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Die Afrikaanse kinder- en jeugtydskrif : 'n waardebepaling / Magdalena BesterBester, M. (Magdalena) January 1982 (has links)
The importance of children's periodicals as reading matter has long been recognised. Surveys have established that on average children read more periodicals than books.
Yet there is disappointingly little scholarship on children's periodicals. Due to their enormously high circulation, periodicals can be seen as one of the most powerful media for i8parting
knowledge, values and attitudes to children. For this reason it is important that high quality magazines should be published to adapt to the child's needs and interests. Attention is paid to the historic development of children's periodicals and the change in attitude to the nature and aims of a children's periodical. From this short historic survey, it appears that children's reading matter serves as a method of culture transfer, thus becoming part of the process of acculturation which develops a child into a functional part of society. The values and attitudes projected by children's literature are implicitly and explicitly part of a specific society. Although they cannot be strictly delineated, researches have proved that a child progresses through certain recognisable phases of development which in turn serve as guidelines for a child's reading interests at a certain age. The successful children's periodical identifies a specific target group and adapts its contents and presentation to the expected interests and needs according to age. In the evaluation of children's periodicals and the formulation of criteria by which they can be measured, children's periodicals are treated as a distinct form of publication with unique characteristics. The criteria which apply in the evaluation of books, do not apply and separate criteria for periodicals are formulated. Children's periodicals are discussed against the background of the struggle and development of the Afrikaans language. In the short history of the Afrikaans language, numerous children's periodicals were published. These are shown as having had quite superior qualities to those which are currently in existence. Have long been out of publication. Lost their identities. The greater majority others have completely it is feasible that definite knowledge of earlier Afrikaans publications could be contributively to all phases of the present-day situation, therefore some magazines from the nineteenth century and several fror.1 the tv7entieth century are discussed, as well as columns for children in adult periodicals. These columns paved the way for independent children's periodicals and although they did not really make a literary contribution, they played an important part in the education of the nation, being from the people for the people. The first autonomous children's periodicals, 1916-1936, were all committed to the language struggle and. were of a didactic nature, dedicated to the attitudes and values of the Afrikaans nation. In the period after 1936 quite a few periodicals were established. A few have survived, but the majority disappeared. The present-day situation of Afrikaans children's periodicals is discussed. The almost total lack of Afrikaans periodical literature for children reflects a world-wide decline in the popularity of general periodicals. The special interest periodical would seem to be the most characteristic form. Children today live in a visually dominated culture and periodicals must be very well planned to compete with radio, film and television. Only the very good periodical will hold the attention of the child. / DBibl, PU vir CHO, 1982
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Die Afrikaanse kinder- en jeugtydskrif : 'n waardebepaling / Magdalena BesterBester, M. (Magdalena) January 1982 (has links)
The importance of children's periodicals as reading matter has long been recognised. Surveys have established that on average children read more periodicals than books.
