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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fluorescence and energy transfer processes of humic substances and related model compounds in terbium complexes

Kumke, Michael U., Eidner, Sascha January 2005 (has links)
The fluorescence properties and the fluorescence quenching by Tb3+ of substituted benzoic acid were investigated in solution at different pH. The substituted benzoic acids were used as simple model compounds for chromophores present in humic substances (HS). It is shown that the fluorescence properties of the model compounds resemble fluorescence of HS quite well. A major factor determining the fluorescence of model compounds are proton transfer reactions in the electronically excited state. It is intriguing that the fluorescence of the model compounds was almost not quenched by Tb3+ while the HS fluorescence was decreased very effectively. From our results we concluded that proton transfer reactions as well as conformational reorientation processes play an important role in the fluorescence of HS. The luminescence of bound Tb3+ was sensitized by an energy transfer step upon excitation of the model compounds and of HS, respectively. For HS the observed sensitization was dependent on its origin indicating differences 1) in the connection between chromophores and binding sites and 2) in the energy levels of the chromophore triplet states. Hence, the observed sensitization of the Tb3+ luminescence could be useful to characterize structural differences of HS in solution. Interlanthanide energy transfer between Tb3+ and Nd3+ was used to determine the average distance R between both ions using the well-known formalism of luminescence resonance energy transfer. R was dependent on the origin of the HS reflecting the difference in structure. The value of Rmin seemed to be a unique feature of the HS. It was further found that upon variation of the pH R also changed. This demonstrates that the measurement of interlanthanide energy transfer can be used as a direct method to monitor conformational changes in HS.

Laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectroscopy for the in situ analysis of petroleum product-contaminated soils

Schultze, Rainer H., Lemke, Matthias, Löhmannsröben, Hans-Gerd January 2004 (has links)
Contents: Introduction Experimental Techniques: The LIF demonstrator unit - The LIF demonstrator unit - The mobile LIF spectrometer OPTIMOS - Investigated petroleum products and soil samples Results and Discussion: Photophysical properties of the petroleum products LIF spectroscopic investigations of oil-spiked samples LIF spectroscopic investigations of real-world soils Conclusions

Fasergekoppelte NIR-Diodenlaser-Spektrometer zur simultanen und isotopen-aufgelösten Messung von CO und CO2 : Anwendungen in Plasma-Diagnostik und Bodengasanalyse

Engelbrecht, Rainer, Lau, Steffen, Salffner, Katharina, Löhmannsröben, Hans-Gerd January 2006 (has links)
Die Anwendung zweier ähnlicher fasergekoppelte Diodenlaser-Spektrometer-Systeme werden vorgestellt. Basis sind handelsübliche DFB-Laserdioden der optischen Kommunikationstechnik. Der faseroptische Aufbau, das Detektionsverfahren (2f Wellenlängenmodulations-Spektroskopie mit Balanced Receiver), Rauschverhalten und Detektionslimit werden diskutiert. Zur in-situ Plasma-Diagnostik von CO- und CO2-Konzentrationen in industriellen CO2-Lasern der Materialbearbeitung wurde eine Wellenlänge von 1582 nm verwendet. Bei einem Gasdruck von 100 hPa und einer Absorptionsweglänge von 14,9 cm wurden mit einer Laserdiode simultan CO- und CO2-Konzentrationen von 0% bis 11% im Gasgefäß bei laufender Hochfrequenzgasentladung des CO2-Lasers zeitaufgelöst gemessen. Vorgestellt und diskutiert werden Aufbau und Eigenschaften des Spektrometers sowie die Ergebnisse der dynamischen Gasanalysen, die zu einer Verbesserung der Katalysator-Technik im CO2-Laser beigetragen haben.Mit isotopenaufgelöster CO- und CO2-Spektroskopie können biologische Gasaustauschprozesse, z.B. in Gasen aus dem Erdboden untersucht werden. Hierzu wurde ein fasergekoppeltes feldtaugliches Diodenlaser-Spektrometer bei Wellenlängen um 1605 nm zur Messungder Isotopologe 12C16O, 13C16O, 12C18O und 12C16O2, 13C16O2, 12C18O16O aufgebaut. Die Messung erfolgt extraktiv in Langwegzellen mit unterschiedlichen Absorptionsweglängen von 100.9 m und 29.9 m. Es werden Kalibrationsmessungen zur Linearität und zur Präzision der Bestimmung der Isotopenverhältnisse sowie Wiederholungsmessungen zur Stabilität vorgestellt. Nachweisgrenzen von wenigen ppm konnten für die CO- und CO2-Isotopologen erhalten werden.

