Spelling suggestions: "subject:"alice.""
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Assessing the values and impacts of invasive alien plants on the livelihoods of rural land-users on the Agulhas Plain, South AfricaDe la Fontaine, Samantha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Invasive alien plants (IAPs) are known for their detrimental impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem goods and services. A substantial body of research has contributed to our understanding of their impacts on ecology. In comparison the socio-economic aspects of IAPs, are not well understood. Additionally, valuation practises have usually excluded the positive and the non-monetary impacts (benefits and uses) that IAPs hold for local livelihoods. Holistic valuation has been regarded as imperative for decision-making and managerial frameworks.
A study was conducted in Elim on the southern Cape coast of the Agulhas Plain, South Africa, which aimed to explore the various impacts of IAPs on the livelihoods of rural land-users. Individual qualitative interviews were conducted face to face with landholders (referred to as farmers) (N = 12) and individuals from the economically marginalized community (referred to as marginalized community) (N = 12). The grounded theory approach to data analysis was used and results of the coding method used were displayed by means of superscripts.
Results indicate that farmers were aware of broader uses of IAPs although they themselves did not utilise them as extensively as members of the marginalized communities. Invasive alien and problem plants that held value for both land-users were not perceived as being „invasive‟. Invasive alien plants were believed to have detrimental impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems goods and services which support people‟s livelihoods.
Alien clearing programmes such as Working for Water (WfW) and LandCare have done much to alleviate the socio-economic burden of unemployment in this marginalized community. Aside from the social development aims set out by WfW (i.e. employment of low-income communities, poverty alleviation and skills training), knock-on social development benefits (e.g. feelings of pride, responsibility and awareness as well as conflict management skills) were also realised by individuals from the marginalized community that were previously employed by the programme.
Farmers regarded alien clearing and management as a process that demands excessive time, energy and financial resources. On single occasions it was found that farmers employed methods other than the conventional clearing and management strategies (e.g. livestock that feed on IAPs and giving refuse IAP biomass from clearing and felling to neighbouring poor communities). No clear consensus was reached about regarding alien clearing and management but more support is desired from government. Working for Water relies on private landholders for alien clearing as it is required by law.
This study emphasizes that stronger relationships between government and private landholders as well as more substantial incentives to clear IAPs on private land are prerequisites if required outcomes are to be achieved. Educating society at large about the detrimental impacts of IAPs is fundamental. Additionally, informing landholders on effective alien clearing methods and policies and legislation pertaining to it are key activities for the South African government. Finally, clearing and management programmes need to consider the benefits that local land-users obtain from IAPs when prioritising areas for the management of alien vegetation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Uitheemse indringerplante (UIPe) is bekend vir die nadelige gevolge wat hulle vir biodiversiteit en ekosisteem goedere en dienste inhou. ʼn Aansienlike liggaam van navorsing het bygedra tot ons begrip van die impak daarvan op ekologie. In teendeel, die sosio-ekonomiese aspekte van UIPe word egter nie goed verstaan nie. Daarbenewens, evalueringspraktyke het gewoonlik die positiewe en nie-monetêre impakte (voordele en gebruike) wat UIPe vir plaaslike lewensbestaan hou, uitgesluit. Holistiese evaluering word as noodsaaklik beskou vir besluitneming en bestuursraamwerke.
ʼn Studie was uitgevoer in Elim op die Suid-Kaapse kus van die Agulhas-vlakte, Suid-Afrika. Die doel was om die verskillende aspekte van UIP impakte op die lewensbestaan van landelike grondgebruikers aan te spreek. Individuele kwalitatiewe onderhoude is van aangesig tot aangesig gevoer met grondeienaars (na wie verwys word as boere) (N = 12) en individue van die ekonomies gemarginaliseerde gemeenskap (na wie verwys word as gemarginaliseerde gemeenskap) (N = 12). Die gegronde teorie metode tot data analise was gebruik en die resultate van die kodering metode is vertoon deur middel van boskrifte.
Resultate dui daarop dat boere bewus was van ʼn wyer reeks van gebruike van UIPe alhoewel hulle dit nie so ekstensief benut het soos die lede van die gemarginaliseerde gemeenskappe nie. Uitheemse en probleem plante wat waarde gehou het vir beide landgebruikers,was nie soseer beskou as „indringers‟ nie. Daar was geglo dat UIPe nadelige impakte het op biodiversiteit en ekosisteme goedere en dienste wat mense se lewensbestaan ondersteun.
