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Tepelné vlastnosti forem v závislosti na použitém ostřivu / Thermoproperties of foundry moulds in dependence on different used foundry sandsŠuráň, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The project elaborated in frame of engineering studies is submitting the study of thermal properties of holding mixtures using different types of sand. Were tested a total of 5 sands: zirkon, ŠH22, chromite, olivine and dunite. Molding compounds were tested for thermal capacity, thermal conductivity and heat accumulation. The highest heat capacity was achieved in dunite sand. The largest heat accumulation had mixture with chromite sand and the best thermal conductivity was found in a mixture with olivine sand.
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Možnosti aplikace systémů s akumulací tepla v jaderné energetice / Application possibilities of systems with heat accumulation in nuclear powerSklenářová, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation covers the application of heat accumulation systems in nuclear power engineering, namely in nuclear power plants. It is mainly a case of passive emergency systems, whose task is to accumulate the heat produced in the reactor’s active zone and in spent fuel pools during DBA (design-basis accidents) or beyond DBA. A particular example of heat accumulation is steam condensation after LOCA (loss of coolant accident). The primary circuit steam leakage increases containment pressure and has to be decreased by the steam condensation. This thesis deals with a theoretical substitute for ice condensers, which are used as a passive safety measure in some nuclear power plants. The substitute involves a choice of an alternative material, whose melting temperature (for heat accumulation) is closer to nuclear power plant operating temperatures. The other part of the dissertation discusses heat accumulation in spent fuel pools in case of all cooling systems failure.
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Akumulační nádrž tepelného čerpadla / Heat storage tank for heat pumpsDaněk, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The goal is to design a storage tank to the heat pumps air to water. The first part describes how a heat pump works and why it is advantageous to use the tank. Another section focuses on ways to accumulation of heat. Established a program that simulates the behavior of the heat pump system with storage tank, described how this program works and is designed tank size for a given heat pump. The last chapters deal with the calculation of minimum area of heat flow exchanger and the proposal inlet valve for improving the thermal stratification of the tank.
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Fenomén lidské práce v díle Vita Activa Hannah Arendtové: Role lidské práce v procesu akumulace kapitálu a její rozporný vztah k limitní povaze životního prostředí. / Phenomenon of human labor in the Hannah Arend's book Vita Activa: The role of labor in the process of capital accumulation and its ambivalent relation to the nature and environment.Vála, David January 2016 (has links)
5 Tématem diplomové práce je fenomén lidské práce a její vztah k životnímu prost edí a p írod v rámci r stov orientovaného kapitalismu. První ást práce pomocí fenomenologické analýzy inných modalit, jak je nacházíme v díle Vita Activa Hannah Arendtové, odpovídá na otázky Co je to lidská práce? Jak se lidská práce liší od zhotovování? Jaký je vztah t chto inných modalit k p írod a životnímu prost edí? Druhá ást analýzy je zam ena na historické prom ny práce v období novov ku, jež se p ekrývá s nástupem pr myslového kapitalismu. Poslední ást pak analyzuje fenomén práce v soudobé environmentální sociologii - role práce v teorii b žícího pásu výroby (Allan Schnaiberg) a teorie akumulace kapitálu (J. B. Foster). Klí ová slova: práce, zhotovování, Hannah Arendtová, fenomenologie, kapitalismus, p íroda, b žící pás, ekonomický r st, akumulace, planetární meze, Alain Schnaiberg The aim of the thesis deals with the phenomenon of human work and its relationship to the environment and nature in the context of growth-oriented capitalism. The first part of the thesis includes phenomenological analysis of the two basic modalities: labor and work, which can be found in the Hannah Arendt's book The Human Condition. Second part of theses descirbe the crossing of those modalities during the modern times. In this part I try to...
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Hospodaření s dešťovými vodami v komerčních objektech / Stormwater management in commercial centersBekmukhambetova, Nuriia Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis is devoted to a rainwater management in commercial and administrative buildings. The goal of this work is to describe rainwater management system with a focus on its later usage. The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The first part examines the binding conditions, as well as the individual technologies and devices that must be included in the implementation of a rainwater management system. The practical part of the work is an analysis of the possibility of using rainwater for the needs of the fire brigade in Havlíčkův Brod. The result of this work is a calculation of the approximate payback period of the proposed system.
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Přízemní ozon jako jeden z faktorů oxidativního stresu v podmínkách horských lesů. / Surface ozone as a factor of oxidative stress in mountain forests.Bendáková, Hana January 2011 (has links)
This study presents mountain forest Norway spruce (Picea abies) injured by surface ozone and oxidative stress. Norway spruce is not a sensitive species but it is the most representative tree in our country and this is the reason to pay attention on its injury. Study was connected to the ozone measurement by CHMI in Jizerske mountains. Aim of our study was to find influence of surface ozone on the forest and show correlation between ozone concentrations, altitude and Norway spruce injury. Ozone concentrations are growing with the altitude. Increasing percentage of injury with growing concentrations and altitude was expected. Needles were collected at the altitude 750-1100 meters. Collected needle years were 2006, 2007 and 2009. The 2009 year was not evaluated because no symptoms were found. Injury was observed on the maroscopical, microscopical and biochemical level. Visual injury was assessed by percentage of injured needle surface by chlorosis and necrosis. Microscopical analysis studied injury on cross and longitudinal sections of needles. On the longitudinal sections were visible typically bone-cells. These cells have lost its shape by ozone stress and were narrowed in its width. Bone-cells were best visible near the stomata. Four symptoms were observed on the cross sections: tannin...