Stationary and time-resolved fluorescence for humic substances characterization

Kumke, Michael U., Frimmel, Fritz Hartmann January 2002 (has links)
Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence methods were applied to investigate the fluorescence properties of humic substances of different origins. Using standard 2D emission and total luminescence spectra, fluorescence maxima, the width of the fluorescence band and a relative fluorescence quantum efficiency were determined. Different trends for fulvic acids and humic acids were observed indicating differences in the heterogeneity of the sample fractions. The complexity of the fluorescence decay of humic substances is discussed and compared to simple model compounds. The effect of oxidation of humic substances on their fluorescence properties is discussed as well.

Shpol’skii spectroscopy and vibrational analysis of [N]phenylenes

Dosche, Carsten, Kumke, Michael U., Ariese, F., Bader, A. N., Gooijer, C., Dosa, P. I., Han,S., Miljanic, O. S., Vollhardt, K. Peter C., Puchta, R., Eikema Hommes, N. J. R. van January 2003 (has links)
Vibrationally resolved fluorescence spectra of four angular [N]phenylenes were recorded with laser excited Shpol’skii spectroscopy (LESS) in an n-octane matrix at 10 K. In general, the same vibrational frequencies were observed in the fluorescence excitation and emission spectra, indicating that the geometries of ground and electronically excited state are very similar. Because of intensity borrowing from the S2 state, vibrations of two different symmetries were observed in the fluorescence excitation spectra of angular [3]phenylene and zig-zag[5]phenylene. This finding allowed the location of the S2 state for these compounds. DFT calculations(RB3LYP/6-31G*) of the ground state vibrational frequencies were made. The calculated vibrational modes were in reasonably good agreement with the experimental data. A new very low-frequency vibration of approximately 100 cm-1 was predicted and experimentally confirmed for all [N]phenylenes investigated. This vibration seems to be unique for [N]phenylenes and is attributed to an in-plane movement of the carbon backbone.

Optical sensing with photon density waves: investigation of model media

Reich, Oliver, Löhmannsröben, Hans-Gerd, Schael, Frank January 2003 (has links)
Investigations with frequency domain photon density waves allow elucidation of absorption and scattering properties of turbid media. The temporal and spatial propagation of intensity modulated light with frequencies up to more than 1 GHz can be described by the P1 approximation to the Boltzmann transport equation. In this study, we establish requirements for the appropriate choice of turbid model media and characterize mixtures of isosulfan blue as absorber and polystyrene beads as scatterer. For these model media, the independent determination of absorption and reduced scattering coefficients over large absorber and scatterer concentration ranges is demonstrated with a frequency domain photon density wave spectrometer employing intensity and phase measurements at various modulation frequencies.