Yet there is disappointingly little scholarship on children's periodicals. Due to their enormously high circulation, periodicals can be seen as one of the most powerful media for i8parting
knowledge, values and attitudes to children. For this reason it is important that high quality magazines should be published to adapt to the child's needs and interests. Attention is paid to the historic development of children's periodicals and the change in attitude to the nature and aims of a children's periodical. From this short historic survey, it appears that children's reading matter serves as a method of culture transfer, thus becoming part of the process of acculturation which develops a child into a functional part of society. The values and attitudes projected by children's literature are implicitly and explicitly part of a specific society. Although they cannot be strictly delineated, researches have proved that a child progresses through certain recognisable phases of development which in turn serve as guidelines for a child's reading interests at a certain age. The successful children's periodical identifies a specific target group and adapts its contents and presentation to the expected interests and needs according to age. In the evaluation of children's periodicals and the formulation of criteria by which they can be measured, children's periodicals are treated as a distinct form of publication with unique characteristics. The criteria which apply in the evaluation of books, do not apply and separate criteria for periodicals are formulated. Children's periodicals are discussed against the background of the struggle and development of the Afrikaans language. In the short history of the Afrikaans language, numerous children's periodicals were published. These are shown as having had quite superior qualities to those which are currently in existence. Have long been out of publication. Lost their identities. The greater majority others have completely it is feasible that definite knowledge of earlier Afrikaans publications could be contributively to all phases of the present-day situation, therefore some magazines from the nineteenth century and several fror.1 the tv7entieth century are discussed, as well as columns for children in adult periodicals. These columns paved the way for independent children's periodicals and although they did not really make a literary contribution, they played an important part in the education of the nation, being from the people for the people. The first autonomous children's periodicals, 1916-1936, were all committed to the language struggle and. were of a didactic nature, dedicated to the attitudes and values of the Afrikaans nation. In the period after 1936 quite a few periodicals were established. A few have survived, but the majority disappeared. The present-day situation of Afrikaans children's periodicals is discussed. The almost total lack of Afrikaans periodical literature for children reflects a world-wide decline in the popularity of general periodicals. The special interest periodical would seem to be the most characteristic form. Children today live in a visually dominated culture and periodicals must be very well planned to compete with radio, film and television. Only the very good periodical will hold the attention of the child. / DBibl, PU vir CHO, 1982
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Die regulering van koolstofbelasting in Suid-Afrika / Eugene KrugerKruger, Eugene January 2014 (has links)
Weerpatrone verander, droogte-geteisterde gebiede oorspoel en reenwoude
verdwyn. Hierdie drastiese gebeurtenisse kan toegeskryf word aan klimaatsverandering.
lnternasionale ingryping is nodig, maar 'n land kan nie in isolasie sender
die ondersteuning en betrokkenheid van elke land ter wereld klimaatsverandering
teenwerk nie. Die IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is 'n wat
ten doel het om die gevolge van klimaatsverandering te probeer minimaliseer.
Op internasionale vlak bestaan daar verskeie metodes om kweekhuisgasvrystellings
te verminder, byvoorbeeld die Joint Implementation (JI), Clean Development
Mechanism (COM), cap-and-trade model en die koolstofbelastingmodel.
Die doel van hierdie studie is om vas te stel hoe koolstofbelasting in Suid-Afrika
gereguleer word. Die studie fokus op die vermindering van koolstofdioksiedvrystellings
(C02) in besonder. Die bespreking word aangevul met 'n bespreking van
die Australiese koolstofmodelwetgewing, wat gedurende 2014 teruggetrek is.
Die voorgestelde koolstofbelastingmodel in Suid-Afrika is slegs op besprekingsvlak
en daar bestaan tans nog geen wetgewing wat C02-vrystelling direk reguleer
nie. Daar word tans gepoog om C02-vrystellings te verlaag deur enkele
markgebaseerde instrumente soos belastingtoegewings in artikel 12L van die
lnkomstebelasting Wet en omgewingsverwante belastingbepalings ingevolge die
Doeane en Aksynswet.
Hierdie skripsie beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid van die regulering van C02-
vrystellings in Suid-Afrika en maak aanbevelings oor wysigings aan die
voorgestelde koolstofbelastingmodel en 'n potensiele koolstofbelastingwet. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Die regulering van koolstofbelasting in Suid-Afrika / Eugene KrugerKruger, Eugene January 2014 (has links)
Weerpatrone verander, droogte-geteisterde gebiede oorspoel en reenwoude
verdwyn. Hierdie drastiese gebeurtenisse kan toegeskryf word aan klimaatsverandering.
lnternasionale ingryping is nodig, maar 'n land kan nie in isolasie sender
die ondersteuning en betrokkenheid van elke land ter wereld klimaatsverandering
teenwerk nie. Die IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) is 'n wat
ten doel het om die gevolge van klimaatsverandering te probeer minimaliseer.
