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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Politics and Activism of Urban Governance in Ghana: Analyzing the Processes of Market Redevelopment in Kumasi and Cape Coast

Asante, Lewis Abedi 21 February 2020 (has links)
Stadterneuerung in Ghana ist seit Jahren auch durch den Widerstand von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern geprägt. Auf der Grundlage einer qualitativen Analyse und Fallstudie zur Sanierung von Marktinfrastrukturen in Kumasi und Cape Coast zeigt diese kumulative Dissertation, dass es zum besseren Verständnis der Ursachen von zivilem Widerstand insbesondere Aufmerksamkeit für die Qualität der Governance-Prozesse selbst bedarf. Marktsanierungsprojekte in Ghana sind durch fünf Prozessphasen geprägt: Scoping, Planung, Finanzierung, Standortverlagerung und -zuweisung. In allen Phasen lassen sich jeweils anders gelagerte Kombinationen aus staatlichen Praktiken des Klientelismus und Neoliberalismus, des Aktivismus nichtstaatlicher Akteure sowie externer, globale und entwicklungsorientierter Investitionspraktiken internationaler und bilateraler Agenturen beobachten. In jeder Phase der Stadterneuerung spiegeln sich städtische Governance-Politiken, auf die wiederum stadt-politische Akteure mit Interventionen reagieren, um diesen Politiken entgegen zu wirken. Konzeptionell trägt die vorliegende Studie zu verschiedenen Diskursen bei: eine multidimensionale analytische Rahmung der geographischen Handelsforschung mit Fokus auf Märkte; eine Betrachtung von Aktivismus als zusätzlicher Dimension der städtischen Governance; die Auseinandersetzung mit politisch induzierter Verdrängung durch staatliche Handlungsweisen als alternativem Konstrukt zur Analyse von marktinduzierten Verdrängungsprozessen; und einen Beitrag zu Debatten um städtische Effekte ausländischer Direktinvestitionen. Die Ergebnisse können integrative Stadtentwicklung und eine nachhaltige Existenzgrundlage urbanen Zusammenlebens im anglophonen Westafrika fördern. Weitere Forschung wird empfohlen, um ein Verständnis für die Governance-Prozesse und die Dynamiken städtischer Infrastrukturentwicklung in der Subregion zu generieren. / Citizen resistance has characterized urban regeneration in Ghana for many years. Previous studies have indicated that resistance against urban regeneration is caused by non-payment of compensation, lack of participation and the failure of the state to provide relocation sites. Through a qualitative analysis of market redevelopment in Kumasi and Cape Coast, this dissertation argues that we should pay more attention to the politics and activism rooted in the urban governance processes, if we are to understand citizen resistance against urban regeneration in Ghana. Market infrastructural redevelopment in Ghana are implemented through the process of scoping, planning, financing, relocation and allocation. This process is shaped by an interplay of internal state practices of clientelism and neoliberalism and activism of non-state actors, as well as external practices of globalization and development funding by international and bilateral agencies. Every stage of the redevelopment process mirrors the politicized nature of urban governance and citizen intervention by way of activism for changing urban governance. Theoretically, this dissertation contributes a multidimensional analytical framework to marketplace research; activism as an additional dimension of urban governance; politically-induced displacement as an alternative construct for analyzing displacement processes; and to the urban debates around Chinese infrastructure finance. The wider implications of the findings of the study for market redevelopment and urban governance in Anglophone West Africa are discussed. Further research is recommended to provide an understanding of the governance processes and dynamics of other forms of urban infrastructural development taking place in the sub-region.

Role žen v historii českého punku / Women's Role in the History of Czech Punk

Římanová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Diplomová práce zkoumá roli žen v historii českého punku. V úvodní části práce je popsána historie a vývoj punku ve světě. V této části jsou vysvětleny významy pojmu punk jako subkultura (v terminologii pozdějších výzkumů scéna) a punk jako hudební žánr. Popsána jsou specifika ženské punkové módy a stylu. Jsou uvedeny role, ve kterých se ženy v punkové scéně realizují a typické ženské role v hudebních skupinách. Součástí teoretické části práce je stručný popis historie punku na území České republiky a zapojení žen v české punkové scéně. Jako jeden z hlavních zdrojů při vypracování diplomové práce byly využity rozhovory vedené metodou odvozenou od metodologie orální historie. Dílčím cílem práce bylo ověření použitelnosti analytického programu Atlas.ti pro analýzu orálně-historických interview. Tento software byl využit pro analýzu výzkumných rozhovorů. Druhá polovina práce se zabývá interpretací témat obsažených v rozhovorech. Věnuje se specifickým oblastem života v souvislosti s punkovou subkulturou jako jsou důvody, které přivedly ženy k punku, role přátel a vztahů, setkání punkového myšlení s autoritou v podobě rodičů a školy. Dále se práce zabývá transformací punkových názorů v dospělosti ve vztahu k zaměstnání a vlastní rodině. Poslední část interpretace se věnuje ženským rolím, které byly v...

