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A Behavioral Framework for Managing Massive Airline Flight Disruptions through Crisis Management, Organization Development, and Organization LearningLarsen, Tulinda Deegan 14 September 2013 (has links)
<p> In this study the researcher provides a behavioral framework for managing massive airline flight disruptions (MAFD) in the United States. Under conditions of MAFD, multiple flights are disrupted throughout the airline's route network, customer service is negatively affected, additional costs are created for airlines, and governments intervene. This study is different from other studies relating to MAFD that have focused on the operational, technical, economic, financial, and customer service impacts. The researcher argues that airlines could improve the management of events that led to MAFD by applying the principles of crisis management where the entire organization is mobilized, rather than one department, adapting organization development (OD) interventions to implement change and organization learning (OL) processes to create culture of innovation, resulting in sustainable improvement in customer service, cost reductions, and mitigation of government intervention. At the intersection of crisis management, OD, and OL, the researcher has developed a new conceptual framework that enhances the resiliency of individuals and organizations in responding to unexpected-yet-recurring crises (e.g., MAFD) that impact operations. The researcher has adapted and augmented Lalonde's framework for managing crises through OD interventions by including OL processes. The OD interventions, coupled with OL, provide a framework for airline leaders to manage more effectively events that result in MAFD with the goal of improving passenger satisfaction, reducing costs, and preventing further government intervention. Further research is warranted to apply this conceptual framework to unexpected-yet-recurring crises that affect operations in other industries.</p>
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La responsabilité du transporteur suborbital de personnes : un régime à construireVenancie, Sarah 04 1900 (has links)
Les transports suborbitaux privés peuvent être définis comme tout vol réalisé au moyen d’un véhicule aérospatial, capable d’atteindre une très haute altitude et d’évoluer dans les couches supérieures de l’atmosphère terrestre, sans pour autant être mis en orbite. Plusieurs entreprises ont pour projet de faire des vols suborbitaux, le mode de transport de personnes à grande vitesse de demain. Dans l’hypothèse d’un tel développement, la réflexion autour de la règlementation de ces activités devient primordiale.
Les activités suborbitales ont la particularité de prendre place à la fois dans l’espace aérien et dans l’espace extra-atmosphérique et pour ce faire, empruntent autant les caractéristiques techniques de l’aéronef que de l’engin spatial. Il est donc particulièrement difficile de les qualifier du fait qu’il existe plusieurs corpus législatifs susceptibles de régir ces vols : le droit aérien, le droit spatial ou un nouveau régime qu’il conviendrait alors d’imaginer.
Sans prétendre à l’exhaustivité, ce mémoire envisagera les différentes options normatives pouvant permettre de règlementer la responsabilité du transporteur suborbital de personnes lorsqu’il cause un dommage au participant durant le vol. Le cas échéant, nous proposerons les meilleures alternatives pouvant permettre d’assurer le développement pérenne de ce secteur d’activité, tout en garantissant un haut niveau de sécurité juridique pour l’ensemble des parties prenantes, participants comme opérateurs spatiaux. / Private suborbital transportation can be defined as any spaceflight by an aerospace vehicle capable of reaching a very high altitude into the edge of space without reaching orbital velocity. For now, the aim of those activities is to offer customers direct experience with space travel. However, the ultimate goal is to provide high speed flights between various point of the Earth. When this objective will be achieved, the need to promulgate an integrated and uniform legal regime will be of great importance in order to facilitate and secured commercial aerospace activities expansion.
Private suborbital activities have the dual specificities of using a vehicle that use either astronautic et aeronautics technology in order to achieve lift and thereby flying in air space, and also traveling through outer space during a small portion of the flight. This hybrid nature raises legal uncertainties about the applicable legal regime that could be one of air law, space law or a new regime that would need to be invented.
This essay will focus on the specific issues surrounding liability. In other terms, it will focus on the different options that are available to manage liability issues that will arise between spaceflight participant and spaceflight operators and the way it will impact disputes when an accident occurs. Then, we will make a proposal for solutions that would best preserve the economic needs of this emerging industry, while insuring legal certainties for both spaceflight operators and participants.
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