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Geology and genesis of the Dolly Varden silver camp, Alice Arm area, northwestern British ColumbiaDevlin, Barry David January 1987 (has links)
The Dolly Varden camp, Alice Arm area, northwestern British Columbia, is characterized by stratiform and volcanogenic silver-lead-zinc-barite deposits in Early to Middle Jurassic calc-alkaline volcanic rocks of the Hazelton Group. These deposits, containing exceptional silver and significant base metal values, are in andesitic tuffaceous rocks, and occur typically as layers of quartz, carbonate, barite and jasper, with lesser amounts of pyrite, sphalerite and galena, and sparse chalcopyrite. Production from three deposits, the Dolly Varden, Northstar and Torbrit mines, totaled 1,284,902 tonnes of ore that averaged 484g silver per tonne, 0.38 percent lead and 0.02 percent zinc.
The Hazelton Group is a thick, widespread assemblage of basaltic to rhyolitic volcanic flow rocks, their tuffaceous equivalents, and derived sedimentary rocks. Dolly Varden camp is underlain by more than 3,000m of Hazelton Group rocks comprised of one major volcanic and one major sedimentary formation. Volcanic rocks underlie sedimentary rocks and have been subdivided into footwall and hangingwall units based on stratigraphic position relative to the mineralized stratiform horizon. Footwall volcanic rocks consist of green ± maroon basaltic-andesite tuff, green ± maroon porphyritic andesite and green andesite shard tuff. Stratiform mineralization rests conformably upon the underlying green andesite shard tuff. Hangingwall volcanic rocks above the stratiform layer consist of pale grey basaltic-andesite ash tuff, maroon basaltic-andesite ash-lapilli tuff, grey-green porphyritic andesite, and pale green andesite ash tuff. Hangingwall volcanics are unconformably capped by sedimentary rocks consisting of maroon siltstone, calcareous and fossiliferous wacke, and black siltstone and shale; black siltstone and shale form the youngest rock unit of the Hazelton Group in the Dolly Varden area. Basalt and lamprophyre dykes intrude all rocks of the Hazelton Group. The rocks of the Hazelton group exposed in the Dolly Varden camp are folded into a series of anticlines and synclines with gentle, northwestern plunges. Two major sets of nearly vertical block faults cut all rock units; earlier faults trend northwest and younger faults trend north-northeast.
Geological mapping, combined with petrologic, petrographic and isotopic data, indicate that the stratiform deposits probably formed as submarine exhalative deposits associated with andesitic volcanism of the Hazelton Group during the Early to Middle Jurassic. Evidence for a volcanogenic origin is the conformity of layered mineralization with stratigraphy, lateral and vertical mineral zonation patterns, consistent hangingwall versus footwall contact relationships, fragments of stratiform ore within tuffaceous volcanic rocks of the hangingwall, consistent differences in the stable isotopic compositions between the sulfides versus barite, quartz and carbonate gangue, and the Jurassic "fingerprint" for the lead-bearing deposits of the Dolly Varden camp.
The Dolly Varden deposits display criteria for classification of a new, previously unrecognized, stratiform and volcanogenic, deposit type, named here, the "Dolly Varden type", and is characterized by silver-rich, low sulfide and high oxide stratiform mineralization within andesitic volcanic rocks. / Science, Faculty of / Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of / Graduate
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Analyse de la production de Upsilon dans les collisions pp à 7 TeV avec le spectromètre à muons de l'expérience ALICE / Analysis of Upsilon production in pp collisions at 7 TeV with the ALICE Muon SpectrometerAhn, Sang Un 05 December 2011 (has links)
Résumé indisponible / Résumé indisponible
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The Undergraduate Teaching of Archetypal Patterns in the Writings of Alice WalkerLinn, Linda S. (Linda Salmon) 05 1900 (has links)
Significant passages in Alice Walker's writings give evidence of archetypal patterns from Carl Jung and feminine archetypal patterns from Annis Pratt. Since a knowledge of archetypal patterns can influence the total understanding of aspects of Walker's writings, a study of these patterns in the undergraduate classroom benefits the student and opens up another system of analyzing writings, particularly writings by African-American women.
