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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vehicle Dynamic Model for Real-Time Applications and Training of Artificial Drivers

Larcher, Matteo 25 July 2024 (has links)
This thesis presents the development of a full vehicle model tailored for real-time simulation applications. A comprehensive modular simulation framework is developed with the primary goal of providing an accurate and flexible vehicle model for real-time simulations. The vehicle model is developed using a multibody dynamics approach, leveraging efficient formulations and symbolic manipulation to generate cost-effective analytical models. This work presents the model's underlying theory and practical implementation, showcasing the framework's modularity that facilitates seamless integration of external models. This adaptability enables the model's application in a wide range of scenarios, ranging from vehicle dynamics analysis to the development of advanced driver assistance systems. The simulation framework is utilized for Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) and Driver-in-the-Loop (DIL) simulations, proving its efficacy in real-world scenarios. Validation against commercial simulation software and real-world vehicle telemetry data further corroborated the model's fidelity and accuracy. Beyond the core vehicle model, this research introduces innovative models that significantly contribute to the simulation efficiency and accuracy. A novel Limited Slip Differential (LSD) model is proposed, employing a smooth equation switching approach to improve numerical efficiency and address issues of conventional approaches such as robustness and the non-exact representation of the locked state. Furthermore, a Symbolic-Numerical Approach is presented for analyzing structure compliance, with a specific application to vehicle suspension compliance analysis. This approach exploits the symbolic manipulation capabilities of computer algebra software to generate efficient analytical models for the suspension's Kinematics and Compliance (K&C) characteristics. This approach not only provides a comprehensive methodology for analyzing suspension compliance but also offers a framework for the generation of symbolic models for any compliant mechanisms, enhancing efficiency in simulation, design, sensitivity analyses, and optimization tasks. In essence, this Ph.D. thesis presents a comprehensive vehicle model for real-time simulation applications, featuring a flexible and modular framework alongside novel models that address specific challenges in vehicle dynamics simulation. Real-time capabilities of the developed model enable closed-loop simulations making it a powerful tool for virtual prototyping, performance evaluation, and controller development in the automotive domain. Practical applications in the field of autonomous vehicles and advanced driver assistance systems showcase the applicability of the proposed framework and models, offering a user-friendly framework for future research and development.

Ensaio sobre a coletivização de demandas individuais / Saggio sulla collettivizzazione delle domande individuali