Programme soos Werk vir Water (WvW) en LandCare wat fokus op die uitroeiing van UIPe, het baie gedoen om die sosio-ekonomiese laste as ʼn gevolg van werkloosheid in hierdie gemarginaliseerde gemeenskap te verlig. Benewens die sosiale ontwikkelings doelwitte uiteengesit deur WvW (o.a. indiensneming van lae-inkomste gemeenskappe, armoedeverligting en vaardigheidsopleiding), is daar ook domino-voordele (bv. gevoelens van trots, verantwoordelikheid en bewustheid sowel as konflik bestuursvaardighede) aangaande sosiale ontwikkeling ervaar deur individue van die gemarginaliseerde gemeenskap wat voorheen in diens van die program was. Boere beskou die uitroeiing en bestuur van UIPe as ʼn proses wat oormatige tyd, energie en finansiële hulpbronne vereis. Op enkele geleenthede was dit gevind dat boere gebruik maak van metodes anders as die konvensionele skoonmaak-en bestuurs strategieë (bv. vee wat voed op UIPe en biomassa wat na afloop van skoonmaak aan die naburige arm gemeenskappe gegee word). Geen duidelike konsensus is bereik met betrekking tot die uitroeiing en bestuur van UIP nie, maar meer ondersteuning van die regering word verlang. Werk vir Water maak staat op private grondeienaars vir die uitroeiing van UIPe.
Hierdie studie beklemtoon dat sterker verhoudings tussen die regering en private grondeienaars sowel as meer aansienlike aansporings om UIPe op private grond skoon te maak ʼn voorvereiste is as verwagte uitkomste bereik wil word. Opvoeding van die breër gemeenskap oor die nadelige impakte van UIPe is fundamenteel. Om grondeienaars in te lig oor effektiewe UIP verwyderingsmetodes asook beleide en wetgewing met betrekking daartoe, is belangrikste aktiwiteite vir die Suid-Afrikaanse regering. Ten slotte, skoonmaak- en bestuursprogramme moet oorweging skenk aan die voordele wat plaaslike landgebruikers put uit UIPe wanneer daar geprioritiseer word vir gebiede vir die bestuur van indringerplante.
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Erweckung zum Tod : eine kritische Untersuchung zu Funktionsweise, Ideologie und Metaphysik der Horror- und Science-Fiction-Filme Alien 1-4 /Döring, Lutz. January 2006 (has links)
Univ., Diss--Düsseldorf, 2005.
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Monitoring the re-growth rate of alien vegetation after fire on Agulhas Plain, South Africa /Fatoki, Oluwakemi Busayo. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)-- University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Masters of Science (Geographic Information Systems - Environmental Geography) Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.
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Invasive alien species and the protection of biodiversity: the role of quarantine laws in resolving inadequacies in the international legal regimeRiley, Sophie, Law, Faculty of Law, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The problem of invasive alien species (IAS) is recognized as the second most serious threat to loss of biodiversity after habitat destruction. It is a problem largely created by humans as they transport and introduce species, deliberately and accidentally, from one part of the globe to another. The pressures exerted on biodiversity by international trade are one of the most serious aspects of the IAS problem. Although states are under obligations in international environmental law to prevent the entry of, and control, those alien species that threaten biodiversity, to date state practice has often been found wanting. In particular, quarantine regulation, which can be a state??s first line of defence against IAS, is mainly used by states to protect their farming and agricultural product sectors rather than biodiversity at large. The reasons for this include lack of domestic resources and lack of guidance at the international level. However, even if states were to expand the purview of quarantine, the question arises whether they would be able to use quarantine regulation to protect biodiversity from IAS while simultaneously fulfilling their international trade law obligations. This study seeks to answer this question by examining international environmental law and international trade law in their application to quarantine regulation. In doing so, the study identifies many areas of conflict. The different policies that underpin environmental and trade regimes mean that environmental concepts, such as the precautionary principle and the ecosystem approach, are difficult to apply within the international trade law regime. A way of achieving a more harmonized international response to the problem of IAS is suggested by incorporating environmental considerations into the international standards used by states to design and implement domestic quarantine measures. To facilitate the practical implementation of international standards the study further recommends appropriate financial and institutional capacity building mechanisms.
