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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Producción a nivel piloto de un biosurfactante ramnolípidico con la cepa Pseudomonas aeruginosa 6K-11

Valladares Diestra, Kim Kley January 2016 (has links)
Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autor / Optimiza la producción de ramnolípidos a escala piloto con Pseudomonas aeruginosa 6K-11 en cultivos sumergidos por lotes. Con la finalidad de establecer los parámetros óptimos para la aireación, agitación y concentración de nitrógeno en la producción de ramnolipídos a escala piloto, se evaluaron dos niveles para cada factor: 0.25 vvm y 0.5 vvm (aireación), 50 RPM y 70 RPM (agitación) y 2.45 g/L y 4.89 g/L (concentración de NaNO3). Con estos tres factores y dos niveles para cada uno se evaluó la producción de ramnolípidos a escala piloto con el diseño experimental de Taguchi L4 [2]3 o arreglo L4. / Tesis

Development and characterisation of a responsive polyvalent bacteriophage therapeutic

Alves, Diana R. January 2015 (has links)
Bacteriophages (phages) are obligate intracellular parasites of bacteria that usually kill the bacterial host. Bacteriophage therapy is a recently revived approach for treating bacterial infection that relies on the traits of the phage lytic cycle. A lot of attention has been given to phage therapy with new research being published weekly and international conferences organised every year, bringing together the academic and industrial phage communities. However, despite this huge effort and considerable scientific interest there is still a great lack of understanding on how to use phage effectively and overcome the many obstacles in the near future. One of the main triggers for such interest was the increasing evidence of antibiotic resistance among human bacterial pathogens, which were once efficiently eliminated by drugs but are now causing alarmingly high levels of morbidity and mortality. Also, bacteria when causing a disease are able to produce highly protective biofilm communities. Biofilms are major causes of impairment of wound healing and two of the most common and aggressive wound pathogens are Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Gram-negative), both displaying a large repertoire of virulence factors and reduced susceptibility to antibiotics. This work reports and explores the use of phages to target both S. aureus and P. aeruginosa pathogen biofilm producers. Firstly, isolation of promising phage candidates was performed and cocktails were established. Two phages (DRA88 and phage K) formed the cocktail to target S. aureus and six phages (DL52, DL54, DL60, DL62, DL64 and DL68) formed a cocktail to target P. aeruginosa. A thorough characterisation of each of the selected phages was performed, including their range of host infectivity and their genome sequences were analysed. The phage’s ability to infect and kill planktonic cultures was successfully studied and afterwards such ability was assayed on biofilms using an in vitro static biofilm system (microtitre-plate), followed by an in vitro dynamic biofilm system (The Modified Robbins Device). Both cocktails were shown to be effective in reducing and dispersing biofilms formed by the clinical strains showing them to be promising not only to combat topical bacterial infections (related to biofilm production), but also to control biofilms produced on the surfaces of medical devices, such as catheters. Finally, the phage cocktail’s ability to treat systemic infections caused by the two pathogens was assessed in an in vivo G. mellonella infection model. In the case of the P. aeruginosa infection, although the phages were not able to fully treat the larvae, the cocktail allowed a delay of larval death, caused by the infection. For the S. aureus infection, the cocktail did not show the same trend, but most likely the high bacterial cell numbers involved in the experiment interfered with a successful study on the phage cocktail. The phage mixture may form the basis of an effective treatment for infections caused by S. aureus and P. aeruginosa biofilms.

Physiology of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Phenazine Production and Transport

