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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uticaj ozona na uklanjanje zagađujućih materija iz površinske vode procesima koagulacije flokulacije i obsorpcije / Effect of ozone on pollutants removal in surface water by coagulation, flocculation and adsorption processes

Bečelić Milena 13 July 2007 (has links)
<p>U radu je izvr&scaron;ena karakterizacija sirove (povr&scaron;inske) vode na lokalitetima: akumulaciono&nbsp;jezero, nizvodna deonica do izvori&scaron;ta namenjenog za vodosnabdevanje, na lokalitetu samog izvo-ri&scaron;ta i na ulazu u poluindustrijsko istraživačko postrojenje. Ustanovljene su sledeće karakteristike&nbsp;sirove vode: eutrofne karakteristike akumulacionog jezera u vremenskom periodu od kraja juna do&nbsp;sredine septembra meseca; fekalna zagađenost deonice od akumulacionog jezera do izvori&scaron;ta na-menjenog za vodosnabdevanje; veliki raspon temperature u toku godine (4-19&ordm;C); niske vrednosti&nbsp;mutnoće vode u najvećem delu godine uz povremen i kratkotrajan izrazit porast ovog parametra&nbsp;(&lt;1 NTU do &gt;90 NTU); promena sadržaja organskih materija u vodi (izraženih preko potro&scaron;nje ka-lijum-permanganata u kiseloj sredini i UV apsorbancije na 254 nm); izražen potencijal za formira-njem nusprodukata dezinfekcije (THM) u toku obilnih padavina.&nbsp;<br />Na poluindustrijskom istraživačkom postrojenju izvr&scaron;eno je ispitivanje različitih tehnolo&scaron;kih vari-janti pripreme vode za piće iz povr&scaron;inske vode namenjene vodosnabdevanju uz primenu savreme-nih tehnolo&scaron;kih re&scaron;enja i adekvatnog tretmana u slučaju ekscesa izazvanih ljudskom aktivno&scaron;ću.&nbsp;Primenjenim tretmanom vode procesima ozonizacije-koagulacije-flokulacije-sedimentacije-filtra-cije na poluindustrijskom istraživačkom postrojenju zadovoljena je primarna funkcija redukcije&nbsp;opterećenja vode pre odlaska na zavr&scaron;no bistrenje procesom filtracije. Ustanovljeni su najvažniji&nbsp;faktori uticaja na mutnoću vode nakon primenjenih procesa: vrsta koagulanta (najbolji efekti po-stignuti primenom Al<sub>2</sub>(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>i FeCl<sub>3</sub>) i primenjena doza ozona (pozitivan, mikroflokulacioni efekat ozona postignut pri primenjenim dozama ozona od 0,5-1,0 mgO<sub>3</sub>/l). Izračunato je da su pri primeni Al<sub>2</sub>(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>kao koagulacionog sredstva dvomedijumski filteri namenjeni zavr&scaron;nom bistrenju vode imali najduži filtracioni ciklus. Srednje vrednosti količine uklonjene mutnoće su 2,5- 3,5 puta veće u odnosu na ove vrednosti dobijene pri primeni ostalih koagulanata u fazi koagulacije vode. Značaj primenjenog procesa ozonizacije (doze ozona) uočen je i sa aspekta smanjenja sadržaja prekursora formiranja THM.</p><p>Ispitivanjem efekta predtretmana vode procesom ozonizacije, primenom vodonik-peroksida i ko-mercijalnog preparata koji u svom sastavu sadrži 25% H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>+ 0,05% Ag u ozoniranu vodu u cilju&nbsp;redukcije broja mikroorganizama uočeni su pozitivni efekti na log<sub>10&nbsp;</sub>inaktivacije pri dozama ozona&nbsp;&gt;0,5 mgO<sub>3</sub>/l (u slučaju sporogenih sulfitoredukujućih klostridija) i vi&scaron;ih vrednosti odnosa H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>/O<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>i H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>+Ag/O<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>(u slučaju ukupnog broja aerobnih organotrofnih bakterija). Prednost primene preparata koji u svom sastavu sadrži 25% H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>+ 0,05% Ag u ozoniranu vodu ogleda se u većem kapa-citetu eliminacije mikroorganizama i pri kraćem hidrauličkom vremenu zadržavanja vode.&nbsp;</p><p>Analizom frekvencije pojavljivanja jedinjenja koje prouzrokuje nepoželjan miris vode (geosmin)&nbsp;nakon primenjenih procesa ozonizacije-koagulacije-flokulacije-sedimentacije-filtracije ustanovljena je najmanja frekvencija pojavljivanja ovog jedinjenja (10% od ukupnog broja analiziranih uzo-raka) u vodi nakon procesa ozonizacije i njegova potpuna redukcija primenom koagulanta FeCl<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>u&nbsp;fazi koagulacije vode.<br />Pri simulaciji ekscesnih situacija na poluindustrijskom istraživačkom postrojenju (doziranjem sintetičkih organskih jedinjenja pesticida i nafte) utvrđeno je da se primenom procesa ozonizacije-koagulacije-flokulacije-sedimentacije-filtracije uz dodatak AUP u fazi koagulacije vode postiže reduk-cija lindana u vodi za 97%, atrazina 99%, ukupnih ugljovodonika 91% i mineralnih ulja 89%.<br />Svi rezultati dobijeni u toku istraživanja na poluindustrijskom istraživačkom postrojenju posmatra-ni sa aspekta optimizacije tehnolo&scaron;kih uslova pripreme vode za piće i varijabilnog kvaliteta povr&scaron;in-ske vode ukazuju na prvom mestu na neophodnost primene procesa ozonizacije vode i pozitivan&nbsp;efekat unapređenih procesa oksidacije u fazi pripreme vode za dalju obradu, kao i na značaj primenjene vrste koagulanta i aktivnog uglja u prahu u fazi koagulacije i flokulacije vode.</p> / <p>The paper presents the characterisation of raw (surface) water at the following sites: accu-mulation lake, downstream section from the water supply well field at the very site of the well field&nbsp;and at the entrance into pilot plant. The following raw water characteristics have been determined:&nbsp;eutrophic properties of accumulation lake within the time frame from the end of June to the middle&nbsp;of September; faeces pollution of the section from the accumulation lake to the water supply well&nbsp;field; a wide range of temperature during the year (4-19&ordm;C); low values of water turbidity during the&nbsp;largest part of the year, with occasional and short-term emphasised growth &nbsp;of this parameter (&lt;1NTU to &gt;90 NTU); change in the content of natural organic matters in water (expressed through&nbsp;potassium permanganate consumption in acid environment and UV absorption at 254 nm); ex-pressed potential for disinfection by-products (THM) creation during high rainfall levels.