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Il ciclo di racconti Nord-Americano : serialità e variazioni nell'opera di Alice Munro / The Nord-American short story cycle : series and variations in Alice Munro's work / Le cycle de nouvelles nord-américain : séries et variations dans l'oeuvre d'Alice MunroLicata, Chiara 04 March 2019 (has links)
Ma recherche vise à étudier la nouvelle anglo-américaine par rapport à une forme à laquelle elle est inextricablement liée, le cycle de nouvelles, qui, à mi-chemin entre histoire et roman, est érigé en une série d'histoires interconnectées et qui présente certains éléments récurrents (personnages, lieu, thèmes). La réflexion sur le cycle de nouvelles, considéré comme un genre en tant que tel, donnera la priorité à l’analyse de l’oeuvre d’Alice Munro placée dans une perspective comparative, en relation et en continuité, non seulement avec le travail d’écrivains canadiens "maîtres" du genre, mais aussi avec la tradition du cycle de nouvelles américaine. / My research aims at studying the Nord-American short story in relation to a form to which it is inextricably linked, the short story cycle, which, halfway between history and novel, is set as a series of interconnected stories presenting some recurring elements (characters, place, themes). The reflection on the short story cycle will give priority to the analysis of Alice Munro's work placed in a comparative perspective, in relation and continuity, not only with the work of 'Canadian writers' masters' of the genre, but also with the tradition of the American short story cycle. / Il presente lavoro si propone di analizzare la forma narrativa del ciclo di racconti, mettendone in luce le caratteristiche in relazione all’opera di Alice Munro. Il corpus narrativo di Munro, formato da quattordici raccolte in un arco temporale che copre più di quarant’anni (la prima raccolta, Dance of the Happy Shades esce ne 1968 e l’ultima, Dear Life nel 2012), ben si presta a questo tipo di studio. Nell’ arco della sua prolifica opera Munro ha esplorato le potenzialità della forma breve, rimodulando progressivamente i confini fra i generi, scomponendone le prospettive e gli esiti possibili ora nella direzione della novella modernista (cara a scrittrici come Katherine Mansfield ed Eudora Welty), ora nella creazione di cicli di storie o di serie di racconti interconnessi, destrutturando o risemantizzando la nozione di brevità e di genere letterario. Il lavoro, che si presenta come un case study, si propone un duplice obiettivo: quello di estendere la nozione di ciclo di racconti e di includerla in quella di “politesto” , (ossia quella categoria critica che concepisce l’opera letteraria, la raccolta di racconti ad esempio, come processo aggregativo mettendo in luce tutti quei legami intertestuali e intratestuali che i singoli testi intrattengono fra di loro) e quello di applicare questa categoria all’opera di Alice Munro, ovvero studiare, con gli strumenti della teoria della letteratura e della comparatistica, i rapporti tra i racconti, nella loro natura intra ed intertestuale, e tra le raccolte stesse analizzate sulla base della loro natura politestuale.
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Etude des collisions d'ions lourds au LHC avec le spectromètre à muons du détecteur ALICEBarret-Ramillien, V. 06 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le spectromètre à muons du détecteur ALICE, installé au LHC, est dédié à la mesure des quarkonia (J/psi et upsilon) et des saveurs lourdes ouvertes qui se désintègrent en muons. Un grand nombre d'étapes (R&D, simulation et construction) ont été nécessaires pour réaliser les systèmes de tracking et de trigger du spectromètre. Les prises de données sont actuellement en cours. Ce document présente mes activités de recherche durant l'évolution du projet.
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Alice Schwarzer et le féminisme allemandBélair-Gagnon, Valérie 11 1900 (has links)
Comparant l’Allemagne à l’ensemble des pays occidentaux, nombreux ont été les chercheurs et les activistes qui ont affirmé que les « gains » féministes n’avaient pas été aussi importants en Allemagne qu’à l’étranger. Cet état provisoire des lieux n’implique cependant pas l’absence de féministes en Allemagne. Le présent mémoire se penche sur la féministe allemande contemporaine la plus connue : Alice Schwarzer. À travers la vie, la pensée, les campagnes et les revendications de cette féministe de la « deuxième vague », le mémoire vise à mettre en lumière l’évolution du féminisme en Allemagne de l’Ouest dans la seconde moitié du 20e siècle.
À travers l’étude de cas, le mémoire retrace de nombreuses luttes féministes et les situe dans leur contexte sociopolitique. Cette présentation permet de retracer l’histoire du féminisme allemand et de cerner les facteurs qui ont contribué à l’atteinte —ou l’absence— de certains « gains » féministes au 20e siècle en Allemagne. Par le biais de discussions récentes, l’étude permet également de mettre en lumière des différends entre des féministes comme Schwarzer et des féministes de la « troisième vague » en Allemagne.
Le présent travail est divisé en deux parties. Après une présentation de la problématique et des concepts employés, il retrace dans la première partie l’histoire de l’héritage familial et social de Schwarzer. Dans une deuxième partie, il explore sa pensée féministe à travers les thèmes qu’elle privilégie : la socialisation de la sexualité et le caractère public du privé. Pour ce faire, le mémoire s’appuie sur les livres d’Alice Schwarzer, au premier plan La petite différence et ses grandes conséquences (1975), le magazine EMMA qu’elle a fondé en 1977, des articles de journaux ainsi que sur des sources secondaires. / Comparing Germany to other western countries, many academics and activists claim that the feminist “gains” are not as important in Germany. This does not imply that the feminists are not active. This master thesis is about the most notorious German feminist: Alice Schwarzer. Through her life story, her feminist thought, her campaigns and claims, this master thesis aims to shed the light on the evolution of second wave feminism in Western Germany in the second part of the 20th century.
