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An Evolutonary Parametrization for Aerodyanmic Shape OptimizationHan, Xiaocong 08 December 2011 (has links)
An evolutionary geometry parametrization is established to represent aerodynamic configurations. This geometry parametrization technique is constructed by integrating the classical B-spline formulation with the knot insertion algorithm. It is capable of inserting control points to a given parametrization without modifying its geometry. Taking advantage of this technique, a shape design problem can be solved as a sequence of optimizations from the basic parametrization to more refined parametrizations. Owing to the nature of the B-spline formulation, feasible parametrization refinements are not unique; guidelines based on sensitivity analysis and geometry constraints are developed to assist the automation of the proposed optimization sequence. Test cases involving airfoil optimization and induced drag minimization are solved adopting this method. Its effectiveness is demonstrated through comparisons with optimizations using uniform refined parametrizations.
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An Evolutonary Parametrization for Aerodyanmic Shape OptimizationHan, Xiaocong 08 December 2011 (has links)
An evolutionary geometry parametrization is established to represent aerodynamic configurations. This geometry parametrization technique is constructed by integrating the classical B-spline formulation with the knot insertion algorithm. It is capable of inserting control points to a given parametrization without modifying its geometry. Taking advantage of this technique, a shape design problem can be solved as a sequence of optimizations from the basic parametrization to more refined parametrizations. Owing to the nature of the B-spline formulation, feasible parametrization refinements are not unique; guidelines based on sensitivity analysis and geometry constraints are developed to assist the automation of the proposed optimization sequence. Test cases involving airfoil optimization and induced drag minimization are solved adopting this method. Its effectiveness is demonstrated through comparisons with optimizations using uniform refined parametrizations.
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Integrated Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Using Discrete Sensitivity Analysis for Geometrically Complex Aeroelastic ConfigurationsNewman, James Charles III 06 October 1997 (has links)
The first two steps in the development of an integrated multidisciplinary design optimization procedure capable of analyzing the nonlinear fluid flow about geometrically complex aeroelastic configurations have been accomplished in the present work. For the first step, a three-dimensional unstructured grid approach to aerodynamic shape sensitivity analysis and design optimization has been developed. The advantage of unstructured grids, when compared with a structured-grid approach, is their inherent ability to discretize irregularly shaped domains with greater efficiency and less effort. Hence, this approach is ideally suited fro geometrically complex configurations of practical interest. In this work the time-dependent, nonlinear Euler equations are solved using an upwind, cell-centered, finite-volume scheme. The discrete, linearized systems which result from this scheme are solved iteratively by a preconditioned conjugate-gradient-like algorithm known as GMRES for the two-dimensional cases and a Gauss-Seidel algorithm for the three-dimensional; at steady-state, similar procedures are used to solve the accompanying linear aerodynamic sensitivity equations in incremental iterative form. As shown, this particular form of the sensitivity equation makes large-scale gradient-based aerodynamic optimization possible by taking advantage of memory efficient methods to construct exact Jacobian matrix-vector products. Various surface parameterization techniques have been employed in the current study to control the shape of the design surface. Once this surface has been deformed, the interior volume of the unstructured grid is adapted by considering the mesh as a system of interconnected tension springs. Grid sensitivities are obtained by differentiating the surface parameterization and the grid adaptation algorithms with ADIFOR, an advanced automatic-differentiation software tool. To demonstrate the ability of this procedure to analyze and design complex configurations of practical interest, the sensitivity analysis and shape optimization has been performed for several two- and three-dimensional cases. In two-dimensions, an initially symmetric NACA-0012 airfoil and a high-lift multi-element airfoil were examined. For the three-dimensional configurations, an initially rectangular wing with uniform NACA-0012 cross-sections was optimized; in additions, a complete Boeing 747-200 aircraft was studied. Furthermore, the current study also examines the effect of inconsistency in the order of spatial accuracy between the nonlinear fluid and linear shape sensitivity equations.
The second step was to develop a computationally efficient, high-fidelity, integrated static aeroelastic analysis procedure. To accomplish this, a structural analysis code was coupled with the aforementioned unstructured grid aerodynamic analysis solver. The use of an unstructured grid scheme for the aerodynamic analysis enhances the interactions compatibility with the wing structure. The structural analysis utilizes finite elements to model the wing so that accurate structural deflections may be obtained. In the current work, parameters have been introduced to control the interaction of the computational fluid dynamics and structural analyses; these control parameters permit extremely efficient static aeroelastic computations. To demonstrate and evaluate this procedure, static aeroelastic analysis results for a flexible wing in low subsonic, high subsonic (subcritical), transonic (supercritical), and supersonic flow conditions are presented. / Ph. D.