</p><p>Study of different technological options for drinking water preparation from surface water desig-nated to water supply with application of the latest technological solutions and adequate treatment in cases of accidents caused by human activities has been carried out at the pilot plant.</p><p>The water treatment composed of ozonation-coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation-filtration applied at the pilot plant satisfied the primary function of reduction of water load prior to departure&nbsp;to the final clarification in filtration process. The most significant factors affecting water turbidity&nbsp;after the applied processes have been determined: type of coagulant (the best effects have been ob-tained by application of Al<sub>2</sub>(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>and FeCl<sub>3</sub>) and the applied ozone dose (positive, micro-floccula-tion effect of ozone has been obtained with the applied ozone doses of 0,5-1,0 mgO<sub>3</sub>/l). It has been&nbsp;calculated that two-media filters designated to final water clarification had the longest filtration cy-cle when Al<sub>2</sub>(SО<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>was used&nbsp;as coagulation means. Medium values of quantity of the eliminated tur-bidity are 2,5-3,5 times higher in comparison to &nbsp;these values obtained when others coagulants were&nbsp;used in the water coagulation phase. The significance of the applied ozonization process (ozone&nbsp;dose) has also been found from the aspect of reduction of THM generation precursor contents.&nbsp;<br />Investigation of effects of water pre-treatment with ozonation process and application of hydrogen-peroxide and commercial preparation containing 25% H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>+ 0,05% Ag in ozonized water aiming at&nbsp;reduction of micro-organisms count showed positive effects on log<sub>10&nbsp;</sub>inactivation when &gt;0,5 mgO<sub>3</sub>/l&nbsp;doses of ozone were used (in case of sulphito-reducing clostridia) and higher values of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>/O<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>and&nbsp;H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>+Ag/O<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>ratio (in case of total aerobic organotrophic bacteria count). The advantage of appli-cation of the preparation containing 25% H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>+ 0,05% Ag in ozonized water is reflected in higher&nbsp;microorganisms elimination capacity and shorter hydraulic retention time.&nbsp;<br />The analysis of occurrence frequency of compounds causing unpleasant water odour &nbsp;(geosmin) af-ter the applied ozonation-coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation-filtration processes showed that&nbsp;the lowest occurrence frequency for this compound (10% of the total number of the analysed sam-ples) in water after ozonisation process &nbsp;and its total reduction after the application of FeCl<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>coagu-lant in water coagulation phase.<br />In simulation of accidents at pilot plant (dosing of synthetic organic compounds of pesticides and&nbsp;oil) it was found that reduction of lindane in water for 97%, atrazine for 99%, total hydrocarbons for&nbsp;91% and mineral oils for 89% is accomplished with application of the ozonation-coagulation-floccu-lation-sedimentation-filtration processes with addition of AUP in the phase of water coagulation.&nbsp;All the results that have been obtained during the researches at pilot plant have been considered&nbsp;from the aspect of optimisation of technological conditions of drinking water preparation and vari-able surface water quality point primarily to the necessity of application of water ozonization proc-ess and positive effect of the improved oxidation processes in the phase of water preparation for&nbsp;further processing as well as to the significance of the applied type of coagulant and active powder&nbsp;charcoal in water coagulation and flocculation phase.</p>

Elektrokoagulacioni i adsorpcioni tretmani efluenata u grafičkim procesima ofset štampe / Electrocoagulation and Adsorption Treatments of Effluents in Offset Printing Graphic Processes

Adamović Savka 09 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Predmet doktorske disertacije je uklanjanje neorganskih i organskih polutanata iz efluenata ofset tehnike štampe (otpadnog razvijača i otpadnog sredstva za vlaženje) u cilju minimiziranja njihovog štetnog uticaja na životnu sredinu. Uklanjanje polutanata sprovedeno je primenom elektrokoagulaciono/ flotacionog (EKF) tetmana, adsorpcionog (AD) tretmana i kombinacijom navedenih tretmana. Izvodljivost i efikasnost tretmana analizirana je ispitivanjem uticaja karakterističnih operativnih promenljivih u okviru procesa na smanjivanje količine polutanata. Mehanizmi EKF i AD tretmana definisani su na osnovu teorijskih matematičko kinetičkih modela. Za rešavanje problema odlaganja mulja nastalog nakon EKF tretmana primenjen je solidifikaciono/stabiliza-cioni tretman sa odgovarajućim imobilizacionim agensima. Razvijen je efikasan model kombinacije tretmana efluenata grafičkih procesa ofset štampe kojim je omogućena konverzija efluenata u proizvode kompatibilne sa principima i normativima životne sredine.</p> / <p>The topic of this doctoral dissertation is the removal of inorganic and organic pollutants from the offset printing effluents (waste developer and waste fountain solution) in order to minimize their damaging influence onto the environment. The removal of the pollutants has been performed by electrocoagulation/flotation (ECF) treatment, adsorption (AD) treatment and the combination of the two said treatments. Feasibility and efficacy of the treatments has been analyzed by investigating the effect of characteristic operational variables within the process on the decrease in the quantity of pollutants. The mechanisms of ECF and AD treatments have been defined on the basis of theoretical mathematical-kinetic models. For the solution of the problem of sludge disposal, originating from the ECF treatment, a solidification/stabilization treatment with immobilization agents has been applied. An efficient model that combines the offset printing effluent treatments has been developed, the one which enables the conversion of effluents into products compatible with environmental principles and norms.</p>