Structural concept for fluorinated Y-enynes with solvatochromic properties

Kaafarani, Bilal R., Wex, Brigitte, Strehmel, Bernd, Neckers, Douglas C. January 2002 (has links)
An approach to the development of fluorescent probes to follow polymerizations in situ using fluorinated cross-conjugated enediynes (Y-enynes) is reported. Different substitution patterns in the Y-enynes result in distinct solvatochromic behavior. β,β-Bis(phenylethynyl)pentafluorostyrene 7, which bears no donor substituents and only fluorine at the styrene moiety, shows no solvatochromism. Donor substituted β,β-bis(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenylethynyl) pentafluorostyrene 8 and β,β-bis(4-butyl-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorophenylethynyl)-3,4,5-trimethoxystyrene 9 exhibit solvatochromism upon change of solvent polarity. Y-enyne 8 showed the largest solvatochromic shift (94 nm bathochromic shift) upon changing solvent from cyclohexane to acetonitrile. A smaller solvatochromic response (44 nm bathochromic shift) was observed for 9. Lippert–Mataga treatment of 8 and 9 yields slopes of -10,800 and -6,400 cm -1, respectively. This corresponds to a change in dipole moment of 9.6 and 6.9 D, respectively. The solvatochromic behavior in 8 and 9 supports the formation of an intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) state. The low fluorescence quantum yields are caused by competitive double bond rotation. The fluorescence decay time of 9 decreases in methyltetrahydrofuran from 2.1 ns at 77 K to 0.11 ns at 200 K. Efficient single bond rotation in 9 was frozen at -50 °C in a configuration in which the trimethoxyphenyl ring is perpendicular to the fluorinated rings. 7–9 are photostable compounds. The X-ray structure of 7 shows it is not planar and that its conjugation is distorted. Y-enyne 7 stacks in the solid state showing coulombic, actetylene–arene, and fluorine–π interactions.

Chemische Modifikation von Biopolymeren durch Chinone und Chinonmethide

Peter, Martin G. January 1989 (has links)
Chinone und Vorstufen, die oxidativ in Chinone und/oder Chinonmethide umgewandelt werden können, sind in der Natur weit verbreitet. Als sekundäre Naturstoffe wirken sie häufig antibiotisch, cytotoxisch, aber auch pathogen, und eine Reihe von Pflanzen und Tieren benutzt chinoide Substanzen als Abwehrstoffe, oft mit spektakulärem Erfolg. Auf makromolekularer Ebene spielen Chinonmethide im Pflanzenreich eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Biosynthese von Lignin, während die Bildung von Melanoproteinen ein Beispiel für Reaktionen von o-Chinonen im Tierreich ist. Bei den Insekten dienen Chinone und Chinonmethide zur Bildung des lebensnotwendigen Exoskeletts. Die Reaktivität von Chinonen in biologischen Systemen hat auch für den Menschen unmittelbare Bedeutung in pharmazeutischer, toxikologischer und technologischer Hinsicht. Den Beispielen in diesem Aufsatz liegt ein gemeinsames Prinzip zugrunde, nämlich die chemische Modifikation von Biopolymeren durch Chinone und Chinonmethide. Wie sich besonders bei einer detaillierteren Betrachtung der Reaktionen zeigt, die zur Sklerotisierung der Insektencuticula führen, sind in den letzten Jahren wichtige neue Erkenntnisse hinzugekommen, die vor allem durch die modernen Methoden der Stofftrennung und der Festkörper-NMR-Spektroskopie ermöglicht worden sind.

Umkehr der Enantioselektivität bei der enzymatischen Hydrolyse von Juvenilhormon als Ergebnis einer Proteinfraktionierung

Peter, Martin G., Stupp, Hans-Peter, Lentes, Klaus-Ulrich January 1983 (has links)
Aus dem Inhalt: Die Juvenilhormone 1a-c werden im Blut von Insekten enzymatisch zu den biologisch inaktiven Sluren hydrolysiert. Bei der Hydrolyse von racemischem 1c im Blut der Wanderheuschrecke Locusta migratoria wird ein Umsatz von 40-60% erreicht. Das unumgesetzte Edukt enthällt einen Überschuß an natürlich konfiguriertem (10R)-1c (e.e. 47.2%). Wir konnten zeigen, daß das in der Hämolymphe vorhandene Hormon-Bindungsprotein bevorzugt mit (10R)- 1c assoziiert.

On the structure of Eumelanins : identification of constitutional patterns by solid-state NMR spectroscopy

Peter, Martin G., Förster, Hans January 1989 (has links)
Aus dem Inhalt: Melanins are complex polyphenolic polymers. They are usually formed in nature by enzyme-catalyzed oxidative polymerization of o-diphenols. The deep black eumelanins, derived from Dopa 1 or dopamine 3, are distinguished from the yellow to brown phaeomelanins obtained from Dopa in the presence of cysteine. Characteristic of eumelanins are the indole units, which are formed from catecholamines by intramolecular addition of the amino groups to the oxidatively generated o-quinones. [...]

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