Sakhtah, Hassan January 2016 (has links)
Many bacteria secrete secondary metabolites, whose production is decoupled from active growth in laboratory cultures. Historically, the advantages of secondary metabolite production have mostly been explored in the context of cellular interactions, such as antibiotic effects on competing organisms, damage caused to host tissues during infection, or cell density-dependent signaling. However, recent studies in the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa have brought into focus the physiological effects of secondary metabolites on their producer and their implications for multicellular behavior. P. aeruginosa produces antibiotics called phenazines, which can act as mediators to transfer reducing power to an extracellular oxidant and thereby support bacterial survival when oxygen is not accessible. In the crowded environments of biofilms, communities of bacteria surrounded by self-made matrices, this property of phenazines could support energy generation for cells in anoxic subzones. As biofilm formation is a hallmark of P. aeruginosa colonization at various infection sites within the body, I was motivated to investigate the regulation of phenazine production at the level of synthesis and transport, the distribution of phenazines in P. aeruginosa biofilms, and the effects of individual phenazines on P. aeruginosa gene expression and colony biofilm morphogenesis. As part of this work, a novel electrochemical device was developed that enables direct detection of phenazines released from intact colony biofilms. Application of this device and other electrochemical techniques enabled detection of the reactive phenazine intermediate 5-Me-PCA, which was found to be the primary phenazine affecting P. aeruginosa colony morphogenesis. The production of this phenazine was found to be sufficient for activation of the redox-active transcription factor SoxR and full induction of the RND efflux pump MexGHI-OpmD. Finally, results described in this thesis show that 5-Me-PCA is transported by MexGHI-OpmD, constituting a unique demonstration of the self-protective role of an efflux pump in a gram-negative antibiotic-producing bacterium. These findings raise broad questions about the effects of individual phenazines on biofilm cell physiology and have implications for the contributions of individual phenazines to virulence and survival during infection. The technology developed also has potential applications in novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Chapters 1-3 introduce and highlight advances made in understanding secondary metabolite production, with a focus on P. aeruginosa. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to antibiotic production, the concept of self-resistance and other physiological effects of antibiotics in their producers, and infections caused by P. aeruginosa. Chapter 2 reviews recent studies that have brought into focus the physiological effects of secondary metabolites on their producers and their implications for multicellular behavior. Chapter 3 provides an overview of our current understanding of the regulation of phenazine production in pseudomonads and other bacterial species. Chapter 4 describes the development of an integrated circuit-based platform for detection of redox-active metabolites released from multicellular samples, and demonstrates its application to mapping phenazines released from P. aeruginosa biofilms. The study described in Chapter 5 investigates the role of the P. aeruginosa SoxR regulon, which is induced by phenazines, in phenazine transport and shows that the understudied reactive phenazine 5-methylphenazine-1-carboxylic acid (5-Me-PCA) is transported by the RND efflux pump MexGHI-OpmD and is required for wild-type biofilm formation. Chapter 6 describes the development of an assay for 5-Me-PCA production and studies exploring the role of the regulator PsrA in controlling phenazine biosynthesis. Chapter 7 provides an overview of the findings and open questions to be explored in future research. The P. aeruginosa genome contains two nearly identical operons that encode biosynthetic enzymes for the production of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid, the precursor to all of the other phenazines. The study described in Appendix A characterizes the respective contributions of these operons to phenazine production in shaken liquid cultures and biofilms. Appendix B presents evidence that electron acceptor availability influences, and is influenced by, the morphogenesis of P. aeruginosa colony biofilms. Finally, Appendix C describes a screen for commercially available compounds that inhibit production of the phenazine pyocyanin by P. aeruginosa. Together, these findings reveal the unique physiological roles of specific phenazine-related genetic loci and regulatory proteins and of 5-Me-PCA, a phenazine that was previously overlooked due to the technical challenges associated with its detection. They have also uncovered novel aspects of phenazine production in both shaken liquid cultures and biofilms relevant for the development of therapeutics.

Phenazine Homeostasis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms

Bendebury, Anastasia January 2018 (has links)
A bacterial biofilm is a community of sessile cells encased in a matrix composed of polysaccharides, proteins, and extracellular DNA that develops according to a reproducible morphogenic program. This morphogenic program is deeply influenced by prevailing redox conditions within the biofilm, which are established by a gradient of terminal electron acceptor through the depth of the biofilm. Terminal electron acceptor limitation leads to redox stress, measured as an elevated ratio of reduced to oxidized forms of the metabolic cofactor nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD(H). In biofilms of the gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, redox stress is relieved by the presence of diffusible redox-cycling molecules, phenazines, that are able to act as an electrical conduit between intracellular NADH and oxygen in the aerobic zone of the biofilm. This is most apparent in the dramatically hyperspread and hyperwrinkled morphologies observed in colony biofilms unable to produce phenazines. However, the ability of phenazines to act as a biologically relevant redox couple between the reducing equivalents of metabolism and atmospheric oxygen also renders them toxic to producing cells. In order to avoid phenazine toxicity, P. aeruginosa encodes self-resistance mechanisms under the control of the redox-sensitive transcription factor SoxR. Two components of the SoxR regulon, the efflux pump MexGHI-OpmD and the monooxygenase PumA, are known to be major contributors to survival in the presence of toxic concentrations of phenazines. This work further details the role of the small protein MexG (Chapter 3) and PumA in phenazine resistance (Chapter 4), and presents an electrochemical platform for studying the effects of a phenazine redox gradient in biofilm morphogenesis (Chapter 5).