This master thesis portrays feminists’ fights in their socio-political context. The study will be completed with the help of a case study in order to portray the history of German feminism and capture the nature of some feminists’ “gains” in 20th century Germany. This study also allows us to shed the light on the disparities between feminists such as Schwarzer and third wave feminists throughout recent debates in Germany.
This master thesis is divided in two major parts. First, the social heritage of Schwarzer will be drawn. Second, the feminist thought of Schwarzer will be presented in two themes: the “socialization of sexuality” and the “public character of the private sphere”. To do so, this master thesis is based on Alice Schwarzer’s writings: Her first and most important book The Small Difference and its Big Consequences (1975), the magazine EMMA she founded in 1977.
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Práticas de leitura literária, no ambiente escolar, em face da cultura da convergência / Literary reading practices, within the school environment, in the face of convergence cultureMelo, Uilma Matos dos Santos 29 November 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo investigar como características que são inerentes à cultura da convergência podem fomentar a leitura literária. Destarte, tencionamos observar como o uso da tecnologia pode complementar e enriquecer a leitura, através de práticas que possibilitem a junção das mídias tradicionais e as mídias atuais, para assim ressignificar os hábitos de leitura dos alunos. Propomos atividades de leitura participativa e intersemiótica com o uso de dispositivos tecnológicos, que favoreçam o gosto pela leitura e o desenvolvimento de competência de compreensão e de produção de textos narrativos. Utilizamos em momentos diferentes da pesquisa, dois questionários para obtermos dados qualitativos em relação às propostas realizadas. Concluímos que as mudanças nas práticas de leitura em sala de aula são vitais, uma vez que as conversões culturais não podem ser dissociadas das transformações educacionais. / The aim of this thesis is to investigate how characteristics which are inherent to the convergence culture can promote literary reading. Thus, we intend to observe how the use of technology can complement and enrich the reading through practices that enable the joining of traditional and current media, reframing the reading habits among students. We propose participatory and intersemiotic reading activities using technological devices in order to encourage the taste for reading and the development of the competence skills of reading comprehension and narrative text production. In different moments of the research, we used two questionnaires to obtain qualitative data on the proposals made. In summary, we conclude that changes in reading practices in the classroom are vital, since cultural conversions cannot be dissociated from the educational transformation.
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The Alice road machine(s).January 1999 (has links)
Chan Chi Hang Raymond. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 1998-99, design report." / Prelude / Introduction / Machine / Concept of Reading: Relationship of Text and Architectural Issues / Analysis / Internal Transformation: the【changing-state】 machine / External Transformation: the [molding] machine / “Adventure first …´ح [again] / "Depicting a trip, in search for a【site】" / The Trip 一 6 minutes 6 sites 7 situations 7 strips 1 trip
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Hearing Wonderland: aural adaptation and Carroll's classic taleKizzire, Jessica 01 January 2017 (has links)
What does it sound like to fall down a rabbit hole? This was not a question that concerned Lewis Carroll when he wrote Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, but it has challenged the many individuals who have adapted his story for film, ballet, video games, and other multimedia formats since its creation. In recent decades, the proliferation of adaptations across a variety of new media has offered scholars a renewed opportunity to more closely examine this and other critical issues raised when considering the relationships between adapted texts and their original sources. This dissertation argues for a greater critical emphasis on the aurality of adaptation by examining the narrative potential of sound in adaptations across a variety of media forms. Despite scholarship on adaptations and comparable studies contemplating sound in adapted texts, these two streams of scholarly inquiry have largely remained isolated within adaptation studies and musicology, respectively. Through this dissertation, I provide an examination of sound’s capacity to shape, nuance, or subvert the other parts of a multimedia adaptation, thus bridging these disciplinary discussions.
This dissertation balances a broad survey of Alice adaptations with the highly focused examination of two case studies: Christopher Wheeldon’s ballet, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, and Tim Burton’s film, Alice in Wonderland. The survey demonstrates a model for analyzing the aurality of adaptation across media forms, while the case studies provide an in-depth examination of aural adaptation in relation to specific media forms. The analysis undertaken focuses on the intersection of narrative, sound, and adaptation, revealing complex and multifaceted relationships. In this work, I merge score analysis with visual and narrative analyses, using films or filmed versions of stage productions as the primary source materials. From this rigorous comparative analysis, trends in musical interpretation emerge, indicating some of the prevailing expectations concerning Alice and its aural adaptations.
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Wawanash County : parallels between the world of Alice Munro and the white American SouthRobson, Helen P. Nora January 1978 (has links)
No description available.
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