Gagno, Luciano Pícoli 12 November 2014 (has links)
A presente tese visou à discussão sobre a possibilidade de utilização de técnica processual, capaz de permitir a coletivização de demanda individual, mediante decisão judicial de ofício, desde que visualizada a presença de alguma hipótese de direito coletivo lato sensu, com o objetivo de se ampliar o uso desse tipo de processo. Nesse contexto, foi defendida a criação de técnica que permitisse ao juiz, após a realização de um contraditório prévio, coletivizar demanda individual que tenha por objeto direito indivisível ou individual homogêneo, cabendo a ele analisar a presença do respectivo direito com base na inicial, na manifestação da parte contrária, nos documentos dos autos e nas máximas de experiência, que lhe permitirão ainda, aferir sobre a numerosidade de pessoas envolvida naquela situação. Naturalmente, que a utilização de tal técnica gera perplexidade, razão pela qual se falou na conveniência de que tal técnica seja prevista em lei, o que está acontecendo no projeto do novo CPC, que, contudo, merece críticas por ser tímido, não abrangendo os direitos individuais homogêneos e não autorizando o juiz a agir de oficio. Outro ponto importante abordado no trabalho foi o da necessidade de se reconhecer a legitimidade individual para o processo coletivo, a fim de que a coletivização judicial não fique refém do alvedrio dos entes legitimados e, também, que o autor originário não fique excluído do procedimento. Para tanto, defendeu-se a tese de que tal legitimação, assim como a proporia técnica de coletivização, não oferece risco algum à ordem constitucional ou infraconstitucional, não podendo prejudicar direitos individuais e só afetando os direitos indivisíveis quando a sentença coletiva de improcedência se fundar nas provas dos autos, após um procedimento em que o Ministério Público necessariamente terá de participar. Por fim, falou-se nos benefícios que deverão ser trazidos pelo uso dessa técnica, sintetizados no ganho de economia e celeridade processual, pela redução do número de demandas, e segurança jurídica, por se reduzir o risco de conflitos práticos entre sentenças contrárias sobre bens indivisíveis, e por se proporcionar um acesso à justiça mais amplo. / Questatesi mira a discuterelapossibilitàdiutilizzazionedilatecnicaprocedurale, in grado diconsentirelacollettivizzazionedelladomandaindividualecondecisionegiudiziariadiufficio, dal momento chehanno visto lapresenzadialcuneipotesididirittocoletivo lato sensu, conl\'obiettivodiestenderelutilizzazionediquesto tipo di processo. In questo contesto, èsostenutalacreazioneditecnicache ha permessoilgiudice, dopo avercondotto una primacontraddittoriocollettivizareladomandaindividualeche ha ildirittoindivisibileo individualeomogeneo, lasciandolodianalizzarelapresenzadel loro dirittosulla base iniziale, manifestazionedellacontroparte, i documentidelfascicolo e lemassimediesperienza, che vi permetteràdivalutare ulteriormentelanumerositàdellepersonecoinvolte in quellasituazione.Naturalmente, l\'usodi tale tecnicageneraperplessità, cheèil motivo per cuiabbiamoparlatonellacomoditàdi una tale tecnicaè prevista dallalegge, ciòchestaaccadendonelnuovo CPC, che, però, meritacritiche per essereprogettotimido, non copreildirittiindividualiomogenei e non consentono al giudiceagirediufficio. Unaltro tema importante affrontatonellostudioèstatalanecessitàdiriconoscerel\'individuolegittimità al processo collettivo, in modo cheilgiudice non ètenuto in ostaggiodicollettivizzazioneladiscrezionalitàdellegittimidallalegge e anchechel\'autoreoriginale non vieneeliminatodallaprocedura.Per entrambi, ha difesolatesiche tale legittimazione, oltre a proporrelatecnicacollettivizzazione, offrealcunrischio per l\'ordinecostituzionale o infra, non potrebberodanneggiare i dirittiindividuali e dirittiindivisibili solo quando si basailgiudiziocollettivodilicenziamentoglielementidi prova dinanzialla Corte, dopo una procedura in cuiil M.P.dovrà necessariamente partecipare.Infine, abbiamoparlato dei benefici per essereportaticonl\'usodiquestatecnica, sintetizzati per l\'economia e sicurezzaprocedurale, riducendoil numero dirichieste eriducendoilrischiodiconflittipraticiatragiudizisulldirittiindivisibili, e se si fornisceunpiùampioaccessoallagiustizia.

Integrated CMOS receiver techniques for sub-ns based pulsed time-of-flight laser rangefinding

