blot. The cell migration and invasion were analyzed by wound healing assay and Transwell invasion camera system, respectively. Different concentrations (0.1, 1 and 10μM) of norepinephrine were used to stimulate and 1μM propranolol was used to block the beta adrenergic receptors on cancer cells. Differences in mean values of the invasion and migration assays of SCC-9 and SCC-25 and β2-AR protein expression were compared by the Student t test with 5% significance level. The results showed that β2-AR gene and protein expression was verified in both oral cancer cell lines. The concentration of 10μM of norepinephrine inhibited significantly (p≤0.05), cell migration and invasion of SCC-9 and SCC-25, being the most pronounced effect in SCC-25 cells. Furthermore, there was a significant reduction (p≤0.05) of norepinephrine effect on cell migration when the β2-AR was inhibited by propranolol. In addition, blockade of β-ARs by propranolol partially reversed the effect of norepinephrine on the invasiveness of SCC-9 and SCC-25. These results show that norepinephrine via β2-AR activation, reduced the migration and invasion of oral squamous cell carcinoma cells and, therefore, the use of beta-adrenergic receptors agonists could become an adjuvant therapeutic target in the treatment of this malignancy.

Expressão de receptor beta-2 adrenérgico em carcinoma espinocelular de boca e sua associação com a evolução clínica tumoral / Expression of beta-2 adrenergic receptor in oral squamous cell carcinoma and its association with tumor clinical outcome

Diego Mauricio Bravo Calderón 10 March 2011 (has links)
Os hormônios produzidos durante o estresse e seus receptores específicos têm sido amplamente envolvidos com a progressão do câncer. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a expressão dos receptores β2 adrenérgicos pelas células malignas de carcinomas espinocelulares de boca (CEC) e sua correlação com as a características clínicas, evolução e o prognóstico dos pacientes. Um total de 106 pacientes portadores de CEC de boca em estádios clínicos II, III e IV, tratados no Departamento de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço e Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital de Câncer A.C. Camargo, São Paulo, Brasil, no período de 1970 a 2000, foram analisados quanto aos dados demográficos, história clínica, localização e extensão do tumor, classificação pelo sistema TNM-UICC, tratamento e evolução tumoral. Analisaram-se também as características histopatológicas, índice de malignidade tumoral e a expressão imuno-histoquímica do receptor β2 adrenérgico pelas células malignas no front de invasão tumoral. A associação da expressão do receptor β2 adrenérgico e as variáveis clínicas ou microscópicas foi calculada pelo teste do qui quadrado ou teste exato de Fisher. As probabilidades de sobrevida global e específica por câncer em 5 e 10 anos foram calculadas pelo estimador produto-limite de Kaplan-Meier, comparadas pelo test de long-rank e pelo modelo de regressão múltiplo de Cox. A expressão do receptor β2 adrenérgico foi detectada na membrana e no citoplasma das células malignas da maioria dos CECs de boca (72,6%) e, significativamente associada ao etilismo (p=0,021), tabagismo e etilismo simultâneo (p=0,014) e estadiamento T (p=0,07). Os pacientes cujos tumores demonstraram expressão positiva do receptor β2 adrenérgico apresentaram maiores taxas de sobrevida global (p=0,001) e específica por câncer (p=0,004), quando comparadas aquelas dos pacientes com tumores com ausência da expressão desta proteína. Esses resultados sugerem que a expressão do receptor β2 adrenérgico nas células malignas da região do front de invasão tumoral constitui um fator prognóstico favorável em pacientes com carcinoma espinocelular de boca e pode ser utilizada como alvo de novas estratégias farmacológicas antineoplásicas. / The stress related hormones and their specific receptors have been widely involved with cancer progression. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression of β2 adrenergic receptor by malignant cells in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and its correlation with clinical characteristics, outcome and patients prognosis. A total of 106 patients with OSCC in clinical stages II, III and IV submitted to surgical treatment at the Head and Neck Surgery and Otorhinolaryngology Department, of the Cancer Hospital A.C. Camargo, São Paulo, Brazil, from 1970 to 2000, were analyzed for demographics data, clinical history, location, tumor extension, stage by the TNM-UICC, treatment and tumor outcome. In addition, we investigated the morphologic features, the histopathological malignant index and the immunohistochemical expression of β2 adrenergic receptor by malignant cells of the invasive front of tumor. Chi-square test or Fishers exact test was used to analyze the association among β2 adrenergic receptor expression and the clinical or morphologic variables. The probability of overall and cancer specific survival in 5 and 10 years were calculated by Kaplan-Meier method and the prognostic value of the clinical and morphologic variables was obtained by Cox regression model. Most of OSCCs (72,6%) showed the β2 adrenergic receptor expression in cytoplasm and cell membrane of malignant cells. In OSCC, positive β2 adrenergic receptor expression was significantly associated with alcoholism (p=0.021), simultaneous consumption of alcohol and tobacco (p=0.014) and T stage (p=0.07). OSCC patients with positive expression of β2 adrenergic receptor showed higher rates of overall survival (p=0.001) and cancer specific (p=0.004) than those patients with tumors without expression of this protein. These results suggest that the β2 adrenergic receptor expression by malignant cells in the invasive front of tumor is a favorable prognostic factor in patients with OSCC and can be used as a target for new anti-neoplastic pharmacological strategies.