Modelovanje i analiza fundamentalnih svojstava sumanena / Modeling and analysis of fundamental properties of sumanene

Armaković Stevan 16 October 2014 (has links)
<p>U&nbsp; disertaciji&nbsp; je&nbsp; sprovedeno&nbsp; teorijsko&nbsp; istraživanje&nbsp; fizičko-hemijskih&nbsp; svojstava&nbsp;elektronskog podsistema molekula sumanena. Proračuni su sprovedeni u okvirima DFT i TDDFT&nbsp; teorije&nbsp; sa&nbsp; B3LYP&nbsp; funkcionalom&nbsp; i&nbsp; 6-31Gd,&nbsp; 6-31Gdp i&nbsp; 6-31++Gdp&nbsp; bazisom.&nbsp; Za&nbsp; sve&nbsp;proračune&nbsp; u&nbsp; okvirima&nbsp; navedenog&nbsp; nivoa&nbsp; teorije,&nbsp; kori&scaron;ćen&nbsp; je&nbsp; softverski&nbsp; paket&nbsp; Gaussian03.&nbsp;Ispitana&nbsp; su:&nbsp; strukturna&nbsp; i&nbsp; optička&nbsp; (zajedno&nbsp; sa&nbsp; nelinearnim)&nbsp; svojstva&nbsp; sumanena&nbsp; i&nbsp; njegovih&nbsp;derivata dobijenih modifikovanjem sa atomima bora iazota, aromatična i inverziona svojstva&nbsp;svojstva&nbsp; sumanena&nbsp; i&nbsp; njegovih&nbsp; derivata,&nbsp; adsorpciona&nbsp; svojstva&nbsp; sumanena&nbsp; prema&nbsp; molekulima&nbsp;H<sub>2</sub>, CO, CO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>i NH<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>i uticaj spolja&scaron;njeg električnog polja na svojstva sumanena.</p><p>Prema&nbsp; dobijenim&nbsp; rezultatima,&nbsp; fundamentalna&nbsp; fizičko-hemijska&nbsp; svojstva&nbsp; molekula&nbsp;<br />sumanena mogu se efikasno i fino pode&scaron;avati supstitucijom i disupstitucijom hetero-atomima&nbsp;bora&nbsp; i&nbsp; azota.&nbsp; Dubina&nbsp; i&nbsp; inverziona&nbsp; barijera&nbsp; sumanena se&nbsp; na&nbsp; ovaj&nbsp; način&nbsp; može&nbsp; menjati&nbsp; u&nbsp; oba&nbsp;smera.&nbsp; Pokazalo&nbsp; se&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp; ova&nbsp; dva&nbsp; parametra&nbsp; u&nbsp; korelaciji,&nbsp; s&nbsp; obzirom&nbsp; da inverziona&nbsp; barijera&nbsp;skoro potpuno zavisi od dubine sumanena. Slično je i sa aromatičnim svojstvima prstenova,&nbsp;koja se u zavisnosti od broja uvedenih hetero-atomamenja od aromatične preko nearomatične&nbsp;do antiaromatične prirode. Optička svojstva su, pomenutim modifikacijama, takođe značajno&nbsp;pobolj&scaron;ana: apsorpcioni pikovi kod UV/Vis spektra se pomeraju ka vidljivoj oblasti, dok je&nbsp;hiperpolarizibilnost&nbsp; sumanena&nbsp; i&nbsp; derivata&nbsp; sa&nbsp; jednim&nbsp; atomom&nbsp; bora&nbsp; vi&scaron;a&nbsp; od&nbsp; referentnog&nbsp;molekula uree, respektivno, 9 i 49 puta.</p><p>Prema dobijenim rezultatima, adsorpciona svojstva sumanena su veoma kompetitivna&nbsp;sa&nbsp; ostalim&nbsp; organskim&nbsp; molekulima&nbsp; kao&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; su&nbsp; ugljenične&nbsp; nanotube&nbsp; i&nbsp; fuleren&nbsp; C<sub>60</sub>,&nbsp; usled&nbsp;postojanja&nbsp; značajnog&nbsp; dipolnog&nbsp; momenta&nbsp; zbog&nbsp; specifične&nbsp; geometrije.&nbsp; Posebno&nbsp; se&nbsp; ističu&nbsp;pozitivna adsorpciona svojstva prema molekulima H<sub>2&nbsp;</sub><br />i CO. Dok je prvo pomenuti bitan sa&nbsp;energetskog&nbsp; aspekta,&nbsp; specifičnost&nbsp; drugog&nbsp; molekula&nbsp; se&nbsp; ogleda&nbsp; u&nbsp; činjenici&nbsp; da&nbsp; ne&nbsp; može&nbsp; biti&nbsp;adsorbovan od strane ugljeničnih nanotuba.&nbsp;</p><p>Potencijal sumanena, posebno u oblasti organske elektronike, dodatno ističu i rezultati&nbsp;ispitivanja&nbsp; uticaja&nbsp; spolja&scaron;njeg&nbsp; električnog&nbsp; polja.&nbsp; Naime,&nbsp; dobijeni&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; ukazuju&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp;specifična&nbsp; (posebno&nbsp; adsorpciona)&nbsp; svojstva&nbsp; sumanena&nbsp; mogu&nbsp; dodatno&nbsp; pobolj&scaron;ati&nbsp; primenom&nbsp;slabog, i eksperimentalno lako ostvarljivog, električnog &nbsp;polja, jer se intenzivira razdvajanje&nbsp;naelektrisanja.</p> / <p>Theoretical&nbsp; investigation&nbsp; of&nbsp; physicochemical&nbsp; properties&nbsp; of&nbsp; electron&nbsp; subsystem&nbsp; of&nbsp;sumanene&nbsp; molecule&nbsp; has&nbsp; been&nbsp; conducted&nbsp; in&nbsp; this&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; work.&nbsp; Calculations &nbsp;are&nbsp; performed&nbsp;within DFT and TD-DFT with B3LYP functional and 6-31Gd, 6-31Gdp i &nbsp; 6-31++Gdp basis&nbsp;sets. For all calculations, on the mentioned level of theory, Gaussian03software package was&nbsp;used.&nbsp; Investigation&nbsp; encompassed:&nbsp; structural &nbsp; and&nbsp; optical&nbsp; (including&nbsp; nonlinear)&nbsp; properties&nbsp; of&nbsp;sumanene&nbsp; and&nbsp; its&nbsp; derivatives&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; by&nbsp; modification&nbsp; with&nbsp; boron&nbsp; and&nbsp; nitrogen&nbsp; atoms,&nbsp;aromatic and bowl to bowl inversion properties of sumanene and its derivatives, adsorption&nbsp;properties of sumanene towards H<sub>2</sub>, CO, CO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>i NH<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>molecules and the influence of external&nbsp;electric field to the properties of sumanene.</p><p>According to obtained results, fundamental physicochemical properties of sumanene&nbsp;molecule could be efficiently and finely adjusted with the monosubstitution and disubstitution&nbsp;with&nbsp; hetero-atoms&nbsp; of&nbsp; boron&nbsp; and&nbsp; nitrogen.&nbsp; Bowl&nbsp; depth and&nbsp; bowl&nbsp; to&nbsp; bowl&nbsp; inversion&nbsp; barrier&nbsp;could&nbsp; be&nbsp; tuned&nbsp; in&nbsp; both&nbsp; directions.&nbsp; It&nbsp; was&nbsp; demonstrated&nbsp; that&nbsp; these&nbsp; two&nbsp; parameters&nbsp; are&nbsp;correlated, since bowl to bowl inversion barrier principally depends on the fourth power of&nbsp;bowl&nbsp; depth.&nbsp; Similar&nbsp; situation&nbsp; is&nbsp; with&nbsp; aromatic&nbsp; nature&nbsp; of&nbsp; sumanene&nbsp; rings,&nbsp; which&nbsp; change,&nbsp;depending&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; number&nbsp; of&nbsp; introduced&nbsp; boron&nbsp; and&nbsp; nitrogen&nbsp; atoms,&nbsp; from&nbsp; aromatic&nbsp; through&nbsp;non-aromatic&nbsp; towards&nbsp; anti-aromatic&nbsp; nature.&nbsp; Thanks&nbsp; to&nbsp; mentioned&nbsp; modifications,&nbsp; optical&nbsp;properties&nbsp; are&nbsp; improved&nbsp; as&nbsp; well:&nbsp; absorption&nbsp; peaks&nbsp; in&nbsp; UV/Vis&nbsp; spectra&nbsp; shift&nbsp; towards&nbsp; visible&nbsp;area,&nbsp; while&nbsp; hyperpolarizabilities&nbsp; of&nbsp; sumanene&nbsp; and&nbsp; its&nbsp; derivative&nbsp; containing&nbsp; one&nbsp; boron&nbsp; atom&nbsp;are higher than hyperpolarizability of referent molecule of urea, respectively, 9 and 49 times.