Retardace, kolaborace a aktivismus armádních elit v Protektorátu Čechy a Morava / Retardation, collaboration and activism of army elite in the Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia

Veselý, Martin January 2014 (has links)
5 Abstract: Dissertation work is concerned with a political activism phenomenon, retardation and programme collaboration of army elite in Bohemia and Moravia Protectorate study. The aim of the work is to explore and chart the public and political life in Bohemia and Moravia Protectorate with a special attention to high Czech commissioned officer activity not only to summarize the acquired information but also to put them into the context with a development of Protectorate autonomous and occupation politics. The Thesis is not only focuses on the activity on the main organisations and their leading personalities but devotes its attention to opinions and points of view of centers of protectorate autonomous and occupation administration towards them, which had an influence on the organisation activity and their leaders. It situates them into the protectorate politics on the background of the events. The Thesis theme concentrates basically on the activity of the main Protektorate organisations and of the former soldiers such as Czech Union of Warriors and Central Union Former Soldiers in Bohemia and Moravia and their leaders - the general Otto Bláha, Robert Rychtrmoc and Bohuslav Kálala. In addition to that it also focuses on the activity of political and statutory organisations called National Conviviality,...

Geoprostorová revoluce: Location Based Services jako médium pro nové formy občanského aktivismu / Geospatial Revolution: Location Based Services as a Medium for New Forms of Civic Activism

Čulíková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on Location Based Services technology and its use in the field of citizen activism. The aim of thesis is to define field of citizen activism and its old and new form, moreover to describe how LBS work. In the practical part is presented multi-case study which analyses 5 examples of use LBS as a medium for new forms of civic activism (project Let's Do It 2008, project Uchaguzi, project ESRI Australian Flood Map, application Appapa and Occupy Wall Street movement). Thesis also contained conceptual draft of application, which uses LBS for fulfilment of activist goals. The possible ways of progress of LBS are described in the last part.

Kampaň Činoherního divadla v Ústí nad Labem - analýza rámování / Campaign of Cinoherni Divadlo in Ústí nad Labem - Framing Analysis

Rohanová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is a research of a case related to the theatre Cinoherni divadlo in Usti nad Labem, which happened in 2014. This case was about a conflict between Cinoherni divadlo and Usti nad Labem city councilmen. This conflict was reflected by the public in Usti nad Labem and other cities of the Czech Republic and the case was accompanied by various kinds of civic activism. Representatives of Cinoherni divadlo was making public statements about the conflict during the case and they was formulating their requirements and were trying to gain public support and mobilize public to join the collective action. This case of civic activism will be studied from the perspective of the framing theory. Participant's statements will be studied and for that will be used the framing analysis. There will identified diagnostic, prognostic and motivational frames, which were used by the represenatives of Cinoherni divadlo and how were the frames changing during the case. There will be also identified counterframes, which were used by the city councilmen in their reactions to the represenatitves of Cinoherni divadlo.

Občanská iniciativa v problematice množení zvířat / Civil initiative in the field of animal reproduction

Odvárková, Adéla January 2018 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis focuses on the issue of reproduction of animals and the non- profit organisations and subjects working in this field. The cat and dog reproduction is a primary cause of their overpopulation in the Czech Republic which becomes an ever- increasing issue as the abandoned animal shelter network fails to provide enough capacity for local demand. The thesis is focused on the activities of such organisations and tools they use for mobilising the necessary resources as well as the issue of animal reproduction itself. The theory basis is in the general theory of resource mobilisation supported with the explanation of the civil initiatives dedicated to this phenomenon as well as the overview of the phenomenon of the animal reproduction as well. The thesis is composed of five qualitative interviews with organisations or movements that are dedicated to effective reduction of animal reproduction. The empiric part of the thesis presents selected organisations and then analyses the collected data. The financial and human resources are mostly utilised by organisations which physically treat animals and the majority of the funds is consumed by providing care for them. On the other hand, organisations dedicated to enlightenment and education are able to function as self-funded and self-organised...

