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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Od bezpečnostní aliance k bezpečnosnímu managementu: neoliberální institucionalismus a transformace NATO / From defense alliance to security management: neoliberal institutionalism and NATO's transformation

Suchardová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
Changing environment of international relations, changing conflicts character, and new threats and risks influence North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its role in international system. Clear structure of international system ended with end of bipolar division of Cold War. Unclear political equilibrium brought the question of future of NATO. Political concept that was used during Cold war was not sufficient and the Alliance stated again in front of transformation needs. Also during the Cold War the role of national security had been changing. Subject of this research is character of transformation of NATO and its adherence to theoretical premises of neoliberal institutionalism. International institutions are often subject of research in international relations. This thesis reacts on the deficiency of interest about changes and survival of institutions in literature. The thesis works with the theory of Robert O. Keohane that is rooted in the end of the Cold War but has been modified by further author's works. After basic analysis three variables were identified. These are three transformation areas - institutional development, and mission conduct. On the base of theoretical approach analysis three independent variables were added. These were - level of institutionalization, character of...
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Proces slučování a vzájemné spolupráce burzovních trhů na počátku 21. století na příkladu CEESEG / The Process of Consolidation and Cooperation between Stock Markets in the early 21st Century on Example of CEESEG

Blecha, Radek January 2010 (has links)
Since the end of the 20th century capital markets have undergone a fundamental change. Under the influence of globalization they have become more interconnected and more functional than before on the base of information technology. Although the financial crisis of 2008 slowed down this development and liberalization, currently markets are rising again and one of the most striking trends is their integration into multinational units. An example of Stock Exchange Cooperation in the early 21st century is the CEESEG group associating Central and Eastern European Stock Exchanges, namely, the Wiener Börse, the Prague Stock Exchange, the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and the Budapest Stock Exchange. The theme of this thesis is to analyze the example of this geographically close and, thanks to the PSE, directly related, interesting trend of Stock Exchange cooperation, the manner of its function and impact on every member Stock Exchange.

Věrnostní program platebních karet, řešení nad DWH / Loyalty program of payment cards, solution based on DWH

Jersák, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is covering topics of customer's loyalty, loyalty programs in banking and mainly topic is loyalty programs of payment cards in banking industry. First theoretical parts is guiding us though concept of customer's loyalty in banking industry and is describing specifics of this loyalty compared to loyalty to sales businesses. Further, this thesis is trying to show opportunities to be used to support customer's loyalty in bank with participation of credit and debit cards. In this sense, these payment cards are those that enable client's entry into the loyalty program and into the advantages that is loyalty program offering. Further, this thesis is describing interesting concept of loyalty program that is closely coupled with business partners that give opportunities to make the program very variable and interesting for customers. Practical part of this thesis is describing basis for technologies to be used while deploying the loyalty program and is discussing two main technical concepts regarding loyalty system integration with current bank information systems. One of those is further discussed and described from the point of view technical realization in common data warehouse systems. Main contribution of this work is preview of approaches to payment card loyalty programs and also preview of possibilities in way the loyalty program can be integrated with data warehouse currently deployed in the bank.
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Role střední Evropy v bezpečnostně-politických vztazích na pozadí Visegrádu / The role of Central Europe in security-political relations on the background of the Visegrad Group

Siekliková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the role of Central Europe in the security-political relations focusing on the Visegrad Group as a representative of Central European regional cooperation. The thesis first describes international regimes, which the Visegrad Group belongs to, the reasons of their origin and the functions, which they have been performing. The paper also deals with the region of Central Europe, with its definition and cooperation within it. The core part of the thesis is dedicated to the Visegrad Group, to its origin, to the relations between its members and above all to its activity within the European Union and the North Atlantic Alliance. The final part evaluates not only achievements and failures in security and defense aspects of Visegrad cooperation, but it also mentions new possibilities, which are currently offered to such cooperation.