&nbsp;</p><p>Thanks&nbsp; to&nbsp; significant&nbsp; dipole&nbsp; moment&nbsp; due&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; specific&nbsp; geometry, &nbsp;nvestigated &nbsp;adsorption properties of sumanene are very competitive to the other &nbsp;organic molecules such&nbsp;as carbon nanotubes and fullerene C<sub>60</sub>. Positive adsorption properties of sumanene towards H<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>and CO molecules are distinguished. While the H<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>molecule is important from the energetic&nbsp;aspects, specificity of CO molecules is that it can&rsquo;t be adsorbed by carbon nanotubes.</p><p>Potential&nbsp; of&nbsp; sumanene,&nbsp; especially&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; field&nbsp; of&nbsp; organic&nbsp; electronics,&nbsp; is &nbsp;emphasized&nbsp;through the obtained results related to the investigation of the influence of external electric&nbsp;field.&nbsp; Obtained&nbsp; results&nbsp; indicate&nbsp; that&nbsp; specific&nbsp; (especially&nbsp; adsorption)&nbsp; properties&nbsp; of&nbsp; sumanene&nbsp;could be additionally improved by application of &nbsp;weak, and experimentally easily achievable,&nbsp;external electric field, due to the higher charge separation.&nbsp;</p>

Uticaj fizičko-hemijskih svojstava mikroplastike i odabranih perzistentnih organskih polutanata na interakcije u vodenom matriksu / Impact of physicochemical properties of microplastics and selected persistent organic pollutants on interactions in the aqueous matrix

Lončarski Maja 20 October 2020 (has links)
<p>Mikroplastika&nbsp; je&nbsp; sveprisutna&nbsp; u&nbsp; vodenom&nbsp; ekosistemu&nbsp; pri&nbsp; čemu&nbsp; se&nbsp; često<br />ističe značaj ispitivanja njihovog uticaja na pona&scaron;anje drugih jedinjenja u vodi.<br />Pod pojmom mikroplastika podrazumevaju se plastične čestice manje od 5 mm.<br />Imajući u vidu potrebu za unapređenjem znanja o &scaron;tetnom uticaju mikroplastike<br />u životnoj sredini u ovom radu sproveden je set eksperimenata u kom je ispitivan<br />mehanizam&nbsp; interakcija&nbsp; koje&nbsp; se&nbsp; uspostavljaju&nbsp; prilikom&nbsp; adsorpcije&nbsp; hlorovanih<br />fenola,&nbsp; derivata&nbsp; benzena&nbsp; i&nbsp; policikličnih&nbsp; aromatičnih&nbsp; ugljovodonika&nbsp; na mikroplastici&nbsp; u&nbsp; vodenom&nbsp; matriksu.&nbsp; Kako&nbsp; bi&nbsp; se&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; detaljnije&nbsp; razumeo&nbsp; uticaj mikroplastike&nbsp; i&nbsp; osobina&nbsp; vodenog&nbsp; matriksa&nbsp; na&nbsp; pona&scaron;anje&nbsp; organskih&nbsp; polutanata, laboratorijska ispitivanja su sprovedena u sintetičkom i realnom vodenommatriksu.&nbsp; Takođe&nbsp; je&nbsp; sprovedena&nbsp; optimizacija&nbsp; izolovanja&nbsp; i&nbsp; karakterizacije mikroplastike iz kozmetičkih sredstava u cilju procene uticaja osobina primarne mikroplastike na uspostavljanje interakcija sa organskim polutantima. Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; rezultata&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; može&nbsp; se&nbsp; zaključiti&nbsp; da&nbsp; se optimalna metoda izolovanja mikroplastike iz kozmetičkih sredstava zasniva na dodatnom&nbsp; tretiranju&nbsp; osu&scaron;enog&nbsp; materijala&nbsp; 30%&nbsp; vodonik-peroksidom,&nbsp; nakon ekstrakcije&nbsp; sredstva&nbsp; u&nbsp; destilovanoj&nbsp; vodi,&nbsp; u&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; dobijanja&nbsp; čistijih&nbsp; uzoraka mikroplastike. Promena brzine me&scaron;anja ima znčajan uticaj na promenu stepena adsorpcije ispitivanih grupa organskih jedinjenja.&nbsp; Uticaj se ogleda u povećanju stepena adsorpcije sa porastom brzine me&scaron;anja, a maksimalni procenat adsorpcije postignut&nbsp; je&nbsp; pri&nbsp; brzini&nbsp; me&scaron;anja&nbsp; od&nbsp; 150&nbsp; o/min.&nbsp; Dodatno,&nbsp; disperzija&nbsp; pra&scaron;kastih materijala u vodi nema značajan uticaj na promenu stepena adsorpcije hlorovanih fenola,&nbsp; derivata&nbsp; benzena&nbsp; i&nbsp; policikličnih&nbsp; aromatičnih&nbsp; ugljovodonika&nbsp; na mikroplastici.Ravnotežno&nbsp; stanje&nbsp; između&nbsp; koncentracije&nbsp; hlorovanih&nbsp; fenola,&nbsp; derivata<br />benzena&nbsp; i&nbsp; policikličnih&nbsp; aromatičnih&nbsp; ugljovodonika&nbsp; u&nbsp; vodi&nbsp; i&nbsp; odabranih predstavnika&nbsp; mikroplastike&nbsp; (PEp,&nbsp; PE_PCPs_1,&nbsp; PE_PCPs_2,&nbsp; PEg,&nbsp; PET,&nbsp; PP&nbsp; i PLA) uspostavlja se nakon 24 i 48 h kontakta u zavisnosti od vrste jedinjenja. Na promenu&nbsp; adsorpcionog&nbsp; afiniteta&nbsp; hlorovanih&nbsp; fenola,&nbsp; derivata&nbsp; benzena&nbsp; i policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika prema mikroplastici utiču kako fizičkohemijske&nbsp; osobine&nbsp; jedinjenja&nbsp; tako&nbsp; i&nbsp; karakteristike&nbsp; mikroplastike.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; osnovu kinetičkih&nbsp; eksperimenata, najveći adsorpcioni afinitet ka mikroplastici&nbsp; ispoljili su&nbsp; derivati&nbsp; benzena&nbsp; (qt=103-350&nbsp; &micro;g/g),&nbsp; dok&nbsp; je&nbsp; najmanji&nbsp; uočen&nbsp; kod&nbsp; hlorovanih fenola&nbsp; (qt=25-225&nbsp; &micro;g/g).&nbsp; Dobijeni&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; adsorpcije&nbsp; derivata&nbsp; benzena&nbsp; na ispitivanim&nbsp; česticama&nbsp; mikroplastike&nbsp; takođe&nbsp; su&nbsp; ukazali&nbsp; na&nbsp; veći&nbsp; afinitet&nbsp; ovih jedinjenja&nbsp; ka&nbsp; mikroplastici,&nbsp; u&nbsp; poređenju&nbsp; sa&nbsp; jedinjenjima&nbsp; iz&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; policikličnih aromatičnih&nbsp; ugljovodonika&nbsp; i&nbsp; hlorovanih&nbsp; fenola&nbsp; sličnih&nbsp; logKow&nbsp; vrednosti. Dodatno,&nbsp; uticaj&nbsp; vodenog&nbsp; matriksa&nbsp; na&nbsp; adsorpciju&nbsp; hlorovanih&nbsp; fenola,&nbsp; derivata benzena&nbsp; i&nbsp; policikličnih&nbsp; aromatičnih&nbsp; ugljovodonika&nbsp; na&nbsp; mikroplastici&nbsp; zavisi&nbsp; od same grupe jedinjenja kao i od vrste mikroplastike pri čemu je najmanje izražen u&nbsp; slučaju&nbsp; ispitivanih&nbsp; policikličnih&nbsp; aromatičnih&nbsp; ugljovodonika,&nbsp; a&nbsp; najvi&scaron;e&nbsp; kod hlorovanih fenola.Visoke&nbsp; vrednosti&nbsp; koeficijenta&nbsp; determinacije&nbsp; kinetičkog&nbsp; modela&nbsp; pseudodrugog&nbsp; reda&nbsp; za&nbsp; adsorpciju&nbsp; hlorovanih&nbsp; fenola,&nbsp; derivata&nbsp; benzena&nbsp; i&nbsp; policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika na čestice mikroplastike ukazjuju da je hemisorpcija mogući&nbsp; mehanizam.