Hintikka, M. (Mikko) 29 January 2019 (has links)
Abstract The goal of this work was to develop a CMOS receiver for a time-of-flight (TOF) laser rangefinder utilizing sub-ns pulses produced by a laser diode operating in gain switching mode (~ 1 nJ transmitter energy). This thesis also discusses the optical detector components and their usability with sub-ns optical pulses in laser rangefinding and the effect of the laser driver electronics on the shape of the sub-ns laser output, and eventually on the timing walk error of the laser rangefinder. The thesis presents the design of an integrated receiver channel IC intended for use in the pulsed TOF rangefinder. This is realized in a low-cost and consumer electronics-friendly CMOS technology (0.18 μm) and is based on a linear receiver and leading edge time discrimination. The measured walk error of the receiver is ~ 500 ps (4.5 cm in distance) within a 1:21,000 dynamic range. The measured jitter of the leading edge, affecting the single-shot precision of the radar, was ~ 12 ps (1.6 mm in distance) at an SNR > 200. In addition, a pulsed TOF rangefinder using the receiver IC developed here was designed and used for demonstrating the possibility of measuring tiny vibrations in a distant non-cooperative target. The radar was used successfully to observe 10 Hz vibrations in a non-cooperative target with an amplitude of 1.5 mm (sub-mm precision after averaging) at a distance of ~ 2 m. One important result was the demonstration of a difference in walk error behaviour between MOSFET and avalanche BJT-based laser pulse transmitters. The practicability of an integrated CMOS AP detector in sub-ns laser rangefinding was also studied. / Tiivistelmä Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää CMOS-vastaanotin valon kulkuaikamittaukseen perustuvaan laseretäisyysmittariin, joka hyödyntää ”gain-switching”-tekniikalla toimivan laserdiodin (~ 1 nJ energia) tuottamia alle nanosekuntiluokan laserpulsseja. Väitöskirja tutkii myös valovastaanotinkomponenttien käyttökelpoisuutta alle nanosekuntiluokan laserpulsseja hyödyntävässä laseretäisyysmittauksessa. Työssä tutkitaan myös laserdiodilähettimen elektroniikan vaikutusta alle nanosekuntiluokan laserpulssien muotoon ja lopulta niiden vaikutusta systemaattiseen ajoitusvirheeseen laseretäisyysmittauksessa. Väitöskirja esittelee suunnitellun valopulssin kulkuaikamittaukseen perustuvaan laseretäisyysmittariin soveltuvan integroidun vastaanotinkanavan IC-piirin. Se on toteutettu halvalla, kulutuselektroniikkaan soveltuvalla CMOS tekniikalla (0,18 μm) ja se perustuu lineaariseen vastaanottimeen ja nousevan reunan ilmaisuun. Vastaanottimen mitattu systemaattinen ajoitusvirhe on ~ 500 ps (4,5 cm matkassa) 1:21 000 signaalivoimakkuuden vaihtelualueella. Vastaanottimesta mitattu laseretäisyysmittarin kertamittaustarkkuuteen vaikuttava nousevan reunan satunnainen ajoitusepävarmuus oli ~ 12 ps (1.6 mm matkassa) signaalikohinasuhteella > 200. Lisäksi tässä työssä toteutettiin kehitettyä vastaanotin-IC piiriä hyödyntävä valopulssin kulkuaikamittaukseen perustuva etäisyysmittari, jolla kyettiin havainnollistamaan mahdollisuutta mitata pientä tärinää kaukaisessa passiivisessa kohteessa. Tutkalla onnistuttiin havainnoimaan 1,5 mm vaihteluväliltään olevaa 10 Hz tärinä ~ 2 m etäisyydellä olevasta kohteesta. Väitöskirjan yksi tärkeä tulos oli havainnollistaa systemaattisessa ajoitusvirheessä havaittava ero MOSFET-transistoriin ja vyöry-BJT-transistoriin perustuvan laserpulssilähettimen välillä. Integroidun CMOS AP vastaanotinkomponentin käyttökelpoisuus alle nanosekuntiluokan laseretäisyysmittauksessa tutkittiin myös.

An New Energetic Approach to the Modeling of Human Joint Kinematics: Application to the Ankle

Conconi, Michele <1979> 11 May 2010 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation is to develop and test a predictive model for the passive kinematics of human joints based on the energy minimization principle. To pursue this goal, the tibio-talar joint is chosen as a reference joint, for the reduced number of bones involved and its simplicity, if compared with other sinovial joints such as the knee or the wrist. Starting from the knowledge of the articular surface shapes, the spatial trajectory of passive motion is obtained as the envelop of joint configurations that maximize the surfaces congruence. An increase in joint congruence corresponds to an improved capability of distributing an applied load, allowing the joint to attain a better strength with less material. Thus, joint congruence maximization is a simple geometric way to capture the idea of joint energy minimization. The results obtained are validated against in vitro measured trajectories. Preliminary comparison provide strong support for the predictions of the theoretical model.

