61 |
Singh, Bansh Narain
12 1900
(has links)
Income Distribution amongst farmers in Karaghar block
62 |
Prasad, Vishnu
11 1900
(has links)
63 |
Rai, Dushyant
January 1984
(has links)
Production and productivity
64 |
Singh, Ram Iqbal
03 1900
(has links)
Income Growth, Savings and Investments in Agriculture
65 |
Acharya, S S
12 1900
(has links)
Farm employment and income
66 |
Ali, Syed Ahmad
02 1900
(has links)
Prices for sugarcane
67 |
Kunwar, Ram
06 1900
(has links)
savings and investment
68 |
Azad, Mahesh Prasad
01 1900
(has links)
Cost and price relationships in sugarcane
69 |
Singh, Babu
12 1900
(has links)
Rural cottage and small scale industries
70 |
Kishore, Brij
07 January 1982
(has links)
Saving on farms