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Akumulační zásobníky v otopných systémech / Accumulation tanks in heating systemsŽelezná, Karolína Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is accumulation tanks in heating systems. The first part introduces the topic of thermal energy storage and types of accumulation tanks. The second part describes two specific options of heating the building of the boarding house and the restaurant with the use of storage tanks in the heating system. A gas condensing boiler is designed as a heat source in one variant and a pellet boiler in the other variant. The third part deals with experimental measurements, in which the accumulation tank with the installation for better stratification of hot water and the accumulation tank without the installation are compared.
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Vliv vnitřní tepelné akumulace konstrukcí pasivních domů na jejich letní tepelnou stabilitu / The influence of internal thermal storage mass used in passive houses' construction systems on their summer thermal stabilityNěmeček, Martin January 2018 (has links)
In recent years we may observe a growth in construction of passive houses and low energy houses using lightweight constructions such as modern wooden houses. It is assumed that wooden houses keep overheating more comparing to brick houses during summer period. Due to the lack of research in this field the paper investigates the influence of internal thermal storage mass in passive houses constructions on their summer thermal stability under the Czech climatic conditions. Only sensible heat accumulation without a usage of phase change materials is examined. Differences between wooden houses comparing to brick-built houses are emphasized. Objects of research are mostly residential passive houses in low energy building standards. However, the results of research might be applied to different types of buildings as well. The first section outlines theoretical fundamentals. For the research itself various scientific research methods were used, such as basic mathematical calculations, experimental temperature measurement of two buildings (detached house in Dubňany and in Moravany) and numerical simulations. Own tribute to the research was first of all discussion on the topic of thermal accumulation and structures heat capacity calculation. Experimental measurements outlined conclusive evidence about the importance of internal thermal storage mass in respect of interior summer overheating. The research confirmed that the highest interior temperature reached is mostly influenced by solar gains through unshaded windows. However, the influence of internal thermal storage mass is not remote. If we compare standard timber-framed wooden house to the hole ceramic bricks-built house, the wooden house will overheat by 0,5°C more during a standard day. Wider spread in the maximum temperature reached was measured for lightweight consturctions wooden houses without any internal thermal storage mass. Therefore, such structures should have an additional layer of thermal storage mass.
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Právní režim chráněných území a ochranných pásem v ochraně vod / Legal regime of protected areas and protective zones by the water protectionZíbrt, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
84 ABSTRACT This thesis is concerned on the topic "Legal regime of protected areas and protective zones by the water protection." Water like environmental compartment has a key role to the existence of life on Earth. That is the reason for its protection. For achieving this protection could not be protected only this environmental compartment, but it is necessary to focus on other ones, which are related to this protection. The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the situation and the ways of ensuring the territorial water protection, to point out the basic types of them and their similar and different characteristics and provide a comprehensive explication of territorial water protection. For these reasons, the thesis is divided into two parts. The first is dealing with systematization of water protection and water protection relationship as a whole and territorial water protection as one of its important elements. This part is necessary for the orientation and the issue of inclusion territorial water protection to the entire system of water protection. The second part of this thesis at first reflects on the ways of promulgation of types of the territorial water protection and then is directly focused on them. The first type of territorial water protection represents the protected area of natural water...
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Studium lékových interakcí antivirotik na střevních transportérech / Study of drug-drug interactions of antiviral drugs on intestinal transportersZáboj, Zdeněk January 2019 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Zdeněk Záboj Supervisor: PharmDr. Lukáš Červený, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Study of drugs interactions of antiviral drugs with intestinal transporters Sofosbuvir is an antiviral agent widely used in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. This orally administered prodrug is a designed substrate of ATP-binding (ABC) efflux transporters, P- glycoprotein (ABCB1) and breast cancer resistance protein (ABCG2). ABCB1 and ABCG2 are important determinants of intestinal absorption and are the site of significant pharmacokinetic drug interactions, leading to changes in drug exposure. Pharmacokinetic drug interactions may be undesirable (increasing the toxicity of the treatment) or desirable (allowing dose reduction). Because sofosbuvir is often administered in combination regimens with other anti(retro)virotics, the aim of this thesis was to study the ability to enhance intestinal absorption of sofosbuvir. To study the pharmacokinetic drug interactions on ABCB1 and ABCG2, a widely established in vitro bi-directional transport method through a polarized monolayer formed by the Caco-2 cell line derived from colorectal cancer has been used. We analyzed the drug interactions of sofosbuvir on these efflux...
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