&nbsp; Pored&nbsp; visokih&nbsp; vrednosti&nbsp; koeficijenata&nbsp; determinacije&nbsp; u slučaju svih odabranih organskih jedninjenja dobijena konstanta brzine drugog reda&nbsp; bila&nbsp; je&nbsp; manja&nbsp; od&nbsp; po četne&nbsp; brzine&nbsp; adsorpcije&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; ukazuje&nbsp; na&nbsp; znatno&nbsp; brže odvijanje&nbsp; adsorpcije&nbsp; pri&nbsp; kraćim&nbsp; vremenima&nbsp; kontakta&nbsp; (12-24&nbsp; h)&nbsp; nakon&nbsp; čega&nbsp; je<br />dolazilo do usporavanja procesa adsorpcije.Mehanizam adsorpcije hlorovanih fenola, derivata benzena i policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika&nbsp; ispitivan&nbsp; je primenom Freundlich-ovog, Langmuirovog,&nbsp; Redlich-Peterson-ovog&nbsp; i&nbsp; Dubinine-Radusckevich-evog&nbsp; adsorpcionog modela. Vrednosti Freundlich-ovog eksponenta za adsorpciju hlorovanih fenola, derivata benzena i&nbsp; policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika bile su manje od 1,<br />&scaron;to ukazuje na to da je slobodna energije adsorpcije na mikroplastci opadala sa povećanjem&nbsp; inicijalne&nbsp; koncetracije&nbsp; ispitivanih&nbsp; polutanata.&nbsp; Vrednosti maksimalnog adsorpcionog kapaciteta dobijene za&nbsp; adsorpcione procese PAH&nbsp; na česticama mikroplastike bile su u opsegu od 29,7-2596,5 &micro;g/g. Visoke vrednosti maksimalnih adsorpcionih kapaciteta dobijene su takođe za adsorpciju derivata benzena na ispitivanim vrstama mikroplastike&nbsp; 39,3-2010,1 &micro;g/g. S druge strane, uočeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; različito&nbsp; adsorpciono&nbsp; pon&scaron;anje&nbsp; hlorovanih&nbsp; fenola&nbsp; u&nbsp; zavisnosti&nbsp; od vodenog metriksa u kom su eksperimenti sprovedeni pri čemu su&nbsp; qmax&nbsp; vrednosti iznosile 20,00-205,6 &micro;g/g. Značajan uticaj&nbsp; pH vrednosti vodenog matriksa&nbsp; utvrđen je&nbsp; za adsorpciju hlorovanih&nbsp; fenola&nbsp; na&nbsp; mikroplastici,&nbsp; dok&nbsp; u&nbsp; slučaju&nbsp; derivata&nbsp; benzena&nbsp; i&nbsp; PAH promena pH vrednosti vodenog matriksa nije pokazala značajan uticaj. Rezultati dobijeni&nbsp; za&nbsp; adsorpciju&nbsp; hlorovanih&nbsp; fenola&nbsp; na&nbsp; mikroplastici&nbsp; ukazuju&nbsp; na&nbsp; nižu tendenciju&nbsp; ka&nbsp; formiranju&nbsp; interakcija&nbsp; hlorovanih&nbsp; fenola&nbsp; sa&nbsp; česticama mikroplastike pri pH 4 i pH 10, pri čemu se stepen adsorpcije kretao u opsegu od 8-35% i 15-35%, respektivno, u odnosu na pH 7 (55-65%). Najniži&nbsp; adsorpcioni&nbsp; afinitet&nbsp; uočava&nbsp; se&nbsp; pri&nbsp; adsorpciji&nbsp; ispitivanih&nbsp; grupa jedinjenja na PLA. Može se pretpostaviti da će se organski polutanti,&nbsp;&nbsp; ukoliko ova vrsta mikroplastike dospe u vodene sisteme, slabo vezivati na ovaj materijal pri čemu će značajno manje uticati na njihov trasport kroz životnu sredinu, u odnosu<br />na druge ispitivane vrste mikroplastike. Na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; dobijenih&nbsp; rezultata&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; može&nbsp; se&nbsp; zaključiti&nbsp; da&nbsp; na adsorpciju ispitivanih grupa organskih jedinjenja i mikroplastike značajan uticaj imaju&nbsp; fizičko-hemijske&nbsp; osobine&nbsp; ispitivanih&nbsp; jedinjenja&nbsp; kao&nbsp; &scaron;to&nbsp; su&nbsp; kiselinska konstanta, veličina molekula, hidrofobnost, stukturni raspored i dr. Pored toga, karakteristike vodenog matriksa, među kojima je najvažnija pH vrednost, imaju značajan&nbsp; uticaj&nbsp; na&nbsp; adsorpcioni&nbsp; afinitet&nbsp; jedinjenja&nbsp; ka&nbsp; mikroplastici.&nbsp; Dodatno,<br />struktura&nbsp; i&nbsp; poreklo&nbsp; polimera&nbsp; ima&nbsp; veliki&nbsp; uticaj&nbsp; na&nbsp; formiranje&nbsp; interakcija&nbsp; sa<br />ispitivanim grupama organskih polutanata. Dobijeni rezultati takođe ukazuju na<br />nemogućnost&nbsp; određivanje&nbsp; unifomnog&nbsp; mehanizma&nbsp; adsorpcije&nbsp; organskih<br />jedinjenja na česticama mikroplastike u vodi.</p> / <p>Microplastics&nbsp; are&nbsp; ubiquitous&nbsp; in&nbsp; aquatic&nbsp; ecosystems,&nbsp; so&nbsp; it&nbsp; is&nbsp; essential&nbsp; to study their&nbsp; impact on the behaviour of other compounds which are commonly present in water. The term microplastics refers to all plastic particles smaller than 5 mm. In order&nbsp; to address knowledge gaps relating to the potential harmful effects of microplastics in the environment, the experiments conducted during this thesis were designed to investigate the adsorption mechanism of chlorinated phenols, benzene derivatives, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on microplastics in water.&nbsp; To&nbsp; provide&nbsp; a&nbsp; more&nbsp; detailed&nbsp; understanding&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; influence&nbsp; of&nbsp; different water&nbsp; matrices&nbsp; on&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; properties&nbsp; of&nbsp; microplastics,&nbsp; experiments&nbsp; were conducted in both synthetic and real water matrices. In the course of this work, methods were optimised for the isolation and characterization of microplastifrom personal care products, in order to allow investigation&nbsp; of the influence of the&nbsp; properties&nbsp; of&nbsp; primary&nbsp; microplastics&nbsp; on&nbsp; their&nbsp; interactions&nbsp; with&nbsp; organic pollutants.Base on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the optimal method of isolating microplastics from personal care products is based&nbsp; on treating already dried&nbsp; material&nbsp; with&nbsp; 30%&nbsp; hydrogen&nbsp; peroxide,&nbsp; after&nbsp; extraction&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; agent&nbsp; in distilled water, in order to obtain cleaner microplastic samples. The mixing rate was&nbsp; found&nbsp; to&nbsp; have&nbsp; a&nbsp; significant&nbsp; effect&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; degree&nbsp; of&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; of&nbsp; the investigated&nbsp; organic&nbsp; compounds.