Mecanismos adrenérgicos no núcleo retrotrapezóide no controle respiratório. / Adrenergic mechanisms in the retrotrapezoid nucleus in breathing control.

Luiz Marcelo Oliveira Santos 13 November 2015 (has links)
O núcleo retrotrapezóide (RTN) é uma região bulbar envolvida na respiração. Estudos prévios mostraram a presença de varicosidades catecolaminérgicas na região do RTN. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a fonte de catecolaminas e os efeitos promovidos pela ativação dos receptores adrenérgicos no RTN. Uma densa projeção neuronal do grupamento A7 para o RTN foi revelada usando o traçador retrógrado Fluorogold. Foi registrada a atividade eletromiográfica do diafragma (DiaEMG) e do abdominal (AbdEMG) de ratos Wistar anestesiados. A injeção de noradrenalina promoveu uma inibição da DiaEMG, sem alterar a AbdEMG; este efeito foi atenuado pela injeção prévia de ioimbina e não foi afetado pela injeção de prazosina e propranolol no RTN. A injeção de fenilefrina no RTN aumentou a DiaEMG e gerou AbdEMG; estes efeitos foram bloqueados por injeções prévias de prazosina no RTN. Os resultados deste estudo suportam a ideia de que o RTN recebe projeções adrenérgicas da ponte que modula a atividade dos neurônios do RTN por meio da ativação dos receptores adrenérgicos α -1 e α- 2. / The retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) is a medulla region involved in breathing. Previous studies showed the presence of catecholaminergic varicosities in the RTN region. The aim of this study was to investigate the source of cathecolamines and the effects produced by the activation of adrenergic receptors in the RTN. A dense neuronal projection from A7 to RTN was revealed using retrograde tracer FluorGold. In anaesthetized male Wistar rats, diaphragm (DiaEMG) and abdominal (AbdEMG) muscle activities were recorded. Injection of noradrenaline produced an inhibition of DiaEMG, but did not change AbdEMG; These effects was attenuated by pre-injection of yohimbine and were not affect by injection of prazosin and propranolol into the RTN. Injection of phenilephrine into the RTN increased DiaEMG and was also able to generate AbdEMG; these responses were eliminated by pre-injections of into the RTN. These results support the idea that RTN has pontine adrenergic inputs that modulate RTN neurons activity through activation of &#945 - 1 and - &#945 -2 adrenergic receptors.