Agent for Autonomous Driving based on Simulation Theories

Donà, Riccardo 16 April 2021 (has links)
The field of automated vehicle demands outstanding reliability figures to be matched by the artificially driving agents. The software architectures commonly used originate from decades of automation engineering, when robots operated only in confined environments on predefined tasks. On the other hand, autonomous driving represents an “into the wild” application for robotics. The architectures embraced until now may not be sufficiently robust to comply with such an ambitious goal. This research activity proposes a bio-inspired sensorimotor architecture for cognitive robots that addresses the lack of autonomy inherent to the rules-based paradigm. The new architecture finds its realization in an agent for autonomous driving named “Co-driver”. The Agent synthesis was extensively inspired by biological principles that contribute to give the Co-driver some cognitive abilities. Worth to be mentioned are the “simulation hypothesis of cognition” and the “affordance competition hypothesis”. The former is mainly concerned with how the Agent builds its driving skills, whereas the latter yields an interpretable agent notwithstanding the complex behaviors produced. Throughout the essay, the Agent is explained in detail, together with the bottom-up learning framework adopted. Overall, the research effort bore an effectively performing autonomous driving agent whose underlying architecture provides considerable adaptation capability. The thesis also discusses the aspects related to the implementation of the proposed ideas into a versatile software that supports both simulation environments and real vehicle platforms. The step-by-step explanation of the Co-driver is made up of theoretical considerations supported by working simulation examples, some of which are also released open-source to the research community as a driving benchmark. Eventually, guidelines are given for future research activities that may originate from the Agent and the hierarchical training framework devised. First and foremost, the exploitation of the hierarchical training framework to discover optimized longer-term driving policies.

Numerical Methods for Optimal Control Problems with Application to Autonomous Vehicles

Frego, Marco January 2014 (has links)
In the present PhD thesis an optimal problem suite is proposed as benchmark for the test of numerical solvers. The problems are divided in four categories, classic, singular, constrained and hard problems. Apart from the hard problems, where it is not possible to give the analytical solution but only some details, all other problems are supplied with the derivation of the solution. The exact solution allows a precise comparison of the performance of the considered software. All of the proposed problems were taken from published papers or books, but it turned out that an analytic exact solution was only rarely provided, thus a true and reliable comparison among numerical solvers could not be done before. A typical wrong conclusion when a solver obtains a lower value of the target functional with respect to other solvers is to claim it better than the others, but it is not recognized that it has only underestimated the true value. In this thesis, a cutting edge application of optimal control to vehicles is showed: the optimization of the lap time in a race circuit track considering a number of realistic constraints. A new algorithm for path planning is completely described for the construction of a quasi G2 fitting of the GPS data with a clothoid spline in terms of the G1 Hermite interpolation problem. In particular the present algorithm is proved to work better than state of the art algorithms in terms of both efficiency and precision.

Obraz rakouské společnosti za doby národního socialismu: tematická analýza románu Alle unsere Spiele od Eriky Mitterer / Image of Austrian Society in the time of National Socialism: a Thematic Analysis of the Novel All our Games by Erika Mitterer

Borowczaková, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Title: Image of Austrian Society in the time of National Socialism: a Thematic Analysis of the Novel All our Games by Erika Mitterer Abstract: This diploma thesis deals with the work of the Austrian author Erika Mitterer and her experience with the ideology of the Third Reich. In the first part, I present the life and activities of the author, while putting a special emphasis on the period of National Socialism. The second part deals with the general characteristics of Mitterer's literary production. The main part of the thesis is the analysis of the novel All our Games, in which Mitterer tries to achieve a qualitative image of Austrian society during the Nazi regime. This picture is drawn by the Author using the example of a life of a fictive family. A general picture of the novel's time is constructed on the basis of the motives that are found in the book. Keywords: Erika Mitterer, All our Games, National Socialism, coming to terms with the past

Processi di Isomorfismo Coercitivo e riflessi di progettazione organizzativa: uno studio del settore assicurativo italiano / Coercive Isomorphism and organizational design: a study of the Italian insurance industry