&nbsp; Increasing&nbsp; the&nbsp; mixing&nbsp; speed&nbsp; led&nbsp; to&nbsp; a&nbsp; higher<br />degree&nbsp; of&nbsp; adsorption,&nbsp; with&nbsp; the&nbsp; maximum&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; percentage&nbsp; reached&nbsp; at&nbsp; a<br />mixing speed of 150 rpm. In addition, the dispersion of powdered materials in the&nbsp; water&nbsp; had&nbsp; no&nbsp; significant&nbsp; effect&nbsp; on the&nbsp; degree&nbsp; of&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; of&nbsp; chlorinated phenols,&nbsp; benzene&nbsp; derivatives,&nbsp; and&nbsp; polycyclic&nbsp; aromatic&nbsp; hydrocarbons&nbsp; on microplastics.<br />The&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; equilibrium&nbsp; between&nbsp; the&nbsp; concentration&nbsp; of&nbsp; chlorinated phenols,&nbsp; benzene derivatives and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water and selected types of microplastics (PEp, PE_PCPs_1, PE_PCPs_2, PEg, PET, PP, and&nbsp; PLA) was established after 24 and 48 h of contact time, depending on the selected&nbsp; group&nbsp; of&nbsp; organic&nbsp; pollutants.&nbsp; The&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; affinity&nbsp; of&nbsp; chlorinated phenols,&nbsp; benzene&nbsp; derivatives,&nbsp; and&nbsp; polycyclic&nbsp; aromatic&nbsp; hydrocarbons&nbsp; towards microplastics&nbsp; was&nbsp; influenced&nbsp; by&nbsp; both&nbsp; the&nbsp; physicochemical&nbsp; properties&nbsp; of&nbsp; the compounds&nbsp; and&nbsp; the&nbsp; characteristics&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; microplastics.&nbsp; Based&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; kinetic experiments,&nbsp; the&nbsp; highest&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; affinity&nbsp; for&nbsp; microplastics&nbsp; was&nbsp; shown&nbsp; by benzene derivatives (qt=103-350 &micro;g/g), while the lowest was&nbsp; observed during the adsorption of chlorinated phenols (qt=25-225 &micro;g/g). Benzene derivatives showed higher&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; affinities&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; selected&nbsp; microplastic&nbsp; particles&nbsp; than&nbsp; the polycyclic&nbsp; aromatic&nbsp; hydrocarbons&nbsp; and&nbsp; &nbsp; chlorinated&nbsp; phenols&nbsp; which&nbsp; had&nbsp; similar logKow&nbsp; values. The influence of the water matrix on adsorption of chlorinated phenols,&nbsp; benzene&nbsp; derivatives,&nbsp; and&nbsp; polycyclic&nbsp; aromatic&nbsp; hydrocarbons&nbsp; on microplastics&nbsp; depended&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; specific&nbsp; functional&nbsp; groups&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; investigated compounds as well as on the type of microplastics. Water matrix had little impact on&nbsp; the&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; of&nbsp; polycyclic&nbsp; aromatic&nbsp; hydrocarbons&nbsp; on&nbsp; microplastics&nbsp; but greatly impacted the adsorption of chlorinated phenols. Fitting the pseudo-second order kinetic&nbsp; model to the&nbsp; adsorption data of chlorinated phenols, benzene derivatives, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on microplastic particles resulted in high correlation coefficients, indicating that chemisorption&nbsp; is&nbsp; the&nbsp; likely&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; mechanism.&nbsp; In&nbsp; addition&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; high correlation coefficients obtained for all the organic pollutants investigated, the pseudo-second order rate constants obtained were lower than the initiaadsorption rate, indicating significantly faster adsorption at shorter contact times (12-24 h), with adsorption slowing down as equilibrium was reached.The adsorption mechanism of chlorinated phenols, benzene derivatives,<br />and&nbsp; polycyclic&nbsp; aromatic&nbsp; hydrocarbons&nbsp; was&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; using Freundlich,Langmuir,&nbsp; Redlich-Peterson,&nbsp; Dubinine-Radusckevich,&nbsp; and&nbsp; Temkin&nbsp; adsorption models.&nbsp; The&nbsp; Freundlich&nbsp; exponent&nbsp; values&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; of&nbsp; chlorinated phenols, benzene&nbsp; derivatives, and polycyclic&nbsp; aromatic&nbsp; hydrocarbons were&nbsp; less than 1 which indicates that the free energy of adsorption of these compounds on microplastics&nbsp; decreases&nbsp; as&nbsp; the&nbsp; initial&nbsp; concentration&nbsp; increases.&nbsp; The&nbsp; maximum adsorption capacities of PAHs on microplastic particles were in the range of 29.7-2596.5&nbsp; &micro;g/g.&nbsp; High&nbsp; maximum&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; capacities&nbsp; were&nbsp; also obtained&nbsp; for the adsorption&nbsp; of&nbsp; benzene&nbsp; derivatives&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; tested&nbsp; types&nbsp; of&nbsp; microplastics:&nbsp; 39.3-2010.1&nbsp; &micro;g/g.&nbsp; The&nbsp; chlorinated&nbsp; phenols&nbsp; behaved&nbsp; differently,&nbsp; and&nbsp; were&nbsp; more effected by the water matrix, with qmax values in&nbsp; the range 20.00-205.6 &micro;g/g. The pH of the water matrix was found to have a significant effect on the adsorption&nbsp; of&nbsp; chlorinated&nbsp; phenols&nbsp; on&nbsp; microplastics,&nbsp; whereas&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; case&nbsp; of benzene&nbsp; derivatives&nbsp; and&nbsp; polycyclic&nbsp; aromatic&nbsp; hydrocarbons,&nbsp; the&nbsp; degree&nbsp; of<br />adsorption&nbsp; was&nbsp; largely&nbsp; independent&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; water&nbsp; pH.