Pharmacological characterisation and signalling pathways of recombinant and endogenously expressed mouse β₃-adrenoceptors

Hutchinson, Dana Sabine, 1976- January 2001 (has links)
Abstract not available

Expression of B-adrenergic receptors in chicken fetuses

Hedlund, Sebastian January 2006 (has links)
<p>Chicken fetuses exposed to chronic hypoxia suffer from growth retardation and</p><p>induces an overall sympathetic activity, including elevation of the concentration</p><p>of circulating catecholamines. Simultaneously, hypoxic fetuses display a</p><p>lowered β-adrenoreceptor (βAR) density in myocardial tissue. In vertebrates,</p><p>β1AR and β2AR are the most important signalling pathways for acute elevation</p><p>of cardiac performance. The aim of this study was to see how chronic hypoxia</p><p>affects the level of messenger RNA (mRNA) for the β1AR in the fetal chicken</p><p>heart at different developmental ages. The broiler chicken is a suitable model</p><p>organism for studying the progression of heart failure because the fast growth</p><p>rate requires a large increase in blood perfusion at the end of fetal development.</p><p>The β1AR sequence of the broiler chicken is 1587 bp and located on</p><p>chromosome 6. When running a PCR for quantification of the sequence,</p><p>primers for almost the whole sequence failed (1404 bp) and so did primers of</p><p>1193 bp; instead primers of 692 bp of the sequence were used and made</p><p>quantification possible. Similar results were obtained from both the heart and</p><p>liver of day 15 fetal chickens. The PCR product was cloned into a TOPO vector</p><p>and sent for sequencing, to enable the making of a probe for a northern blot</p><p>analysis of the mRNA in the fetal chicken hearts.</p>

Innervation patterns and locally produced signal substances in the human patellar tendon : of importance when understanding the processes of tendinosis

Danielson, Patrik January 2007 (has links)
Tendinosis is a condition of chronic pain that afflicts several human tendons, not least the patellar tendon, in which case it is often clinically referred to as ‘jumper’s knee’. The exact mechanisms behind tendinosis are yet not fully understood. One draw-back in the case of patellar tendinosis has been the lack of knowledge of the innervation patterns of the human patellar tendon. It cannot be excluded that the processes of tendinosis are influenced by nerve mediators, released from nerve endings or from stimulated cells inside the tendon. Thus, the studies of the present thesis aimed to 1) map the general, sensory, cholinergic and sympathetic innervation patterns of the human patellar tendon, in both the tendon tissue proper and the loose paratendinous connective tissue surrounding the tendon, and 2) investigate the possible existence of a production of signal substances, traditionally associated with neurons, in non-neuronal tendon cells, and to see if there are signs of local cholinergic and catecholaminergic signaling pathways. Biopsies of both normal pain-free patellar tendons and patellar tendons from patients with chronic painful tendinosis were collected and investigated. The main method utilized was immunohistochemistry, using antibodies directed against synthesizing enzymes for acetylcholine and catecholamines, against muscarinic and adrenergic receptors, and against markers of general and sensory innervation. In situ hybridization (ISH) to detect mRNA for the cholinergic/catecholaminergic synthesizing enzymes was also used. It was found that the loose paratendinous connective tissue of the patellar tendon was rather richly innervated by nerve structures. These consisted of large nerve fascicles, as well as perivascular innervation in the walls of some of the larger arteries and smaller blood vessels. It was found that part of the nerve structures corresponded to sensory afferents, and that some conformed to cholinergic and, especially, sympathetic nerve fibers. The tendon tissue proper was strikingly less innervated than the paratendinous tissue. The sparse innervation that was found in the tendon tissue proper was seen in narrow zones of loose connective tissue and blood vessels, interspersed between the collagen bundles. The overall impression was that the patterns of distribution of the general, sensory, and autonomic innervations of tendinosis tendon tissue were similar to those of normal tendon tissue proper. The most pioneering findings were the immunohistochemical observations of an expression of enzymes related to production of both acetylcholine and catecholamines within the tendon cells (tenocytes) themselves, as well as of a presence of the receptors for these substances on the same cells; features that were predominantly seen in tendinosis tendons. The observations of the synthesizing enzymes for acetylcholine and catecholamines in tenocytes were confirmed by ISH findings of mRNA for these enzymes in the tenocytes. Immunoreactions for muscarinic and adrenergic receptors were also found in blood vessel walls and in some of the nerve fascicles. In summary, this thesis presents novel information on the innervation patterns of the human patellar tendon, in healthy individuals with pain-free tendons as well as in patients with chronic painful tendinosis. Furthermore, it gives the first evidence of the presence of a local, non-neuronal production in the tendon tissue of signal substances normally seen in neurons, and a basis for these substances to affect the tenocytes as these cells also display muscarinic and adrenergic receptors. Thus, the results indicate an existence of autocrine and/or paracrine cholinergic/catecholaminergic systems in the tendon tissue; systems that seem to be up-regulated in tendinosis. This is of great interest as it is known that stimulation of receptors for both catecholamines and acetylcholine can lead to cell proliferation, interfere with pain sensation, influence collagen production, and take part in vasoregulation, as well as, in the case of adrenergic receptors, promote cell degeneration and apotosis. All these processes represent biological functions/events that are reported to be affected in tendinosis. In conclusion, despite the fact that there is very limited innervation within the patellar tendon tissue proper, it is here shown that effects of signal substances traditionally associated with neurons seem to occur in the tissue, via a local production of these substances in tenocytes.