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Aerodynamic Shape Design of Nozzles Using a Hybrid Optimization MethodXing, X.Q., Damodaran, Murali 01 1900 (has links)
A hybrid design optimization method combining the stochastic method based on simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) and the deterministic method of Broydon-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) is developed in order to take advantage of the high efficiency of the gradient based methods and the global search capabilities of SPSA for applications in the optimal aerodynamic shape design of a three dimensional elliptic nozzle. The performance of this hybrid method is compared with that of SPSA, simulated annealing (SA) and gradient based BFGS method. The objective functions which are minimized are estimated by numerically solving the 3D Euler and Navier-Stokes equations using a TVD approach and a LU implicit scheme. Computed results show that the hybrid optimization method proposed in this study shows a promise of high computational efficiency and global search capabilities. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
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Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of a Blended-wing-body Aircraft ConfigurationKuntawala, Nimeesha B. 12 December 2011 (has links)
Increasing environmental concerns and fuel prices motivate the study of alternative, unconventional aircraft configurations. One such example is the blended-wing-body configuration, which has been shown to have several advantages over the conventional tube-and-wing aircraft configuration. In this thesis, a blended-wing-body aircraft is studied and optimized aerodynamically using a high-fidelity Euler-based flow solver, integrated geometry parameterization and mesh movement, adjoint-based gradient evaluation, and a sequential quadratic programming algorithm. Specifically, the aircraft is optimized at transonic conditions to minimize the sum of induced and wave drag. These optimizations are carried out with both fixed and varying airfoil sections. With varying airfoil sections and increased freedom, up to 52% drag reduction relative to the baseline geometry was achieved: at the target lift coefficient of 0.357, a drag coefficient of 0.01313 and an inviscid lift-to-drag ratio of 27.2 were obtained.
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Aerodynamic Shape Optimization of a Blended-wing-body Aircraft ConfigurationKuntawala, Nimeesha B. 12 December 2011 (has links)
Increasing environmental concerns and fuel prices motivate the study of alternative, unconventional aircraft configurations. One such example is the blended-wing-body configuration, which has been shown to have several advantages over the conventional tube-and-wing aircraft configuration. In this thesis, a blended-wing-body aircraft is studied and optimized aerodynamically using a high-fidelity Euler-based flow solver, integrated geometry parameterization and mesh movement, adjoint-based gradient evaluation, and a sequential quadratic programming algorithm. Specifically, the aircraft is optimized at transonic conditions to minimize the sum of induced and wave drag. These optimizations are carried out with both fixed and varying airfoil sections. With varying airfoil sections and increased freedom, up to 52% drag reduction relative to the baseline geometry was achieved: at the target lift coefficient of 0.357, a drag coefficient of 0.01313 and an inviscid lift-to-drag ratio of 27.2 were obtained.
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Stability-constrained Aerodynamic Shape Optimization with Applications to Flying WingsMader, Charles 30 August 2012 (has links)
A set of techniques is developed that allows the incorporation of flight dynamics metrics
as an additional discipline in a high-fidelity aerodynamic optimization. Specifically, techniques for including static stability constraints and handling qualities constraints in a high-fidelity aerodynamic optimization are demonstrated. These constraints are developed from stability
derivative information calculated using high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Two techniques are explored for computing the stability derivatives from CFD. One technique uses an automatic differentiation adjoint technique (ADjoint) to efficiently and accurately compute a
full set of static and dynamic stability derivatives from a single steady solution. The other technique uses a linear regression method to compute the stability derivatives from a quasi-unsteady time-spectral CFD solution, allowing for the computation of static, dynamic and transient stability
derivatives. Based on the characteristics of the two methods, the time-spectral technique
is selected for further development, incorporated into an optimization framework, and used to conduct stability-constrained aerodynamic optimization. This stability-constrained optimization
framework is then used to conduct an optimization study of a flying wing configuration. This study shows that stability constraints have a significant impact on the optimal design of flying wings and that, while static stability constraints can often be satisfied by modifying the
airfoil profiles of the wing, dynamic stability constraints can require a significant change in the planform of the aircraft in order for the constraints to be satisfied.
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Stability-constrained Aerodynamic Shape Optimization with Applications to Flying WingsMader, Charles 30 August 2012 (has links)
A set of techniques is developed that allows the incorporation of flight dynamics metrics
as an additional discipline in a high-fidelity aerodynamic optimization. Specifically, techniques for including static stability constraints and handling qualities constraints in a high-fidelity aerodynamic optimization are demonstrated. These constraints are developed from stability
derivative information calculated using high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Two techniques are explored for computing the stability derivatives from CFD. One technique uses an automatic differentiation adjoint technique (ADjoint) to efficiently and accurately compute a
full set of static and dynamic stability derivatives from a single steady solution. The other technique uses a linear regression method to compute the stability derivatives from a quasi-unsteady time-spectral CFD solution, allowing for the computation of static, dynamic and transient stability
derivatives. Based on the characteristics of the two methods, the time-spectral technique
is selected for further development, incorporated into an optimization framework, and used to conduct stability-constrained aerodynamic optimization. This stability-constrained optimization
framework is then used to conduct an optimization study of a flying wing configuration. This study shows that stability constraints have a significant impact on the optimal design of flying wings and that, while static stability constraints can often be satisfied by modifying the
airfoil profiles of the wing, dynamic stability constraints can require a significant change in the planform of the aircraft in order for the constraints to be satisfied.