&nbsp; For&nbsp; the&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; of chlorinated&nbsp; phenols&nbsp; on&nbsp; microplastics,&nbsp; neutral&nbsp; pH&nbsp; conditions&nbsp; resulted&nbsp; in&nbsp; the greatest degrees of adsorption (55-65% at pH 7), while adsorption was inhibited under acidic (8-35% at pH 4) and basic (15-35% at pH 10) conditions. The microplastic type with the lowest observed adsorption affinities was PLA. It can be thus be assumed that in the event that this type of microplastic enters water systems, organic pollutants will only adsorb weakly to this material, such&nbsp; that&nbsp; it&nbsp; will&nbsp; have&nbsp; significantly&nbsp; less&nbsp; impact&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; transport&nbsp; of&nbsp; the se compounds through the environment, than the other tested&nbsp; types of microplastics. The results obtained in this research demonstrate that the adsorption of the selected&nbsp; groups&nbsp; of&nbsp; organic&nbsp; pollutants&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; microplastics&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; is significantly&nbsp; controlled&nbsp; by&nbsp; the&nbsp; physicochemical&nbsp; properties&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; tested compounds, such as the dissociation constant, molecule&nbsp; size, hydrophobicity,<br />structural properties, etc. In addition, the characteristics of the water matrix play an important role in controlling adsorption of organic pollutants on microplastic, especially the water pH. In addition, the structure and aging of the polymers had a major influence&nbsp; on their interactions with the selected organic pollutants. The obtained&nbsp; results&nbsp; also&nbsp; demonstrate&nbsp; the&nbsp; difficulty&nbsp; in&nbsp; determining&nbsp; a&nbsp; uniform mechanism&nbsp; of&nbsp; adsorption&nbsp; between&nbsp; the&nbsp; various&nbsp; organic&nbsp; compounds&nbsp; and microplastic particles in water.</p>

Fizičko-hemijske i katalitičke osobine ugljeničnih nanocevi sintetisanih metodom katalitičke hemijske depozicije iz gasne faze – korelacija sa osobinama primenjenih katalizatora na bazi prelaznih metala (Fe, Co, Ni) / Physico-chemical and catalytic properties of carbon nanotubes synthesized by catalytic chemical vapor deposition - correlation with the properties of the applied catalysts based ontransition metals (Fe, Co, Ni)

Panić Sanja 31 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Postojanje ugljeničnih nanocevi (UNC), kao jedne od brojnih alotropskih modifikacija ugljenika, zabeleženo je jo&scaron; pre vi&scaron;e od pola veka. Međutim, do prave eksplozije<br />interesovanja za ovu vrstu nanomaterijala je do&scaron;lo tek 1991. godine kada ih je &quot;ponovo&quot; otkrio japanski naučnik S. Iijima. Od tada, zbog svojih izuzetnih fizičko-hemijskih osobina, UNC počinju da privlače pažnju naučne javnosti i spajaju istraživače iz različitih oblasti sa zajedničkim imeniteljem - nanotehnologija. Otkriće UNC je u znatnoj meri omogućilo razvoj visoke tehnologije u oblastima kao &scaron;to su elektronika, optika, kompozitni materijali, kataliza, za&scaron;tita životne sredine, itd. Danas, primena nanocevi sve vi&scaron;e doprinosi lak&scaron;oj implementaciji principa održivog razvoja u pomenute oblasti. Kataliza je polje od dvostrukog interesa, jer je jedan od načina dobijanja UNC upravo katalitički, a osim toga i same cevi su interesantne kao nosač novog katalizatora.<br />Istraživanje čiji su rezultati prikazani u okviru ove doktorske disertacije je obuhvatilo vi&scaron;e oblasti proučavanja UNC, počev&scaron;i od razvoja metode za njihovu sintezu, preko preči&scaron;ćavanja i funkcionalizacije finalnog proizvoda, pa do primene nanocevi u dva procesa od značaja za oblast za&scaron;tite životne sredine.</p><p>Razvoj katalitičke metode sinteze UNC započet je primenom vertikalnog cevnog kvarcnog reaktora, iz CO i CH4 kao izvora ugljenika, pri čemu su u reakciji testirani<br />monometalni katalizatori na bazi Fe, Co i Ni na Al2O3 kao nosaču (I serija katalizatora). Rezultati ovih preliminarnih eksperimenata su pokazali malu aktivnost I serije monometalnih katalizatora, &scaron;to se može pripisati, kako neadekvatnoj hidrodinamici reaktora i lo&scaron;e odabranim reakcionim parametrima, tako i neodgovarajućoj veličini katalitičkih čestica i načina njihovog pakovanja u vertikalnom<br />reaktoru. Shodno tome, u cilju postizanja boljeg prinosa nanocevi, dalji eksperimenti sinteze izvedeni su u horizontalnom reaktoru u struji C2H4 i u prisustvu II serije<br />monometalnih katalizatora sa Al2O3 i SiO2 kao nosačima, koji se u odnosu na I seriju razlikuju po udelu aktivne faze i veličini čestica katalizatora (pra&scaron;kast oblik). Katalizatori II serije su pokazali zadovoljavajuću aktivnost u reakciji sinteze UNC, a rezultati karakterizacije dobijenih uzoraka nanocevi ukazuju na različit uticaj nosača katalizatora na morfologiju sintetisanih nanocevi. Shodno ostvarenom prinosu ugljenika, a u cilju optimizacije reakcionih parametara, katalizator na bazi Fe sa SiO2 kao nosačem je odabran kao reprezentativan za ispitivanje uticaja vremena trajanja sinteze UNC, kao i zapreminskog udela C2H4 u sme&scaron;i sa azotom, na prinos<br />nanocevi i selektivnost procesa.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Optimizacija reakcionih uslova je u daljoj fazi rada dovela do uvođenja bimetalnih katalizatora sa istim tradicionalnim nosačima &ndash; Al2O3 i SiO2. Najveći prinos ugljenika ostvaren je na katalizatorima sa Fe i Co kao aktivnom fazom, bez obzira na vrstu nosača. UNC sintetisane na pomenutim katalizatorima su karakterisane u cilju<br />ispitivanja uticaja primenjenih nosača na njihove fizičkohemijske osobine, pa je shodno tome i predložen vr&scaron;ni mehanizam njihovog rasta. Rezultati ispitivanja kvaliteta sintetisanih UNC su ukazali da primena SiO2, kao nosača katalizatora, za razliku od Al2O3, favorizuje rast UNC boljeg povr&scaron;inskog i ukupnog kvaliteta. S obzirom na raznolikost mogućnosti primene UNC, istraživanja u tom smeru zahtevaju čiste UNC, pa su shodno tome proizvodi sinteze preči&scaron;ćeni metodom tečne oksidacije. Rezultati fizičko-hemijske karakterizacije preči&scaron;ćenih UNC su ukazali na efikasnost primenjene metode sa aspekta uklanjanja prisutnog katalizatora, ali i na njen različit uticaj na strukturu, odnosno kvalitet preči&scaron;ćenih uzoraka. Kao posledica promena unutar strukture UNC, kao i različitog stepena njihove funkcionalizacije, ukupni kvalitet preči&scaron;ćenih nanocevi je, u zavisnosti od primenjenog nosača katalizatora, promenjen u odnosu na odgovarajuće nepreči&scaron;ćene uzorke.