Op internasionale vlak bestaan daar verskeie metodes om kweekhuisgasvrystellings
te verminder, byvoorbeeld die Joint Implementation (JI), Clean Development
Mechanism (COM), cap-and-trade model en die koolstofbelastingmodel.
Die doel van hierdie studie is om vas te stel hoe koolstofbelasting in Suid-Afrika
gereguleer word. Die studie fokus op die vermindering van koolstofdioksiedvrystellings
(C02) in besonder. Die bespreking word aangevul met 'n bespreking van
die Australiese koolstofmodelwetgewing, wat gedurende 2014 teruggetrek is.
Die voorgestelde koolstofbelastingmodel in Suid-Afrika is slegs op besprekingsvlak
en daar bestaan tans nog geen wetgewing wat C02-vrystelling direk reguleer
nie. Daar word tans gepoog om C02-vrystellings te verlaag deur enkele
markgebaseerde instrumente soos belastingtoegewings in artikel 12L van die
lnkomstebelasting Wet en omgewingsverwante belastingbepalings ingevolge die
Doeane en Aksynswet.
Hierdie skripsie beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid van die regulering van C02-
vrystellings in Suid-Afrika en maak aanbevelings oor wysigings aan die
voorgestelde koolstofbelastingmodel en 'n potensiele koolstofbelastingwet. / LLM (Environmental Law and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Die volkseie in die Afrikaanse kinderlektuur / Francoise CoetzeeCoetzee, Francoise January 1985 (has links)
The aim of the study is to determine to what extent that which is distinctive of the Afrikaner nation ("volkseie") is embodied in Afrikaans literature for children. (Children's literature is understood to include literature for toddlers, children and teenagers.) A related question is whether the distinctively national in children’s literature serves a purpose and what special value it has for the child. Four aspects of the distinctively national are isolated, namely the native soil, material culture (for example domestic objects and occupations, medicine and transport), non-material culture (for example religion, folk-lore, language and children's games) and the national character. As the study concerns itself more particularly with the historical aspect of the distinctively national, some space is devoted to an outline of the origins and developmental history of the Afrikaner nation and that which, in its various manifestations, is distinctive of the Afrikaner. The God-given cultural mandate (Gen. 1: 28) is taken as point of departure and it is presupposed that the right to existence of different nations is founded on Scripture. An attempt is made to determine the extent to which the distinctively national, as manifested in the native soil, material and non-material culture and the national character, is present in certain works. For this purpose, three of the most notable authors of Afrikaans children's books, namely Freda Linde, Alba Bouwer and Hester Heese, have been studied in depth. Reference is also made to the works of certain other authors, namely Pieter W. Grobbelaar, Rona Rupert, Dora Tudor, W.O. Kuhne and P.H. Nortje. The study revealed that the distinctively national is present to a marked degree in the works of the important authors of Afrikaans children's literature. It contributes significantly to the atmosphere and milieu and in some works it forms an inherent part of the story. The distinctively national figures prominently in, particularly, the award-winning works of the authors studied. The embodiment of the distinctively national in children's literature may be of considerable value; it may help to shape the character of the Afrikaner child who faces the task of orientating himself in a hurried, and often confusing society. / MBibl, PU vir CHO, 1985
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Die volkseie in die Afrikaanse kinderlektuur / Francoise CoetzeeCoetzee, Francoise January 1985 (has links)