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Optimization Under Uncertainty and Total Predictive Uncertainty for a Tractor-Trailer Base-Drag Reduction DeviceFreeman, Jacob Andrew 07 September 2012 (has links)
One key outcome of this research is the design for a 3-D tractor-trailer base-drag reduction device that predicts a 41% reduction in wind-averaged drag coefficient at 57 mph (92 km/h) and that is relatively insensitive to uncertain wind speed and direction and uncertain deflection angles due to mounting accuracy and static aeroelastic loading; the best commercial device of non-optimized design achieves a 12% reduction at 65 mph. Another important outcome is the process by which the optimized design is obtained. That process includes verification and validation of the flow solver, a less complex but much broader 2-D pathfinder study, and the culminating 3-D aerodynamic shape optimization under uncertainty (OUU) study.
To gain confidence in the accuracy and precision of a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) flow solver and its Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence models, it is necessary to conduct code verification, solution verification, and model validation. These activities are accomplished using two commercial CFD solvers, Cobalt and RavenCFD, with four turbulence models: Spalart-Allmaras (S-A), S-A with rotation and curvature, Menter shear-stress transport (SST), and Wilcox 1998 k-ω. Model performance is evaluated for three low subsonic 2-D applications: turbulent flat plate, planar jet, and NACA 0012 airfoil at α = 0°.
The S-A turbulence model is selected for the 2-D OUU study. In the 2-D study, a tractor-trailer base flap model is developed that includes six design variables with generous constraints; 400 design candidates are evaluated. The design optimization loop includes the effect of uncertain wind speed and direction, and post processing addresses several other uncertain effects on drag prediction. The study compares the efficiency and accuracy of two optimization algorithms, evolutionary algorithm (EA) and dividing rectangles (DIRECT), twelve surrogate models, six sampling methods, and surrogate-based global optimization (SBGO) methods. The DAKOTA optimization and uncertainty quantification framework is used to interface the RANS flow solver, grid generator, and optimization algorithm. The EA is determined to be more efficient in obtaining a design with significantly reduced drag (as opposed to more efficient in finding the true drag minimum), and total predictive uncertainty is estimated as ±11%. While the SBGO methods are more efficient than a traditional optimization algorithm, they are computationally inefficient due to their serial nature, as implemented in DAKOTA.
Because the S-A model does well in 2-D but not in 3-D under these conditions, the SST turbulence model is selected for the 3-D OUU study that includes five design variables and evaluates a total of 130 design candidates. Again using the EA, the study propagates aleatory (wind speed and direction) and epistemic (perturbations in flap deflection angle) uncertainty within the optimization loop and post processes several other uncertain effects. For the best 3-D design, total predictive uncertainty is +15/-42%, due largely to using a relatively coarse (six million cell) grid. That is, the best design drag coefficient estimate is within 15 and 42% of the true value; however, its improvement relative to the no-flaps baseline is accurate within 3-9% uncertainty. / Ph. D.
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Aerodynamic Shape Design of Transonic Airfoils Using Hybrid Optimization Techniques and CFDXing, X.Q., Damodaran, Murali, Teo, Chung Piaw 01 1900 (has links)
This paper will analyze the effects of using hybrid optimization methods for optimizing objective functions that are determined by computational fluid dynamics solvers for compressible viscous flow for optimal design of airfoils. Previous studies on this topic by the authors had examined the application of deterministic optimization methods and stochastic optimization methods such as Simulated Annealing and Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Analysis (SPSA). The studies indicated that SPSA method has a greater or equal efficiency as compared with SA method in reaching optimal airfoil designs for the design problem in question. However, in some situations SPSA method has a tendency to demonstrate an oscillatory behavior in the vicinity of a local optima. To overcome this tendency, a hybrid method designed to take full advantage of SPSA’s high rate of reduction of the objective function at the inception of the design process to drive the design cycles towards the optimal zone at first, and then combining with other methods to perform the final stages of the convergence towards the optimal solutions is considered. SPSA method has been combined with the gradient-based Broydon-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) method as well as Simulated Annealing method for the transonic inverse airfoil design problem that is concerned with the specification of a target airfoil surface pressure distribution and starting from an initial guess of an airfoil shape, the target airfoil shape is reached by way of minimization of a quantity that depends on the difference between the target and current airfoil surface pressure distribution. For a typical transonic flow test case, the effects of using hybrid optimization techniques such as SPSA+BFGS and SPSA+SA as opposed to using SPSA alone can be seen in Figure 1. After 800 design cycles using SPSA, the hybrid SPSA+SA method took 2521 function evaluations of SA while the SPSA+BFGS method took 271 function evaluations to reach similar values which are much better than that reached by using SPSA alone in the entire minimization process. Results indicate that both of the two hybrid methods have capability to find a global optimum more efficiently than the SPSA method. The paper will address issues related to hybridization and its impact on the optimal airfoil shape designs in various contexts. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
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