Metabolic Strategies to Cope with Overcrowding in a Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm

Jo, Jeanyoung January 2018 (has links)
Bacteria, while traditionally studied in liquid suspensions, are often found in nature as biofilms, aggregates of cells enclosed in self-produced matrices. Cells in biofilms have a fitness advantage over those that are free-living, as the biofilm lifestyle is correlated with increased resistance to various assaults, including antimicrobials, UV exposure, and dehydration. These biofilm-associated characteristics have important clinical implications, as biofilm-based bacterial infections are a major cause of morbidity in immunocompromised individuals. With this increased resiliency, however, comes a major challenge that arises during biofilm growth: the formation of resource gradients. My thesis work focused on one particular gradient, that of oxygen, which is established in biofilms formed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This bacterium has multiple mechanisms for coping with limited access to oxygen, including a highly-branched respiratory system for optimal oxygen scavenging and production and utilization of redox-active molecules called phenazines. The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate the different strategies used by P. aeruginosa to deal with the oxygen limitation precipitated by the biofilm lifestyle. In Chapter 1, I will provide the necessary background for understanding the principles of redox balancing, metabolism, respiration, biofilm physiology, and phenazine utilization in P. aeruginosa. The work described in Chapter 2 provides evidence for the formation of a novel terminal oxidase complex that plays a biofilm-specific role in P. aeruginosa growth. The results in this chapter also suggest that specific terminal oxidase complexes differ in the timing of their contributions to biofilm growth and implicate the novel complex in mediating reduction of phenazines in biofilms. Chapter 3 expands upon the principle of metabolic versatility exemplified by the results discussed in Chapter 2. The research presented in this chapter looks at how varying the source of electrons that feed into the respiratory chain influences downstream electron transfer steps, including terminal oxidase activities and phenazine production and utilization. The data presented in Chapters 2 and 3 add to the growing body of evidence that bacterial growth in liquid culture is distinct from that in biofilms and underscores the need for more biofilm-based research that can inform treatment strategies for P. aeruginosa infections. The results described in Chapter 4 take an even broader look at the strategies used by P. aeruginosa to sustain efficient metabolism under conditions of potential stress. An important node of central metabolism is pyruvate, which can be transformed in a number of ways. In this chapter, I will consider two pathways of pyruvate metabolism: fermentation to lactate and carboxylation to oxaloacetate. I will present data indicating that a previously-uncharacterized lactate dehydrogenase contributes to P. aeruginosa growth under specific growth conditions and that pyruvate carboxylation contributes to optimal progress through central metabolic pathways. I will also describe experiments that characterize the contributions of another carboxylase, previously thought to function as the pyruvate carboxylase, to P. aeruginosa’s ability to grow on selected nutrient sources. Finally, I will discuss how redox state informs biofilm formation in a phylogenetically distinct bacterium, Bacillus subtilis, highlighting the universality of redox reactions in driving metabolic processes. In sum, the research presented in this thesis broadens our understanding of the immense respiratory and metabolic flexibility of P. aeruginosa and serves as an important reminder of the discrete factors that govern liquid culture and biofilm growth.