MORLACCHI, CHRISTIAN 01 March 2011 (has links)
I sistemi finanziari si sono sempre contraddistinti per la loro natura fiduciaria e il ruolo di sostegno alla stabilità dei mercati (Bianchi, 2002). Quanto affermato giustifica il verificarsi, in determinati contesti di mercato, di crisi economiche di portata straordinariamente ampia. Il legislatore italiano, quindi, al fine di favorire uno sviluppo controllato del settore, negli ultimi anni ha rivolto il focus della regolamentazione normativa verso l’individuazione e la prevenzione di diversi rischi tipici di settore, soprattutto quelli legati all'operatività e quelli di tipo legale e reputazionale. In questo contesto, la teoria dell’Isomorfismo coercitivo si colloca per comprendere quali siano i motivi di adeguamento delle organizzazioni a normative ai fini della legittimazione nei confronti dell’ambiente in cui operano. La ricerca si pone quindi l’obiettivo di indagare i riflessi organizzativi e di governance delle imprese di assicurazione, legati a un processo di isomorfismo coercitivo attraverso la teoria della dipendenza dalle risorse, in particolare quelle reputazionali. / Financial Services are always being recognized like robustness and trust institutions (Bianchi 2002). In fact they always give a fundamental contribute to the stability of economic and social environment. This fact in some conditions, like the present ones, has often created very large financial crisis. More than in the past Italian laws in the financial services, aim at prevent some risk like operational, compliance and reputational ones. The theory of Coercive Isomorphism aim at explains how the organizations try to legitimate themselves towards their social and economic environment. In this direction the study aim at analyzed how coercive isomorphism had influenced the organizational design in the Italian insurance sector. In order to explain this process I used the RBV (Resource Based View) theory to explain how reputation could be a very strategic resource to gain robustness and trust in financial institutions after the crisis, so I analyzed how organization build reputation trough the processes compliance to the new law.

Design of Suspension Systems and Control Algorithms for Heavy Duty Vehicles

Grott, Matteo January 2010 (has links)
This work is focused on the development of controllable suspension systems for heavy-duty vehicles, in particular for agricultural tractors. In this field the research activity is not complete, as confirmed by the lack of scientific literature and for the few examples of commercial application for this kind of vehicles present in the market. For off-highway vehicles the load conditions can vary considerably and have an effect on the dynamic behaviour of the vehicle. Moreover, in many cases (such as tractors in agriculture), only the front axle is provided with a suspension. Typical applications of suspensions in off-highway industry include the cabin suspension (known as secondary suspension system) and the front axle suspension (known as primary suspension system). Up to now, the performance improvements have been reached through new solutions developed for the secondary systems, while the primary systems are generally implemented with passive systems, due to economical motivations and their limited energy demand. Obviously, such technical solutions partially satisfy the system requirements. Moreover, during the past few years there has been an increasing demand in power capabilities, loads and driving speeds of heavy duty vehicles. Therefore, off-highway vehicle manufacturers have shown their interest in employing controllable suspension, assumed as a potential way to reach the desired dynamic performances. The main targets of this activity is the study of the dynamical behaviour of agricultural tractors and the design of a cost-effective controllable suspension, capable to adapt the tractor dynamical behaviour, under different operating conditions. This work is part of a collaboration between Dana Corp. and the University of Trento. The main objective consists in the acquisition of competence in relation to the dynamic control of the vehicle. In particular the development of mechatronic systems according to the Model Based Design approach and the rapid prototyping of control algorithms. On this purpose, a simulation and experimental system was developed, for the testing of suspension systems and control algorithms for primary suspension systems. The first part of the thesis investigates the state of the art of the scientific literature of suspension systems for heavy duty vehicles, referring to different technologies and control solutions. In particular, attention was focused on the analysis and experimental characterization of commercial applications for this kind of vehicles present in the market. In the second part of the thesis the design development of a hydro-pneumatic suspension system is presented. The design of the control algorithms is based on the development of different multibody models of the actual tractor, including the pitch motion of the sprung mass, the load transfer effects during braking and forward-reverse maneuvers and the non-linear dynamics of the system. For an advanced analysis, a novel thermo-hydraulic model of the hydraulic system has been implemented. Several damping controls are analyzed for the specific case study. Therefore, the most promising damping strategy is integrated with other control functions, namely a self-leveling control, an original control algorithm for the reduction of the pitch motion, an anti-impact system for the hydraulic actuator and an on-line adaptation scheme, which preserves an optimal damping ratio of the suspension, even against large variations in operating conditions. According to the system requirements, the control is firstly integrated with other functionalities, such as the calibration of the suspension set-points and the procedures for the lock of the suspension. Finally, in accordance to the industrial product development, the control scheme is redefined in a Finite State Machine, useful for the subsequent generation of the ECU (Electronic Control Unit) Embedded Code. The final section of this work presents the development of an industrial prototype of suspension system, composed of a hydraulic suspension unit and a controller (hardware and software units). The prototype is tested by using a suspension bench test and Rapid Prototyping Tools for testing real-time control systems. Conclusions and final remarks and are reported in the last section.