Postoj Severoatlantické aliance k Suezské krizi roku 1956 / A Stance of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on Suez Crisis of 1956

Dolejší, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on the development of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization between 1955 and 1956. One of its main aims is to analyze the impact the crisis had on the members of NATO, especially on the relations between Great Britain and France and between Great Britain and the United States. Therefore, the author of the thesis concentrates on various disagreements within NATO and their possible impact on how the organization reacted during the crisis. The author will also examine the development in the Middle East and the role of NATO members outside clearly defined boundaries of the organization. The research will be placed in broader context of the Cold War and political development in the Middle East. To find answers for all the research inquiries, structural changes within the organization and the development in the economically key area of defense capability are also examined in the thesis.

Anglická zahraniční politika od restaurace do míru v Nijmegen / English Foreign Policy from the Restoration to the Peace of Nijmegen

Konečný, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
Předkládaná diplomová práce se soustřeďuje na proměny anglické zahraniční politiky od obnovení stuartovské monarchie roku 1660 do roku 1678. Zmíněné období je sledováno zejména krále Karla II. a jeho okolí dílčí zájem se soustředí na recepci jednotlivých kroků ze strany dalších domácích i zahraničních aktérů. Důraz je kladen hlavně na proměny vzájemných vztahů Francií a Nizozemím, pozornosti se těší též vztahy s Dánskem, Portugalskem, Španělskem a Švédskem, stejně jako pohled anglických politických elit. Anglická diplomacie je v této práci pojímána v kontextu vývoje anglické domácí politiky a s přihlédnutím k dění v ostatních evropských zemích. V omezené míře je nastíněn také hospodářský, konfesní a mezinárodněprávní rámec, ve kterém se anglická diplomacie zmíněných let pohybovala.

Pozice Ukrajiny v euroasijském transportu ropy a zemního plynu / Ukraine’s Position in Eurasian Transport of Oil and Natural Gas

Ruban, Andriy January 2008 (has links)
The thesis focuses on theoretical and empirical analysis of oil and natural gas flows in Eurasia and maps Ukraine's transit position in the regional oil and gas supply chain. The aim of the thesis is to objectively evaluate possibilities of Eurasian energy integration by enlargement of the European energy market further to the East and to prospect Ukraine's involvement into a new geopolitical energy alliance, driven by EU. This dissertation builds up on economical, geographical, historical and political premises of markets integration as well as system approach of energy alliances development. It argues that (i) energy integration on contrary to traditional economic stream can be explained by system approach and geopolitical stream of energy expansionism; (ii) EU infrustructural oil and gas projects imply deeper integration of EU member-states with involed non-members and (iii) Ukraine's oil and gas transit status within Eurasian region facilitates its growing involvement into EU energy intiatives guided by the European rules. The thesis is organized into three chapters. The first one is predominately theoretical and seeks to summarize current theoretical approaches towards integration and trends of energy markets in Eurasia. The second chapter introduces the role of oil and gas transport capacities and Ukraine's transit status in resolving disparities of Eurasian energy supply chain. The third chapter describes condition of Ukrainian oil and gas infrastructure and tackles issues for reformation of national oil and gas transit pipelines. Securing access to energy supplies has been a driving factor of global development since the industrial revolution. Increasing demand for oil and gas has undermined energy and economic security of world centers. In Eurasia Europe and Asia has been competing for fossil fuels originating from Russia, Middle East and Central Asia. Since recently Eurasian energy security problem is being solved by development of new supply routes. These infrastructural projects are initiated by oil and gas consumers, suppliers and transitors competing over control in the infrastructure. Such competition destabilises Eurasian relations, leads to energy "wars", political conflicts and increases supplies disruption risks. To secure stability of energy supply chain producers, transitors and consumers of oil and gas resources should integrate, closely cooperate and jointly invest into improving the existing supply routes and efficiency of fuels consumtion, production and transportation. Oil and gas should be traded for technologies and capital securing control in the infrustucture of mutual interests. Development of further bilateral and multilateral tools of joint interest would also help in resolving energy related contradictions of the participating parties. The leading role in driving energy integration in Eurasia belongs to the EU being the most mature and advanced integration grouping in Eurasia. EU realises TEN-e projects and from recently a common foreign energy policy aimed to strengthen external cooperation with oil and gas suppliers and transitors, including Ukraine. Since 1970s Ukraine has been an important oil and gas transitor for Russian and Central Asian oil and gas to Europe. Ukrainian pipelines intermediate 10 % of oil and 50 % of gas imports of Europe. To counterbalance Russian energy diplomacy over Ukraine, EU is supporting Ukraine's efforts in such energy alliances as INOGATE or GUAM. Ukraine's recent accession to the South Eastern-European Energy Community should improve stability of gas and oil supplies to Europe and facilitate reformation of national transit capacities.
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Role Spojených států amerických v NATO: změny po 11. září 2001 za vlády prezidenta G. W. Bushe / The Role of the US in NATO: How Did It Change after 9/11 under Bush Administration