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Evolution and impact of invasive species : cane toads and snakes in AustraliaPhillips, Ben Lee January 2004 (has links)
Evolution can occur rapidly, along timescales that are traditionally regarded as 'ecological'. Despite growing acceptance among biologists of rapid evolution, a strong paradigm of contemporary evolution is still absent in many sub-disciplines. Here I apply a contemporary evolution viewpoint to conservation biology. Specifically, I examine the impact of cane toads (Bufo marinus) on Australian snakes. Toads were introduced into Australia in 1935, have spread rapidly and represent a novel, extremely toxic prey item to na�ve Australian predators (including snakes). Based on dietary preferences and geographic distributions I find that 49 species of Australian snake are potentially at risk from the invasion of the toad. Furthermore, examination of physiological resistance to toad toxin in 10 of these �at risk� species strongly suggests that most species of Australian snake are poorly equipped to deal with a likely dose of toad toxin. Even species that are highly resistant to toad toxin (such as the keelback, Tropidonophis mairii) face indirect fitness costs associated with consuming toads. Within a population of snakes however, the impact of toads is unlikely to be random. For example, the examination of several component allometries describing the interaction between snakes and toads revealed that, within a species, smaller snakes are more likely to ingest a fatal dose of toad toxin than are larger snakes. Further consideration of the interaction between snakes and toads suggests that toads will not only be exerting differential impact on snakes based upon morphology, but also exert non-random selection on prey preference and resistance to toad toxin in snake populations. To examine the possibility of a morphological response by snakes to toads, I examined changes in the body size and relative head size of four species of snake as a consequence of time since exposure to toads. Two of the species (green treesnakes and red-bellied blacksnakes) are predicted to face strong impacts from toads. These two species showed an increase in mean body size and a decrease in relative head size as a consequence of time since exposure to toads; both changes in an adaptive direction. In contrast, the other two species (keelbacks and swampsnakes) are predicted to face much lower impact from toads, and these two species showed little or no evidence of morphological change associated with time since exposure to toads. These results indicate an adaptive change in morphology at a rate that is proportional to the predicted level of impact for each species, strongly suggesting an evolved response. Red-bellied blacksnakes (a toad-vulnerable species) were further assessed for evolved responses in prey preference and toxin resistance. Comparisons between toad-exposed and toad-na�ve populations of blacksnakes revealed that snakes from toad-exposed populations exhibited slightly higher resistance to toad toxin and a much-reduced tendency to eat toads, when compared with toad-na�ve snakes. Na�ve snakes exhibited no tendency to learn avoidance of toxic prey, nor were they able to acquire resistance to toxin as a result of several sub-lethal doses, suggesting that the observed differences between populations is evolved rather than acquired. Together, these results strongly suggest that blacksnakes are exhibiting an evolved shift in prey preference and toxin resistance as a consequence of exposure to toads. Thus, it appears that snakes are exhibiting adaptation at multiple traits in response to exposure to toads. Given the high likelihood that these adaptive shifts have an evolved basis, it appears that the impact of toads will decrease with time in many snake populations. But what about toads? Because the outcome of the interaction between a toad and a snake is also mediated by the body size and relative toxicity of toads, it is important to understand how these traits vary in space and time. Exploratory analysis revealed that toads exhibit a decrease in body size and a decrease in relative toxicity as a consequence of time since colonisation, indicating that their impact on native predators decreases with time. Additionally, there appears to be meaningful spatial variation in toad relative toxicity, indicating that some populations of native predators are facing higher impact from toads than others. Overall, these results clearly indicate the importance of assessing the potential for rapid evolutionary response in impacted systems. Doing so may provide evidence that some species are in less trouble than originally thought. Additionally, and as more data accumulate, it may be possible to characterise certain categories of environmental impact by their potential for eliciting adaptive response from �impacted� species. This approach has strong implications for the way conservation priorities are set and the way in which conservation dependent populations are managed.
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Invasive alien species and the protection of biodiversity: the role of quarantine laws in resolving inadequacies in the international legal regimeRiley, Sophie, Law, Faculty of Law, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The problem of invasive alien species (IAS) is recognized as the second most serious threat to loss of biodiversity after habitat destruction. It is a problem largely created by humans as they transport and introduce species, deliberately and accidentally, from one part of the globe to another. The pressures exerted on biodiversity by international trade are one of the most serious aspects of the IAS problem. Although states are under obligations in international environmental law to prevent the entry of, and control, those alien species that threaten biodiversity, to date state practice has often been found wanting. In particular, quarantine regulation, which can be a state??s first line of defence against IAS, is mainly used by states to protect their farming and agricultural product sectors rather than biodiversity at large. The reasons for this include lack of domestic resources and lack of guidance at the international level. However, even if states were to expand the purview of quarantine, the question arises whether they would be able to use quarantine regulation to protect biodiversity from IAS while simultaneously fulfilling their international trade law obligations. This study seeks to answer this question by examining international environmental law and international trade law in their application to quarantine regulation. In doing so, the study identifies many areas of conflict. The different policies that underpin environmental and trade regimes mean that environmental concepts, such as the precautionary principle and the ecosystem approach, are difficult to apply within the international trade law regime. A way of achieving a more harmonized international response to the problem of IAS is suggested by incorporating environmental considerations into the international standards used by states to design and implement domestic quarantine measures. To facilitate the practical implementation of international standards the study further recommends appropriate financial and institutional capacity building mechanisms.