Regulation of Connexin40 Gap Junctions

Sheela, Thomas Vinaya 31 August 2008 (has links)
Gap junctions provide direct electrical and biochemical communication between cardiomyocytes in the heart. Connexin40 (Cx40) is the major connexin in the atria of the heart and little is known regarding its regulation. Thus, the goal was to investigate the regulation of Cx40 in both physiological and pathophysiological conditions. The first objective of this thesis was to determine whether Cx40 gap junctions were regulated by â-adrenergic receptor activation. Cx40 has previously been shown to be acutely activated by cAMP, this cAMP-induced increase in Cx40-mediated cell-to-cell dye transfer has been shown to be effected through the â-adrenergic receptor-adenylyl cyclase- Protein Kinase A (PKA) pathway in Cx40-transfected HeLa cells. The second objective of this thesis was to determine whether Cx40 gap junctions were regulated by intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i ). [Ca2+]i was increased by addition of the ionophore ionomycin and elevating extracellular calcium [Ca2+]o from 1.8 mM to 21.8 mM. This resulted in an elevation of [Ca2+]i and effected an inhibition of Cx40-mediated cell-to-cell dye transfer (IC50 of 500 ± 0.72 nM) which was Calmodulin-dependent. The third objective of this thesis was to determine whether Cx40 gap junctions were regulated by ischemia. Inducing ischemia chemically by inhibiting the electron transport chain with sodium cyanide and glycolysis with iodoacetate and 2-deoxyglucose effected an inhibition of Cx40-mediated cell-to-cell dye transfer that was shown to be Calmodulin dependent. The main conclusions of this thesis were: (1) â-adrenergic receptor activation increases Cx40-mediated cell-to-cell dye transfer which requires the activation of PKA; (2) A sustained elevation in [Ca2+]i causes a partial inhibition of Cx40 gap junction-mediated cell-to-cell dye transfer which was Ca2+-and Calmodulin dependent; (3) Chemical ischemia causes a partial inhibition of Cx40 gap junction-mediated cell-to-cell dye transfer which was shown to be Calmodulin-dependent.