Evaluación de los principios activos de senecio calvus en la formación de biopelículas de pseudomonas aeruginosa

Florian Carrillo, Jesús Christian Guillermo January 2014 (has links)
Los biofilms o biopelículas, comunidades complejas de microorganismos, se encuentran colonizando diferentes ambientes bióticos como abióticos; los problemas generados por estos son diversos en diferentes actividades humanas. Ya que las biopelículas son de difícil erradicación, se han planteado diversas formas de control en cada una de las etapas del ciclo de una biopelícula. Una de ellas es la interrupción de las moléculas de señalización del quorum sensing, sistema que regula el proceso de la formación de biopelículas, para tal efecto se están buscando actualmente tanto antagonistas sintéticos como de origen natural. La presente investigación utiliza el Senecio calvus, una planta de uso medicinal, nativa del Perú. Se han expuesto extractos etanólico, butanólico, acuoso, metanólico y de diclorometano además de fracciones cromatográficas de Senecio calvus contra Pseudomonas aeruginosa, una bacteria oportunista muy utilizada debido a que es una bacteria que forma rápidamente biopelículas. Se mezclaron los cultivos de P. aeruginosa en fase de crecimiento junto a los extractos y fracciones de S. calvus para determinar el grado de inhibición de las bioopelículas; para tal efecto se usaron concentraciones subinhibitorias, previa prueba de concentración mínima inhibitoria (CMI). Los resultados arrojaron una inhibición de 92.9 y 76.4% en dos de los extractos y de hasta 88% en las fracciones cromatográficas, lo cual indica que Senecio calvus es un buen candidato para el aislamiento de una molécula inhibidora de biopelículas con potencial patentable. / Tesis

Antibacterial strategies for improved eradication of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections

Gharse, Sachin 01 May 2018 (has links)
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a hereditary multi-organ disorder characterized by formation of thick, viscous mucus in the lungs, leading to decreased fluid clearance and significant bacterial colonization. The bacteria form colonies, called biofilms, that are attached to the mucosal surface and produce a protective polymeric matrix. The matrix helps the biofilms form stable structures in the lungs while also protecting the embedded bacterial colonies from the host defense system and antimicrobials. Pseudomonas aeruginosa are opportunistic bacteria that commonly infect CF airways in the biofilm form. Current antibiotic treatment regimens fail to completely eradicate these biofilms, leading to chronic, persistent infections that over time lead to patient death. Therefore, there is a need to investigate antibacterial strategies that would completely eradicate these infections at reasonable doses and improve quality of patients’ lives. In this thesis, two strategies are investigated to better eradicate bacterial colonies – (1) the use of nutrient dispersion compounds for increasing the susceptibility of biofilm bacteria to the co-administered antibiotics, and (2) PEGylation of antimicrobial peptides to increase peptide retention in the lung airways. Clinical strains of P. aeruginosa isolated from lungs of CF patients were used in this research to better mimic the greater robustness of clinical biofilms compared to biofilms of laboratory bacterial strains. Growth curve studies were carried out to characterize the growth patterns of the bacterial strains. Antibiotic susceptibility of the planktonic (free-flowing) bacteria was studied using the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assay. A method to grow and characterize 1-day and 4-day old biofilms in the minimum biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) assay apparatus was developed and characterized. The MBECs of combination formulations consisting of an antibiotic and a nutrient dispersion compound for different treatment durations were measured against biofilms of the clinical isolates using four commonly used antibiotics, and sodium citrate as the nutrient dispersion compound. The growth curve studies allowed for better understanding of the clinical isolates’ growth rates in vitro, which could play an important role on their susceptibility to antibiotics. All bacterial strains displayed susceptibility to tobramycin sulfate and ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. Uniform bacterial growth was observed for 1-day old biofilms of both clinical isolates across all pegs. Growing 4-day old biofilms using 100% MHB without refreshing the bacterial suspension over 4 days gave uniform biofilm bacterial growth across the pegs. Four-day old biofilms displayed greater biomass than 1-day old biofilms for 2 out of 3 bacterial strains. Combination formulations eradicated 1-day and 4-day old biofilms at lower antibiotic concentrations than the antibiotic alone, with further improvement in eradication after increasing the duration of treatment. Sodium citrate did not enhance the metabolic activity of the biofilm bacteria. The antimicrobial peptide CaLL was conjugated with different MW polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecules using disulfide and maleimide linkages, and the effect of PEGylation on its antibacterial activity against P. aeruginosa laboratory strain PAO1 was evaluated. PEGylation was observed to reduce bacterial growth inhibition by CaLL, with the disulfide-linked CaLL-PEG less efficacious than the maleimide-linked CaLL-PEG. Time-kill assays demonstrated the longer duration of action of PEGylated peptides compared to non-PEGylated peptides, probably due to prevention of enzymatic degradation of the peptide by the PEG molecule. This research will shed light on antibacterial strategies for complete and rapid eradication of bacterial biofilms, thereby reducing development of antibiotic resistance and prevent recurrence of infection, reducing progressive lung damage caused in people with CF, and improve their quality of life.