Občanská a politická sféra perspektivou lokálních aktérů v Českých Budějovicích / Civil and political sphere from the perspective of local actors in České Budějovice

Bílková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
Post-socialist states are often linked to low political participation and weak civil society. Simultaneously, there is a visible rise in the phenomenon of urban movements. They serve not only as a platform for mobilization of citizens but also as a platform that builds a bridge between politics and society. Therefore, there is a need to study this phenomenon as an intriguing opportunity for research into the relationship between the civil and political sphere on a local level. The goal of this thesis is to show how city activists look at the civil and political spheres in comparison to the definition offered by theoretical conceptualizations. Research has demonstrated a transition in spheres, where activities are indicated as nonpolitical by activists. These findings are not supported by the presented theory which considers them political, and therefore, this study suggests that the boundaries of the spheres are shifted. Moreover, activists constantly engage in both spheres and therefore enter local politics through their activity. They prefer conventional methods to political actions, which they are not estranged to, but they do not frame them as political.

Strážci veřejného zájmu: Rámcové vymezování konceptu watchdog v kontextu sociálněvědního diskurzu a v aktérské perspektivě jeho představitelů / Guardians of the Public Interest: Frame Delimiting of watchdog Activism in the Context of Social scientific Discourse and in the Perspective of its Representatives

Beránková, Petra Alexandra January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the phenomenon of so called watchdog organizations. The increasing number and influence of these organizations indicates a creation of new social movement. The authoress defines them as a type of public benefit nongovernmental organizations focused on the controlling of the public sphere or advocating and asserting a "public interest" in relation to the democratization of society. The authoress target is to understand this type of action, so she asks herself the question: Which frameworks are used by watchdog activists for the interpretation of their acting? At first there is briefly presented the concept of watchdog in the context of wider reflections of contemporary society, mainly in the context of reflexive modernity, monitory and participatory democracy and information society. Secondly there is introduced Goffman's framework analysis and the related conceptualization of framework of social movements by Benford and Snow. The authoress highlights a definition of frames as the principles of selection, emphasis and presentation about what happens, and what matters. In the next part of this work, there are presented the methodology and results of the qualitative research based on semi-structured interviews with watchdog activists. The research is settled in the area of...

Záchrana lázní Kyselka / Saving the Kyselka spa

Erba, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
Tématem této práce je kampaň za záchranu lázní Kyselka, kterou vedla "Asociace sdružení pro ochranu a rozvoj kulturního dědictví" a studentská iniciativa "Opravte Kyselku!". Hlavním cílem této práce je prozkoumat tuto kampaň a zjistit, jak se aktivisté občansky angažovali, že se jim podařilo přimět vlastníky k rekonstrukci zchátralých lázní. Práce popisuje a vysvětluje průběh kampaně, ukazuje na jednotlivé strategie aktivistů, snaží se najít nejúspěšnější události a důvody, které stály za úspěchem těchto událostí. Práce je koncipována jako případová studie a k nalezení odpovědí byly použity různé metody: studium různých dokumentů, rozhovory s jednotlivými aktivisty, analýza diskuzí v médiích aj. V závěrečné části jsou zodpovězeny výzkumné otázky a navrženy další možnosti výzkumu.

Kolektivní inteligence a role jedince: na příkladu sociálního aktivismu online / Collective Intelligence and the Functions of Individual: Using an Example of Social Activism Online

Batrlová, Marie January 2014 (has links)
Final thesis titled Collective Intelligence and the Functions of Individual: Using an Example of Social Activism Online uses definition of collective intelligence by Pierre Lévy, and tries to verify it throught practice of social activism on the internet using a smartphone as a tool for accessing cyberspace. The theses is based on media theory works focusing in particular on a new kind of intelligence of community and the impact of new communication technologies on humans. Next part is about the topics of social activism, when considering together or independently with collective intelligence, provides the potential for direct democracy. Lastly there are few examples of social activism online or forerunners of direct democracy. As an important issue of collective intelligence in practice emerge the rules of behavior of individuals and Lévy's vision of collective intelligence as a peak of humanity.

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