Štverková, Iva January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to examine president Bush's policy after 9/11 and its implications for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The shock of 9/11 attacks resulted in "war mentality" manifesting itself in the pressure of the public and media for swift radical actions. This resulted in ad hoc decisions taken without proper analyses and consideration of consequences. After 9/11, Bush Administration used black-and-white rhetoric and simplified the war on terror into war between good and evil. The U.S. under Bush did not consider international institutions to play significant role in international politics and preferred bilateral cooperation. By omitting the Alliance, Washing, however, undermined NATO. Europe was sympathetic to the U.S. and proclaimed its support for Washington since day one but European NATO members and the U.S. had different threat perception regarding Iraq, and could not agree on a common solution. The actions taken by Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq and the reluctance of European allies in supporting the U.S. war against terrorism resulted in escalation of relations in the Alliance. As the U.S. headed toward engagement in two conflicts, it increasingly appreciated the value of NATO. On the other hand, Europe never forgot that the United States is its main ally. Most...
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Strana jako firma: ANO 2011 a ANO / The Business Firm Model of Party Organisation: ANO 2011 and ANO

Smilnická, Julie January 2018 (has links)
The thesis describes two political parties that have been established in Central Europe, namely ANO 2011 in the Czech Republic, and ANO in Slovakia, whose main common feature is that they are run as private business companies. The aim of the thesis is to conduct an analysis of these two political parties which builds on the "business-firm model" party theory. This theoretical concept was established in 1999 and is based on observations of FORZA ITALIA, an Italian political party. Although the business firm model is an emerging political concept, it has been growing in popularity recently in almost all European countries. The thesis introduces this theoretical concept in detail and applies it to the two cases present in the Czech and Slovak party system. Finally, the thesis compares the two parties with each other and identifies their similarities and differences.

NATO a evropská bezpečnost na východě: Dopad ukrajinsko-ruského konfliktu na NATO doktrínu a strategii Ukrajiny / NATO and European Security in the East: The Impact of the Ukraine-Russia Conflict on NATO Doctrine and Ukrainian Strategy

Tymchuk, Halyna January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis will basically work with the concept of security, namely, the European secu- rity in recent years. Although Ukraine is not a NATO member, and Russia is NATO's distant neighbour, in this thesis I will prove that we should connect the events on Ukrainian border with European security. From the very onset of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, NATO was firm in its support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. The Allies immediately condemned the illegal "legitimate annexation" of the Crimea to Russia in March 2014 and they have repeatedly stated that they would never recognize it as well. They also condemned deliberate destabilization in eastern Ukraine which was provoked by Russia with the use of its military intervention and militants' support. The crisis in Ukraine has proved to be a real turning point in Euro-Atlantic security since some senior Western politicians began to speak about changes in the guideline of European defense policy. Ukrainian crisis created new security situation in Europe and still requires attention, in- volvement and response from NATO. This crisis sharpened strategic misunderstanding between Russia and the West. It shows very clearly that Moscow and the West understand European security in...
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