Characterisation of genotypes and phenotypes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infecting people with cystic fibrosis

Tingpej, Pholawat January 2008 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common inherited lethal disorder among Caucasian populations. Chronic pulmonary infections, particularly from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, are the major determinant of the morbidity and mortality of people with CF. It is generally accepted that people with CF acquire this pathogen independently from their surrounding environment, and that individual CF patients carry unique strains different from others. The spread of this pathogen from patient to patient is thought to be rare and occurs particularly among closely contacted cases such as CF siblings. However, over the past decade, there have been several reports of an emergence of clonal P. aeruginosa strains commonly found infecting a number of CF patients. One such report is from the CF paediatric clinic at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne in which more than half of the patients were infected with a single strain or clone, subsequently called Australian epidemic strain 1 or AES-1. A preliminary survey showed that AES-1 had spread extensively along the Australian eastern seaboard among CF patients attending other CF centres in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, including adult patients at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH), Sydney. Another clonal strain, subsequently called AES-2, was identified in both CF adults and children at the Prince Charles Hospital and the Royal Children’s Hospital, in Brisbane. The total extent of prevalence of the AES-1 and AES-2 strains at the RPAH as well as the clinical status of patients who carried these strains was unknown. Moreover, the pathogenicity of these two clonal strains had not been investigated. The studies presented in this thesis investigated the prevalence of these clonal strains among CF patients attending the adult CF clinic at RPAH, Sydney by using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Overall, 50% of 112 patients with P. aeruginosa were found to be infected with clonal strains. The AES-1 and AES-2 strains were identified in 38% and 5% of the patients respectively. Two new clonal strains, called Sydney-1 and Sydney-2, were also identified. Patients with clonal strains had a significant increase in their number of exacerbations and hospitalisation days, and tended to have lower pulmonary functions when compared to patients infected with non-clonal strains. By using a variety of bioassays to examine the pathogenicity of the clonal and non-clonal strains, it was found that both AES-1 and AES-2 produced more virulence factors and were more resistant to antibiotics when compared to the non-clonal strains. AES-1 and AES-2 were associated with increased production of proteases, including elastase, alkaline protease and protease IV. Overall the results presented in this thesis suggest that there may be a link between virulence and transmissibility of this pathogen. The studies presented in this thesis also compared the biofilm forming capacities of the AES-1 and non-clonal isolates. AES-1 was shown to have greater biofilm-forming capacity than the non-clonal strains, when they were grown on a glass surface, suggesting a possible association between clonality and biofilm formation. A model for the study of bacteria grown in conditions similar to CF sputum was also developed. P. aeruginosa grown in this model was found to develop into clumps which may be comparable to the biofilm structure in the CF lung. This model was shown to be beneficial for transcriptomic and proteomic studies which are underway within the research group. AES-1 was also found to have phenotypic variations between isolates. By applying the amplified fragment length polymorphism technique, more subtypes of this clone were revealed. However, these detected subtypes did not correlate with the different phenotypes, suggesting minor mutations such as single point polymorphisms may be responsible for the phenotypic diversity within the clone. The final part of this thesis was devoted to examining the safety of a novel CF treatment: hypertonic saline (HS) inhalation. HS was shown to increase airway mucociliary clearance, while increased osmolarity associated with the use of HS was also shown to have an inhibitory effect on the formation of biofilms. Findings in this study proved that there was no evidence of strain selection in patients who received the long-term treatment with HS. The study also demonstrated that AES-1 was significantly more persistent in the CF lung than the non-clonal strains. The present thesis not only defines the clonal strains of P. aeruginosa and their implications for infected patients, but also provides a general understanding into the pathogenesis of both clonal and non-clonal strains infecting CF lungs.