The aim of the study is to determine to what extent that which is distinctive of the Afrikaner nation ("volkseie") is embodied in Afrikaans literature for children. (Children's literature is understood to include literature for toddlers, children and teenagers.) A related question is whether the distinctively national in children’s literature serves a purpose and what special value it has for the child. Four aspects of the distinctively national are isolated, namely the native soil, material culture (for example domestic objects and occupations, medicine and transport), non-material culture (for example religion, folk-lore, language and children's games) and the national character. As the study concerns itself more particularly with the historical aspect of the distinctively national, some space is devoted to an outline of the origins and developmental history of the Afrikaner nation and that which, in its various manifestations, is distinctive of the Afrikaner. The God-given cultural mandate (Gen. 1: 28) is taken as point of departure and it is presupposed that the right to existence of different nations is founded on Scripture. An attempt is made to determine the extent to which the distinctively national, as manifested in the native soil, material and non-material culture and the national character, is present in certain works. For this purpose, three of the most notable authors of Afrikaans children's books, namely Freda Linde, Alba Bouwer and Hester Heese, have been studied in depth. Reference is also made to the works of certain other authors, namely Pieter W. Grobbelaar, Rona Rupert, Dora Tudor, W.O. Kuhne and P.H. Nortje. The study revealed that the distinctively national is present to a marked degree in the works of the important authors of Afrikaans children's literature. It contributes significantly to the atmosphere and milieu and in some works it forms an inherent part of the story. The distinctively national figures prominently in, particularly, the award-winning works of the authors studied. The embodiment of the distinctively national in children's literature may be of considerable value; it may help to shape the character of the Afrikaner child who faces the task of orientating himself in a hurried, and often confusing society. / MBibl, PU vir CHO, 1985
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Die ekklesiologiese begrippe "sigbare en onsigbare kerk" in die Drie Formuliere van Enigheid teen die agtergrond van die AP Kerk se kerkbegripSchütte, Johan Leopold. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (MA(Kerkgesk.))--Universiteit van Pretoria, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 135-143) Available on the Internet via the World Wide Web.
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Hollandse skrywers uit Suid-Afrika; 'n kultuur-historiese studie ...Conradie, Elizabeth Johanna Möller. January 1900 (has links)
Vol. 1 issued also as the author's thesis, Amsterdam.
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Die grens as meerduidige gegewe in die kontemporêre Afrikaanse prosa (Afrikaans)Cronje, Johannes Christoffel 21 July 2011 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Hierdie studie ondersoek die funksionering van die begrip "grens" in die Afrikaanse prosa van 1974 - 1988 teen die agtergrond van die oorlog op die grens tussen Angola en Namibië. In Hoofstuk 1 word enkele hipotetiese uitgangspunte gestel, o.a. dat die woord "grens" in sy wydste betekenis. funksioneer in die kontemporêre Afrikaanse prosa, dat dit verarmend sou wees om 'n "toets" op te stel vir "grensliteratuur" en dat die "grenswerke" veral dit gemeen het dat hulle ‘n strewe verteenwoordig om grense oor te steek of te vernietig. Die doel van die studie is nie om ‘n lys kriteria op te stel vir ‘n klassifikasie van ‘n teks as grensprosa nie, maar eerder om die kompleksiteit aan te toon van die netwerk van betekenisse wat die grens in sy vele verskyningsvorme genereer. In Hoofstuk 2 word gekyk na die begrip "oorlogsliteratuur" en na die invloed van oorlog op die literatuur. Die Britse literatuur van die Tweede Wereldoorlog word as model geneem omdat dit literatuur is wat gebore is uit 'n konvensionele oorlog wat gewen is deur die volk waarvan die skrywers volksgenote is; die oorlogsliteratuur van die Lae Lande word bygereken omdat dit ‘n voorbeeld is van literatuur van mense wat onder die oorlog gely het en die Amerikaanse literatuur oor die Vietnamese oorlog word dan daarmee vergelyk. Laasgenoemde literatuur is gebore uit 'n nie-konvensionele, teen-insurgensieoorlog wat verloor is. Uit die vergelyking word sekere tendense gedistilleer. Daar word ten slotte gekyk na die toestand in Suid-Afrika en raakpunte en verskille met albei oorloë word uitgelig. Hoofstuk 3 ondersoek tekste wat 'n aanloop vorm tot die grensprosa. Dit sluit werke in soos Op pad na die grens, en sekere