<br />Poslednjih godina se posebna pažnja poklanja nanomaterijalima koji se mogu primeniti za uklanjanje različitih polutanata iz životne sredine, kako u funkciji adsorbenata, tako i u funkciji katalizatora. U okviru ove doktorske disertacije obuhvaćena je primena UNC kao adsorbenta za uklanjanje insekticida tiametoksama iz vode, kao i njihova primena kao nosača katalizatora u reakciji<br />denitracije vode. Rezultati eksperimenata adsorpcije su pokazali da UNC, prethodno tretirane u ccHNO3, predstavljaju dobar adsorbent za uklanjanje insekticida tiametoksama iz vodenog rastvora. Odabir procesnih parametara za proučavanje kinetike adsorpcije, adsorpcione ravnoteže, kao i termodinamike procesa izvr&scaron;en je primenom frakcionog faktorskog dizajna na dva nivoa, 5 1 V 2 , a dobijeni rezultati su ukazali da je pomenuti proces adsorpcije spontan i kontrolisan uglavnom unutra&scaron;njom difuzijom molekula insekticida u mezopore uzorka UNC. Performanse katalizatora sa UNC kao nosačem su testirane u reakciji katalitičke denitracije, pri čemu su dobijeni rezultati pokazali da se novoformirani katalizator karakteri&scaron;e zadovoljavajućom disperzno&scaron;ću sa udelombimetalnih Pd-Cu nanočestica koje omogućavaju 60% konverzije nitratnog jona.</p> / <p style="text-align: justify;">The existance of carbon nanotubes (CNTs), as one of the carbon allotropes, was noted over half century ago. However, the true interest for these nanomaterials appeared at 1991, when they were &quot;redescovered&quot; by Japanese scientist S. Iijima. Since then, due to their unique physico-chemical properties, CNTs begin to attract attention of the scientific community and to gather researchers from different areas within the common field of interest &ndash; nanotechnology. The CNTs discovery substantially enabled the high technology development in the fields such as electronics, optics, composite materials, catalysis, environmental protection, etc. Nowdays, the application of nanotubes is increasingly contributing to easier implementation of sustainable development principles in the above mentioned areas. Catalysis is the field of double interest &ndash; one of the CNTs synthesis method is catalytical, and the nanotubes can also be used as the support of the new catalyst.<br />The research, which results are shown within this PhD Thesis, includes few different CNTs research fields, starting from the synthesis method development, over the purification and functionalization of the final product, to the application of<br />nanotubes in two processes of significance for the field of environmental protection.<br />The development of the CNTs catalytic synthesis method was started by the use of vertical quartz tube reactor, in the flow of CO and CH4 as the carbon source, and in the presence of monometallic catalysts based on Fe, Co and Ni at Al2O3 as the support (the first series of catalysts). The results of these preliminary experiments have shown the low activity of these monometallic catalysts, which can be attributed to the inadequate reactor hydrodynamics and selected reaction parameters, as well as the inadequate size of the catalytic particles and the type of their packing in the vertical reactor. Consequently, in order to achieve the higher nanotubes yield, further synthesis experiments were carried out in a horizontal reactor in the flow of C2H4 as the carbon source, and in the presence of the second series of monometallic catalysts with Al2O3 and SiO2 as the supports. The catalysts of the second series have shown satisfactory activity in the CNTs synthesis reaction, and the results of the obtained samples characterization idicate a different influence of the catalyst support on the synthesized CNTs morphology. In order to optimize the reaction parameters, Fe/SiO2 catalyst was chosen as a representative to examine the effect of the CNTs synthesis duration, as well as the volume percentage of C2H4 in the mixture with nitrogen to the CNTs yield and process selectivity. In a further phase of work, the optimization of thereaction parameters led to the introduction of the bimetallic catalysts with the same traditional supports, Al2O3 and SiO2. The highest carbon yield was achieved over Fe, Co based catalysts, regardless of the type of the catalyst support. CNTs synthesized over the above mentioned catalysts were characterized in order to study the effect of the used supports on their physico-chemical properties, and consequently the CNTs tip growth mechanism was proposed. The results of quality examination of the synthesized CNTs showed that the use of SiO2, as a catalyst support, unlike Al2O3, favors the growth of nanotubes of better surface and overall crystalline quality. In view of the diversity of possible CNTs applications, investigation in that direction requires purified CNTs and accordingly the final CNTs products were purified by liquid oxidation method. The results of physico-chemical characterization of the purified CNTs showed that the applied purification method was effective in terms of removing the present catalyst, but on the other hand it had different influence on the structure and quality of the purified samples. As a consequence of CNTs structural changes, as well as their different degree of functionalization, the overall crystalline quality of the purified nanotubes, originating from different catalyst supports, was changed in comparison to the corresponding unpurified samples. Over the past few years, special attention was focused on<br />nanomaterials that can be applied as adsorbents or catalysts for the removal of various pollutants from the environment. This PhD Thesis considers the use of CNTs, as adsorbent, for the removal of insecticide thiamethoxam from water, as well as their use as catalyst support for water denitration reaction. The results of adsorption experiments have shown that the CNTs, pretreated in ccHNO3, represent a good adsorbent for the removal of thiamethoxam from the aqueous solutions. The<br />selection of the process parameters in order to study the adsorption kinetics and equilibrium, as well as the thermodynamics of the process, was conducted using the<br />fractional factorial design at two levels, 5 1 V 2 . The obtained results showed that the adsorption process is spontaneous and controlled mainly by an internal diffusion of molecules of insecticide in the mesopores of CNTs. The performance of the catalyst with the CNTs as the support were tested in catalytic water denitration reaction, whereby the results showed that the newly formed catalyst is characterized by satisfactory dispersion of Pd-Cu bimetallic nanoparticles which enable the 60% conversion of nitrate ions.</p>

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