Symbolic Computation Methods for the Numerical Solution of Dynamic Systems Described by Differential-Algebraic Equations

Stocco, Davide 01 August 2024 (has links)
In modern engineering, the accurate and efficient numerical simulation of dynamic systems is crucial, providing valuable insights across various fields such as automotive, aerospace, robotics, and electrical engineering. These simulations help to understand system behaviors, to optimize performance, and to guide design decisions. Nonetheless, systems described by Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) and Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs) are central to such simulations. While ODEs can be easily solved, they often fall short of modeling systems with constraints or algebraic relationships. DAEs, however, offer a more comprehensive framework, making them suitable for a wider range of dynamic systems. However, the inherent complexity of DAEs poses significant challenges for numerical integration and solution. In vehicle dynamics, the simulation of systems described by DAEs is particularly relevant. The advances in autonomous and high-performance cars rely heavily on robust simulations that accurately reflect the interactions between mechanical components, control systems, and environmental factors. Achieving accuracy and speed in these simulations is critical for Real-Time (RT) applications, where rapid decision-making and control are essential. The challenges faced in vehicle dynamics simulations, such as equations' stiffness and complexity, are representative of broader issues in dynamic system simulations. This thesis addresses these challenges by integrating symbolic computation with numerical methods to solve DAEs efficiently and accurately. Specifically, the index reduction approach transforms high-index DAEs into low-index formulations more suitable for numerical integration, enhancing the speed and stability of solvers. Symbolic computation, which handles mathematical expressions in their exact form, aids this process by simplifying the involved expressions, detecting redundancies and symbolic cancellations, and thereby ensuring equations' consistency while keeping complexity at the minimum. Hence, combining symbolic and numerical methods leverages the strengths of both techniques, aiming at improved performance and reliability. Such a hybrid framework is designed to handle the specific requirements of vehicle dynamics and other applications in engineering. The thesis encompasses several advancements in dynamic system simulation by integrating symbolic computation with numerical methods to reduce computational overhead and improve performance. The research focuses on developing new algorithms for DAEs index reduction, transforming high-index DAEs into more suitable for standard numerical integration methods. Specifically, such an index reduction process is based on symbolic matrix factorization with simultaneous expression swell mitigation. This novel methodology is validated through practical applications, applying the proposed technique to real-world simulation problems to assess its performance, accuracy, and efficiency. Additionally, the research aims to enhance Hard Real-Time (HRT) vehicle dynamic simulation by designing dedicated algorithms and models for simulating tire-road interactions and vehicle structures' deformation, improving both speed and fidelity. Altogether, this thesis introduces several open-source software libraries made available to the research community with comprehensive documentation and examples. In summary, this work bridges the gap between symbolic computation and numerical methods for the simulation of dynamic systems described by DAEs. Thanks to mixed symbolic-numeric frameworks, innovative algorithms, and practical tools, it contributes to the advancement of simulation techniques, setting the stage for further investigations and applications in engineering.

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