verhale uit Heupvuur, Roofvis en Skrikbewind van P J Haasbroek, sowel as verhale uit Kortsluitings van Henk Wybenga. Hoofstuk 4 handel oor vyf werke wat aantoonbaar 'n militêre strekking het en sodoende die naaste aan "grensprosa" kom. Hulle is ‘n wêreld sonder grense, ‘n Basis oorkant die grens, Om te awol, Forces favourites en Wie de hel het jou vertel. Hierdie tekste gaan oor personasies wat as dienspligtige soldate, regstreeks met die oorlog te doen het. Inter- en intrapersoonlike konflikte speel hier af teen die gedurig teenwoordige agtergrond van die oorlog. Hoofstuk 5 behandel vier werke, Die laaste Sondag, Die jaar nul, Grensgeval en Jonkmanskas. Waar die grensoorlog in die tekste wat in Hoofstuk 3 bespreek word, altyd na te speur is in die handelinge van die personasies, word die oorlog hier ‘n terloopse gegewe wat aanleiding gegee het tot die meer regstreekse ondersoek van ander grense; dit sluit in interpersoonlike grense en veral die kleurgrens. In Hoofstuk 6 word 'n sintese gemaak deur die inligting wat ingewin is met die teksondersoek in Hoofstukke 3, 4 en 5 te meet aan die tendense wat volgens Hoofstuk 2 by oorlogsliteratuur in die algemeen aangetref word. In die lig hiervan word dan gekyk hoe die begrip "grens" meerduidig funksioneer. Die wye betekenis van die woord “grens” maak dit moontlik om baie tekste as “grensliteratuur” te bestempel, maar die geldigheid van die term word aangetas wanneer dit te wyd gebruik word. Aan die ander kant is dit verarmend om die term "grens" tot die landsgrens te beperk. ENGLISH: The aim of the study was to investigate the functioning of the word "grens" (border) in prose relating to the war on the border of Namibia and Angola. In the first chapter some hypothetical statements are made, among others that, in the Afrikaans literature, the word "border" is used in the widest possible sense. To try and formulate a "test" along which a text could be classified as "border literature" would be futile. What the contemporary prose has in common, is that it tends to extend across literary borders and to break down racial and other barriers. The purpose of this dissertation, therefore, is to show the complex ways in which the word "grens" functions, rather than merely to show common denominators. In Chapter two the literature of the Second World War and the Vietnamese conflict is investigated to serve as a contextual marker. This is because the British literature of the Second World War represents the work of "winners" of a conventional war. The war literature of the Low Countries tells of ordinary civilians who suffer as a result of the war while the American literature of the Vietnam war shows the literary reaction to an unconventional struggle. The South African situation is then compared to this. Afrikaans texts range from exploratory war prose, through combat literature to works which use the war simply as a backdrop for other forms of conflict. Chapter three covers the work of three authors, J C Steyn, P J Haasbroek and Henk Wybenga. These works of prose seem to form a preamble to the war literature. The texts dealt with in chapter four represent Afrikaans “combat literature” dealing primarily with the thoughts and actions of soldiers in the front line. Although the war takes place on a geographical border, other borders or barriers are also referred to. Chapter five is concerned with novels and short stories in which the war plays an incidental part, although it may have been the cause of other barriers which are investigated. Here the emphasis falls mainly on inter-personal barriers, the colour barrier in particular. In Chapter six a synthesis is made by comparing the information gleaned from chapters 3, 4 and 5 to the tendencies described in chapter 2. "Border literature" (grensliteratuur) seems a plausible term, though it may be too wide and should be augmented by "war literature" which, in itself, is not wholly satisfactory either. / Thesis (DLitt)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Afrikaans / unrestricted
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Die naturelle-politiek van die Suid-Afrikaanse-Republiek (Afrikaans)Huyser, J.D. 18 February 2013 (has links)
No abstract available Copyright / Thesis (DLitt)--University of Pretoria, 1936. / Visual Arts / unrestricted
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