The effects of prenatal hypoxia on the levels of the α-subunits of G proteins in the heart of the Broiler chicken (Gallus gallus)

Rashdan, Nabil January 2010 (has links)
Environmental stress during embryonic development could lead to growth restriction of the embryo, and act as a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease in adult life. A common environmental stressor that causes growth restriction is prenatal hypoxia, which has been shown to adversely affect adult health in mammalian models. Prenatal hypoxia causes an increase in catecholamines which results in over stimulation of the cardiac β-adrenergic receptors. Previous work on chickens has shown that prenatal hypoxia causes an increase in the sensitivity of β-adrenergic receptors to epinephrine in the embryonic heart. The sensitivity of these receptors was found to be decreased in prenatal hypoxic juvenile. Prenatal hypoxia has no significant effect on the density of these receptors in neither the embryo nor the juvenile. The lack of change in receptor density implies that the effects of hypoxia are further down stream in the signalling cascade. The β2 adrenergic receptor can couple to both the stimulatory Gα subunit (Gsα) and the inhibitory Gα subunit (Giα). We hypothesized that prenatal hypoxia would cause an increase in the Gsα in the sensitized embryos, while increasing Giα in the desensitized juveniles. This study evaluated the relative levels of Gsα and Giα in the hypoxic chicken embryo, and in the prenatally hypoxic juvenile, Using western blotting. Hypoxia considerably increased Giα in the chicken embryo while having no effect on Gsα. In the prenatally hypoxic juvenile Gsα was significantly increased while no changes were found in Giα. This dissociation between the levels of Gα subunit and receptor sensitivity implies that that hypoxia affects the signaling cascade downstream of the Gα subunit.

De- and Resensitisation of Cardiac β-Adrenergic Receptor Signaling : A Modelling Approach

Lundengård, Karin January 2011 (has links)
Desensitisation is defined as a failure of a signaling pathway to respond to chronic or repeated stimulation. The β-adrenergic receptor signaling pathway of the healthy adult heart is known to desensitise, and then regain the sensitivity to stimulation if given enough time to rest between stimulations (resensitisation). The fetal heart does not desensitise, and in animal models of heart failure, a permanent desensitisation have been observed. No isolated element of the signaling pathway have yet been proven to be the sole modulator of the desensitisation behavior. Therefore a mathematical model of the signaling pathway has been constructed, minimized against theoretical desensitisation data and tested for resensitisation. The minimal models and the original model were capable of describing the theoretical de- and resensitisation of the pathway, and only one receptor type with three states was required in the minimal models, but one feedback from the kinases either to phosphorylation of the receptor or to breakdown of cAMP. The original model was also capable of describing experimental data of contraction force from chicken cardiac tissue. The cardiac tissue displays the peak behavior of the desensitisation when stimulated with ISO for ten minutes, and resensitises in less than 5 minutes.

Expression of B-adrenergic receptors in chicken fetuses

Hedlund, Sebastian January 2006 (has links)
Chicken fetuses exposed to chronic hypoxia suffer from growth retardation and induces an overall sympathetic activity, including elevation of the concentration of circulating catecholamines. Simultaneously, hypoxic fetuses display a lowered β-adrenoreceptor (βAR) density in myocardial tissue. In vertebrates, β1AR and β2AR are the most important signalling pathways for acute elevation of cardiac performance. The aim of this study was to see how chronic hypoxia affects the level of messenger RNA (mRNA) for the β1AR in the fetal chicken heart at different developmental ages. The broiler chicken is a suitable model organism for studying the progression of heart failure because the fast growth rate requires a large increase in blood perfusion at the end of fetal development. The β1AR sequence of the broiler chicken is 1587 bp and located on chromosome 6. When running a PCR for quantification of the sequence, primers for almost the whole sequence failed (1404 bp) and so did primers of 1193 bp; instead primers of 692 bp of the sequence were used and made quantification possible. Similar results were obtained from both the heart and liver of day 15 fetal chickens. The PCR product was cloned into a TOPO vector and sent for sequencing, to enable the making of a probe for a northern blot analysis of the mRNA in the fetal chicken hearts.

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