Iron signalling pathways of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Mettrick, Karla Adelle, n/a January 2008 (has links)
The pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses a variety of highly efficient chelating compounds (siderophores) to acquire sufficient iron for growth and virulence. These siderophores can either be endogenous or acquired from exogenous sources such as other bacteria or fungi. The transport of the endogenous siderophore pyoverdine activates a signal-transduction pathway that increases the synthesis of both the ferripyoverdine receptor protein (FpvA) and pyoverdine itself. Signal-transduction systems similar to this have three specific proteins involved: a receptor protein specific for one siderophore in the outer membrane, an anti-sigma factor in the cytoplasmic membrane and a sigma factor that activates gene expression in the cytoplasm. The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to study the roles of the proteins in three different iron uptake and signalling pathways of P. aeruginosa. The substrates for each receptor protein were confirmed and the roles of each protein in the pathways were compared to the P. aeruginosa pyoverdine signalling pathway. The pyoverdine, desferrioxamine and ferrichrome transport pathways were studied to find whether interactions occur between them and if so, the mechanism(s) for that interaction. Furthermore, a technique for analysing gene expression of P. aeruginosa in sputum from the cystic fibrosis (CF) lung was developed. This technique was subsequently used to study the levels of iron responsive gene expression. The receptor, sigma factor and anti-sigma factors were all found to have a role in the siderophore-induced expression of their own signalling pathway. The experimental data provide evidence of similarities in the roles of the sigma and receptor proteins within each pathway but different roles for the anti-sigma factors. In the absence of the cognate sigma factor or anti-sigma factor the expression of the desferrioxamine and ferrichrome receptors could not be upregulated. Without its cognate sigma factor fpvA could no longer be upregulated in the presence of pyoverdine. However, unlike the other systems, in the absence of the cognate anti-sigma factor, expression of fpvA was always observed. This is consistent with the anti-sigma factors being required for the activity of the cognate sigma factor in the ferrichrome and desferrioxamine signalling pathways but not the pyoverdine signalling pathway. The siderophore signalling pathways were found to be upregulated in the presence of multiple siderophores, but generally to a lesser extent than if only one siderophore was available. This suggests that in the presence of multiple siderophores, P. aeruginosa uses all available iron chelators. The study of the role of the receptor, sigma factor and anti-sigma factor into these effects indicate sigma factor competition for RNA polymerase has a major role in the effects of multiple siderophores on pathways upregulation. The gene expression studies of P. aeruginosa in sputum from the lungs of CF patients provided support for the hypothesis that the bacteria were growing in an environment where iron levels were sufficient for bacterial growth, but not storage of iron. The expression of the sigma factor gene pvdS that is required for pyoverdine synthesis was studied because expression of this gene is a sensitive reporter of intracellular iron levels. It was found to be downregulated in bacteria in sputum compared to laboratory grown bacteria. This result suggests the bacteria are inhabiting a more iron-replete environment within the lung. This finding advances our understanding of the CF lung environment and the impact it has on P. aeruginosa infection. This knowledge has medical implications for the development of novel therapies to combat P. aeruginosa infection.

Evolutionary and Physiological Adaptation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to Elevated Concentrations of Sodium Chloride

Taha, Mariam 23 November 2011 (has links)
I have investigated the evolutionary response of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to salt (NaCl) stress, and the physiological mechanisms responsible for this adaptation. Populations of P. aeruginosa founded from the same ancestral genotype were selected at three different concentrations of NaCl, low, moderate and high for about 660 generations with four independent replicates for each concentration. Adaptation was measured as the fitness of the evolved populations relative to the ancestor assessed in direct, head-to-head competition experiments conducted in the same environment in which they were selected (direct response) as well as in all alternative environments (correlated response). Results suggest that selection in each salt environment led to adaptation to that environment and a modest degree of specialization that evolved because correlated responses to selection were smaller than direct responses. In order to identify the physiological mechanisms contributing to the populations' adaptation in high NaCl concentration, I chose a sample of evolved lines that showed the strongest evidence for specialization to salt and competed them against the common ancestor in KCl and sucrose. Results suggested that increased Na+ /H+ antiporter activity is probably the primary mechanism behind adaptation to high NaCl concentration, however alternative mechanisms cannot be excluded. Tolerance curves, which measure the performance of a genotype across a gradient of salt concentrations, suggested no change in the high salt group’s ability to tolerate extreme concentrations of NaCl. We conclude that high salt evolved population showed improvements to its ionic/osmotic stress resistance strategies mainly to Na+ efflux strategies but with no changes to salt niche.

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