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Invasive alien species and the protection of biodiversity: the role of quarantine laws in resolving inadequacies in the international legal regimeRiley, Sophie, Law, Faculty of Law, UNSW January 2008 (has links)
The problem of invasive alien species (IAS) is recognized as the second most serious threat to loss of biodiversity after habitat destruction. It is a problem largely created by humans as they transport and introduce species, deliberately and accidentally, from one part of the globe to another. The pressures exerted on biodiversity by international trade are one of the most serious aspects of the IAS problem. Although states are under obligations in international environmental law to prevent the entry of, and control, those alien species that threaten biodiversity, to date state practice has often been found wanting. In particular, quarantine regulation, which can be a state??s first line of defence against IAS, is mainly used by states to protect their farming and agricultural product sectors rather than biodiversity at large. The reasons for this include lack of domestic resources and lack of guidance at the international level. However, even if states were to expand the purview of quarantine, the question arises whether they would be able to use quarantine regulation to protect biodiversity from IAS while simultaneously fulfilling their international trade law obligations. This study seeks to answer this question by examining international environmental law and international trade law in their application to quarantine regulation. In doing so, the study identifies many areas of conflict. The different policies that underpin environmental and trade regimes mean that environmental concepts, such as the precautionary principle and the ecosystem approach, are difficult to apply within the international trade law regime. A way of achieving a more harmonized international response to the problem of IAS is suggested by incorporating environmental considerations into the international standards used by states to design and implement domestic quarantine measures. To facilitate the practical implementation of international standards the study further recommends appropriate financial and institutional capacity building mechanisms.
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The effects of native plants on non-native plant abundance in a restoration setting : differences among native species and the predictive ability of species traitsGoodridge, Jennifer M. 05 September 2001 (has links)
Reducing the cover of non-native species is one of the challenges of ecosystem
restoration. The goal of this study is to identify native species traits that will increase
native species cover and reduce non-native species cover in the first growing season at
upland and wetland prairie restoration sites.
Native and non-native prairie species were planted in the fall and harvested the
following summer at both an upland and a wetland site. Native species traits, such as
plant weight, leaf area, relative growth rate, leaf area ratio, leaf weight ratio, net
assimilation rate, and specific leaf area were measured under laboratory conditions for 7-
and 21-day old seedlings. Germination rate (laboratory) and phenology (field) were also
At the upland site, species with a large 7-day plant weight and a high germination
rate also had high native cover in the field (P<0.00l, R��=0.83). At the wetland site, high
21-day leaf area, low 21-day leaf weight ratio, and high net assimilation rate predicted
increased native cover in the field (P<0.00l, R��=0.87). An abundance of natives, as
measured by native cover, native biomass, and number of individuals, likely results in
fewer resources (light, nutrients, and water) available for the non-native species growth
resulting in a reduction in the non-native cover.
Intrinsic traits of native species also predicted the field performance of non-native
species, although the amount of variation explained was lower than the amount of
variation explained in the models that predicted native cover. In the upland site, native
species with high leaf weight ratio (21-day) tended to have lower non-native cover in
their field plots (P=0.087, R��=0.23). In the wetland site, the native species traits that
predict non-native cover were low 21-day leaf area and high 21-day leaf weight ratio
(P<0.00l, R��=0.46). These traits were similar to those that predicted native species cover
at the wetland site.
This study demonstrates the ability of species traits to predict field performance.
Predictive models were generated using native species traits to select species for
restoration that will increase native cover and decrease non-native cover in the first
growing season. Traits can be measured for species not included in this study and the
models generated can be used to predict the field performance of species at similar sites. / Graduation date: 2002
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The indigenous knowledge of the local community towards weeds and alien invasive plants in the Dinokana area, North-West Province, South Africa / by Kebalepile Benedict ItholengItholeng, Kebalepile Benedict Itholeng January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M. Environmental Science)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Interactive influences of wildfire and nonnative species on plant community succession in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park /Ainsworth, Alison. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Oregon State University, 2007. / Printout. Includes bibliographical references. Also available on the World Wide Web.
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